North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, July 19, 1865, Image 3
List of Jren Drawn for August Term, 1865. GUARD JCRORfI BATO*,—Geo. Ney, Job Hall. . Tone. Bes*. —Benj. Newman, Wn L . Nicneiaox.—John Squier, C. B* Baldwin, Levi CLMTOX. —Henry Bedell, S. C, Matbewson. NenrnxonxL akd. ---Elijab Ketvei, Wm. Moore, Jaaeaa D. Gallup. TUB* TP Conrad Kintner. Knu^rl* rij-ta L. Hahn, Jamee Ga 7 . VmuX' —Korwell Gnrey. a,.,., -John W. Roberts, Samuel Wall. Lawo*.—B- B - Travis, p n ,ireiM. —Em Keenej, Dewitt La France, OvxariKLD, —John Ager. NORTH BIURCR.— Levi Kelly Mefnon. —John Shotweil. TIUVIRSK Juaons. ■a*e.—Alexander Rogers, Jebn M. Miller. MaaooPAßT.—B. G. Butts, W. D- Sweatland, Wm Decker, Henry Love, Daniel Myers, L. K.Smith OvußrißLP.—Riley Mott. Maeaeprair,-—John Qulnn, T. F. Bollard. Foa*avox. —Jackson Leroy, Burton Hadsall, Merdecia Krewaon. . WASUIRUTOR, —Patrick Mahaons, S, P, Lathrop, Jared Robinson. FALLS,— Asher Fitch, Solomon Hnnter, Charick DewtU, H. Lee. Samuel Daily Jr. CURTOR —Warren Bi iggs, Lewis Armstrong. Moanon.—Richaid Moore, S. B, Cook, N. L Newbury. Ton*. Bono.—A. E. Back, KoavuoanLAiin,—Wm. N. Burgess, H. H. Brawn, NICRSLSCR— JoeI Steinback, Geo. Rought, D. K. Been. Bxavait.—Benj. Sickler Ten*. TP. —Elisha Jenkins. Henra BBARCU.- --Charles Dewolf. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING* DO TOU WISH TO BE CURED 7 IF SO ' *' RWALLOW two or three hogsheads of ,! Buebu," • - -. 'iToaie Bitters," Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Antidotes A# , Ac,, Ac. and after yon are satisfied with the re sult, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUBHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PlLLS—and be restored to * health and vigor in less than thirty day* They are vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and sal utary in their effects on the broken down ani shat tered censtitution. Old and young can take them with advantage DR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPE CIFIC PILLS cure in less than 30 days, the worst MM of NERVOUSNESS Impotency,Premature De. say, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary ' Sexual, and Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box Sent, postpaid by mail, on receipt of an order. Ad dress, JAMES S. BUTLER, No 429 Broadway, New York, Genen.l Agect- P. S—A box sent to any address on receipt of pries—which is Ons Dollar—Post Fret. iar a "* descriptive Circular sent on application. v4n2B2m. TSHERIFF SALES. By VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI PA eias to me directed, I will expose to public Sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of Tunk h\aa*tk. en Saturday, the 12th day of August next. t ee o'clock P. M , all that certain, lot, piece or parse! of land, situate in the Township of Tunkhan nock, bounded and described as follows, to wit; Be ginning ntn stone corner in the Eastern line of laud •f the heirs of Benj. Jenkins, deceased. Thence North, ten and one fourth degrees, Enst, forty seven . weichee a'eng said line to n comer markedbv stones Tbeaee South eighty seTen and three fourths de grees, East one hundred nnd fifty-eight and five 1 isethe perches to a corner marked by stones. Thence ftitth, two and one fourth degrees West, sixty and lit* tenths perches to a stone corner, thence North eighty two and rhree fourths degrees, West one hundred nnd fifty pine and one tenth perches to the pine# ef beginning', fifty-three acres and fifty eight * perehes mare or less, with abmt fif teen acres thereof . One log dwelling house, one frame barn nl shed, one hog pen. one apple orchard and ether fruH trees thereon, with the appurtenance', Ae. ALSO. one other piece, parcel, or tract of land. J situate In th Borough of Tunkhannock, Bounded and described a# follows, to wit : Beginning at a cor ner ea the North side of Tioga Street, being tbe 8 .nth East eorner of lands of R. R. Little, thence in W.Northerly course along lands of said Little ten perehes U a eorner thence in an easterly course, parallel with said Tioga Street, four rods to a eor ♦ nv, thence la a southerly course parallel with said L tile's line, ten rods to said Tioga Street, thence along said street, f .nr rods te the place of beginning containing forty perches of land, all improved, with tbe appnrtenences, Ac. ALSO ene other piece, i arcel. or tract of land " iithule in the Borough of Tunkhannock, Bounded aa4 described as follows, to wit: on the South by Harrison Street, one hundred and fifty feet, on the West by lands of J tine* Yoong, one hundred and • thirty twe teet, on the North by lands of Harriet E. * Yersehimer, one hundred and fifty feet, on the East, by Isadaat Little and Dewitt and Co., containing aWnt twenty-two aid eight elevenths perches, be the same more or less, all improved, with the appur - tnwenna, Ae. Seised and taken in execution, at the suit of Wm B' Overlaid, Jol a Jackson, Jeremiah Osterhout, •nd George Osterhout. vt Jas. L. Mullison, defeud aat la said writ named. Aad will ba sold for cash onlv. iv A JURA GAY, Sheriff' Sheriff's office. ) Talk. July 19'65 ( DB. TALBOTT'S PILLS. (ANTI-DYSPEPTIC,) Ca®{weed ot highly Concentrated Extracts - Irani. '' . ROOTS .AND HERBS. Of the greatest medicinal value, prepared from the atigiaal prescriptions of the celebrated Dr. TALBOTT, aad and by bim with remarkable suecers for twenty yearn. An infallible remedy in all DISEASES OF THE LIVER, on art DERAROEMRRT or TBE Digestive Organs, THEY CORK Dltrrhci. Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Jaundice, Biliousness, Diver Complaint, fha well-known Dr. MOTT says of these Pills :— "I have Reed the formula from which your Pills are made, in my practice for over 12 years , they hav the finest affect upon the Liver and Digestive Or gans of nay medicine in the world, and are the most period Purgative which has ever yet been made by jmybody. They are safe and pleasant to take, but pewurfal to cure. Their penetrating properties .. stimulate the vital activitii sof the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purifying tbe bleod, aad expel disease. They purge out the foul humor r which breed and grew distemper, stimulate sluggish OVdisordered organs into their natural action, and lapart a healthy tone with strength to (be whole Syria la. Not only do they cure the every dy com plaints of everybody, but also formidable and dan gerous diseases, and being purely vegetable are free from any risk or harm. No person who has once and these Pills will ever be without them." They create pure blood and remove all impurities fro* the system, hence are a positive cure for FEVERS. HEADACHE, PILES, MER CURIAL DISEASES AND HEREDI TARY HUMORS. Deea—For adults, one Pill in the morning ; for children 8 years, half a Pill. %J& Price One Dollar per Box. supplied, or seal by Mail, post paid, to any part of the United Slate* or Canadae on receipt of price. No Gen mine without the facsimile signature of V. Mott Tiitdtt V /) v i*. MOTT TALBOTT At Co., No. 62 Fulton St., New York. vd-adlly. WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Sewing-Maohines. The oud Best. •^^^aa^ae^rasr 10 'AMim WHfcffi® WILSON Seuytng-MaeUhe* Go. - -v.. 704 OfcQrtimt Stract, PMlsdefpMt. Removed. The Snbaeriber having pvehasod of Mr. C. M. Koon, the rooms roeeatly occnpiod hp him ae a 6ROEERY AND PROVISION" STORE has removed there his stock of Goods, from "Starks Brick Block" and with variona other additions, is prepared to supply the pablie with anything la his line, at a * SMALLER ADVANCE UPON COST THAN ANY OTHER MAN DARE TO SELL. His old customers need not he teld they will be dealt by fairly, and honorably, whilo at many now as shall see fit to favor him with tboir pat roaago' shall havo no mason to fogiot having aldod in sus taining an institution where goods caa always be bought for their true value, and NONE BUT GOOD ARTICLE.* KEPT, His steck consists in part.o t a general aseortmeoi of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS- Nuts, Fruits an d Candles, Tobacco and Snuff, LAMPS. LAMP CHIMNIEB, AND FRUIT CANS, BOOTS SHOES, STONE AND TIN WARE, HATS. CAPh, KEROSENE OIL, AND PURE CIDDR VINEGAR, FARMING UTENSILS. PATENT PAILS, WOOD EN PAILS, POWDER AND SHOT, and an endless variety of YAMKER MOTIONS, Ac. Ae.. all of which will be seld for eash, or ex changed for anything that farmers have to soil, GEO LEIGHTON. Tunkhannock, July 20, 1865. N B —CASH PAID FOR BUTTER. LARD, IGGS FURS, SKINS, PELTS, Ac. v4n4B G. L. Report ot tha Condition ot the Wyoming National Bank Tunkhannock Pa, July let 1. Assam. Discounted Bills, 92613i7,41 U. S. Special Boadj, 78< 9,00 Premiums, 5015,00 Furniture ana Fixtaree, 1667,46 Over Drafts. 961.84 Expense, 795 96 Sto -ks and Bonds 23250,00 Duo from Nalieaal Baaks, 6241,08 Legal Teader Notes on hand, 9205 29 Bank Notes, 8295.00 Cash Items, 2506.06 Total t164125,09 LIABILITIES, Capital Stock Paid in, 994780,56 Circulation, 40000,00 Exchange, 202,03 Interest on Stocks, 341 57 Discounts, 704,99 Profits and Loss, 2051,25 Deposits, 26014,79 Due National Baaks. 29.90 Total. 9164125,09 I, Samuel Stark Cashier of the Wyoming Natiea. al Bank of Tuaxbannock. do solomaly Swear, that the above Statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Semael Stark sworn aad subscribed before mo this 10th day of July A. D. 1865. F. C. ROSB. Notary Pablie. "OPEN AGAIN. Mil The Grocery and Provision Store, oa Stark' Brick eorner, latoly owned by T. B Wall, has boon purchased by the undersigned, and will bo kept as a GROCERY m mil STB&i His stock com prima TEAS. SUGARS, GINGER, NUTMEG, SPICES, RAISINS, FIGS, PRUNES, DRIED-BEEF. SMOKED HALIBUT, CRACKERS, CHEESE. COD FISII, MACKEREL, HERRING, and all other article* usually found in aa as labliskaneat of the kind, which will be mid at LIVE, AND LET LIVE PRICES. RANSLER ROSS. Taakhannock, June 28, 1865. v4a26 ARCANA WATCH. Aa Elegant Novelty In Watehea. Tbe cases of this watch are aa entirely new in vention, composed of six different metals combined rolled together an 1 planished, producing aa exact imitation of 18 carat goldl called Arcana, which will always keep its oolor. They are as beautiful as solid gold, and are afforded at one-eighth the east The case is beautifully designed with Panel and shield fo name, with Patent Posh Pin. and engravad in the exact style of the os Is bra ted Gold Huntiag Levers, and are really handsome and dosirabl-, aad ss exact an imitation of gold as to defy detection.— The movement is manufactured by the well know* St. Jimer Watch Company of Europe, aad are su perbly finished, having engraved pallets, faney carv ed bridges, adjusting regulator, with gold halaaoa and the inproved jewelled action, with line dial and skeleton hands, and is warranted a good time keep er. Theee Watches are of three different sites, the smallest being for Lakies,and are all Hunting Cases. *** will be sent by Mail or Kinross for • 125,00. A single one sent in a handsome Moroeee Cae lor 925,00 ; will readily sell for throe times 9®!**. *•* >le agents for this watch in the I uited States, and none are genuine which do not hear our Trade mark. Address. GIRARD W. DEVAUGH A CO.. Importers. 15 Maiden Lane. N. Y V4-D4l- 3mos- * HPO THE NERVOUS, DEBILITATED AND A DESPONDENT OF BOTH BBXXS. A groat sufferer having been restore* to health in a few days, after many years of misery, is willing to assist his suffering fe Hew-creatures by sanding (free), en the receipt of n postpaid sddmsmd envelope, a sepy of the formula ot core employed. Directed to BTY JOHN M. DAGNALL, Bex 193 Post Office, , .. ItsoUyn, v4-n44- HS. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON # Nevrtoe Centre, Luerns County Tp. TO HOUSE KEEPERS! Frank M. Back Has jast epeaed, at tha atom heaaa formerly oe ewyied by C. T, Marsh, eue dear belew Baldwin's Hotel, la Taakkaaaoek, NEW GROCERY % AN© Provision Store, wkera he It prepared le sell ere.-ytkiag la tha liae of Family Oreeeriee at prieee far belew theea here tofore aefcad for I hem. Hie Meek wee eeleetod and parehaeed hp MR. A. G. STARK ia perron, whew tatiaato aeqaaiataaee with the trade, and dealers, enabled htm to paichaee at prieee 111 I Till Til lIIIST. Mr Stork'# eerrteee ae saleemaa, alee, hare been 0 Xa the liae ef Oreeeriee aad Provleieas, I can •ell Qeed Malaewe at |1 per Gal. Oeed Brown Sagar at 12| ets per lb. Ne, 1 Mackerel " 12| • "•' C4 Fish H ) '• •< <■ New Meee Perk 17 •• •* •• Cbemieal Seep IJJ - •• .. •aleretae I2| •• Ore end Ceffea 11 25 " " ' Fxtoa Green Rio Ceffee " 40 11 " " Lard " 20 • " • Riee • 15 " " • Crackers •• 10 " •• •• Aad all ether article* at eerreepeediagly lew prieee. 0 Xa the eriiete ef Teae, beth as to prieee aad qaalltf.l fffg taprtjliflit GINGER, PEPPER, BPICE, CINAMON, CLOVES, NUTMEG, MUSTARD, CRBAMwTARTAR, RAISINS, FIGS, POWDER, BHOT AND LEAD. ran n ms w m imsi -ALSO FLAVORING EXTRACTS FOR PUDDINGS, 1 IBS, CUSTARD AND ICE CREAM. 0 SPICES SALMON A SARDINES iabeaee—aflae ariiete for Pie-ale, tshlag aad ptoaeare partlee, loe Cream Ceaetoatly ea band, aad faroiebed ta aay quanti ty desired, ea sbert aetiee- MACARONI— FOR SOUPS. ■SHHXRBD HALIBUT, 0 A Urge aad varied aesertmeat ef LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEY'S GLOBES AND WICKS, ALSO Kerosene Oil* o N. B.—WOOL, HIDES, PURS, AND SHEEP PELTB, pirchaeed far oaeh or trade, for which the highest cash prieee will he paid. Sail anil fxamjnt. P. M. BUCK. Tnakbeaaeek, JaaeSS, ISOA. vMSOf To Tlx© TRAVELING PUBLIC, n in irni tif k. i iei imy LINE OF STAGES, wilili RUN FROM MESHOPPEH TOTUMKHAIOCK DEPARTING-, will leave the North Branch Hotel at Meshoppen at 8 o'clock A, M., and make a con nection at Tunkhannock, with stages for PITTSTON and WILKES BARRE, and with stage to connect with the Night Express Train on the D. L. &W. R. R, Passengers by this line will arrive at New York, Philadel phia, Harrisburg and Baltimore the same Evening. RETURNING, will leaye Tunkhanoock'on the arrival of stages connecting with the Passenger Mail Train, in the evening, making a connection at Me shoppen with stages tor Towanda and other points Northward, Arrangements have been made for the carrying of all EXPRESS PACKAGES, which will be promptly and carefully delivered. Horses and Carriages on hand at all times to for ward Passe a, era to &Dy point betwoi n Meshopp and Laeoyville. i ttanr 1865 1865 ' 18 years eftablished in N. Y, City." "Only infallible remedies known.' „Free from Peisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." '•CosUr's" Rat. Roach, &c., Exter's, Is a paste—used formats, Mice, Roaches, Black and Red Ants, \c., (s■<:,, \e "Costar's', Bed-Bug Exterminator, Is a liquid or wash, used to destroy, and also as a pre ventive for Bed-Bugs, Ac. "Costar's" Electrio Powder for Insects Is for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bed-Bugs, Insects on Plants, Forcels, Animals, fye. 13F* Sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere ty* !! ! Brwaee !! of all worthless imitations EgT" See that 'COSTAR'S" name is on each Box Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. HENRY R. COSTAR. ry~Principa 1 Depot 482 Broadway, N. Y. viv Sold by J. W. Lyman, A Co., and all Drug gists ad Dealers in Tunkhannock, Pa, 1865. INCREASE OF RATS, —The Parmer's Gazette (English) assertsand proves by figures that one pair •f rats will have a progeny and descendants no less than 651,050 In three years. Now, unless this iin nseass family can be kept down, they would con sume more food than would sustain 65,000 human beings See "COSTA*'S" advertisement in this pepcr. 1865. RATS versus BIRDS- Whoever engages in shoot ing small birds is a cruel man ; whoever aids in ex terminating rats is a benefactor. We should like some of oer correspondents to give us the benefit of their experience in driving out these pes's. We need something besides dogs, cats, and traps for this business — Scientific American JV, Y. xzr bee -'COSTAR'S" advertisement in this paper. 1865. "COSTAR'S" RAT EXTERMINATOR is simple, safe and sure —the most perfect RAT—Hk- ation meet ing we have ever attended. Every Rat that can get it, properly prepared according to directions, will eat it, and every one that eats it will die, generally at some place as distant as possible from where the medicine was taken, — Lake Shcre, Mich. Mirror. UT Sse "COSTAR'S" advertisement in this paper. 1865. HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with vermin need be so no longer, if they use "COSTAR'S" Exterminator We have used it to our satisfaction : and if a box cost $5, we would have it. We have tried poisons, hut they effected nothing ; but "Costar's" article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it It is in groat demand all over the country.— Medina Ohio, Gazctter 15T* "COSTAR'S" advertisement in this paper 1865. FARMERS AND HOUSEKEEPERS—shomId recollect that hundreds of dollars' worth of Grain, Provisions, Ac, annually destroyed by Rats, Mice, Ants, and other insects and vermin—all of which can be prevented by a few dollars' worth of "Cos TAn's" Rat, Roach, Ant. Ac., Exterminator, bought and used freely, See "COSTAR'S" advertisement in this paper, cr Sold in—Tunkhannock, Pa, GET By—J. W. Lyman A Co. and all Druggists and Dealers r4-n42-smo. STILL IN THE FIELD MRS. BARDWELL Announces to the Ladies of Tunkhannock and vicini ty, that she has just received a fine aeso.rtment e Spring and Summer Millinery, at her rooms opposite Wm. Piatts-office,where can be found in great variety, all the LATEST STYLES, - OF-- BONNFTS, HATS, CAPS, HEAD DRESS BS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, TRIMMING HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, and everything in the line of Millinery sad Fano Goods, which she will sell at the lowest cash price fy REPAIRING promptly and neatly done* wdal4 tf ask. Kay IP, 1866 New Clothing Store AT NICHOLSON DEPOT! Olotlxingr, HATS AND CAPS BOOTS AND gnOES, A GREAT VARIETY. ALL NEW GOODS AND FOR SALE CHEAP, H. S. HARDING. NICHOLSON. Pa, 1665 A LA MODE ATEST FROM NEW YORK MRS. A. G. STARK, TAKES PLEASURE IN again informing her friends, and the ladies gen erally that she has received, and is still receiving a new and well selected assortment of SPUING AND SUMME R GOODS, Consisting of HATS. BONNETS, RIBBONS FLOSSES, FEATHERS, LACES, HEAD DRESSES, and, in short all art.clus usually found in a MILLINERY STORE. She solicits a call from all requiring GOODS in her line, before purchasing elsewhere. Mrs Stark can be found at the house formerly occupied by Hen ry Stark, in the borough of Tunkhannock, ready and willing to serve all who may favor her with a call. MANTUA-MAKING. We have secured the services of an experienced DH-ESS-MAKER, and at alt times will be prepared to Fit and Make Dresses in the latest and most approved manner. Soliciting your calls before purchasing elsewhere, we remain Yours, Respectfully. MRS A G.STARK. Tunk . May 10th 1865 JUST RECI EVED, New and Elegant Patterns Of all the Latest and most Reliable PARIS AND NEW YORK FASHIONS, FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S DRESS, -FROM- Mme. Demorest, —BY— M BS. S. E. BARNES, who offer* her services to the LADIES OF TUNKHANNOCK, and vicinity to FIT AMD MAKE DRESSES and CLOTHING of every Description for women and children. A liberal share of the public patronage is solicited ROOMS, opposite Baldwin's Hotel—up stairs. MRS. S- E. BARNES, New Skirt for 1865. TIIE GREAT INVENTION OF THE AGE IN HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX EL LIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKTRT. WESTS' BRADLEY & CAREY, (late J I, A J. 0 West,) SOLE PROPRIETORS and MANU FACTURERS, 97 Chambers and 79 and 81 Rcade Streets, New York THIS INVENTION consists of DUPLF.X (or Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously Braided Tightly, and Firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest most Flexible Elastic and Durable Springs ever used, They seldom Bend or Break like the Single Springs, and consequently Preserve their Perfect and Beautiful Shape Twice as Long as any Skirt. The WONPKREL FLEXIBILITY and Great Comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex El liptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all Crowded Assemblies; Operas, Carriages, Railroad j Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and ' House Dress, as the Skirt can be folded, when in use j to occupy a small place as easily as a Silk or Mus- , lin Dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and trrcat convenience of wei rng the 14 Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt" for a single day, will never af terwards willingly dispense with their use- For children, Misses, and young Ladies, they are supe rior to all others. They are the Best Quality in Every Part, and unquestionably the Lightest, Most Desirable, Com fortable, and Economical Skirt Ever Made. FOR SALE in all First-Class Stores In This City, and throughout the United States, and Canndas, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. INQUIRE EOR THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT. v4-n46-3mo. "A A C" llTlfliUlUllMlsr NDUCTED BY HARVY AND COLLINS", WASHINGTON, D', C- In order to faciliate the prompt ad ustment of Bounty, arrears of pay, Pensions and other Claims, due sosdiers and other persons from tiheGoverntnent a*" the United States. The under fwed has mode arrangements with the abovs firm onse experience and close proximity to, and daily n ereourse with the department; as well as the ear reknowledge, acquired by them, of the decision* ayquently being made, enables them to prosecute taitns more efficiantly than Attorneys at a distance Upossibly do All psrsons entitled to claims of the airodescription can have them properly attonded nlnobbyling on me and entrusting them to my care HARVEY SICKLER, Agt. fonHarvy A Collin*, Tunkhtronoek,Pa. WM. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Of fioe in Stnrk'* Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk hannock, Pa. drat IlfiJudion —IN— PRICES. Goods Sold at ail Immense Sacrifice. The Subscriber has just returned from Philadelphia and New York, with a very large and well selected Stock of DRY GOODS, In all its branches, Shoes, Ready-Made Clothing, Cassimers and Goods for Men's Wear Generally. In short, everything belonging to a First Class Dry Goods Store. Having bought Goods at the very lowest market, ''SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES" being my motto, I am determined UNDERSELL THE LOWEST. I invite my friends and Customers, and the Public generally, to examine my Goods. JOHN WEIL. AND SO HAS THE PRICES, AT o. s. Mills' STOVE AND TIN-SHOP TUNKHANNOCK, -here eVery thing IT. the line of his trjgide can be had at the 'JO WEST LIVING PROFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at his Shop, the lat est and most improved Patterns of COOKING, AND P&ELOH STGWHS, with all the FURNITURE and FIXTURES complett. Roofing & Guttering in all its branches, attended to on short notioe aad oa REASONABLE TERMS; XIE PAIRIN G, PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE. 0. S. MILLS Tunkhanno.k, Apr. 12th, 1563. v3-nl3. E. & H,T, ANTHONY & CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Ma terials, WHOLESALE AND RELAIL, 501 BItOAD WAY, N. Y. In pdditKn to our main business ot PHOTO GRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Headquarters for the foil iwing, viz • Ms m STERESCOPIC m Of th-se we have an immense assortment, including War Scenes, American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, Ac. Ac, Also, re volving Sterescopes, for public or private exhibi tion. Our catalogue will be sent to any address ON receipt of Stamp . 0 Photographic Albums* We were the first to introduce these into the Unit ed States, and we manufacture immense quantities in great variety, ranging in price tr >in 50 cents te SSO. Our ALBUMS Lave the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. They will be sent by mail, free, on receipt of price,' E3TFINE ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER CARD PHOTOGRAPH f. Our Cataloguewbrn YPmcnso rhik FIVE THOU SAND different s Kae "kub'oe additions are continually being made) of Portrai ts of I Americans, Ac., viz : about ! 100 MAJOR-Generalg, 550 Statesmen. 200 Brig.-Gcnerals, 130 Divines, 275 Colonies, 125 Authors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, 40 Artists, 250 Other Officers 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers. 50 Prom'nt Women, 156 Prominent Foreign Portraits 1 00 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues Ac. Catalogue sent en receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen PIC TURES from our Catalogue will be filled on the re t ceipt of SI,BO and sent by mail, Fbeje. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. D. will plea e remit twenty-fire percent of thn I amowi their order. E A H. T. ANTHONY A CO. Mannjacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 BROADWAY NEW Yo*. The pricet and Quality of our Goods cannot Jail to satisfy. Nor 9 1863- 12moe 1 IVFEVTM U.S IC—' TU2VE RALMTRCH^TB - TEE ±\ MEMORY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN," the , Martyr President, by Mrs E. A PARKIIURST, THE 1 r.,pular composer. The Home Journal says : "This ! is A fine composition, well worthy the reputation of .is writer," Very solemn and impressive. 1 003 I COPIES ARE ISSUED WEEKLY Price 39 cents • i with vignette of the President, 50 cents. Mailed free. Publisher. HORACE WATER® He. 481 v y.