pecinl Notices. — NOTICE. Wboretw, my wife l'hehe has left my bed and | board, without just causa or provocation, this is therefor© to notice to all ja.'sons not to harbor * or trust horon iuy account, as I shall pny no debts •f hor contra -ting. Washington, Wyo. Co. Pa. ? DAN L BAR I RON. August, 21 l8(j5, !> vsn!s-tf* GOING: GOING:: GO* em * The Subscriber, A Licensed Auctioneer for' W yoming, and all other Counties iu the United States; and New Jersey—will Bell at auction, stock, firm- ! a* ing implements, househild furniture and everything else vendible to the highest and best bidders, Lg?*Address or catl iu person, on: Win. L BARD WELL Tuukl.annock Pa. rSaIRJ Administrator's Notice. Notico is hereby given that ail persons indebted to the estate of N,est quality in every part, giv ing to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible, and are unquestionably the lightest most desirable, comfortable, economical Skirt ever, made. Wests, Bradley k Carey, Proprietors of the Inven tion, and Sole Manufacturers, 97 Chambers, and 79 A 81 Reado Streets, New York. For hale in all first-class Stores in this City, and throughout the United States and Canada, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America and the West Indies. Inquire for the 1 luj'lex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. v5n253m. A tf C, TO CONSUMPTIVES- The adverti. er, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several yoars with a severe lung affec tion, and that droad disease, Consumption- is anx ious to make to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, ha will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with tho dircction for preparing and using the same, which they will find & SfRK Cork tor COXSUMPTIO.v, ASTHMA, BRON CHITIS, COLGHS. COLDS, and all Throat and Lung A fections. The only object of the advertiser in sendl iugp the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invalu ablo, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remed, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing the prescription, FIXKE. by return mail, will please address. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, WLliauisburgh, Kings Co., New Y'ork. vsn2l-l/ear. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to ail who need it, tho recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chambers St., New York. vsn2l-lyear.—S. M. P. k Co. R. J. HALLOCK. " J MESHOPPEN, PA. | Respectfully announces to his cus ! tomers and the public that he has on hand and is prepared to manufacture j ' to order, on short notice, all kinds of ; Carriages siWagons. Being himself a practical workman, and having in his employment compe tent workmen in all branches of the j busiuess ; and using material selected I from the best Eastern manufactories ; he feels confident that he can SATISFACTION to ALL who may favor him with the'r patronage. BLACKSMITIIING, PAINTING, VARNISHING, TRIMMING, AND REPAIRING. DONE ON SHORT NOTICE and in a workmanlike style CHARGES ALWAYS MODERATE. II a also keeps ON If AND AA T D FOR all kinds of Carriage ma terial such as MORTICED 7/ÜBBS,TURNED SPOKES, BENT RIMS, BOWS, THILLS, POLES, OIL-CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, TURPENTINE, CARRIAGE BOLTS. SCREWS, MALEABLE. IRON &C. R. j. JIALLOCK/ Meshoppcn I'a. Jan. 30, 18(jg vsu2stf* JRODEY'S FOR '66. THE Fashion Magazine Of the World. LITERATURE FINE ARTS, AND FASHIONS. Tho most magnificent Steel engraving. DOUBLE FASHION PLATES. Wood engraving on every subject that can inter st ladies. Crochet knitting Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet, for the Parlor, the Bon loir, and the Kitchen: Everything, in fact, to make a COMPLETE LADY'S BOOK. The Ladies' Favorite for 3G years. | No Magazine has Loeu able to compete with it.— None attempt if. GODEY S RECEIPTS. for every* department of a household. These alone lire worth the price of the Book. MODEL COTTAGES t,no other magazine gives tho n). with diagrams. DP \ WIS G LESSONS FOR THE YOUXG, Another specialty with Godey. ORIGINAL MUSJ&, worth $3 a year. Other Magazines publish old worn-out Music ; but tho cub scribersjb Godev gets it before the music stores. GARDENING FOR LADIES. Another peculiarity with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart A Co, of New York, the millionairo merchants, appear in Godey, the only Magazine that has them. Ladies' Bouuets. We give more of them in a year than aDy other Magazine. In fact tho Lady's Book ena lesevery lady to bo her own bonnet-maker MARION I I \HI.AN I>. Authoress of "Atone," "I/tdden J\i/h, " "Moss Side,""Newest*," and "Miriam," writes for Godey each month, and for no other Mag azine. A new novel by her will he published in i IStid. We have also retained all our old and lavcr- i ite contributors. T/;7ifrs oh y GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 18G6. (From which there can be no Deviation.) The follew'ng are the terms of ihe Lady's Book for 1366 : One copy, one year $3 00 Two copies, " 550 Three " 750 Four " 11 . ID Five copies, one year; and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making six copies 14 00 Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to tho person getting up the club, making nine copies * 21 00 Eleven copies, ono year, an I an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making twelve copies 2< 00 All additions to clubs at club rates. I_ , Coder's Lady's Book and Arthur's Ilonoe Magazine will ho sent, each ono year, ou receipt of $4 50. i ff' We have no cluo with any other Magazine or newspaper, I'fT The money must all be sent at one time for any of th Clubs. ItT Canada subscribers must send 24 cents ad ditional for each subscriber, | Address L A GODEY N. E. Corner Sixthand Chestnut Streets. iPJTILA DLL TBI A. FINKLE & LYON SEWING MACHINE CO. Office 681 'JSroadway, Nen' York. Guarantee.—An less ino mento'u- th in::.- have r laced him in the iir.-t position, a r. sraphii and poscirjul }lelinealor of tear scenes and characters , ami the magnitude and grandeur of the present subject, im| art to his pen the fire and vigor ola yet more p\a!t<-1 inspiration, and furnish atuplc scope for the highest exhibition of his peculiar genius for military description. Enter his power - ertul pen the Stirling seoncs of the War pass in re view with the vi'vijnest and distinctness of a present and living reality; while his great talent for con densation enables him to embody everything of im portance in a compass just suited io thepublic want. Fro n i>o other source can so clear and eomprehen s'ce an impression of the grand march of events be obtained so early and agreeably, as from Mr. iieadley's work. (ether Histories hare been issued before Grant's Report and other Official Documents were submit ted to the Gorernmcnt. and are therefore unrelia ble Mr Headier/has delayed the completion of this tilt those DOOI \IS so ESSENTIAL to AUTHENTICITY and CORRECTNESS could be obtained. The Second Volume, emnpleti ng this Work, w[i bo issued in March, 1866. Agcuts wanted to engage in i's sale in every town and county in tho United States Liberal inducements offered. For p. rticu jars applj' to (i HOUSE, and will be solJ for a araall per centage over CITY WHOLESALE PRICES This assortment of READY MADE SLOTH Ifi6 will enable our citizens to select a suit ot clothee at home, and wo are determined that there shall no longer be any necessity for orders out of town for ' - . w K. * t GENTS CLOTHING. Call and examine the assortment nw opening. A. G. STARK, Ag"t. v4nl7, Flemoved 1 Tho Subscriber hating purchased of Air. C. M Koon, the rooms ieiently occupied by Lima* €fif>€£¥ AND PROVISION' STORE has removed there his stock of Goods, from "Siarks Prick Block" and with vurio us other additions, is prepared to supply the public with anything in hi* line, at a SMALLER ADVANCE UPON COST TIIAN ANY 01 HER MAN DARE TO SELL. His old customers need not be tdta they will be dealt by fairly, and honorably, while a? many new as shall see fit to f.ivor hitn wiih their p.itronage, shall have no reason to legiet having aided in sus taining an institution where goods can always be bought for their true value, and NONE liUT GOni) ARTICLED KEPT. His stock consisti in part of a general assortment of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS- Nuts Fruits and Camiien, Tobacco and Suuff, LAMPS. , < * LAMP CIIIMNIE?,* AND FRU'.T CANS, BOOTS SHOES, STONE AND TIN WARE, HATS. CAPa, KEROSENE OIL, AND PURE CIDDR VINEGAR, • FARMING UTENSILS. PATENT PAILS. WOOD EN PAILS, POWDER AND SHOT, and an endless variety of YAEK 1 ODYIOHS, Ac. ke- all of which will he seld for aash, or rr changed for anything that farmers have to sell, GEO LEIGHTQN. Tunkhannock, July 20, 1565. N B.—CASH PAID FOR BUTTER". LARD fGGS FURS, SKINS, PELIS, ic. v4n43 G L. F ÜBS. FURST F ÜBS WHOLESALE AND RE f AIL. j CHARLES OAK FORD & SONS, COIimEfITAL HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA Have now opened their laiga and splendid steek ef LADIES FUR CAPES, COLLARS, MUFFS. CUFFS. GLOVES, AND HOODS. Also the finest assortment of FANCY ,FCR ROBES, CAPS. MUFFLERS, and GLOVES, ever before offered by them, all of which are warfkateA o be as represented. SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT. v 5 nLfiTm. ♦ * A Great Excitement . . >r- •* - is constantly Kept up at MEHOOrJYIVY. PA i ou account of the LOW PRICES \ £ 41 ,< . WM JENNINGS' STO opposite Busier'• Hotel, whero Dry Goods, * Groceries, Hardware, Hats & Caps, IB oo t s and Shoes, ' and everything uslnlly keyt i i country Stores are J sold at a LESS ADVANCE ON FIRST COST THAN AT ANY OTHER PLACE IN THE COUNTY. Connected with his store is a TAILO R-SHjOP, with an extensive stock of , # . . cloths, KI3M Cassimeres, Vestings, Trim in gs, Sc., Sfc., Garments cut and made in the latest styles t prices that defy <-,,iu petit ion, PRICE FOR' CUT TING FULL SUIT—SOcts. Perfect fit Warraßti'd in il cases, if properly made up. Call and he conduced, WAMEKIfUL Uehoepaay, Dee. 7th ISo * k 3b16-3ui. ... . v t •- v