THE GREAT I.i ' : -if SOUTHWESTERN Circus THE MOST COMPLETE TRAVELING EXHIBITION EVER ORGANIZED, Consisting of a magnificent outfit, • troupe of . Equestrian* and Equestriennes, n corps of gymnasts anJ acrobats, a oompaay of equestro-dramatisu, comedian* and pnetomiaists, a tall complement of equerries, grooms, and chevaliers of the arena, and a taut ensemble BRILLIANT BEYOND PRECEDENT, oosqprisiag in its comprehensive detail - > A STABHY GALAXY, selected from the ereme-de-la-creme of the various ampkitheatrical establishments of Europe and An&jityp a* The Stud of horse* ha* been chosen with no less eare, and in blood, beauty and training can defy •rivalry. ;. THE TRICK HORSES AND EDUCATED MULES are marvel*-of equine sagacity )and the latter, while while falsifying the old adage of "stubborn as a 1 mulf ( " completely bewilder the spectator with bu > manLi If e intellect, and comprehensive facile power in short, in every particular, the South Western Circfis can lay claim to the title of the HIPPO-ARENIC MODEL OP THE AGE. The fottewing gentiemsn eemprise the corps of Manager* and Directors: M. J.ROBINSON .Propristor, ALEX ROBINSON, Manager Du STEVENS, Treasurer- WM., T. QDKLL, .... Equestrian Director. Psor, MILLER, Leade. of the Band. C. E LICHARDSON. Gen'l Business Agent The cavalcade entering the town in grand proces sion preceded by the Gorgeous DRAGON CHARI OT, the' most magnificent specimen of an elaborate workmanship ever paraded before the public, splen didly eaparasoned aed drivea and controlled by Major Nash, the Champion Whip. Two Clowns at each performance. Josh Hart, the great wit end modern Qrinalui Charles Co veil#, the talking and singing Clown, ac knowledged as the most acceptable man of humor, who ever assumed a motley attire, will occupy a prominent position in the department of fun. THE COMPANY Is ltd by the folloiriag artists, each of whom is a wllely celebtated star in his or her profession. ■MADAME MARIA ROBINSON- The sunbeam ot the Cirque, the prima donna of Equestriennes and a paragon of grace, beauty, fem inine bravery and artistic excellence. LITTLE ANNIE The /uno-lik* Queen of the arena and terpairhorean ari.-ta. He rela*s>e posses upon the alackfwire, and hsr beautiful is* are equally poetic and in *. in parable. LA FAIRIE ALICE, The beautiful little histrionic equestrienne. ■■3 V | MILLE JOSEPHINE, Lately the pet of tbo Parisian public. MISS NELLIE BLANCH, The accomplished American female rider. MISS GRACE WATSON, . ' 9 l : * The Australian eduestrieone. *' ' MILLE LEO PAREPA, The beautiful Viennese, fr on the Cirque St. Mars, Venice. The daring end magnificent horse woman. WM T. ODELL, The rhampin two. foer and six horse rider. CHARLES MCCARTHY Leapar and romeraauH thrower, and the great globe equilibrist and rnotr* du Oirque MASTER TOMMY, Man monkey and comi* rider. LITTLE ALEX. ROBINSON. Trick rider and somen lultist, the wonder of the world. THE DKLAVANTE BROTHERS, The motley delioeUlersof the Grecian and Roman school* of High Art, exemplified in their beautiful classic olympian melanag*. JOSH HART. The great Dutch Clown, a merry offshoot of Momus a fellow of infinite wit, and a genuine and original sp*eimen of of the Shaksperixn Buffo. Messrs. Chas, Long. Geo. Nixons, (Henry Howe John Noaton, Bob. Smith, Joe Ressidee Acrobates. Gymnasts and Amphitheatrical trofessors of la haute stole The Magnificent Johnster. The r rodigy of the menage, a superb specimen of blood, symmetry and intelligence, will be introduced le his educated performances. by Madam Robinson Dr, Stevens' troupe of Educated DOGS AND MOKETS. From Ashley Amphitheatre; London The. FAMOUS TRICK MULES. Suntho the spotted Spaniard, and Paul Pry unhesi tatingly pronounced the wonders of the Mule family, will be exhibited at each performance by the train er Mr Charles Co veils. ghellbark, th* iaeemprsbensibl* Roan, etc., all exslbft under a spacious oriental pavillion. amid etrwintof Orpheus like music by the double band of string and wind instruments, led by the great di rector, Prof. Miller. Admission to all parts of the paeillion, §0 cents Children under 10 years 2S cents Wjff Doors open at I and 7 p. M, This Large aad magoifioent establishment will exhibit at, Ttmkhaamek, Monday, May 14, l<4>g. Abbington, Tweeday, May 15 1866, NOTICE. * 1 1* I AiTL bj —d) — Sanag purchased the entire iaterest in th* Pho tographic Gallery ia this plaoe, I take pleasure in informing my friends and the public in general that I am prepared to produce pictures of *Tsry descrip tion, including Sn>wS VIGNETTEB. AMB ROTY PES. MELAINOTYPES, FERROTYPES, IVORY.TYPES, JLC. &©, Being possessed of every facility, I FEEL CON FIDENT of giving entire satisfaction. All ars re quested to exll and examine, aad "Seiia the shadow, ere th* anbstanc* fade." All ktaas of colored work done at the shortest no tice and in the best style of the art. Also all kinds of copying done from old pictures, from card to life sis*. Satisfaction guaranteed L. W. HERMANS. Tank. Apr Uth.1866. ' * ttmyslmt Omars forty Bswic •forJCI dollars U 600 eaeh. Fift.-on. gold or sifvtr mediate, or other first premiums, awarded them lllamraten CaUtegnee free Address, MASON A HAMLIN. Boston, er MASON Brothers, Nsw York. vlnfily. 3—19—1866 R. M. . The place to buy Good Goods and buy them cheaper than anywhere else in this or surrounding Counties, is at the OLD STAND AND NEW FIR* OF ROSS MILLS, i CO. Corner of Tioga and Warren St, where ean be found new and well selected Stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, GROCERIES, | HARDWARE, CROCKERY, HATS, CAPS. BOOTS, & SHOES, PAINTS, PAINT BRUSHES, OIL, BUILDERS HARDWARE, GLASS, SASH, PUTTY, NAILS AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Ac. Ac. We call especial attention to our Stock of i Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices Sec., .... .. • 4 '"~ *" [ Ready-Made dotting:, i GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, Ac. Ac., Also MACKEREL BY THE BARREL OR lb. COD FlSfr DUTCHESS Co PORK, all of which we will sell at a very imall advance , on City Cos truling at date of Sale ! ! Don't forget to look through and price our Stock! ROSS,MILLS A Co. l r Tunkhannoek, April 30, 1866. DENTISTRY! SR. X>. T. BURWa AMHIOIHII CITY,' Would inform the citixens of Tunkhannoek and vicinity that be is now permanently located in this village for tho purpose ot attending to all Profes sional calls, with which he may be favored. TEETH INSERTED ON ; OH RUBBER BASE. Particular attention paid to Filling and Extract ing. ALL WORK WARRANTED OR NO SALE! All persons ure invited to call before getting work done elsewhere NO CIIARG for examination of teeth. ROOMS at P. C. Burns Jewelry Store opposite Wall's Ho tel. H. BARHAM A CO. Have opened a MERCHANT TAILOR-SHOP, —AND— CLOTH iNG STORE, In S Stark's bloek, one door below the Bank where i Coats, Vests, Pants, etc. etc. OF THE 2.A7&3? aSW&JBS, Made by Mr. B .rham himself, or under his per sonal supervision, by competent workmen, of the BKT T MATERIAL. CLOTIIS, CASSIMERS, VESTINGS TRIMMINGS. and a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, constantly on hanl aed for sale, H. BARNAM k Co Tunk Pa Ma 1, lSgg, iVE W FANCY AND TRMMING STORE. Tioga Street, Tunkhannoek, Pa. MRS. E. LEASE. HAVIN 4 lately opened a new Fancy Store,, of fers for sale an entirely now assortment of THIMThTINOa, Dress Trimmings, Whit* Goeds. Embroideries Ladies Zepfaer, in all colors. Kid Gloves, Cuffs and Collars, Lace, Veils, Corsetts, Ladies Nek ties, best quality of Combs, Needles and Tbiead of the best quality, and Fancy Notions of every variety, a large stock of TOYS, Including China, Broaze, Papier Mache Tin, Rose wood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden, Parian and Candy Toys, For Ladies. Cosmatics Ac , Such as Pomades, Oils, Bandoline, bloom of youth and Paints, Rouge, Lilly Whit* Ac. MRS. E. LEASE. Tunkhannoek, May 1, 1566 vfi-n37-tf, TO CONSUMPTIVES- The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by * very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affec tion and that dread disease, Consumption- Is anx ious'to make knowll to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. ..... . . To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direction* i for preparing and using the same, which they will , find a SURE CURE tor CORSE MUTIOW, ASTHMA. Bnos i CHiTis, COUGHS. COLDS, and all Throat and Lung A" , factions The only object of the advertiser in sendl I ing the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and ! spread information which he conceives to be invali-1 i able, and he hopes every sufferer will try j as U will cost them nothing, and may provt* bless / ing Parties wishing ths prescription, rui, by reter* mail, will please address. I RET. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williainsburgb, Kings Co., Hew York vistl-lyesr. ©® Sf IWI TO HOUSE KEEPERS! Frank M. Buck i Bu just opened, at the (tore home formerly oc cupied by C T, Marsh, one door below Baldwin's Hotel, inTnahhannock, NEW GROCERY AND ■ Provision Store, where be is prepared to sell ere .ything in the t'ine of Family Groceries at prices far below those here tofore asked for then Ilis stock was selected and purchased by MR- A. G. STARK B person, whose intimate acquaintance with rade. and dealers, enabled him to purchase at prices IBWEfi THAI Til LOWEST. Mr. Stark's services as salesman, also, have been secured. In the article ot Teas, both as to prices and quality, I v fefg Sflmpetjtiflii i ! GINGER. PEPPER, SPICE. CINAMON CLOVES, NUTMEG, MUSTARD, CREAM-TARTAR, RAISINS, FIGS, POWDER, SHOT AND LEAD. in 118 im if Hi kins, -ALSO FLAVORING EXTRACTS FOR PUDDINGS, 1 IBS, CUSTARD AND ICECREAM. 1 SPICE SALMON A SARDINES, in boxes—a fine article fer Pie-nie, fishing and please r* pertiea, I 100 Cream Constantly on band, and furnished in any quaoti ty desired, on short notice* MACABONI— FOR SOUPS. SMOKED HALIBUT. 0 A Urge and varied aseertment of LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEY'S GLOBES AND WICKS, ALSO Kerosene Oil o N. B.—WOOL, HIDES, FURS, AND gHEEP PELTS, purchased for cash or trade, for which lha highest cash prices trill ba paid. ©all anil giamjae. I 9. BUCK. f nekkaaaeak, J eaat vfMfV Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Land in Wyoming Co, ' Notice is hereby given, that under and by virtue of the eeveral acts of aaaembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed for the Collection of Taxes on emulated lands, the Treasurer of Wyoming Co. Will on the second to wit 11th June A D. 18gg at the Court House in the Borough of Tunkbannook expose to Public Sale the following tracts and parte of tracte of unseated land for the taxee and coste on them roepeotively. ' Rale to commence at one o'clock P. M. ACHES, WARRANTS K NAMES. TAXES. EATON. 417 Bowman Francis 5 42" 439 Buchsnnan John 5.72 424 Clark Peier 5 44 340 Clark Jamtsa 4 42 , 435 Hastings -Seth. 5.06 420 Clark Thomas 5.44 420 Lock Thomas 5.44 439 Bridge James 5.72 439 Fisk Wm ...1.72 1 439 Fowls Samuel 5.75 roRESTON. 203 Bowman Joseph 7,21 200 Betterton Wm 7,10 406 Bowman Soloman 14 41 > 400 Baker or Barton John 14,21 300 Bowman Joahua 10,63 406 Bartlett Joseph 14.41 406 Birdorßaiid Benj 14.41 266 Boyce John 9 45 214 Clymer Daniel 7.58 100 Cotringer James 3 73 300 Carmon Michn 1 10 62 406 Carman Samuel .14 41 i 405 M Nicliolea 14,41 153 " John ...5.41 100 Campbell Robert 3,73 406 Delong Peter 14.41 406 " Simon ...'....14 41 203 " William ' 7,21 410 Dewitt Moaea 14,54 : 203 Delong John 7,21 ' 153 Dewitt Aaron 5,41 103 u Andrew 3 66 153 u Thomas 5,41 220 Dennison Thomas 7,81 400 Elliott PoiJy. 14,20 406 FishThoe... 14,41 i 469 Fry John 7.82 450 Fish Joseph 15.28 203 Gore Daniel 7.21 150 Grant Paul 4.34 439 Hall Wm 15,62 400 Hay Henry 14 20 439 Hall or Hill Sarah 15 62 400 Knox James -..14.20 400 • David 14.20 203 Kindall Wra. S 7,21 , 77 King Samuel 2,7 c 400 Knox John 11,20 400 " Samuel 14,20 400 King Simon ! 14 20 180 Law Win 6.37 430 Len. Sarah 1527 214 Landers Geprge 7.64 440 Muekgrave Israel 15,62 401 " Moses 14 26 410 MeClure Robert 14 55 410 " Samuel 14 55 150 McLaughlen John 5 32 100 McLoughlen Jauiea 3 55 100 Morris Wm 3.55 1 439 Mutzy Wm 15 62 439 " Araoa 15 62 439 MeClure James 15 62 340 Miller Henry 12 05 400 Okar John 14.20 1 90 Patten James 340 20 " Wm 71 400 " Charles 14,20 410 " I"C 14 55 409 Payne George 14 41 219 Reed Collt'sn 7 82 201 Renehaw Richard 7 13 330 Smith Richard 13.47 200 Stephen Anna 7,10 439 " Simon 15 62 410 Stewart George .14 55 299 Schull Peter 7.10 260 Todd James 9.21 437 " John Jr. 15 64 400 White Andrew 14 20 325 " Samuel 11. J 8 45 Ward John 1.64 190 Ward Jatnee 6,75 304 White Robert 10,80 400 " James 14 20 400 M John 14 20 420 Ysrringtnn John 14 69 406 Berkley Hannah 14,41 175 Piles Wm 5.64 406 Paine Maria P 14 41 406 Stephens Perry 14 41 437 Lenog Robert 15.64 I.EMON 113 Ramsey A H Trumbel! 2,94 MONROE. 439 Betterton Jacob 13 86 206 Brad lev Hannah 6.39 203 Bailey Duah 6 30 521 " Daniel 10 08 400 Campbell James 12,60 400 tx Marrret 12.60 389 Daugherty Richard 12 60 406 Downing Reuben 12 79 406 Davia Johnathan Jr 612,79 400 ©h Derbyshire John 12.60 376 Delong Fanny 11.83 200 Epy George .6.30 400 Gulhv Eunice 12 60 400 Grubb Peter 12 60 408 Gridley Daniel.. 12,85 400 Harmison Wallaoe 12 60 380 McKnight David 12.10 400 McCoy Ephraim 12,60 410 Nash Phinexa. 12.88 409 Pierce John 12,88 400 Palmer Wm 12 60 439 Renahaw Ann 13 76 439 • John 13,76 MONROE. 388 Stewart Mary 12.22 439 Stephen Simon 13.76 418 Smith Peter 13,15 406 Tripp John 12,78 406 Todd John 12,78 NORTH BRANCH 410 Barklev George 16 60 65 Bittle Samuel .2,65 400 Covel Mathew 16,20 262 Covet Ofalia.. 10'63 410 Davis Htildah 16.60 25 Crispin James 1.00 420 Frisk JabeE 16 60 410 Hall James 106 410 Kelly Joseph 16.60 410 " Daniel 16 60 395 Mason Abraham 12,47 175 McCoy Ann 7,12 100 Morris Wm 4.03 123 Phi'lipps Thomas 4,63 ( NICHOLSON. 44$ Frit* Christopher 1,14 TCNEHANNOCK. 63 Henry Fab 1,64 441 Hepler George 11.46 150 Thompson Wm 3,05 145 Thompson Samuel 3,76 ,145 pfcekham A. K.. .-. ..3,76 WASHINGTON. 90 HMnptfm Ssmn.... rx ,...^..2,34 61 HRutptoo Samo 1,58 S. H. JENKINS, TBHASURXB. TiSMQrsh Offica, > April 4 ) Mercantile Apprakseusent for IM6, I The undersigned having been appointed Merc an tile appraiser for the County of Wyoming, for rhe year 1666, hereby certifiea the following to be a cor- I feet tistol assessment ot mailers in Foreign Mer chandise, withthelr names, claas, and rate in the several towbshipa in said County, to wit: CLASS a AN as RATE BRAINTUIM. 13 B. Wakemau A Co 910,00. 13 Stevens A Tsylcr? 10,00 13 Bunnell A Brother 10.00 CUSTOM. 12 Frtar A Dean 12.50 12 W. Gardner A Son 12,50 13 WBriggsASon 10,00 EATON. 14 Jacob Carpenter 7,00 13 Wheelock A Co. 10,00 FALLS 14 C Sherwood 7,00 13 SG. Miller 10,00 FORKSTON. 14 G H. Burgess 7.00 14 H- Hitchcock 7,00 MEBOOPANV. 13 Wm. 11. Barnes A Co. 10,00 13 Wm. Jennings 10,00 12 Jennings A Co. 12,F0 14 Henry Love 7.C0 MXSHOFPEN. 11 Sterling A Son • 15,00 12 D Hankinson 12.50 12 E. Meritt 12,50 14 Jacob Hallow 7,00 MONROE. 14 E Montross 7,50 NICHOLSON. 11 Hallstead A Vanbuskirk 15,00 11 Wm. 0. Gardner A Co. 10.00 13 N. P Wilcox IQJOO 12 C C. Birge 12,50 14 Squier A Billings 7,00 14 S, L. Tiffany 7,00 NORTHMORELAHB. 13 H. Keelrr 10,00 13 Howard A Winters 10,00 14 A. L. Carey A Co. 7,00 NORTH BRANCH. 14 Wm. C. Garey 7,00 14 E. S. Bowen 7,00 TUNKHANNOCK BORO. 11 Ross Mills A Co. 15,00 12 Daniel Wright 12,00 13 John Weil 10, CO 13 C. P. Miller 10,00 14 Geo, Leighton 7,00 14 Ransler Koss 7,00 14 Frank Buck A Brother 7JO 14 Jonn Stemples ! 7,00 13 F. L. SettsurA Co. 10.00 12 F Bunnell A Co. 12,50 14 Ziba Lett • 7,00 WLRSHAH. 14 niram S. Graves 7,00 WAHHINGTON. 13 Geo W, Furman A CO. 10.00 15 F. W. Zimmerman 7,00 An appeal will be held at the Court House, rin the Borougo of Tunkhannock, on Saturday the 2d day of June 1866, for thoee who may feel aggrieved by said assessment. PAUL. C. CLAYTON, Appraiser of Mrcantile taxes. Remove ci Th# uadersignob having purchased of Mr. C. M Koon. the rooms recently occupied by him as AND >1 PROVISION STORE has removed there his stock of Goods, from "Stark* Brick Block" and with various other additions, is prepared to supply the public with anything in hU line, at a SMALLER ADVANCE UPON COST THAN ANY OTHER MAN DARE TO SELL. e' <5 t His old customers need not be toia theyw be dealt by fairly, and honorably, while as ma .we as shall see fit to favor him with their patro ge shall have no reason to regiet having aided in sus taining an institntion where goods can always b boqght for their true value, and NONE BUT GOOD ARTICLED KEPT. His stock consists in part of a general a rtnfeai of 1 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS- Nuts Fruits and Candies, r * : Z Tobacco and Bnull', LAMPS. LAMP CHIMNIES, AND FRUIT CANS, BOOTS SHOES, STONE AND TIN WARE, HATS. CAPfe, KEROSENE OIL, AND PURE CIDDR VINEGAR, FARMING UTENSILS, PATENT PAIL®, WOOD EN PAILS, POWDER AND SHOT, and an endless variety of YAIKSB LOTIOHI, Ac. Ac . all of which will be seld for cash, or changed for anything that farmers hare to*sell, GBO LEIGHTON. Tunkhannock, July 29, 1865. N B CASH PAID FOR BUTTER. LARB EGGS FURS, SKINS, PELTS, Ae. v4n4l v: g. L A Lecture to Young Men. t yw,|Jrjbg Just published, in a sealed envelope n_ (ijW Price 6 cents A Lecture on the na- HSOm ture, treatment and radical cure of Spermatorboea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility and Impediments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and fits ; Mental ani Physical Incapaci ty, resulting from Self Abuse, Ac. By Robert J. Culvcrwell, M. D., author of the "Greenßook," Ac. The world renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves, from his own experience, tha* the awful consequences of Self Abase may be effectually removed without Medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bongles, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing oat a mode of CUM at •nee certaiD and effectual, by which every sufferer, oe matter what his condition may be, ; may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands.— Sent under seal to any address, in a plain, sealed 1 envelope, on receipt of six cents, or two postage , stamps. Also Dr Culverwell's Marriage Guide, 1 price 25 cents. Address CHAS. S. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York. P. q. box 4586. v4n36ly. |3T Our Letter A Family Sewing Ma. ehuie, with all the new improvements, is the best, i and cheapeft and most beautiful Sewing Machine in I the world, No jther Sewing Machine has so much capacity for k creat range of werk, including the deiicvU) and ingenious processes of Hemming ' Braiding, Binding Embroidering, Felling, Tuciting Cording, Gathering, Ac., Ac, i Thj Branch Offices are well supplied with Silk' ; Twist. Thread, Noedles, Gil, Ac,, of the very best quality, Send for a Pamphlet, THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ' 458 Broadway, New York, Philadelphia Office, 810 CHESTNUT STREET HARVEY SICKLER. Agent, v4n4B | Borough Ordinances An Ordinance directing the grad ing and laying of SHe or Foot walk* on certain Btreets in the' Borough of Tunkhannock. Section 1 ft. Be it QrdainSd by the BnrgdM and Town COUMM of the Beioagh of Tonkhaonock, and U U heiwfep ordained by the authority of the same, that the owners of lots fronting on TIOQA STREET, in aaid Borough—on the north side thereof—from the ca nal-bridge near the Aqueduat, to the -orner at Pat man street, and on the south' side tb* of from the premises of John Keating, to the cornet it Potman street; and that the owners of lota ti ting on TLRNPIKE OCBBIDGR STREET— on the . t stdk thereof, frrm the cannl-bridge embankment ntk? E. Wbeelock's store-house, to the comer at Se id street ami on the wesi side thereof from the em-' bnnkment aforesaid to the corner at Tioga street; and that the owners of lots fronting on Wsaais STREET— on the east side thereot—from the canal bridge embankment, near Qearhart k Co's Foum dery, to the corner of the Public (Court-house) square, at Marion Street; and on the wert riJe thereof from the embankment last aforeeaid to the corner of the Public square at Marion street; and that the owners of lots fronting on PUTBAM STMIT, on the east side thereof from the premises, late the e.- tate of Benson Jones dee'd., to the cerner of the Public square at Marion street ; and on the west tide thereot from the corner at Tioga street, to the corner at Clay street ; and tbt the owners of left fronting on MARION Street ou the south side iherof and that the owners of lots fronting SBCOVD Street, on the south side thereof be required; and that the said lot owners are hereby required and directed to pride the side or foot-walks in fronto their premises and lots respectively, and lay down build and construct upon the same, good and sub* stantial walks of flagging or plank ; exoept upo Putnam, Marion and Second streets, where sue walks may be of flagging, plank or gravel, at th election of ths owners or builders. Sttiion 2d. And it is fUfther'otdslned by'the anthority'afore said, that the side or foot-walks on the north side of Tioga street from the east side of C P. Miller 1 * Brick store to the corner at Warren street, and on the east side of Warren street from the corner at Tioga street to the north end of Brick block of Perry Marcy ; and on the east* side of Turnpike street from E. Wheelock's store to the corner it Tioga street, be built of a width Dot lessjthan eight feet—-and that all other walks be built of a width not less than five (5) feet. Section 3d. And it is further ordained' byjthe authority*afore said, that ail plank walks shall be of plank not lees than two inches in thickness ; Hhe same to be laid crosswise. The five feet walk, upon two, and the eight feet walk, upon three sleepers or sills —said sills to be four by five inches in size, upon which the planks are to be securely spiked. Section 4th. And it is further ordained by the authority afore said that all the walks herein ordained and directed to be made, shall be made and done under the di rection and supervision of the Burgees and Town* Council, or a street commissioner by them appoint ed—and that the said walks, or any part thereof, if not made and finished on or before the Ist day of June 1866, shall be built by the Borough, at the cost and expense of the adjoining lot owher—which cost and exp-nse, with 20 per cent added, shall be entered as a lien upon such promises and collected as is provided by the General Borough Laws of this commonwealth. JAMES YOUNG, Burgess. HARVEY SICKLER, Sect'y of Town Council. March 20. IBgg. VIT STORE! Nicholson Pa., Wm. O. GARDNER & CO. have just received a large aid splendid stock • goods consisting of ■ I'anoj dtoflbs, CLOTHING, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, UMBRELLAS, TRAVELLING BAGS and TRUNKS, .. Cloths, Cassimeres, ~ r • Vestings, * E ■ XT Trimmings, YANKEE NOTIONS sc 9 sc 9 All goods sdd by us warranted as recommended Our aim "To keep good Goods," Onr motto, "Not to be undersold." In connection with the store is a TAILOR-SHOP. GAKMENTS CUT AND MADE IN THE LATEST STYLE. FEB Mil II EMM W.O.GARDNER & CO. Nicholson, Pa. vSo3I. ME A T~ Mar ket! The Subscriber announces to the eitisensof Tunk he.mcck and vicinity, that be is now opening a MEW MEAT M A KET OPPOSITE WALL'S HOTEL ON BBIDGK ST. where by the strictest attention to the wants ef this community; he hopes to receive their patronage,— He has now on hand a fine stock of fat cattle ; and will hereafter const mtly keep for sale | Beef, Mutton, Pork, Pausnge, tod Poultry of all kinds, at prices as • LOW AS CAA BE AFFORDED. ' \AT Meat delivered at the residenoes of eus-. , tomors in town, each day, it uesire A I H. W. RHOADS. Tunk. Nov. 29, 1865. vsn!7lf . SLSOOaX!' erywhere to sell our IMPROVED *2O Sewing Machines 1 Three new kinds Under and upper feed. Warran ed five years. Above salary or large commiseiona aid. The ONLY machines sold in the United States, por less r if Wtwhich ar •fully Bcenoed-by Hove, t Wheeiecheldelton, Groier if Singer