; , , WRIT OF PARTITION. IN the metier of the proceedings in partition upon X the Keil Estate of Solomon Brown, late of Exe ter township, Wyoming County, deceased. To Hannah Brown, Widow of said Solomon Brown dej'd., Daniel S. Brown, Catherine S. inter married with Abel C Thompson. Sarah Eiiaabeth, intermarried with Elijah Swartwood, Rasselas S Brown, Clarrissa D. Brown, Myron Brown, and Hannah Brown above named, testcmentary, Guar dian of Eva Ann Brown, a minor: lleirs and legal representatives of said Solomon Brown deceased Yon and each of you are hereby notified that in pursuance of a certain writ of partition and valua tion issued out of the Orphans' Court of Wyoming County, bearing date the 27th day of November A* D. 1865, and to me iirectcd to make partition and valuation to the following described Heal Estate, to wit t A certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Exeter, Wyoming County and Stat of Pennsylvania, and. bounded as follows, — Beginning at a stone corner on the West bank of the Susquehanna river, adjoining lands of Thomas Hadlv, tbence by the lands of said Hadly, South 84 degrees, West 280 perches to a heap of stones, tbence South 20 degrees, VVest 33 perches to a stone corner, thence South 77 degrees, East 320 perches, to an elm tree, [now down] on the bank of the Sus quehanna River, thence up the same 135 perches and two fifths of a perch tn the place of beginning, •autaining one hundred and forty-four acres, and .• Ave perches more or less ALSO An undivided three quarters part in and to the follow ing described piece, parcel, or lot of land,"Sit uate in the township of Franklin, Luzerne County, and the township of Norfhmoreland, Wyoming Co, and Stato of Penn'a, bounded and described as fol lows. to wit: On the North bv land of Heister Keeler and Ziba Mathews. On the East by lands of Ziba Math ews, William Myers and Henry Anthony. On the South by lands of the heirs of Isaac Harris, and on the West by lands of Levi Howell, Calvin Halleck, and Asa Keeler, containing one hundred 9nd eighty four acres more or less, about 40 acres thereof im proved, with a large three story Grist Mill 36 by CO feet with three run of stone, and three bolts, el evators Ac., one Saw Mill, one Lath Mill, four Dwelling Houses, one Wagon house, two Barns, two Cow Houses, and apple orchard thereon. About 140 acres lie in Franklin township, Luzerne County. Including the poo! or dam, and about seven acres of . improved land being South of the line, dividing Lu sune and Wyoming Counties, the balance lying and being in Wyoming County, in said Northmoreland town-hip, the buildings being on fhtt portion of •aid tract lying in Wyoming County. ALSO The undivided one fourth part of the following described piece or parcel of land, situate in Exeter township, Luzerne County, and State of Pennsylva nia, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be ginning at a corner, in the line between Kingston and Exeter township, also in line of lands of Isaac C. Shoemaker, thence along the line •• f Isaac C. Shoemaker, North 54 degrees, Wet 100 perches to a •tone corner in line of lands of Daniel Vanscoy, thence along lands of Daniel Van-coy, South 3q degr ees, East 21l perches to a comer in the line of land of the Pennsylvania Coal Company, and of Fuller and Rexford and of John Scovel, South 54 degrees, W st 100 perches to a corner in the line between Kingston and Exeter township, thence along said township line. North 36 degrees, West 271 perches to the place of beginning containing 169 acres and 60 perches, strict measure, being the •ame land conveyed by the heirs of the late John Goodwin dee'd, by deeds beariug date the 7th day of Dec. 1863. to Abel C. Thompson and I. B Shiffer The interest of said Solomon Brown dee'd being an •quitable undivided one fourth part thereof An inquisition will be held by me upon the above mentioned and described Real Estate, on Tuesday, the 9th day of January n-xt, A D. 1866, to enquire mad ascertain whether partition of the Real Estate •hove deserihed to and among the heirs and legal representatives of said Solomon Brown dee'd. can be made thereof u ithout prejudice to or spoiling the whole, and if such partition thereof cannot !>e made, then to value and appraise the said Real Estate, as in the said writ commended. The inquest to make partition and valuation of •aid Real Estate, will meet at the Dwelling House on the first described ptece or parcel ot land, situate in Exeter township. Wyoming County, on Tuesday the 9th day of January next, at II o'clock in the forenoon, and continue in session until all the Real Estato above described has been examined and par tition or valuation made as commanded in said writ. At which time and place, you and each of you, are hereby notified and requested to attend if you ihink pre per. AHIRA GAY. Sheriff. Sheriff's office, ) • Tunk. Nov. 27. '65 ] HAVE YOU SEEN THE ?|'ORK ? ? HAVE YOU SELECTED A SUIT ? HAVE YOU SEEN THE CHEAP PANTS ? HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW STYLES ? DO YOU WANT A BUSINESS SUIT ? DO YOU INTEND TO MAi.RY ? DO YOU WANT A WEDDING SUIT? CALL AND SEE A. G, STARK ! CALL AND SEE A. G. STARK ! AT F. M. BUCK'S STORE, Where you can be ft ted to any kir 1 of Garment you want—well made -no '•slopshop," Perfect tha country. Those wisning to buy should <£tll anb (Bromine Cl)fm. PAINTING, VARNISHINGt TRIMMING AND REPAIRING, Done on short notice and in a workmanlike style. Charges moderate. J. CAMPBELL. Tnnkkaaaeek, Aug 24, '65, vMttka HEW JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. MR. A. ATTTODDABD, late of Pittston, a practical workman of extensiv experience, offers his services to the citize as ol Wy oming County as a CLOCK AND WATGH-MAKER. AND REPAIRER. The highest recommendations as to skill, iu bis profession, can be found at any time ; and his work will always show for itself. SHOP, OPPOSITE WALL'S HOTEL, lN TUNKHANNOCK, where he will always be found and prepared to do the most difficult jobs in his line, and repair the most valuable Watches and Jewelry in a manner equal, if not superior to any man in the country. N B.—Satisfaction given on all jobs, or money refunded. A. A, STODDARD Sep2o,t. 1865. vsu7tf, Harness ! Harness ! / The Subscriber informs the citizens of Wyoming County that he has opened a NEW HARNESS SHOP, In Tunkhannock, at the stand formerly occupied by T. Hart, where he is prepared to furnish them with DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS, COLLARS &c,. &c., made of the very best material and in the best manner, at. LIVE AND LET LIVE PRICES. PT REPAIRING AND PIECE-WORK done on notice and in tho most substantial manner. JAMESSIIAUGHXESSEY. THE GREAT CAUSE, OF HUMAN MISERY. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, Price Six centß, em A Lecture on the Nature, Toeatment, and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Supermator rhee., induced by Sell-Abuse ; Involuntary Em missions. Impotency. Nervous Debility, and Imped iments to Marriage generally ; Consumption, Epil epsy, and Fits : Mental ana Physical Incapacity, Ac. By ROBT J. CULVERWELL, M. D., Aithor of the "'Green Book," Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effec tually removed without medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, bougies instruments rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cura at once certain and effsctual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may enre himsell cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a bcon to thousands and thous ands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents, or two poststamps.— Address the publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO. 1 27 Bowery, New York, Post Office box 4,586 v4-n22-ly. New Clothing Store NICHOLSOIT DKPOT! ss&ffig Mm SSW3 Clotliing-, HATS AND CAPS B©©TS AN33H ©Eg, A GREAT VARIETY. ALL NEW GOODS AND FOR SALE CHEAP, H. L. HARDING. NICHOLSON. Pa, 1865 mm HAS FALLEN. AND SO HAS THE PRICES, AT O. S. MiUs' STOVE AND TIN-SHOP TUNKHANNOCK, where every thiDg ih the line of hij trade can bo had at the LOWEST LIVING PROFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at hi. Shop,tb. l.t est and most improved Patterns of OOOKLIUVGr, AND FARL©R STOVES, with all the FURNITURE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Guttering in all its branches, attended to on short notice and on REASONABLE TERMS. RBPAiniNGi PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE O S. MILLS funkhaanoik. Apr. 12th, 1863 v3-n!3. ' ANEW PLACE TO BUI FASHIONABLE AND Well Made Clothing, now opening at F, M. BUCK'S Store, under the su pervision of A, Gr. Stark, Business Coats, Over Coats, Pants, Vests Dress Suits, &c., &c., direct from a leading MEW YORK CLOTH ING HOUSE, and will be sold for a ima.'l per oentage over CITY WHOLESALE PRICES This assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING will enable our citizens to select a suit of clothes at home, and we are determined that there shall no longer be aDy necessity for sending orders out of town for SENTg CLOTHING-. Call and examine the assortment now opening. A. G. STAKE, Ag't. v4n!3, Removed o The Subscriber having purchased of Mr. C. M ROOD, the rooms recently occupied by him as €R6€£RY AND PROVISION STORE has removed there his stock of Goods, from "Starks Brick Block" and with various other additions, is prepared to supply the public with anything in his line, at a SMALLER ADVANCE UPON COST THAN ANY OTHER MAN DARE TO SELL. His old customers need not oe toia they will be dealt by fairly, and honorably, while as many new, as shall see fit to favor hiin with their patronage, shall have no reason to regiet having aided in sus taining an institution where goods can always be bought for their true value, and NOME BUT GOOD ARTICLED KEPT, His stock consists in part of a general assortment of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS- Nuts Fruits and Candies, Tobacco and Snuff, LAMPS. LAMP CIIIMNIE3, AND FRUIT CANS, BOOTS SHOES, STONE AND TIN WARE, HATS. CAP, KEROSENE OIL, AND PI'RE CIDDR VINEGAR, FARMING UTENSILS, PATENT PAILS. WOOD EN PAILS, POWDER AND SHOT, and an endless variety of YAHKEB 556T10598. Ac. Ac., all of which will be seld for cash, or ex changed for anything that farmers have to sell, GEO LEIGIITON. Tunkhaunock, July 20, 1865. N B -CASH PAID FOR BITTER. LARD, EGGS FURS, SKINS, PELTS, Ac. v4n4B O L. Mexico ! Mexico ! $30,000,000 LOAN OP THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. Twenty-year Coupon fionds in sunts of SSO, tf/00, $.500, and $/.000. INTEREST SEVEN-PER CENT., PAYABLE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Principal ind Interest Payable in GOLD. $J0,000,000 to be Sold at SIXTY CBXTS on the DOIIAft, In U. S. Currency, thus yielding an interest of TWELVE PERCENT. IN GOLD,or SEVENTEEN PER CENT. IN CURRENCY, at the present rate of premium on gold. THE FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY TROVIDED. The Moat DESIRABLE INVESTMENT ever OFFERED. IMMENSE TRACTS OF MINING AND AGRI CULTURAL LANDS ; SIXTY PER CENT, of PORT DUES, IMFO-STS, and TAXES, in the States of TAMAULIPAb and SAN LUIS POTOSI ; and the PLIGHTED FAITII of the said States and the GENERAL GOVERNMENT are ALL PLEDGED for the redemption of these Bonds and payment of interest. THE SECURITY 13 AMPLE, *3O in U. S. Currency will by a 7 per ct. Gold Bond of *LO *6O in U. S. " " " it *IOO *3OO in U. S. " " • it *SOO *6OO in IT. S. " " • *I,OOO LET EVERT LOVER OF REPUBLICAN INSTITUTIONS BUT AT LEAST ONE BOND, Circulars forwarded and subscriptions received by JOHN W CORLIES A CO., and J. N. TIFFT, Financial Agent of the Republic of Mexico, 57 Broadway, N. Y. Subscriptions also received by Banks and Bankers generally throughout the United States. vsnls-6mo. WHEELER &WILSOYS HIGHEST PREMIUM Sewing-Machines. The Cheapest and Best. OVER 150,000 OF THESE WELL ESTABLISHED BEWING-MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. , FOE CIRCULAR, LADIES' ALMANAC, AS. AGENTB WANT Eli. Address WHEELER A WILSON Winy- VirhlM fo. I 704 Oh'Atntft Street, PhßedelpWi. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, FOR i ' i NON-RETENTION OR INCONTINENCE OF URINE, IRRITATION, INFLAMATION OR ULCERATION OF TIIE BLADDER OR KID NEYS, DISEASES OF THE PROSTATE GLAND, STONE IN TIIE BLADDER, CAL CULUS, GRAVEL OR BRICK DUST DEPOS IT, AND ALL DISEASES OF THE BLAD DER, KIDNEYS, AND DROPSICAL SWEL LINGS HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. FOR WEiYELMESSBS ARISING FROM EXCESSES OR INDISCRETION. ' The constitution, once affected by Organic Weak ness requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Hehnbold's Extract Bachu invariably does. If no treatment be submit ted to, Consumption Or Insanity may ensue. I HELMBOLD'S i Fluid Extract Buchu In affections peculiar to females, is uncqualed by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularities, Painfulness or Suppression of Custom ary Evacuations, Ulceration or Scirrhus State of the Uterus, Leucorrhoea, and all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, imprudencies, or in the Decline or Change of J.ife. . d HELMBOLD'S Fluid Ext) act 1111 clt u • AND Improved ROSE WASH Will radically exterminate from the system Diseases ot th Urinary Organsjarising from habits of dissipa tion, at little expense, little Or no change in diet,and no exposure, completely superseding those unpleas ant and dangerous remedies. Copaiba and Mercury, in curing those uplessant and dangerous diseases. USE HELMBOLD'S Fluid Extract Buchu. In all cases of the Urinary Organs, whether existin in male or female, from whatever eause originating, and no.matter of how long standing. It is pleasant in taste and odor, immediate in its action, and more strengthening than any of the pieparations of Bark or Iron Those suffering from Broken-Jown or Dslicate Constitutions, procure the remedy at once. The reader must be awarQ that, however slight may be the attack of the above disease, it is sore to affect his bodily health, mental powers, happiness, and that of his posterity. Our flesh and blood are supported srom these sources. PHYSICIANS, PLEASE NOTICE I J "5. ilj We make no secret of the ingredients. HELM BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU is composed of Buchu, Cubebs. and Juniper Berries, selected with great c&re, and prepared in vacuo by H. T, HELMBOLD, Druggists and Chemist of sixteen years' experience in the city of Philadelphia, and which is now pre served by the most eminent physicians,has been ad mitted to use on the United States army, and is also very gjaeral use in State hospitals and public Sanitary Institutions throughout the land. . • •it '-.7 rr Direct letters to HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 59Z. jßroadway, J\~en> Tork t ~?■ , y l.i , -s tv bres OR, . -i Helmbold's MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth Street, (BKLOW CHESTNUT), .. PHILADELPHIA. ,1 ■ • • • 1 V E- I * >Sotd by 7)rug gists everywhere. w. ' . -ti. 7 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT*,* bm X Ask for Helmbold's. vßn 131 year