II ELM HOLD'S, FLUID EXTRACT f!" . J s u v ha FOR * NON-KEfENTION OR INCONTINENCE OF URINE, IRRITATION, INFLAMATION OR I.t BEAiION OF TIIEISLADDER OR KID NJSI'S. DISEASES OF TliE PROSTATE GLAND, STONE TN TIIF' BLADDER, CAL CULUS. GRAVEk OR BRICK DUST DEPOS IT, AND ALL DISEASES OF THE BLAD DER, KIDNEYS, AND DROPSICAL SWEL LINGS IIEL MB OL W S FLUID EXTRACT RUCHU. FOR X 3 A. TZ. rc 33 S S E S ARtSIXii FROM EXCESSES OK INDISCRETION. The constitution, once affyetei by Organic Weak ness r quires U.e ail of medicine to strengthen and invigorate tlio system, which Heliubold s Kxtia-t Buehu invariably does If no treatment be subrnit to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. IIELMBOLD'S prOkcA G- F1 ti i Z135X1 ract 15eliu In pet ulinr to female?, is unequaled by any otbdr prepur itin, iie in Chlorosis or RelDtii>D, Irregularities, Paiutuim-s ur Suppre* um of Custom a?y Kvacu ition. Il< A ' or g>cirrhu? State of the jftcrus, Leuc rrhtci, nii'l ill c iuipluntß incident to tbo sex, whether arming fum habits ot dissipation, rudencleH, or m the l>ccliue or Change ot I-iie lIELMBOLD'S Fluid Exti act Bucli n . AND T"m."proVod. " ROSE WASH Will radi -ally ex'ennii He fio tll the system t tli Urinary Oigatis r.g tn-a* habit.- ofdissipi ion, at little expense, Lttl# or no change in diet,and "xporore. ciHiipletal.- so] tfscdiag those -unpleas ant and dangerous remedtea Cop.iiba and Mercury, n curing'those upleasant and dangerous diseases, USE HELMBOLDS Fluid Extract Buehu. I, , • T" Ftra TV' Organs, wheiherxistir in male or female from whatever cause originating, ami no matter of how long standing. It w pleasant te and odor, immediate in its action, and more strengthening th in any of the pieparations of Bark or Iron Those suffering from Broken- invn or Delicate Constitutions procure the remedy at once. The reader uiust be aware that, however slight may l>c the attack of the above disease, it is sure to affect his bodily health, mental powers, happiness, an 1 that of UU posterity Our flesh k and blood are rupportea srom these sources. pHYSICIANS, PLEASE NOTICE ! We make no secret of the ingredients. lILLM BOLD'S EXTRACT Bl Clll' is composed of Buehu, Cubebe.and Juni| 'r Berries, selected with great eare, and prepared in vxcuo by 11. T, IIELMBOLD, Druggists and Chemisl of six'een years' experience in the eity of Philadelphia, and which is now pre ribed by tne most eminent physicians,has been ad mittel to use on the United Slates army, and is also every general o.*v '.o si..tc h. sj.itals and pnfclir Slnite.ry Ir.it'tuti 'is throughout) the land. ¥ y * 9 ■ % t I 1 V i 1 * -s M ii'i / * "t V HELMBOLDS DRUG A.XD CHEMICAL WAREIIOV SDA 'Broadway, AVw j York, OR, Helm hold's MEDICAL DEPOT, 101 South Tenth Street, (lit; LOW CHESTNUT), PHILADELPHIA. Sold by Driiffyisls everywhere. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS, Ask foi llcluibold's. t!b3ll/ V E W STORE Just o]oa;l. | I*. 51. 9.00 400 New York 5.20 10.35 11.30 7.05 New Hampton •••• 2.30 W0 1147 7.12 Washington 2,08 750 11 50 7.34 Oxford 156 7.40 Sl2lO 7,54 Bridgoville 145 7.30 '. 15 759 Manunka Chunk**• 139 7.25 —l2 45 8-20 DUwnre 138 I ?-'^ nl'2 55 8.29 Mount Bethel 100 6-sa^ ' > 1.16 8.45 W Her Gap 1244 64U w 1.3H 8 i 5 I-4l 910 Spragaeville '2 19 6.19 1 J 2.fa 9.35 Oakland •• • i 1.53 5.565 I s: 2,26 9.52 Forks 11-35 5.41^ I>2 46 10.11 Tobyhaima 11 lo 0 , < ! 3.00 10 21 GouMsOoro 1102 5 11^ ' ~ 323 1H46 .Miwoa .0 37 4 49" . n 3,35 10 59 Dunning 10 27 4.41 i 3.48 11.10 Greenville 10 15 4,3- .. 3bß 11.30 B2'veT ' . ) I've 9.65 4,1a A VI. > Scran ton > ! 43t 1025 I've } >Vve9.4s 4 0 4.42 10,47 Clark's Summit*••• 923 3.48 450 10.55 Aldington 9.15 340 5.06 11.11 Factory vilte 859 3.25 52611 31 Nicholson 8.3* 3.02 5.49 11 53 Hopbottopi BIS 247 6.10 1215 Montrose "55 226 63112 26 New Milfnrd 7.34 .07 65012 '5 Great Bend 7.15 100 i P.M. A M A.M. PM, CON N ECTIO MS—Westward, The MORNTNG TRAIN fn-m New York enn i aects iit MAXCN'KA CUE! K with jhe train leav | in- Philadelphia (Kefitf ngtdfc Depot) at 7 30 a. oi ami at GREAT REND with the through Mail I ram on the Erie Railway, with seeping ear attached, I stopping nt .til the principal stfttious on thtit road. 1 aD'i arriving at llufftlo at (i 10 a, in J XIF I EVKNTXO TII\IN> from New York eon- I ne#t> att MAN I NLA CHUNK with the train leav in" Melphitt (Rep-inirton Lopot,) t > >0 p. m airivcs aTlst'i inGrCat "f 1:30 wh-re it remains till 10 25 next no n.in?, when it leave®, arriving at ! Great Rent ~t 12 55 p. m. connecting with the Dy Express West on lll*' Erie llai ray Gust ward. ' The MuRNING TR AIN f-7 ii 'Great Bend con i tie -ts lit r with Ih" < inciti'isi'i Express on tho l.'i* P.aitwa from the W. st; at Matnmk i Chti k wiih a tr n lor fail i.li-li hi a- and intermediate stations, arriving in I'tiil.ulelphi .. at 6.30 p in.' and at Now Hampton with a tram tor East on. Bethlehem, Al tl.; t *u.' R •diti" at. I Jlarrisijttrg. arriving at II ar jiri-burg at 8-3(1 p. ir>. I The EVENING rKAIN fnun Great Bend con nects there with the v *w Aok Esnn : ® on the Ex press no the 1". i Rail war f*..u the West ; at •Ma* ty;MM Cbunv v. i'h a tntr which runs to Belvi.lcrc • wher • it lie- ..v. r u> til 6. '< ! '!< theivxt mnriii n the Litekawan a and Blat.ashsre R.il r.-r f. and frW:n P "s' n. Kin® t-n. Witkesb-nre. Rrn . li. R.I ear or", D i vil'e, Norlliuiniterian t Hairisiiurg and intermtdi tc stut-wtis, and with ran s on 'he Del ware m l Mil Ism Railroad to an I fiom C r' in laic an I ioterioedi >te stations W ATI'S (DUKE, Supt R A IIENKV, General Ticket Agent jc29tf Mexico ! Mexico ! I $30,000,000 LOAN OF THK REPUBLrC OF MEXICO. Y'tccafv-yea /' Cottpon in sums o/S-iO, SjOO, CS '.'OO, a/id $7,000. INTEREST SEVEN PER RENT I' VABLE IN THECIT\ F NEW YORK Princimil Inlorest Payable in GOLD $70,000,07)0 to be Sold a/ S/.l J i C/iIVV'S on /he VOL LAW, in I" 8 C*tr-veev. Gills yiel iiin an interest of TWELVE PER' EN I IN IftLD.or SEVENTEEN PERU EN I' J N t.RKREN' \ at the present rate oT r.r iii.ii Mii pel t. iilE Pll.sf VEAi.'- 1 i Eli EST ALREADY PROVIDED The Most DK>I K A liLE INVESTMENT vv. r OFFERED. IMMENSE TRACTS OF MiNING AND AGRI I CULTURAL LANDS; SIXTY PER CENT, of PURT DUES, IMPOSTS, and TAXES, in the States |of TAMAULIPA& and SAN Ll'IS POTOSI ; and the PLIGHTED TAITII of the said States inl the GEIVERAL GOVERNMENT are ALL PLEDGED I for the redemption of these Bonds and payutent ol I interest THE SECURITY IS AMPLE, •30 in U. s. Curren->' will by a 7 pur ct. Ouhi Bonu _ of t-H S6O in I'. S. *5 00 S3OO io U. S. " " " SSOO S6OO in I". S " " " " SI,OOO LET EVERY LOVER OF REPUBLICAN INSTITUTION- BI A AT LEAST ONE BOND. Circulars forwarded and -übscrtDtions received '•> JOHN W COItLIKS & C.., an I J. N. TIFFT, Financial Agent of the Republic ot Mexico, 57 Broadway, N. Y. Subscriptions also received by Banks and Bankers generally ihrcughout the Tnited States. vsuls-6mo. GROVESTEEN & CO.. DIANOpOttTE MANUFACTURER'S 433 Broadway NEW-YORK The attention of the public and the trade is invi ted to our new scale 7 octave rosewood piano fortes which for v duine and nurity of tone are unri valled by any hither!" rtfTord in this market, They contain all the nodem i nprovements. French Grand action, harp pedal iron frame o'ver-strung brass, &c. and ci -h in-truiu -nth -or tin hun 1 r the person tl BU|. rvi-io- of Mr. J. 11 Ginvestccn, who has had a practical exporien c of over 30 years in "heir manu facture.is lull- w limited in every particular THE 'GROVESTEEN received the hlzhest reward ot OVEB ALT. OTHERS, THE ELEBRATED WORLDS FAIR Where were exbilited instruments from the best ma kers of London Paris. Germany, Philadelphia Bal timore, Boston and N w \ork ; and also at the American Institute for five successive years the gold and silver medals from both of which can be seen at (iiir warp room. Bv the introduction of improvements we make a still'more perfect Piano forte and by manufa-turina largely, wi'b a strictly cash system, are enabled to offer these nstruments at a price which will preolude competition. Terms s—Net Cash, in Current Fund* lies nptive circulars sent free. "A. A C" 48 5-u4o lyear A J 0, "Tt7o TIVELJNG PDBLU BllllFlimail ilitY LINE OF STAGES,: } # ' *' ■ - * I ■ •; | WITITJ UN" MOM MESHOPPEN TO TUNKHANNOCK o DEPARTING, will lerive the North Branch, Hotel at Meshojiytm at 10 o'clock A, M., and m.ike a con nection at Tuiikhamiook, with stages for PITTTON and WILKES KARRK. and with stage to connect with tlie Night Express Tiain on the D. L & \V. R. R, Passengers by , this line will arrive at New York, Philadel phia, Ifarrisbiirg attd Balfiitiore the same RETURNING, will ie.ive iunkhannoek'on the arrival of stages -ornectiug with the Passenger Mail Train, in the evening, making a connection at Me slmppen with stages tor Towandx and other points j Northward, i Arraiig- inents have been ma le for the carrying of all EXPRESS PACKAGES, which will be promptly and carefully delivered. Horses and Carriages on hand at all times to for ward Das-en ers to any point betwe< u Mesbopp and , Lueeyville. P. S.- Having leased the above line of stagts an I horses o" I> IRnikinson with the mail i.inc from I'unkbannock to W y ilus.itg in connection with M. A Ellis, w nr® now pre; ued to t'orw .rl ; sen get* ihr.nl rh c' r-'die'cJ cu-c>. Being thdi.kml to oust'.uicif tor p iff f rs they respfetrully solicit •a ronti itr ncc of the same, Meh"ppon July IL'ih 1865. W. 11 COUTRIGLT M, A KELTS. ni'l'.N \t.\l\. ! The Gr i. ery and Provuion Store, on ?' I. Brick ,-oriier, lately owned by T B. Wall, has hceri . purchased by the un lersigned, and will he kept as a GROCERY 11 PiVISI STORE. His stock comprises TEAS. SEGA [IS.COFFEE.SAIJHS A3 US. GINGER NU I'M EG. SP!CR4. HA! HNS. j I !. PRUNES, DIRER REEF SMuKKD riAIAIH I, unACKERS. UHF.r.SE COD Ft II U ACICEREL, HEHHLNG, itnl nil other articles usually found in an es iildisl.i.iept ol ; the kind, which will be sold at I,l\ 11. AM> III:R I.IVE IR!CI:. 1 RAN'ftl.Ell IKE S. Ttifsk' nr k,' Juno 2b, lf j:". i DK. TALB>TT'fS PILLS. (ANTI-l)Y PEPTTC,) (' tup •( • g- \ C. nt-* irated Exir co li • m > )r - , : > ill mis. Of f h-.- ru ■t• ''it 'i hiR. TAI HOTT. ; and us. 1 by biin w th remarkable success tor twenty j years. Au infallible remedy in all DISEASES OF THE IJVRR, r.R ASV pt'RA VTIKMBNT OF TFLK Digestive Organ, THEY CURE Diarrliffia. Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Jaundice. | liiliousiifss, l.lver Complaint. The well-known Dr. MOTT says of these Pills : —"I have-used the formula from wli-h .-(.ur Pill.-are made, in my practice for over 12 years , they huv tlit- finest effect upon the Liver and Digestive Or gan.- of an} medicine in the world, and are the luost perloet Purgative which has ever yet been urn !e i>y Htivlio.lv. 'j hey are safe and plea-nnt to t ike, but powerful to core I'beir peiietrat ng properties stimulate the vital .nctivitir aot the body, remove the ohstrucitons of its organs, puritying the hi sod, an I cypel disease. They purge out the toui humor which laic.! an,t grew oistempcr stimulate sluggish or disordered organs into their natural action, and inpart a healthy tone with strength to the whole system Not only do they cure the every day com plaints o everybody, but also formidable and dun geons diseases And being purely vegetable ire free from any risk or li inn. No person who bis once used these Pills will evir he without them." They create pure blood and rem -ve all impurities fron the system, hence are a (.sitive cure for FEVdts, in:\i>Ain:, I'li.i.*, mer- CUUIAI. 1)1 f A \ D IIEREDI IIItY IIU >IOR DOSK— For adults, one Pill in the morning: for 1 children 8 year-, half a Pill r £?' Price One Dollar per Box. supplied, or | sent by Mail, post paid, toany pari of the United States or Canada son receipt of price. No Gen uine, irithout the facsimile signature of V. Mott Talbott. M V V JIOTT Til.llf' IT & Co., No 62 Fulton Pt., New York. v4-tt4l ly. t- dIL re 1 - U4- \c i^o'CKs;! Iv- a> v tv U ~%7U~ itcb. Os) JEM © te& AND JEWIIFY tttAif.lt) P. C. 1! U H N S, Takes pleasure in announcing to the people of Tunkhannock and vicinity, that he has opened A iUdtil) ani) Cinch 31) op opposite Wall's Hotel, where he is prepared to do the most diffi nit j""s in Ins line in an APPROVED RIUL SKILLFI'L MANNER, on short notice. Hav ing had long experience in the business, HO feels confident that he can give entire atisfaetion to all favoring him with their patronage. ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE satis faction roadn>fiy, .Yen- York. I Guarantee. —AHe a fair trial, if any purchaser tines not regard thv FTnkle k Lyon S swing Ma chine tis superior to any machine in market. he can teturn it and have his money. It has taken many of the highest prises.--is less complicated than any other first class machine,—does a wider range ot work without changing,—requires no taking apart to clean or oil. and no "'lessons" to set needle, reg ulate ension. or operate machine. N. 15, Any Clergyman sending us two orders for Midlines, shall receive one. for him. if as u pres -1 „ n t. The same proposition is extended to Piot'ess | ors and Teachers We have now completed our New Manufactory at a cost of some $206,600. including New Patents and important Improvements; and the objeci of the above proposition is to seoute the immediate in t •o'iu. lion of our unproved machine into every town | in the I'nited States. without Incurring the great expense of a trfivel'ng aget t This proposition uani ot avail in towns occupied j by our agents. Please send for descriptive Catalogue, with sam ples of sewing, Ll'Cll'S LYON, Sec'y i vsn2o. CARRIAGES & BUGGIES. The Subseriler, a practical workman of long ex porien -e. is now finishing off a large lot of new Car riages and Buggies, a! his Carriage shop IN TUNKHANNOCK, Equal, if not superior, in Workmanship. Quality ot Material, and finish, to those turned out at any other shop in the country. Those wianing to buy should (tail ani) (Craminc (Djctn. i PAININ3. VARNISHING: TRIMMING AND REPAIRING, Done on short notice and in a workmanlike style Charges moderate J. CAMPBELL. TnnkhUuueok, Aug. 24, ! 66, Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this tiuid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. IL ing in the circulation, it pervades tire whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. '1 i.e < rofidou taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, tilth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution. descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, •'I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upen their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only sulfer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far le>s power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently va-t numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons arc invaded by tliis lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood bv an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsnparilli, the most effectual i n.' dy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the mo-' active remcdials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul di-tOTdcr from tl. ■ I.lo< ami the rescue of the system from it* d structive consequences. Hence it should he employed for the cure of not only Scrofn'o, but also those other affec tions which aris f ■ '• such a> LRCTTITB and SKIN- DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, ROSE, or ERYSIPELAS, PIMPLES, PUSTULES, Ui.oTcur.B, PLAINS and lJoir.s, J i MORS, IETTER and SAI.T llin rn, SCALD iitnu, RINGUORM, RHEUMATISM, SYPHILITIC and MERCURIAL DIS EASES, DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, REWILITY, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING I'KOM A ITIA TEIJ OR IMPURE RI.OOD. The popular belief in '' impurity of the Hood " i founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneia on of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue el this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and leg • rate this vital fluid, without which sound lV altli is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ague Cure, FOR THE SPEEDY CURE OF Intermittent Fever, or Soever and Ague, Remittent Fever, t hill Fever, Dumb Ague. Periodical Headache, or BUtoua Headache, and UlHour- Fevers, indeed For the u iio.e cla.s- of ii iscnsts originat ing in biliarj deuuißMßcnt, caused toy the Malaria of Miasmatic Countries. We are enabled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cure? the above complaint* with certainty, is still pern -oily harmless in any quantity. Such a remeuy :> invaluable in districts where these ;.ili i i - ■ ■ s prevail. This "CUKE" expels the ratic poison of FEVBX AND AGUE from. Ih • ;O, r.t d prevents the de velopment of the tl . if ' k'-n o:> the first ap proach of its; r:: It is not only the best remedy '• for this class of Complaints, lilt also the ehee] ■t. The large quantity we stipj fo. • Ifrr r...; r s it within the reach of every t >dv ; ai.d ' mis districts, where FEVF.K AND AAI B • ry body should have it and use it freeij ' ith 1 and protec tion. A great super. :ty r : . i . over any other ever eh- overi fre Speedy and certain i cue of Intermittent* id that it rt mains no Uuinine or mineral, eoi seq ntb it pro -no quinigmOF other ininrious etieets whatever upon tion. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if i they had never had the disease. 1 Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, among which ARE Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Hhnd tiess, 'l'onthache. Earache, Catarrh. Asthma, PaL pitation. Painful Affection of the Spleen, HYITER ics, Pain in the Bovt h, Colic, Paralysis and De rangement of the Stomach , all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This " CURE" expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. IF taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficii nt quantity to ripen into dis ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec ! tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. Prepared by Br. J. C. AVER CO., Lowell, MMI. H C. Bunnell A Co., AMI ./. VV. LYMAN A Co. Tunkhiinno. k. Sterling A S U. Sterllngville, also by all druggists ar.D deal, r- IN medicines everywher;e G ieai JmproYem. UT in Sewing Machine M 1* I R E mw*> i'Si3 3g&siaa Patented February 1 -LLII, IStiO. SALESROOM 336 13U0VDWAY, N, Y. 200 WAS 111 NOTON STREET, BOSTON. THIS .MACHINE, is ENR.-'trurted on entirely new principles of mechanism, pos-essing many rare sad • valuable improvements. liavng been examined by the umsi ptofound experts, end prononnced to be J SIMPLICITY and PRTTKECTIOX- COMBINEH. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, I makes the "LOCK or Shuttle Stitch." which will | "Neither Bip nor Ravel." and it is alike on both I sides ; performs perfect sewing on every description ' of material, from Leather T" the finest Narsook M 1* with eotlo >: EN or silk thread, frotn the eo.irsi.st to the FINEST • -r | • Having neither "Cam IR (!IY Wheel," and th | 1< ast possible friction, it, run? as smooth as glaso j and is EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACHINE ! It requires fifty per cent power to drive it than intv other machine in the market. A girt I twelve years of age can W OK it steadily, without i fatigue or injury to he . Ith. Its strength and "Wonderful Simplicity" of con struction renders it nhno.-t impossible to get out co order and is guaranteed by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectively invito all those who may desire O supply themselves with a .uperior article, to ouie and examine this "Unrivalled Machine." One half hour's instruction is sufficient to enable any person to work this Machine to their entire satisfaction Religious and Charitable Institutions will be liber ally dealt with. Agents wanted tor all TOWNS in the United State where Agents are not aire N'y established, Also fo ■ Cnlia, Mexico, CENTRAL and South America, to whom I a liberal d'scount will be given. T.J. McARTHUR & CO. I A ACO PRINCIPLE AGENTS ESTABLISHED ' Syracuse, N Y„ John LI. Fowler, Phila-,Sarmiente J MeUtath A Co.. Pittsburg, Earnest Axtholm. v4o4tily AAC STRANGE, 111' T TRUE. Every young '••••'• and gentleman in tbo United States can HE N som thing very much to their advan tage by returt mai (free of charge), bv addressing | the undersigned. I hose having feats of BEING hum bugged will oblige bv not noticing this card. All others will please addre.-s tb ir