North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, July 25, 1866, Image 1
Ihc ilfldli branch llcmncral. NEW SERIES, Terms —1 oopy 1 yr, ( in a^. r , a ? ce l *2.00 • t psid within six msnths, *2.50 will be charged paper will be DISCONTINUED, until ell sr resrsges are paid; unless at the option of publisher. 10 lines or . j | I , I less, make three \ four i two [three [ six , one ne square mo'th'^mai 1 th .mo th year ToijTllg w 2 In 2 OOi t 3,25 3,50 4 50; 6,00 2An 300 . 4,75 550 ™0 ! 9,00 &! • ,Sjo Lis! 'EXECUTORS;"ADHINISTB ATURS and AUDI TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, *2,50 OBITUARIES,- exceeding ten lines, each ; RELI GIOUS and LITERARY NOTICES, not of ge™ra Interest, one half the regular rotes. —— I Business Cards of one square, with paper, *5. j JOB WORK I of all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to SUJ he times. All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and JOB WORK must be paid for, when ordered. f-> R. St W. E LITTLE, A,^o^ EYS .pJ At Law Office on Tioga street, TunkhannockPa. fr s. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Kewtoa Centre, Luserne County ra. At£ to * NEY AT LAW (jT Tunkhonnock, Pa. Office-'O Stark s Brick ock, Ttoga stress- •VTTM M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, O W fice in Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk bannock, Pa. &jje Bugler flflust, HARKIBHURGF PENNA. The undersigned having lately purchased the BUEHLEK HOUSE " property, has already com menced such alterations and improvements as will render this old and popular House equal, if not supe rior to any Hotel in the City of llarnsburg. A continuance of the public patronage it refpect fally solicited. GEO j, BOLTON WALL'S HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE, TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA. THIS establishment has recently been refitted an furnished in the latest style Every will be given to the comfort and convenience of those irho Tunkhanneck. September 11, 1961. NORTH BRANCH HOTEL, MESHOPPEN, WYOMING COUNTY, PA Wm. H. CORTRIGHT, Prop'r HAVING resumed the proprietorship ef the above Hetel, the undersigned will spare no effort to Nader the house an agreeable place of sojourn for 1, ... f0, it with "■•™ STRIOHT . Xane, 3rd, 1863 _ TOWANDA, • p. B- BARTLET, f Late eft- RBBAIIIARD Hocsa, ELMIRA, N. Y. PROPRIETOR. The MEANS HOTEL, i* one of the LARGEST and BEST ARRANGED Hoi ses in the country—lt Is ftted up in the most modern and improved "tyie, and mo pains are spared to make it a pleasant and agreeable stopping-place for all, v 3, n2ljj. CLARKE,KEENEY.ft CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LADIES', MISSES'ft CENTS' autogassiraerf flats AND JOBBERS IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS. BUFFALO AND FANCY ROBES, 849 BUOA-DWALY, CORNER OP LEONARD STREET, aaw B. F. CLARK, 1 A. # KEEBET, V 1. LEKBNXV. J M. OILMAN, AT OILMAN, has permanently located in Tunk {* L. bannock Borough, and respectfully teaderhi professional services to the eitisens of this place and surrounding country. i ALL WORK WARRANTED, TO GIVE SATIT fION. Office over Tutton's Law Office near the Post Office • • __ NE NT TAILORING SHOP The Subscriber having had a sixteen years prac tical experience in cuttuig end making clothing, now offers his services in this line to the eitisens of NICHOLSON and vicinity. Those wishing to get Flu will find his shop the place to get them. r .IMVJL *• B*"* IP" BOu'vulvi ~ Proprietor THE PHESIOENrt VETO OF THE NIGGER ITUXIAV BILL MO. 2. MILITARY TRIBUNAL, IW TIME OP PEACE, DEPRICATED, Civil Courts open alike to the White and Black Mas. Laws for* 'the Protection of the White Man good enough for the Nigger. THE BUREAU PLUNDERED BT ITS AGENTS AND KEEPERS. UNCONSTITUTIONALITY of the BILL! A careful examination of the bill passed by the two Houses of Congress, entitled "An act to continue in force, and to amend an act to establish a bureau for the relief of freedmen and refugees, and for other purposes," has convinced me that the legislation which it proposes would not be consistent with the welfare of the country, and that it falls clearly within the reasons assigned in my message of the 19th of February last, returning without my signature a similar message wbicb originated in the Senate. It is not my purpose to repeat the objections which I then urged, they are all yet fresh in your recollection, and can be readily examined as a part of the records of one branch of the national Legislature. Adhering to the principles set forth in that message, I now re-affirm them, and the line of poli cy therein indicated. The only ground upon which this kind of legislation can be justified is that of the war-making power. The act, of which this bill is intended as amendatory, was passed during the exist ence of the war. By its own provisions it is to terminate within one year from the cessation of hostilities and the declaration of peace; it is, therefore, yet in existence, and it is likely that it will continue in force as long as the freedmen may re quire the benefits of its provisions. It will certainly remain in operation as a law until some months subsequent to the meeting of the next session of Congress, when, if experience shall make evident the necessity of additional, the two Houses will have ample time to mature and pass the requisite measure. In the meantime, the questions arise why should this meas ure he continued beyond the period desig nated in the -iginal act? and why, in time of peace, should military tribunals be created to continue until each State shall be fully restored in its constitutional rela tions to the government and shall be duly represented in the Congress of the United States ? It was manifest with respect to the act approved March 3, 1865, that pru dence and wisdom alike required that ju risdiction over all cases concerning the free enjoyment of the immunities and right of citizenship, as well as the protec tion of person and property should be con ferred upon some tribunal in every State or district where the ordinary course of judicial proceedings was interrupted by the rebellion, and until the same should be fully restored. At that time, therefore, an urgent necessity existed for the passage of such a law. Now the war has substan tially ceased. The ordinary course of judicial proceedings is no longer interrupt ed. The courts, both State and federal, are in full, complete, and successful opera tion, and through them, every person, regardless of race and coler, is entitled to, and can be heard. The protection grant ed to the white citizen is already conferred by laws upon the freedraan. Strong and stringent guards, byway of penalties and punishments, are thrown around his per son and property, and it is believed that ample protection will be afforded him by the process of law without resort to the dangerous expedient of'military tribunals.' Now that the war has been brought to a close, the necessity no longer existing for such tribunals, which had their origin in the war, grave objections to their continu ance must present themselves to the minds of all the reflecting and dispassionate. In dependently of the danger in representa tive republics of conferring upon the mili tary, in time of peace, extraordinary pow ers, so carefully guarded against by the patriots aud statesmen of the earlier days of the republic, so frequently the ruin of governments founded upon the same free principles, and subversive of the rights and liberties of the citizen, the question of practical economy earnestly commends itself to the consideration of the law-ma king power. With an immense debt al ready burdening the iucomea of the indus trial and laboring classed, a due regard for their interests, so inseparably conßected with the welfare of the country, should prompt us to rigid economy and retrench ment, and influence as to abstain from all legislation that would unecessarily increase the public indebtedness. Tested by this rule of solid political wis dom, I can see no reason for the establish ment of the "militarv jurisdiction" conferr ed upon the officials of the Burean, by the fourteenth section of the bill. By the laws of the United States, and of the different State*, competent courts, federal and State, have been established, and are now in full practical operation. By means of these civil tribunals, ample redress is afoided for all private wrongs, whether to tbo per son or the property of the citiceo, without denial or unnecessary delay. They are open to all, without regard to color or race. I feel well assured that it will be better to trust the rights, privileges, and immunities of the citizens to tribunals thus established "TO SPEAK HIS THOUGHTS IS BYERY FREEMAN'S RIGHT. "-Thoseaa Jeffereen. TUNKHANNOCK, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1866. and presided over by competent and im partial judges, bound by fixed rules of law and evidence, and where the right of trial by jury is guaranteed and secured, than to the caprice or judgment of an officer of the Bureau, who, it is possible, may be entire ly ignorant of the principles that underlie the just administration of the law. There is danger, too. that conflict of jurisdiction will frequently arise between the civil courts and these military tribunals, each having concurrent jurisdiction over the person and the cause of action ; the one jurisdiction administered and controlled by civil law, and the other by military. How is the conflict to be settled, and who is to determine between the two tribunals when it arises ? In my opinion, it is wise to guard against such conflict, by leaving to the courts and juries the protection of all civil rights and the redress of all civil griev ances. The fact cannot be denied that since the actual cessation of hostilities, ma ny acts of violence, such, perhape, as had never been witnessed in their previous his tory, have occurred in the States involved ' in the recent rebellion. I believe, howev er, that public sentiment will sustain me in the assertion that such deeds of wrong are ( not confined to any particular State or sec tion, but are manifested over the entire country, demonstrating that the cause that produced tbem does not depend upon any particular locality, but is the result of the agitation and derangement incident to a long and bloody war. While the prevalence of such disorders must be greatly deplored, their occasional and temporary recurrence would seem to furnish no necessity for the extension of the Bureau beyond the period fixed on the original act. Besides the ob jections I have thus briefly stated, I may urge upon your consideration the addition al reason that recent devclopements in re gard to the practical operations of the Bu reau in many of the States show that in numerous instances it is used by its agents as a means of promoting their individual advantage, and that the freedmen are em ployed for the advancement of the person al ends of the officers, instead of their own improvement and welfare; thus confirming the fears originally entertained by many, that the continuation of such a bnreau for any unnecessary length of time would inev itably result in fraud, corruption, and op pression. It is proper to state that in cases of this character, investigations have been promptly ordered, and the offender punish ed whenever his guilt has been satisfactori ly established. As another reason against the necessity of the legislation contemplated by this meas ure, reference may be had to the Civil Bights bill, now a law of the land, and which will be faithfully executed so long as it shall remain unrepealed, and not be declared unconstitutional bv courts of com petent jurisdiction. By that act it i 9 enact ed "That all persons born in the United States, and not subject to any foreign pow er—excluding Indians,not taxed—-are here by declared to be citizens of the United States ; and such citizens of every race and color, without regard to any previous con dition of slavery, or involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall have the same right in every State and Territory in the United States, to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties and give evidence, to inheirit, purchase, lease, sell, hold, and convey, real and pei sonal property, and to full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for tbe security of person and property as is enjoyed by white citizens; and shall be subject to like punishment, pains, and penalties, and to none other, any law, statute, ordinance,reg ulation, or custom, to the contrary notwith standing." By the provisions of the act, full protection is afforded through the Dis trict Courts of the United States to all per sons injured, and whose privileges, as thus declared, are in any way impaired, and very heavy penalties,are denounced against the person who willfully violates the law. I need not state that that law did not receive my approval, yet its remedies are far more feasible than those proposed in the present bill, the one being civil and the other mili tary. By the sixth section of the bill herewith returned, certain proceedings, by which the lands in the Parishes of St Helena and St. Luke, South Carolina, were sold and bid in, and afterward* disposed of, by the Tax Commissioners, are confirmed and rat fied. By the seventh, eight, ninth, tenth, and eleventh sections, provisions are made by law for the disposal of the lands thus ac quired to a particular class of citizens.— While the quieting of titles is deemed very important and desirable, the discrimination made in the bill seems objectionable, as does also the attempt to confer upon the Commissioners judicial powers, by which citizens of the United States are to be de prived of their property in a mode contrary to that of the Constitution, which declares that no person shall be deprived of life, lib erty, or property with due process of law. As a general principle, such a legislation is unsafe, unwise, partial,and unconstitutional. It may deprive persons of their liberty who are equally deserving objects of the nation' 8 bounty as those whom, by this legislation, Congress seeks to benefit. The title to the land thus to be proportioned out to a favored class of citizens most depend upon the regularity of tbe tax sales under the Lw as it existed at the time of the sale, and no subsequent legislation can give validity to the rights thus acquired as against the or iginal claimant. Jhe attention Congress is therefore invited to a more mature con sideration of the measures proposed in thtse sections of tbe bill. ID conclusion, I again urge upon Con gress the danger of class legislation, so well calculated to keep the public mind in a state of uncertain expectation, disquiet and restlessness, and to encourage interested hopes and fears that the national govern ment will continue to furnish to classes of citizens in the several States means for sup port and maintenance, regardless as to whether they pursue a life of indolence or of labor, and regardless also of the consti tutional limitations of the national authori ty in times of peace and tranquility. The bill is herewith returned to the House of Representatives, in which it originated, on its final action. ANDREW JOHNSON. Washington, D. C., July 16,1866. Advice of an Old Lady. 44 Now, John, listen to me, for I am older than you, or I could'nt be your mother.— Never do you marry a young woman be fore you have contrived to happen at the house where she lives, at least four or five times, before breakfast. Y'ou should know how late she lies in bed during the morn ing, or whether the morning wash aud the towel have robbed her of her evening bloom. You should take care to surprise her so that you could see her in the morning dress and observe how her hair looks when she Is not expecting you ; if possible, you sho'd be where you can hear the morning con versation between her and her mother. If she is ill natured and snapish with her mo ther, so she will be to you, depend upon it. But if you find her up and dressed neatly in the morning, with the same countenance the same smiles, the same neatly combed hair, and the same ready and pleasant an swers to her mother, which characterized her appearance and deportment in the eve ning, and particularly if she is iending a hand to get the breakfast ready in good season, she is a prize, John, and the sooner you secure her to yourself the better." A MISTAKE, —Neighbor Talkinton was about six feet and a lialflong, and was fa miliarly known as "Tallkitten." His pedal extremities were so well developed that No. 15 bftots were too limited for his under standing. Ho was compelled to furnish a special pair of lasts, and pay an extra price to protect his foundation from incle ment weather. It took several liberal nips of long range whiskey to put "life and metal in his heels," but on 6 day op portunity being favorable, he succeeded in getting aboard an extra supply, and came home in the night cold and very badly fud dled. Mrs. T. and her son, a boy about five or six years had retired for the night She observed him enter the room and take a seat, before the embers, and placing one heel on the other toe settled kown to warm and take a quiet nap. After dozing some time Ve awoke chilly; the embers were completely hid from view and seeing his feet mistook them for his little boy, when with a majestic side wave of his hand he said, ''stand aside my little son and let your poor father warm himself." How DO TOU LIKE IT, SOLDIERS. —You who fought for the restoration of the South ern States to the Union, how do you like the programme adopted by Congress to keep those States out of the union. How do you like the expenditure of millions to keep up the Negro Bureau, whilst you and your families must eat your bread by the sweat ot your face! How do you like the continual, persistent and endless legislation by Congress for the blacks, whilst not a single enactment is made for your relief, — How do you like the doctrine of the Rad icals that you fought for Negro Suffrage and Equality of the Races instead of for the Union and the Constitution? If you like all this, vote Gen. Geary. If not, cast your ballot for Heister Clvmer, the candi date of the Union men, and the white men of Pennsylvania,— Ex. SDN STROKE. —In these very hot days the liability to sun stroke is great Many cases occurred throughout the country in the early part of last week. It behooves every person exposed to the sun to take all precautions to avoid the danger of coup de soliel. A good preventive for those who are exposed to the burning rays, is a wet hand kerchief, or a handful of green leaves in the hat. Another thing: avoid, as you would the plague, ice water when over-heated.— Do not drink when perspiring from exer cise ; wait a few minutes or so till the blood is cooled. The sudden shock to the system from pouring cold water into an ov er heated stomach has killed many, and we doubt not, will kill many more ; but the wise man foresees the evil, and tries to avoid it. THE "SO-CALLED WHITE RACE." —In one of the many black bills introduced re cently into the United States Senate by Charles Sumcer, occurs the following sec tion : " Section 5. That any citizen who has been a slave.or is the descendant of a slave, or who does not belong to the so called white race, that may hereafter be unlaw fully deprived of his vote by any person, may maintain a suit or suits, and recover damages of any such person in any dis trict in which such person may be found." The bill was ordered to be printed. tar Some of the citizens of Lancaster started on a turtle hunt last week, and re turned with seventy two "snappers." A Tale of Horror-* A Model Story, PART FIRST, Jane Ann Pillkinhorn was the only dar ter of poor but honest parents. They had no other child but her. She wai their all, and besides the dog Towzer, (who was * dog and warn't pertiklerly overbudened with hranes,) she was the only human beio their had to lav. That, howsumdever,was their misfortin and not their fault. Her ize shone like a new brass kittle, and her cheeks was as red as a temperance leck terer's nose. Her hare was the color of saf ron tea, and her form was as graceful as a hound pup. So much for Jane Ann Pill kinhorn ! FART SF.KWND. Jethro Snodgrass was an adopted son of the Rev. Modeeai Mumblechops, the vil lage parson. He was a "fair and kumly youth," as the poet sez, and stood six feet in his stockins. (That is in the Winter.— In the Summer he don't wear stockins.) — His compleckshun was as clear asthecom pleckshun of a taller candle, and his hair curled as nateral as the tail of a yelpin cor when getten a bastin from his master. But Jethro had one falein. Althow adopted, he was in every respekt, a minister's Aon ! He driv a fast boss, and was pertiklerly fond of female sosiety. He smoked segars and drinked beer, and was very much in kiined for sosiety of wimmin. He played keerds and pitched quates for a shillin a game, and was constantly runuin artcr the gals. He liked to danse all nite to the feerful raspin' of the country fiddle; but his topmost pashun was a bankeriu arter the opposite sect. Otherwise lie wouldn't have been a minister's son ! And there's where the laff come in ! So much for Jethro Snodgrass. PART THIRD. I believe that I have previously intimat ed that Jethro Snodgras was fond of wim min ot the female sect. But of all the wimmin in town, Jane Ann Pillkinhorn was his fust choice and his best holt. He luved her very muchly,and she dittoed him full as muchly if not niuchlier. Their too luvs blended together Jike bordinhouse bis ket, (which can't be pulled apart without using the pinchers and a clawhammer.) — And ean it be possible that too fond hearts like theiro must be forcibly ripped asun der ! Yes, gentle reader! it is possible, and ( a good deal possibler! PART FOPRTH. In was a cold night in the month ofJan newary. Jerusalem! how cold it was! It was cold enuff to freeze the noze on a graven immidge, It was enymost as cold as a rich relation's greeting. Jane Ann Pilikinhorn and Jethro Snodgrass were "trippin the light fantastic hoof," (as Spurgeon sez,) in the dancin hall of Bill Baxter's tavern.— "The taller candles shone o'er fair wimmin and brave men, and all wentjollyasa din ner-bell." But hark! what sound is that ? That feerful sound kawses the dancers to dry up on their dancin, and even the fid dler to cease his onairthly stranes 1 Jane Ann Pillkinhorn has fainted and tumbled kercbuck on the bare floor! "Water! water!' shouts Jethro Snod grass, pathetically. Remarkin as bow that was the fust time in ten years that he'd heard young Snod grass call for water, and that he didn't keep the stuff in bis house, Bill Baxter (the tavern keeper) run to the bar and fetched np a decanter of airthquake jin which he throwed into Jane's face. Jane Ann im mejuntly rekivered! Jethro Snodgrass took her into his arms and toted her into the parlor. She put her arms clean around his neck, cxclaimin — ' My preserver ! my preserver!" "Not by a darned site!" sez Bill Baxter, who was standin by, and who had a sneak in noshun after Jane Ann himself (bein n bachelor andonraarried,) and was there fore jelns—"not by a darned site 1 You ncver'd come to if I hadn't slung thirty seven cents worth of jin in your face, and now Snodgrass is gittin the kredit of it." "Beware!" sez SnodgrasL "Beware how yon pre oke my wrath or I'll smash our jaw!" Bill Baxter not bein a fitin mar. immejuntly rctreetid, vowin venjunce onto Jethro.— And he had it speedily! Ten ininntes arterward Jethro Snodgrass entered the bar-room, and throwin' three cents onto the bar, exclaimed into a voice of thunder and litenin— 44 Gi 7e me a glass ot your best jin !" Bill Baxter, with a lere in his sore eyes such as only a fiend inkarnitcood immytate sot up the bottle. Jethro poured out a tumbler full and drank it down at one gulp. In less than ten sekunds he clapped both hands on his stummick, and hollerin' 44 Pi zened ! pizened !" he danced around the floor in fearful aggcrny! From that shock he never rekivered, bat after a lingerin illness of three days he ex pired. Jane Ann Pilkinhorn was kerricd home in a wheel-barrer in a state ofankon shusness, ravin and tarin her bare like a dis appointed John 801 l Englishman arter in vestin all his property in the Konfederate Loan. She is now thirty years old and aint much on her marry. To the last chap that popped the question at her she replied with tears in her eyes that she 44 didn't see it,'' and "that if he hadn't no more feeling than to come gallivantin ronDd a young gal that was mournin the loss of her lover the best thing he cood do was to go and bag his head." Bill Baxter the tavern keeper was arrest ed and tried for highbougery in third per son singular, but on akkount of th® maeo- Wt9MDB g^oo SCENE AT THE TEEASURT SHOP. — Ssskst after Celibrity. —"Say, Mister, what are yous terms for printing folks' on your currency ? I see most everybody's getting bis picture on." Mr. Clar-k — 44 We should be happy to oblige you, but I'm sorry to say they've shut down ou us at head-quarters, and we've got to give up the business." If A man painting the cornice of a house in Hartford a few days since fell from the ladder, and it was supposed was badly hurt. Immediately after the fall a young man ran to inform the painter of the misfortune that had Overtaken his workman The "boss" listened to the tolling descrip tion of the fall, and with the ruling passion still strong in him asked, anxiously u did he spill the paint 7' fiS" A lawyer and a doctor were once discussing the antiquity of of their respec tive professions, and each cited authoHty to prove his the more ancient. <4 Mine." said the disciple of Lycurgus, "commenced al most with the world's era; Cain slew Abel and that was a criminal case in common." "True," rejoined Eseulapius, "but my pro fession is coeval with creation itaeif. Old mother Eve was made out of of a rib taken from Adam's body, and that was a surgical operation." The lawyer dropped tba green bag. PR® VERBS. —Don't swap with your rela tions unless you can afford to give then® the big end of the trade. Marry young, and if circumstances re quire it often. If you can't git good clothes and odica tion too git the clothes BfSay, "How are you ?" to everybody. Cultivate modesty, but keep a stock of impudence on hand. Be charitable; three cent pieces are made on purpose. It costs more to borrow than to buy.* If a man flatters you, you can caUcelate be is a rogue, or you arc a fnle. Keep both eyes open, but don't see mor'n half you notis. If you itch for fame go into a grave yard and scratch yourself against a tcme-stone Two armies generally agree nntil en gaged. Who till now ever saw waterfalls canght in nets ? Scarlet and yellow are both very good colors for dresses bad ones for fevers There are comparatively few business men who understand the art of advertising Some men advertise for a short time after they commence business, and think that is sufficient; others omit advertising after they hare established a flourishing bnsmesa by its aid. From the moment a bouse ceases to advertise, however large its rep utation and standing, it begins to decline. The changes are so rapid in this country the public mind is so constantly occupied by new applicants for its attention, that to be out of the papers, where everybody seeks information on every subjeet, is to be forgotten. The press is daily becoming necessity, and its usefulness as an adver tising medium is as constantly increasing.. No man is wise or just to himself who un dertakes to do bosiness without availing himself of its advantages. A blacksmith would be looked upon as foolish, if he were to pile coal upon his forge, apoly tbe fire, and neglect to The merchant who fills bis store, or the tradesman who opens bis shop, aod to> keep the fact before the people, is equally shortsighted. The trade may eoroe, but it will be sTow indeed. Be up and doings show peeple that you are at work—striving to snceeed, and we warrant you hard times will never knock vary long or loud at your door. Providence helps those who help* themselves, and the largest crop* coma from the beet tilled fields every time. VOL. 5 N0.49 ft facterer of the gin that Bill told bein fore man on the jury, the jury coodent agree and Bill was discharged. Afw months arterwards be waf smashed to death under a pile driver and was obleeged to go sooth for his health. Sich is life. Morril.—Don't drink airthquake jin. jar A little girt,fcmr years old, defined thunder a® M a greet big stone rolling around in Heaven." GUARDED.—"Were yon guarded in your conduct while in New York T said n Hither to his soo, who had just returned to his home from his visit to the city. "Yes sir, part of the time by two policemen." tW An exchange paper says : "We laid before our readers, last week, a natty sketch of the proceedings of Congress."— The editor undoubtedly meant to say hasty sketch, but the types evidently knew the propriety of names better than he did. jar A clergyman was once sent for fa the middle of the night, by one ot the fa dies of his congregation. "Well, my good woman," said he, "so you are very ill, and require the coosola tions of religion f What can I do for yoo 7 "No," replied the old lady, "I am only nervous and can't sleep," "How can I help that P asked the par son. "O, sir, you always put me to sleep so nicely when I go to church that I thought if you would only preach a little for me I" The parson made tracks. To Business Men.