North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, June 07, 1865, Image 1

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    ahe 3iimh foticn Dcmiural.
±IV SIOKIJEII. Proprietor.]
II HUSK*'' 'Vj -
ami SsieeeesAc. Pub- *f
Terßi*—l eopy 1 year, (in advance) 82.00.
net pais withia six ineuths, <2.50 will be charged
*0 paper will be DISCONTINUFD, until all a
fttraget are paid; unless at Ihe option of publisher.
fc t "
.10 lines or , > \ ) m j
leet } make three \four \ two > three six j orLt
9ne ijuare weeks t mo'tft mo'th mo th • y ca
1 tieaare l,odi 1,25 2,251 2,87 3,00< o
2 do. 2,00; 2,50. 3.25 3.50) 4,50 60
1 do. 3,00 ( 375 4,73; 5,50 7,00 90
J Column. 4,00. 4.50; 6,50 8,00. 0,00 15 0
* do 600 950 10,00 12.00, 17.U0 25,0
I de. B,oo' 7,0: 14,00! 18,00)25,00 35 0
1 de. 10,00 12,00 i 17,00' 22,00 28,0™ 4 0) 0
TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, $2,50
OBITUARIES,- exceeding ten lims, each ; RELI
GIOUS and LITERARY NOTICE?, not of genera
ieterest, ono half tne regular rstes.
Business Cards of one square, with paper, S5.
of all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to suit
the times.
WORK must be paid for, when ordered.
fusilier JatkH.
fico in Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk
haaiteck, Pa.
Tnnkbonnoek, Pa. Office in Stark's Brick
leek, Ttoga street
Offiee on Tioga street, Tunkhannock Pa.
• Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa.
6|fe Bufljlfr flouse,
The undersigned having lately pur< hased the
" BUKHLKR HOUSE " property, has already com
mented snch alterations and improvements as will
r.nder (his old and popular House equal, if not supe
rior, to ny Hotel in the City of Harrisburg.
A eontinnsnoe of tho public patronage is refpect
fnUy se'.ieited.
TIIIS establishment has recently been refitted an
furnished in tho latest stylo Every attention
will he given to the comfort and of those
vie patronise the Houe.
T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor ;
Tnnkhanneck, September 11, 1861.
* I>K. ,T. (jriiKClvh.l<T
Wotj'f respectfully announce to the cilitensof Wy
miag. that he has located at Tvnkhannock where
be will promptly attend to all calls iu tho line of
his ptjfcsxion.
ry 4 Will be found at home or Saturdays of
Wm. 11. CORTRIGIIT, Prop'r
i -
HAVING resumed tho proprietorship of the above
Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to
leader the bouse an agreeable place of sojourn for
all who way Utat it with their custom.
Jnne, 3rd, 1863
• ..fjleaits f)ufrl, .
[Late ot the Bbraisabu House, Elmira, N. Y.
The MEANS HOTEL, i- ono of the LARGEST
tad BKSTsARRANGED Houses in the country—lt
la Itted np in the most modern and improved style,
and no pains are spared to make it a pleasant and
ngreeable stopping-place for all,
rJ, n2I, ly. -
M OILMAN, has permanently located in Tunlt
• bannock Berongh, and respectfully tenders his
services to the citizens of this place and
arroonding country.
' |3f Office over Tutton's Law Offien, near the Pos
M p. H, 1861.
*ln orler to faciliate the prompt ad
nstment of Bounty, arrears of pay, Pensions and
other Claims, dae sojsdiers and other persons from
tiheGovernment the United States. The under
{wod has mode k.-rangements with the abovs firm
onee experience and close proximity to, and daily
* lt h the department; as well as the enr
rakppjriedge, acquired by them, of the decisions
lyq+Wßtly being made, enables them to prosecute
leiras more affieiantly than Attorneys at a distance,
tapeoeibly do All psrsons entitled to claims of the
,n bane them properly attended
6ft- we and entrusting thein to my care
• &t *> -• < •
Third Edition, Fifty Thousand, 9G pasg
cloth covers,
By UOBT. E, BELL, M. D.,
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London,
addressed to youth, the married, and those
Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of TEN" CENTS
A careful perusal of this small book has been a
mud has saved thousands from a life of misery and
It treats on the evils of Youthful Indiscretion, Self-
Abuse, Seminal Weakness, Emissions, Sexnal Dis
eases, General Debility.Loss of Power, Nervousness,
Premature Decay, Impotence, Ac.. Ac , which unfit
the sufferer from fulfilling the
and illustrates the means of cure by the use of
and other treatment necessary in some cases, and
Never fails to Cure and can be Relied on.
They do not nauseate the stomach, or render the
breath offe isive, and they can be
They do not interfere with business puisuits, and
are speedy in action.
Th?y (ire Warranted in al Cases,
to oe effectual ia removing and curing tho disease.
Upwards of two thousand cases are on record that
by using BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, and certifi
cates can be shown from many that have usod them
No Case of Fa lure ever Occurs.
Lpwards of a Hundred. Physicians use them ex
tensively in their pricate practice, and they can
not rffeet cures -without them.
Are the original and only genuine Specific Pill
There are a host 01 imitators—BEWAßE OF
They are adapted for male or female, old or young,
and are the only reliable remedy known for the
cure of all diseases arising from
In ull Sexual Diseases, as Gonorrhea, Stricture,
Gleet, and iu all Urinary and Kidney complaints,
Relief is experienced by taking a single box ; and
from four to six boxes generally effect a cure-
containing six pills, price SI. or six boxes 85 ; also
in lurg boxes, containing four of tho small, price S3
It you need the Book or the Pills, cut out this
advertisement for reference ,:f you caunot pro
cure them of your, do not be imposed on
by any otner remedy, but enclose the money in a
le:ter to the propricter,
DR. J. BRYAN. 80X5079,
who will take all risk if pn pcrly directed, and will
send the Pibs, secured from observation, by return
mail, post Paid.
Wholesale Agents.
The Private Medical Adviser.
An invaluable treatise of 64 pages, by
published for the benefit of the 3ex.
On receipt of TEN will be sent
post paid, it a eealtd envelope to all who apply
lor it.
It gives a concise description of all the diseasescs '
peculiar to females, together with means of euro,
and treat* of Conception, Preemacy , Miscarriage.
Sterility Sexual Abuses, Prolapsus Uteri, Fe
male 11 eakness, Consumption, dj-c.. and much
othar valuable information not published in anv
other work.
Every lady should procure a copy without delay
Tluee Editions, 50,000 each,
have already been publifhed <fc distributed this year
dSi EE3S 538 BH3*
the most Infallible and popular remedy ever known
for all disease, of the female sex. They have been
use! in m my thousand cases with unfailing success
—and may be re iej on in everp case for which they
are recminended. and particularly in all cases aris
ing from
no mutter from what cause it arises. They are ef
fectual in restoring to health all who are suffering
from Weakness and Debility, Uterine Discharges.
Nervousness, <s• •., dj-c , and they
in -dreugthenitig and restoring the system. Thous
ands ot ladies who have suffered for years and tried
vitri JUS other remedies in vain, owe a renewal of
their health and strength wholly to the efficacy of
They are not a new discovery but a long tried rem
edy—the celebrated
one of the most eminent physicians, prescrined them
for many years in his private practice, and no phy
si ian was more truly popular or wilely known than
hsm in the treatment cf
All who have used DN, HARVEY'S FEMALE PILLS
recommend them to others. Nurses recommend
them— Druggists and Dealers recommend them in
preference to other medicines,because of their merits
No lady objects to take them for they are elegantly
They ar perfectly harmless on the system, may
be taken at any time with perfect safety ; but dur
ing the early stages of Pregnancy they should
not be taken, or a miscarriage may be the result.—
Tbey never cause any sickness, pain or distress.
Euch box contains sixty pillg and full directions
for use.
Price One Dollar.
tW Gut this notice out if you desire Dr. Har
vey's Pills or Book, and if you cannot procure
them of your druggists, do not take any other, for
some dealers who are unprincipled tcill reeomend
other Female Pills, they can make a larger profit
on—but enclose the money and send direct to
Dr. J. BY RAN. General Agent,
Bo x 5079. 16 Ceder Street, N,Y,
Who will take all risk if properly directed ; and
you will receive them post paid, securely sealed
from observation, by re? urn mail,
Wholesale Age all
I bad just stepped into a cafe to refresh
myself with a cop of coffee and a roll, when
a billet was handed to me by a messenger,
which contained a request for my presence
at head-quarters. Hastily finishing my
lunch, I was soon on my way. Arrived at
the bureau, I found a dispatch awaiting me
from the magistrate of the little village of
Mayonne, situated in the far outskirts of the
city. It was an earnest and peremptory de
mand for my services in an undertaking pur
porting to he of great difficulty and danger,
and which was no less the ferreting out of
the perpetrators of a foul murder which had
just been committed, aud to whom no clue
could be obtained. To this was attached a
postscript which exhorted me to come in the
shortest possible tune, and in disguise.
X was in the habit of receiving such sum
mons as these, and equally in the habit of
instantly obeying the mandates of duty, so
it wcs not long before I was on my way,
dressed in the holiday costume of a market- I
man, well provided with weapons and tools
and an extra stock of clothing.
After arriving at the depot, I went direct
ly to the house of the magistrate, and was
admitted into hts presence in my assumed
character as a poor man who had some com
plaint to offer. When I was alone with him
I introduced myself and fe seemed overjoyed
to see me. In fact I found him greatly con
cerned in the diseovory of the authors of the
late tragpdy.
luc affair was as yet a complete mystery
to all who knew of it, and he could give me
no circumstances #hi£h could give a clue to
the villains. He, however communicated to
me his suspicious, which were strongly—ar.d
cs facts alterwards proved, not without
foundation—fastened upon a set of vaga
bonds and arch-rufiians who had for some
days been hanging around the hotel des
Arme?, and also upon the landlord, with
whom they were on remarkably good terms.
The landlord was an Englishman, and had
been remarkably reserved in hia remarks
npon the subject of the murder.
The magistrate advised me to begin my
operations at the hotel, aud if not entirely
successful, my efforts might find some clue
which would aid in detection.
He promised mo also a reward of five
thousand francs to be paid out of the private
treasury if I succeeded.
My course was instantly adopted. Bid
ding the magistrate good day, with the prom
ise to do my utmost, I returned immediately
to the depot, add finding the station master,
whom I knew to be a government official,
and a trustworthy man, I told him my busi
ness. Having let him into my secret, I ask
ed him to land me a trunk, which he readily
Then dunning the clothes of a man of busi
ne, I found no trouble when the train ar
rived, in getting a man to take me, trunk
and all. in his coach to the hotel des Artnes.
By this time night was approaching, and
as I entered the hotel wich the air and bear
ing of a man of bu-nness, I took the landlord
aside, and pointing to my trunk with an as
sumed anxiety in my manner, said in a con
fidential tone, "M< nsieur, that trunk con
tains bank notes to the amount of eighty
thousand francos. I want it to occupy the
same room with myself, unless you have a
stronger place where you could keep it."
I thought I defected a slight flash of delight
in his uncertain, gray eyes, as I pronounced
these words, and also a slight uneasinese and
confusion in his manner, as he replied quick,
ly,' Oh, yes, monsicure. our room* are per
fectly safe. I will show you and your trunk
immediately to the very strongest in the
house, and I have no hesitation in warrant
ing you perfect security."
tl Oh, no hurry," said I waving my hand
for I wished to draw him into conversation,
that I might more fully understand my roan.
I touched upon the recent murder, and en
deavored to elicit further particulars con
cerning the affair. But little to tny surprise
! found him not in the least disposed to be
communicative on any subject, and least of
all on this.
lie onlv 6aid that the perpetrators had
not been heard from, and in his opinion never
would be. Failing to overcome his reluct
ance, I ordered my trunk to be taken to my
room, whither I immediately followed it my
self. Then dismissing the lackey on pre
tense of making my toi'etto, I improved the
opportunity to examine my quarters.
The room was large and high ; the walls
were thick and thn mouldings heavy. The
door—and there was only one— was very
strong, and fastened by a lock with a large
brass key. Strange to say, this lock aroused ;
my suspicions. I examined the key and found j
it of a pattern easily counterfeited, and I en- j
tertained no doubt that these robbers—if
any there were—would attempt an entrance
by means of a duplicate, and once within
the walls they might prom'se an easy prey.
It would have been easy for me, with a
variety of tools and contrivances close at
hand, to prevent their entrance, but I had
planned otherwise. I well knew that an at
tpmpt would be made by the tilliins, whom
T had no doubt were hoTering close by, to
take my life,.and with it my trunk, which I
had represented to the landlord as contain
ing such valuable property. I knew that to
run such a risk was eminently perilous, but
it seemed the shortest, and almost the only
method of detection of the late murderers,
and having finished my examination' of the
apartment, I descended to the bar-room
again, and after calling for supper, sat down
to wait the dcvelopemeut of my plan. And
I had not long to wait. In half an hour we
were disturbed by the entrance of half a doz
en of the ugliest looking mortals that I ever
They were dreg sed in eTery costume, and
the expression of their countenances was
more like that of gladiators and savages,
than civilized men. The tallest and most
hurley of them, who seemed to be th'tir
leader, had au especially fiendish expression
of features.
"A set of fellows fit for murderers," even
if they are not murderers," said' I to myself
The company walked up to the bar, and
drank freely, and the landlord, exactly to my
expectations—although an eye less keen and
watchful would not have observed it pri
vately signaled the leader of the gang to atep
aside with him.
How much I would have given to have
heard that conversation. I well know what
it was about, and I easily detected a slight
uneasiness in the landlord's glance towards
me as he returned to the room again.
The next moment, at a sly signal from
their captain, the gang withdrew from the
And now I felt that the game was fairly
commenced, and felt the need of having my
faculties hi &' thoroughly wide awake state.
The villains had 1 gone for th© present, with
the intention of allaying my but I
saw through the rue and knew that the still
hour of midnight, would bring them back
again to accomplish their foul work with
unerring certainty.
I aim ost started as the thought flashed
through my brain, "YYhat if they should
come before," and I almost shuddered at the
thought of finding toy tofHf packed with
the bloodthirsty villains 1 had just seen go
away from the hotell. No time must be lost.
If the robbers should get to my room before
me, all my plans would be frustrated, and
so giving a yawn or two and coropUfffing of
fatigue, 1 asked the landlord as coolly as 1
could for a light, and went up stairs to ray
room. Carefully locking the door, 1 placed
the key conveniently in my pocket, and then
proceeded to examine the room with the
most absolute thoroughness, but without
finding anything further to excite my suspi
I placed my trunk near the head of the
bed, then throwing off only a part of my
clothes, and placiug my revolvers where they
would be ready for instant use. 1 proceeded
to cover myself up in bed in the eXact posi
tion of natural slumber. As I lay for hours,
broad awake, rnd listening eagerly for the
slightest footfall to break upon the stillness, I
need not describe my sensations. Glancing
upward at the ceiling, for I had purposely
left my light burning, I noticed that the win
dows were barred. Somehow or other this
discovery seemed to give me freeh courage
although up to this time 1 had no settled idea
of the consequences if I had can ied out my
But my suspense was not to last long.—
The minute hand of my repeater was over the
hour of one, and in another moment there
was a faint Roise along the stairway. Instant
ly every nerve in my body was strung to its
utmost tension. 1 listened eagerly. The
sounds came closer, till at length they ceasedi
and in a minute I thought I heard a low
subdued breathing in front of my door
Collecting my scattered wits, 1 began to snore
loud and long as naturally as I could. This
sound seemed to reassure them for the next
moment I heard the rattle of the key in the
I grasped my pistols with a nervous grip,
while a cold sweat started from every pore
in my body. The IOCK sprang in tho socket,
and the same gang of ruffians 1 had aeon in
the bar-room stepped cautiously into the
I kept on snoring, and through my half
closed lids saw them creep slowly forward,
closing the door after them. An almost un
controllable impulse urged me to spring for
ward and battle for my life, but I felt the
time had not yet come. It cost me a tremen
dous struggle to restrain myself, at I saw one
of the villains approach the bed. One of
them began the job of forcing my trunk while
one of the others held a sponge to my nos
trils as I lay ntill snoring in bed. I now felt
that the last moment had come, and with a
spring like a lightning 1 was in the midst of
the robbers, aending a ball through the skull
of one of them, and felling|another to the floor
with the butt of my pistol. Thia movemen
on my part was o sudden, that it atruc 1
them dumb with amazement, and taking ad- I
vantage of the moment, I leaped through the
door, and turned the key on the outside,
whrch they had, unfortunately for them, left
in so exposed a position.
It was now their turn to tremble for they
were securely caught in their own trap
Meeting, the landlord io ih passageway, I
initantly floored and manacled him, and im
mediately sent for a posse of constables who
served the rest of the gang ia the same man
I need only say that they were convicted
of the murder, and received the condign pun
ishment which their deeds so richly meiited.
Mr. Dimlight, for the past ten years, has
prayed every day that his wife would tumble
down stairs and break her neck, or else die
like a Christian in her bed.
The simple reason for this is, that Mrs.
Dimlight wa'a ford of complaining, taking
medicines'and having protracted interviews
with the doctor, all of which required mon
ey, and money Mr. Dimlight hates to part
In fact, he had much rather with j
Mrs. Dimlight; but that lady manifested no
intention of leaving this pleasant world and
taking up her abode m an uncertain sphere*—
Neither did she say that she should live,
'eaving her lord in an uncertain stW, and
her physician In a perplexed condition. The
doctor said she wanted rousing, and Dimlight
thought he would do something to start her,
and get her out of bed.
He hit upon a plan which he thought wo'd
operate in a satisfactory manner,
Mrs. Roundwink acted in the capacity of
nurse to Mrs. Dimlight. Round wirik is a
widow, very pretty and very coqueti6b. For
a handssme present 6he resolved to enact the
part that Dimlight marked out for her, so
one ctening, when Mrs. Dimlight was groan
ing, and threatening to die, Dimlight called
her to the window.
'•She is going to kick the bucket at last,"
aid the husband, "so you and I may as Well
fix things so that we can start fair."
Mrs. Dimlight turned her head and stopped
moaning.' Iler eyes began to assume an un
natural brilliancy. Th# parties in the room
took no notice of her.
Yes, said Mrs. Roundwink, "he is go'ng
at last. Now we can talk over our own af
Mrs. Dimlight raised her form in bed, and
sat boldly tipriglh. She listened attentively,
and her eyes grew brighter.
"How soon snail we be married after she
is dead ?" asked Dimlight, passing his arms
around the substantial waist of Widow Round
wink. "I suppose you will be willing to wait
a week or two ?" simpered Mrs. Roundwink
Mrs. Dirnl'ght uttered an exclamation
which sounded profane and giving one spring
landed on the floor.
"You think l'tn going to die, do you V 1
she yelled. "I'll see you hanged first f I'll
live to spite you—yes, I will! Now out of
this house," turning to Mrs. Roundwink, "for
you don't stay here another minut# ! I can
act as my own nur6e, you good-for nothing
And from that day there was rapid im
provement in Mrs. Dimlight's health. She
no longer tolerates nurses, but one can im
agine what kind of a life poor Dimlight
His version of tho love making scene is not
believed by the restored Mrs. Dimlight.
How TO FALL ASLEEP The great point
to be gained in order to secure sleep is to
escape from thought especially from that
clinging, tenacious thought, which in most
cases of wakefulness has possession of the
mind. I always effect this by the following*
simple process : "J turn my eje balls as far
to the right or left or upwards or down
wards, as I can without pain, and then, com
mence rolling them slowly, with that diver
ganee from a direct line of vision, around in
their sockets, and continue doing so until 1
fall asleep, which occurs gent/rally within
three minutes—always within five at the
most. The immediate effect of this proce
dure differs from that of any other that I
have ever heard to procure sleep. It not
merely diverts thought into a new channel,
but actually suspends it. Since I became
aware of this I havs endeavored, innumerable
times, while thus rolling my eyes, to think
upon a particular subject, and even upon that
which before kept me awake, but I could
not. As long as they moved around, my
mind was blank. If any one doubts this, let
him try the experiment himself. I wish he
would ; let him pause just hero and make
it. I venture to assure him that, if he makes
it in good faith, in tho manner described, the
promiae of "a penny for his thoughts," or
for each of them, while the operation is in
progress, will add very little to his wealth
Such being its effect, we cannot wonder that
it should bring sleep to a nervous and wake
ful man at night. The philosophy of the
matter is very simple. A suspension of I
thought is to the mind what a suspension of
travel or labor is to a weary body. It en
joys the luxury of rest; the atrain upon its
faculties, is removed ; it falls asleep asnatu
rally as the farmer in hia chair after toiling
all day in his fields.
■ . .
It ts often a pretty good matrimonial firm
that consists of three quarters wife and one*
quarter husband.
IS oo i>3m' ANOTM
The Washington Conspiracy Case.
"Ware this trial to bare taken place before
respectable civil court, it seema to at that—,
though nearly alt the defendants would be
damned socially, as maliciously indttiikdtin*
beciles—anything like a legal conviction on
evidence, as to any capital offense, would bo
very dilfieult, if not impossible. la thifc the
reason that the "Bureau of Military
—unknown to our laws—has given over the
trial to the Inquisition," the "Star OhAifc*
ber," the "Court of High Confession In—ln1 n —ln
short, to sum it all up'in one illegal tefitf—
that is to be given over to futures exSciitlbh'
a " Military Commission !" And that, too, in
times of what they tell us is peace I
A J LONG SPEECH. —On one of those dienfbt 1 -
able days when tbft Kansas•r?ebifcjki Bill
was being debated, Senator Seward tapped
Douglas on the shoulder, and wbispetfed' in
bis ear that he had 6ome "Bourbon" in' the
Senator's private room, which wak" twenty
years old, and upon it he desired to get Dbtig
las'sjudgment. The "iittle Giant" declined,
stating that he meant to speak ib a fcW dlfn>
utes, and wished his brain unclouded' by the
fumes of liquor. At the cbncldtftoffof Brii
speech, Douglas sank down exhausted 1 in' his
chair, hardly conscious of the congratulatibns ■
of these who flocked around him. At this
juncture SeWard seized the o&tor"s trek
and bore him off to the Senatorial sanctum.
"Here's the Bourbon, Douglas.said Sewardj
try some—its sixty years old'."
"Edward," remarked Douglas, "1 Base
made to-day the longest speech ever deliver
ed ; history has no parallel for it."
"How is tisft?" rejoined SewaHd/"jo*
spoke about two hours only !"
Douglas, smiling, replied,—
"Don't you recollect that a raotcCnf before
1 obtained tbefl >or you iuvited me td'pift-take
of some Bourbon twenty years old, add now,
immediately after closing my remarks', you
extend to me some of the same liquof, with
the assertion that it is sixty veal's old !—a
forty years, speech was never delivered be*
Seward acknowledged the "corn," and the
two enemies (politically) "smiled."
who has traveled extensively, says that he
witnessed rather a strange scene iff Shaks
peare's beautiful tragedy of "Rbdieo and
Juliet." It was at one of the Western thea
tres. The piece had passed off well Without
interruption until the the last sbenfe. The
character of Romeo -fran excellently enacted
and loudly applauded. The very model of
the lover was before the tomb of tlib Capu
lets, gazing upon the motiortlesif form ol ber
whe had so attracted his soul, and meditating
upon committing an act which would tend hitf
spirit to that undiscovered Country where be
suppoeed Juliet had gone. Just as he ex
claimed. ' Here to love add at the same
tnno raising the vial which contained 5 ffre poi
son to his lips, a stalwaft young cotiUttyman
jumped upon the stage, seized him 1 , dashed
the vial from bis hand,crushing it into atoms,
and yelling, "Yer stupid fob?, she airi't dead I
Only been t&kin' a little sleepin' medicine.—
Didn't yer get the parson's letter ?" "Sirrah 1'
growled the tragedian, while the housejfairly
shook with laughter. "Why, yer girl ain't
dead I tell ye. The way it was, they wanted
to mako Julie marry that chap tff'a>"'
ing to paris, "whose business yon have just
settled ; but 1 tell ver Julie war pluck—she
got her back right up,and vowed she wouldn't
do it, even if she war in the vault, and the
ghost of the other fellow whom you killed
should dash her brains out with the bones of
some of her dead cousins. Wal, her pluck
war up,and she took the stuff the parson fix
ed ; so he could play possum till you got hum
That's the way it war," added the country
man, giving the despatate loVet 1 a pfike in the
ribs with his elbow, and at the same time
loosing hie hold. "Curse the fellow !" mut
tered the raging tragedian, as he stalked be
hind the scenes. "Wal, now," aaid the
ccuntayman facing the audience, "if that ain't
a leetle the meanest cuss 1 ever did see, 1
hope to be swowed. That's all the thanks 1
git for stopping him from pizening himself—
Hope to be tarnly smashed if ever 1 go to in
terfere again when a fellow wants to murder
himself,' he cooi'moOd, tiff he clambered back
to his seat, just in time to prevent his upper*
story from coming in contact with tha curtain*
as it descended.
The human race is undoubtedly of more
importance than a horse race.
| You should never wink at faults, and not
too often at the ladies.
Speak and write by the card, but do not
play by it.
It is a bad habit to carry youfphwror youf
religion in your mouth.
There are three faithful frieads—an old
wife, an old Jog, and ready money
4# •'
The noblest question in tho World Ik—'
What good can 1 do?
August ia unquestionably tho hkkvoot
month of reapers and doctprs.
VOL. 4 NO. 43