North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, June 07, 1865, Image 2

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SK.-qJC 'Am ' s •
Wednesday, June 7. 1865.
At the last formal meeting of the Democratic
State Ceatral Committee, it was resolved that the
State Convention should be called to meet at llar
risburg on Wednesday, the 21st day of June inst.—
Bnt, having since learned from a majority of the
Committee, and been advised by many other lead
ing Democrats of the State, that a postponement to
a later day wou'd,on many accounts, be acceptable,
and is generally desired, I hereby give notice that
the next Democratic State Convention of Pennsyl
vania will convene at the Hall of the House of Rep
resentatives, in tbe city of Hafrisburg. on THURS
ene o'chck P. M.
C. L WARD, Chairman,
TSTVANVA, June lit, 1365.
The Democratic papers of the State aro
respectfully requested to copy.
tfST Secretary Stanton is reported to
have resigned. None but the clerical blood
bounds, will regret his departure from a
place he has 60 long disgraced.
CX* The end of the war has arrived—
The last of the confederate forces have laid
down their arms and returned to their homes.
All Tiail, PEACE !
Quite a number of soldiers belong
ing to this county, have returned to their
homes. All, except those who enlisted as
veterans, we learn are shortly to be discharg
ed. A most cordial welcome awaits them.
MR. GuT'rsciiALK.the distinguished pianist
predicts that the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet
Organs will biccuie as fashionable as the
pianoforte has been, and will indeed be "sure
to find >ts way into every household of taste
and refinement wjiich can possibly afford its
moderate expense." He pronounces the Ma
son & Hamlin instruments (ar superior to all
others class.
The La Crosse (Wis.) Democrat , in notic
ing some of the recent speeches of Miss Anna
Dickinfos, makes the following rather ungal
laut rcmaik about the "gentle Annie" "It
is fortuhate for somebody that she is making
speeches instead of raising a family. F<>r a
babe to draw kindness from the breast which
has so much of hate and radicalism iQ it,
would be like getting pepper sauce or nitric
rcid from its nursing bottle."
Charles 0. Conor has applied to the War
Department for permission to tender to Jef
ferson Davis his professional services, in case
he is arraigned upon the indictment found in
the District of Columbia, and the President
has directed that Mr. O'Conor's application
be granted, to the end that the constitution
al provision which secures to accused persons
the assistance of counsel may be respected.
Washington Irving must have been
an awful "Copperhead," when he got off the
following on "religion and politics
"A cunning politician is often found skulk
ing under the clerical robe, with an outside
all religion and an inside all political rancor.
Things spiritual and things temporal are
strangely jumbled together, like poison and
antidotes on aa apothecary's shelf; and in
stead of a devout sermon the church going
people have often a political pamphlet thrust
down their throats, labeled with a pious
text from Scripture."
SHARP RETORT. —The term "copperhead,"
applied indiscriminately to the entire Dem
ocratic party throughout the onntry, was
evidently selected because it was the name
of one of the most venomous reptiles
known. And yet this name has been applied
to us all for four years, and perhaps by no
press more than that which stiles itself re
ligious and by no persons wiih more in
tense malice and rancor than by the very
trilling, two penny men, pre eminently dis
tinguished now a doys for their arrogance,
and their political brawling, and who dese
crate the pulpit in assuming to be the
teachers of the doctrines of the blessed Re
deemer, the Prince of Peace. We heard of
a pretty keen reply a day or f wo since, by a
venerable Democrat, to one of these fanatics
who addressed to him the question—' How
are the copperheads now ?" He answered—
"You call me a copperhead. Ido not call
myself so, but understand to whom you re
fer. I will answer by saying, I hope at least
as calm and forgiving as the bloodhounds of
Zion.—N. 11. Patriot.
New York Csmmerciul (Republican) anaoun
ccs that the story about Jeff. Davis disgois '
tng himself in his wife's crinoline, is thor
ougly exploded. The editor says :
"We are now informed that he was dis
guised with his wife's shawl, which was wrap
ped around his head, while a waterproof cloak
enveloped his person. Even the use of this
disguise may have been misrepresented ; Co
lonel Pritchard says that he did not see Jeff,
in it, but was told so by some of bis men,
and that Mrs. Davis had acknowledged that
he wore the articles at the moment of his
capture. It would be interesting for the
purpose of history that the true facts should
be disclosed, and that the public be no longer
humbugged by idle tales."
Amnesty Proclamation by the President.
WHEREAS, The President of the United
States, on the Bth day of December, A. D.,
eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and on
the 26th day of March A. D. eighteen hun
dred and sixty four, and with the object tu
suppress the existing rebellion, to induce all
persons to return to their loyalty, and to
restore the authority of the United Stales,
issue proclamations offering amnesty and
pardon to certain person?, who had directly
or by imdlication, participated in the said
AND. WHEREAS, Many persons, who had
been engaged in said rebellion have, since
the issurance of said proclamation, failed, or
neglected to take the benefits offered, there
AND WHEREAS, Many persons who have
been justly deprived of all claims to amnesty
and pardon thereunder, by reason of their
participation, directly or by implication, in
said rebellion and continued hostility to the
Government of the United States, since the
date of 6aid proclamation, now desire to
apply fur and obtain amnesty and pardon.
To the end, therefore, that the authority
of the Government of the United Stales may
be restored, and that peace, order and free
dom may be established.
1, Andrew Johnson. President of the
United States, do proclaim and declare lhat
I heieby grant to all persons who have di
rectly or indirectly participated in the exist
ing rebellion, except as hereinafter excepted,
amnesty and pardon, with restoration of all
rights of property, except as to slaves, and
except in cases-where legal proceedings un
der the laws of the United States providing
for the confiscation of property, of persons
engaged in rebellion have been instituted ;
but upon the condition nevertheless that
every such person shall take and subscribe
to the following oath or affirmation, and
thenceforward keep and maintain said oath
inviolate ; and which oath shall be registered
the permanent preservation, and shall be of
the tenor and effect, following, to wit :
Ido solemnly gwear or affirm in the pres
ence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth
and faithfully support, protect and defend
ihe Constitution of the United States and
the Union of the States thereunder, and that
I will, in like manner, abide by and faithfully
suppi rt all laws and proclamations which
have been made during the existing rebellicn
with reference to the emancipation of slaves.
So help me God.
The following classes of persons are ex
cepted from the benefits of this proclamation:
First. All who never shall have been pre
tended Civil or diplomatic officers, or domes
tic or foreign agen T of l!)P pretended Con
federate Government.
Second. All who left judicial stations un
der the United States, to aid the rebellion.
Third. All who shall have been railitar}'
or naval officers of said pretended Confeder
ate Government, above the rank of colonel in
the army or lieutenant in the navy.
Fourth. All who left seats in the Congress
of the United States, to aid in the rebellion
Fifth. Ah who resigned or tendered resig
nations of their commissions in the army or
navy of the United Stales to evade duly in
resisting the rebellion.
Sixth. All who have engaged in any way
in treating otherwise than lawfully, as prison
ers of war, persons found in the United Slates
service, as officers, soldiers, 6eamen, or in any
other capacities.
Seventh, All persens who hare been or
are, absentees from tbe United States for the
purpose of aiding the rebellion.
Eighth. All military and naval officers
in the rebel service educated by the govern
ment in the Military Academy at West
Point of the United States Naval Academy.
Ninth. All persons who held the pretend
ed offices of Governors of States ia the insur
rection against the United States.
Tenth. All persons who left their homes
within the jurisdiction and protection of ihe
United States and passed beyond the Federal
military lines into the so called Confederate
States for the purpose of aiding the rebellion.
Eleventh. All persons who have been en
gaged in the destruction of the commerce, of
the United States upon the high seas, and all
persons who have been engaged in destroying
the commerce of the CniteJ States upon the
lakes and rivers that separate the Brinish
Provinces from the United States.
Twelfth AH persons who at the time
when they seek to tbtain the benefits hereof
by taking the oath herein prescribed ate in
military, naval, orc'vil confinement or custo
dy, or under bonds of the civil, military, or
naval authorities cr agents of the United
States as prisoners of war, or person? detain
ed for offenses of any kind, either before or
after conviction.
Thirteenth. Al! persons who have volun
tarily participated tn said rebellion, and the
estimated value of whoso taxable property is
over twenty thousand dollars.
Fourteenth. All persons who have taken
the oath of amnesty, a prescribed in the
President's proclamation of December Bth.
A. D. 1805, of an oath of allegiance to the
Government of the United States since the
date of said proclamation, and who have not
thenceforward kept and maintained the same
inviolate. Provided , that special application
may be made to the Pae9ident for pardon by
any person belonging to the excepted classes,
and such will be liberally extended
as may be consistent with the facts of the
case and the peace and dignity of the United
The Secretary of State will establish rules
and regulations for administering and record
ing the said amnesty oath, so as to insure its
benefit to the people and guard the Govern
ment against fraud.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
my hand, and -caused the seal of the United
Slates io be affixed t
WM. H. SXWARD, S*'y ofStte. ? -
r . ~ y.—;• ,-r r—: — . j. -
Changes in the School Laws.
The following important changes in tha
School Law of this State were adopted bj the
late Legislature :
1. Clerks of the Courts of Quarter sessions
jtre required to furnish the State Superin
tendent a certificate of the formation o> any
school district, whether by the incorporation
of a borough, the establishment of an inde
pendent district, or the creation of a new
2. The President of a school board is re
quired to call a meeting of the directors upon
a written request of three of their number.
In case of refusal two directors msy call a
special meeting, and the business done there
at shall be legal.
3. It is absolutely in order to
secure a share of the State appropriation,
that no teacher shall have been employed
during the year who had not a valid certifi
cate from ihc County Superintendent, and
: also that the school shall have been kept op
| en for at least four months subsequent to the
first Monday in June
4. This section relates to the election of
County Superintendents. It provides that
the State Superintendent shall commissi <n
such subordinates as arc certified to have
been elec led at the triennial conventions—
provided that objections be not made, signed
by one fifth of the board of directors of the
county and sworu to by at least three of the
signers within thirty days after the election.
5. The minimum age for admissibility into
Common Schools is raised from five to six
Another supplement practically abolishes
the system of district institutes and re es
! tablishes the school month at twenty-two
days. District institutes may be held on
two of these days, but they are permitted
not required.
The last supplement compels County
Comrn'ssioneis to make return of the trien
nial enumeration of taxables in each district
on or before the first Monday in June, 18G5.
Upon these terms the distribution of the
State approbation is to be based.
GE.\. LEE, —The C'ty Point correspondent
of the New York Times, in his last letter
says :
"One feeling I am bound to acknowledge,
injustice to the rebel Gen. Lee, as being uni
versal among the deserters who reach us,
and that is. unbonded respect for him as a
man and a soldier—a feeling which I find
shared by every one in our own irmy, from
the highest officer to the rank and file. It is
certainly a splendid tribute to the man, and
on our side, at least—illustrates the noble
ii;d manly feelings vhich vrar cultivated, even
toward an inveterate opponent, if brave and
worthy. But very different is the senti
ment, among ail the southern soldiers I have
conversed with, toward those scheming poli
, ticians who brought on this "rich man's war
and poor man's fight," to slaughter hun
dreds of thousands for their own despotic
aims. "We ail like B<b Lee," exclaimed
one in the crowd of dese ters at the wharf,
yesti rday, "but you may take such fellow's
as Davis and Benjamin, and hang 'em if
)ou like, an expression of opinion to which
all the comrades in his hearing- grlnr.ingly
End of the War—What Is to Become of
Fry t
The Albany Argus suggests tha Allowing
plan for an appropriate disposition of the im
mortal Fry :
The regular Dogberries of the draft—the
men who could never tell the quota, or when
the draft was to commence, or who was ex
empt or who was not or how many was
called for, or for what term, or who could De
a substitute or wno could not—what is to
become of them 7 To put Dunce's caps on
their discrowned heads, and let asses' ears
cover their opauletts, and a fool's bauble take
the place of their idle swords, would be mere
ly to make them a temporary laughing stock!
They might be employed as a constabulary
in some of those interior cities in which the
old watch is still retained—the leathern hat,
the rattle, and the watch box in which they
kept their somnolent vigils, would befit them
But this would afford refuge but for a few.
Wirt for instance, would become of the head
of the Mudfog Corpr— Colonel Marshal Fry 7
We have a suggestion to make in the pre
mises. In the Dudley Observatory is a cal
culating machine imported by a spirited mer
chant from one of the Sweedisb Universities,
which is a most wonderful invention, if any
body knew how to use it. It has a handle!
Now we propose to put Fry, as soon as he
has done studying Daboll, presented by a
generous people, in charge of this machine.
Give hiin the problem of a population of a
district, age sex, teeth, hair, stature, strength
birth, health, and give him Stanton's orders,
give him figures in full and vulgar fractions
ud libitum, let him multiply, divide,subtract
aad add, and make him FIND THE QUOTA
Fastened to the handle of that machine, his
life would pass in what Mantelina calls "one
eternal demnition grind."
The Hon. Urniy Winter Davis, an intense
ly loyal member of Congress, in a speech
made a few days before the last adjournment
of that body said of a military court:
"It is no court at all, but an unlawful com
bination of tresspassers, usurring the func
tions of a conrt, guilty of a crime , and not
exercising any authority. * * * A mili
tary commission of officers, too worthless for
field service ordered to try, and organized to
For saying this very thing in language less
severe, we have been a hundred timet called
"a traitor," by thousands of loyal ignoramus.
Every msn who consents to be a member of
such a court renders himself liable to indict
ment and punishment. Let a list be faith
fully kept of all the tools of scoundrel* who
allow themselves to be used for gneh illegal
[From th* N. Y. News ]
Death, Banishment, Confiacatlen.
The amneity proclamation of the Preai
dent, with its seventeen excepted elaaset,
does not, in the opinion of the Times, pro-
Tide for enongh of blood and horror. "If
there be a deficiency in the exceptions," the
Time* considers that defect to consist in
there not being two other classes delivered
over to condign punishment; namely the
editors and the clergymen of the South.—
The former, i t seems, "did the most in pav
ing the way fur the secession movement."—
The latter "gave treason precisely what it
most needed with the Southern people
moral credentials." There is no punish
ment too severe for them according to the
vcdict of the Times.
But there is still another class, which it is
surprising that the Times did not add—the
women. According to all accounts from the
South, the women from that country were
from first to last the most vehement seces
sionists ; they drove their husbands and
brothers to the field ; from them the laggard
in war found no grace, no peace no counte*
nance ; but for tbem the war would have
ended in three months, or, wonld never have
begun. Now, if this class of persons, with
the editors and clergyman, were added to
the President's seventeen class#*, it would
make the round 6core, and would look more
like a complete thing, and "poetical justice,"
and all that.
So when the thunders of open war are
hushed, opens in full cry the baying of the
sleuth hounds of vengeance. The soldier*
drop their arms wearied with slaying, and
content that the armed resistance to Federal
authority is crushed ; but when they are
satisfied and surfeited with blood, then the
civilians begin to think it is their tarn. It
is not enough for them that those clergj r men
sre beggarad in the beggary of their flocks;
that those journalists are ruined in the sup
pression of their papers and destruction of
their property ; that those women are left
mourning widows or desolate paupers. Thtf
wide spread misery and devastation of a fair
land sitting is ashes and ruins, though sooth
ing to their souls does njt yet satisfy their
stern sense of justice. The Times indeed
praises the amnesty proclamation on the
whole; says the President has done his
work well, and gloats over the fact that in
so many cases, "justice and sound policy
will be satisfied by death, banishment, con
fiscatian and disfranchisement;" —only it
would have wished for a few thousand more
examples ; to drink a deeper draught of
blood, to grasp a mightur mass of plunder,
to revel in a more feast of vengeance. Ceo
this really b; the desire of the country, or
the design of the Administration 7 Then
let us set up a steam guillotine at onco.
By the terms of this proclamation, if they
are not notified, not only the principal citi
zens of the whole Southern country, but all
the ohief officers of their ia'.e army, are de
voted to judicial punihrnenta of various
kinds, ranging from hanging to confiscation
of property ; yet the army, by its capitul*
lion with General Grant was to go, each
man to his home, and there to remain "with
out molestation." If you hang a man, or
banish him, or deprive him of the home that
shelters him, there ia a degree of molestation
in it. Genera) Lee, we may be sure, did not
know, that i.t surrendering himself and his
army as belligerents, he was placing them in
the category of felons. It is true he must
have known that his capitulation could not
exempt him ; or any of his aoldiers, from
the legal penalties of any roal crime. He
knew that if he bad committed bigamy or
larceny, JT any act not committed in war
and according to the laws of war, ba would
still be amenable to justice for that. But he
was a belligerent, carrying on open war for
four years ; recognized as a belligerent;—
treated with as a general commanding troops
and believed himself to be surrendering in
the regular military seuae. If General Grant
understood that he was receiving the surren
ders, not of a general and an army, but of a
gang of felons with their ringleader, he sho'd
have said so at the time.
For the honor of the country, it maybe
trusted that the government will not stain its
triumph by gratifying this mean craving for
revenge, by plunging us into the bloody arena
of political proscriptions.
There is one individual in especial that the
Times wonders should be suffered to live
and to go at large, "It may bo hard," saya
the Times, to sec such a man as John Mitch
el pursuing his congenial work ia the offioe
u! the Daily News in this city." Now, it
may also be that the individual in question
(eels it hard to see such a man as the ediur
of the Times going about and playing his
congenial little tricks in this city ; but if he
does feel it hard, he says nothing about it;
he lets the said editor alone. We suggest
that the editor do as tnucb to him.
EQUAL RlGHTS. —Abolitionism could never
rest till the stave was emancipated. Thit
cost more than was at first supposed. It
cost more to 6teel one neighbor's property
than to buy it. Four millions of negroes
will coat Abolitionism lour thousand millions
of dollars. This is equal and just. Henry
Clay wanted the Government to buy them
long ago. Had tbey done so the nation wo'd
have been no more in debt, while rivers of
blood would have been saved.
On Thursday an election was held in Vir
ginia for members of the Legislature. The
Washington Correspondent of the N. T.
Tribune , says that "the disunioniats swept
Virginia as far as known. In the Alexan
dria district, William Dulany, Fairfax Court
House, who has a bitter hatred to tha Union
and became a cripple in the rebel service, ha
been elected to the Senate, and J. A. English,
no lees bitter, to the House. English took
the oath of allegiance only tha night before
he announced himself as a candidate."
The last remnant of the once powerful Coo
federate armies under Geo. Kirby Smith, has
been compelld to submit to the overpowering
forces of the North, against whom it was fu
tile to make any further resistance. The
Journals of the day announce that the war is
now over and that peace reigns from Maine
to Texas. It yet remains to be seen wheth
er their fond expectations are to be realized
or not. If the Southerns are to be dragged
back in chains, if ther are to be made slaves,
and their property is all to be stolen—we
beg pardon—confiscated— then will this so
called peace torn to asbes on our lips, and
there need be no mora hope of a Union be
tween North and South, than there was four
years ago. Mark !we do not say that the
South will continue this contest any longer
at present, because they have not the physi
cal capacity to do so, but the hatred now im
planted in their hearts, will be inherited to
their children, and perhaps in twenty years
our country will again be devastated with
civil war. The only possibility of obtaining
a lasting peace is by conciliation. Ilarsh
measures will only have the worse effect.—
Hanging will not make the southern people
love us. Our only hope is in
judgment of President Johnson, who we
think is too politic to resort to any such ex
treme measures. Let the President bear in
mind that "Peace bath her victories no less
renowned then war." He has a brilliant op
portunity of distinguishing himself, we shall
see if ha will avail himself of it.
Local and Personal.
Gold elesed in Nsw Ysrk on Monday last at 1.37.
A Hall Storm passed ever the North Eastern
part ot this csunty on Sunday last, bat little daw
age was done, as far as we hare learned.
A Good L>aw.B7 the provisions of an Act
passed by oar State Legislature at its late session,
any person or persons who shall maliciously break,
or throw down any post, rail, er etbe; material, of
which such fence was built, shall be guilty of a mis
cßinesaor, and on eonvietion shall be fined Fifty
Dollars, <-no half of which shall be paid to the in
former and the other half to the support of the pocr
of the township or borough in which the offence has
been committed, or to undergo an imprisonment not
exceeding six months, or both, or either, at tha dis
cretion of the Court.
The If aw Stage Line from this place to Me
sbeppen advertised elsewhere, has brought out an
other one on the same route, as an apposition. We
now have three daily lines of stages running be
tween this place and that As a result the fare
has been reduced to oae half former rates. The
drivers on tha rival lines, an unsparing in the use
of the wh ip and horse flesh ; each striving to arrive
first at his destination. Quite an exciting race oc
curred in starting from town on Monday evening,-
We hope this very laudable ambition te carry pas
sengers cheaply and expeditiously will not result in
any accident OQ these races. Hold your
horses, boys ; but,—go it!
The yoang folks ef Me boopany take pleasure ia
auaounciag to the Public that they will give a
grand Exhibition at the M. E, Church, ia that place,
on Tuesday Evening June 13th consisting of Cha
rades, Tableaux, Psntomiues. Declamations, Vocal
and Instrumental Music Ac. The proceeds to be
devoted towards purchasing a Bell for said Church .
MisxMellio Jeunings has kindly offered tbo use of
her Piano for the occasion. AM lovers of fun end
good music are invited to attend. Admisnion 25cts.
(Children under three years of age AO cts,)
Doors open at 7 P. M.
Exercises commence at 7| P. M.
Mshoopmy June sth 1865.
The Mutual Relief Association of Mehoopsny.
will meet at the office of the Treasurer on Saturday
the 10th day of June 1865 at 1 o'clock P.M. for the
purpose of settling their accounts
Per Order W. H. SWETLAND, Sec.
Is DOW being published in consecutive numbers of
the Banner o r Liberty. Back numbers, or supple
ments, containing the chapters already published,
will be furnished to subscribers, This History con
tains a full sxposare of Popular Delusions relative
to tke pretended "Reformations" under Calvin and
Lutber, Henry VIII- Crammer and Cromwell, by
a truthful history of their rise, progress prosecutions
in Europe, down to the emigration of the Pharisaic
Puritans to America. An aoceuat of their persecu
tions ef Baptists, Quakeis, Catholics and other Dis
senters in New England, the Blue Laws and Witch
craft—Persecutions of Dissenters from the State Re
ligion in Virginia prior to the Revolution of 1776
The severance ot Cburch and State at tb formation
of the United States government, opposed by the
popular elergy of that day—their efforts, and those
of their progeny, to restore political power to the
elergy, by an attempted union of Cburch and State,
the Constitution of the l'nitd States, and ot most of
the States,in the way, and the consequent conspiracy
of the clergy to overthrow our former happy system
of free government—the various means employed,
from the first perversion of Sunday Schools, and the
Anti-Sunday Msli movements, down to the seizure
and subversion of ths common sehoola. academics
and colleges, from institutions of learning to engines
ot ignorance for the enslavement of the minds of the
rising generations to the degrading dogmas of the
clergy—the rise and results of Native Americanism
Maine-Lawism, Know NothiogUin, Ah-l''i"nijui.
and the various other fanaticisms of Pi icstcr il't
All should subscribe, who wish to acquaint them
selves with historical facts of the greatest value at
the present time, or to arm themselves with argu
ments to oppose Puritanic Priestcraft, which * -
ditien te all other curses it has infltcteJ on our coun
try, hat now involved us in the most terrible section
al war, and threatens to follow it with a setanan
crusade far more awful, unless arrested by the dis
semination of documents exposiog its character and
objects, such as the author has sought to make this
Historv useful in accomplishing. Priestcraft is there-
In proved to be alike antagonistic to the true Chris
tian religion, popular liberty, and the public peace
and prosperity ; and th# political clergy are also
proven to be servants of Satan, instead of ministers
of the Prince of Peace, and their influences 'evil,and
only evil continually." Patriots will find a perusal
of its pages of great advantage in enabling them to
fight the hydra headed monster that must be slaiu
before we can bope for peace and a restoration of
civil and religious liberty in our country.
This History will aoon be published in book form,
with paper covers at ftl, and in good cloth or skin
covers at t1,50 te $2. At theee price* it will be
sent te any address in the United State*, postage
free, Every intelligent patriot shauld have a copy
and after reading lend it to his friends and neigh
All editors publishing this advertisement,
including this paragraph, will raceiva a copy of the
Banner aj Liberty containing th* entire History,
and for three or more additional insertions a copy of!
the hound hook also
Address, enclosing payment, 0. J. Btni. Middle
town. Orarg* Co,, N. Y.
1865 1865
1 18 years established in N. T, City.'*
"Only infallible remediei known.'
„Pree from Poisons."
"Not d-ngtrou* to the Hnnian Family."
1 'Rata come ont of their hi<lea to die."
''Cost tr's" Rat. Roach, &c., Exter'f,
Is a paste—used for ßats,
Mice, Roaches, Black arid
Red Ants, fyc,, fye ,\e.
"CostarV, Bed-Bug Exterminator,
ts a liquid or waab, used to
destroy, and also as a pre
ventive for Bed-Bags, be.
."CoetarV' Electric Powder for Insects
Is for Mothf, Mosquitoes,
Fleas, Bed-Bugs, Insects on
Plants, Fowels, Animals, <J-a.
t'f Sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere
■ '■ ' BKWAHE / IT of all worthless imitetiea*
Lp See that "COSTAR'S" name is on each Bex
Bottle, and Flask, before you buy.
1 Depot 482 Broadway, N. T.
LgfSold by J. W Lyman, A Co., and all Drwf- *
gists ad Dealers in Tunkbannock, Pa,
INCREASE OF RATS,-The Farmer's GassKr
(English) asserts and proves by figures that one pair
of rats will have a progeny and descendants ne leer
than 651,050 in three years. Now, unless this im
mense family can be kept down, they would eea-'
sume more food than wonld sustain 65,006 ksmaa
"COSTAR'S" advertisement in this paper.
RATS versus BIRDS*- Whoever engages in sheet
ing small birds is a cruel man ; whoever eidsia #i
te renin at ing rats is a benefactor. We shoal d like
some of our corrcsjiondcnta to give us the benefltef
their experience in driving out these ports. We
need something besides dogs, eats, and trape for
this business —Scientific American W, T.
{"if bee •'COSTAR'S'' advertisement in this paper.
safe and sure —the most perfect RAT*ific*>io moat
ing we have ever attended. Every Rat that eat gat
it, properly prepared according to direetmie, Will
eat it, nnd every one that eats it will die, generally
at some place as distant as possible from where the
me licinc was taken,— Lake Shore, Mich. Mirror.
ISR See "COSTAR'S" advertisement in this paper.
IIOL'SEKEEPEKS troubled with verm?a need W
so no longer, if they use "COSTAR'S" Exterminator.
We have used it to our sati faction : and if e hex
cost &5 we would hare it. We have tried poisons,
bnt they effected nothing ; but "Costar's" artisle
knocks the breath out of RaU, Miee, Roaches, Aate,
and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It la
iin great demand all over tbe country.— Medina
Ohio, Gazelter
See "COSTAR'S" advertisement in thiapaper
recollect that hundreds of dollars' worth of Ore la,
Provisions, Ac , annually destroyed by Rats, Miee,
Ants, and other insects and vermin—all ef whieh
can be prevente 1 by a few dollars' worth of "Cue
TAR'S'' Kat, Roach, Ant. Ac., Exterminator, bought,
and used freely,
See "COSTAR'S" advertisement in this paper*.
L-jgF" Sold in—TunKhannock, Ps,
|"|f By—J. W. Lyman A Co. and ell Druggist*
and Dealers
On and after May
25, a New Daily Line
of Stages will run
DEPARTING, will lcare th
North Branch Hotel at Meshoppem
at 8 o'clock A, M., and make a con
nection at Tunkhannock, with stages
BARRE, and with stage to connect
with the Night Express Train on the
jD.h& W. R. R, Passengers hy
j this line will arrive at
New York, Philadel
phia, Harrisburg
and Baltimore
the same
RETURNING, will leave Tnnkhsnuoek'en the
arrival of stages competing with the Paseeager MtU
Train, in the evening, making a connection a t Me
shoppen with stages tor Towand* aad other peiela
Arrang-menU hare been made for the carrying ef
all EXPRESS PACKAGES, which will be promptly
and carefully delivered.
Horses an] Carriages on hand at all timee te for
ward Passe n ers to any point betwe n Methopp aud
i sxssr-
Announces to the Ladies of Tunkhannoek and vieiel
ty, that she has just received aline aso,rtmeet t
Spring and Summer
at her rooms opposite Wm. Piatts-office, where MX ke
found in great variety, all the
- or--
and everything in the line of Millinery #od
Goods, which she will sell at the loffid
|y REPAIRING promptly h*
v4nl4 iiM
tf ink. May !®i