133333 3 3 3 31 ESPECIAL NOTICE To the Ladies! MR?, T. A. MILLER, A S JUST OPENED FOURTH DOOR BEIOW POST OFFICE n WARREN STREET, anew MIXJZITN-XIR-T- SHOP. wbtri can b found the best assortment of Millinery goods in Wyoming County. Having selected her goods herself and exclusively for MILLINERY PURP SES. and as her stock consists of articles too numerous to chronicle, she woula invite the ladies to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. BONNET REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. Tunkhannock, May 2d, 1555 New SPRNG AND SUMMER Millinery. MRS. BARDWELL returns her sincere thanks to the Ladies of T_U NKfIANNOCK , and Vicinity, and would inform them that she nas , I removed to her new Store —first door east of 11 right . A Co's Banking Office, with greater facilities than heretofore enjoyed' llavingjust returned from the City with I AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY A •he can and will offer superior inducements to every . customer. Arrangements have been completed for FASHIONABLF DRESS AND CLOAK-MAKING la all its varieties DRESS TRIMMINGS, ORNAMENTS, j BUTTONS, BELTS, BUCKLES, PATTERNS, HOODS, NUBIAS, and a fullessor' ment of FANCY GOODS kept eon stantly on hand. Tunkhannock, Oct, 11 1865. A LA , I.ATEST FROM NEW YORK MRS. A. CJ. STARK, TAKES PLEASURE IN again informing her friends, and the laJies gen erally that she has received, and is still receiving a new and well selected assortment ol STRING AND SUMMER GOODS, > Consisting of HATS. BONNETS. RIBBONS FEOSSES, FEATHERS, LACES, HEAD DRESSES, and, in short all art.cl .s usually found in a MILLINERY STOLE. She solicits a call from all requiring GOODS in her lino, before purchasing elsewheie. Mrs Stark can be found at the house formerly occupied by Hen ry Stark, in the borough *. 1 I . In the article of Teas, both as t priees and quality, I fteftj ©omprijHait GINGER, PEPPER, SPICE, CINAMON CLOVES, NUTMEG, MUSTARD, CREAM-TARTAR, RAISINS, FfGS, POWDER, SHOT AND LEAD. ran in ins i in urn, -ALSO FLAVORING EXTRACTS FOR PUDDINGS, 1 IBS, CUSTARD AND ICE CREAM. SPICE SALMON & SARDINES, in boxes—a fine artisle for Pie-nic, fishing and pleasure parties, Ice Cream Constantly on hand, and furnished in any quanti ty desired, on short notice* MACARONI— FOR SOUPS. SMOKED HALIBUT. Vf 0 * A Urge and varied assortment of LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS GLOBES AND WICKS, ALSO kerosene Oil N. B.— WOOL, niDES, PURS, AND gHEEP PELTS, purchaaed for cash or trade, for which tb* bigheat caah prices will be paid. Sail aitti fiamjite. , P. BUCK. Tmakha aneek, Jue2 vMft Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Land in Wyoming Co. Notice is hereby given, that under and by virtue of the several acts of assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. pasted for the Collection of Taxes 1 on unseated lands, the Treasurer of Wyoming Co, will on the second to wit 11th June A. D. 18gg at the Court House in the Borough of Tunkbannock expose to Public Sale the following tracts and parts of tracts of unseated land for the taxes and costs on them respectively. Sale to commence at one o'clock P. M, ACRES. WARRANTF. K NAMES. TAXIS. EATON. *417 Bowman Francis 5 42 i 439 Buchaonan John 5.72 424 Clark Peter 5.44 340 Clark James .. .4 42 435 Hastings Seth 566 420 Claik Thomas 5.44 420 Lock Thomas 5.44 439 Bridge Jauies 5.72] 439 Fisk Wu 5.72 j 439 Fowls Samuel 5.75 FOKKSTON. 203 Bowman Joseph 7,21 200 Betterton Win 7,10 406 Bowman Solonun 14 41 400 Raker or Barton John 14,21 300 Bowman Joshua 10,63 406 Bartlett Joseph 14,41 406 Bird or Baiid Benj 14.4J 266 Boyce John 9 45 214 Clynmr Darnel 7,58 100 Cotringer James 3 73 300 Carmon Michal 10,62 406 Carman Samuel 14.41 405 " Nicholea 14.41 153 " J hn .... SAI 100 Campbell Robert 3.73 406 Delong Peter 14,41 406 '* Simon 14 41 203 " William 7,21 410 Dewitt Moses 14,54 203 Delong John 7,21 153 Dewitt Aaron 5,41 103 (i Andrew 3 66 153 " Thomas 5,41 220 DenrJson Thomaa 7,81 400 Elliott Polly 14,20 406 FUh Thoa 1-4,-41 469 Fry John 7,82 450 Fish Joseph 15.28 203 Gore Daniel 7.21 150 Grant Paul 4.34 439 Hall Wm 15.62 400 Hay Henry 14 20 439 Hall or Hill Sarah 15 62 400 Knox James 14.20 400 " David 14,20 203 KindallWm.S 7.21 77 ' King Samuel 2,7g 400 Knox John 14,20 400 " Samuel 14,20 400 King Simon. . 14 20 180 Law Wm 6.37 430 LmxSarah 15.27 214 Landers George 7.64 440 Muskgrave Isra -! 15,62 401 " Moses 14 26 410 McClure Robert 14 55 410 " Samuel 14 55 150 McLaughlen John .5 32 100 McLoughlen Jsuics 3.55 100 Morris Wm 3,55 439 Muzzy Wm 15.62 439 " Amos 15.62 439 McClure James 15.62 340 Miller Henry .1205 400 Oker John 14.20 90 Pa!ten Jamee 3.40 20 " Wm 71 400 " Charles 14,20 410 Isaac 14.55 409 Payne George 14 41 219 R-ed Collisn 7 82 201 Renshaw Richard 7.13 330 Smith Richard 13,47 200 Stephen Anna 7,10 439 " Simon...* 15.62 410 Stewart George 14 55 299 Sehull P. fer 7,10 260 Todd James 9,£>l 437 " John Jr 15.64 400 White Andrew 14 20 325 " Samuel 11.48 45 Ward John 1,64 190 Ward James 6,75 304 White Robert 10,80 * 400 " James 14 20 400 " John 14,20 420 Yarrington John 14,69 406 Berkley Hannah 14,41 175 Piles Wm 5.64 406 Paine Maria P 14.41 406 Stephens Perry 1141 437 Lenox Robert 15.64 LEMON 113 Ramsey A H Trumbelk. 2,94 MONROE. 439 Betterton Jacob 13 86 206 Bradlev Hannah 6,39 203 Bailey Duah 6 30 521 " Daniel 1008 400 Campbell James 12,60 400 " Margret 12.60 389 Paugherty Richard 12 60 406 Downing Reuben 12 79 406 Davis Johnathan Jr 612,79 400 Derbyshire John 12.60 376 Delong Fanny 11.83 200 Espy George 6.30 400 Gulby Eunice 12 60 400 Grubb Peter 12 60 408 Gridley Daniel 12,85 400 Harmison Wallace 12 60 380 McKnight David 12.10 400 McCoy Ephraim 12,60 410 Na-h Phineas 12,88 409 Pierce John 12,88 400 Palmer Wm 12.60 439 Renshaw Ann 13.76 439 John 13,76 MONROE. 388 Stewart Mary. 12 22 439 Stephen Simon 13.76 418 Smith Peter 13,15 406 Tripp John 12.78 406 Todd John. v 12,78 NORTH BRANCH 410 Barkley George 16 60 65 Bittle Samuel 2,65 400 Covel Mathew 16,20 262 Covel Oralia 10'63 410 Davis Iluldah 16 60 25 Crispin James 1 00 420 Frisk Jibez 16 60 410 Hall James 1.06 410 Kelly Joseph 16,60 410 Daniel 16,60 395 Mason Abraham 12,47 175 McCoy Ann 7,12 100 Morris Wm 4.03 123 Phi'.lipps Thomas 4,63 NICHOLSON. 44£ Fritz Christopher I^4 TUNEHAN NOCK. 63 Henry Fab ....1,64 441 Hepler George 1 11.46 150 Thompson Wm : 3,92 145 Thompson Samuel 3,76 145 Peckham A. K 3,76 WASHINGTON. 90 Hampton Satnn 2,34 61 Hampton Samn 158 S. H. JENKINS, TRKASCREK. Treasurer'* Office, > Tsnklnmw* April 4 J Mercantile Appraisement for 1866. The undersigned having been appointed Mercan tile appraiser for the County of. Wyoming, lor rhe year 1866, hereby certifies the following to be a cor rect list of assessment of retailers in Foreign Mer chandise, with thetr names, class, and rate in the several towhships in said County, to wit: CLASS NAMES BATE. BRAINTRIM. 13 B. Wakemau k Co ge shall have no reason to regint having aided in sua taining an institution where goods can always b bought for their true value, and NOME BUT GOOD ARTICLED KEPT. His stock consists in part of a general a rtment of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS- Nuts Fruits and Candies, Tobacco and Snuff, *• . ? LAMPS. LAMP CHIMNIE3, * AND FRUIT CANS, BOOTS SHOES, STONE AND TIN WARE, HATS. CAPS, KEROSENE OIL, AND PURE CIDDR VINEGAR, FARMING UTENSILS, PATENT PAILS, WOOD EN PAILS, POWDER AND SHOT, and an endless variety of YAO2L3K S3BTIOHS, Ac. Ac., all of which will be seld for cash, or changed for anything that farmers have to^aell, GEO LEIGHTON. Tunkhannock, July 20, 1865. N B CASH PAID FOR BUTTER LARD IGGS FURS, SKINS, Ac. v4n4B Q. L W' A Lecture to Young Men. jfiTihk . Just published, in a sealed envelope r ' ce ® A Lecture on the na- MEWSMW ture, treatment and radical cure of I or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary ■ Emissions, Sexual Debility and Impediments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and fits : Mental ani Physical Incapaci ty, resulting from Self Abuse, Ac. By Robert J. Culvcrwell, M. D., author of the "Greenßook," Ac. The world renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves, from his own experience, tha* the awful consequences of Self Abuse may be effectually removed without Medicine, and without j dangerous surgical operatiors, bongles, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing ont a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may : cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands.— Sent under seal to uDy address, in a plain, sealed I envelope, on receipt of six cents, or two postage j stamps. Also Dr CulvarweH's Marriage Guide, i price 25 cents. Address CHAS. S. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York. P. o- box 4586. v4n36ly. w Our Letter A Family Sewing Ma. . chine, with all the new improvements, is the best, I and cheapest and most beautiful Sewing Machine in the world. No ather Sewing Machine has so much capacity for a great range of work, including the delicate and ingenious processes of Hemming Braiding, Binding Embroidering, Felling, TucKing Cording, Gathering, Ac., Ac, The Branch Offices are well supplied with Silk' Twist. Thread, Needles, Oil, Ao„ of the very nest I quality, Send for a Pamphlet, THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 458 Broadway, New York, Philadelphia Office, 810 CHESTNUT STREET HARVEY SICKLER. Agent, ift Borough Ordinance An directing the grad ing and laying of Side or Foot walk# on certain Streets in the Borough of Tunkhannock. Section Ist. Be it Ordained by the Bergen and Town Council of the Berough of Tunkhannock, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that the owners of lots fronting on TIOGA STREET, in said' Borough—on tha north side thereof—from the ca nal-bridge near the Aqueduct, to tha-winer at Fut man street, and on the south side tin. of from the premises of John Keating, to the corner at rutin an street ; and that the owners of lots ti ding on TURNPIKE or BRIDGE STREET— on the . t side thereof, from the canal-bridge embankment near- E Wbcblock's store-house, to the corner at Se nd street and on the west side thereof from the em bankment aforesaid to the corner at Tioga street; and that the owners of lots fronting on WARREK STREET— on the east side thereof —from the canal bridge embankment, near Gearhart A Co's Foun dery, to the corner of the Public (Cov.rt-house > square, at Marion Street; and en the wast side thereof from the embankment last aforesaid to tbe corner of the Publie square at Marion street ; and thai the owners of lots fronting on PUTNAM STREET, on the east side thereof from the premises, late the tate of Benson Jones dee'd., to the corner of the Public square at Marion street; and on the west side thereof from the corner at Tioga street, to the corner at Clay street; and that the owners of left fronting on MARION Streetjon the south side therof and that the owners of lots fronting on SECOND Street, on the south side thereof be required ; and that the said lot owners are hereby required and d ; rected to grade the side or foot-walks in front of their premises and lots respectively, and lay down, build and construe'; upon the same, good and sub stantial walks of flagging or plank ; except upon Putnam, Marion and Second streets, where such walks may be of flagging, plank or gravel, at iho election of the owners or builders. Section 2d. And it is furtlier'ordained by the authority afore said, that the side or foot-walks on the north sida of Tioga street from tbe east side of C P. Miller'a Brick store to the corner at Warren street, and on the east side of Warren street from the "corner at Tioga street to the north end of Brick block of Perry Marcy ; and on the east side of Turnpika street from K Wheelock's store to the corner at Tioga gtreet, be built of a width not less than eight feet--nd that all other walks be built of a width not less than five (5) feet. Section 3d. And it is further ordained by-the authority afore said, that all plank walks shall be of plank not leaa than two inches in thickness ; the same to be laid crosswise. The five feet walk, upon two, and tha eight feet walk, upon '.three sleepers or sills— said sills to be four by five inches in size, upon which the planks are to be securely spiked. Section 4th And it is further ordained by the authority afore said that all the walks harem ordained and directed to be made, shall be made and done under the di rection and supervision of the? Burgess and Town Council, or a street commissioner by them appoint- , ed—and that the said walks, or any part thereof, if not made and finished en or before the Ist day of June 1866, shall be built by the Borough,' at the cost and expense of the adjoining lot owner—which cost and expense, with '2O per cent added, shall ba entered as a lien npon such premises and collected ak is provided by the General Borough Laws of this commonwealth. JAMES YOUNG, Burgeae. HARVEY SICKLER, Sect'y of Town Council. March 20, 1866- STORE! Nicholson Pa., Wm. O. GARDNER St CO. have just received a largo eplendid stock ® goods consisting of jfimtn Giooiis, CLOTHING. BOOTS t SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, UMBRELLAS, TRAVELLING BAGS and TRUNK* k Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Trimmings, YANKEE NOTIONS se., #c., All goods • >ld by us warranted as recommended Our aim "To keep goo.d Goods," Our motto, "Not to be undersold." In connection with the store is a TAILOR-SHOP. GARMENTS) CUT AND MADEJN THE LATEST STYLE. :P1!-M1I IB EMU W. O. GARDNER & CO. Nicholson, Pa. vsa3l. ME A?T Mar ket! The Subscriber announces to the citizens of Tunk ha.mcck and vicinity, that he is now opeuing a MEW MEAT MA KET OPPOSITE WALL'S HOTEL ON BBIDGE ST. where by the strictest attention to tbe wants of thia community; he hopes to receive their patrorage, — lie has now on hand a fine stock of fat cattle ; and will hereafter const intly'keep for sale Beef, Mutton, Pork, Sausage, and * Poultry of all kinds, at prices as LOW AS CA A BE AFFORDED. BT ileat delivered at the resideneea of eus tomors in town, each day,jit desired. H. W. RHOAPS. Tunk. Nov. 29, 1865. vsnl7tf PER YEAR f We want agents ev erywhere to sell our IMPROVED 320 Sewing Machine* Three new kinds Under and upper feed. Warran-. Ed five years. Above salary or large commissions . aid. The ONLY machines sold In the United States por leas r 4* Wi'which on fully licensed by Hove, Wheelecheldelson, Grocer \ Baker, Singer 4* Co and Baenter. All other cheap machines are tn f ingtman and tha seller or u#er re liaklt to ar- I set fine Id imprisonment. Circualsrs free. Ad* I precal upon* Maw A CHark, Biddwferd, M*ta ■* \'' • : " - ' . A }„ J v..