North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, December 13, 1865, Image 2

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    ®|e Democrat.
Wednesday, Dec. 13, 1865.
/yWe, this week, present the Democrat
lo its readers, dressed in a new suit of clear
readable type. That on which we have
printed our paper for the past lour and a
half years, had come to be considerably the
'worse for wear" ; so that with- our best ef
forts and under the most favorable circum
stances —all printers at least uuderstand
"Cmunislances " —our paper lacked that
n iatness and clearness in type which we de
sired. In short;new type was necessary.
We procured it. The improved appear
ance of* our paper speaks for itself.
There is one thing further we_desire the
tvpesto say. It is, that type, paper, ink,
and labor in these times, are all verv ex
pensive articles. And in order that a pa
per may live, move, and have a being, its
friends must pay up their subscriptions
promptly, lieady pay is the veiv life
blood of every paper. We hope to receive
such .encouragement; from our friends as
will enable us, at the close of the present
volume, to considerably enlarge our paper.
Besides furnishing new type to the paper,
we have recently made large additions to
the j-b type of our olfice. We have in
curred debts for these improvements whicn
must be paid. Will our friends aid us in this,
bv sending in their job work, Adver
tising and Subscriptions? At least will
thev pay us what they owe us?
Congress—Formal Introduction of Sambo
Congress convened on Monday 4th.
None of the Southern members were ad
mitted, t.ot even "loyal" Maynard ofTennes
see, the home of the President; all were
<. xcluded and debate chopped off with a vim
that shows clearly that the original seces
sionists —the descendants of the Hartford
Blue Lights—arc determined to prevent
a union, ifpossible.
The organization was effected by the
elections of the ill officers. This done
Sauibo was next introduced in the Senate
by Ben. Wade,in a bill conferring upon him
the right of suffrage in the District of Co
lumbia. —Mr Suuiner introduced —
'-A bill to preserve the right of trial by jury,which
provides grand juries shall consist one half of
persons of African descent in sections were one sixth
of the population are Africans, and the same propor
tion in petit juries, where the matter tried relates
t> any injuries inflicted by a person of African de
scent Upon a person not of such descent, or vice ver
for chairenge-ireNtWdßrfß'.h race is made ground
The bill was ordered to be printed
Sumner introduced the following form of an
'I do hereby swear that I will at alltiines hereafter use
my best endeavors to maintain a republican form of
government in ihe State of which 1 am an inhabi
tant and in the Union of the United States ; that I
wiil at nil times recognize the indissoluble unity of
the republic, and will always discountenance and re
sist any endeavor to break away or secede from thej
Union ; that 1 will give my influence and vote at 0 1
times to sustain the national credit; thai I will al
ways discountenance and icslst any attempt, direct
ly or indirectly, to repudiate or postpone, either in
any part or in any way, the debt which was contract
ed bp tiie United States in subduing the rebellion,
or the obligations assumed to the I nion
that I will always discountenance and resist any lvws
making any distinction of color or race, and that in
ail ways 1 will strive to maintain a State Govern
ment completely loyal to the Union, where all men
shall enjoy cq ual protection and equal rights."
The bill was ordered to bej printed.
Sumner also offered a bill to enforce the
constitutional amendment, and another to
confer the right of suffrage on negroes in
That!, Stevens, in the House, offered
the following joint resolution :
That a joint committee of fifteen shall be apjwint
ed nine of whom shall be members of the House and
six of tho Senate,who shall inquire into the condi lions
of the States which formed the so called Confederate
States of America, and report whether they or auy
of them are entitled to bo represented iu either
Hou.-e • f Congress, with leave to report 3t any time
by bill orotberwise, and until such report shall have
been made and finally acted upon by Congress, to
member shall he received in either ilouso from any
11'ttie <ai<l so-called Confederate States ; and all pa
j i r- relating to the representatives of the said Mates
;h.ill I e referred to the committee without debate.
!> II Kelley of Philadelphia, also intro
duced his friend and associate, Sambo, to
the house.
THE LADY'S FRIEND —The publisher of
this beautiful magazine have issued a mag
nificent number for January. The steel en
graving. "THE FORREST GLEANER," *is a.
perfect gem of beauty. We do not know
where the publishers of the Lady's Friend
g"t such beautiful designs for their cngrav
ieg-j. Then we have a gorgeous colored
CHENILLE ON VELVET." which the ladies
say is magnificent. The LARGE DOUBLE
al superb —we had almost said unequalled
Another engraving, called "Stephen Whar
ton's Will," which illustrated a fine story,
is very suggestive. Then we have a beau
tiful plate of Children skating, Jhtended to
illustrate the winter styles of children's
clothing; with numerous other plates il
lustrating llair Nets, Winter Dresses, Bor
ders for Jackets, various new styles of Bon
nets, Winter Casaques, Paletots, Jackets
Embroidery, Chemises, Night Dress, An
cient Head Dresses, Patchwork, &c. &c.
Address Deacon & Peterson, 319 Wal
nut Street, Philadelphia.
Fsllow- Citizens of (ht*Ser>ale and House of
Representatives :
To express gratitude to God, in the name <
of the People, for the preservation of tire j
United States is my first duty in addresing
you. Our thoughts next revert to the- death
of the late President by an act of parrici
dal treason. The grief of the nation is still
fresh ; it finds some solace in the consider
ation that he lived to enjoy the highest
proof of its confidence by entering on the
renewed term of the Chief Magistracy, to
which he had been elected ; that he brought
the civil war substantially to a close; that
his loss was deplored in all parts ot the
Union ; and that foreign nations have ren
dered justice to his memory. Ilis removal
has cast upon me a heavier weight of cares
than ever devolved upon any one of his
predecessors. To fulfil my trust I need
the support and confidence of all who are
associated with me in the various depart
ments of Government, and the support and
| confidence of the people. There is but
one way in which I can hope to gain their
; necessary aid, it is to state with frankness
| the principles which guide my conduct,
and their application to the present state of
affairs, well aware that the efficiency
of my labors will, in a great measure,
depend on your and their undivided ap
The Union of the United States of Amer
ica was intended by its authors to last as
Ion" as the States themselves shall last.—
the words of the Confederation. "To FORM
A MORE PERFECT UNIOX." by an ordinance
of the people of the I nited States,is the de
clared purpose of the Constitution. The
hand Divine Providence was never more
plainly visible in the affairs of men than in
the framing and the adopting of that instru
ment. It is beyond comparison, the great
est event in American history ; ami indeed
is it not of all events in modern times the
most pregnant with consequences for every
people of the earth ? The members of the
Convention which prepared it, brought to
their work the experience of the confedera
tion. of their several States, and of other
Republican Governments, old and new; but
thev needed and obtained a wisdom superi
or to experience. And when for this val
idity it required the approval of a people
that occupied a large part of a continent
and acted separately in many district con
ventions what is more wonderful than that
after earnest contention and long discussion
all feelings and all opinions were ultimately
drawn in one way to its support ?
The Constitution to which life was thus
imparted contains within itself ample re
sources for its own preservation. It has
power to enforce the laws, punish treason
and ensnro domestic tranquility. In case
ot the usurpation of the Government of a
State by one man, or an oligarchy, it be-,
comes a dutv of the United States to make
"oodthc to that State of a re
publican form of government and so to
maintain the homogeneous oi all. Docs the
loss of time reveal defects ? A simple i7?ode
of amendment is provided in the constitu
tion itself, so that its conditions can always
be made to conform to the requirements of
advancing civilization. No room is allow
ed even for the thought of a possibility of
i,.. an end. And these powers
of self preservation have been in
serted in their complete integrity by every
patriotic Chief Magistrate—by Jefferson
and Jackson, not less than by Washington
and Madison. The parting advice of the
Father of his Country while yet President,
to the people of the United States, was
that "the free Constitution, which was the
work of their hands, might be sacredly
maintained and the inaugural words ot
President Jefferson held up "the preserva
tion of the General Government, in its con
stitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of our
peace at home and safety abroad." The
Constitution is the woik of "the people of
the United States," and it should be as in
destructible as the people.
It is not stiange that the framers of the
Constitution, which had no model in the
past, should not have fully comprehended
the excellence of their own work. Fresh
from the struggle against arbitrary power,
many patriots suffered from harassing fears
of all absorption of the State Governments
by the General Government. And many
from a dread that the States would break
from their orbits. But the very greatness
of our country should allay apprehension
of encroachments by the General Govern
ment The subjects that come unquestion
ably within its jurisdiction are so numerous
that it must ever naturally refuse to be em
barrassed by questions that lie beyond it.
Were it otherwise the Executive would
sink beneath the burden ; the channels of
justice would be choked —legislation would
be obstructed by excess ; so that there is
greater temptation to exercise some of the
functions of the General Government
through the States than to trespass on their
rightful sphere. "The absolute acquies
cence in the decisions of the majority"' was,
at the beginning of this century enforced
by Jefferson "as the vital principle of re
publics," and the events of the last four
years have established,we will hope forever,
that there lies no appeal to force.
The maintenance of the Union brings
with it "the support of the State Govern
ments in all their rights ; but it is not the
rights of any State Government to renounce
its own place in the Union, or to nullify
the laws of the Union. The largest liber-,
tv is to be maintained in the discussion of i
the acts of the Federal Government ; bnt
there is no appeal from its laws, except to
the various branches of that Government
itself, or ti the people, who grant to the
members of the Legislative and Executive-
Departments, no tenure but a limited one,
and in that manner always retain tbc pow
ers of redress.
"The sovereignty of the States is the
language of the Confederacy, and not the
language of the Constitution. The latter
contnins the emphatic words : "The Con
stitution, and the laws of the United States
which shall be made in pursuance thereof,
aud all treaties made or which shall be
made under the authority of the United
States, shall be the supreme law of the
land : and the judges in every State shall
be bonnd thereby, anything in the Con
stitution or Laws of any State to the con
trary notwithstanding.
Certainly the government of the United
States is a limited Government; and so is
every State Government a limited Govern
ment. With us, this idea of limitation
spreads through every form of administra
tion General, State, and municipal, and
rests on the great distinguishing principle
of the recognition of the right of man
The ancient republics absorbed the indi
vidual in the State prescribed his religion
and controlled his activity. The American
system rests 011 the assertion on the equal
right of every man to life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness ; to freedom of con
science, to the culture and exercise of all
his faculties. As a consequence, tbe State
Government is limited, as to the General
j Government in the interest of Union, as to
' the individual citizen in the interest of
States with proper limitations of power
are essential to the existence of the Con
stitution of the United States. At the very
commencement, when we assumed a place
among the Powers of the earth, tbe Decla
ration of Independence was adopted by
by States ; so also were the Articles of
Confederation ; and whea "the people of
the Uniicd States" ordained and establish
ed the Constitution, it was the assnet of the
States, one by which gave it vitality. In
the event, too, of any amendment to the
Constitution, the proposition of Congress
needs the confirmation of States. With
out States, one branch of the legislative
government would be wanting. And, if
We look beyond the letter of the Constitu
tion to the character of our country, its ca
pacity for comprehending within its capac
ity forcomprehending within its jurisdiction
a vast continental, empire is due to the
system of the States. The best security
for the perpetual existence of the States is
the "supreme authority" of the Constitution
of the United States. —The perpetuity of
the Constitution brings with it the perpet
uity of the States; their mutual relations
makes us what we are, and in our political
system their connection is indissoluable.
The whole cannot exist without the parts,
nor the. parts without the whole. So long
rs the Constitution of the U. States endures,
the States will endure; the destruction
of the one is the destruction of the other ;
the preservation of the one is the preserva
tion of tlio other.
I have thus explained my view of the mu
tual relations of the Constitution and the
States, because they unfold the principles
on which I have sought to solve the nume
rous questions and overcome appalling diffi
culties that met me at the very commence
ment of my administration. It has been
mv steadfast object to escape from the
sway of momentary passions and to derive
a healing policy from the fundamental and
unchangeable principles of the Consti
tution .
I found the States suffering from the ef
fects of a civil war. Resistance to the Gen
cial Government appeared to have exhaus
ted itself. The United States had recover.
e<F possession of their forts and arsenals ;
2nd their armies were in occupation of eve
,7 St ite that attempted to secede. VV heth
er the territory within the limits of those
States should be held as conquered territory,
under millitary authority emulating from
the President as the head ot the army was
the first question that presented itself for
Now, governments, established
for an indefinite period, would have offer
ed no security for the early suppression of
discoutent; would have divided the people
vasquishers and vanquished, and would
have envenomed hatred rather than re
stored affection. Once established, no pre
cise limits to theirs was conceivable. They
would have occasioned an incalcuable and
exhausting expense. Peaceful emigration
to and from that portion of the country is
one of the best means that can be thought
of for the restoration of harmony, and that
emigration would have been prevented; for
what emigrant abroad, what industrious
citizen at home, would place L'imselt under
millitary rule? The cheif persons who
would have followed in the train of the ar
my would have been dependents on the
Ger. ral Governments, or men who expect
ed profit from the miseries of their erring
fellow-citizens. The powers of patronage
and rule which have been exercised, under
the President, over a vast, aud populous,
and naturally wealthy region, are greater
than,- unless under extreme necessity, I
should be willing to entrust to any one man ;
they are such a, for myself, I could never,
unless on any occasions of great emergency
consent to exercise. The willful use of
such powers, if continued through a period
of years, would have endangered the puri
ty of tha general administration and the
liberties of the States which remained loy
Besides, the policy of military rule
over a conquered territory would have im
plied that the sta es whose inhabitants may
have taken part in the rebellion had,by the
act of those inhabitants ceased to exist.
But the true theories,that all pretended acts
of secession were from the beginning, null
aud void. The States cannot commit trea
son, nor screen the individual citizen who
may have committed treason, any more
than they can make valid treaties or they
can engage in law ful commerce with any
Foreign Power. The States attempting
to secede placed themselves in a condition
w here their vitality was impaired, but not
extinguished—their functions suspended
but not destroyed.
But if any State neglects to refuses to
perform its offices, there is the more need
that the General Government should main
tain all its authority and, as soon as prac
ticable, resume the exercise of all its t'unc
tious. On this principle I have acted, and
have gradually and quietlv, and by almost
imperceptible steps, sought to restore the
rightful energy of the General Govern
ment -arid of the States. To that end, Pr
ovisional Governors have been appointed
for the States, Conventions called, Gover
nors elected, Legislatures assembled,and Sen
ators and Representatives chosen to the
Congress of the United States. At the
same time, the Courts of tbe # United States, j
aa far as could bo done, have been rc-open-'
Ed, so that the laws of the United States
may be enforced through their agency.—
The blockade has been removed and the
custom houses re-established in ports of en
try, so that the revenue of the United
States may bo collected. The Post Office
Department renews its ceaseless activity,
and the General Government is thereby
enabled to communicate promptly with its
officers and agents. The Courts bring se-
I curity to persons and property ; the open-
Jingofthe ports invites the restoration of
| industry and commerce ; tlo post office re
! news the facilities of social intercourse and
jof business. And is it not happy for us
' all, that the restoration of each one of
these functions of the General Government
brings with it a blessing to the States over
which they are extended ? Is it not a
sure promise of harmony and renewed at
tachment to the L nion that, after all that
has happened, the return of the General
Government is known only as a benefac
tor ?
I know very well that this policy is at
tended with some risk; that for its suc
cess it requires at least the acquiescence of
the States which it concerns ; that implies
an invitation to those States, by renewing
their allegianeo to the United States, to re
sume their functions as States of the Union.
Hut it is a risk that must be taken ; in the
choice of difficulties, it is the smallest risk ;
and to diminish, an i if possible, to remove
all danger, I have felt it incumbent on me
to assert one other power of the Govern
ment —the power of pardon. As no State
can throw a defense over the crime of trea
son, the power of pardon is exclusively
vested in the Executive Government of
the United States. In exercising that pow
er, I have taken every precaution to con
nect it with the clearest recognition of the
binding force of the laws of the United
States,and an unqualified acknowledgement
of the great social change of condition in
regard to slavery which has grown out of
the war.
The next which I have taken to restore
the constitutional relations of the States,
has been an invitation to them to partici
pate in the high office of amending the
Constitution. Every patriot must wish for
a general amnesty at the earliest epoch con
sistent with public safety. For this, the
great end there is need of a concurrence of
all opinions and the spirit of mutual concil
ation. All parties in the late terrible con
flict, must work together in harmony. It
is not to much to ask in the name of the
whole people,that, on the one side, the
plan of restoration s' all proceed in con
formity with a willingness to cast the dis
orders of the past into oblivion : and that,
on the other the evidence of sincerity in
the future inaintaiuance of the Union shall
be put beyond doubt by the ratification of
the proposed amendment to the Constitu
tion, which provides for the abolition of
Slavery forever within the limits of our
countrv. So long as the adoption of this
amendment is delayed, so long will doubt,
and jealousy and uncertainty prevail.
This is the measure which will efface the
sad memory of the past; this is the meas
ure which will most certainly call popula
tion, and capilol and security to those parts
of the Union that need thein mcst. In
deed, it is not to much to ak of the States
that are now resuming their places in the
family of the Union to give this pledge
of perpetual loyalty and peace. Until it
is done.the past, however much we may de
sire it, will not be forgotten The adoption
of the amendment reunites us beyond all
power of disruption. It heals the wound
that is still imperfectly closed ; it removes
slavery, the element which has so long per
plexed and divided the country, it makes of
us once more a united people, renewed and
strenstluned,bound more than ever to mutu
al affection and support.
The amendment to the Constitution be
ing adopted, it would remain for the States!
whose powers have been so long in obey
bnce. to resume their places in the two
ranches of the Nalional Legislature, and
thereby complete the work of restoration.
Here it is for you, fellow-citizens of the
House of Representatives, to judge, each
of for yourselves, of the elections, returns
and qualifications of rour own members.
The full assertion of the powers of the
General Government requires the holding
of Circuit Courts of the United States with
it! the districts where their authority has
been interrupted. In the present posture
of out' Dublic affairs, strong objection shave
been urged to holding those Court* in any
of the States where the rebellion has exist
ed; and it was ascertained, by inquiry,
that the Circuit Court of the United States
would not be held within the District of
YirginiH during the autumn or early win
ter, fior until Congress should have "an op
portunity to consider a id act on the whole
subject." To your deliberations the res
toration of this branch of the civil author ity
of the United States is therefore necessari
ly referred, with the hope that early pro
vision will be made for the resumption
of all its functions. It is manifest that
treason, most flagrant in character, has been
committed. Persons who are charged with
its commission should havs fair and impar
tial trials in the highest civil tribunals of
the country, in order that the Constitution
and the laws may be fully vindicated; the
truth clearly established and affirmed that
treason is a crime, that traitors should be
punished, and the offence made infamous;
and, at the same time, that the question
may be judiciously settled, finally and for
ever, that no State of its own will have the
right to renounce its place in the Union.
The relations of the General Government
towards the four millions of inhabitants
whom the war has called into freedom,have
engaged my most serious consideration. On
the propriety of attempting to make the
freedom electors by the proclamation of the i
Executive, I took for my counsel the Con- j
stitution itself, the interpretations of that
instrument by its authors and their contem
poraries, und recent legislation by Congress.
When, at the first movements towards inde
pendence,the Congress of the United Slates j
instructed the several States to institute j
governments of their owu, they left each
State to decide for itself the conditions for
the enjoyment of the elective franchise, Du-;
ring the period of the Confederacy, there
continued to exist a very great diversity in
the qualifications of electors in the several j
States ; and even within a State a distinc
tion of qualifications prevailed with regard
to the officers who were to bo chosen. The
Constitution of the United States recogni
zes those diversities when it enjoins that,
in the choice of members of the House of
Representatives of the United States, "the
electors in each State shall have the quali
fication requ site for the electors of the most
numerous branch of the State Legislature.'
After the formation of the Constitution, it
remained, as before, the uniform usage for
each State to enlarge the body of its electors
according to its own judgment and, under
his system, one State after another has pro
ceeded to iucrease the number of its electors
until now universal suffrage, or something
very near it, is the general rule. So fixed
was this reservation of power in the habits
of the people, and so unquestioned has been
the interpretation of the Constitution, that
during the vivid war the late President nev
er harbored the purpose—certainly never
avowed the purpose —of disregarding it;
and in the acts of Congress, during that
period, nothing canbe found which, during
the continuance of ho&tilities, much.less ut
ter their close, would have sanctioned any
departure by the Executive from a policy
which has so uuifomly obtained. Moreover,
a concession.ot the elective franchise to the
freedmen by act of the President of the Uni
ted States, must have been extended to all
colored men, wherever fouud, and so must
have established a change ot suffrage in
the Northern, Middle and Western Slates,
not less than in the Southern and South
western. Such an act would have created
a new class of voter, and would have been
an assumption of power by the President
which nothing in the Constitution or iaws
of the United States would have warrant
On the other hand, every danger of con
flict is avoided when the settlement of the
question is referred to the several States. —
They can, each for itself, decide en the
measure, and whether it is to be adopted at
once and absolutely, or introduced gradual
ly and with conditions. In my judgment
the freedmen, if they show patience and
manly virtues, will sooner obrain a partic
ipation in the elective franchise through
the States than through the General Gov
ernment, even if it had the power to inter
vene. When the tumult or emotions that
have been raised bv the suddenness of the
social change shall have subsided, it may
prove that they will recivee the Eindilest
usage from some of those on whom they
have hithertofore most closely depend
' Through what alternate wastes of woo
And flowers of joy my path may go ,
How many a sheltered calm retreat
May woo the while my weary feet,
While still pursuing, still unbl eis'd
I wander on. nor'dare to rest."
Did you ever do what
you supposed to be a laudable act for the
sole purpose of gaining the approval of
your fellow men ;—lt maybe that you have
as I understand th J time that when you
were neither a politician or an editor. If
so, and when you expected to meet an ap
proving smile in return for your pains,yon
have met with frowns and reproaches in
stead, then you can perhaps form a faint
idea of my present situation. For I have
found to my sorrow that the people of
Forkston—the place of my last writing—
are like the man we have read of, who
found a huge ingot of gold to large for him
to manage alone, and rather than share it
with others, watched his useless treasure
until he died with hunger. Instead ot giv
ing me the thanks that were really due me
for making the discovery of their hidden
treasures known to the world, they heap
curses upon my ancient and venerable head,
for inviting, as they say, to their midst a
swarm of greedy speculators to deface the
beauties of nature aud to corrupt the morals
of their people. Loud were the anathe
mas, and bitter the curses uttered against
the sneaking old Iseralitc, and well it was
for my Abrahamic bretheren that none of
them wandered in that direciton. With
feelings of pity for thejungratefill gentiles, I
s hook the dust from my feet and turned my
back upon the gates of their city.
Wo unto yc gentiles, think not thus to
escape a full retribution for the tme shall
come when thou will be overrun with op
erators, and greenbacks in great profusion
shall be showered upon you.
To their fate I left them, and renewed my
wanderings along the classic banks of the
Mehoopany. At length being somewhat
wearied and feeling in a mood for contem
plating the scenes around me, I seated up
on an inviting spot, and watched the bury
ing waters as they rushed by on their cease
less journey. I had bee thus employed
but a short time when looking up I saw a
man approaching, seated upon a wagon pro
ceeded by a cigar, and followed by a huge
load of the fruits of the slaughter ; the
smoke from his cigar, which floated around
his head, hid his face from ray view until
he came very near, when to my great joy
I discovered him to be, an old freind and
fellow Iseralite, who kindly offered me a seat
by his side to help me along on my jour
ney. 1 was much interesed in his constant
talking ; but my admiration for the noble
spirt of tho man knew no bounds when he
informed me that he was traveling over the
country for the philanthropic purpose of
ridding the people of their commodities
and paying them in return much more
than he could expect to realize for them
himself : truly we were fellow sufferers, for
his good intentions are no more appreciat
ed by the people than are my own.
Local and Personal.
EiplflDatlon.—The date on the tinted address
label attached to this paper, shows the time to which,
as appears on our books, the paper has been paid
for. Every subscriber -hould take an occasional
look at it.
R. E. Baker—everybody knows Baker, the
boot and thou maker—has removed his shop to
rooms over Wheelocks Store, ''hose wishing any
thing in his line ..ill find him prepared to attend to
them on short notice and upon reasonable terms.—
Look out for his advertisement next week.
The Play BHls announce a Dramatic Enter
tainment at the Court House to-morrow, Thursday
evening Our town is celebrated for giving good
houses to exhibitions of all kinds. Many of them,
we are sorry to say, of questionable utility and mor
ality. we hope it will show its discrimination in
this regard, by patronizing what is realty useful ant
agreeable. Great pains h#ve been taken by our
young friends to furnish an entertainment attractive,
rational, and at the same tiuio strictly moral - in itr
Lets encourage them by giving theui " a ronsing
One ot the Humanitarian Movement# of
our Times although little known as such, ean
hardly be ovei-estimated in its importance upon the
well-being of our widely scattered communities.—
The population of the American States js in many
sections so sparse, that ski.lful physicians are hardly
available to them. Vast numbors of our people,
are obliged to employ in sickness, such medical
relief as they can bear of from each other, or indeed
any they can get from any quarter. Hence arises
the great consumption of Patent Medicines among
us, greator by far than in any of the old countries,
where skillful phjsicians are accessible to all classes
Unprincipled men have long availed themselves of
this necessity, to pilm off their worthless nostrums
nntil the word has l>eeotne synonymous with imposi
tion and cheat. One of our leading Chemists in the
East, DB, AVER, is pursuing a course which defcars
this iniquity. Ho briars not only his own. but the
best skill of our times to bear, for the production of
the best remedies which can be made. These are
supplies to the world, in a convenient form, at low
price, and the per pie w ill no more bay poor rnedi
cines instead of good, nt tho same coat, than they
will bran instead of ff ur. The inevitable conse
quence of this is. that the vile compounds that flood
our country are discarded for those which honestly,
accomplish the end in view.—which cure. Do we
over-estimate its imp irranee, in believing that thia
prospect of supplanting the by-word medicines, with
those of actual worth and virtue, is fraught with
immense consequence for good, to the masses of qar
people.— Gazelle.and Chronicle, Peru, la.
'"lf there's a hole in ai your coats
I rede ye tent it.
A chiels aiming you taking notes,
And, loitb, he'l prent it,
LIT Thanksgiving day—a day of fasting an J
prayer—a day of drunkenness an l rioting.
A day appointed to be speut in prayerful thank
fulness for the bounty and mercy of the Creator —
a day passedin fighting, drinking, and blasphemy.
Religious services were held in the Presbyterian
Church in the morning, at which the congregation
were treated to a sermon made up in part of reli
gious matter, personal explanations, and a dash of
the everlasting nigger
In the afternoon a couple of would-be "bloods,"
but who possess neither brains or money enough to
succeed, regaled themselves by pulling each other.*
hair a little, Put it was like the parties a small
potato affair.
Shortly after, a strapping, loud-mouthed disciple
of St. Crispin In d his posterior kicked for same of
his insoleace, by a little hopo wy-thumb fellow,
whom we should have thought would need a step
ladder to have reached him. He also, had his face
slapped in the evening, for imposing up>n a mild
mannered drunken The poor spirited "cuss"'
took it all with the utmost meekness,
In the evening a ' hop'' cauic off at Wall's Hall,
in which the ' beauty and the chivalry" participated.
It is customary for veracious reporters te describe
the toilets of the ladies, and comment upon theut,
in such eases, but in the slight "peep through the
windows" that we took, we did not seo any that
were really worthy of giing into ccstacies over, some
few of the gentlemens' feet were somewhat disposed
to tangle up; and the hero of last weeks love ad
venture, rendered himself considerably disagreeable
towards the close ; but on the whole it passed off
quite pleasantly.
Friday evening a iittlc fracas occurred be
tween a blow-hard by the name of and
the Chief of Police, in which victory perched upon
the standard of the gallant chief.
A number of other little incidents occurred, but
we will close the record this week.
isr "Bring me another horse !" I am thy fathers
ghost! "Go'way from mo child!" First appear
ance of the Tunkhanno k Thespian Association. —
Stupendous attractions / Gran 1 combination of tul
ont ! Debut of 16 brilliant performers Wnliack,
Davenport, Owen, Emma Waller, Adah Isaacs Wen
ken, hide yoar diminished heads ! Your days are
past. No more will your names be the best caijls
in the pack of theatrical management. The "Tunk
hannock Thespian." or as a lady ia emulation of
Mrs. Partington called it, "Erysipelas Association,"
nro about te burst.with unparalleled brilliancy upon
the theatrical world. Next Thursday evening is the
time appointed for this grand performance. Twen
ty-five cents admission. No dead heads. No half
price. Children at tho breast, one dollar ;— unless
they take scats with the Orchestra.
~M arried
STEMPLES- PACE—The 10th inst-,by Rev. C- R
Lane, Mr. Jacob Stemples and Miss Catherine
daughter cf Mr. Michael Pace, all of Tunkhaa
nock Township. , _
The Best of the Monthlies— devoted to Fashion,
and Pure Literature. *2.50 a yenr : Two copies #4 :
Eight (and one gratis) -Sl6 WHEELI'.R A WIL
SON'S SEWING MACHINES given ns Premiums,
Send 15 cents for a sample copy to DEACON A PE-,
TERSON, 319 Walnut St., Philadelphia
S ingle numbers for sale bv the News Dealers.
Is hereby given to the Stockholders of the Wyo
ming National Bank. That an Election will be
held at the Banking hou<e in the Bopugh of Tunk
hnnnock, on Tuesday the 9th day of January 1866'
between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M.nnd4 o'clock
P. M. for the purpose of Electing a board of directors
for the ensuing year.
Auilitor's Notice^
The undersigned having been appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming County, an
auditor to distribute the money raised by the Sher
iff's Sale of the Real Estate of Nelson W. French,
will attend to the duties of his appointment at l its
office in the Borough of Tunkhannock, on Thursday
the 11th day of January 1365, at 1 P. M. of said
day nt which time and place all persons are requir
ed to present their claims or be debarred from co
iug in upon said funds.
8 WM. M PIATT Auditor.
Tunkhannock Dec. 12, 18g5.