North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, January 31, 1866, Image 2
®(je gemot rat HARVEY 811'KLER, Editor. TUNKHANNOCK, PA Wednesday, Jan. 31, 1866 ma ■ DEMOCRATIC STATE CON VENTION, Tbr Democratic State Couveotien for the nomina tion of a candidate for Governor of Penm j-Ivnniu.wil| l&eet in tbe Ilall of the House of Representatives, an Harrisburg. on Monday, the sth day of March. lSfifi, ■t 3 o'clock P. Al. 00 The headquarters of this Committee are in the Democratic Club in Ilarnsburg, whtch are open day and evening. Democrats visiting this city •re invited to call. By order of the Dem Smfe Commit'ee . WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Chairman. BaxjiiiiN L. FOSTER, Sec'y. Harrisburg Jan. 9, 1?66. The "Re-construction" (or Destruction) Committee, hare found a voice in Con grew, recomending a constitutional amend ment, to apportion representation and di rect taxes among the several States, ac cording to their respective numbers, count ing the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed, and providing that "whenever the elective franchise shall be denied or abridged in any State, on account of race or color, all persons of such race or color, shall be ex cluded from the basis of representation."— Mr. Rogers, the Democratic member of the Committee, justly characterizes the recommendation as a scheme for degrading tbe white man, —but it is a scheme, nev ertheless, which, as like as not, the De structives will run through. The truth is, there is just now a sort of mania for Fe tish (Negro) worship among the radicals in Congress, which can not well be reason ed down. It will have its way—and per haps the best plan to kill it off" is, to let the Fetish have full swing. Anon it will weary, perhaps, and seek for some other object than the Negro for its adoration. DISGRACEFUL. —A Washington letter to a New York paper, speaks of the condition j of some of the poor wounded soldiers there, and the favor shown the negroes, in the follow terse language : There is no dodging this matter. Pub lie opinion will not allow the government nigger soup kitchen to remain rfpen much longer, when one can see in a walkthrough any of the pub ie thor<<ugh'aies in New- York, Boston, Phiiad.-lph a, Washington or any large city, hundreds of one—armed one-legged, young white men in ragged blue alothes whose beggai • pond ns w ii „carccly keep their souls in the little left of their bodies, and who pitiouslv hi g, as I beard one of them at the gate of the Capi tol yesterday ; "For God's rake. give me ten cents to buy a loaf of bread !" #*-The statement going the iciinds of the | negro organs thai Mlm friends of negro ruf- j frage in Washington, did not go to the polls"at the special election on that question htld on the 21st of D cemb r, is most effec tually squelched by Mayor Wallacks com munication to the Senate, transmitting the result to that body. It shows clearly that there were no more #/ them to go to the poll%. The total vote cast was (>,626, as follows: Against ngro suffrage, c> 601 For negro suffrage, 35 Majority against negro suffrage, 5.556 This is the largest vole, with two exeep tions, ever polled in Washington City. The vote for Mayor in the last live preceding elections were: 1856 5,840 1858, ♦..6.813 1860, 6,376 1862 4 819 1864. 5 820 Those who have memorilizrd for the pajs age of the negro suffrage bill, are the hang ers on, department clerks and others, who exercise the right of suffrage elsewhere, and have"but little association, less sympa thy, and no community of interests or alii.ll - With the citizens of Washington." Il re maias to be seen what regard will be paid to this unanimous expression of theoftizens by the present Gingress AATEMCS WARD ON THE NEGKO. — FeI- Ier 4 sittersuns, the African may be our brother. Sevril highly respectable gen tlemen and sum talent ci femails tells us so, and for argymerit sake 1 might be in jooeed to grant it, though I don't believe it myself. But the African isn't wife and 1 unclt. He isn't sevril of our cousins, and ! all our first wife's relashuns. He isn't our grandfather and our wife in the coun- ; try. Scarcely. And ycl numetous per sons would have us tlimk so. It is troo he runs Congress and severil other grosservs. But he ain't everybody else. But we're got the African or he's g..t us rather, now what'r we going to do about it ? 11..'*, ar , orful noosance. P'raps he isn't to blame for it. P'raps he was "created for some ; wise purpose, uke Bill Harding and New England rum , but it is a pity lie couldn't go off sumwars quietly by himself, where) he could gratify his enbushum in varis ways, without having an eternal fuss kicked *p about him Hear us Tor the,Ti uth. Had any one told us ten years since that the people of America would have submitted to the insults, oppressions, usurp ations and extravagances heaped upon them and stood like fuolsto see their earn ings moitgagcd for generations yet to come, the world would have called him mad and spat in his face. But the shuttle of time carried the woof , of corruption anil partisan and extravagance through the warp of dishonest ambition, till the land became spotted with blood and ruins, and the earth filled with the victims of meddlesome fanaticism. Our entire na tional debt five years iince wonld not pay the interest, for three months, on what we now owe! Iwo thirds the enf ire wealth of th" coun try is to-day exempt from taxation, and the Republicanism which was to have so many blessings in its train has singled out the wealthy to be supported by the poor. The holder of Government bonds sits in his easy chair, his slippered feet on silver plated fender—a choice cigar in his lips the finest liquors on his sideboard—the richest dress on his his pocket plo thoric with interest bearing bonds. Every three months he goes to a bank and draws his interest. His notes me against the i e 1 poor—not the rich. The tax-gatherer passes him by with a smile, to return and empty his tithes into the rich man's pocket. By a wicked, ww. j lawful, unconstitutional act of a Kepuhli- j can Congrfss, sanctioned by a week, truck ; ling President, the rich man is protected j in idleness, the poor man made his slave, i The bond holder does not have one cent of ' taxes to pay on money so invested. lie ! holds his millions, and the laborer, the I widow, the mechanic,*ihe fainter pays him high interest. The bondholder pjfc-s no taxes. The bondholder builds no churches. The bondholder builds no school-houses. The bondholder builds no roads. The bondholder does not diri-ctlv or in directly support the Government which thus favors him, Ihe bondholder does not help pay for boarding the thief who tried to steal from him, or the villain who tried to take bU life. The bondholder doe* nothing to bu Id np a country, hut like a g,.0 1 sponge, ab sorbs the earnings ofh s non-bond holding neighbor-tall over the countrv. Tlfink of tnese things, brother working men. 1 ii.nk of these matters, young men of America. The Republican party by fraud, deceit and wi, kedness e me into power. It toyed your liberties away It j added to your tuxes. It ran the country in d-.-bt. It exonerated the rich from tax ation. It has left a legacy of debt which will la>t six hundred and fifty years at the rate now going on. Republicanism plunged the country in wais and IMW it calls upon the soldiers who have saved the country to pay it# debts— to save it from thieves as they did from men in the rebellion ! I he men who lought do not hold bonds, lhe bondholders arc the loyal sharks who p ttcd the joking President on the 1 1-ack and filled their pockets, the while laughing at his stories. Soldiers who went to war had bounties. These bounties were raised by taxes — While soldiers fought, Congress raised money for them by running the country in debt. The men return from the war to find the ones who hind them to go exempt from taxation, an 1 the entire debt of the country thrown upon the shoulders ot those who suffered the most, . And this is-Republican equality. Poor men —laboring men of America ! It is for you to say whether you alone shall pay the war debt, and support m idleness those who fattened on your sons, fathers, and who live on your labor. It is for you to say whether the rich shall help pay the debt towering over- us, or whether you will leave a burden of taxation on your posteri ty forever.— La Crosse Democrat. Negro Sufl'rase in the* I'etilia. Legislature Mr. LAN DON offered the following preamble and resolutions W HEREAS.A bill enfranchising the color ed citizens of the- District of Columbia lately passed the lower House ot Congress receiving the earnest support ot our Re publican members ; therefore be it Resolved by the Senate und House of Rep resentativefof Pennxylvani 1 in General As sembly met. That we approve and com- j mend tbe action of uur members in their j support of this measure and our Senators j are requested and hereby instructed to vote for the same. Resolced J hat the Governor be request ed to forward each ot our members and Senators in G>ngressa copy of this pream ble and reso'ution The pr amble and resolutions passed 011 sceond reading by the strict party,vote. 'liie following is the vote on the first: resolution. Yeas—Messrs. Bingham, Biowe, t'on-i nMI, C louip'.evs. Dun lap, Graham, Haines Hog , Landon, Lowrv, M'Cooiuugby, Ne eholls, Pryorand Shoemaker— 24. Nays—Messrs. Beardslie, Giatz.Janns Letts, Montgomery, Randall, and V\ allace ', Messrs, HOUSEHOLDER and RIDG- W AY Republicans decline to vtle on the an. I letter fr ru Mrs. Jefferson Davis. The following letter has boi n addressed ! by Mrs Jefferson Davis to the Secretary ! and Agent of the Ladies' Southern Aid ! Association : 1 MILL VIEW, GA„ DEC. 4. 18C5. MY DEAR Sin : ] am in receipt of your ; very kind letter in the name ot the Ladies Southern Aid Association, having "for its objection the purpose of placing" me "and family in ciicuni>taces somewhat common j surate with their estimate of' me and mine i and begging that 1 will, at iny earliest eon | veniencc, designate a place to which the i means so collected may be conveyed, so that they may "safely and. satisfactorily" reach me. From our desolated and impoverished friends I scarcely expected such an expres sion of material sympathy, though my pow ers of gratitude have been almost daiiytax ed to thank those who have, with so much heart eloquence, pleaded with the President for him who, though unsuccessful, has giv en you all he could—his best energies— and whose only hope of future happiness lies in the sweet trust, often expressed, that he has not lost your confidence and love. Ignorant ot a I which his own people have done for him in his painful captivity, his devotion is unabated. "The unfortunate have always been deserted, and betrayed, but did ever mau have less to complain of when he had lost the power to serve? Toe multitude are silent. Why should they speak, save to him who heirs best the words most secretly uttered ? "My own heart tells nic the sympathy exists; that the prayers of the family hearth are not hushed, Be loving and confiding still to those from whom I have much more than I deserve ; tar more offi cial honors than I ever deserved Those for whose cause I sulfer are not unworthy ot the devotion of all which I had to give." This is the message of love which is sent through prison gates to our own people.— I say our people, btcause both of us have Vee- rought up with you ; one of us un born in Mississippi, the other came to her in in'ancy. These are ray own people, and it i a privilege <f which no change ol oir cumstanc s can deprive nie. To the ac cepted prayers of our widows and oipu.t >s, our s-.lfcring !••; heroic worn- n, our brave ami true in. .o ,r innocent little children I look lor the restoration to niv little eliil er II of their agonize I hut Christian holier. If a mere ful Providence so oidaiu it, we hope to ive and die among you. mutually eonsohi g and lu string each other s burdrn*, I pray tiod we may be restored to the bonis* of our ehildho d, "for iiuw can we sing nurt.wii song in a s'tango land? We would not have our dear triends betrayed by their sympathy in off ting for our use. ' too much from th ;r "basket and j store.' I and mine have, so far, been mir aculously cared for and shielded from want. We seem ever environed by the love winch is reflected upon us from that which lighted iny husband in his dungeon—sof- i tuned his prison walls with suany pictures of loving eyes and ouistietched arms. Grief and gratitude seem to impose upon me silence. I would, but cannot my more. I will enclose w.thin this note the names and directions of gentleman to whom the contributions of which you speak may le inclosed. And instead of the eloquent voice wkieh so often has poured forth bis love to his dear people, now mute, 1 offer a wife's and a motner's and a country-woman* gratitude to you and those you represent. I have the lienor to be, very gratefully and sincerely yours, VARINA DAVIS. Nettro Suffrage. We give below the names of the Penn sylvania Congressmen in lists as tliey vo ted upon the bill to enforce negro suffrage in the District ot Columbia, so that our co temporaries raav give "honor to whom honor is due,' ami hold up to popular ex ecration those recreant men who voted to prostitute the balh-t-box to the negro level for the base purposes of securing partisan supremacy : The Roll of H'>iiorAll Democrats Ist. Dist.— SAMUEL J. RANDALL ; Gtli Dist.— B. M. BOYEK; Bth Dist.— S. E. ANCONA ; 10th Dist.— MEYER STKOUSE; 11th Dist.— PuiLir JOHNSON; 12th Dist.— A.J. GLO.-SBENNER; 21st Dist.—J. L Dawson. The Black List—All Shoddies. 2d. Charles Cf Neil ; Philadelphia; 3d. Leonard Myers ; Philadelphia; 4tli. William D. K< lly ; Philadelphia; sth. M. Russel Thayer ; Philadelphia; 7th J. M. Broomfl ; Chester, Delaware; 9th. Th-deus Stevens', Lancaster; 13th Ulysses M^rcur ; Bradford, Wv ommg, Snlivan, Montour, and Columbia?; 14th. George F. Miller: N< rtl uinberjand Dauphin, Union, Snyder. Juniata; 17tli. Ab'a.n A. Baric-r ; Cambria, Liair, lliinliog'l•>?. 'liffi n ; 18fli. Stephen F >V ilson ; Centre Ly coming. Clinton. I'oli r, Tioga ; . • 19th, G/enni W. Sehn*elJ; Eri,*, War ren, M Kean. Forest, Elk J ffer-oti, Clear field, Canu-roti; 22 \. James K. Moor head ; Allegheny; 23d. Thomas Williams; A.llowfi(nr r Lawrence, Armstrong; 24th. Qeorge V. Lawrence ; Greene, Lawrence, Beaver,^Washington, The "Republican" member from tha 20tb District—Crawford, Mercer, Venango and Clarion, is not recorded as voting. Will our Democratic cotemporaries ox amin-i this list, and hold the (mis) Rcpre scnlatives cl their various districts to a strict account before their constituents? It will le set ii that MERCUU'S name stands in favor of the bill. Do the people of this District endorse that vote ? Are they in favor of forcing negro suffrage on the people of the District, against their most distinctly expressed wish? Is the majority to rule ? Or are 75 votes in fa vor of negro suffrage to outweigh in the Rump Congress 7000 against it ? NEGRO SUFFRAGE AT LAST. —The rad icals achieved a triumph in the Rump House at Washington on Thursday, by the passage of Mr Kelley's bill, t xtending the right of suffrage to the negroes of the District of Columbia ; and that, too, in the face of an almost unanimous rote of the people of the District against it. The following is the bill, as passed : Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That from all laws and parts of laws prescribing the qualifications of electors for any office in the District of Columbia, the word "white" be and the same is hereby stricken out, aud that from aud after the passage of this act no person shall be disqualified from voting at any election held in the said District o"Vi account of color. SEC 2. And be it further enacted, That all acts of Congress and all laws of the State of Maiyland in force in said District and all ordinances of the cities of Wash ington and Georgetown, inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby re pealed and annulled. An attempt to limit the operations of the bill to those who can read and those who pay taxes on real or personal property was voted down —yeas 53, nays 117 —and the bill passed finally by a vote of 116 yeas to 54 nays. All the Democratic members and s iine twenty moderate Re publicans vuted against it. We bi gn to think that Thad. Stevens was right wli-n ;i>* declared "that tips is n>t nw'i.te Man's Government." The very patty that only a few years ago en deavored to restrct tha right of voting to na'De born white men only, now throw open the ball *t box t*r negroes indiscrimi nately, wi liout any limit or q-ialifi vu on whatever No. this is not a White Man's Government, so far as the power of Coie gress goes. QUESTIONS FOR THE RADICALS. — Is slav ery abolished as an institution in the Uni ted States? If so how it done unless the amendment to that effect was ratified by States in the Union ? Was the proclamation of President Lin coin, abolishing slavery of any binding f >rc„* unless binding on States subject to the powers of the General Government of the Union? If so, how could they b ' sub ject to the General Government unless they were in the Union? If the Confederate States were out of the Unioii and not subject to its Constitu tion and laws, but to their own govern ment established, why had they not power to create a debt winch mortgaged the land and property of its inhabitants, and which, being held by foreign nation*, at least so far became a debt not to be repudiated ei ther by its own citizens or by the nation conquering ii by force of arm*? Had the Confederacy .succeeded in se ceding from the Union, and accomplished the object of their rebellion, and subse quently we had through purchase or an nexation united, should we not have been obliged to assume its debts as well as its territory ? If so, under a peaceful annexa tion arc we not equally liable through con quest, if those States were out of the Un ion and a distinct people with an establish ed government ? Can any legislation by Congress, any ex pressions in any of the proclamations or messages of President Lincoln, any state ment in any of our diplomatic correspon dence, any orders from onr Generals in the field, t>e produced, which, for a mo ment, can be construed into an admission on our part that those States firere, or have been out of the Union, and were not sub ject to the requirement of the Constitution? Then why delay to consummate the pur pose of war to reestablish the Union under the Constitution, and again unitedly press forward toward the accomplishment of the proud destiny contemplated by the foun ders of the Republic ?— Boston Post. One of the Northern 'school-marms' who is employed in teaching the "freed men," told a sprightly negro girl that she •mint not c ill the lady with whom she lived ♦mistress that she was as good as any body " Pretty soon the girl asked her teacher what burin*** she followed before coming to teach "I was a bonnet-maker," was the reply. 'Well," said the girl, gathering up Iter book* ami making tor the door, "I am not going to Voeiate wid vou any longer;—you say lis ekcl to rny mis- she don't Wiaio wid konuet In order to close our entire Stock of £SL -&B within sixty days, we will offer thein *ll Cost , fjr cash or produce, T. I<. ROSS & CO. Tunkhanno.k, Jan. 29, 1866. m *£ADY'S FOR *66. THE Fashion Magazine of the World. LITERATURE,FIXE ARTs, AND FA<limNi. ! The most magnificent Steel engraving. DOUBLE i FASHION PLATE S. Wood engr.ivinr en every \ subject that can inter st I idies. Cr-chet knitting j Netting, Embroidery, Articles for tlie Toilet, foi the ' Parlor, the Boudoir, and the Kit -ben: Everything, in f.ict, to make a comolkte Lady's Hook The Ladies' Favorite for 30 years. No Magazine bus beeu able to compete with it— ' None attempt it. GODETS RECEIPTS. j for every departinant of a household. These alone ! are worth the prico of the Book ' MODEL COTTAGES yno other magazine give* i ! them), with di •grams. . | DRAIVJNG LESSONS FOR THE YOUNG,' I I Another gpei-ialtv wtihOodev. | ] I ORIGINAL MUSlC, worth S3 a year. Other j • Magazines publish ol 1 w ira-out Mu-ic ; but the sub- j i STitiers to Oodev g-jts it before the music stores. GARDENING FOR LADIES. Auether ' peculiarity with G<>dey. Fashions from Messrs. A T. Stewart A Co , of New York, the millionaire mere-hints, appear in , Godey. the only Magazine that has them. Ladies' Bonnets, We give more of them in a year than any other Magazine. In fact the Lady'* ] Book ena les every lady to be lier own bonnet-maker NT AII ON HMtl.W'l). ; Authoress of "Alone," "Hidden "Path," "Moss Side, **"J\Tetnesis, w and "Miriam," I writes for Gcdey each inoMh, for no other M.ig | azine. A new novel by her will nc published in 1866. We hre also retained all our old and favor ite contributor*. TBPMS OH | GODEY'S LADY'S HOOK FOR IB6fl. which there con b* n> Or via ion.) I The follow'ng are the term%f ihe Laciy's Bonk '■ for 1866 : One copy, one year $3 00 ; Two copies, " 5 60 Three \ " 750 Four •' " 10 00 Fire copies, one year; and an extra copy to i ' the person getting up the club, making six copies 14 00 j / Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making V | nine copies 21 00 | Eleven copies, • an* year, an I m ex'n copy to the person getting up th club, making twelve copies 27 00 . All additions to c-lnhs at i-lnh rates. ' Godey'e Lady V link i-nd Anbm'* ll me M ie-xiiie will t>e cent, each oue rear, on receipt of $4 50. a if We have no -lu > with anv other M igetine . or newsoipcr. % The m <nry must all be a• one title for any of Ike Clubs t C. na l i subscriber* must stnl 24 eetffs *d- 1 diiio'ial for each subscriber, A Idn-ss L 4- GODKY. t X. E- Corner Sixth and Chestnut S/ri do. j *• PHIL A[.PffTHIAe 1 Local and Personal, Remember Dr. Bei.k*r'a Auction, snleef Hon* Buggies. Furniture, Ac. Ac , on Saturday next. See BOW Advertisement of T L Ross A Co. They are selling off :m extensive stock of goods at prices that astonish both natives and foreigners Attention is called to the advertisement of Heuulej's History 0° the late Rebellion. This work by the author ot "Sacred Mountains," Washington I and bis fienerals," "Napoleon and his Marshals"— p:( toi.-1 s— fr tn the world-wide reputation of its wri ter—to l>e the history of that greit event in the an nals of the country. I Cone to Egypt. —The story of the Patriarch Ja-ob's youngest born going into Egypt for com, has 1 been brought to our mind by an occurrence of the ' past fow days. Esock, the son of Aiden, not has. ing gold and silver as did Benjamin of old, bat hav ing other commodities quite as necessary to the Egyptians has gone into that land of corn, to ex change them for cash or corn. To make oar mean ing a little plainer ; Mr. E. Wheelock has removed his enti>e stuck rf merchandise to the store near Benjamin's Mills, in Eaton, and has associated with hi n, Win. A. Dan i, where his old patrons will find all !hv wi.nt in bis line, at tba lowest cash prijs, with - '••nblo of crossing the river. Those on I the i..h. i :1 • ion will tn-ike a note of this. Rcadlc • Dime Series-—We tare received i from Beadle Co., Publishers, 118 William St. j New York, the Official Report of Lieut.-Gbn. Ulyi i ss S.Gran!; embracing a History of the operations | of the Armies of the Union from March 196 2, to the | closing scene of toe Rebellion. | Also, Beadles Year Book and Almanac for 1866. A compendium of information for every man's use, embracing- Almanac for three meridaos; post rates; postal money order system; Stamp d a ties; i a teresfs 'aws of the stales; the states-ares,wpulafioa j suffrage laws,etc; the teritories—area, resources, etc j valuable tables of our commerce, Products,etc., na- I tional debt, income, etc. constitution of the Caitsd Stites;unJ much other interesting useful, and valuable matter. Something DlW—Ws call attention to tha ad vertisement of the Duplex Elliptic or doable spring Skirt Though a recent Invention, it has become very popular and is rapi By obtaining the preference over other kinds in use The rods HI it are composed i each of two delicate and well tempered of steel sprin -s, which are ingeniously braided toge.'her edge to edge tr e lower rods heavier, and having a double covering. This peculiarity of construction makes this skirt very strong and durable, and also so exceedingly flexible that it rapidly adapts itself to the form of the wearer, ard allow.- of any amount of doubling and crushing wituont injury to its shape. These skirts are unques tionably the lightest most desirable, <omfortable and i economi al ever made They are advantages which i ladies, who have experienced the discomfort and | inconvenience of single springs will duly appreciate. TOWS TALK. "If there's a hole in a' your coat a 1 rede ye tent it. A cbiels amangvou faking notes, And, lai'.h, be'l preat it, We're goin •to quit. Rejoice, oh, ye loaf ers; aid be glad, ob. }<} tuui-sutkt-rg. No more shall 'he teinr of seeing y. ur disgraceful actions chr. id -led in the toiumno! Town Talk ie>train your es. No more i-hall the dread of having oj. con luct exposed to public exoeratisin and score defer jou fn ni u untitling the grossest exccssts. G > i:; ye cripp rs ! 'ibis is our last When we ei iniuenced this series of articles, we I state! that e <i i not < are whether we received the I comtoeu into us or iuis>s of this | üblic ; and sow t'ott we are aboui to bid you a ieu, wc repeat it. j it isperlecliy immaterial to us. We have an idea j that th-- book* in this nspecs, would about evenly j balance; for while the curses have been by far ! more numerous, the commendations will mnke np lin respect ability what they lack in numbers. Ia I our criticisms we can hones ly state, we have bean ' no respecter of persons. The rich and the poor, the high and the low, have been spoken of when ee ■ ension culled for it, without fear or reserve. We , have noticed that while we hate playing the ! boy, in the fable of the frogs, and throwing stones in.o some one ciss-pool of society, ibe people would look on with much complacency; but as quick as a random stone wuul I ruffla the waters of their own frog-pond, a tremendous croaking would be set up. We (i not to bore you, with moralizing on this, but leave you to draw your own conclusions. — We do not consider it necessary for us to sta".e onr reasons for discontinuing Town Talk. We com menced it ns much for ar exercise as anything else, and to while away moments which otherwise might hang heavily on cur hands ; and now that we think our time can be more peo&Ubly employed we leave it. To those friends whose commendation* we have received w< gay, thank joe. Our enemies, we laugh at. "Here's n sigh f r those who love me, And a smile for'those wko_hate, And wh lever sky's above me, Here's a heart for ever y fate." Once more adieu. MOKTV. .-WfcC Jteutuw— B. J. iiAL,look. MESIIOPPEN, PA. Respectfully announces to his cus tomers and the public that he has on hand and is prepared to manufacture to order, on short notice, all kinds of CarriagesJi . Being himself a practical workman, and having in his employment compe tent workmen in all branches of the business ; and u>ing material selected " O • from the best Eastern manufactories ; he feels confident that he can # Satisfaction to ALL who may favor him with, the r patronage. BLACKSMITH TNG, PAINTING, VARNISHING, TRIMMING. AND REP A'. RING, DONE ON SHORT NOTICE and in a workmanlike style CHUGES ALWAYS UCDERATE. 7/e also keeps ON HJND AND FOR SJLK all kinds ot Carriage ma terial such as MORTICED //ÜBBS,TURNED SPOKE®, Bint Rims, BOWS, 1 HILLS, POLES, Oil-i Lotus. TRIMMINGS, PAINTS, V ARMS ES, yuifESTiNE, CARRIAGE BOLTS. SCREW S, MALKABLE. IRON &C. R. J. UALLOCK/ Mrsbuppcn Pa. Jan. 30, lßgg. vtatttf'