pijstfllaimnts. ABOUT<6O. —A Western aditer says it is more htesseclto hsve a friend send you Shy speckled *r<*ut, ihau to be President of Un united States and die by assignation. A GOOD MORAL CHARACTER —Artemu* Ward says :—"1 have alters sustained a good moral character, 1 was nevera railroad direc tor in my life." A mule io the United States service is now called a -"brevet horse." " AN exebt nge paper, in an article on the state of the market, baa the following : Pigs' tails. These wire rather behind— bui we observe that they have taken a tu> n There is a mau in Connecticut, who has such a hatred for every thing appertaining to monarchy that he won't wear a crown in his hat. At Springfield, Illinois, a barber has been fined $3O for shaving a gentleman in his room at a hotel oo Sunday. Ii s . a—- Spr'ggins wants to know if d -ctors, by lookipg at the tongue of a wagon, can tell what,ails it. A man boasted of having eaten forty-uwie boiled eggs. Why did yon not •at one more and make fifty 7 Asks Sounds. "Humph, do you want a man to make a hog of hiaselfjust for one eg? 7" "Silence ! silence in the Court !" exclaimed •n iritated judge at a country assize. "Is it not monstrous that yon wiH not keen silence Thia very morning we ha so decided a d'-zen cases, and nut heard one of them !" A cotemporary says that the kind lady who sent, him a strawberry short cake, marked "please insert,'' may rest assured that her •'contribution" will l>t be crowded oat by the press of other matter." J t&r A lady at Terra Ilante, lnd, lost her "waterfall" in the stiect, and a little Scotch terrier seized it and shook it vicious ly. He probably smelt a "rat" in it. The latest invention is a "palpitating bo som" for the ladies, which is ei in motion by s cunOeaU-d spring, when sa *xira display of "emuiion" is required.. As Deacon A , ou an extra cold morning it-old times, was rid'og bv thej house of bis neighbor B , the lat'er was chopping wood. The uual salutation* were exchanged, th- severity >f the wca'h-.r briefly discussed and the horseman • ado demonstrations of parsing on,wnen bis reig;.- bor detained him with " Din't be in a hurry, D-acon. Wool iit't you like a glass of old Jamaica, this morn ing r . . "Thank yon, kindly," sstd the old gemle mait, at the same lime beginning to dismount with all the deliberation becoming a dcac-m, "I don't care if I do." "Ah, don't trouble yourself to get off, Dt-a eon,*' Baid the neighbor, "I merely asked for information. We haven't a drop iu the house." ■ ■ <■>• ■ • t . PRINT*! S' PROVERBS —Never inquire thou of an editor for tbe news for behold it is his business, at the appointed time, to give it un to thee without asking. Tt is oot right that thou shnui'at ask him who is the author of an aiticle for his duty requireth hico to keep such things onto him-, self. When thou dost enter his offico take heed onto thyself that thou dost not look at what may be lying open for that is not meet in the sight of Spo-t W^ng. Neither examine thou the proof sheet for fTfrf'nbt ready to meet lhme eye that thou roayest understand it. ? Prefer thine own town paper to any other, subscribe for it immediately, pay in advance. thd ft'shah'be wvll with thee and thy little ones. , , A* Meet o Wrr—"How do ya charge, Massa Magistrate, to marry tne and Miss Dinah 7" "Why, Clem, I'll marry you for two d>l lam." "Two dollars—what do you charge to mar ry white &4k-, mass* 7" "We generally charge them five dollars, -pl#" 0 -" * "Well, ya marrv us l'ke white f lk, and I give ya five dollars, too." "Why, Clem, that.* a curiou* notion, bqt •• you desire if, 7'M tns'rry you like white folksHyrflvt dollars." Theeeremonv over, and Clem and fMnth made one, the Magistrate aaked for his -fee. "Oh'fit*, wM. ya no <*vsie up to de grve- A' Wde bride !" "Get mi i of m \ oflßi And 10 CI cm got married for nothing. ' • f u:i ' ADVICE BT BILLING*.—Tbe wise and gif ted Josh Billing* tenders s'l whom it may concern, the following exeellet f aavice: - "Oeil't coeirt for munny. nor buy. nor rela • shuns; ihrte things arejuat about a* the kerosehe ile rifiofng birz res liable to Jet pot of ripair and bust a tmy uiinnif. C-mr* m gal'for fun, Cur the luv vn bore her, f-r the virchu and biazuieaa thvre is in her; r-urt ber for • wife or for a mother ; court her at - you would court a farm for the ail* and the v 4 'h' title • er.urt bei as K she want a fule and y another ; court her in over the **h tub, and at the planner; eouit her iu this way, young man, nd if you do: 't git a wife, tbe fault won't be * * vsrt aj 100,000 1 .7: "■ - [ 4 • ' iM en and Women to call, and examine for themselves, the new and splended stock ol SPRING & SUMMER Goods, •>!••< / ft - „ -AT THE HEAD QUARTERS for Good bargains. Hallstead Cz Ilowe. • "-fstlZ Have just opened a large and well I selected stock of goods at the store formerly occupied by 0. L. liallstead & Son at NICHOLSON DEPOT where can be found the handsomest and cheapest stock of gods in the country, consisting of foreign and do mestic • DRY GOODS! • • 1 Cloths, Cassimeres,, Muslins, Sheet ings, Ticking, alico's. Delanes, Flannels, and all kinds of Mourning Goods. Alpaccas, Black JSilks, Ginghams, Balmoral and Skeleton ISkirts, Canton Flan 'hels, ankeen, and Carpeting of all kinds IT JUL ail muse of Rhyme inspire my ?ong, A. nd land to me thy soaring wing, .Leaet while I plod, the tboughtk-es throng li ed on by some false God or King, Seek. in vain, the place to find, IT hat satisfaction gives humin kind, .Iltf ach strives the favored goal to seek, d\. nd stru-gling on with might and main. 1) elves deep in earth, o'er oceans swetp, A nd follows mammon's tnotly train, i.\ earh whose gilded palace lies estruction to her votaries. H earken wo.i-jone, let wisdom speak. O ft she's hinted, now she vows; v v orth of your money do you 9eek 7" K re it's too late, go to lIALSTKAP A Howe's. HATS & CAPS Notions 8) Varieties Com prising Ho siery, Gloves,Thead Buttous, -Suspenders, Neckties, Collars, Hand kerchiefs, HA'IT Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Gum, Kihbon and Cords, Tape, Crotchet braid, worked collars, fancy head dresses tidy cotton, carpet binding combs, fancy soaps, Carpet bags, trunks, Valises, Um brellas, Blank .! ' -,%£>kB. Paper Envelopes &c., &o, &c., • ' •• U' A'\ V* ' ' 1\ \ V - A!l Hardware of all kinds, such v; ails, f/inges, Scrowit - Dotw- LaUtUos And J£nubs, lioetfofind OWTIJERY of every de scription. Also Dyes Drugs, Faints, Varnish es, Fish Flaxseed and * euzine Oils, Glass, Putty, etc. i Queens & Glassware J CF rfll i A large Stock of i . < ©®OCISIIf! a lAHHO Composed of sugar, coffee, tea?, rice, corn starch, Maocaroni, Barley. Bak j ins: powder, m disses, soaps, candles, tobacco, apd segars, salt, fish, meat, : cheese, &c. Also, a large variety of j Boo t s and Shoes, , for Men, Women and Children ' i <<4ll kinds of Grain and Coun- I try. j taks& in exchange for , Goods. Call andsee for you rselve and we assure you good b rgahs. . 11. P. HALLSTEAD, J. E. HOWE, j Nicholson, June 28,1865. LACK A WESTERN R. K Summer Arrangement— -I8G., PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WEST WARO | EASTWARD. Morning Even'g | STATIONS | Morn'g | Evening Tram | Tra ; n j | Train J Tnin. , A. M | P M. | lA. N. |P. M. | 9.00 400 New York 520 10.30 1125 7.05 New Hampton •••• 2.35 827 1142 7.22 Washington 2,19 811 11 54 7.34 Ox erd 207 800 O5 7.45 Rridgeville 156 7.50 10 755 Manunka Chunk•• • 150 7.45 12 30 8-20 Dlaware 1.42 7 40"? 512 40 8.29 Mount Bethel 117 7-15^ £ 144 920 llenry ville 12.27 n.29 0 ® 2.00 935 Oakland **-12.11 6.14^ 219 952 Forks' 11.53- • 5.-'9 2 < 2(8 10.11 Tobihaußa 1134 541 ;a 252 10 21 G .uldgbnro 1120 5.2uj 32 3.15 10 46 Moscow .0 57 5C7 3,27 10 68" Dunning 10 47 4.stdv 340 Greenville 10 *5 •• • • £ 2' 1145 SCRANTON 10 15 430 442 -v.. Clark' Summit* ••• 938 45012 15 Abing'on 930 350 5.(6 12 31 Factoryvilte 9i4 335 52612 51 Nicholson 8, r U 3.12 j 548 1(3 H'iphutfi>ni 833 257 6.10 135 Monimse ..*•••• •• 8.10 236 6 31. f56 New Mitford 7.49 217 | 650 21i Great Bend 7.30 .2 00 P, M A M A. M P M r COY Y ECTfOVH-Westwa'd, The MORNING TRUN frem New York oon *pits nt MANUNKA CIIU K with .he ftain leav inii Philailplohia (Keu-ingion l'ep*-t) at 7 30 i HI iiod at GREAT BEND with the tbrongh M i' Traio on the Erie Railway with seeping ear attn-hrd, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, and arriving at Rnff*|o at 6 10 a, 10 TH' EVENING TR 4 from New York eon ne< ts at MANUNKA CHUNK with the tra-n leav ing Pnil 'd'dt.hi-i ( Krn-ingto- Lepot.) at 330 p. m at GREAT BEND with -he Night Ex| ress on the j Erie Railway, west, arriving >t Buffalo at 1:42 p • m. East ward* The MORNTNG TR MX from Great Rend eon- ' nects th re with the Cincinnati Exi ress on the Erie Railway from the WAst ; at Mannnk t ehu k with a train for Pliiladeh hia and intermediate -tations, arriving in Philadelphia at ri 30 p. in.' and at New Ilaintdon with a train for Easton.* Bethl-*hem. Al lentown, Reading and Harrishurg, arriving at liar- ! risburg at R-30 n. m. d The EVENING TRAIN from Great. Bend eon neets t'i re with the New Yo-k Expreson the Ex press on ihe Erie RaUwav from the West ; at Ma • e ka Chunk with a train vrho-h runs to Belvi lere '• re it lies over until 60'elock the-next morning, and aS NeA Hkmjitnn with an Express Train f>r A iston, Beth!- hem. Allentown, Reading and Har ris! urg At SCR ANTON, connections are mode with trains on the Laekawan a and Blootnsl.org Rail roan to and from Pittston, Kieg-t-.m, Wilkeh.we. Berwick, Blmrnishurg, Danville, Northumberland Hairisl.urg and intermediate stupons, and with rains on the Delaware aod Hudson Railroad to and from Carbondale and infermedi-te stations WATTS COOKE, Supt. R A HP. TRY, General Ticket Agent je29tf ~ T&srGM&s3*T~ Ei'K ANI> EAR INFIMARY. On the Square, Three Doors from Steele's Hotel,) VVI |.K SItAItKK. PA. THIS INSTITUTION is now Opened and fur nished in tbe most costly style. Reception, Private and Oper ting Rooms are large, convenient ;nd well adopted The .Surgi -ai apartment contains ihe finest collection ot in-oruments in the country, sod thus his faculties will enable htm to aieet any mil all emergencies in pra*tie.e He will operate lpon all the various forms of BLINDNESS. Catu ract, Oceluon of tbe Pupil, Cross Ey s Closure of the Tear Ducta, Inversion of the ifvelids Pterygium lc. Ac. And wii] treat all forms of Sor s, Eye 3riuiul**il Lids. Op.iceties of the Cornea, and Sernf ilous dispases of the Eve together with all *he dis jases to whi* h the Eye is subject. DEAFNESS- Will treat all the diseases common to the organ Discharges from the E ir, Noises in the Ear, Catairh, Uiffi -u'l.v of hearing, total Deaf ness even whore the Drum is destroyed. Will in tert an artificial one answering ueaily all the pu.- ses of the natural. DISEASES OF THE THROAT.-All diseases -mnruon to the Throat and Nose will he treated GENERAL SURGERY.—He will operate upon Clubfeet, H.iir Lip, Cleft Pall.ite, Tumors, Cancers, Enlarged Tencils, Ac. Piastic operations by heal ing new flesh into deformed parts :'nd general Sur rerv of whatever charac er it may present. IIEKNIA (or RUPEURE) —He will perfrcm "La bias operation for the radical (coin pi te) cure of Hernia, this is unquestionably a perfect eure. and is done with little or no pain. Out of many hun dred operated upon ID Boston there has been no failures, it having met the perfect approbation of all who have submitted to it. ARTIFICIAL EYES—WiU insert artificial Eves giving them the motion ar.u expresion of the natur al They are inserted with tbe least pain, lIEDORRIIOI.DL, (Pies) -This troublesome dis ease is readily cured, Those suffering from it will do well tb call. Dr Up De Gr iff vjsits Wilk>s-B irre with a view of building up a p rmanent lustitute for the treat ment of ih' Eve, Ear and General Surgery. The exjrerienee o.' more than a quarter of a century in Hospital ami general [ira.-tico, he hopes, will he a -ulfi.'ieiifguarantee to those who may be disposed to try thein. GROVESTEEN - &TCO., k'iano-Fortc MANUFACTURER'S 499 Broadwaiy NEW-YORK "■ The attention of the public and the trad is invi ted to our new s.-ale'7, octave rosewood piano fortes which for volume and purity of tone are unri valled by any hither!-* offered in this market, They contain all th • nodern 1 aproveiuents. Frenci Grand action, harp pedal inm frame over-strung brass, Ac. an I e 1 h iu-tru neut beinr in IJ* ua ler Hie person .1 supervision of .Mr. J. 11 Grovesteen, who has had a practical experience of over 30 .years in their manu facture,is fully warranted in every particular. THE 'GKOVESTF.EN WAi©-j©:mr . fh< highest reward of MERIT OVERALL OTHERS, AT THE CELESRATED WORLD'S FAIR '. j '? .' 4 Where were exhilifed instruments from the besr ma kers of London Piris. Go Extract from ] ROOTS AND HEIIBS, ! Of the greatest me linn.il value, prepir. d from the oiig'.nal prescriptions ot tbe celebrated Dr. TAI.B .TT, and used by bim w rh rmnark tble success for twenty 1 i years. An infallible rtuieify in all DISEASES (F THE LD'ER. I.R AW OV R A 1(5 A M KIT OK TUB Digesllv f Organ, THKV CCUK ! DtirrhiEa Dyiiepsia, Scroftt'H, Jaundice, nillousiieo, l-lvcr Complaoit. The well-known Di MOTT says ot these Pills :—"I ; hnve used Ihe formula fro in which our Pills are made, in my practice for over 12 years . they hav thr finest effect upon the Li vet and Digestive Or gans of any medicine in the world, and are the inoSt perfect Purgative who h has ever yet been ma it by anybody. They are safe and pleasant to take, hut 1 jHiwerful to cure Their |s*nefr.it ng properties i stimulate the vital nctiviti-s of the bialy, remove 1 the obstructions of its organs, purifying the hlod, ! and expel disease. They purge out the foul humor which breed and grew distemper stimulate sluggish or disordered organs into their natural action, and | inpart a healthy tone with strength to ihe whole ! system. Not onlv do they cure the rveiv day enm -1 plaints o everybody, but, also formidable and dan -1 gerous diseases, and being purely vegetable are free I from any risk or hkrm No person who his once j u.-ed fhyse l'itls will ev< r be without them." They create pure lilood and remove all impurities I fron the svstern hence arc a positive cure for FEVERS, II EAITACHE, PILE!*, MKR IUKIAL I)I AMK* AM) HEREDt- TAKV HVNOH3, . Doss:—'For adults, onr Pill in the nioruin?: for children 8 half .1 Pill %'ff Price One D liar pet Box. supplied, or sent ly Mail, post paid, toany part of the United States or (htnadason reieipl of price. No Gen uine irithout Ihe facsimile sic nature of V. Moll Talbot4, M 1) V >OTT & C 0., No. 62 Fultou St., New York. v 4 u4l ly. HARD WARE & IHO.X HURT BRO'S & BjlAiß NOW OFFER FOIt SALE IRON. STE 1.. N.VLS AND SPH ES, M.NK RAIL, RAILROAD -PIKES. 4N V i L.S. BELLOWS. PLAIN A Gt'NV'EX HORSE-SHOI S. HAM MERED HOUSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, SUILIEIS' lIIIIIID CAUPEN TKKS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED.) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES,SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPUING *TEEL. BOTTS, NUTS, WASH EUS BELTING, PACKING, 9 GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCU WINDOW GLASS, Ac , Ac., ALSO SASR, DOOKI AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 'LO ORDER LEA'I 11 EE Li AND FINDINGS FMftßaK'S SALES. *r:.uti.i Hrrh 26. IBh3 vl n 33- FBI'IT A N'l) OHWMKNTA 1 TREES! Shrubs, Vines, &c AT OLRPTICL'S, We, tbe snlweribere, take tliis method of inf.inoiiig the public that | we are pri pared to furnish first class Nursery Stock | at original prices before ihe war j Tbe Stock < mlrn es the BEST FRUITS of all I kin is, attl hoioest SHRI BS and VINES, that can j be grown in this latitude. ii prisihg ! Apples, Pears, Plums, Quinces, Oherrk-s. Apricots, Nectarines, Cra b Gooseberries, ('urrants,LAsp berries, Mulberries, Rhubarb or Wine Pla.Tt, Grapt-s, Flowering Shrubs, Evergreens, and Ornamental "Trees jao Flowers, tUJ varieties, j All or eta fmtn all parrs of'Wyo'tnlng old • adja | cent Counties will receive apfeial attention, [ They would call particular atteoti mto the : r as sortment of GRAPES and small Fruits, and to the | fact that theyem furnish everything as low as any otbf reßab edealer Post Office address, Providence Luzerne Co. Pa. MAGEK A SMITH* KNRTMATTBB* WM. I, SUIT* 3V351"17V cMiftsr AND C H AJ R N^NL^^C^RY! The subscriber h is just opened a new Furniture Cabinet and Chair M inufactory in Tunkhannock. next door to P. -M. Koon's grocery store — where are kept on hand an I in .oufactured to order: TABLES of all sires, patterns, and styles. CHAIRS Cane-seat, Flng-liottom, and common. BUREAUS ot all styles, sizes, and prices. BEDSTEADS. C'otiiige and common. CENTRE TABLES, WOPK STANDS, BOOK CASES, and indeed every thin* whi.-b can be found in the largest furniture establishments intheoountry, which he wil Bell nt prices as low as they can be Imught in any town outside of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete) both in workmanship and I prices with any establishment in the country, he so licits the public patronage. REPAIRING of all k>ndsdone in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.*—>UHd oane-seat chairs, new-seated and re paired.^? UNDERTAKING. —Hiving * Hoarse of his awra and having ha t tnu.-h experience, he will attend this department of the busine-s ou short notice a id in a satisfactory manner. ABRAHAM HAAS. July 16, 1362.—v1n191y CROCKERY!!! A Large Stock just Opeued AT T. L. ROSS CO'S., WALL PAPER. - WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WIN MOW SH ADES. WINDOW SHADES. WINDO A SHADES. OF ALL STYLES CLOTH SHADES WITH BORDERS CLO! 11 SHADES Wl'l II BORDERS. I'LVU RKs AND ROI.i.ERs. COM PI.EI E FIX 11 RES AND ROLLERS COMPLETE EMBROIDERED MLS LIN CLKI'AINS. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CITRTAINS* EMBROiDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS A .*> Large Stock of White Goods; SWISS MI LS DOTTED SWISS MUSLIN. BRILLIANTS, JACONETS, LACES. BAI.MORAL SKIRTS, SPRING SKIRTS. GLOVES, REAL AL L.XANDRE'S KID And a Large Stock of YAMKEEMOTIONS. 1 run, >ai I s , White-Lead, Z nc, Linseed Oil, Glass, Putty, Door-Locks* ami a genera assortment of BUI DERS HARDWARE. Fish, of all kinds. Cash. Paid for a.l kinds of Grain. Tunkhannock, March, 9th 18G4. QTIJSA.T B A-fiZi. OF WATCHES & JEWELRY, 5i,000,000, WORTH I To he tlisp -ed of at Onk L) i.uk each, with out lega-dto cutue, not to bt paal for until you kauw what you are to itheive. BVA, H. RoWEN A CO., (Agea*B for the Manufacturers,) No 36 Beekiuau Street, New-York, ■ . i izr lead th • following list of Articles to be sold fn LAR 1.08 lydjd, Hunting-Case Watches each $125 00 100 Itrfth.-s, yafiotts styles •• •- " 7500 100 ♦* Ladies' Gull Watches-•*•• " ,£(JOC 500 Silver W. t bes. each $2O 00 to 35 00 6,000 Latest tyle vtsf A neck .h ins 5 00 to 20 00 5,500 (en''a C-tUiprni* diamond 1 pins " 5 00.to 20 00 : 4,6oo.California diamond eardrops 44 5 00 fo 10 00 3,Ottfi Miniature Revolving Pins-* " a 00 to 1300 2.000 California Diamond and enamelled dent's scarf pins new styles*. • *i-• •' 5 00l.10 00 2 000 Masonic and Emblem pins-. " 300'o10 00 2 500 Gel.'Ba lK 1 Bracelets engraved'* 30Qt020 00 3*ooo Jet and Mosaic Broiiytaes- •• •r" 300 to. Hi 00 2.Q00 Cameo Brunches 41 500t020 00 3d 00 Coral Ear Drops " 4 00 to 600 2,00(1 Ladies' Watch Chains. 41 800 to 15 00 6,1K0 Gent's Fins,a splendid aaort't' : 200 610 00 4,000 Solitaire leeve Buttons " 3CO to 10 00 £ 000 Studs and Sleeve Buttons, in sets, " 300 to 10 00 5,000 Sleeve Buttons, plain. A en graved-••• •' 200 to 800 10,000 plain and engraved Rings-. 250 to 10 00 I 8,000 Lockets, fi- hly engraved-••• 44 200to10 00 15t00j) *rSvtifiil bu4 VaktSbfi will be sold for OSK'DOI.I.AK eai*b. (? choi -g. On tlje rgia-ipt of tfie rertifi.-at y. u wilt see what yon and then it is at your option to send the foliar and take ths arti-de, r not. •'' ' ' i '-""** Five certiftcnteg c-n be nr tared for $1 ; eleven for 10 ; thirty X* r •$ ; sixry fire for $lO : and one hun dred for STS Xv- wBI send a single Pertffieate on the .receipt of 25 cents for one certificate and oureir • di'-dr ■Mth*ferina .. - - A.H. ROWRNICO., I 16 B*ekam Street M, T fm Wt* •4IMm UKWB f . f'iist Premium for Family Machine. Fiast Monufactu iug Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STA'IE FAIR. First Premium tor Machine for all pnrpe . First Premium for Maohtne Work. KENTUCKY STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purposes First Premium foi .Machine Work. MICHIGAN STATE /AIR, First Premium for Family Machine F'irst Premium for Manufacturing Machine. Eiest Premium for Machine Work. PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR First Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work. OREGON STATE FAIR. F'irst Piemium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. CHITTENDEN Co. (Vt.)Agr'l Soe. Fi'st Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium fer Machine Work* FRANKLIN Co (N. Y. )FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine CIIAMPLAIN VALLEY (Vt ) Agr'l Sec. HAMPDEN Co. (MASS.JAgr'I Soc. Diploma for Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Work. WASHINGTON Co.(N. Y,)FAIR First Premium for Family Machine. QUEENS Co-(N Y. )Agr'l one, First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium lor Manufacturing Machine. First premium for Machine Work. SARATOGA Co (N.Y)FAIR. F'irst Premium for Family Machine. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE (Pa.)FAIR F'irst Pretntum for Machine for all pnrpeeee* First Premium for Machine Work GREENFIELD (0) UN lUN FA IR. ' First Premium for Family Machine. F'irst Premium for Machine Work. CLINTON Co (O)FAIR. F'rst Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. WON TG'IVIEJY Co.(Pa )FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all fit -pine First Premium for Maceiue Work. AN JuAQUINCo (Cal )FAIR First Premium for Family Machine. ~ First Premium tor Machine Work. % r ' SAN JOSE DISTRICT (Cal ) FAIR First Premium for Family Machine. Fsist Premium lor Machine Worn Pr Tb a.Kve compriaea all the fairs at which I the Grodkr A Bakrk Macaines were exhibited this J"", W H f ARXEs, Agent, Mehoopanv, Pa. Sales— 'Onrns, 495 ltroa>.way, N.n Ywtk 730 Chostaut St. Piji.'a leJphia Great Improvement in Sewing Machines E M PI R J ®]£iW£%&B M& Patei.teJ February 14th, 1860. SALESROOM 536 BROADWAY, If, Y. 200 WASHINGTON STREET. BOSTON. PHIS MACHINE, is constructed on entirely new print- |i|esoi mechanism, possesring many rare and v t iu ible improvements, having been examine! by the most pt.foun fer. erttt. and pronounced tab# Simplicity ami Perfection Combined. It has a straight needle, perpeud-tular action makes ih.! "Loca or Shuttle Stitch" which will ".Neither Rip nor Ravel," and it is alike •> u both sides j performs perfect sewing on every description of ill teri •I, fiom Leather fc> the finest Naieook Muslin, wish cotton, linen or silk thread, from the coarsest to the fi. est number Having neither "Cam nor Cog Wheel," and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glaaa and is EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACHINE ! rt requires fifty per cent power to drive It than unv other machine in the market. A gfirl twelve years of agw can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. ' " Its strength and "Wonderful Simplicity" of con.* struction renders it almost impossible to get out of order an* is guaranteed by the company to gira entire satisfaction. • a We respectively invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a „uperior article te come and e.vuuinc this "Unrivalled Machine." One hu{f hour's instruction it sujfiwnt to tnab it any person to work this Machine, to thesr mtirs satis/tic ion . *^*o Rt tigious and Charitable Institutions will bt liber ally dealt with, A grits wanted for all Towns in the United State* where Agents are not a I rem y established, Aleo fer Cuba, Mexico. Central and South America', te whom a liberal discount will be given. T.J. McARTHUK & CO. A. A Co. PR IJf CiPI.E AGENTS EBTAKLI9AED Syracuse, N Y„ John H Fowler, Pbila., Saraieate McGtatb A Co.. Pittsburg, Earnest Axthelm. v4n46ly. 4A C Sewing Machines'/ FIMi 1 E A LYOk : EVV PATENT ROTARY FEED Sewing Machines The following facts demonstrate that these Me cbinea comprise the highest improvements in rmn SKWj.jt.fi Machine Art, vis 1. Each Machine is guarantoe-i to give Better satik tactmn than any othsr Sewinfi Machine in Markgt or money rvfunded. 2. They have t■■' " 5 They have no rattling wires, or delicate at tachment tc keep fn repair, 6.tThey reqnrrw no taking apart to clean or •'Mp no • Ikbem** to set >cedle. regular teaiioE 4a ope ret c Machine, Please call and examine and domeastrete a* yourself, or Bend lor cjrcclar wtth a as plea si N* j„g i •."*.• * • vnr - PINKLE A LYON N 1, 90