C|jt flraocrat, HARVEY SICkEER, Editor. TUNKHANNOCK., PA Wednesdy, June 13, 1866. FOR GOVERNOR. 109. HEISTEH CLYMEB, OF BERKS. THE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM, The Democracy of Pennsylvania in Convention met, recognizing a crisis in the affairs of the Re public, and esteeming the immediate restoration of the t'nion paramount to all other issues, do re solve : 1. That (be States, whereof the people were late ly in rebellion, are ontegral parts of the Union, and are entitled to representation in Congress by men duly elected who bear true faith to the Constitution and Laws, and in o.der to vindicate the maxim that taxation without representation is tyranny, such representatives should be forthwith admitted. 2 That tbe faith of the Republic is pledged to the payment of the National debt, and Congress should'pass all laws necessary tor that purpose. J. That we owe obedience to the Constitution of the United States (including the amendment prohib iting slavery,) and under its provisions will accord to those emancipated all their rights of person and property. 4 That each State has the exclusive right to regulate the qualifications of its own electors. 5. That the white race alone is entitled to the con trol of the Government of the Republic, and we are unwilling to grant to negroes the righ* t vote. g. That the bold enunciation of the principles of the Constitution and the policy of restoration con tained in the recent annual message and freedmen's bureau veto message of President Johnson entitle him to the confidence and support of all who respect the Constitution and love their country, 7- Tbat the nation owes to the brave men of fur anuies and navy & debt of lasting gratitude for ,v =t such a man for her chief magistrate? W ho that is acquain ted with the affairs of the State, does not know that the most pressing of all her needs is a hold and honest Governor who whenever as'oid responsibility, bit fearless ly confront any man or any con hii ation of men who may seek the promotion of indi vidual interests at the expense of the gen eral welfare. Democrats of Pennsylvania you may ju tly he proud of you candidate when the bitterest ofhis political opponents her testi mony to his unflinching courage and his inflexible honesty. — SOLDIERS CONVENTION OF CUM BERLAND COUNTY. Geary Repudiated by ills own Soldiers. The so'diers of Cumberland county met in Convention at Carlisle, at the call of Gen. Hartranft, on Monday, the 28th n!t. The meeting was large and enthusiastic. So cial Ca/'tu'jis, ohseiviug the unexpected completion, withdrew. -The following resolutions were then of fered by Captain Lloyd and unanimously adopted : We, the soldiers of Cumberland Co., who took part in the war for the Union, beinii this day assembled in Convention, -under the call of M; j. Gen. Hartranft, da hereby declare to our fellow citizens our sentiments: lie.wived. That having fought for the Union, and assisted in restoring th- nation al authority throughout the land, we are unalterably opposed to the radio il r volu tionists in Congress, who are attempting to do what the rebels failed to do—sub\ert our free institutions and destroy the Union. Resolved, That the rebellion being crush ed, and its armies dispersed, the people ot the Southern States should he immediately restored to their rights in the I tiion, and loyal representatives should he admitted to Congress : and we declare the late action of Congress, excluding those States for four years from representation, and at tbe same time making them subject to taxation, to l>e unjust and tyrannical. Resolved , That this Government was made for white men, and should he so per petuated ; and we are therefore opposed to negro suffrage, and will sustain no candi date for office who will not avow himself unequivocally opposed to negro sufl'ragu and negro equality. Resolved, That we will sustain no party which seeks to detract from the honor justly due to white soldiers, of conquering the rebellion and saving the Union, by de claring that without the assistance of the negro,t he cause would have been lost, and '•the negro bears the palm." Resolved, That we are in favor of the equalization of the bounties to the soldiers and sailors who fought in the war for the Union ; and we urcre uoon Congress speedy legislation to effect this object. Resolved, That we will stand by An drew Johnson in his noble efforts to de feat the bold had men who stand in the way of the restoration of the States to their full constitutional rights, and that we he lieve that in his magnanimous policy is on ly to he found a sure road to a restoration of a union of hearts, and Union of States, and peace and prosperity to the whole of our land. Resolved, That we believe that Hon. Ileister Clymer, the Democratic candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, holds upon all the great principles of public policy views similar to our own, and is a firm supporter of President Johnson, and that therefore we will support hirn with our voices and with our votes. S3T The Union League advertises for all soldiers out of employment to engage in peddling pictures of General Geary ! This is not quite what they were promised while the war was going on. A few days since a coffin containing the body of a lad v wag shipped from Parkert* burg, Ya., on board of. the D. M. Sechle* # for transportation to Guernsey, Ohio, via. Wheeling. Upon reaching its destination and being opened by the friends, their horror and dismay may he imagined upon that the unfortunate lady had evidently come to life during her incarcera tion within the narrow limits of her coffin. Her hands were up to her head, and tan gled and disorded hair gave evidence of a struggle which must have been as brief M terrible. Local and Personal. Deliclous---The Ice Cream, to be bad at Mr. Lease's Fancy Store. Additions are constantly being made by Baa- Dell A Banatyne to tbeir already complete amort* ment of Dry-Goods, Gro-erics, Hardware, Hats, Cap* Boots. SI oes, Farming imploments. Ae.. A., Scran ton City C barter election was held ot'the s'h inst. and resulted in the election of the entiiw Democratic Ticket, except one, by majorities aver aging about 2GO. E S. M Hill of the ScranU Register was elected Mayor. The New Tannery spoken of by us some timtf since, is progressing finely, The foundations art about fin:.-tied, and tbe framing for the superatrue ture is now commenced' The whole building whem finished will be about 300 feet in length. The Hand, at this place which waa recently started anew, is said to be m iking very rapid pro gress. Under the thorough training of its efficient lei dor, Ge o. S. Tutton Eiq , this could not well be other wise. 1 he Gipsy Queen is (he very enchanting nam* of a new style of HonDet just introduced in the fash ionable world. This "lore of a bonnet" together' With all the latest style of ribbons and fancy arti cles generally, can now be seen at Mrs. Bardwell'a new millinery store, on Tiga St. Our Lady friends who have been in search of something "new under the suu" will fin t it in the "'Gipsy Qteen" The Caucasian a new Democratic Campaign paper i.-sued from the office of the American Vol* unicer, is to be published by Br.itton A Kennedy.- It will be issued weekly from July 6th until the close of the October election. Each number will be embellished with portraits of distinguished in iiv: duals or cuts illustrative of the political history of trie times. Single copy, 50 cents, one hundred copies $25. Address liinttou A K nneily, Carlisle, Pa. Make up clui s A send for the Caucasian. The name 1- a gf Meshoppen township, dec'd, in and to all that certain farm or lot of land situate in Meshoppen township aforesaid, bounded North by bin iot George Felkir and Jacob Arnts, East by land of James Jennings ; South by land of Andrew : Bush and Jacob Decker' and West by land of Robert Clayton and George Arnts ; containing about one hun ire 1 ar.l seven acres, more or less, will be sold to tho highest bidder at public vendue.at the prem ises above described, on the 9th day of June, 18gg. at 1 o'clock, P. M. JOHN FLUMMERFELT. Adm'r. CAUTION. My wife Enteline having 'eft my bed and board without just cause or provocation this is to forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as I pay no debts of her contracting. EMERY HINKLEY.. NICHOLSON, May Igth, 18gg v504!2W. Lost. Off the stage, on the Public road, between Tunk hannock and Meshoppen, a Quarter Barrel, or keg of Lager Beer Keg from P. U Robinson's Scran tou Brewery, and striped with red. The finder is requested to return the empty keg to the subscri bers, or leavo it for them in the vicinity of the place whero found CORTRIUHT A ELLIS. NOTICE. The School Directors of Tunkhannock Township, are requested to meet at Tunkhannock, at R. R. A. W. K Little's office, on Monday the 11th June, at 2 o'clock P M. The citizens are requested to at tend * B y rder of the Board. A MONTH S—AGENTS want SatM ed for six entirely nets mtttcu* just out. Address 0 T. GAREY, City Baildiags Biddeford, Maine. -lyear.