branch pfwwtiit HARVEY HlCKTiftn, I'ruprlrtor. | NEW SERIES, A weekly Democratic *,_, paper, devoted to I'ull y Si •• New*, the Art* J| rjnl j and tocianoa* Ac I'eb- " > I j A i*k*d every Wedoa*- pay, at Tuakhannuck "*Jf fW# Wyoming County, Pa voA J \ I jXj jj / BY HARVf Y SICMR Ttrai l cpy I year, (•*!.*.**-* > , >:t BQ . Met paid ntna *ii mmutis* *•' 50 •'' u <***•* KU paper will be DISCONTIMirD, until all ar r.aragc are paid, uulea. at lb* upliuu uf publisher ADVlinTiaiNG . It! lints or /#, m ike thrtt /our tieo tKrt* sis on* *nt *'ftiure If. .1. A'- 1' I <'R KH • PHYSICIAN 0* BlHtiEO*, Would rerpartfullv announce to iba ctti*en*o IW y- Binc that he bo* located at Tuukhauno. k bera tsa iil promptly atieuJ to all call* in tba lina of hi* profendon. , jy tgjji found ut bom* on rmturday* of aab aeea £% Burhlft House, I llMtlllSiU l{r : Tunkhannerk. September 11, 1961. NORTH BRANCH HOTEL, RfcaUOPPEN". W \UMIN< COtNT\, PA- 1 %tm. H. ((WTKILHT, I*rop*r HAVING reined the |.r. | rietoreLip of the abort | Dubai, the uuder.igt.r i a ill epare no effort to render the hvuee ar. agreeable pi<■! of aoyourn for all who may favor it with flieir •• aii wno W|B || COKTRIGUT. Jane, 3rd, ledS Uffaus ©fltrl, TOWANDA, PA. D. 13- BART LET, | Late of the Rainusaai' Hot've, human. N Y. |*KOPRIk£TOR. The MF AN- 5 H°TF!., i nne if the LARGEST and HET ARRAKGKi ll<>u#e* in the eouatry-It la fitted up in the a d modern and improved style, and no (einf are rpared to make it a pleasant and agreeable Mapping-place for all, r S, 021, If CLARKE, KEENEY,& CO., aaai racrraawi am wh *'SB- MS IS HATS, CAPS, FI RS, STRAW GOODS, I'AKAHILh AXD rMiIKEI.I.Afi. . BIFFALU AND FANCY RuBES, 840 BROADWAY, o iiSi K or Ltosin eracaT, HiS# • r ruw, . a. c itutr, . a. ufaaaar. S M. OILMAN, MliUll AN, ha* pennaaeatly located ia Tunk • hatua-rk Iteroug' , and respectfully tender* hia prelwwoeal mo iom i- the ciuseiu of Uus plaeo and urroundiug country ALL WORK WARRANTED, TO GIVE SATIS FACTION JS Ofioe orar Tutton'i Law Oftew, Mar tha Pea •e* 11, Mil GQO3) 35 TO HOUSE .KEEPERS! F rank >l. Buck 11m jui uMotJ, at (he atur* ho a** furu,*r'jr oo cupted ty C r, M*rU, ou Jour below Balaam'* llolal, in l aiikhaiutuck, NEW GROCERY AMD Provision Store, •her* b i* prepared to Mil *v* jibing in th* ho* ul Fatuuj tlrocan** at price* far thoa* kara lotora uktU fur ihaui 0 11 u >Utck *u (elected aid purchased by MR. A. G. STARK n partus whoa* intimate with the red*. aud dealer*, enabled bun to purch*** at price* LOIIE THAI TIE LBIEST. Mr Stark'* *er*ica* a* *ala*iaan, also, have been secured. In the line of Groceriee and Provision#, I can Mil li'iod Molaaws at *1 per Gel Good Brown Scgar at 12| cts per lb Ne, 1 Mackerel * 4 12| 44 ' Cod Pub 44 9 . u u New Met* Porn " 17 44 • 44 Cbeniical Soap "* 12| "* ** " Salerata* u 12J 44 44 <>r >ond Coffee 44 25 44 44 " Fxtrs Greeu Rio Coffee 44 40 44 44 44 Lrd 44 2 0 44 44 • Kice 44 15 44 " " Cracker* 44 1 0 44 44 ,4 Ani all other articles at correspondingly low prices In tke article ol Teas, both as to prices and quality, 1 pffij ©mnpftilion GINGER, PEPPER, SPICE, CINAMON CLOVES, NUTMEG, MUSTARD, CRE A M 'T A RT A R, RAISINS, FIGS, POWDER, SHOT AND LEAD. Flffl AID UTS If All MB. -ALSO FLAVORING EXTRACTS FOR PUDDINGS, 11HS CI'STAKD AND ICECREAM. 0 SPICED SALMON & SARDINES in hnaee— a fine article for Pic-aie, flaking and pleasure parties, Ice Cream Constantly on hand, ani furnished in aay quanti ty desired, on short notice* MACARONI— FOR SOUPS. M.MOKKI) HALIBUT. 0 A Urge and varied assortment of LAMPS LAMP CHIMNEYS GLOBES AND WICKS, ALSO Kerosene Oil. o N. 8.-WOOL, niDES, PURS, AND gHEEP PELTS, purchased for cash or trade, for which the highest cask prices will be paid. ©all aali fiarajnt. *. 1 W P. BUCK. Tank ban nook, J uaeC ?U4M **TO MHEAk Hl THOUVHTtt 111 KVEHY VBKJBIUIIIi KIGUT. TUNKHANNOCK, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22 1565." port's toft. I'YBBERM TMIIhISIO, l'a baan thinking, I've baan thinking, What a glorious world war* thia, Did folk* mind thau own buain*** mora, Aud mind their ueighbur • lam. Fur luttanca, you and 1, uiy iriaod, Ar* *adly prona to'talk Of uiattar* that eonoarn u* not, And othan' fbltiaa mock, Ira baan thiukiqg, if wa'd bag in To unnd our owu affair*. That powibly our naighburs might Contrive to manage their*. We'ra foult* *o-*gh at homa to tnand — It may b* Lrua of othar*; It would ***ui etrauga, U it wore nut, Sine* all tuaiikiml are brother*. Oh ! would that w* had charity For erary man and woman, Forgiven*a* i* th* mark uf thuaa Who know 'to err ot bam on Then let us banish jtaiousy Let s lilt uur talicu brolbar, And a* we journey duwn life's road, D s. I have noticed, my son, that people who eat too freely of hash became sour and morose in their disposition. Corned beef aid cabbage auperindune inflation, and is a very aporo piato diet for politicians and temp*'ranee lec turers who happen to be long in body and short ia mind. Never marry a short, dttninuiiva woman. You wiU never be able to find her when you want her. You wvll be jual aa hkely to bae her some rino tn. rntn*: aa o. Lilth* moamx ha*t> a trrr al prwcAuwf A* maaiag with wjmen s husbands. la taot ao far a* my ahwrttlKW —lake haa a ruW.which ia madv all the atrwe/er by the ekeefiKwa— httie woawu arw alwaye at L Uhw the shtpjack oti the surtacw ola pond, they are never quiet. What you want ta a wotaaa who atepe 4 cas!?y and a quarter nag— ooa whoau manner and mind rviutnde you of yotar moth er. For to you and to all wn?n, looking back through the lung line of dead year* iato the paradise of youth, the mother *e*tm peti tion. It ta the uuune of mother that M the aynooyiu of home, llappy ta the maa who sees in his wi.e something of aclton or words, that brings hack a memory of his mother His home will be a happy one. Select a w.uiau tor a wife who think* aa much oi a stxpeuce a* she doe* of a sii* dj\o, and you wtll be able always to have the former in your pocket and the latter Sue for her. Economy, with a doe regard to cemfon in the household;' is an assurance to her hus band of success in business. A :tch old w slower in Canada is said to have practiced a very artful scheme to gain the hand of the belie of the village, iie got an old gypsy to tell the young lady's for tune in words which he dicated, as fol lows ; u Jiy dear young lady, your star will soon be hid Cur a short time by a very dark ci juJ, but wheu it re-appears it will shine with unia terupied splendor until the end of your days. Before one week a wealthy old widower, wear'ng a suit of black and a hue castor hat, will pay you a visit and request your hand m marriage. You will accept hu offer, become his wife, and he left a widow, in the posses ston of all hi* properly,'before the close of the year. Your neat husband will be a young man of whom you think most of at present." Three days after, the old gentleman, dress ed in the manner described by the gypsy, presented himself to the young lady, and the ra&r riage followed. The old gentleman did not dm as was still lives, although he has grown a number of years older in the service of the young wife. ; *I DOJTT CARS."— Yet you do, and there's no use in trying to deceive 'jourself with the sophistry ot those words. The best and noblest, the truest and most generous part of your nature does care tor the unkind, cutting words you have uttered to one you loved, in moments of pique. You may carry yourself so proud and defi antly, you may never drop by word or look the dew of sweet healing on the wound you have made in a nature as proud, as sensitive, and exacting as your own ; but to yoar hon or, be't said, you aro better than your words and away down in your heart lurks shame and Mpentaooe and sorrow fur them. You may carefully hide them both, and io a little whi'j thev wtlT be gone, for oh ! it it very easy to make one's self bitter and proud, and cold—very hard to keep one's self sweet, mellow and charatabte ; bnt there must be some pain, and some struggling be fore you can do a mean ungeoerous thing to one who loves you. and have your heart en dorse your ' I don't care !" And how often are these words uttered, when conscience sternly refutes them ; and' how often they harden the heart, and keep the feet in the way of evil. Be careful, reader, when you say, "I don't care." TRI;TKFUI.SC.V< or A HERO It ia related of Lord Nelson, that while walking out one morning he met a httte girl crying bitterly.and upon asking her what was the mat ter, she re plied that she had broken her pitcher with which she had been sent for milk, and afraid she would be whipped when she returned home. Seeing that he sympathized with her, she held up the fragment!'and artlessly said, "perhaps you can mend it,air." "No 1 can not do that replied he, "but I will give a six pense to buy another with," Oa looking in his purse, he foand he had no change, and said, "I cannot give it to you now. but if yon will bo here at this time to-morrow, I will meet you and give you the money." She went home cmifortcd. And told her mother the story with snch confidence that she was excused from punishment, on condi tion that the gentleman kept hia word. Be i fere the time came. Lord Nelson received a letter asking him to go to a distant place to meet a person whom he greatly desired to see. He hesitated and thought that such a trifle as giving a little girl a >ixpease ought not to keep him away, bnt then he had giTen his word and the little girl had implicitly relied upon it. No he would not disappomt her, so he sat down and wrote to his Iriend that "owing to a previous engagement," he vhonld be unable to see him at that time. Such an incident adds lustre to the world wide fame of one of England's moat oelebra ted heroes. Tbe St. Jjruhbury (Vt.) **tVeduiaa' says that the potato crop in that locality is laree and excellent .■ The only fault ia that they grow to large that they haee to be "btl ed" like Joah Billing*' Shanghai rooeter— "yne end and at a time." Pi HTWf . SO.OO PSZI Awr#lU MM VOL. o NO. 16 li*TTUMi OS IS THI Wwu—Ttot art many J.tiaraat a*a ol fttna* *a ib On woriJ ; it Jooa dm aiway* •* % trealdeal oiiaoaaj, or Wa • i>{ Um la look *p la villi vaadar. ieaa* .fa bad &*bt fcr 4 J JO a b ui ike wactJ la W cbta sJ li4y % ia**daf dV naddiaac>kc<¥ **• uuf 0; loW Milia %ad ladaau >b~ *< ad ai id> aad tajjr,ia fttuag ea; la W %oJ wi Vfba*.-iaj, iaataad of di-aaiai*d and qaarraeauw. * ea ; la *aek a* ifehgaalhr in Km niir\ iWacv *> ia k= prwHW. .4 £HtUg Mj B ikrfl, k*B va tay aw profartv ATTENTIVE U> KA AKO*. tiuuagfe iii&cuuiea lu gnat avail know i*Uye a *kad be A *** la kiuMwif tad u atbec* .Ifcciug a jual aiaoif b la kta M - auwt* ami thai he Ji £umg a* a ike vorid. hi iiay ma wy inilti •as i*y li u p>nika to jet aa wtlk aaaa mmm ; iir It * a auataka tkat • awl *• i lac a #Md deal AII Wke * can