North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, August 01, 1866, Image 1

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A weaklyD emocratio ___
paper, devoted to Poll
ics, News, the Arte j| j
and Sciences Ac. Pub- ~ g | ;jj -
ished every Wednes
pay, at Tunkhannock * J|
Wyoming County,Pa V jj9Kf j |il
Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advance) $2 00
t> t paid within six months, 62.30 will be charged
NO paper will be DISCONTINI FD, until all ar
rearages are paid; unless at the option of publisher.
10 lines or . , ! •
less, moke three four two three six one
ne square weeks weeks mo'th\mo' th mo 1 th year
• 0 i n.\ l 2 l) V 2 3,00' 5,00
t K; i: ;)
1 do' 3 001 4,75 5,50 7.00 9,00
4 foO 0 | 6.50 8,00 |?JO 15,00
I do 600 fi / 10,00 12.00 1-00 25,00
i do'. 800 HOU 18,00 2 5 ' u(l 35,00
1 do! 10,00 12 17 u0 22,00 28J)0 10,00
TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, 82,50
OBITUARIES,- exceeding ten lin"8, each ; REI.I
GIOUS and LITERARY NOTICES, not of genera
interest, one half tne regular rutes.
Business Cards of one square, with paper, S5
of all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to suit
he times.
WORK must be paid for, when ordered.
XV LAW Office on Tioga street, Tunkhannock Fa-
Xl Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa.
' X Tunkhonnock, Pa. Office - n Stark * Brick
ock, Ttoga street.
fice in Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk
hannoek, Pa.
The undersigned having lately pur. based the
• BUEHLER HOUSE " property, has already com
menced such alterations and improvements as will
render this old and popular House equal, if not supe
rior to any Hotel in the City of Harrisiiurg.
A continuance of the public patronage is refpeet
fully solicited. GEO . j. BOLTON
THIS establishment has recently been refitted an
furnished in the latest style Every attention
will be given to the comfort and convenience oi those
who patronize the House.
T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor ;
Tunkhannock, September 11, 1861-
Wm. 11. CORTRIGHT, Frop'r
HAVING resumed the proprietorship of the above
Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to
render the house an agreeable place ol sojourn for
nil who may favor it with their custom.
June, 3rd, 1863
The MEANS HOTEL, i* one of the LARGEST
and BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country—lt
is fitted up in the most modern and improved style,
and no pains are spared to make it a pleasant arid
agreeable stopping-place for all,
v 3, n2l, ly.
JLT GILMAN, has permanently located in Tunk
l'l. bannock Borough, and respectfully tcr.derht
professional services to the citizens of this placeand
surrounding country.
Office over Tutton's Law Office near the Post
The Subscriber having had a sixteen years prac
tical experience in cutting and making clothing,
now offers his services in this line to the citizens of
mcaoL&ON and vicinity.
Those wishing to get Fits will find his shop the
t*Me to get them. 1
• s(V6nn>i
"I am sorry for you, Mrs. Hall," said the
landlord. "I would give you your rent if 1
was able ; but you know I have a family
to support, and you know it would not be
doing right to them."
"Give me three days, Mr. Jones," said the
widow, "and something may turn up during
that time which may enable me to pay
The landlord reluctantly assented, and
left the widow alone with her two children.
It was scarcely a year since she lost her
husband. Ilis income had been small, ami,
beyond a hundred dollars and the furniture
he had left his wife nothing. Yet bv sew
ing, and wh it odd jobs her son Henry could
obtain, she had been enabled to get along
and keep her children at school. Her
heaviest expense hid been the rent, which,
however, she had no reserved fund, and
found herself quite unable to meet the rent
at the close of the first quarter. After the
landlord went out, she gave way for a mo
ment to depression.
4 1 am afraid," she said, "that we will
have to leave the house. It has been our
house so long that it will be very painful;
besides. I don't know where we shall go."
"To-day is Saturday," said Henry, "and
as school don't keep, I mean to go out and
see if I can't find something to do. Far
mer Terry told me that perhaps he might
give me a job at raking hay."
"I)o so, Henry ; 1 hope you may succeed
for with us every little helps.''
Henry, who was a stout and handsome
boy of twelve, immediately took down his
cloth cap from the nail where he usually
hung it, and made his way across the fields
toward the Terry farm. The distance was
about a mile, and the route by which he
went took him across the railroad track.
The point at which he crossed was about a
mile from the station, and just above a
bridge, a hundred feet in length, over
which the cars passed. He glanced in the
direction of the bridge, as lie crossed the
"Wliv," he exclaimed to himself, "I be
lieve the btio'ge has giv< n way."
Running to the spot he found his sus
picions correct,. The bridge, whether be
cause it was badly constructed, or from
some other cau c e not apparent, had partly
given wav, and must have inevitably caus
ed the destruction of any train which
should attempt t<, cr<<ss it. That many
live* must be lost in this event was certain,
since the ravine spanned by the bridge was
*ome fifty feet deep. The thought fairly
took away Henry's breath.
"What shall Ido ?" thought the bewil
dered boy. "Shall I have time to get to
the station befre the next tram gets along?
No, that is impossible, for it is about time
for it now."
As if to verify the last assertion,he could
hear faintly the sound of the approaching
"I mu*t save it if I can," he thought.
After brief thought, he ran along the track
in the direction of the advancing cars. As
he ran he waved his hat, and threw up his
ha: ils, and in every possible way endeavor
ed to attract the attention of the engineer.
Apparently they did not see him, or sup
posing it was merely boys' fun took no no
tice of it. "There is only one thing I can
do," thought Henrv, and he proceeded to
do it. Placing himself between the rails,he
continued the same demonstrations.
"They'll stop rather than run over me,"
he thought; yet the feeling of his own per
sonal danger in case they should fail to
think him in earnest, blanched his cheek.
"Never mind," said he, resolutely, "bet
ter risk mv own life than let so many perish
with out warning.
Of course this took place in much less
time than I have taken to record it. Will
the reader picture to himself the terrible
situation in which our hero stood— in the
way of a train traveling at the rate of twen
ty-five miles an hour, waving his hat fran
ticallv, and exposed to the hazard of not
being able to get out of the way in case he
failed to succeed in stopping the cars. It
was indeed the time to test the courage of
the boy hero. But he maintained his
ground firmly.
Meanwhile the engineer perceived him.
Even at this time lie supposed it was done
in foolish bravado,
"The little fool," Ire mutter. "We shall
be compelled to stop or run over him."
lie hastily issued an order to stop the
train. It was done just in time : they were
only two rod* distant from the boy.
"Now, you little rascal," exclaimed the
angry engineer, "what do you mean by
risking your foolish life, and putting us to
this trouble ?"
Henry (minted mutely to the broken
bridge and then, overcome by the excite
mentthrough which te had passed, he sank
back, fainting. Ilis motion was under
"Good Heavens!" exclaimed the en
gineer, "we have been saved from a terri
ble fate !"
With remorseful eagerness lie now devo
ted himself to the task of recovering the
fainting hoy, and when he had opened his
eyes, asked bis pardon for bis rude unkind
"Is the train safe !" asked Henry, eager
"Entirely so —thanks to your noble con
di.ct, my little hero."
Henry found himself in the center of a
group of passengers, who were profound-
edly shocked at the danger from which they
had just escaped.
"Gentlemen," said one of the number, a
fine looking man, calling them aside, "you
perceive how narrow has been our escape;
and you must be aware that it is solely ow
ing to the courage of this noble little fellow.
Me h -s displayed a degree of nerve of which
I doubt whether any one of us is capable.
I believe I shall only meet the wishes of
many present when 1 suggest that nothing
could l>e more fitting than a pecuniary tes
timonial of our gratitude "
So saying, he tookoff'his hat and d-op
ped a ten dollar geld piece into it. 11 is
example was speedily and even eagerly fol
lowed. It chanced that the train was a
long one and contained ai\ unusual num
ber of passengers. To this fact may be at
tributed the large amount of the con tribu
tion which was taken up.
"Gentlemen," said the first spokesmen,
after counting the money, "you will be grat
ified to learn that 1 have in my hand three
hundred dollars, the result of our contribu
tions, which in you name, I have the pleas
ure of presenting to our young friend for
bis courageous conduct."
So saying, he placed the money in his
own purse, which he emptied for that pur
pose, and amid the cheers of the crowd,
presented it to Henry.
"What! is it mine?" asked Henry, bo
wildered with excessive joy,
"It is all yours. We have no doubt that
a boy who has done himself so much credit
as you have this morning, will use it in a
suitable manner."
"I will give it to my mother," said Hen
ry, his eyes sparkling with joy. "1 am so
glad—she needs it so much "
Preparations were now made to back the
train to the station just left. The gentle
man who had been the means of benefiting
Henry so essentially did not return with it,
but said to him—
"If you arc willing, 1 will go with you
to see your mother. I begin to leel a
strong interest#n you, and may have it in
my power to be of serv ice to you,"
On the way he asked various questions,
to all of which Henry answered frankly.
"There is my mother's house," said he,
as they ctme in sight of home. "She will
bo glad to get hold of this money, for she
has not been able to pay her rent for the
last quarter, and now sbe can do it without
any trouble.
"You must introduce me to your mother.
To do this you must know my name which
is Gondon.
Mrs. Hall heard the story of her son's
bravery with mingled pride and terror, and
her cheek blanched when she thought of
the danger he had incurred.
"Madam," said Mr. Gordon, at length,
"I am a merchant, doing business in the
city. I want a lad for my counting room.
1 have taken a fancy for your son, and if
you will entrust him to me, 1 will try to ad
vance his interests as far as may he in my
Mrs. Ilall hesitated. The offer was an
advantageous one, hut she did not wish him
to leave school. When, however, Mr. Gor
don promised to give him several hours a
day to devote to study, and to take him in
to his own family, she accepted with earn
est gratitude.
Henry is at the moment junior partner
in the firm, and his mother and sister are
raised above want. Mrs. Ilall is justly
proud of the son to whose boyish intrepidi
ty all their present psosperity is due,
YVould'nt Contend.
A cross-grained, surly man, too crook
ed by nature to keep still, went over to his
opposite neighbor, Mr F., a remarkably
co'd, calm, non-resistant, and addressed
him thus :
" That piece of fence over there is mine,
and you shan't have it."
"Why," replied Mr. F., "you must be
mistaken, I think."
" No, it's mine and I shall keep it."
" Well," said Mr. F.. "suppose we leave
it to any lawyer you shall choose."
f 1 won't leave it to any lawyer," said
the other.
"Shall we leave it to any four men in
the village that von shall select?" Said
Mr. F. " „
"No I shall have the fence."
Not at all discomposed, Mr. F, said :
"Well, neighbor, then I shall leave it to
yourself to say to whom it does belong,
whether to vou or to me."
Struck dumb by the appeal, the wrathv
man turned away, saying :
"I won't have anything to do with a man
wlio won't contend for his own rights.
It is not the most "wrathy" who arc ir
reconcilable, neither are they to be feared ;
hence the Scotch proverb, "Ilis bark is
worse than his bite. Just allow such a
man sufficient time to fight with his own
shadow, (like the knight of LaMancha
with the windmill,) and he will very soon
come down. There is little to be dreaded
from such an organization thus treated,
gqT" There are two reasons why you
should not interrupt an editor when his
writing. One is, that it is apt to put him
out—and the other is, that you might get
put out yourself.
fglT "I stand upon the soil of freedom,"
cried a stump orator. "No," cried his
shoemaker, "you stand in a pair of shoes
that have never been paid for."
J&" An old farmer in Pennsylvania,
when told that he possessed oil lands, made
light of it.
Hon. Henry J. Raymond, editor of the
New York Times, writing to that paper,
from his scat in the rump Cougress, on the
loth inst., divulges the following very inter
esting facts:
You may have noticed the passage in the
House, a few days since, of a resolution of
fered by General Paine, of Wisconsin, call
itig on the States to organize discipline, and
ci]nip their militia, and directing that two
thirds of the ariws, ordinance and ammuni
tion now under custody of the General
Government be distributed among the States
—the distribution among the loyal States to
fake place immediately, and that among the
States lately in rebellion to be oostponed
until further notice.
The resolution came up from the Com
mittee on Military Affairs, and was pushed
'to a vote, without debate or delay, under
the previous*question. It attracted as lit
tle attention in Congress as it has in the
country; and the public will doubtless re
ceive with incredulity the assurance that it
was intended, by those who secured its
passage, as the first step toward prepara
tion for another civil war. Although no
debate was had upon it, members were
urged to vote for it by direct conversational
appeals on the part of the few who were
privy to its introduction. S >me were told
that it was necessary to enable the South
ern loyalists to protect themselves; others
that it was simply a matter of detail in the
War Department; others that the arms
taken out of the hands of the Pres
ident, and others that it was proposed at
the instance of the Secretary of War. An
appeal was made by Mr. Kasson,of lowa,
to allow debate upon it, as it seemed to be
a matter of importance, but this was re
Most of the leading and reflecting Radi
cals in Congress take this view of the po
litical future. If the fall elections result in
the choice of Northern Democrats enough
to constitute, when added to the members
from the Southern States, a majority of
the House, they assume that this majority,
thus constituted, will claim to be the Con
gres,*and will act accordingly; and that
they will be recognized by the President
as the body to which he will send his mes
sage, and whose sessions he will, if the ne
cessity should arise, protect by military
force. They assert, on the other hand, that
the Union members from the loyal States
—if they constitute a majority from these
States—will claim to be the only legal Con
gress, and will, if necessary, invoke an in
surrection of the people to maintain them
in that position.
They do not in the least conceal their
purpose, in the event of such a collision,
to appeal in force, and to "drive the rival
Congress, with the President and his Cab
inet, and supporters, into the Potomac,"
to use the language of the ablest and most
sincere of their number. It'you will recall
the remarks of Mr. Bontwcll, of Massachu
setts, in last weeks first caucus, you will see
this movement clearly foreshadowed —in
deed avowed, lie declared his belief that
an issue of force was rapidly approaching,
and that we must be prepared to meet it.
He acts, and all who co-operate with him
in these measures, profess to act, under
the apprehension that the President in
tend* to resort to force —that he means to
disperse the present Congress on its reas
sembling in December, if it refuses to ad
mit the Southern members; and Mr. Fans
worth ascribed to Mr. Seward the declara
tion that this Congress should never reas
semble, unless the Southern members were
admitted—in support of this belief. I need
scarcely say that Mr. Seward never made
any remark of the kind, nor that the pro
ject ascribed to the President is purely
an invention, or at least the crazy dreain of
a political nightmare. But in either case
it serves the same purpose It covers, and
shields to justify, the determination to
arouse the North, and prepare for a resort
to force upon the assembling of the Forti
eth Congress in extra or regular session ;
and this determination is avowed. And
the resolution to which I have referred,for
an organization of the militia and distribu
tion of arms in the Northern States, is
the initial step to its execution.
Ido not propose to comment npon the
result of such a movement. It is obvious
that if any such contingency should arise,
the war would not be sectional, as was the
last; it would he a war of political par
ties and of neighborhoods. Not only have
the great body of the Union party in Con
gress no sympathy with these views and
purposes, but they are in the main ignorant
and incredulous of their existence. That
the extreme Radicals entertain them, how
ever, there is not the slightest doubt, and
we know, from the experience of Secession
in 1861, how few men it sometimes requires
to plunge a gnat party or a great nation in
SAL.ERATUS. — TTood is burned to ashes,
and from these lye is made. By boiling
Ive is evaporated and black ash is the resi
duum, which, when purified by lire, is
changed into potash. By another process
potash is converted into pearlash, and this
alkali placed in sacks over a brewer's vat,or
in any other place where carbonic acid gas
is produced, absorbs the gas and becomes a
solid, heavier, whiter and more dry than
peailasb. This is sakeratus,which is put into
our food; and how much of the products of
wood ashes and carbonic acid gas the hu
man body can bear, is a question for a eal
aratus eater.
Up to a recent date Parson Brownlow, of
Tennessee, had the reputation of being the
foulest-mouthed man that spoke the Eng
lish language, which is equal to saying the
foulest mouthed man on earth, for the Eng
lish language has capacities of vulgar foul
ness equaled by no other form of mortal
speech with which we are acquainted
His ribaldry and blasphemy as a preacher
shocked even the rude ruffians of the South
west, while his scurillity as a politician and
editor, gave him a position which no decent
men could approach. After having done
as much as auy other individual of his ca
pacities in the South to stimulate the full
spirit of Slavery to war and treason, he
saw fit for selfish ends, and to the disgust
of every loyal man in the country, to take
sides with the Unionists of East Tennessee.
Neither they nor we had any more respect
for his selfish loyalty than for his ribald
piety; but the course and force of circum
stances kept hiro from open treachery by
making it dangerous: and the generous
attention and help he obtained from the
courageous and unflinching leader of the
Tennessee Unionists, who is novv Presi
dent of the United States, induced him to
endure till the rebellion was prostrated by
our armies. Even the foulness of his tongue
seemed to suffer in abatement for a short
while, and it appeared as if time might
cause him finally to be tolerated by reputa
ble people- L nder these circumstances,
and under prospect of reformation, Mr,
JOHNSON was more than generous to him,
aiding him to place and power, and finally
assisting him to obtain the position of Gov.
which JOHNSON had vacated to as.-ume
the Vice-Presidency. But the dog will re
turn to his vomit, qnd the serpent will
plunge his fangs into the bosom in which
he has been warmed. BROWNLOW now
turned on the President—turned upon him
for ends as base and selfish as had formerly
led him to join with him. The President
would not —as he could not-permit him to
carry out the atrocious and savage purpos
es he had designed upon those who were
his enemies—that is to say, the greater part
of the people of Tennessee, who had nei
ther voted for him nor would uphold him,
BROWNLOW actually wanted to inaugurate
a general massacre and plunder of those
whom he had made foes by thirty years oi
personal insult; and he proclaimed this in
language so fiendishly vindictive as to shock
everv man who had any manhood left in
his nature. The President stood between
him and his outrageous purposes; and
BROWNLOW turned from the people whom
the President had saved upon the' Presi
dent himself. His office as Governor gave
him no more selr-respect now than his vo
cation as preacher had given him Chris
tian character,while the fact that Mr. JoH- -
SON holds the office of President seemed
to add zest to the rancor of his assaults.—
He swore and raved more furiously than
he had ever done before, and used lan
guage which would put to the blush even
that of the malignant madmen ofCopgress,
He vented his personal malice "in sea
son and out of season," in speeches, pub
lic documents, and in his new spaper; and
let no act or word of the President's, pass
without finding in it new opportunity of
revenge for his grievances. It was quite
in keeping, therefore, when in a dispatch
to Washington, on Thursday last, announc
ing the passage ol the Constitutional
Amendment in one branch of the Tennes
see Legislature, he had the blackguard in
solence to add :
"Give my compliments to the dirty dog
at the White House."
He knew, of course, that in using such
language he was perfectly safe from any
notice or reply by the party immediately
assailed ; and if it brought him renewed
contempt from all decent men, that was
but what he had been accustomed to from
the beginning of his career.—N. Y. Tinuts.
A GEORGIA WIDOW. —An anecdote is
related by a certain Squire, who proceeds
" Oh!" said the Squire, •• I wish I was
married, and well over it. I dread it pow
erful. "I'd like to marry a widow. I al
lers liked widows, since I knowed one
down in Georgia, that suited my ideas ad
zaclly. About a week after her husband
died, she started down to the graveyard,
whar they planted him, and she read the
pcrscription on to the monument. When
she got there, she stood a looking at the
stones which was put at each end of the
grave, with an epithed on 'em that the min
ister had writ for her. Then she burst out,
"Oh ! b o-o !" says she ; "Jones was tluj
best of men. I remember how the last
time he come home, about a week ago, he
brought down from town some sugar and a
little tea, and some store goods for me, and
lots of little necessaries, and a little painted
boss for Jeems, which that blessed little
child got his mouth all yallcrwith sucking
ot it; and then he kissed the children all
round, and took down that good old fiddle
of his'n and played up that good old tune:
"Hake her down, Sal, Oh, rang dang
Oh ! rang-dang-diddle, dang, dang,
da !"
Inspiration is such an influence of
the Holy Spiriton the understandings,im
imaginations, memories and other mental
powers of the writers of the Sacred Books,
as perfectly qualified them for commmwca.
ting to the world the knowledge of the
willof God
VOL. 5 NO. 50
YVhar, Oil Whar's de Buro Now i
The Bellefonto Watchman furnishes in
advance, a speech for the negro advocates
in the coining campaign which will, no
doubt, be a bombshell in the tfamps of thtf
Johnsonites, and ascatterer of the "ignor
ant," "nasty" "Copperheads" who praised
the President for vetoeingthe Negroes Bu
reau Bill. Here it is in full <
My Belubded Friends. —De tex oil
dis 'stressin 'casion am dese stirrin and
heart bustin obserwations;
Whar's de Freedmea's Bureau now I
My Culled 'Sciples:—Boyd de Ameri
can ob African 'scent, am heah befoah de
house ob extreme discouragement. De cul
led popylashun has been ske wished by Mr..
Johnsing whose front name was Ander.— l
His vetoes have stepped on to oar aspira
tion and de Freedman's BurO am clean
done gone and busted foreber. De kloveri
hufl ob de indiwidual which his lastcogno-'
men is Johnsing, hab made distinkly visible"
to deunkivered obtics ob de public, Dat
is to say—you can sec it wid de naked
eye, widout de aid ob a xelyscope. He is
de Moses Iscarot ob dese degenerated
My frenz, who's dis Johnsing ? say ?
lie was nuflin but a tailor, yes, gemmen
and folks, he came from a low straxhum,
and his parunts on his father's side was old
Johnsing, and,
"Whar's de Freedman'cr Buro now ?"
Dis is de werrv ur.kindest cut ob all, a$
Spokesiiavc say. Dis is de midnight obde
mid-winter ob our diskontent.
De smashing ob de Buro. I consider de
most greatest and exceediugist mightiest
kalamity ob dis age ! lam a orator, I ac
knowledge, but whar's de language to da
justice to de extreme proportion ob depro-*
digionsness ob de magnitude ob de enor
mousness ob de universal amplitude ob de
"Wharf! de Buro now 1
My frenz, You'll excuse de wraf and in
dignashun dat's in de veins ob de honor
able and eloquent speaker who is now
speaking sitch burnin eloquence in your
midst —dat's to say me. But I cannot dis
train de powerful ideas which am leapiu
and wrestlin into my brain. De krisis ha 9
cum. De sister of de krisis and all their
sisters have arriv.aud de bery earth quakes
de stars emit flashes ob indignant thundery
de bery uniwerse trembles, and boundless
'mensity echoes back de dire question,
"Whar's do Buro now V
My hearers. De young man eloquent
must rest here, he has fought de good fite,
but he's gone in. Look at dese tattered
garments, all worn to shreds in de noble
cause ob deFreedmen's Buro which John
sing tramped \pto wid de—as I may say,de
stern heel ob despotism ! Wherefore dis
excitement, you may ask. De answer am
here. Ovepowered sentimentally, over
burdened with other hefty giief! My day, my occapashun gone, for de text
says :
"Whar's de Buro now ?"
But my followers, Neber gib up de ship.
Boyd will neber fail. When de earthquake
shaft have ceased, when de storm shall hab
spent its fury, and de tempest hushed to ze
phyrs. When de floods shall hab retreated
and de giant ob terror, dismay and distrac
tion hab returned to de dim caverns ob
dere abode, der in the midst ob de ruin
shall be seen dis hummel indiwidual, um
brel in ban, li at under de handkerchief in
de rear pocket ob de narrative ob his swal
ler-tailed coat, yellin eloquence to de na
tives, dis text,
Whar's de Btm> no* "
Brudder Delaun Gray will proceed to
collect de revenue in do usual way, while
do congregation jincs in dis highly edifying
hymn —
Oh g'ggle, goggle jumpacross,
I>at am berry good,
Cen dis brudder steal a hoss,
And ride him to de woods!
Jiggle, joggle, possum fat,
Hop de dooden dow,
I'se got a lovely Thomas cat,
O ! Whar's de Buro now.
While many may think that the speech
will not be very appropriater for campaign
purposes, vet it will be found to contain
just about a wc'ujhty arguments as aboli
tion orators generally use.
(3T -A- frightful accident occured in Han
over on Friday last, A farmer employed a
laboring man to clean out a well for him.
The well was forty feet deep, and it was suc
cessfully cleaneJ, hut the well caved in, cov
ering up the unfortunate man. The neigh
bors were summoned, and at once set to
work to dig him out. After laboring for
several hours, the body of the sufferer was
reached and taken out in an insensible
state. I pou examination it was found that
he had cut his throat in two places with a
pocket knife. It is thought that the victim
of this frightful accident feared he would not
be rescued, and cut his throat to put him
self out of his misery. At last accounts the
man was still alive, although fatal results
were feared. Our informat did not
learn his name. — Jackson {Mo.) Citizen
J&rThc right man in the right place is &
husband at home in the evening.