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All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and JOB WORK must be paid for, when ordered. FTOTES.S JFLSTIT _ H S.COOPER, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON • Nowton Centre, Lurerne County Pa. GEO. S. TUTTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Tunkkonnock, Pa. Office "n Stark's Brie ek, Ttoga street. WM. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, O Ice in Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk han—ckPa R,R. L.ITTI.E, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office on Tioga "Street, TunkhatinockPa. CHE BITFLIHU IIOUSF, Ow6 O a HARRISHURG, PKNNA. Tke undersigned having lately pun based the " BUBHLER HOUSE " property, has already com menced such alterations and improvements as will . • t Jer this old and popular House equal, if not supe r v, to any Hotel in the City of II arris burg. A*continuance of the public patronage is refpect faily ■diuitcd. ' GEO. J. BOLTON WALL'S HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE, TUX KUAN NOCK. WYOMING CO., PA rHIS eitahliihmont h is recently been refitted an furnished in the latest style K\;erv attention -*ill be given to the comfort and convenience of those wed patronize the House. T. B WALL, Owner and Proprietor . Tunkhannock, September 11, l-o'l. NORTH BRANCH HOTEL, MESHOPPEN, WYOMING COl MY, PA Wm. 11. CORTRIGIIT, Prop r HAVING resumed the proprietorship of the a-v- Hotel, the undersiguel will i-are u< effort v> reader the house an agreeable pUiLL WORK WARRANTED, TO GIVE SATIS- A TION. ever Tutton'a Law Office, near the Po fJjUfll .v\ay\ • • .. siUrt fforg. "THE PINK CALItoT "J"hn," said old Mr Morton, talcing cff liis gold rimmed spectacles and putting tlirtn methodically in tin ir cases as he spoke —"John, come into my study, I want to have a talk with you." Tl le old gentleman said this with such an air ot import a ice that John Morton, al lien of a phlegmatic temperament, not easi ly astonished hv anything, arose and fol lowed his father with no little surprise and curiosity upon his handsome features. "W hat on earth can the Governor have in his mind ?" he said to himself; "I hope lie isn't going to fail or give me a stepmother, but be looks solemn enough for anything.'' Solemn indeed was the old gentleman's countenance as he sat down opposite his son, folded his hands on the green cloth of the table between them and began : "John, if I am not mistaken, the day af ter to-morrow is your thirtieth birthday." "So it is, by Jove," said John, "I'd quite forgotton it." "Your thirtieth birthdaycontinued the -dd genth man,"an . really when a man comes to be thirty, it is my opinion he ought at least to begin to think about a wife. I married your poor dear mother when I was five-and-twenty, and felt none too young. And as my sons have grown up I am glad to say they have generally followed my example. Hiram made a fine match when he married Miss Gower—and though Peter's wife was not such an heir ess, she is a good woman and a pretty one —and not extravagant—and as for Wil liam, I couldn't wish hint a better partner than the girl he married last year. You are the only bachelor of the four, and I inut confess lam extremely anxious to see you mar lied before I dio—and I'm an old man, John, and can't live a great while." "As to that father, you'll live, I hope to be a hundred." said John. "But I will look about me. and if I see the girl I fancv, T'i pop the question. In fact, I've been doing that these ten years, only the right person hasn't come along." "I see, I see," said the old gentleman with a slv chuckle, "you want a good wife a good, sensible girl, who knows how to take care of her husband's home —eh ?" "Well, vf?," said John with a ya#n. "A handsom- girl—with bright eyes and rosy checks with dimples in them— and nice- hair and taper waist." ouVe quite a judge of beauty, I de clare, father," said Jolm. "Well 1 should iiki- a nrettv wife, that's.oartain." "A little wi;li a little something of her own. too," said the old gentleman. "In fact an heiress To sum up the whole —a sensible aff etionate beauty, with a fortune. That's your wife. John " •If I cat) fi <1 her, father,"' said John Morton, "But vou see all the good things in the wo Id arc seldom given to one wo man The heiresses are often frights and the beauties poor, wh'le half the time one doesn't care to hear a pretty speak or to look at a■ {H'ble one \nd a for pru dence and (Conomv, thev are handed over to grandmothers, a- d aff< ctio> is qu*t<- old fa>hioned. However, find mo such a rr agon as you describe to-dav, and T'il lav mv heart and hand at her feet to morrow." ' Will you ?" "Why. of course I will, sir." "Ah. ha ! you're a married man then,for I found hr for you yesterday.'' Joint Morton's eyes opened wider than their lazy wont with astonishment. "Who is she ?" he asked. I "She's a Miss Spice," said the old gen ' tleman. "Baxter Spice's daughter. T met her there yesterday, and the moment I set mv eves on her I said, that's the wife for ray son John A beauty—and such a no table domestic little body—and every cent old Spice calls his own will he her's some day. I want you to go down and see her." John laughed. "Perhaps Te's engaged to somebody else,' he sa d !'' "People seldom leave such tempting fruit on the bough long—no I doubt she's appriated." She's only eighteen !" said Mr Morton, "and —ahem ! I happened to know she's not engaged I had a talk with the old gentleman, He wants to see her married bnt she don't fancy anyone. She has a notion, you see, that the young men are thinking of her money, and declares she'll die an old inaid. Between you and me, , Spice expects you down " | "And the young lady T' "TO SPEAK HIS THOUGHTS IS EVERY FREEMAN'S RIGHT. " —Thomas Jefferson. TUNKHANNOCK, PA., WEDNESDAY, JAN. 24, 1866. "Oh ! she don't know a word about it, not one, I assure you. You will go won't you ? John yawned. "I don't mind running down that way," he said, "but really I can't promise to ad mire vou know." "But you will without promising," said the old gentleman. "You can't help it. I've some business for you to make an ex cuse of —a couple of horses old Spice wants to sell, which are just the things for you. And he is a hospitable old fellow, who will make y<( u stay a week if you once get there. Go up to— morrow and fall in love with Miss Spice, you rascal." The rascal laughed? He had his own opinion about the probable beauty of Miss Spice, knowing that a fortune is apt to blind old eyes to many deficiencies, but there was a savor of romance in his search for a wife that pleased him after all, and he determined to enjoy it to the full. Consequently, on the following morning, lie started, with his valise well packed, his dressing-case fi ted up in exquisite style and a secret determination to flirt with Miss Spice if she were the least attractive. As for any serious design of wooing and wedding, nothing was farther from John Morton s thoughts. When the tiain had screamed and whis tled over the necessary number of miles, it stopped according to custon, at the little depot at D , and there, with others, the traveler alighted, amidst a whirl of country dust, betook liimselfto that portion of the village wherein the residence of the Spices must be located were his directions right. m lie found it, at last. A rather preten tious mausion, built on a rising ground, with stone steps leading to the garden, wherein a white fountaiu kept guard over sundry geometrical beds of flowers. Ev erything about it was trim and neat, and delightfully cool. To one of John Morton's rather indolent disposition the shady colonnade, and the rural seats under the greet elms behind the house,had charm, It would he a glorious place to live in, he thought ; especially were one rich, and able to for get all toimenting business details, and for tune-making, and other bores of the kir.d. and lounge a'l day with a book and a Ha vana under those trees. "I wonder wheth er Miss Spice appreciates her residence." As lie thought thus. John Morton coolly sauntered, valise in hand, up the broad gravel path, and wrapped in his own care less fashion at the hall door. No one as swered the fir.-t time, and a second appli cation only brought out a white poodle with pink ribbon at his neck, who barked with puny fury at the stranger; hut, on a third trial, the door opened suddenly, and there stood before him a pretty girl in pink calico, with a white apron on, and her sleeves pinned up, exhibiting the plumpest arms in the world, with dimples at the wri-ts and elbows. In one hand she held a dust ing brush iu the other a dust-pan, and keeping both tidily away from her dress, she seemed to wait for his inquiry. I' came promptly : ' Is Mr. Spice in ? ' •"Dear inq no, sir," replied the girl.— 'The tunily are all away very un expectedly to see a sick relative. But—l beg your paid Ml —are you Mr. Morton ?" "That's my name," said the voting man. "< )li, in that case, Mr. Spice left word that lie was very sorry to go, and that if you came you would oblige him by stay ing until his return. Martin, the coach man, could show you the horses, he and we were to make you comfortable, — ill you walk in, sir V' John Morton hesitated a moment, and then crossed the threshold. The girl push open the parlor door and ushered him in. "John shall show you to your room," she said, "and I will have a lunch for you when you come down, Mr. Morton. People gen erally find an excellent after a journey." And away she ran humming a tune, and leaving John Morton to remember her smiles and dimples and pleasant voice. "If Miss Spice is not a very pretty girl, she mu-t be jealous of this little creature," he said to himself. and snow white teeth ! I wonder who she is ?" An hour after when fresh from his toi lette he took his place at the tempting lunch table, he had a chance to ask the question : "Excuse me," he said, as he took a cup of tea from her hand, "but what shall I call yon ?" "Oh, I am only Hetty," said the girl. "Hetty ?" "Yea, air. I don't aall mytejf a servant, for they don't pay me any wages ; but the j old gentleman and lady give me my board and clothes, and I make myself generally useful. I'm,quite one of the family, Do help yourself, Mr. Morton." "Thank you, Hetty and he took a sandwitch. In a moment he began again : "Mr. Spice has a daughter hasn't lie ?'' "Olt, yes, sir." "Very handsome, I've heard." "Handsome !oh dear, no,not in the 1 east handsome."' "Tastes differ, Hetty." "I know it. But, really, Miss Spice is,l should snv, quite plain. Won't you have >ome more jam, sir ?" "Not any, thank you. I presume Miss Spice, being BO amiable, i 3 considered hand some on that account " "Amiable ! Oh, mercy !" "Why is she not, Hetty ?'* "I shan't tell you, sir," said Hetty. "It's not my place to talk against Miss Spice,hut —amiable—ha ! ha !" John Morton shrugged his shoulders and looked at Hetty. Her eyes were bright, and her cheeks dimpled with mer riment. In his admiration he forgot the subject of conversation, and from Miss Spice turned to other subjects. Hetty on these grew eloquent She talked well,and had the sweetest voice ever heard; she told the city stranger of the pretty country pla ces close at hand : of the brook where the trout were found, and the soft green grass and purple flags besides its margin; of the high hill whence such a view could be had; of the stone church ninety years old where they went every Sunday; and of her own great love for all these things. And as John Morton listened-he thought,"this girl is above the sphere of dusters and brooms and scrubbing brushes. She is as much a lady as in the land." Then he tried her on other things, and found that she had read a good deal, and that the books she had chos en were not trash, and without intending to do so, expressed his surprise. The girl looked down demurely. " You see I read Miss Spice's books." she replied, "and have picked up a good deal that way." AnJ then lunch being over, she left him to pass the time as he chose, and to go with Martin to the stables and admire the garden. But at meal time she acted the part of hostess, and after tea sat demurely at her work on the porch for an hour or two. That night the genth man who came to M iss Spice, the heiress, dreampt of Hetty, wlio "made herself useful, for her board and clothes." Mr. Spice and family would not return for several days—so said Hetty—even if the relative whose illness called them away grew quickly better. And in that time there was nothing for John Morton to do but to idle about the grounds, saunter into the stab'es, and get up a flirtation with Hetty. Demure and shy she seemed at times ; at others merry and solf-possed. She was a puzzle to him ; and, becoming interested in her, he tried to "make her out." The resnlt was another puzzle more difficult than tlie first, for one line morning John Morton awoke to the knowledge that he was in love. How it began lie could not tell The girl was comely niul pleasant to look at, hut not beautiful. He was proud and this half menial position would have seettn d an insurmountable barrier between himself and any woman. But the fact re mained the same. lie loved her. One hair of her blight head was worth all oth jp, women put together tolnm. The tho't of parting from her was intolerable. lie could not, would not, turn her away and say, "this love of mine is too humble for me." Yet what a position. He was there as an aspirant for the hand of this mistress and, ere she came, had given his heart to the maid. For a tew hours he had a mighty strug gle with him>elh Then love conquered, and he sought Hetty. She was in the gar den amongst the flowers. Surely nothing, not even those sweet roses, could be fairer or sweeter than the girl lies eyes were cast down, Her taper fingers busy with some frail plant beaten down by the summer's show er. As he c.imc she looked up with a smile. "My poor cypress vine is almost dead," she said ; "and this rain has done more harm than good to the garden. I'm sorry, for the family will be home to-night. We received a telegraphic dispatch this morn ing to that effect." Home to-night John Morton had kno'n of coura*, that they would oome. Ha could not have been wild enough to fancy that Mr. Spice had deeerted the villa for his sake, and left him free to idle there and make love to Hetty forever. Yet the evelation was a shock. Home! And Miss Spice, that illtem pered, ugly heiress would be there, and Hetty's place would be the background. - Stay—woo and win the lady and forget this girl. Not he. He would transact his business with Mr. Spice and ride away at one. But something must be done be fore even this could be accomplished.— Something in which Hetty was interested. He stoop'd down and touched her shoulder with his hand. "Hetty,'' he said, "leave those flowers a while and come and walk by the brook with me. I have something to say to you. Don't refuse me. It is something serious Hetty." Hetty arose, tied on her garden hat, and looked down at her flower# still. She would not lift her eyes and he saw on their lashes two tears. Those, and a smile about hi-r mouth, made a perfect April's day of her sweet face. "You will walk with me, Hetty ?" he asked. And for an answer she turned and took her place beside him. So they sauntered on down to the brook side, where the pur ple flage grew amidst green sedge, and deep in the clear water you could catch a glimpse of shining trout. For awhile both kept silence; then John Morton spoke suddenly : * "Hetty) do you know I love you ?" That was all? no preface—nothing to lead to the subject: no prelude to the mu sic—the whole sweet tune broke upon the girl at once : "Hetty, do you know I love you ?" Iletty stood still; her hand trembled in his—her bosom rose and fell. In a moment she began to sob. Then Joltn Morton's arms crept around her waist. "My darling," he said, "look at me — speak to me. Tell me that you return my feelings —tell me that you will one day be my wife ?' At that she'pulled her hand away from him. "You came here to be Miss Spice's suitor she said ; "1 know it —I heaad it talked over when I could not help listening. Say those worJs to her—not to me." "To her ? 1 hate her very name, said John." "1 love you Hetty." . "A poor girl, almost a servant ?" "Why should I care! I Jove you, oh, Hettv, I love you better than I love my life. Iletty, answer me—will you be my wife ? It njeds but one little "yes." An odd convulsion, between laughter and weeping, passed over her face. But she commanded her voice and said slowly : "You belong to Miss Spice." Her words made John Morton flush scarlet. "Miss Spice is nothing tc me," he said; 'l've nevcrjsecn nor do I desire to see her. Iletty answer me." Hetty turned quite away from him and in a sort of choking voice replied : "Th is is the only answer I can give you; If Miss Spice will-not be your wife, I do not know of any woman in the place who will," and fairly ran away. John Morton followed her, only a little way however, for coming to a spot where the path took a turn, he spied her through the hushes,sitting under a great tree, laugh ing in the merriest manner, The sight turned his heart to stone. "The heartless jade," he muttered ; "and for her 1 would have given up anytning beside in the wide world. All women are alike. Rustic simplicity in pink calico differs not a whit from city airs and graces in moire antique. I'll go home. Miss Spice may come or go, for all I eare. Oh, Hetty, Iletty!" With these last words on his lips, John Morton made his way to Spice Ville,moun ted to his own room and proceeded at once to pack his port manteau; cramming his wardrobe in pell mell, and using no gentle language towards the innocent gar ments which wonli bulge over and forbid the fastening of the lock. Just a# the pack ing was completed there came a sudden racket in the garden, a sound of wheels and of merry voices. And hi# attention was attracted to tha window. There at the gate stood a little aarriage, from which descended a stout old lady and a stoat old gentlqman. Mr, and Mrs. Spiee returned without a doubt "Five minutes more and I would hare been clear of the house. However Til not 6tay long." and with this determination __ TERMS, 82,00 FISR. ANNUSC he descended to the hall, just in time to see Hetty rash into the old gentleman's arms with the exclamation, "Dear ' papa." Out of them she came in a moment, tam ing rosy red as she murmured : "Oh, papa, I quite forgot—this is Mr. Morton*'' John Morton stood like one petrified,— He hardly heard the old gentlrman's apol ogy for his absence, or the old lady's wel come. The truth which was slowly dawning on him made him oblivious to all * e'se. He stared at Iletty, whose mischievous face was dimpling and blushing in the most be watehing way. And slowly his lips form ed tsvo words—they were :—"Miss Spice!" "Eh r said the old gentleman; "I really didn't understand you." "The gentleman wants an introduction," said Hetty, "ldease tell him that 1 am M iss Spice and your daughter." Then she burst into a peal of laughter that made the old house ring, and brought on her head a maternal reproof for being "so wild before a stranger." Poor John Morton believed himself the victim of a dream. But two hours after he had recovered his senses, and sititng close to Hetty on the porch in the moonlight whispered : "Hetty, do you thing Miss Spice will say yes ?" And Hetty answered, "I think she will." After awhile she said—the old lady's ab sence and the old gentleman's nap favoring whispers: "Never say I told you any stories. I told you I made myself generally useful and that they gave me my board and clothes didn't I ?" "Yes." • "Well, that is true." "Ah!" "So you fancied me a servant of your own accord, sir. How could I help that?" "Oh, Hetty, Hetty ! But one story—nay, two—you have told. You said Miss SpiodT was ugly and cross—l know she is pretty and an angel." Then there was a sound suspiciously like a kiss, and there were but three on the porch, and Mr. Spice was snoring so it co'd not have been bim. One month after that there was a wed* ding, and Mr, John Morton was united to Miss Spies; and if all weddings were the beginning of years as happy as they have spent since then, it would be I well for mar ried folks the wide world over. Though Mrs Morton is a little mischievous, and sometimes tells a story of a gentleman she knew who traveled miles to woo and marry an heiress and at the end fall in love with* girl in pink calico. ABOLITION* IS A LIE —A monstrous, re volting and impious lie. It assumes that white men and negioes have a common orign and a common nature, and therefore it strives to force them to live under the same condition and be amalgamated in the same system, just as wo do with the Irish, Germans, or other varieties or portions of our race. It is aiso a crime, hideous and awful, against God and his creatures, for it attempts to reform the order of nature and equalize beings whom God has made unequal. Finally, it is disguised monarch ism, and could it succeed in this country, it would necessarily overthrow Republican institutions, and indeed the massas— the great toiling multitudes—would be degra ded into a condition immeasuiably and un utterably more hopeless than the most-de graded people of the Old World. The usher of the Troy Opera House a few evenings ago, perceived in a front seat a person arrayed in black broadcloth and wearing a round crowned f It hat. The attentive usher hurried down the aisle, and touched the spectator on the shoulder with a "You must fake off your hat, sir. The head tnrned round, and a pair of feminine eyes gave the usher an indignant look, he retired with "I beg your pardon, madam," and the audience testitied their apprecia tion of the incident by a subdued applause. ffF"" A beautiful girl stepped into a shop to buy a pair of mitts. "How much are they ?" "Why," said the gallant but im pudent clerk, lost in gazing upon spark ling eyes and ruby lips, "you shall hare them for a kiss." "Agreed." said the young lady, pocketing the mitts whila her eyea spoke daggers, "and as I seo you give credit here, charge it on your books and collect it the best way you can." So say ing, she hastily tripped out. I(0* The man who takes, things easy . The eity piekpoeke*. VOL. 5 NO. 24