f, Special Notices. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the following accounts and *1 aims have been filed in the Register's Office and will be presented to tbe Orphans' Court of Wyo ming County,to be beld at Tunkhannock, on the 15th day of January next for confirmation and allowance. Tbe account of B. A Brink, and Charles W. Brink administrators of the Estate of William A. Brink, late of F ills Township, dee'd. Filed Dec. 6, 1865. Final account of William McKune and James Mc- Kune Executor of the Estate of James McKune, late of Falls Township, dee'd. Filed Dec* 12, 1865, Inventory of Widows claijn in the estate of Sam'l Koch Infre of Forkston Township, dee'd. Filed Nov. 8, 1865. Inventory of property claimed, by the minor children of Elias Mo wry, late ofMchoopany Town ship, dee'd. Filed Dee. 6, 1865. Registers Office, 0. L. PARISH. Dec. 12, 13g5' Register AUDITOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having been appointed by the Orphans' Court of Wyoming County, Pa. an Audi tor to audit anJ to distribute the funds in the mat ter of the partial account tf Cordelia Harding admin istratrix of Eiisha Q. Harding Dee'd. will the duties of his appointment on Thursday, the zbth day of December, 1865. at hi. office in Tunhannoclf Borough atone o'clock P. M.. at which ,lu:e place all persons arc required to presei t their c aim or be debarred from coming in lor a share of the as settr or funds in the case aioresaid GEO. S. TI'TTON, Auditor. vsnlß _ AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having been appointed by the Orphans' Court of Wyoming County, Pa., an audi tor to distribute the balance of the fund in the bands of Wrn. M. Sine administrator of the estate of Jacob A. Cook dee'd , will attend to the-dutics of his said appointment on Friday the '29 th day of December, 1865, at his office in Tunkhannock Boro. wt one o'clock P. M at which time and place all persons are required to present their claims or be •dbharred from coming in for a shaie of the assetts or fund in the aforesaid case. GEO. S TL'TTON, Auditor, vpniS AUDITOR'S NOTICE, The undersigned having been appointed by the Orphans' Court of Wyoming County, Pa., an auditor to report on the exceptions filed to the account of C. W. Whitnev administrator of the estate of Walter Whitney dec'j. will attend to the duties of his ap pointment on Saturday the 30th day of December, 1865, at his office in Tunkhannock Borough, at one o'clock P, M„ at which time and place all persons interested In said matter are required to attend or be debarred thereafter trom making further objec tions thereto or coming in on slid fund. GEO S. TI'TTON, Auditor. vsn!B ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I ETTERSJof administration on the estate of John, J Sawyer, lat- of Washington Township, Dec'd, •having been granted the unlersigned ; Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate <o nniuc forw rd and pay the same ; and to all hav ing claims or demands against said estate to make linown and present the same for settlement without, delay to AH IRA GAY, Adm'r. TuiiUhannock, Pa„ Nov 29, 1965. vsni7*6wks. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS f administration or. the estate of Pe ter Stark late ef Nicholson Township Wyoming Countv, having been granted the undersigned ; no tice is' hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate, to cnine forward and pay the same : and to all persons having claims or demands against said estate, to make known and present the same for settlement without delay, 1° SAMUEL STARK 3d, r. Nicholson; Pa., Nov 29, 19(j5. Adm' vsnl7gwks, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of Elias M jwry, late Mehoopany Tp Dec'd, having been granted to tho undersigned, notice is hereby given to i II persons indebted to said estate to come for ward and pay the same, and to all persons having claims or demands against the same,to present them for settlement without delay to the subscriber at the residence in Mehoopany. E.W. STI'RDEVANT. Adm'r. Mehoopany Nov. 8, 1865 THE MAS <N A IIAMI.IN CABINET OUCANS, forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music for.SSO to So 00 each. THIRTY-FIVE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums award ed theui. Illustrated Catalogues free. Address, MASON A HAMLIN. ROSTOV, or MASON BROTH ERS, NEW YORK, vsn4ly. furs. furs. furs. WHOLES-' LE-AND RETAIL. CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA Have now opened their laige and splendid s f oik of LADIES FUR CAPES, COLLARS, MUFFS. CUFFS. GLOVES, AND IIOODS. Also the finest assortment of FANCY FUR ROBES, CAPS. MUFFLERS, and GLO\ Ef, evar before offered by them, all of which are warranted o be as represented. SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT. v5-nl2-4ui. •a. A Great Excitement ig constantly kept up at lyr-RTTO O I* AIM "NT .PA on account of the LOW PRICES AT WM JENNINGS' STORE opposite Bender's Hotel, win re Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Hats & Caps, Boots and Shoes, and everything usually kejt i l country Stores are aold at a LESS ADVANCE ON FIRST COST THAN AT ANY OTHER PLACE INTHE COUNTY. Connected with hi* store is a TAILOR-SHOP, with an eatene'ive stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Tri, Sf C., Garments cut and made in the latest styles at ?ices that defy competition, PRICE FOR CUT ING FULL SUlT—Bocts. Perfect fits warranted in a)l eases, if properly made up. Call and be convinced, WM. JENNINGS. Mehoopany, Dec. 7th 1661; lilMe. $^ k ere ARE ? PL Y A SUIT OF CLOTHING OF STARK, DO YOU ATTEND CHURCH? BUY A DRESS SUIT OF STARK. DO YOU CONTEMPLATE MATRIMONY 1 GET YOUR WEDDING SUIT OF STARK. DO YOU WISH TO 'KEEP UP APPEARANCES V STARK'S CLOTHING GUARANTEES YOU A RESPECTABLE POSITION. ARE YOU A "COURTING MAN?" BEFORE "POPPIiYG THE QUESTION" (TO MAKE SURE) (GET A NEW L SUI2 AT START'S. DO YOU INTEND SLEIGHRIDIXG THIS WIN TER ? AN OVERCOAT, FIRST, AT STARK'S. It matters not who you are, what your calling er profession, STARK S New Fork Clothing should be your enc and aim. Call and see the new styles naw opening at F M. Buck's store, where A. G. St irk will be pleased to wait upon you. A. G. STARK'S. Clothing Ag't. Bridge Street, Tuhkhant.oek, Pa. NEW TAILORING SHOP The Subscriber having had a sixteen years prac- I tical exjierience in cutting and making clothing, I now offers his services in this line to the citizensof ! FACTORYVILLE and vicinity. Thoso wishing to get Fits will find his shop the place to get them. JOEL, R. SMITH. v4-nSO-6mos, M EAT Mar ket! The Subscriber announces to the citizensof Tunk ha..neck and vicinity, that he is now opening a MEW MEAT MARKET OPPOSITE WALL'S HOTEL ON BBIDGE ST. where by the stiictest attention to the wants of this community; he hopes to receive i!>eir patronage,— He has now on hand a fiue stock of fat cattle ; and will hereafter const intly keep for sale Beef, Mutton, Pork, Sausage, and Poultry of a'l kinds, at prices as L O \V A S C A A' BE A FF O R I)FD.\ %'W M eat delivered at the residences of cus tomers in town, each day, if desired. 11. W. RIIOADS. Tur.k. Nov. 29, 1865. vsnlTtf. TUNKHANNOCK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PRODUCT: MARRETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY T. 1., ROSS & CO., CORNER TIOGA AND WARREN STREETS, TUNK HANNOCK PA. Wheat*(per bushe ) $-',30 @ 32,40 Rye " SI.OO Corn (old) ,90 @ ,95 " (in the ear) @ ,70 Oats (30 lbs,) @ ,44 Buckwheat @ ,90 Beans. @ 1,50 Potatoes ,65 Butter (per lb) @ ,35 Eggs (per dor,) <3 ,30 Lard (per lb) & ,20 Tallow " @ ,13 Dried apples @ ,15 Rags (cotton) <0? .0 Ilay (per ton) 8.00 & 10,40 The following articles are sold by the above named firm, in quantity, at the prices indicated. Flour (wheat) (per ll\) (3 $12,00 " (rye) " @ 7,00 " (buckwheat) per cwt. @ 4,C0 Meal (corn) " @ 225 Chop- - s'*l,oo ® '2,25 Salt (per bbl,) @ 3,40 Coal (per ton, no. 3) 6,25 @ 6,50 Removal, o We have removed our place of business to the rooms formerly occupied by J. B. aturdevant, in Stark's Bri. k Block, over the Wyoming National Bank, third Floor, where we have increased facili ties for taking PIIOTOGBAPHS, CARTES DE VISiTE, VIGNETTES, AMBROTYPES. MELA INO TYPES, FERROTYPES, IVORY TYPES, &c, &c, We have spare 1 no expense in obtaining the S?VEKY :BXST INSTRUMENTS in market, and challenge any one to produce better pictures than we can. All kioas of colored work done at the shortest no tico and in the best style of the art. Also all kinds of copying done from old pictures, from card to life size. Call and examine. Satisfaction guaranteed HERMANS & CULLINGWuRTH. Tunkhannock, Nov. 22 1565 JCff" Our Getter A Family Sewing Ma chine. with all the new improvements, is the best, and cheapest and most beautiful Sewing Machine in the world. No Mher Sewing Machine has so much capacity for a ereat range of work, including the delicate and ingenious processes of Hemming Braiding, Binding Embroidering, Felling, Tucning Cording, Gathering, Ac. Ac, The Branch Offices are well supplied with Silk Twist. Thread, Needles, Oil, Ac,, of the very best quality, I Send for a Pamphlet, THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 458 Broadway, New York, , Philadelphia Office, H I 6 CHESTNUT STREET HARVEY SICKLER, Agent. v4n4B NOTICE. The Co-partnership, heretofore existing between C. Burr A SOD, is this day dissolved by mutual C °The books and accounts of the late firm are left in the hands of C. Burr for settlement and collec tion, who will still continue to carry on the Tanning ■ business ot the old stand The Harness Business will be c"rried on by Wm. H. Burr, who, confident of his ability to satisfy the wants of the public, so licit, their patronage. o Wm. H. BURR Mashoppe?, April 20th, 1861. W RIT OFPARTIT ION. JN the matter of the rroceedings in partition upon the Reil Estate o! Solomon Brown, late of Exe ter townsh'p, Wyoming County, deceased. To Hannah Brown, Widow of said Solomon Brown dej'd., Daniel S. Brown, Catherine S. inter married with Abel C Thompson, Sarah Elizabeth, intermarried with Elijah Swartwood, Rasselas S Brown. Clarrissa D. Brown, Myron and Hannah Brown above named, testementary, Guar dian of Eva Ann Brown, a minor: Heirs and legal representatives of said Solomon Brown deceased. You and each of you are hereby notified that in pursuance of a certain writ of partition and valua tion issued out of the Orphans' Court of Wyoming County, bearing date the 27th day of November A- D. 1865, and to me directed to make partition and valuation to the followiug described Real Estate, to wit s A certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Hxeter, Wyoming County and State of Pennsylvania, and bounded as follows, — Beginning at a stone corner on the West bank of the Susquehanna river, adjoining lands of Thomas Hadly, thence by the Kinds of said Iladly, South 84 degrees, Weßt 280 perches to a heap of'stones, thence South 20 degrees, West 33 perches to a stone corner, thence South 77 degrees. East 320 perches, to an elm tree, [now down] on the bank of the Sus quehanna River, thenee up the same* 135 perches and two fifths of a perch tn the place of beginning, containing one hundred and forty-four acres, and five perches more or less ALSO An undivided three quarters part in and to the follow ing described piece, parcel, or lot of land, sit uate in the township of Franklin, Luzerne County, and the township of Northmoreland, Wyoming Co, md State ol Pcnn'a., bounded and described as fol lows. to wit: On the North by land of Heister Keeler and Ziba Mathews. On the East by lands of Ziba Math ews, William Myers and Henry Anthony. On the South by lands of the heirs of Isaac Harris, 'and on the West by lands of Levi Howell, Calvin Halleck, and Asa Keeler, containing one hundred md eight four acres niore or less, about 40 acres thereof itn proved, with a large ihree story Grist Mill 36 by 50 feet with three run of stone, and three bolts, el evators Ac., one Saw Mill, one Lath Mill, four Dwelling Houses, one Wagon house, two Barns, two Cow Houses, and apple orchard thereon. About 140 acres lie in Franklin township, Luzerne County, including the pool or dam, and about seven ncres of improved land being South of the line, dividing Lu zirne and Wyoming Counties, the balance lying and being in Wyoming County, in said Northmoreland town-hip, the buildings being on thct portion of said tract lying in Wyoming County. ALSO The undivided one fourth part of the following described piece or parcel of land, situate in Exeter township, Luzerne County, and State of Pennsylva nia, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be ginning at a corner, in the line between Kingston and Exeter township, also in line of lands of Isaac C. Shoemaker, thence along the line rf Isaac C. Shoemaker, North 54 degrees, West 100 perches to a stone corner in lino of lands of Daniel Vanscov, thence along lands of Daniel Vanscoy, South 3q degr es. East 211 perches to a corner in the line of land of the Pennsylvania Coal Company, and of FuUer and Rexford and of John Seovcl, South 54 degrees, W st 100 perches to a corner in the line between Kingston and Exeter- township, thence along said town-hip line, North 36 degrees, West 271 perches to the place of leginning containing IG9 acres and 60 percli s, strict measure, being the same land conveyed by the heirs of the lato John Goodwin dee'd, by deeds bearing date the 7th day of Dec- 1863 to Abel C. Thompson and I. B Shiffer Ibe interest of said Solomon Brown dee d being an e jiiitable undivided one fourth part thereof \n inquisition will be held by me upon the above mentioned and described Real Estate, on Tuesday, the 9th day of January n-xt, A. D. 1566, to enquire and ascertain whether partition of the Ileal Estate above descrihpd to and among the heirs and legal representatives of said Solomon Brown dee'd, can be made thereof without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, and if such partition thereof cannot be made, then ti value and appraise the said Real Estate, as in the said writ commended. The inquest to make partition ami valuation of said Real Estate, will meet at the Dwelling House on the first described piece or parcel ot land, situate in Exter township. Wyoming County, on Tuesday the 9ih day of January next, nt 11 o'clock in the foren ion, and contirfue in session until all the Real Estate above described has been examined and par tition or valuation made as commanded in said writ. At which time and place, you and each of you, are hereby notified and requested to attend if you ihink proper. AIIIRA GAT, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, ? Tunk. Nov. 27. '65 S To Th.e TRA. VL ! G- PUBLC. 11111011 MIT RIJSIIM LINE OF STAGES, WltiT. RT7JNT FROM MESHOPPEN TO TUNKHANNOCK DEPARTING, will leave the North Branch Hotel at at 10 o'clock A, , and make a con nection at Tunkhannock, with stages for PITTSTON and WILKES BARRE, and with stage to connect with the Night Express Train on the D. L& W. R. R, Passengers by this line will arrive at New York, Philadel phia, Harrisburg and Baltimore the same Evening. RETURNING, will leave Tunkhnnnock'on the arrival of stages connecting with the Passenger Mail Train, in the evening making a connection at Me nhoppen with stages toi Towanda and other points Northward, Arrangements have been mate for the carrying of all EXPRESS PACKAGES, which will be promptly and carefully delivered. Horses and Carriages on hand at all times to for ward Passengers to any point between Meshopp and Laceyville. P. S.- Having leased the above line of stagts and horses of D. Hankinson with the tnail Lino from Tunkhannock to Wyalusing in connection with M. A. Ellis, we are now prepared to forward pas sengers through at reduced rates. Being thankful to customers for past favors they respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, Mcshoppen July 19th 1965. W. H.CORTRIGKT M, A. ELLIS. Sewing Machines FINKLE &L.IT ON NEW PATENT ROTARY FEED Sewing Machines The following facts demonstrate that these Ma chines comprise the HIGHEST IMPROVEMENTS IN TEH SEWING MACHINE ART. viz— 1. Each MACHINE is guaranteed to give better satis faction than anv othsr Sewinfi Machine in Market or money refunded. 2. They have taken many of the HIGHEST PREMIUM at the most important EXHIBITIONS and FAIRS ever held in the Unitee States. | 3. Thev make the EOCK STITCH alike on both sides — thus sa/ing more than half the thread and silk used in th; raveling ridge seams of the loop-stitch and single thread Sewing Machines. 4. They are adapted to the widest range of heavy and light sewing. 5. They have no rattling wires, or delleate at tachment to keep in repair. 6.tThey require no taking apart to clean or oil and no-Lessons" to set, needle regular tention to operete Machine, Please call and examine and demonstrate as yourself, or send lorcincuuin with samples of sew ne' FINKLE&LYON M. ,CO, No. 638 BROADWAY, NIW YORK. Attention, Ladies & Gentleman! The Subscriber begs leave to inform his Custom ers and the Public in general, that he has just re turned from NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA, with the most COMPLEFE ASSORTMENT ever offered in this town. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Bllli Sbauiis, (Ooflhs, /attri) of ali descriptions BOOTS tit SIX O CLOTHING FOR MEN'S AND EOYS' WEAR. He is also opening at present AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF Furs! "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS" being his motto, he invites all in want of "THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE," to give him a call, and warrants to* give satisfaction JOHN WEIL. Tunkhannock Pa. Oct. 19,1805. n n Hr* rt n s y w m ! m w ESPECIAL NOTICE To the Ladies !! ! MRS. T. A. MILLER'. <FC CO., HAVE JUST OPENED fi|EXT DOOR BELOW POST OFFICE, on WARREN STRFET, anew MILIjINETXT SHOP. where can be found the best assortment of Millinery goods in Wyoming County. Having selected their goods themselves and exclusively for MILLIERY PURPOSES and as the'r stock consists of articles too numerous to mention, they would invite the ladies to call and examine for themselves before buying elsewhere; BONNETS MADE OVER AND RE PAIRED ON SHORT MOTICE. Drcr-sos cut, fitted and made, all on the most rea sonable terms. Tunkhannock, Oct 11th, 18g5. New FALL AND WINTER Millinery. MRS. BAR DWELL returns her sincere thanks to the Ladies of TUNKEANNOCK and Vicinity, and would inform them that she nas removed to her new Store —first door east of Wright A Co's Banking Office, with greater facilities than heretofore enjoyed Having just returned from the City with , AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF FALL AyD WINTER MILLINERY, she can and will offer superior inducements to every customer. Arrangements have been completed for FASHIONABLE DRESS AND CLOAK-MAKING in all its varieties DRESS TRIMMINGS, ORNAMENTS, BUTTONS, BELTS, BUCKLES, PATTERNS, HOODS, NUBIAS, and a full assortment of FANCY GOODS kept con stantly on hand. Tunkhannock, Oct, 11 1565. A LA MO DE, Ij AT EST FROM NEW YORK MRS. A. G.STARK, TAKES PLEASURE IN again informing her friends, and the ladies gen erally that she has received, and is still receiving a new und well selected assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting of HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS FLOSSES, FEATHERS, LACES, HEAD DRESSES, and, in short all art.cles usually found in a MILLINERY STORE. She solicits a call from all requiring GOODS in her line, before purchasing elsewheie. Mrs Stark can be found at the house formerly occupied by Hen ry Stark, in the borough of Tunkhannock, ready and willing to serve all who may favor her with a call. MANTUA-MAKING. Wo have secured the services of an experienced DHEBS-MAKER, and at all times will be prepared to Fit and Make Dresses in the latest and most approved manner.— Soliciting your calls before purchasing elsewhere, we remain Yours, Respectfully. MRS. A. G.STARK. Tunk. Oct. 11th 1865 CARRIAGE S&B U GGIES. The Subscriber, a practical workman of long ex perience, is now finishing off a large lot of new Car riages and Buggies, at his Carriage shop IN TUNKHANNOCK. Equal, if not superior, in Workmanship. Quality, ofMatorial, and finish, to those turned out at any other shop in the country. Those wisning to buy should _(£ all onb (Eraminc Cl)cm. "pain ING 9 VARNISBINOt TRIMMING AND REPAIRING, Done on short notice and in a workmanlike style. Charges moderate. J. CAMPBELL. TwklMek, Aag.24,'*, NEW JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. M , A, ATSTODDARD, late of Pittston, a practical workman ofextenaiv experience, offers his services to the citize of Wy oming County as a CLOCK AND VttATGH-MAKER, AND REPAIRER. j The highest recommendations as to skill, in his profession, can be found at any time ; and his work . will always show for itself. , SHOP, OPPOSITE WALL'S HOTEL, IN TUNKHANNOCK, where he will always be found and to do the most difficult jobs in his line, and repair the most valuable Watches and Jewelry in a manner equal, if not superior to any man ir the country. N. B. — Satisfaction given on all jobs, or money refunded. A. A. STODDARD Sep2o,t. 1865. , vsn7tf, Harness! Harness! / - _ i The Subscriber informs the citizens of Wyoming County that he has opened a HEW HARNESS SHOP, In Tunkhannock, at the stand formerly occupied by T. Hart, where he is prepared to lurnish them with DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS, COLLARS &c,. &c., made of the very best material and in the best manner, at. LIVE AND LET LIVE PRICES, r REPAIRING AND PIECE-WORK done on notice and in the most substantial manner. JAMES .8 H AUG UNESSEY. THE GREAT CAUSE. HUMAN MISERY. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, Price Six cents. VifißiflAlMr A Lecture on the Nature, Toeatment, and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Supermator rhoe i, induced by Selt-Abuso ; Involuntary Em missions. Impoteney, Nervous Debility, and Imped iments to Marriage generally ; Consumption, Epil epsy, ami Fits • Mental ana Physical Incapacity, Ac. By ROBT J. CULVERWELL, M. D., Author of the ''Green Book," Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of S*df-AHioe may be effec tually removed without medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of euro at once certain and effsctua), by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himell cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a bcon to thousands and thous ands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents, or two poststamps.— Address the publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO. 1 27 Bowery, New York, Post Office b0x4,58G v4-n22-ly. New Clothing Store AT NICHOLSON DHPOT! Clothing', HATS AND CAPS mmT &3SMB H ©E §t k GREAT VARIETY. ALL NEW GOODS AND FOR SALE CHEAP, H. HARDING. NICHOLSON. P. 1865 eius lass ealleu. AMD SO HAS THE PRICES, AT O. SL Mills' STOVE AND TIN-SHOP TUNKHANNOCK, where every thing in the line of his trade can be had at the LOWEST LIVING PROFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at his Shop, the lat est and most improved Patterns of COOKI 3NT G, AND E2LKI.O& STOVES, with all the FURNITURE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Guttering in all its branches, attended to on short notice and <JI REASONABLE TERMS; REFAIRIN Or t PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE O.S.MILLS fokhftßßtxk, Apr. 12th, 1861.—vD-nll. 4 HEW PLACE TO BOY FASHIONABLE AND Weil Made Clothing, now opening at F, M. BUCK'S Store, under the su pervision of A, G-, Starlt, Business Coats, Over . Coats, Pants, Vests Dress Suits, ■direst from a leading NE>V t ORK CLOTH* ING HOUSE, and will be sol<f for a small per centage over C'ITY HOIjESAEE PRICES This assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING will enable our citizens to select n suit of clothes at home, and we are determined thai there shall no longer be any necessity for sending orders out of town for &SNTS SLGTHXNFG. Call and examine the assortment new opening. A. G. STARK, Ag't. v4nl3, Removed The Subscriber having purchased of Mr. C. M Koon. the rooms recently occupied by him as AND PROVISION STORE hasremoved there his-stock of Goods, from "Starks Brick Block" and with various other additions, is prepared to supply the public with anything in his line, at a SMALLER ADVANCE UPON COST THAN ANY OTHER MAN DARE TO SELL. Ilis old customers need not 00 ton they will be dealt by fairly, and honorably, while as many new, as shall see fit to favor him wUh their patronage, shall have no reason to tegiet having aided in sus taining an institution wl ere good# can always be bought for their true talue, and NONE BUT GOOD ARTICLED KEPT, His stock consists in part of a general assortment of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS- Nuts Fruits and Candies, t Tobacco and Snuff, LAMPS. LAMP CHIMNIE3, AND FRUIT CANS, BOOTS SHOES, STONE AND TIN WARE, HATS. CAPS, KEROSENE OIL. AND PURE CIDDR VINEGAR, FARMING UTENSILS. PATENT PAILS, WOOD EN PAILS. POWDER AND SHOT, and an endless variety of YAffllEß 533T10H®. ! Ac. Ac., all of which will he " , " 1J ■ I.IVI anytmng that farmers have to sell, GEO LEIGHTON Tunkhannoek, July 20, 1865. N B. —CASH PAID FOR BUTTER. LARD, EGGS FURS, SKINS, PELTS, Ac. v4n43 tJ. L. Mexico ! Mexico ! $30,000,000 LOAN OF THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. Twenty-year Coupon 'Eonds in sums of $-50, $/OO f SSOO, and SIOOO. INTEREST SEVEN PER CENT., PAYABLE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Principal \nd Interest Payable in GOLD. $10,000,000 to be Sold at SIXTY CENTS on the EOLLAft, in U. S. Currency, thus yielding an interest of TWELVE PERCENT IN GOLD,or SEVENTEEN PER CENT. IN CURRENCY, at tho present rate of premium on gold. THE FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED. Tho Most -DESIRABLE INVESTMENT over OFFERED. IMMENSE TRACTS OF MINING AND AGRI CULTURAL LANDS; SIXTY PER CENT, of PORT DUES, IMPOSTS, and TAXES, in the States of TAMAULIPAS and SAN LUIS POTOSI; and the PLIGIITED FAITH of the said States and tho GEJVERAL GOVERNMENT are ALL FLEDGED for the redemption of these BonJs and payment of interest. THE SECURITY IS AMPLE, S3O in U. S. Currency will by a 7 per ct. Gold Bond of BLO S6O in IT. S. ,l " " " SIOO S3OO in U.S. " , " " SSOO S6OO in U.S. " " " SI,OOO LET EVERT LOVEROF REPCBLICAX IHSTITUTIOHS BCI AT LEAST ONE BOND, Circulars forward® 1 and 'ubscriptions received by JOIIN W COItLIES A Co , and 9 J. N- TIFFT, Financial Agent of the Republic of Mexico, 57 Broadway, N. Y. \XT Subscriptions also received by Banks and ' Bankers generally throughout the United States. } vsnls-6uio. _ WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM ; ! Sewing-Machines. n ! The Cheapest and Best. OVER 150 000 OF THESE WELL-ESTABLISHED ° SEWING-MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. JF&'BXSV FOB CntcfLAß. LADIES' AIMAXAC, AC. AGENTS WANTED. I f AddTMs WHEELER & WILSON Sewing-Machine Co. 704 Ofc9stmit Street, Philadolplita.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers