North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, January 31, 1866, Image 1

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    (Hie Ijhrik itandt Bcnuuntl.
SCjm.n.VU'y SICKIiER, Proprietor.]
A weekly Democratic ....
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Ht paid within six months, <2.50 will be charged
NO paper will be DISCONTINUED, until all ar
rearages are paid; unless at the option of publisher.
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less, make three \fourl two [three < six j one
one square weeks weeks', mo'thlißo'th jmo'tAj year
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GIOUS and LITERARY NOTICES, not of genera
interest, one half tne regular rates.
Business Cards of one square, with paper, 85
of all kinds neatly executed, aDd at prices to suit
he times.
WORK must be paid for, when ordered.
flusiiifss fhdirs.
Ofiae on Tioga street, TunkhannockPa.
• Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa.
Tunkhonnock, Pa. Office n Stark's Brie
oak, Ttoga street.
ice in Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk
aaaeck. Pa
£jlr Bltfljlff |]DUSf.
The undersigned having lately pur. hased the
BUEHLER HOUSE" property, has already conr
aianced such alterations and improvements as will
render this old and popular House equal, if not supe
rior, to any Hotel in the City of Harriaburg.
A continuance of the public patronage is refpeet
fnlly solicited.
rlllS establishment has recently been rcPtted a.
furnished in the latest style Evert a'leiitinn
wiii be given to the eoinfort and convenience of tho.-e
,'io patronize the Houe.
T B WALL, Owner and Proprietor .
Tonkhannock, September 11, 1861.
Win. 11. CORTRIGHT, Prop'r
HAVING resumed the proprietorship of the alatvc
Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to
render the house an agreeable plate ot sojourn for
all who may favor it with their custom.
Juoe. 3rd, 1663
~*~ I H. J. C- liKC kTTH
Would resiiectfully announce to the citirensoi Wy
tning. that he has located at Tvmkhannnck where
he will promptly attend to all calls in the line ot
bis profession.
r Will be feunJ at home on Saturdays of
each week
Dlfans Hotel,
(Late of t "brainard House, Elmira, N. Y.
The MEANS HOTEL, i- one of the LARGEST
aad BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country—lt
i* fitted ap in the most modern and improved style,
and no pains are spared to make it a pleasant and
agreeable stopping-place for all,
y v 3, n2l. ty
' mere Hats
a. lcbenet. 3
AT OILMAN, has permanently located in Tunk
* h ann °clt Borough, and respectfully tendered a
' r es*ional services to the citizens of this place h n
ounding country.
ever Tattoo's Law Offi:e. near tb . P.
feleit § tary.
It certainly did look very suspicious !
Their conscious air; his attitude of devo
tion as he bent tenderly over her; her
look, half shy, half pleased, ail betokened
either a bonajide love affair, or the very
perfection of imagination. As gay voices
approached he started back a little, though
not before the whole pary had seen and
appreciated the significance of the scene;
but she never moved, not even when Lau
rence Danvers, as he passed her, murmur
ed carelessly, "One more unfortunate."—
She flashed a single glance at him, and
then lowering lier black lashes, began again
to speak to Edward Miller, who bent over
her as if nervously fearful of Jos ng one o f '
her low spoken words. Of course it was
all'eommented on afterwards by the vari
ous spectators, who delivered judgment,
according to tiieir different stand-points.—
Some pronounced Miss Holland a shocking
flirt, who made a businsss of coquetry, and
who had no sooner bound Laurence Deli
vers securely in her toils, than she dropp
ed him the bett cr to ensnare poor Miller,
who was going the way of all the rest. To
this others replied that her snares must
have been so weakly woven that Laurence
had broken them in the fall, for his atten
tion to Alice W alsh, that morning, had
certainly been suggestive of anything soon
er than a deluded victim One hinted that
ih'> change might be the fault of Laurence;
another, that the cause differed with the
different speakers, the result was the same
witii all—that it was an unmistakable flir
tation ; while still that low, musical voice,
made Edward Miller think the rustic piazza
a fairy palace, and the little patch of land
which sported a few currant bushes, a bed
ot sage, and some tall hollyhocks, a very
Garden of Paradise.
Presently another couple joined them—
Miss Walsh'and Mr.Danvers. The latter
made a somewhat ostentatious show of at
tention to his fair companion, who was
charming enough to have deserved a reali
ty instead of the rather labored devotion
just then offered her; apparently, however
she found no fault wi.h it,-for her face was
as bright as the morning as they walked
up and dewn under the cherry trees. Ve-
rv lovely she looked. Hei fair, wavy hair
uas drawn back from a rounded brow, con
trasting with and heightening the effect ot
her large dark'eyes, whose lashes and
brows were of the deepest btown. A bril.
liant complexion lighted up the whole and
rendered more effective still the charms
that had made havoc with many a mascu
line heart. Was it strange that Laurence
locked often into such a face, especially
with the knowledge that every movement
was perceptible from the piazza? hen
they had finished their walk he lingered a
moment beside the do<>r, allowing Alice to
pas in first, while he spoke in a low tone
to Miss Holland, who shook her head
haughtily in reply. At this he turned
away with a lip compressed somewhat
more than usual, and joined Miss Walsh
"Where shall we go to day ? This morn
ing is too lovely to be passed in doors,
but it seemt to me we have explored the
surrounding country, inch by inch !" said
Jennie Cooper, rather despondently
"Shall we try the Willow Road ?" asked
one of the attendant gentlemen.
"What! again to-day ? Why we can
tered I don t know how many miles on it
last evening."
"To be sure. The Two Ledges, then !"
"Why, have you forgotten that our pic
nic is to le there next Friday ?" demand
ed-Jennie reproachfully.
"Mv suggestions are unfortunate, I shall
venture only one more, and 1 know you
will laugh at that—Holly Hill."
"Holly Hill f and why not ?" said Jen
nie, the idea striking her favorably. "How
many of the people will go ? You and Al
ice, I shall reckon,of course, on Laurence."
Indeed, tha|arratigenient had lißw he
come a recognized one. Several days had
past since the one with which our story be
gins, and Miss Holland had not again had
occasion to refuse Laurence Denvers' re
quest, whatever that might have been, for
since that time lie had quite deserted her,
and devoted himself entirely to Alice, with
what seemed a siucero feeling. Edward
Miller had taken Laurence's former place
with Anna Holland, and these, also, were
of the party proposing to take a drive.
Holly Hill was a small elevation some
d miles distant - a wild, woodland spot.
A the foot they alighted and began to
climb the hill, ascent was just suffi
ciently difficult to admit of pleasant little
episodes is the way of assistance. At the
top tliey all sat down to rebt. One of the
party, a mischievous looking girl, after sur
veying the group before her, whispered
something to Jennie Cooper, who nodded
and laughed in reply. Laurence, who had
caught his own name, laughingly demand
ed that the whisper should be repeated
aloud, and Jeunie who never took thought
of her words, at once complied.
" She says that you and Alice, both be
ing light, and Miss Holland and Mr. Miller
just the reverse, are mis-mated, and lose
half your effectiveness for want of contrast.
And for my part." pursued Jennie half
shutting one eye, and gazing meditatively
at the objects of her strictures, "1 think she
is quite right."
Laurence laughed. Miss Holland glanc
ed at him, hut he did not once look her
way, "What a pity," he said, lightly, "that
we can't regulate our liking.s to suit your
artistic eye, cousin Jennie!"
Anna Holland's face for a nqpment grew
dark, but the pallor instantly passed away
with the emotion, whatever it was, which
caused it. When they resumed their
march her cheek wore its usual brilliant
color. Edward Miller for his own reasons,
suffered the general party to go on so far
in advance that he lost sight of it, and turn
ed in the wrong direction. When this fact
was discovered—which was not until they
had proceeded some distance—they paused
upon a rising ledge of rock to look for the
rest. Now there was a certain question
which Edward Miller had been longing to
ask, and had planned this very wandering
in order the better to ask it. So upon the
first opportunity, he spoke what was in his
heart, with a fervor and sincerity to which
his companion listened, sorrowful and
ashamed. How little she seemed to her
self at that moment, in the light of truth
which revealed but to plainly her own mo
tives. She had won the love of a noble,
manly nature—not with a deliberate inten
tion, certainly, but, while her fascinations
were luring on her victim, she had taken
neither thought nor care for the possible
•consequences. No, site felt, with a keen
stiHg of consciousness, that with her the
end had been everything—the means noth
ing, But since, through her culpable care
lessness, this love was gained and could
not be repressed by any of hers, what re
turn could she make for it ? Could she
marry one man conscious that her love be
longed to another? If site had wronged
Miller, already, would not this be a far
dep r wrong? She shrank from it. and
resolving to tell him or. rything, and ca*t
lu rself upon his generosity, sue lifted her
head to speak, but as she did so the sight
which met her eyes drove from her mind
the purpose of a moment before, to fill its
place with bitterness Walking leisurely
down the narrow path,talking with low tone
and lingering glance, and what seemed to
Anna's watchful gaze a most lover like as
pect, came Alice \V alsh and Laurence
Denver*. That moment changed the cur
rent ol Anna's thoughts, and redoubled the
intensity of the feelings she had just con
qucred. \\ hy should she show the faith
she could not find elsewhere ? Since Ed
ward Miller loved her truly, she had a right
to accept the happiness he offered her.—
Reasoning, or rather blindly feeling, tints,
she gave him a hasty answer—an answer
wherein she betrayed herself no less than
Presently Alice lifting her eyes, became
aware of the presence of others near at
hand, and after a moment's hesitation the
new eomer ascended the ledge.
"Do we interrupt a tete-u-tete asked
Alice, mn-cbievously, as she sat down.
"Not unless it is your own," replied An
na carelessly and somewhat scornfully.—
Alice coluced, for Iter shaft had rebounded
upon herself; but Laurence Denvers look
ed keenly from one to the other. His
quick perception instinctively felt that there
had been some change in the relations of
the two before hint. Why he thought so,
lie could scarcely have told, for Miller had
too much good taste to parade devotion,
and Anna wore her society mask. Still, an
indescribable something warned Laurence
of what had taken place Perhaps his
glance was more observant than another's
would have been ; be that as it might. he
was moody and distrait all the way home,
and no very entertaining companion for
Miss Walsh.
Anna Holland stood alone in the moon
light, leaning upon one of the pillar- of the
low-rooted piazza, looking away over the
green meadow land. A step behind her
made her start and shrink guiltily into the
shadow, but the step came nearer.
"Anna," said a voice close besyje, "why
do you wish to avoid me ?"
"I have no such wish," she said hastily.
"Indeed ? You are to be interpieted by
contraries, then. But Ido not wonder,"
he continued bitterly," that anything
should be more agreeable -to your eyes than
I. Tender hearts never like to look upon
the misery they have caused. Mr. Miller,
perhaps —"
"You remind me," she quietly interrupt
ed, "of something I have wished to say to
you. I am—l have promised—" but she
hesitated and stopped ; finding the com
munication even more difficult than she
had expected.
"I can help you, perhaps," said Laurence
as she paused. '-You are going to say
that you had accepted Miller, and had no
further use for n-e. That is the plain En
glish, 1 believe ?"
Without attempting an answer, she si
lently held out to him a ring, which he
took and ground under foot."
"So perish the compact of which it was
a sign, 'he said, "My ring is thrown
aside to make room for this, and I—" He
stopped abruptly. "It is to be hoped you
will keep better faith with him than you
have kept with me."
She lifted he head at that. "The re
proach comes well from you, faith ! You
have kept yours io truly, you have a right
to expect it of others 1"
"Y'ou mean—"
"Ask your own conscience what I mean.
I think—Alice Walsh would have no diffi
culty in understanding me. I did not mean
to speak of this to you,but yonr reproaches
after the part you have acted, are too
"Anna!" exclaimed Laurence,snatching
Iter hand, "Listen to me. The part I have
acted may have been foolish, may have
been wrong. I will not try to defend it,
but you drove me to it, and I swearoto you
that I have not had one feeling that was
false to you, or one wish with which you
were not connected. Y our pride and mine
held me back, but a single word from you
would have brought me to your side. I
never dreamed that you would have cast
me away so coldly, without a single regret
to break the blow. Anna, you loved nte
once " —but she could bear no more. A
sob interi upted his passionate speech, as
her head fell upon his shoulder. But soon
angry with her own weakness, she drew
herself from lii encircling arm.
"Leave me," she said, "I have been bit
terly wrong—wrong throughout, I
but it shall end here. If I have betrayed
onefT will not betray anether. Edward
Miller must never know of this. His truth
and sincerity I must respect, even though I
lack them myself, and he shall never know
suffering caused by me. So much*at least
I owe him. Forgive me, and try to forget
what I have said to night, and all that lias
been between us.''
From this mood Laurence could not move
her. To all his protestations and entrea
ties she replied only "I must not hear you,"
and in despair at last he left her.
Left alone in the still moon-light she
closed, her oves for a moment in weariness
of the calm beauty which so cruelly con
trasted bet- own agitation, and opening
them again, started to see a man's shadow
thrown across the level green. Looking
around, site beheld Edward Miller slowly
advancing up the path from the garden.
A glance at his face made her fear that he
knew what had passed, and waited his ap
proach with a guilty dread
"Anna," said he, "I know all. I have
not come to reproach you, but give back
the promise it costs yon so much to keep.
Nay," he continued, checking her hesita
ting words, "for my own sake, also, I do
so Neither my love nor my pride would
allow me to receive a forced faith. Could
not you have trusted me enough," he said,
clasping In r trembling hand,"to tell me all?
The pain would have been slight compared
with the lifelong misery that concealment
must cause us both. Now you, at least,
can be happy."
III? paused, hut Anna could answer only
with tears, "It distresses nte to see you
weep," lie said at length, "I wish only your
"Ah," site answered with an effort, "you
are to kind. Your generosity shatnes
"I am going away to-morrow," he said
after a moment's hesitation. "Good-bye.
Remember me as one who will always be a
friend, if he may be nothing more."
"I will remember you as the noblest
friend I ever knew," she replied warmly.
Miller felt his self-control giving way be
neath her grateful look, and raising her
hand to bis lips, he turned away abruptly.
So he vanished from Anna's life, though
not from her memory.
Lawrence of course, (such is the selfish
ness of mankind,) was very happy at the
turn affairs had taken. But there was one
little awkwardness in his way which he
hardly knew how to dispose of. His at
tentions to Alice Walsh, as he had assured
Anna had beqp dictated only by reasons
connected with the latter, and, in thought,
he had been true to her, while false in his
appearance. But he was conscious that in
order to effect his purpose, he had not scru
pled to say and domany things which seem
sligkt enough at that moment, but upon re
flection loomed into al arming importance.
He could not see his way clear. An ab
rupt withdrawal of attention, which he felt
had gone far enough to justify htr in ex
pecting more, would be unkind and un
gentlemanly ; yet, of course, to continue
them now was out of the question. Worst
of all would be any attempt at explanation,
for that would imply that she had attached
to their friendship a value which it had,per
haps, never possessed in her eyes. But
Alice, heiself, very unexpectedly delivered
him from the in which his own
unjustifiable conduct had involved him.—
In the midst of a conversation with her,
Laurence, meditating upon the embarass
ments of his position, was becoming verv
improperly absent-minded, when Alice
broke in upon his reflections in a most
startling manner.
"Mr. Denvers," she said, "I know you
are dying to tell me something ! What
would you give to have me guess it, and
save you the awkwardnesss of speaking?
Well, then, listen. Having quarrelled with
Miss Holland you devoted yourself to me
with the praiseworthy intention of making
her jealous, but the quajrel being now set
tled, of course you intend to desert me,
though,with your usual thoughtfulness,you
hesitate to inform me of it, I suppose yon
are afraid of a scene, or blighted hopes, or
something of that sort; but pray don't
trouble your kind heart on my account.—
You are quite welcome to any assistance I
have been able to give ; as for the rest—
how do you like this face ? ' Unclasping
from a chain about her neck a locket* con
taining the picture of a reckless, handsome
youth, she added as he held it out to her
companion—"We have been esgaged for
some time, but it is rather a reeret."
Laurence had listened, open-eyed, and
almost open mouthed, with astonishment,to
the words of Alice, spoken in her usual
careless languid manner, but at the conclu
sion of her speech his face changed. "So,"
he said, as he returned the picture, "you
have been engaged alljthe time you were
flirting (here a sudden recollection of
his own share in the transaction prevented
his finishing the sentence as he had intend
ed) —"flirting with me."
Oh, yes ! said Alice, coolly answering
the unspoken words, as she clasped the
locket. "£red and 1 understood each oth
er very well. Since wc can't be together,
we both agree to amuse ourselves as well
as possible apart. He writes me very en
tertaining accounts of all his flirtations,"
she added, in the most matter-of-fact tone.
Laurence colored slightly. "And you,of
course, return his kindness in the same
way," he said. "It is a new view to take
of the case, certainly, but I ain happy to
have afforded an additional spice to your
letters, Miss Alice, little as they would be
supposed to need one."
Remember, I haven t admitted your
charged !" she said laughingly, as she left
him. She knew very well, in her heart of
hearts,that her flirtation with Laurence had
very nearly passed the limit of a joke with
As for Laurence himself-— I "What a little
liiit ! had been his mental solilorjuy, as he
gazed after her retreating figure. "Sar
castic, too, talking of my 'kind heart.' and
my 'usual thouohtfnlness.' But I certain
ly deserved all she said. At least my fears
on her account were wasted, as she prettv
plainly hinted."
Some one may have the curiosity to won
der what was the cause of all this jealousy
and-bitterness. At first the merest trifle—
some slight difference about a walk or drive
some fancied mark of preference bestowed
upon another by Anna,had been magnified
; by Laurence to a matter of the last Impor
tance. Now that it was all over, thev saw
how small a thing it had really been," and
wondered how they could ever let it divide
them. But the experience had been useful,
if not pleasant, and they arc too wise now
to suffer sach a thing to accur again.— 808.
ton Cultivator
TBUMS, 8,00 PEH annum
M egro Suffrage lu the District of Columbia
Day before yesterday the bill whiob
fasteM negro suffrage on the District of.
Columbia passed the House of Representor
tires by a rote of one hundred and four
teen to fifty-four. With the exception of a
few members from Kentucky, Yirginia,and
he West, the entire Republican strength
was cast in its favor. We had expected
this result and are therefore not surprised *
at it. It makes plain the falsehood of the
leaders of that party and gives the lie to
all the professions and promises upon which
they gained power. No man can any lon*
ger pretend to be deceived as to the real
designs of that organization, nor can its •
orators and presses conceal or wipe out
this damning record. Negro equality,
which through all past political campaigna
they so pertinaciously denied was any part
of their political system, is now avowed to
be the capital and ultimate object of it
We are willing to try this issue with them
before the people of the country and shall *
not suffer the object to lie idle on our -
hands. Meantime, the following descrip
tion of the scene which followed the pas
sage of the bill, which we find in the New
\ ork Herald , is graphic and suggestive :
The galleries were filled with anxious
spectators and listeners of both colors, the
blacks preponderating, however, The pas
sage ot the bdl was hailed with such bois
terous and prolonged applause on the floor
that Speaker Colfax lost his temper, arid
said that he would not in future attempt
to suppress the galleries unless members
behaved themselves. Jub.lant radicals
rushed into the lobbies, the halls and the
barber shops and grasped the greasy hands
of every thoroughbred f'reedmen they found
in those localities. Coming down from
the galleries big darkies jostled loftily
against the highborn dames of this district
and trod upon their drapery with an air of
divine right. In the street cars they hob
nobbed with successful Congressmen and
grinned familiarly in the faces of the here
tofore ruling race—Aft.
the supremacy of the "loyal" party ,forever,
Thad Stevens wants the Southern negroes
to vote. He says :
"If they [the Southern States] should
grant the right of suffrage to persons of
color, 1 think there would always be Union
white men enough in the South 'AIDED BT
BLACKS, to divide the representation, and
thus continue Republican ascendency." <
Almost in the next breath he tells us
how well fitted those blacks ar?for suff
rage. He says :
"The infernal laws of black slavery have
prevented them [the blacks] from acquir
ing an education or from UNDERSTANDING
But this is no matter—the blacks would
all vote under "loyal" dictation.
Harriet Lane, the niece of ex-President
Buchanan' noted throughout the country
as the most accomplished and elegant lady
that ever presided at the White House,was
married at Wheatland, the residence of ex-
President Buchanan, on Thursday the 11th
inst., to Mr Henry Johnson, a wealthy
banker of Baltimore. The ceremony was
quietly performed, in the presence of a few
friends4>y Rev. Edward Y. Buchanan, the
only brother of the ex-President.
A lady made her husband a pres
ent of a silver drinking cup with an angel
at the bottom. W hen she filled it for him
he u<ed to drain it to the bottom and she
asked him why he drank every drop.
"Because, duck," said he, "I long to see
the dear little angel," *
I pon which she had the angel taken out
and had a devil engraved at the bottom He
drank it off just the same, and she again
asked him the reason.
"Why," replied he, "because I won't let
j the old devil have a drop."
2^"What is a coquette ? A young
1 lady of more beauty than sense,more accom
plisbments than learning, more charms of
| person than grace of mind, more admirers
! than friends, more fools than wise men for
attendants. .
ANOTHER DEFAULTER. —Another "loyal'
defaulting rascal has turned up in San
Francisco. \V m, Mackay, Cashier of the
• Sub Treasury there, is a defaulter to the
amount of thirty thousand dollars. Who
next ?
u . - ■ ■■■
One of our exchanges praise* to egg
which it says was "laid on the table,"' by
Rev. Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith seems to be
a layman M well as a minister. "
VOL. 5 NO. 25