North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, April 18, 1866, Image 2
®(je democrat, HARVEY SICKLER, Editor. TUNKHANNOCK, PA Wednesday. Apr. 18,1866. FOR GOVERNOR, 801. miSTEH CLYHEfi. OF BERKS. THE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM, Tb Democracy of Pennsylvania in Convention met, recognizing a crisis in the affairs of the Re public, and esteeming the immediate restoration of the Union paramount to all other issaes, do re •olve : 1. That the States, whereof the people were \att ly in rebellion, are ontegral parts of the Union, and are entitled to representation in Congress by men duly elected who bear true faith to the Constitution and Laws, and in oder to vindicate the maxim that taxation without representation is tyranny, sueh representatives should be forthwith admitted. 2. That the faith of the ReDublic is pledged to the payment of the National debt, ami Congress should pass all laws necessary tor that purpose. 3. That we o e obedience to the Constitution of the United States (including the amendment prohib iting slavery,) and under its provisions will aceord to those emancipated all their rights of person and property. 4 That each State has the exclusive right to regulate the qualifications of its own electors. 5. That the white race alone is entitled to the con trol of the Government of the Republic, and we are unwilling to grant to negroes the right te]vote. g. That the bold enunciation of the principles of the Constitution and the policy of restoration con tained in the recent annual message and freedinen's bureau veto message of President Johnson entitle him to the con§denee and support of all who respect the Constitution and love their country. 7" That the nation owes to the brave men of vur aruiies and navy a debt of lasting gratitudo for their heroic service, in defence of the.Constit u tion and the Union ; an 1 that while we cherish with tender affection the memories of the fallen, we pledge to their widows and orphans the nation's care and protection. _B. That wo urge upon Congress the duty of equal ising the bounties of our stldiers end sailors. jfjrTlie absence of the editor, in attend ing to other duties, lias enabled us-the Printer's devil —to fill the Democrat,, this week, with some very interesting reading matter, among which will be found the President's Veto oTthe nigger-lights bill; and also the bill itself, Everybody—and his wife—should read them. We expect to be " blowed up" when the editor gets bafk, as we have noticed that editors, in these parts, of late, have refused or neglect ed to publish the speeches and messages of the President. p. d. 6* It is said there are 25,000 idle, worthless negroes in Virginia, congregated on the Peninsula between Fortress Monroe and Yoiktown, to whom are issued 60,000 rations per month. This is a big bill for Uncle Sam to .pay for his adopted children of 4 'African scent," A government ration is now valued at 40 cents a dav or sl2 00 a mouth Sixty thousand rations would amount to the handsome sura of 1720,000. The ''Bureau" is an expensive piece of furniture. • MARCHING On —The New York Tri bune says ' John Brown's soul is marching on !" To which Brick Pomerov replits : "We think so. A number of people think so. John Brown in the body cor porate matching on through Kansas steal ing horses and other property. lie march ed to Virginia to steal nigs, and break laws till at last he marched to eternity bv a different line. And now we judge his soul is marching on ! It marched through the army-stealing all it could reach. It marched through custom houses, post-of fices, collectors' bureaus, legislatures and congress, stealing by the gross. It march ed away from the White House lately with ninety large boxes in charge, and left the President's mansion gutted. It has marched with its mortal counterpart Ben. Butler from New Orleans to Lowel, and through all the Departm nts at Wash ington. Yes, the soul of John Brown is marching on, and we think it time the Devil wrapped a chain about this essence of Re publicanism, and anchoied the soul ot the horse-stealing Ottawotamie." A Bank Panic, Considerable excitement has been creat ed in business circles during the past few weeks by a report that the notes of a num ber of Banks had been thrown out by the Banks of Philadelphia The following were placed ou the rejected list, and were for a short time discredited : frawford County Bank, Meadville. Oil City Bank, Oil City, Pa. Venango Bank, Franklin, Pa. Petroleum Bank, Titusville, Pa. Tioga County Bank, Tioga, Pa. Lawrence Co. Bank Newcastle, Pa. Clearfield County Bank,Clearfield, Pa. Kittanning Bank, Kittanning, Pa. Octorara Bank, Oxford, Pa. Diamond State Bank, Seaford, Del. First National Bank, Titusville. Pa The suspension of the Banking House of Culver, Penn & Co., at New York, is giv en as the cause of the discredit of the : Banks in the Oil Region. The Panic, has however, in a great measure subsided. The notes of the fol- ; lowing discredited Banks are again cur rent : Kittanning Bank, Octorara Bank, Oxford Chester co. Clearfield County Bank, Clearfield. First National Bank, Titusville. Tioga County Bank, Tioga Pa. Bank of Lawrence county Newcastle. The notes of the Venango Bank. Frank lin ; and Petroleum Bank, Titusville, are believed to be good. Thompson's New ' York Bank Note Reporter quotes them at 10 per cent discount. The only Pennsylvania Banks that have ; really failed, and tbe notes of which, hav ing no substantial security, may be consid ered worthless, ara : Oil City Bank, Oil City Pa. Bank of Crawford County, Meadville. TRUTH FROM THE RECORD OF '64 SHODDY AGAINST THE PRIVATE SOLDIER. Clymer for the Soldier* The disunion press is full of lies in re gard to the action of Democratic Senators : in IS4, before the Senate was organized. I After its organization, viz., . ' March 1865, Senator Hopkins offered the following resolution (see Record, page : 536:) - Resolved , That the Committee on Fed eral Relations be instructed to bring in a ' joint resolution instructing our Senators , 1 and requesting our Representatives in Con . ! gress to vote for a law requiring the pay ments of non commissioned officers and privates in the service of the United States in coin or its equivalent. Upon this resolution Senator Clymer, now the Democratic candidate for Govern or, spoke as follows (see Record, page ! 536 :) I did not know, sir, that till Senator from Washington (Mr. Hopkins,) was . about to offer a resolution of this kind ; had J ; I been aware of this fact I might have J been .able to form a more correct judgment 11 as to his intentions in so doing. 1 j JUSTICE TO THE SOLDIER. 3 J I prgpime he designed to perform an ' : act of simple justice to those who, on the f tented field, are struggling for the raainten ' ance of this government, lie himself intends | to place this meritorious class of our fellow citizens, so far as relates to their pay, upon 1 ! a footing with those sleek, well-paid, weli j fed, truly loyal and most discreet gentle j men who, in this time of trial, arc idling sunny hours in the courts of Europe as our foreign ministers, while the soldier is en s during the pains, the trials and the dan -1 gcrs of a campaign. Contemplate the picture ; the one class clothed in purple ■ and paid in gold ; the other clad in home spun and paid in greenbacks ! the one sur i rounded by all the luxury which gold can ' buy ; tbe other in their individual persons ' and in their families, enduring all the want [. and misery which paper money ever entails! An unprejudiced observer, sir, would not, 5 it seems to me, be likely to attribute any ■ sinister or improper motive to one who at e tempts to equalize in some degree the con s dition of these two classes. Surely, sir. the disparity between one hundred and ' sixty dollars a year—the wages of the sol— e dier —paid in greenbacks —and the salaries ; of our foreign ministers, ranging from ev- J en to twenty thousand a year, paid in gold, t is of such magnitude that it should not be " dislova!" to attempt to equalize it. s TALK AND NO WORK. To m<\ sir, it is strange passing strange, j- that those who profess so much love for the sol ier, who are eternally parading themselves as the "soldiers' friends," who would make the soldier believe that e/ery 1 one out-ide the pale of their political eom e munion is his enemy, whose whole stock ) in trade is to yell that (hey are "loyal," r atffl to boast that they love the soldier bet i ter than wife or child, should here to-day i resist a proposition so tVr and just. By ) your deeds you shall be tried. Honeyed 1 words of flattery cost nothing. To sustain this resolution and the enactment of its f 1 purpose into a law, might impose some | slight additional taxation upon your "loyal'' ; gentleman, and that would cost something -' You cannot afford that. Oh no ! Fulsome ; ! nraise, laudation without stint—that you ! can givd, it is in your line ; but when the i soldier asks ibr the means wherewith to ! supply bis wife and little ones with the ' bare necessaries ot life-—which, owing to • ! tbe vicious system of RtAnceS inaugurated ■: by Republican rulers, hrve beeil raised to ' fabulous prices—you turn your back upon 1 him and brand at " disloyal" every mad 1 who dares to advocate his claims. That -iis a species of disloyalty of which I, for : one, una neither ashamed nor afraid. If it I be "disloyal" to stand by, guard, protect ' and defend the poor and humble . against r the rieh and powerful; to be in favor of the I soldier rather than ot the shoddy contract • o r, then lam disloyal. It is ft kind of - disloyalty of which you, gentlemen on the >; Republican side, will never be accused by ■ ; those who know you. Where the spoils 1 are, there will your hearts be also. 1 UfrURPATION OF THE SENATE. . Possibly, sir, the Senator from Wash ington offered the resolution with an addi tional motive—that was, to relieve himself, and those who act with him politically, from the base and unfounded charge that we were opposed to an increase of the pay of the soldier. When this Senate was un organized, as we then believed, and as you , subsequently admitted by proceeding to I elect a speaker, a resolution was offered on the opposite side of this chamber, instruct ing our Senators and requesting our Rep resentatives in Congress, to vote for a bill increasing the pay of the soldiers. We j then voted against it, as nndeJ similar cir i cumstances we would to-day. We told I you then that by no vote of ours would , we ever recognize your high-handed act of usurpation. We told you we would vote against any and every resolution, even i should you offer one asserting the divinity jof God himself. We stood np for a prin . ciple, and we triumphed. You offered i the resolution, as you offereJ others, for the purpose of making clap-trap capital against us amongst the soldiers and others. IV>u pa. aded our vote throughout the States as a high Ciime and a sin, when you ktaew in your hearts that every representation you made, as to out" position, was simply ' false. But the resolution ot the Senator from Washington has unearthed you. It has stirred up a fearful commotion amongst tbe ranks of the faithful. You j/nash your teeth in impotent rage, aud areswo'ien tip with undischarged bile. You rave and I fume and sweat —all to no purpose, gen tlemen. We intend to expose your duplic ity, and we hav done it. Hence those tears. I advise you to cover your inten tions in aomc more skillful way, or I shall again draw aside the flimsy vail which shields you from open contcmot. FAT TUE FRIVATE SOLDIER. But, air, what will be the effect of the r esolution should Congress enact a law in accordance with its spirit ? Will it not be precisely what you, gentlemen, forced us to vote against, when you attempted usurpation ? The soldier will be paid in i coin or its equivalent; that is to say, his wages will be increased by the difference between gold and greenbacks. If gold at the end of any month is sixty per cent, above greenbacks, the common soldier will ; receive twenty dollars and eighty cents, ; instead of thirteen dollars, for his month's services. If you were honest in your preposition to increase his pay, how can you object ? When he entered the ser vice, his pay was thirteen dollars per month in gold, for then gold was not above par. The resolution simply proposes to keep our blighted faith with the most mer itorious of all public servants ; with him who defends our homes and firesides.— Tell ine, gentlemen, were you honest or dishonest in your proposition ? You shall not evade an answer by calling me disloy al. The word has no terrors for me.— Three years ago you paid the foreign min ister and the private soldier in gold. — Why, to-day, do you continue to pay him w! o is basking and revelling in the smiles of loyalty,gaud refuse it to him who, amid tuj roar of cannon and a storm of bullets, is battling in your defense ? Answer me if you dare. We will not be deterred from making the inquiry by threats or de nunciations. We on this side of the Chamber claim for ourselves as muchjin and devotion to the government founded upon the Constitution as you claim to pos sess. We do not impugn your motives ; you shall not ours. We are not to be cajoled or intimidated here or elsewhere* We are your peers and equals here and ev. cry place. We know our rights and will maintain them. We will stand by the Constitution and Union of these States, and we tell you, aye, we charge it upon you, that you arc the only men who would destroy both. Charges are constantly made against us of a want <>f fidelity to the government, of sympathy with treason, and of aiding the rebellion. Wc defy you to make them good. This matter had better be understood and settled litre and now. It is true that we are not the slaves of any administration. You shall not set the blacks free and enslave white men. We know no government which is not based upon the Constitution, and we will neither obey nor be • i lnys\V to any other. Is my language sufficiently precise? is it clear ! Ido not wish to be misunderstood. I am not "loyaV to any administration ; I am ever so to true government, founded upon and acting in accordance with the Consti tution, of which it is the mere creature and exjoncnt. More than this you nor any living man can demand of any one. To do so is to make yourselves masters and those of whom you make the demand slaves. We wish you to fully understand that you shall never exercise any such power over us. The history of the past should teach yon that the race to which we belong may possibly be exterminated, but never enslaved. Senator Clyiner and every other Demo crat voted for this resolution, and the dis union Senators voted to kill it J>y amend ing it, and having a majority, effected its amendment, and thus defeated the origin al proposition. The Doomed Freed man. We published, some time ago, au ex tract from a speech of Senator Dolittlc, in which the dreadful mortality among the unfortunate blacks of the South was shown from statistics of unquestionable authentic ity. The Louisville Journal discusses the same subject in an earnest and eloquent leader trom which we made the following extract ! T;yenty-niie negro paupers were buried in this city last month, and one white pau per. The recoi'd s black in more senses than one. It marks the gleam of philan thropy, so-called. It u Justrious with misery. .It is the echo of the treedman's shout. What is true of Louisville in this re spect is true of every Southern city and village and county. The mortality among the negroes has been fearful, unprecedent I ed. They have perished by the score, the hundred, the thousand. They have dropped down by the wayside, in the crowded city, and in the woods. They have died of a species of cholera, or small pox, of vice, of filth, and starvation. We have seen them coming from the planta tions with their bundles upon their backs and their children in theirarms, and crowd ing into improvised tents in the neighbor hood of negro camps, with nothing to pro tect tliera from the elements but, rags, and nothing to rat except what they might be able to beg or steal, with never a thought for the future, and expecting, as a matter of course, that the power that freed them would take care of them. It has been computed by many that one million of these victims of secession and philanthropy have v%ished from the earth since the war began ! We call that costly, and, in a humanitarian point of view, horrible. It is not possible for us to regatd it as a philanthropic work. It seems to us more like the culmination of devil worship. If the philanthropists, so called, consider it worthy of rejoicing over w let them exult. Let the winds waft their peans over the desolate fields of the South, and mingle them with the piteous moans to which a thousaud old shanties, lanes, and rag houses have listened from a million of the sable sons and daughters of Africa. Let them raise a dark monument and inscribe on one side "Philanthropy" and or. the other "Secession and let an index point to a million of lowly African graves, upon the rough head-boards of which shall be painted, "Humanity and Freedom." jgr If Mr. Lincoln was the Govern ment, and it was therefore treason to op pose him, as claimed by Republicans, for some years, is not President Johnson the Government, by rightful succession, and is it not treason to oppose him ? Will the radicals who are now fighting the Presi dent so fiercely, please explain ? 1 THI CIVIL RIGHTS BILL Its Provisions as Passed by Both Houses of Concress. . The Civil Rights bill, which has passed the Senate and House of Representative, and which the President hat vetoed, pro vides as follows: Section 1. That all persons born in the United States, and not subject to any for eign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby declared to be citizens of the United States ; and such citizens of every race and color, without regard to any pre vious condition of slavery or involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall have the same right in ev ery State and Territory to make and en force contracts, to sue, be sued, be parties and give evidence, to inherit, purchase lease, sell, hold and convey real and per sonal property, and to be entitled toofull and equal benefit of all laws and proceed ings for the security of person and proper ty as is enjoyed by the white citizens, and shall be subject to like punishment, pains and penalties and to none other, any law, statute, oidinance, regulation or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. §2. Any person who shall derive any inhabitant of any State or Territory of any right secured by this act, under color of law, regulation or custom is declared guil ly of a misdemeanor, puuishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or im prisonment not exceeding one year, or both at the discretion of the court. g3. The United States District Courts shall have exclusive cognizance of all off enses against this act, and also concurrent ly with the United States Circuit Court, of all civil and criminal causes affecting per sons whose rights are secured by seciion one. Any suit against such persons, begun in any State court, may be removed for trial to the proper District or Circuit Court. In exceptional cases the common law, as modified and changed by the Constitution and statutes of the Staies wherein the court having jurisdiction of the cause, civil or criminal, is held, so far as the same is not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States, shall he extend ed, and govern said courts in the trial and disposition of such cause, and if of a crimi nal nature, in the infliction of punishment on the party found guilty. §4. The District Attorneys, Marshals, and Deputy Marshals of the United States, the commissioners appointed by the Cir cuit and Territorial Courts of the United States, with powers of arresting, imprison ing and bailing against the laws of the United States, the officers and agents of the Freedmeu'a Bureau, and every oth er officer who may be specially empowered by the President of the United States, is to institute proceedings against every per son who shall violate the provisions of this act; and it is made the duty of the Cir cuit Courts of the United States, and the States and the Superior Courts of the Ter ritories, from time to time, to increase the number of Commissioners, so as to afford a speedy and convenient means for the ar rest and examination of persons charged 4 with a violation of this act. § 6. The Commissioners are empowered to have concurrent jurisdiction with the United States Circuit and District Judges, and Trrritorial Judges, both in term time and vacation. § 6. United States Marshals and their deputies are required to obey all warrants issued under this act. In case of refusal, they may be fined, one thousand dollars each, for the use of the person whom the accused is alleged to have committed the offence, The Commissioners are empow ered to appoint county assistants to execute warrants, and the latter may call for as sistance upon bystanders, or summon a posse comitmtus or the military and naval officers. §7. Any person who shall knowingly and wrongfully obstruct, hinder or pre vent any officer or other person charged with the execution of any warrant or pro- Cess issued under this act, or any peison or persons lawfully assisting, or attempt to rescue prisoners from custody, is subject to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars and imprisonment not exceeding six months, by indictment before the United States District Court of the proper court of criminal jurisdiction if committed within ar.y one of the organized territories of the United States. * § 8 The District Attorneys, Marshals, and deputies, and Clerks of district and territorial courts, shall be paid for their services the fees allowed for similar ser vices in all other cases; and in all cases where the proceedings are before a Com sioncr, he shall be entitled to a fee of ten dollars in full for his services in each case incident to such arrest and examination.— The person or persons authorized to exe cute the process issued by commissioners for the arrest of offenders shall be entitled to a fee of five dollar* for each person ar rested, with such other fees as may be deemed reasonable by the commissioner— to be paid out ©fthe Treasury of the Uni ted States, on the certificate of the district within which the arrest is made, and re coverable from the defendant as part of the judgment in case of conviction. §9. Whenever the President of the United States shall have reason to believe that offences have been or are likely to be committed against the provisions of the act, it shall be lawful for him. in his discre tion, to direct the Judge Mashtl and Dis trict Attorney of the district to attend at such place within the district and at such time as he may designate, for the purpose of more speedy arrest and trial of persons charged with a violation of this act; and it shall be the duty of every judge or other officer when any such requisition shall be received by him to attend at the place and for the time therein designated. § 10. That it shall be lawful for the President of the United States, or such other person as he may empower for that purpose, to employ such part of the land or naval forces of the United States, or of the militia, as shall be necessary to prevent the violation enforce the due execution of thia act. § 11, That all questions of law arising in any cause under the provisions of this act, a final appeal may betaken to the Su preme Court of the United States. THE FENIANS. Warlike Preparations on the Maine Border EASTPORT, MB, April 10.—The British war ship, Pyledes, arrived here yesterday, and went to St Andrews. The British Consul and United States Marshal are at Maybee's Hotel; also prom inent Fenians. Communications between St. John and the WeSvem towns on the British side were destroyed last night by the Fenians. The garrison at Campo Bello has boen increased. Earth works were being thrown up all day yesterday, Two more English war ships are report ed steamingfto the northeastern headland of Campo Bello. A Fenian vessel, with howitzers and other arms, was not allowed to go out of the harbor at 12 o'clock last night, by or der of the officer of customs, it is supposed in the English interest. Firing of small artm and rockets is con tinually occuring, and there is a perfect panic. There is bad feeling on either side of the Bay. CHOLERA AT HALIFAX. I One Hundred and Sixty Cases—Forty Deaths. HALIFAX, April 9.—The steamship, England, which arrived here from Liver pool, this morning, bad one hundred and sixty cases of cholera on board. There were forty deaths during the pas sage. FURTHER DETAILS. Capt, Grace, of the steamship, England, reports that on Tuesday the first case oc curred, since which 160 more cases have broken out, and fifty deaths have occurred. She was ordered off by the government, but owing to the rapid spread of the dis ease, and the engineers being sick, it was impossible to proceed. She now lies below the light house. Part of the passengers will be placed on board the hospital ship, aud shanties erected on the beach for the sick. There will be no communication with the ship. The authorities are doing all in their power to relieve the unfortunate pas sengers. There are three doctors on board to look after the sick. She has 1,202 passengers and I 0( crew. The passengers are princi pally German and Irish. The Captain thinks the disease was brought ou board by the German passengers. THE CIVIL RIGHTS BTLL.—It will be borne ir. mind that this gross infringement on the rights of the States, was passed over the Veto in the Rump Senate by a vote of three less than half a full and lawful Senate of 72 members ; and fif teen less than the Constitution requires. Two-thirds, (48) are required to pass a bill over a veto. The following was the vote : For the Negro Bill, 33 For the Veto, 15 Absent —sick (Dixon), 1 The Stockton out'age, 1 Southern Senators kept out, 22 33 39 Majority in favor of Veto, 6 The people can judge whether a bill thus passed over the President's Veto, should have any binding force REMOVALS FROM OFFICE.—The Aboli tion journals are howling furiously at Pres ident Johnson for a few removals from of fice of persons who have spoken abusively of him or his policy. What would they say if he should do as Mr. Lincoln did, send them to some hostile? It is a fact, however, well to be noted, that these papers make more fuss over a person thus turned out of office, moxe complaint of its tyran ny, &c., than the Democratic papers did when Lincoln w6 sending hundreds to prisop because they used what his Majesty was pleased to term* " dislopal language." EXIT SAMBO.—The Tribune gives a melancholy groan as it writes: "Orders have been issued, and are ready to go out' that will deprive, by the Ist of May, every colored soldier of the right to wear the United Ststes uniform, not one being left in service." And, alas! has it come to this ? Must Sambo doff the blue and re turn to the dull duties of the shovel and the hoe? or are these discharged darkies to be regarded as peculiarly "the nation's wa*ds? It is a cruel, a wicked shame to turn adrift these "gallant sold! rs," who " bore off the palm," and without whose aid we could not have saved " the life of the nation." Just think, for a moment, of having a "dead na tion" on our hand, and all for the lack of a few nigger soldiers. Now when for twelve months not an arm on all GoJ's earth has been raised in hosfility to our flag, when the outside limits of onr authority have been stretched to make the conditions more severe our brethren of the South have yielded it all, what excuse is there for those who once boasted of their independence to continue to follow the lead of the disunionists of New England. When the object for which all the sacrifices of the last fire years were ostensibly made is in onr easy reach, is it possible that the "Republicans" ,of Penn sylvania will allow themselves to be made the instrument" in the hands of those who are the original disunionist ? THE DISUNION DEFEAT IN NEW JER ser.—The New Jersey Lesivlature adjourn ed on Fridav, (6th) sine die , without elect ing a Senator to fill Mr. Stockton's place. To Mr. Scovel the Republican presiding officer of the Senate, who acted with the Democrats, is mainly due this signal defeat of Disunionists. After the adjournment, Mr. Scovel was waited upon by a great many distinguished Democrats and Repub licans, who congratulated him upon his patriotism. j OPPOSED TO PXACK.— In the Pennsyl vania House, yesterday (4th), Markly Democrat, offered a preamble announcing the President's proclamation declaring the rebellion at an end ; and a resolution hail ing the return of peace, and embodying a request from the Representatives that the Governor cause a salute of thirty six guns to be fired in honor of the event. The House refused to have the resolution <on sidered! EVERY VOTE AGAINST THE RESOLUTION WAS CAST flY* REPUBLICANS! Every vote endorsing the procl imation and hailino the return of peace, WAS CAST BY DEMOCRATS. Is more evidence needed to prove the so-called Republican leaders are opposed to m return ef peace f Don't they, by such ac tion, declare unmistakably that they are hostile to a restoration of t'it Union * — Nothing more is wanted to show to the people of Pennsylvania the disunion proc livities of the leaders who are now running' John W. Geary as their candidate for Governor-. Will the intelligent people of Pennsylvania follow in the wake of such creatures who, though having subsisted on the plander of war for five years are not yet satiated ? We hope not.— Patriot and Union. Local and Personal. Explanation. •—The date on the tinted address label attached to this paper, (hows THE 'tins to which AS appears on our books, the paper has been paid for. Every SUBSCRIBER should take an occasional look at it. The Sltzer Bros, are just teceiving a flow slock of new goods at the stors formerly occupied by Dr Rhoads, on Bridge street, which they pro pose to sell at astonishing low figures. Give them a call. 820,000 in Dry Goods clot niag, fancy goedv, Ac Ac., is offered by John Weil, AT COST Salea will be made at auction, on every Saturday after noon, commencing on Saturday next. See adver tisement in to-day's papei. Merchant Tailor --Henry Barham A Co., have opened a Merchant Tailor establishment, two doors below the bank, wh. re those in nesd of sub stantial and well fittiug garments, can get them on shoit notice and at fair prices. Mr. Barbara's repu tation as a cutter is too well established to need commendation at our hands. Look out for his ad vertisement next week. Married. HENRY—AIMSBEY —ln Windham, at the Resi dence of the bride. March 49th, by James R Robinson Esq , Mr. John Henry of Forkston., to Miss Phebe Aim?bey. Special Nolle es NOTICE, AN additional assessment, oi So,oo on each share of Stock, in the Nicholson Oil, and Aiming Company, was ordered by the Bard of di rectors at tbeir last meeting, (March 31, 1866,) to be paid within 30 days from said date. Siockbold ers. all will depend on your punctuality, for the early commencement of striking a well. E H. BACON, Secl'y. Nicholson April 11. 1366 NOTICE IS hereby given that I have recently purchased the farm upon which Miles A. Sickler resides, in Overheld Tp\ whice with all the personal proper ty- horses, wagons, cow,, hogs, bees, farming uten sils, household furniture. Ac. on said tarm, la ely purchased at Sheriff*s sale, I have left in the pos session of the said Miles A Sickler to be kept by htm during my gleasure- All persons are forbid molesting, purchasing or in any way interfering witit said property, as they will do so at tbetr peril. FI LLER SICKLER Falls, April 16, 1368. vsn3g4t. EXECUTRIX' NOTICE, Letters testamentary on the estate o! William Fitch, late of Northinoreland Township Wyoming- County, aee'd., having been granted the undersign ed ; all persons having claims against said estate are requtsteJ to present the same, duly authentica ted for payment, and all persons indebted to said estate will please make payment without delay to Northmoreland Pa., ) SARAH D, FITCH, April 10th lSgg. ) Executrix. v5n356w. % Estrays. CAME to the enclosure of the subscriber, in Falls Wyoming County, Pa., on or]nbout the 27th of March Inst, FOUR YEA RUNG?, I red bull, 2 red heifers, I dun colored heifer. Thw ownvr is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away ; or they will be disposed of according to liw. CHARLES SMITH. Falls Pa- April 19, 18gg. v5n353w. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered tor years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, 9end free to ail wbo need it, Ibe recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing JOHN B OGDEN, No. 13 Caambers St., New York. vsn2l-lyear.— S M. P. A Co. TO CONSUMPTIVES- The, baring been resU ed to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affec tion, and that dread disease, Consumption— is anx ious to make known to his follow -sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direction for preparing and using the same, which they will find a st' RK CCRE lor Co.vscurTioi*, ASTHMA, BRON CHITIS, COCGHS. COLDS, and all Throat and Lung A— fections. The only object of the advertiser in sendl RJ tbe Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and information which he conceives to be invalu able, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remed, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless "tff- Parties wishing the proscription, FREE. by return mail, will please address. RET. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williatnsburgh, Kings Co., New York, vsn2l-lyear. STRANGE, BI T TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can heR something very much to their advan tage by return mail (free of charge), by addressing the undersigned. Those having feats of being hum bugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will Dlease address their obedient servant, Y THOS. F. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, New York vsn2l-lyear— S. M. P. A Co. 0 NOTICE Ail persons from whom Internal Revonoe Tax is due, will hereafter, until othrrwise notified, pay the same to Daniel Wright, at Tunkbannock. F. M CRANE. Dept'y Col- 13th Diet, fa Tunk. March S, 1866- A MONTH I—AGENTS waa ed for six entirety ncus at tides ust out. Ad Iress 0 T GAREY, Cit y Buildin Biddeford, Maine. ufewSl -lyeas. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that D. D. Spnulding of Nicholson, has filed his petition in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Wyoming County, sad will make application at the next term of Tavern License. ZIBA LOTT, Gl X,