North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, August 08, 1866, Image 2

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    a'lit JJtmotrafj
Wednesdy. August 8, 1860.
Bergner vs tlie Soldiers' Convention.
The Ilarrisburg Telegraph, of Wednes
day evening, Aug.
most unscrupulous sheets of the radical dis
union persuasion, and devoted to the in
terest of Geary, the Forney, Stevens, ne
gro suffrage candidate, for Governor, con
tains an article (editorial) on the soldiers
convention held at Ilarrisburg on tbe Ist
of the present month, which for foulness,false
hood, slander and abuse, could scarcely be
equaled by any breathing thing, except the
parasite whose name stands at the head of
the Telegraph as editor. This Hessian, or
rather Hessian spawn, doubtless wrote the
article in question for the one purpose,
among others, of inciting the soldiers, who
were present at the convention, to some
act of retaliation upon himself for his
wholesale abuse of them in order that he
might exhibit a la Sumner, a sore head, and
also, that he might with some show of truth
accuse the soldiers there assembled of dis
turbing the peace and committing acts of
violence—but no such thing occurred, Burg
ner was disappointed, every thing was or
derly, peaceful and quiet, so much so, that
his, Burgner's, disnnionist, may imitate
the example there set, to their advantage
and futurt credit. Burgntr with his usual
veracity, says of the Convention,that it was
only a "corporals guard,"' that "the real
grit of the army was absent from the con
clave," that it was ' made up prominently
of Bounty junipers aud deserters," that
"many of them w ere as scaly a set of roughs
as ever hung on the outskirts of a camp to
plunder its commissary stores while the
troops engaged the enemy," that one dele
gation "staggered up market street eagerly
inquiring tor a Lager Beer saloon and won
deling in audible terms whether there was
a sweat cloth in Ilarrisburg, at which
strangers could gamble for pennies," that
another delegation "made the morning
hideous with their yells and terefied the
country women who at that hour reached
the city to attend market," that many of
the soldiers were "old men who were dis
qualified from military service by reason of
age ; and many of them young men who
are not at this day qualified to vote, and
who, during the war, were not of an age
to he mustered iuto the army." Bergner
also states that he gat hired another fact,
viz : "That "two thirds of the solAiers who
were present, were either three months, or
emergency m n, none of whom were under
firo" ; —that they were all "decidedly drunk,
definitely drunk, drunk from head to heels,"
and then concludes by spying "thus ends
our truthful description" &c. And
this is the charact.-r given by this descend
ant of a tory to the nun who periled their
lives for tbe preservation of the union ; the
men, who, while their vilifier Bergner was
getting rich on his Camp Curtin speeula
t'oas, and bis Postmastership at Harris
burg, (both fat planes) were suffering all the
bard-hips'and privations of a soldiers life,
and now, when they return crowned with
the Lanrals of Victory, when thefr maimed
bodies and honorable scars attest the fierce
ness of their struggles, to have such apam
pered thing, a thing with such a present
character and with such antecedents as this
Burgner. insult them bv calling them or in
timating, that they are cowards, knaves,
robbers, rowdvs. gamblers' and drunkards
is a specimen notification of what thev are
all to expect and receive at the hands of this
Burgner and others of his negro worship
ping strife. If our brave soldiers would
consent to submit to the dictation of Thad
Stevens, fhas. Sumner and their toady
Bnrgrver. and suffer themselves like dogs to
be led in tbe leash bv them and theirs, would
forego all independence of thought and ac
tion, would fall down and worship the ever
lasting negro, would submit to tbe dictation
of the radical disnnionist snd oppose Pres
ident Johnson in his noble ;fforfs to accom
plish that for which thev so roblv battled,
to wit: the restoration of the un : on, then
• nu'd tory Bnrgner bedaub them with the
slime of a vile flattery, which in truth, would
he more damning than volumes of the bit
terest c nsure. But as they see fi* to ex
ercise some independence of thought and
action—they must expect to be denounced
slandered and vilified. Blow a few more
snch notes on your Hessian "Bagpipe" Mr
Burgner, and our brnve soldiers will teacb
/ou a lesson that no pachydermia could
ever forget.
The Soldiers' Convent lon.
The Soldiers' Convention held on Wed
nesday last, at Ilarrisburg, was one of the
most harmonious and enthusiastic ever
convened in this state. Unlike the bogus
concern at Pittsburg, this was a gathering
of real soldiers, and not a packed of
broken down politicians and party backs.
numbers and character of representa
tive, it had its thousands of war-worn vet
erans, where the Geary, Thad Stephens'
negro equality affair had its hundreds.—
It was composed of the earnest, honest,
brave men of our state who enlisted in the
late war and fought for the restoration of
the Union and the supremacy of the Con
stitution and laws. Men who are unwill
ing that all their toils and sacrifices shall be
in vain, and for the building up of a party
of abolition fanatics and negrophilists, men
who feel that their treasure, their blood,
and the lives of their comrades have en
titled them to a restored union, without
degrading them to a condition of inferiori
ty to the negro. Every district of the
State was represented, and that, too, by
men who think and act for themselves
Want of space forbids a publication of
their names, or a detailed account of their
proceedings. The following resolutions
embodying their sentiments were unani
mously adopted,
Whereas , The Convention managed, and
controlled by politicians, which assembled
in Pittsburg on the oth of .June last, pledg
ed the officers, soldiers and sailors of Penn
sylvania to the support of the Radical dis
union members of Congress, and as opposed
to the just and constitutional restoration
policy ot President Johnson ; and
Whereas, The members of the said Con
vention falsely styled themselves the repre
sentatives of the soldiers and sailors of
Pennsylvania, and presumed to speak for
them without authority : and
Whereas , The pioce. dings of the sa d
Convention misrepresent the true senti
ments of the great in i-s of the returned
soldiers and sailors of this State, and do
great injustice to the late defenders of the
Constitution and the Union ; therefore be
Resolved , That we, the authorized rep
resentatives of our late companions inarms,
do repudiate the proceeding of the Pitts
burg Convention ot the oth of June, be
cause they do not represent the true senti
ments of the officers, soldiers, and seamen,
of P< nnsvlvania.
R :vlred, That we hold the same belief
now. ''nit we did when we took up arms in
1861, tha the war was a *ar for the Union,
and for no other purpose: that the agree
ment we made with tire government when
we tot.k up arms to defend her against
armed rebellion is found in the joint reso
lution of Congress, adopted July 22, 1861.
which declares that this war is not prosed -
ted on our part in any spirit of oppression,
nor for any purpose of conquest or subju
gation, but to defend and maintain the su
premacy of the Constitution, and to pre
serve the Union with all the dignity, equal
ity and rights of the several States unim
paired. This is the bond majiy sealed with
their lives, a: d uianv others signed in
Resolved, That the failure of Congress
to carry into effect this joint resolution af
ter the war is over, and to restore the Un
ion with all the dignity, equality, and rights
of the several States, unimpaired, is a gross
violation of a solemn compact made with
the defenders of the government at her
time of greatest need and peril.
Resolved, That we repudiate the action
of the Radical Congress, which is an insult
to everv officer, soldur and seaman who
served in the Federal army during the re
bellion. Their policy asserts that our vic
tories accomplished wha' the enemy could
not, divide the Union, and the fruits of our
toil and blood bought victories turned to
ashes in their hands.
Rt olved, That we cord a'ly endorse the
restoration poiiey of Prejident Johnson, as
announced in his annual, special and veto
messages, and as further made known to
the country in his tre.vment of the States
lately in rebellion. We b< lieve it to be
just and better adapted than any other
known policy to restore t'lo-e States to their
constitutional relations to the Union, and
bring renewed peace, happiness and pros
perity to the country. It is in keeping
with the generous tre -nt which a mag
nanimous victor awards to a brave foe.
Resolved, That the action of Congress,
in refusing seats to the Senators and mem
bers from the South, who hear true alle
giance to the Constitution and laws, while
that b- dv is engaged in changing the fun
damental law of the country in an import
ant particular, is revolutionary in its action;
while tin ir conduct in taxing the South
without her consent strikes at the vital
principle of constitutional liberty—that
there can he no taxation without represen
Resolved, T hat we are opposed to negro
suffrage, and all legislations that has for its
object the raising .f the negro to social
and political ( quality with the white man,
or to make Into the pet of the nation, meets
our unqualified disapproval. tie and his
friends should be satisfied that the war ba*
given his race the boon of freedom, and
should not aim to contiol the destinies of
the country.
Resolved, That we return thanks InG d
for giving victory to the Federal armies
over armed insurgents, and we congratulate
the country upon the r turn of peace. It
is as much our dutv BOW to use our best
endea\ors or to heal up the wounds of the
rebellion, as it was to take up arms in de
fense of the Union:
Resolved, That we deny that John W,
Geary is the Soldiers' candidate, for Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania. He is the choice
of the Radicals, who are seeking to destroy
the Union we perilled <uir lives to preserve.
The men who placed him in nomination and
who are now his most active supporters
repudiate the objects of the war by declaring
the South out of the Union, and by accepting
their nomiuaiion, he igsumea their principles,
which violate everything he contended for in
the field.
Resolved, That we endorse the nomination
of the H<>n. Heister Clymer, the Democratic
candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, be
cause lie is a man of integrity and a statesman
of experience, and approves the principles we
advocate. We call opoo our late companions
in arms in this State to rally to bi support,
for his elec'ion will be an endorsement of the
cause for which we fought and bled, while
his defeat will be a defeat 6f the cause of the
Resolved, That Radicals in Congress, pro
teasing to speak for the majority of the peo
ple. have recenily testified their preference
for the negro by appropriating money to sup
port him in idlen.-ss, by the payment to him
in idlen.-ss, by the payment to him of a boun
ty of S3OO, and iheir repudiation of the while
soldier and hia claims bv the passage of 3
b"uniy bill allowing bu> SIOO to him, with
out even a provision apr>priating money for
the payment of the same, thus disregarding
his faithful and patriotic services, demon
strates to the country their belief in the as
serii<>n negro bears the paun.
Resolved , Thai we, the soldiers of Penn
sylvania, in Convention assembled, do return
our sincere thanks to the Hons. Edgar Cowan
Charles It. Buckalew, onr R -prestmtati.vas in
the Senate of the United States, for their
noble conduct in sustaining the President's
policy of restoration.
The reading of the resolutions was frequent
ly interrupted bo the hearty and prolonged
applause of the Convention, and were unani
mously adopted.
The Contention, after the transaction of
some husiness.of minor importance, adjourn
ed in a body to the quarters of Mr. Clymer.
at the Bolton ll' use, where they were ad
dressed by that gentleman and others, and
then adj .urned sine die,
Merited Success,
The Ilarrisbiirg Patriot & Union fur
nishes the follow ingsketch of the caierrof a
modest and unobtrusive gentleman,who has
for many years been held in high esteem
by a large circle of friends, and whose re-
Cent munificent donation for the founding
of an educational institution, has placed his
name high on the roll of the benefactors of
Twenty-seven or twenty-eight years ago
a carpenter's apprentice lately—now a jour
neyman—who among the hills of Susque
hanna county, could scarcely keep a cow
and keep out of debt, pulled tip stakes and
turned his steps into the Lehigh vail -y. A
canal boat,belonging to the rich and famous
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, fell
in his way and he chartered it. A most
estimable wile, at this time the unaffected
and lady like mistress of tne of the most
palatial and richly-appointed houses in all
this great State of ours, took possession of
the sdare room of this canal boat. A sea
son or two were all that were necessary to
establish <>ur hero in th 2 entire confidence
of the Company ; and what was infinitely
better ,to establish his own confidence in
himself- Next a coal mine was rented,and
he employed boatmen in his turn. A second
mine then fell under his control; then he
bought and owned c 0.,1 lands; and soon af
ter —the least profitable episode of bis life,
pecuniarily speaking —the Democracy of
tiiat region sent him to Congress. The
r ader, by this time, has devined that we
are *pi aking of Asa Packer, President ol
the Lehigh Valley Railway.
Hi- clear, quick, business preeeptions
soon presented the Lehigh Valley Railway
as a necesidty. lie turned to his old friends
of the Lehigh Company, and urged them
to undertake the work. Their canal, a dear
bautlirig for years, seemed to be assailed in
this new project, and the Directors turned
coldly away. Packer's star, momentarily
clouded by this refusal, soon rose in the
ascendant. He speedily rallied the neces
sary aid end requisite capital. Not only
the lower Let.dgli valley was traversed, but
the rich coal fields of Mahanoy wete pi rc
ed in one direction, while slowly and quiet
ly the upper Lobtjh valioy felt the iron
band passing over i' ; nd anon, the poo
pie of YVilkes-ZJarre waked up one mifrn
mg to the certainty of a new connection
with the Lehigh valley, a.' d thus an outlet
to New York or Philadelphia, as they
might prefer.
But our "man of destiny" does jmt stop
here ; lie paused long enough to bestow a
half million of dollars to the purposes of
liberal education and moves right on, tip
the beautiful valley of the Susquehanna,
and finding a few other congenial spirits,
such as Charles F. Welles. Jr , they soon
became "masters of the situation." The
line up the Susquehanna from V\'ilkes-Bar
re ;s now in their hands und- r a new organ
ization, upon a charter lately granted by
the State, called the New York and Penn
sylvania Canal and Railroad Company.—
The bonds of this company are in the best
credit being endorsed by the Lelngli Valley
Railroad Company.
The work is being actively prosecuted
between Towanda and a point on the Erie
Railway near W'averly. An extensive
coal business is built up between the Bar
clay coal mines (now worked by three
differ' nt chartered companies) —and West
tern New York. The North Branch Ca
nal has been found inadequate to the ton
age offering at Towanda, berides being
closed in the winter. Hence the hurry to
complete this upper end of the Lehigh Val
ley project ; and it is expected that this
twenty-five miles will be finished during
present season. The remainder is also in
progrwssive management.
We love to chronicle the successes of
such men as Asa Packer, and to hold them
up to the young men of the country as fit
exemplars of energy, industry and of liber
ality. From being a carpenter's appren
tice, he has risen hv constant, active indus
•ry, by sobriety and unswerving integrity,
by steadiness and forethought, to be one of
the wealthiest men in the State. IJis in
come mu-t be 1 ear half a million per annum;
and the annual advance in value of the
property he holds much more than that
sura. All this, without ever having dab
bled in government contracts or subsidies ;
all, without blistering his hands with
bribes, or meanly plotting against the peace
and success < f any on he might deem iu
the way of his own onward political pro
gress ! And yet ask such papers as the
Harrishurg Telegraph who Asa Packer is
and they will tell you simply that like an
other rising, self-made man of the Old
Keystone, Hiister Clymer— he is a copper
A Radical's Opluiou tf the Rump Caorreas.
The Republican party, at the close of.
the war, bad a great career open to it. Its .
leaders had only to show that tbey com- }
prehended and valued the sound princi- j
pies of constitutional liberty, and they
might have ruled for years to come. If
tbev lose the support of the country, that!
is their own fault. It was their duty and ;
policv to show that if in war they knew \
how to use with eft ct the enormous power j
of the cential government, in ceace they ]
were equallv ready to re-establish as quick
ly as possible that local self-government on
which, as the balance-wheel in our politic
al system, our true and safe progress in
liberty depends. As the party in power,
during the war they had used force to an
unlimited extent; it was the more neces
sary that on the restoration of peace they
should show a readiness to return at once
to strict constitutional forms, practices and
Big the policy imposed upon the party
bv ihosemen who unhappily have seized
the leadership of it has been just the con
trary of this. Their whole political theory
and practice tend dangerously towards a
consolidation of all power and authority in
the hai.ds of the central government.—
They have aimed to leave nothing to the
States, nothing to that local government,
which is our greater safeguard against
despotism. They will make of the Feder
al government, if thev have their way, as
overshadowing and all devouring a monster
as the government of Napoleon is in
France. They proceed upon the princi
ple that Congress is to legislate upon all
matters whatever ; is to interfere in all the
relations of society and We, and to estab
lish rules and laws for every event under
Not only do we see a useless and absurd
Bun au of Agriculture established, at an
expense of hundreds of thousands of dol
lars per annum, to prepare reports which
are published three years after date, and
which, when they are fresh have not half
the value cf a good agricultural paper;
and to distribute seeds to farmers who are
quite intelligent enough to buy them; bu
reaus of education, of mining, of insurance,
of statistics, are proposed and urged. Thus
patron-ge is increased, office holders grow
more numerous, the nation is more and
more heavily taxed to support crowds of
hungry idlers—the political agents of
those who appoint them, corrupting the
morals of the nation and robbing its in
dustry, Tbis is not all. In pursuance
of the same false and perilous theory of
esnsolidat'on. these men se -k to make the
general government he patron and sup
porter of all manner of private enterprise
and schemes. Not only are steamship
lines and other private undertakings sub
sidized ; not onlv are certain branches of
manufacture selected as the object of spe
cial favoritism at the expense of the gener
al public, and to ihe impoverishment of
the Treasury ; the evil extends much fur
ther. If a mining company need capital,
Congress at once makes it a grant of pub
lic lands; if another set of speculators ap
peal for land to plant trees—which Mr.
Bayard Taylor informs the Tribune natint
does much better-'Congress hastens to do
their bidding.
Nor should we wondvr, fot the men who
aim to make the Kreedman's Bureau a
permanent Institution go upon the princi
ple that the office of the general govern
ment is not merely to do justice, hut to
feed the poor, to clothe the ragged, to shel
ter the houseless, provide emplovment for
the unemployed. to tell the people what
to buy and where to sell, what to make
and how to spend—in short, to surround
their lives on all sides with its "fostering"
arms, and bv making them helpless pre
pare them to become the victims of des
potism. Ifow perilous such a policy is
we may see by reviewing the huge steps
already taken on this downward road, —
The President has done his utmost to
check the attempts of Congress to concen
trate a d centralize all power in Washing
ton. With all his mistakes in other re
spects, he has shown a true and statesman
like comprehension of this danger; he
made haste to put out of his own hands all
extraordinary power and patronage grow
ing out of the war; he has by his vetoes
prevented the consummation of some most
mischievous measures. But the central
iz'-rs have not heeded his warnings ; and
it is high time for the country to awake to
the dangers of their course. Already we
see this false policy bearing fruit.
If a citizen now a-days suffers wrong he
no longer apppals to the laws—he turns to
the central government to protect him. The
Civil Right Act has been several months
in force, but instead of requiring those who
need it to set the courts in motion. Con
gress continues the Freedman's Bureau in
operation another year. Thus, bv steps
which are no less imperceptible, the citizens
are trained to undervalue and disregard the
laws, and to cast all the responsibilities of
life from their own shoulders upon that of
the central government. The road leads
as surely to ruin as the one called "seces
sion," which has frightened so many incon
siderate people from the safe middle path.
We have no fear hut that the country will
see one escape one danger as well as it did
the other. But in doing so it will drop the
men who are leading it into unsafe paths,
If the Republican party choses to go with
those men, it goes straight towards ruin.—
It will lose inevitably the best part of its
! followers ; nor it need a Tribune to
read these out f the party. The coun
try is now at peace ; the condition of af
fairs is snch that men need no longer set
aside all other interests to nnite upon a
single point. Slavery has gone down; the
rebellion has been crushed, and American
citizens m£y once more turn their atten
tion to other and equally important ques
tions. It is a mistake to suppose that one
partv can now rule by the stale cry that
the Union is in danger from either slavery
or rebellion — New York Evening Post.
tgr A girl named Henrietta Johnson,
aged fourteen years, disappeared from
Layfayette on Friday, and has not been
beard from. It is supposed that she was
i abducted by a "scissors grinder," who has
| been seen hanging around the premises,
| and who had previously attempted to per
suade her to go with him to the circus.—
Her parents are greatly distracted, and
every effort to discover her whereabouts
is being made.
The New Orleiua if lot
A Washington Corresooftdertt of the"
N. Y. Netc*. speaking of the origin of the !
New Orleans Riot, says:
It is perfectly well understood here that
the recent riot in New Orleans was got up
and inaugurated by the Radicals here and
at other points in the North, and that se
cret instructions were sent by tbem to the
leaders of the movement in New Orleans,
iu pursuance of which the attempt was made
to galvanize into life the defunct radical
and regro suffrage convention of 1864; an
attempt which has resulted in such deplora
ble consequences. The convention of 1864
is a dead-and-gone concern. It has no le
gal existence in 1866, and so President
Johnson has informed General Sheridan.—
It was convoked in 1864, for a single pur
pose : to form a State Constitution ; and
when it adjourned, after having formed that
Constitution, its President was directed to
cali it tog ther again, in the event of the
failure of the people of Louisiana to ratify
the Constitution, That event never took
place. The Constitution was ratifi* d and
has been in force two years, and the Presi
dent of the Convention has himself decided
that it no longer has any h'gal existence.—
Mr, Howell, who assumed the power to
ruconvoke the defunct convention, simplv
usurped the power to do so, without hav
ing any legal authority whatever.
The fact is, there is plot between the
Radical lea-lers at the North and their co
laborers in Louisiana, by which they hope
to overthrow the present Legislature of the
State, to turn out all the State officers
elected by the alter the State Con
stitution so as to disfranchise a majority%f
the people of the State, to impose a new
and hateful government on a people thus
disfranchised, and to elect a new Radical
Legislature, which will ratify the proposed
Constitutional Amendment. Gov. Wells of
Louisiana, and this Mr. Howe'l, have sim
ply lent themselves to he the tools of the
conspirators engaged in this nefarious busi-
I ness
Gen. Sheridan sent the following tele
graph despatch to Washington in refer
ence to the riots.
NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 1—1.30 P.M. —
To Oeneval U. S\ornnt. Washington D.C
You are doubtless aware of the serious
riot which occurred in this city on the 30.
A political bodv, styling itself the Con
vention of 1864, met there on the 30th.
for. as it is alleged, the purpose of remod
eling the present Oonetitulion of the State,
The leaders were political and revolutiona
ry men. and the action of the Convention
was liable to produce breaches of the public
I had made up mv mind to the
head men it the proceedings of the Con
vention were caleulated to disturb the
tranquility of the department, but I had r.o
cause for action until they committed the
overt act. About forty whin-* and blacks
were killed, and about one hundred and
sixty wounded. Everything is now quiet,
but I deem it best to maintain a military
•mpremaov in the city for a few days, un
til the affair is fullv investigated. I believe
the sentiment of the general community is
greatly against this unnecessary cruelty,and
that the police could have made any arrest
they saw fit, without sacrificing lives.
Major General commanding.
The following is President Johnson's or
der in relation to the New Orlean's riots :
To Andrew S. Herron, Attorney General
of Louisiana:
You will call on General Sheridan, or
whoever may l>e in command, for sufficient
force to sustain the civil au'horities in
suppressing an illegal or unlawful assem
blies who usurp or assume to exercise any
power or authority without first having ob
tained the consent of the people of the
If there is to be a convention, let it be
composed of delegates chosen from the peo
ple of the whole State,
The people must be consulted in chang
ing the organized laws of the State.
Usurpation will not be tolerated,
The law and the Constitution must be
sustained, and thereby peace and order.
A Hundred Hcura Awake and Walking.
The Portsmouth (N. H.) Journal says
that Mr. John Seaver of that place, for a
wager of SSOO, last Tuesday commenced
walking 100 miles in as many consecutive
hours. How he was affected is thus re
lated :
"On Wednesday afternoon, at the close
of the fir-t 24 hours, he seemed weary and
felt a stronger disposition to sleep than he
afterward experienced. This was driven
off; but the effort produced a severe head
ache, which continued during the remain
ing days. On Thursday he felt drowsy,
but was so excited that he would sit down
without napping. Every hour the cir
cuiting the tootu 42 times was regularly
performed, in times rangling from 20 to 30
minutes. On that morning he began to be
discouraged, and expressed a wish to aban
don further effort. His advisers persuaded
him, and he renewed his efforts, and, as he
expressed it, with a determined will to
"Friday the third day he was more
wakeful, his nervous excitement having
increased—probably by the strong tea
which was his only beverage. His head
was bandaged and bathed with rum and
alum frequently. He stumbled from weak
ness and weariness, but got up without
help. Saturday, the fourth and 1&4 day,
was one of weariness, aching limbe, aching
bead and prostration. He required to be
supported as he went his hourly rounds.—
In the ninety-filth hour he fainted and fell-
Every hour of the last four he was bathed
all over with ruin and alum In the nine-
ty—ninth hour lie again fell in fintness.~
The last hour at length arrived, and with
his assistants he comp'cted bi fort y-two 1
cirouits in thirty-three minutes. He now
received fresh energy from the a idea that
he had accomplished his feat, and, unaid
ed, he literally dragged his limbs once
more around th* hall, to show that he was
still awake, and, amid the cheers of a large
audience, he retired after 9 o'clock."
He did not recovet from the sickness
that ensued for several days.
Equalization of Bonn ilea.
We give below in full the bill to equal
ize the bounties of toldiers, sailors, and
marines, who served in the late war tor the
Union, which ha* passed both Houses of
Sectiou 1. Be it enacted, &c. That to
each and every soldier who enlisted into
the army of the United States after the
day of April, 1861, for a period of not less
than three years, arid having served his
term of enlistment has been honorably dis
charged, and who has received, or is enti
tled to receive, from the United States, nn
der existing laws, a bounty of one hundred
dollars, and no more, and any ucb soldier
enlisted for not less than three years, who
has been honorably discharged on account
of wounds received in the Hue of duty, and
the widow, minor children, or parents, in
the order named, of an) such soldier who
died in the service of the United States, or
of disease or wounds contracted while ro*
the service, and in the line of duty, shall'
be paid the additional bount) of one hun
dred dollars hereby authorized.
Section 2, Tnat. to each and every sol
dier who enlisted into the army of the Uni
ted States, and after the 19th day of April
1861, during the rebellion, for a period of
not less than two years, and who is not in
cluded in the foregoing section, and lias
been honorably discharged therefrom, after
serving tw-> years, and who has received,
or is entitled to receive, from the United
States, under existing laws, a bounty of fifty
dollars, and no more, and any soldier enlist
ed for less than two years, who has been'
honorably discharged on account of wound 9
received in the Hne of duty, and the widows
minor children, or parents, in the order
named, of any such soldier who died in the
service of the United States, or of disease:
or wounds contracted while in the service
of the United States, and in the line of du
tv. shall be paid the additional bounty of
fiftv dollars hereby authorized : "Provided,
That any soldier who has bartered, sold, as
signed, t'ansferred, loaned, exchanged, or
given away his final discharge papers, or
any int rst iti the bounty provided by this
or any other act of Congress, shall not be
entitled to receive any additional bounty
whatever; and when application is made
by any soldier for said bounty, he shall be
required, under the pains and penalties of
perjurv, to make oath or affirmation of his
identity, and that he has not so bartered,
-old, assigned, transferred, exchanged,
loaned, or given away either his discharge
papers or any interest in any bounty as
aforesaid, and n> claim for such bounty
shall be entertai edby the Paymaster Gen
eral or other accounting or disbursing offi
cer, except upon reo-ipt of the claimant's
discharge papers accompanied by the state
ment under oath, as this section provided.
Section 3. And be it further enacted,
That in the payment of the additional boun
ty herein provided for, it shall be the duty
of the Paymaster General, under such rules
and regulations as may be prescribed by
the Secretary of War, to c iuse to be exam
ined the accounts of each and every sol
dier who makes application therefor, and
if found entitled thereto, pay said bounties.
Section 4. And be it further tnaclei,
That in the reception, examination, settle
ment, and payment of claims for said addi
ional bounty du* the widows or heirs of
deceased soldiers, the accounting officers of
the Treasury shall be governed by restric
tions prescribed for the Paymaster Genera!
by the Secretary of War, and the payment
shall be made in like manner under the
direction of the Secretary of the Treasury.
Partisan Fury,
The revolutionary proceedings of the
present Congress are causing men to reflect
very seriously, for. as the Journal of Com
merce remarks, no thoughtful man who
loves tis country and has any desire for
the perpetuity of its free institutions, can
fail to look with alarm upon the recent de
velopement of that baneful party spirit,
against which the warnings of the immor
tal W ASHINGTON were so earnestly direct
ed. The evident attempt of a few leaders
of the majority in Congress to secure com
plete control of the government for their
own selfish purposes, and to compel, under
terror of the party lash, all the more decent
of their compeers to share with them the
responsibility o! such criminal ambition, is
evidently a subject for the most serious ap
prehension. We need not enumerate the
steps which have been taken to this end,
for there has been no attempt at disguise.
Tbe most violent expressions of hostility to
the President were used at the recent party
caucus, with so little reserve that they have
been fully reported for general publication ;
and a purpose to intevere with tho proper
liberty of the Chief Executive has been de
fiantly announced and vociferously applaud
ed. This has been accompanied by tbe
resignation of a portion of the Cabinet, and
the hostile array of all who sympathize with
the movement against the recognized head
of the government. We canitot believe
that tbe mass of honest tnen throughout
the country, whatever may be their party
affiliations, will sanction such action as this.
It is revolutionary, even if not intended,,
and may, if unchecked, lead to such excite
ment that a single spark shall kindle anew
tbe blaze of civil war.
The Southern Vindicator is a new paper
published at Pine Bluff, Ark. The editor
was a Confederate soldier. He says of
"After rov release from captivity at id j
recovery from my wounds, I was honored
with the command of a company of Mis
sissippi cavalry, and in that capacity
until I was surrendered and paroled at Jack
son, Miss., May 12. 1865, In July of the
sime year I started for this point, purpose
ing to inaugurate a journal but was preven
ted from so doing by bsiug arrested, chain
ed hand and foot, taken to Washing
ton, supposed to ha John H SurratV, one. of
the Lincoln con?piritors. After several
months' confinement there and iu other
prisons, I released on without
having explained to me why I was so out
raged **