N V SXOBLZJZLITI PROPRIETOR.,, NEW SERIES, 4*<(kl} Democratic BY HARVEY SICKLERa Terms—l copy I year, (in advance) $2.00 set paid within six months, <2.50 will be charged NO paper will be DISCONTINUED, until all ar rearages are paid; unless at the option of puolisher. ADVBH TISIWG. 1 9 lines or , i. 1 . I lest, make three four two three 2 tix j one •nc square weeks weeks mo'th mo'thlmo'thlyear 1 Souare~ Too 1,25 2,25 2,87 J 3,00 5,00 i Jo. 2,00 2.50 3.25 3.501 4 501 6,C0 I do. 3,00 375 4,75 5,50 i 7,00, 9,00 t Column. 4,00 6 > 5(l 8,00 10,00) 15,00 | do. 6,00 6 50 10,00 12.00 17,00-25,00 1 do. 800 7,0 14,00 18,00 25,00 35,00 1 do. 10!00 1 2 >°° D,00! 22,00) 28,00U0,00 ' ADMINISTRATOR! and AUDI TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, 52.50 OBITUARIES,- exceeding ten lineg, each ; RELI loUSand LITERARY NOTICES, not of genera laterest, one half the regular rates. Rusiness Cards of one square, with paper, $5. JOI3 WORK ef all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to suit he times. All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and JOB WORK must be paid for, when ordered. ——— ftosiitMS jotirs. r> R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW J\ log a street, Tunkhannockl'a. HS. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON . Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa. GEO S. TUTTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Tunkhonnock, Pa. Office- :n Stark's Brick eek, Tioga street. WN. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, O ice in Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk annook, Pa. £lje gJuejjbr flmije, HARRISRURG, PENNA. The undersigned having lately purchased the " BUEHLER HOUSE " property, has already com menced such alterations and improvements as will render this old and popular Hours equal, if not supe rior to any Hotel in the City of Hamsourg. A continuance of the public patronage is refpect fally se-uitei. GEO . J. BOLTON STALLS HOTF.L, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE, TUN'EHANNOCK, WYOMING GO., PA. TIIIS estaLliihraent has recently been refitted nn furnished in the latest style Every attention will he given to th* comfort and convenience of those wae patronise the House. T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor,: Yutahannock, September 11, 186 M fSORTH BRANCH HOTEL, MESUOPPEN, WYOMING COUNTY, PA Win. H. CORTRIGHT, Prop'r HA\*ING resumed the proprietorship of the above Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to reader th# house an agreeable place of sojourn for • *' " " ITH . U^SRTEIOHI. fue, 3rd, 1863 ~ L> H. ,T. C. BECKER . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Would respectfully announce to the citizensofWy mieg, that he has located at Tunkhannock where he will promptly attend to all calls in the line of hie profession. \"jgT Will bo found at home on Saturdays or each week fjleans Hotel, TOWANDA, PA. p. B- BARTLET, [Bate ef BBRAINARD HOUSE, ELMIBA, R. Y. PROPRIETOR. The MEANS HOTEL, i* one of the LARGEST ad BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country—lt fa itted up in the most modern and improved style, and no pains are spared to make it a pleasant and aneeable stopping-place for all, v 3, n2l, ly. CLARKE,KEEHEY,* CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALBRB 15 LADIES', MISSES' & DENTS' ijilk aitlj Sassiimcre AND JOBBERS 19 9ATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS. BUFFALO AND FANCY ROBES, 840 BITOADWA.T', CORNER OF LEONARD STREET, asw 1. F. CLARK, I A. • KBRNET, V • . LCBBKBT. ) M. GILMAN, JL T ■ftILMAN, has permanently located In Tank P L bannock Borough, and respectfully tenderhi professional grvice to the citixens of this placeand ear rounding country. ALL WORK WARRANTED, TO GIVE SATIT / ION. ' •See ever taUea's Law Office naar ihs Poat MM* ifie Blarth Branch Democrat. f elect A PRYING DISPOSITION, Jeremiah Walpole was bom a "peeper." His bump of curiosity—sec Fowlor for the technical name—was most powerfully developed ; indeed, so great and extraor dinary was the protuberance, that the symmetry and poetry of form was com pletely destroyed. Jerry would have been rather a handsome man if his head had been well formed, but as it was, it lookod very much like a pumpkin with a large wart on it. The resemblance was the more striking from the color of his hair— bright and golden as the beams of day, and a considerable more glossy ! Naturally of an investigating turn, his propensity for prying into things was fos tered by his parents, who regarded it as a certain indication of genius, and felt as sured, in their own minds, that their boy would make his mark on the age. When no more than eight years old, Jerrv began playing the spy on the good people of Hillsboro'; and as he grew old er, he followed his avocation witli zeal and persevcrenco. lie could not have slept easy in bis bed, had he known that any thing had been done in town of which he was not cognizant. He could report with mathematical ex actness the exact number of times a week that the Jackson's had fish, the Davies fresh meat, the Stone's greens, the Drakes custards. The Wido.v Granger never carried home a spool of cotton, or a new apron, without Jerry's knowledge—and old Mrs. Blakely never bought a quarter of tea, but Jerry could have told the kind and the price. It really seemed, sometimes, as if the fellow was omnipotent. As for the affairs of the young people, Jerry knew them all by heart. Not a young man in the place had turned an oblique glance at any particular girl, with out Jerry s notice. He knew all about the band sqneezings during the moonlight walks—the soft nothings repeated ,at the gate —and the clandestine interviews, when papa was opposed to "dear William.' In fact, Jerry knew all about the doings in II llsboro'; and some things came to his knowledge that never came to the knowedge of any one else. He have made bis everlasting for tune and lame as a detective officer, if he had only turned his talents that way. No criminal, however shrewd, could have es caped the unvarying watchfulness of our hero, nillaboro' was noted, far and near, for the extra morality of its inhabitants, and the reason was found in the fact that Jerry Walpole was constantly with them. They could not commit an indiscretion, if they wanted to. Jerry's chamber was in a wing of tue bouse, and had windows on three sides ; these windows were hung with buff cur tains, kept always drawn; but through ■curtains was a circular hole about the size of a dime legitimate peep holes; and through these Jerry took his observations It must not be expected that the llills bcrites took this constant surveillance *cco!ly ; on the contrary, they, were impa tient under the restraint, but it was no use to "kick over the liaces.,' Once, old Crptain Bodge undertook to swap horses, and get the new animal home without Jerry's knowledge, and in order to make assurance doubly sure, he did not not boing bis horse home until midnight. When he reached th i barnyard gale to take his new acquisition to the barn, Jer rv was sitting on the gate post, and hailed the captain with — "Hello, Captain ! Got a fine nag-there ! Paid twenty dollars boot 'tween him and old White foot, I understand ?" The captain gave up beat, and confided to Jerry the full particulars of the trade, all of which the indefatigable Jerry had known before. . One summer a new "happening" dis turbed the equanimity of Hillsboro'. — Miss Sylvania Crocker, the most pci verse old maid in the place, had a beau! Eve rybody was surprised, for Sylvania had, time and again, been heard to declare that she would scald the first man that came in her house for the purpose of courting her! But two months had passed since Daniel Clay, the carpenter, had first walk ed home with ber from evening meeting, and as he still went about with a whole skin, it is to be concluded that Sylvania did not perform her vow. ' Naturally enough, Jerry took a great interest in the courtship of Mr. Clay. A fine fellow Clay was—only one failing— he was so superstitious that he was afraid of his own shadow, if he saw it within a mile of a grave-yard. We all have our weaknesses, you know. There was one serious obstacle in the way of Jerry's finding out all that he de aired about the doings of Daniel and Syl vania, and that was—Sylvania's sitting room windows had shutters, instead of curtains, and these shutters were always drawn when Daniel was present. Jerry was not tall enongh to look over the tops of them, and he hardly dared to bring the ladder from the wood-shed, ltst he should arouse the confiding pair, and bring down vengeance upon his own head. Daniel's visitingfnights were Thursdays and Sundays, and Jerry always lay prone nr.der Sylvania's windows, on these nights, and listened to tty? conversation. One Thursday night, he was more than usually anxious to see what was going on within. Daniel had bought a red and green shawl at Jackson's store that Q ay, and Jerry "TO SPEAK HIS THOUGHTS IS EVERY FREEMAN'S RIGHT. "-THOMSI JEFFERSON. TUNKHANNOCK, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1866. wanted to find out whether he gave it to Sylvan ia. But the devoted couple talked in lower voices than usual, and the eager eavesdrop per could make out nothing from their con versation. He must get a peep in those shutters. It would shorten his' days if he didn't. There was a stand of beehives at a few paces, and Jerry pressed one of these hives into the service. Placing it carefully on an end beneath the front window, he climb ed upon it and peeped in. Daniel was eating apples and snapping the seeds at Sylvania, and Sylvania was combing Daniel's head with a fine tooth ed comb. The shawl lay near by on'a ta ble. Jerry's eyes were distended with sur prise ; be bad hardly thought matters had gone quite so far. All at once Daniel declared he must have a kiss. Sylvania was horrified, and there followed a rough and tumble fight and pursuit around the room. Daniel fin ally conquered, and obtained the kiss by holiring Sylvania's hands, and steadying her head against the cupboard door. Jerry was so tickled at the result, that, forgetful of his insecure standing, he jump ed up and struck his feet together. Fatal strike! The beehive trembled, tottered, and went over with a loud crash, "carrying Jerry down with it to ruin. The bees thus unceremoniouily disturb ed, poured forth by the quart, and stuck on to our unlucky hero at every point available, and at the same moment the window overhead flew up, and Miss Syl vania's shrill voice was heard exclaiming— " I tell you I will, Daniel. It's that abominable yaller dog of Turner's. He killed the grey goose and two of my chick ens last night, and l,ve vowed I'd scald him if ever he came this way again." She kept her vow—poor Jerry could testify to that —for simultaneously with the conclusion of Miss Croker's speech, he was submerged with a pailful of boiling hot water. He sprung up with a howl of ag ony and rage, and casting one look full of vengeance toward the open window and fled. Daniel Clav uttered a wild shriek at sight of Jerry's distorted countenance, dim ly revealed in the light which slione out in to the night, and then he fainted entirely awey. It took Sylvania full two hours, with camphor and hot cloths to bring her valiant sweetheart back to life and con sciousness. When he did recover, he was firm in the belief that he had seen the individual known in polite circles as " Old Nick," and not all the earnest assurances of Sylvania that " she'd bet it was Jerry Walpole sneak-, ing round" could shake his opinion. " Whv -his head was all afire, and he buzzed like a spinning wheel!" was Dan iel's unanswerable argument. Daniel Clay never again darkened the door of Sylvania Crocker. He had been warned not to court her any longer, he told his friends, and shortly afterward *left the village, and was heard of no more. Sylva nia got a writ against him for breach of promise, but the sheriff of the county, af ter hunting after the accused six weeks, in order to serve the writ on him, gave up in despair, and Sylvania paid the costs. Jerry was confined to bis bed three weeks after this accident, and Old Dr. Hill never was able.to decide whether it was the measles or small pox that ailed him. The doctor says it is a mystery to him to this day what could be the cause of such a singular disease. In time Jerry got about somewhat scarred, but otherwise good as new. Ilis unfortunate experience had not cured him of his propensity for peeping ; and the ve ry next night after his convalescence, he nearly broke his neck by falling down the garret stairs, in trying to creep down in the dark, to listen to the conversation of his mother aud a visitor, on one of the chambers. He got his hair pulled out by the roots scores of times, having it sudden - ly shut in door where he was listening at the cracks; lost his coat tails, and had his nose rendered unpresentable in the same manner, and met with other casualties too nnrrfcrous to chronicle. The boys of Hillsboro' took it into their heads to form a club. There was very lit tle going on in the village, and Young America needed excitement, so they orga nized the " Secret Take Care of No. 1 Club." Jerry would have joined it in spite of the hot gridiron and greased pole which gossip asserted were among the initiatories. but there was an entrance fee of five dol lars to pay, and three dollars more for a certificate of membership. • And Jerry was as much noted for his stinginess as for his curiosity, therefore, on pecuniary scruples, he refused to join. But lie was continually tortured with a desire to know what they did at their numerous private meetings, and would have given " all his old shoes" to have been a specta tor of their proceedings. This desire grew and strengthened daily, until our hero felt as if he could not live long if he did not get hold of the "Take Care of No. 1 Club's secret. All the meetings of this august and pow erful body were held in the private cham bers of the members—Hillsboro' having no town hall, or public building suitable for their accommodation. Jerry thought and contrived, and one Fridry night his mind was made up that he would, in some manner, be at the meeting which was to come off at the house of Judge Stiles in Andy Stiles' chamber, the ensuing night. He watched the Stiles mansion closely, and fortone favored him, as he always does the brave. The front door was left ajar, for air, while the family were at breakfast, and Jerry, improving the opportunity,stole up the stairs to Andy's room, and esconced himself into the closet. Here, the livelong day, he sweltered— almost dead with the intolerable heat and closeness, and suffer jag severely from a chaos in the region of the stomach. But the end would pay him for all inconven ience, he said, byway of consoling him self ; and with what patience he could com mand, he waited. There never was a longer day than thai weary Saturday, and after it began to grow dark, it took much longer than usual to get sufficiently obscure to bo denominated "candle lighting." At last the welcome sounds of steps on the. stairs were heard, and quietly the door of the chamber was flung open, and in came the Club in a body. Jerry put his eye to the crack of the closet, and saw the young gentlemen dispose of the contents of two or three long necked bottles, and then light their cigars for consultation. Andy Stiles broke the silence— %i Well, boys, what's up to-night?" " Old Jerry Walpole has got some tip top water melons," said a small voice. "Hurrah!" cried the boys in chorus, "hurrah for the old stingy trumps, water melons and all! We'll try their flavor, lads!" " You will, will you ?" muttered Jerry to himself, shaking his fist at the crack " we'll see about that are !" " It's near nine o'clock now, and we might as well be off. Jerry will be abed by the time, we get there, unless he has some particular case of investigation .on hand. And we shall have time enough to stop in and get Frank Merrit—he's a reg ular brick." Out they all went, and locked the cham ber door behind them. Here was a pretty fix for Jerry ! He was under lock and key and his water melons at the mercy of those unprincipled Take care of No. 1 fellows, Something decisive must be done at once. He tried the door. It was fast enough.— The house, at that portion of it, was three storied ; he should break his head if he jumped out of the window. But Jerry was fertile in expedients. lie had not been in so many scrapes for nothing. He must have his melons, or perish in the ef fort! He stripped off his clothea, without a moment's hesctation, and tearing them in to strips, and tying these together, he soon had a strong rope in his possession. But he was destitute of covering, and the night had set in chilly. There was nothing in the closet where he was, but in the adjoin ing press he discovered a long night gown hanging against the wall. This he got into, and then fastening his rope to a staple in the blind, be lifted the window softly, and got eut. It was dark as Erebus, but Jerry could distinguish the black surface of the ground, and slid toward it. This rope lacked about six feet ,of be ing long enough to reach terra firm a and there was no time for hesitation. An in stant's delay might be fatal to those mel ons ! Jerry took a flying leap, and alight ed on the head of Deacon Ray, a substan tial citizen, who was returning home from a love-feast. The Deacon was crushed to the earth ! Jerry did not stop to ascertain the amount of damage done by the colli sion—he made his best speed for home. — He reached the melon patch just as the desperadoes had begun to select the best fruit. With a wide yell of triumph he dashed in ajnong the bewildered plunder ers,and at sight of his long white garments streaming in the wind, they every one threw down their spoils and fled! Jerry was victor. The melons were saved. The whole story . transpired in time; the boys agreed to give Jerry a free membership to their Club if he would not act against them in the business ; and Mrs. Stiles forehore from asking Jerry to deliver up her night gown which he had so ungallantly appropriated. CAN'T COOK.—It is a sad defect when young ladies are incapable of directing their own servants —shoes without soles or wristbands without a shirt are not more useless than one of these. One day, short ly after his marriage, a young merchant went home, and seeing no dinner ready, and his wife appeared anxious and confused asked : "What is the matter ?" "Nancy went off at ten o'clock this morn ing," replied his wife, "and the chamber maid knows no more about cooking a din ner than a man in the moon." "Couldn't she have done it under your direction?" inquired the husband, very coolly. + "Under my direction ? 1 should like to see a dinner cooked under my d'rections." " Why so ?" asked the husband in sur prise. * "You certainly did not think I could," replied the wife: "how should I know any thing about cooking ?" The husband was silent, but his look of astonishment perplexed and worried his wife. "You look very much surprised," she said after a moment or two had elapsed. " And so I am," he anrwered, "as much surprised as I should be at finding the cap tain of one ofmy ships unacquainted with navigation. You don't know how to cook and the mistress of a family ! Jane, if there is a cooking school in the city, go to it and complete your education, for it is deficient in a very important particular." A BODY WHICH HAS BEEN IN THE VAULT FOR A STILL WARM.—The following is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable cases we have ever beard of, and is creating considerable excitement among parties who have witnessed what we are about to relate : On the sth of February last, Michael King about seven teen years of age, was killed at Oakland by being struck on the head with a stake, which was drawn from the ground by an unruly horse. Two days after the fatal accident, and when the body was about to be buried, the relatives of King thought they noticed evident signs of life, and the body was removed to the house, where it was kept fcr several days. A report got into circulation at the time to the effect that the boy -had come to life. After keeping the body for several days it was removed to the lower graveyard and placed in a vault where it is now, and it has been visited by hundreds of our citi zens. The body retains its natural appear ance, is limber and warm, after being dead and in the graveyard one month. We have heard no reason assigned for this strange phenomenon.— Atlanta Intelligen cer. >• ■ "■ SMART DOG.—The town of Astoria,. Oregon, can boast of the smartest dogs that has been heard from lately, if Van Dusen tells the truth in relation to the doings of his canine. While visiting Tilla mock Beach this Summer, the dog was troubled very much with fleas, and had become tired of scratching. He was dis covered one day hunting around the house for something, and finally picked up a piece of loose soft cotton batting and start ed off for the beach with the cotton stick ing out of his mouth. He went to the water, slowly backing down into it, and holding his head up so as to keep the cot ton dry. The fleas started for his head as the dog kept backing in the water, and finally there was but the cotton out of the water, when suddenly cotton disappeared ; and the dog made his appearance minus cotton and fleas. The cotton was picked out of the water, and was found actually alive with fleas, EXCELLENT HINTS. Do everything in its proper time. Keep everything in its place. Always mend clothes before washing. Alum or vinegar is good to set colols of red, green or yellow. Sal soda will bleach very white ; one spoonful is enough for a kettle of clothes. Save yourtuds for garden plants, or to harden yards when sandy. Stir Poland starch with a common can dle, and it will not stick to the iron, and will be much nicer. Count your clothes-pins, knives and forks, towels, handkerchiefs, Ac., at least once a week. Wash your tea-trays with cold suds, polish with a little flour, and rub with a dry cloth. Frozen potatoes make more starch than fresh ones; they also make nice cake. Save all your pieces of bread for pud ding dry, or they will mould. Examine your pickles, sweetmeats, and ■everything put away. Buy small quantities of cheese at a time. A hot shovel held over varnished furni ture, will take ont white spots. A bit of glue dissolved in skim milk and water, will restore old crape. Ribbons of any kind should be washed in cold soap suds, and not rinsed. If your flat-irons are rough, rub them well with fine salt, and it will make them smooth- * Oat straw is thq, best for filling beds— it should be changed once a year. If you are buying a carpet for durability, choose small figures. A bit of soap rubbed on the hinges of doors will prevent their creaking. Scotch snuff put on holes where crickets come out, will destroy them. Wood ashes and common salt, wet with water will stop the cracks of a stove, and prevent the smoke from escaping. A gallon of strong lye put in a barrel of hard water, will make it as soft as rain wa ter. Half a cranberry bound on a corn will kill it. In winter set the handle of your pump as high as possible at night, or throw a blanket over it or straw it up. CURE FOR LOVE —Take 12 ounces of dislike, I pound or resolution, 2 ounces of the powder of experience, 1 large sprig of time, 14 dram s of the guilt of dishonor, 1 quart of the cooling water of consideration. Set them on a gentle fire of Love. Sweet en it with the sugar of forgetfulness, skim it with the spoon of melancholy. Put it to the bottom of your heart. Cork it with the cork of a sound conscience, and there let ij remain, and you will instantly find ease and be restored to yeur right senses again. The things are io be had of the apothecary at the house of Understanding next door to Reason, in Prudent street, in the parish of Contentment 7 whom she had one son (Eugene) and st daughter (Hortense). Some time after the death of Beauharnais, Josephine was married to Napoleon Bonaparte, and be came Empress of France. Iler daughter, Hortense, was married to Louis Bonaparte then King of Holland, and the present Em peror of 1" ranee is her son by this mar riage. But now for the romance of tho affair. Josephine's bosom friend quitted the Island of Martinique some time beforo she did. But the vessel that was carrying her to France was attacked and taken by Algerine corsairs ; and the crew and pas sengers made prisoners ; but the corsair ship was in turn, attacked and pillaged by Tunis pirates and Miss S. was carried by them to Constantinople and offered for sale as a ller ller extraordinary beauty and accomplishments found her a purchaser in the Sultan himself, and she soon became the chief lady in his seraglio, and Sultana of Turkey. Mahmoud 11, was her son, Abdul Medjid was the son of Mahmoud, and the present Sultan. Abdul Aziz Kahn, is the grandson of Mahmoud. Thus tho two sovereigns who occupy so large a space in the world's eye, are descended from two American Creole girls, who were playmates in their youth, and as re markable for their Beauty and excellent dispositions as for their varied and singu lar fortunes. Both these women, in the height of their power remembered the friends of their youth, and provided munif icently for their welfare. Many of tho relatives of the Sultaness left the Island of Martinique and settled at Constantinople, where their descendants still reside and enjoy the favor of the Sultan. The Sultaness died in 1811: the Em press Josephine in 1814. WHY X CAT WASHES AFTER EATINO.— Probably our young readers have noticed that cats wash their faces after eating, in stead of before, as people do. Now, we will tell you the cause of this. When the first cat was made, she went out into tho fields hunting for birds, and one day she caught a swallow, and brought it home— "You ve got a very dirty face," said the swallow, you should wash it before you eatand the cat was foolish enough to drop the bird, so that she could wash her face, and away flew the swallow. The cat was vexed at the manner in which she had been outwitted, # nnd exclaimed : "Henceforth I will eat first and wash after wards," and the vow is kept faithfully by all cats. Give a man brains and riches and' he is a king ; give a man brains without riches and he is a slave ; give a mau ri'h without brains and be is a monkey. VOL. 5 NO. 37 of tlie Bank of France.