North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, September 20, 1865, Image 4
SIGNS When will signs a wonders cease? Not till tbe destroying angel shall clip short the*thread of time, and heavens be roiled together as a scroll, Not a day passes but we see good and bad signs, as the following will show : It is a good s : gn to see a man doing an act of charity to hia fellows, ft is a bad sign to hear hm boast of it. It is a good sign to see an honest man wearing his old clothes. It is a bad sign to aee them filling the holes in his windows. Is is a good sign to see a man wiping the perspiiation from his brow. It is a bad sign to sea him wipe his chops M he comes out <>f tbe cellar. It i> a good sign to see a woman dressing with taste and neatness. It is a bad sign to see a husband sued for her finery. It ia a good sign for a man to advertise in a paper. It ia a bad sign to see the sheriff advertise for him. It is a good sign to see a man sending his children to school. It ia a bad sign to see them educated at evening school on the public square. A STRONG DOSE. —Recently we heard of a good story of an occurrence which took place in Newburyport, Msss. A servant grl in that town went to Doctor Spoffbrd for advice, declaring her ailment to be a pain in tbe bowels* The doctor gave her a cathartic and requested her to call again in a few da?*, which she did. He asked her if she had taken the medicine, to which she replied in tbe affirmative, lie then asked, "Did any thing pass you after taking it 7" ''Yes sir," she said, "a horse and wagon and a drove of pigs." The Dr. collapsed, remarking, "I think you must be better." CS" An old quaker lady waa standing at her counter one day, when a gay young girl came in to engage a hair dresser for the evening. She gave her order hurriedly say ing that ahe wanted a half dozen "rolls" and butterfly on top, a ' Grecian" or "waterfall" at the back, with plenty of "puffa" and "curs," and tilled with an injnnction to snudalong any quantity ol "rats," •mice" and "cataracts." "Poor child," said the dear old lady, com passionately, looking alter her as she departed—"what a pity she haa lost her mind 1" ETA country editor is an individual who reads newspapers, writes articles on any subject, sets type, reads proof, works at press fold* and mails papers, prints jobs, runs nn errands, saws wood, works in the gaiden talks to all who call, receives blame for a hundred things that are no one's business but his OWD, works from SA. M. to 10 P.' M., and frequently gets cheated out of half of bia earnings- Who wouldn't be a country editor 1 POISONED HlM. —Farmer Windsor, living •t Randolph, took a pretty "gall" with him to the circus. Straightway walked his wife to the druggists, of whom she bought some arsenic. This she inserted into a pie of which her husband was very food. Ho ate It next day for dinner, and that night was paat the region of flirtation. Mre. Windsor's address is at Madison jail. JC3T" "A beautiful day, Mr. Jenkin*! "Yes, very pleasant, indeed." 'Good day for the race." "Race, what race 7" "The human race." ' Oh, go along with your tu pid jokes; get up a good one, like the one with which I sold Day." ' Day, what day 7' "The day we celebrate," said Jenkins, who went on bis way rejoicing. C3T"Show me a man that eata cucumbers at night," says Mr- Quilp, "and I'll show you one who takes great paint for his trouble." A THIEF broke out of jail other day. B . Ing recaptured, he told the constable be might have escaped but be had conscientious scruples about travelling on Sunday. C3C" An itinerant preacher, who rambled in his aarmons, when requested to stick to his text, replied, "that scattering shot would hit the most birds." JC3C" If exercise promotes health, those who collect old bills for editors should bo the longest lived people on earth. S3C Ann Maria Sfory was married to Bob Short. A very pleasant way of making a "S tory Short." A critic,malignant enough to tell the truth, •ays that the most awkward thing in nature is-a woman trying to run. An editor out Weat aays, "if time ii money be would like to exchange a little of bis for the "hard." One of twin brothers died; a fellow, meeting the survivor, asked, " Which is it that's dead, you or your brother 7" — A witty printer ; who quit his business, ! studied physic and became a I hysician.gave i his reason for doing so that in printing all the ! flsults are exposed to the eye, but in physic they are buried with the patient. A paper oat west has for its motto. "Good will to all men who pay promptly, Devoted to news, fun and making money," A man, hearing that a raven would live *mo hundred years, bought one to try. Nonsense Sense that happens to differ from your own. 100,000 Menand Women to call, and examine for themselves, the new and splended stock of SPRING & SUMMER Goods, -AT THE HEAD QUARTERS for Good bargains. Hallstead & Howe. Have just opened a large and well selected stock of goods at the store formerly occupied by O. L. Hallstead & Son at NICHOLSON DEPOT where can be found the handsomest and cheapest stock of g< ods in the country, consisting of foreign and do mestic DRY GOODS! Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins, Sheet ings, Ticking, Calico's Delanes, Flannels, and all kinds of Mourning Goods. Alpaccas, Black Silks, Ginghams, Balmoral and Skeleton Skirts, Canton Flan nels, Nankeen, and Carpeting of all kinds PI ail muse of Rhyme inspire my song, .A. nd lend to me thy soaring wing, Least while I plod, the thoughtless throng _L ed on by some false God or King, 0 eek. in vain, the place to find, 1* hat satisfaction gives human kind, I\ ach strives the favored goal to seek, A nd struggling on with might and main. X) elveg deep in earth, o'er oceans sweep, A nd follows mammon's motly train, V a. a eath whose gilded palace lies 1 ) estruction to her votaries. Hearken wea*yone, let wisdom speak. O ft she's hinted, now she vows; <k W v v orth of your money do you seek V L re it's too late, go to Halstkad A Howa's. HATS & CAPS Notions $ Varieties Com prising Ho siery,Gloves,Thead Buttons, Suspenders, Neckties, Collars. Hand kerchiefs, /fair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Gum, Ribbon and Cords, Tape, GYotchet braid, worked collars, fancy head dresses tidy cotton, carpet binding combs, fancy soaps, Carpet bags, truuks, V alises, Um brellas, Blank Books, Paper Envelopes &c., &c. &c., Hardware of all kinds, such as Nails, //inges, Screws, Door Latches and Knobs, Locks and CUTLERY of every de scription. Also Dves Drugs, Paints, Varnish es, Fish Flaxseed and Benzine Oils, Glass, Putty, etc. Q,ueens & Glassware j Cf all kinds. Stone and Earthenware. ; A large Stock of Composed of sugar, coffee, teas, rice, corn starch, Maecaroni, Barley, Bak ing powder, molasses, soaps, candles, tobacco, and scgars, salt, fish, meat, cheese, &c. Also, a large variety of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children KG- AU kin s of Grain and Coun try Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Call and see for yourselves and we ssure you good barga : nfi. 11. P. lIALLSTEAD, J. E HOWE. Nicholson June 28,1865 4n461y LACK A WESTERN R. R Summer Arrangement—lB63, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD | EASTWARD. Morning 1 Evcn'g | STATIONS ) Morn'g | Evening Train | Tra'n | | Train v { Train. A. M | P.M. | lA. M. |P. M. 900 400 New York 5.20 10.30 11.25 7.05 New Hampton •••• 2.35 827 1142. 7.22 Washington 2,19 811 11 54 7.34 Ox'ord 207 800 ri2 05 7,45 Bridgeville 156 7.50 755 Manunka Chunk •• • 1.60 7,45 ' 12 30 8-20 Dlaware 1.42 7,4075 2 1240 8.29 Mount Bethel 1.17 715^ < 12.55 8.45 Water Gap 102 7.00 =E 1.22 858 Stroudsburg 12-48 6.48 M 85 1-33 910 Spragneville >2 37 6 38> £ 144 920 Henryville 12.27 6.29 ® 2 2.00 9.35 Oakland 12.11 6.14 2lB 9.62 Forks 11.53 6.29 3 " 238 10.11 Tobvhnnna 11 34 5.41 a 252 10.24 Gouldsboro 11,20 5.28* 35 3.15 10 46 -Moscow .057 L 3,27 10.58 Dunning 10,47 4.58k* o 3-40 Greenville 10 35 w 4 20 11.45 SCRANTON 1015 430 4.42 Clark's Summit-•• • 9.38 45012 15 Abington 9.30 350 5.06 12 31 Factoryvilte 914 3.35 52612 51 Nicholson 8,50 3.12 5.48 113 Hophottooi 833 257 6.10 1.35 Montrose 8.10 236 631 156 New Milford 7.49 217 650 215 Great Bend •••••• 7,30 2,00 P, M. A M A, M. P. M CON N ECTlONB—Westward, The MORNING TRAIN from New York con nects at MANUNKA CHUf K with the train leav ing Philadelphia (Kensington Depot) at 7 30 a. in. and at GREAT BEND with the through Mail Train on the Erie Railway, with s'eepiog car attached, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, HD<t arriving at Buffalo at 6 10 a, m Till. EVENING TRAIN S from New York con nects at MANUNKA CHUNK with the train leav ing Philadelphia (Kensington Lepot,) at 330 p. m tt GREAT BEND with the Night Express on the Erie Railway, west, arriving at Buffalo at 1;42 p. m. Eastward. The MORNING TRAIN from Great Bend con nects fh re with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the West; at Manunka Chu k with a train for Philadelphia and intermediate c tations, arriving in Philadelphia at 6.30 p. m.' and at New Hampton with a train for Enston. Bethlehem, Al lentown. Reading and Harrisburg, arriving at Har rishurg at 8-30 p. m. * The EVENING TRAIN from Great Bend con nects there with the Now York Express on the Ex press on the Erie Railwav from the West; at Ma nunka Chunk with a train which runs to Belvidere where it lies over until 6 o'clock the next morning, and at New Hampton with an Express Train f>r Alston, Bethlehem. Allentown, Reading and Har risburg. At SCRANTON, connections are made witli trains on the Lackawan-.a and Bloomshurg Rail roan to and from Pittston, Kingston, Wilkesbarre. Berwick, Bloomshurg, Danville, Northumberland llairisburg and intermediate stations, and with rains on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad to and from Carbondale and intermediate stations WATTS COOKE, Supt. R A. HENRY, General Ticket Agent je29tf EYE AND EAR IX El MARY. On the Square, Three Doors from Steele's Hotel,) Wl I.K SHAHKK, PA. TIIIS INSTITUTION is now opened and fur nished in the most costly style. Reception, Private and Oper ting Rooms are large, convenient end well adopted The Surgical apartmant contains the finest collection ot instruments in the country, and thus his faculties will enable him to meet any and all emergencies in practice. He will operate tpon all the various forms of BLINDNESS. Cata ract, Oceluon of the Pupil, Cross Ey s Closure of the Tear Ducta, Inversion of the Eyelids Pterygium tc. Ac. And will treat all forms of Sor<B, Eye 3ranul a d Lids. Opacities of the Cornea, and Scrof llous diseases of the Eye together with all the dis jases to which the Eye is subject. DEAFNESS- Will treat all the diseases common to the organ Discharges from the Ear, Noises in the Ear, Catarrh, difficulty ot hearing, total Deaf ness even whore the Drum is destroyed. Will in lert an artificial one answering nearly all the pur- Doses of the natural. DISEASES OF THE THROAT.-All diseases •ouimon to the Throat and Nose will be treated. GENERAL SL RGEKY.—Iie will operate upon Clubfeet, Hair Lip, Cleft Pallate, Tumors, Cancers, Enlarged Tenciis, Ac. Plastic operations by heal ing new flesh into deformed parts and general Sur gery of whatever charac er it may present. HERN IA (or RL PEL RE) —He will perfrom " La bias operation for the radical (complete) cure of Hernia, this is unquestionably a perfect cure, and is done with little or no pain. Out of many hun dred operated upon in Boston there has been no failures, it having met the perfect approbation of all who have submitted to it. ARTIFICIAL EYES—WiII insert artificial Eyes giving them the motion arm expresion of the natur al They are inserted with the least pain, HEDORRIIOLDL, (Pies) -This troublesome dis ease is readily cured, Those suffering from it will do well to call. Dr Up De Graff visits Wilkos-Barre with a view of building up a p rmanent Institute for the treat ment of the Eye, Ear and General Surgery. The experience of more than a quarter of a century in Hospital and general practice, he hopes, will be a sufficient guarantee to those who may be disposed to try tbem. GROVESTEEN - &~C07, Piano-Forte MAxNUFACTURER'S 499 Broadway NEW-YORK T h attention of the public and the trade is invi- K'T/ neW , 8, ' ale7 ocrave rosewood piano llnl tZ f,, '. v ° lume ""dnurity of tone are unri -1 vailed by any hitherto offered in this market, Tbey contain aH the modern i nproveraents. French Grand action, harp pedal iron frame over-strung brass Ac an 1 e ch instrument betng ra ide under the personal supem.-ion of Mr. J. H. Grovesteen, who hns had a practical experience of over 30 years in their manu facturers fully warrunted in every particular. THE 'GKOVESTEEN received the highest reward of MERIT OVERALL OTHERS, AT Ts£Jv elesr ate© WORLD' FAIR Where were e.xhilifed instruments from the best mo ££ .' o ;rs p .";r r American Institute for fivo e ffold silver meihils from both of seen at our ware room ° 4 Wh,ch can bo By the introduction of improvements PRICES.—No. 1, Seven Octßve j Rosewood plain cage, 1275. ' corners No 2, Seven Octave, round cornn*. n . heavy moulding 9300. neW ' No. 3- Seven O rave round cnrnn t„_ Louis XIV style 9325, B ®*°od Terms. X,t Cash, in Current Funds Fa a circulars sent free. ' A. A C 48 v4-n46-lyear AA C, OPEN AGAIN. 0 The Grocery and Provision Store, on Stark' Brick corner, hrtoly owne<l by T- B Wall, has been purchased by the undersigned, and will be kept ss a sura 11 tint MI. His stock comprises TEAS. SUGARS,COFFEE,SALERATUS, GINGER, NUTMEG, SPICES, RAISINS, FIGS, PRUNES, DRIED BEEF. SMOKED HALIBUT, CRACKERS, CHEESE. COD FI V H, MACKEREL, HERRING, and all other articles usually found in an es .ablishment of the kind, which will be sold at LIVE, AND LEI LIVE PRICES. RANSLER ROSS. Tunkhannock, June 2b, 1865. v4n26 DR. TALBOTT'S PILLS. (ANTI-DYSPEPTIC,) Composed ol highly Concentrated Extracts from HOOTS AND HERBS, Of the greatest medicinal value, prepared from the prescriptions or the celebrated Dr TALBOTT, and used by biin wth remarkable success for twenty years. An infallible remedy in all DISEASES OF THE LIVER, OB ANY DBRAWGHMBNT OP THE Digestive Organ, THEV CURE Diarrhea. Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Jaundice, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, The well-known Dr. MOTT says of these Pills : —"I have used the formula from which your Pills are made, in mv practice for over 12 years , they hav the finest effect upon the Liver and Digestive Or gans of any medicine in the world, and are the mogt perfect Purgative which has ever yet been made by anybody. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activitii sof the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purifying the bleod, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humor which breed and grew distemper stimulate sluggish or disordered orgaos into their natural action, and inpart a healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every day com plaints of everybody, but also formidable and dan gerous diseases, and being purely vegetable are free from any risk or harm. No person who has once used these Pills will ever be without them." They create pure blood and remove all impurities •fmn the system. hence are a positive cure for FEVKRS, HI;AI>AOU:, PILES, !HER- C'UltlAL DISI.ASESAND HEREDI TARY HUMORS, DOSE —For adults, one Pill in the morning ; for children 8 years, half a Pill. Price One Dollar per Box. supplied, or sen tby Mail, post paid, to any part of the United States or Canadas on receipt of price. No Gen uine without the facsimile signature of V. Mott Talbott. M D V. MOTT TAI.BOTT & Co., No. 62 Fulton St., New York. v4-n4l ly. HARDWARE & IRON HUNT tRO'S & Si-AIR NOW OFFER FOR ALE IRON, STEEL, NATLS AND SPIKES MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS BELLOWS, PLAIN A CONVEX ' HORSE-SHOES. HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, ilium' hmd mm CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, * (ALL WARRANTED,) HUES, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, BOTTS, NUTS, WASH. £RS BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEATHEER AND FINDINGS FAItfBAK'S SALES. eraotno. March 26. 18b3. vln33- FRUITAXI) ORNAMENTAL TREES! Shrubs, Vines, &c AT OLBJPRIGES, We, the subscribers, take this method of informing the public that we are prepared to furni.-h first class Nursery Stock at original prices before th> war. The Stock embraces the BEST FRUITS of all kinds, and choicest SHRUBS and VINES, that can be grown in this latitude, co uprising Apples, Pears, Plums, Quinces, Cherries, Apricots, Neetarines,Cra b- Jpples, Gooseberries, Currants, Ras pberries, Mulberries, Rhubarb or Wine Plar.t, Grapes, Flowering Shrubs, Evergreens, and Ornamental Trees an I Flowers, all varieties, All orders from all parts of Wyoming itid adja. cent Counties will receive special attention. They would call pirticular attenti m to the : r as sortment of GRAPES and small Fruits, and to the " l 0" *" "J Post Office address, Providence Luzerne Ct. p a . HENRY MAGI®. PAR TSS XV CABINET AND CHAIR The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture Cabinet and Chair Manufactory in Tunkhannock, next door to C. M. Koon's grocery store— where are kept on hand and manufactured to order: TABLES of all-sixes, patterns, and styles. CHAIRS Cane-seat, Flag-bottom, and common. BUREAUS of all styles, sites, and prices. VBEDSTEADS, Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, BOOK CASES, and indeed every thing which can be found in the largest furniture establishments in the country, which he will sell at prices as low as they can be bought in any town outside of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete, both in workmanship and prices with any establishment in the country, he so licits the public patronage. REPAIRING of all kinds done in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.—Old cane-seat chairs, new-seated and re paired. UNDERTAKING.—Having a Hearse of his own and having had much experience, he will attend this department of the business on short notice and in a satisfactory manner. ABRAHAM HAAS. July 16,1862. —>1n491y CROCKERY!!! A Large Stock just Opened AT T. L. ROSS CP'S., WALLPAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW SHAD ES. WINDOW SHADES . OF ALL STYLES. CLOTH SHADES WITH BORDERS. CLOTH SHADES WITH BORDERS. FIXTURES AND ROLLERS,COMPLETE FIXTURES AND HOLLERS COMPLETE EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS. ALSO Large Stock of White Goods: SWISS MULS DOTTED SWISS MUSLIN, BRILLIANTS, JACONETS, LACES BALMORAL SKIRTS, SPRING SKIRTS. GLOVES, REAL AL EX AN ORE'S KID And a Large Stock of YANKEE NOTIONS. Iron, ails, White-Lead, Zinc, Linseed Oil, Glass, Putty, Door-Locks, and a genera assortment of Blllt DtfS HA RDWBARE. Fish, of all kinds. Cash. Paid for all kinds of Grain. Tunkhannock, March, 9th 1864. OHBAT SATiB. OF . WATCHES & JEWELRY, • 1,000,000, WORTH { To be disposed of at ONE DOLLAR each, with out regwd to value, not to be paid jor until you kaow what you are to jeceive. BY A, H. ROWEN & CO.. (Agents for the Manufacturers,) N®. 36 Beekinan Street, New-York, XKST Head the following list of Articles to be sold fcr ONE DOLLAR J-- 100 Gold Hunting-Case Watches- •• -each 9125 00 100 " Watches, various styles••• • " 7500 100 " La-lies' Gold Watches " SO 00 500 Silrer Watches. each 920 00 to 35 00 6,000 Latest style rest A neck chains 5 00 to 20 00 5,500 Gent's California diamond pins " 500t020 00 4,000 California diamond eardrops " 5 00 to* 10 00 3,000 Miniature Revolving Pins-- " 5 00 to* 10 00 2,000 California Diamond and enamelled Gent's scarf pins new styles •' 5 00 to 10 00 2.000 Masonic and Emblem pins-- " 3 00 'o 10 00 2.500 Geld Hand Bracelets engraved '• 3 00 to 2000 3.000 Jet and Mosaic Brooches- •• • " 300to10 00 2,000 Cameo Broochas 5 00 to 20 00 3,000 Coral Ear-Drops " 4 00 to 600 2,000 Ladies' Watch Chains. • 800to15 00 6,000 Gent's Pins,a splendid assort't" 200to10 00 4,000 Solitaire Reeve Buttons-••• " 300to10 00 £,OOO Studs and Sleeve Buttons, in sets, ' 300to10 00 5,000 Sleeve Buttons, plain. A en graved • 200 to 800 10.000 plain anthengraved Rings•• 2 50 to 10 00 9,000 Lockets, richly engraved •...<• 200to10 00 15,000 sa{s Ladies' Jewelry, new and „ M latest styles 600t012 00 5.00 Handsome Seal Rings 300 to 800 2,000 Sets Bosom Studs -• 250 to 600 1.000 Gold Pens and Gold holders " 15 00 to 25 00 2,000 Sets Jet and Gold Pirs and Ear Drops latest styles, very "Ci A 6 00 to 10 00 2 000 Gold Thimbles. Pencils, Ao-- " 400 to 600 10,00 ft Gold Pers, and silver cases-• "500 to 300 10,000 " " Ebony holders •• • 400ts 500 This entire list of heavtiful and valuable goods will be sold for OKE DOLXAR each. Certificates of ail the above articles will be placed in envelopes, and sealed. These envelopes are sent by mail, a* ordered, without regard to choi w. On the receipt of tbo certificate you will aee what you are to have, and then it is at ynnr option to aend the Dollar and take the article, >r not. Five certificates can be ordered for $1 ; eleven for j s 'jftrty f ,r t5 ; sixty five for 910 j and one hun dred for 915. Wo will aend a single Certificate on the receipt of 25 centa for one certificate and our cir cular wub terms. Ah. rowen&co., ■>6 Bookman Street, N. Y Box M-M0 6am. |a| ? **!*u.*liw |XxHfc WiMa Ihy*. ofilsSHH *ewyo*. HIHrV'HVBjmB vemmont. * HH|l Illinois. HJF r^M, WjRMf im. UUI Hnf• r mjhra ih Is®6& jß(vw sfgy slink & fi&m s CELEBRATED ELASTIC STITCH SEWING-MACHINE HVre awarded the highest Premium* tr aW Competitors, at the f<>Uowinf Stale and County Fairs of 1863 NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Marufactnring MkUm. First Premium for Machine Work. INDIANA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all pirpsM. First Premium for Machine Work. VERMONT ST A TE FAIR. * First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work. OHIO STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine Work. lOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. Fiast Premium for Mimufactu ing Machine First Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all pnrpe e First Premium for Machine Work. KENTUCKY STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all pu rye see First Premium foi Machine Work. MICHIGAN STATE FAIR, First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. Eirst Premium for Machine Work. PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work. OREGON STATE FAIR First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. CHITTENDEN Co. (Vt.)Agr'l Soc. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium fer Machine Work- FRANKLIN Co (X. Y. )FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine CHAMPLAIN VALLEY (Vt.) Agr'l Soe. HAMPDFN Co. (MASS.)Agr'I Soc. Diploma for Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Work. WASHINGTON Co.(N. Y,)FAIR First Premium tor Family Machine. QUEENS Co.(X. Y. )Agr'l Soc, Eirst Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First premium for Machine Work. SARATOGA Co. (N. Y )FAR. First Premium for Family Machine. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE (Pa.)FAIR First Premium for Machine for all purpeeee* * First Premium for Machine Work GREENFIELD (O)UNION FAIR. ' First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. CLINTON Co (O)FAIR. F;rst Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. MONTGOMEJY Co.(Ps )FATR. First Preunnin for Machine for all pa -potts First Premium for Maceine Work. SAN JOAQI'INCo (CaI.)FAIR. * First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium tor Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT (Cal ) FAIR First Premium for Family Machine. Fsist Premium for Machine Work J3T The above comprises ail the fairs at which the Groder a, Baker Macainbs were exhibited this yea -. \Y H. BARNES, Agent, Mehoepefcy, Pa. Seles-rooms, 40A Broadway, Maw 730 Chestuut St. Philadelphia Great Improvement in Sewing Mieklao EMHRIi SKTOfV&H BgAeaiM Patented February 14th, 1860. SALESROOM 536 BROADWAY, N, T. 200 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. THIS MACHINE, is constructed on entirely nw pnncples of mechanism, possessing many rw il valuable improvements, having been examined kv the most profound experts, and prononneed U he SIMPLICITY and PERFECTION COMBINER. It has a straight needle, perpendicular aeiiea makes the "Lock or shuttle Stitch." which will '•Neither Bip nor Ravel," and it is alike on - hath sides ; performs perfect sewing on every describtioa of material, from Leather to the finest Nasseek Muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thread fram tha coarsest to the finest number ' Having neither "Cam nor Co g Wheel " and tha least friction, it runs as smooth as etam and is ' ■ • EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACMIMH f It requires fifty per cent Jess power to drira it than any othermachine in the market. A twelve years of age can work it steadily, withent fatigue or injury to health. Its strength and "Wonderful Simplicity" af eaa struction renders it almost impossible to get eat ef order and is guaranteed by the company te aire entire satisfaction. • We respectively invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article tZ come and examine this "Unrivalled Machine " ' One half hour's instrurtion is sufficient toenails any person to work this Machine to then ontir. satisfaction. Religious and Charitable Institutions vili be Mor ally dealt vcilh. Agents wanted for all Towns in the United Statee where Agepts are not a I rem y established Aim hr | CDba, Mexico, Central and South America, to wham i a liberal discount will be given T. J. McARTHUR & CO. PRINCIPLE AGENTS F>TAKLISAED Syracuse N T,, John H Fowler, Phila., S.rmi.nU . Pittsburg, Earnest Axthelm ▼4n46ly A AC Sewing Machines FIN KL E A LY O W NEW PATENT ROTARY FEED Sewing Machines Hie following facts demonstrate that these M. chmea comprise the HIGHF.HT lMPßovxiimr* . SKWI.NG MACHINE ART. vis. ' " 1. Each MACHINE is guaranteed to give better aatia laotion than any othsr Sewinfi Machine in Market or money r< funded. a market 2. They have t-ken many of the HIGHEST rattipwa A " TH ® ,™°. 8T tcportant EXHIBITIONS and VAIM ever held in the Unitee States. 3. Tbev make the LOCK STITCH alike on bofhsidea thus easing more than half the thread and silk sssssts^sss^^ 4 10 """" i. !■".- llli. e .i„, U. tacnment to keep in repair. 6.tThey require no taking apart to clean or oil and no Lessons to set .needle, regular teniien to operate Machine, Please call and examine and domonstrate ao yourself, or send lor CIRCULAR with samples of i uif, FIN RLE & LYON N S, CO No. 538 BROAD WAY NEW TORE ■AriTly.