Special Notices. jSJk SP i® $5 T REASURY CEPABTMENT, GDffirr flf Comptroller HjcCurrniri) WASHINGTON, February 23d. 1865. WHEREAS, ly satisfactroy evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that "The Wyoming National Bank of Tunkhanock,'' in the Borough of Tunkhannock. in the County of Wy oming, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organised under and according to the requirement.- of tha Act of Congress entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of Uni tod States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June 3, 1864. and has complied with all the provisions of said Act required to bo complied with before commenc es the business of Banking under said Act : NOW, THEREFORE, I Hugh MeCulloeh, Comp troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that ' The Wyoming National Bank of Tunkhannock" in the Borough of Tunkhannock, in the County of Wyo ming, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, witness my hand and seal of office this Twenty-third day of Febru ry, 1865. HUGH McCULLOriI. JIKAL J COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. NOTICE' Take notice,that 1 have applied to the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the- County of Wyoming, for the benefit of the Insolvent laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and thoy have appointed Monday, the 17th day of April next, at 11 o'clock. A. M to hear me and mv Credi tors, at the Court House, in the Borough of Tunk hannock, when and where you may attend il you think proper. March 13tb, 1565. PATRICK DUFFY ERRORS OF YOUTH,— A gentleman who suffered for years ftorn Nervous and Genital Debility, Night ly emissions and Seminal Weakness, the result < f youthful indiscretion and caine near ending his days in hopeless misery, will for the sake of suffer ing man, send te any one afflicted, the simple means used by him which effected a cure in a few weeks, after the failure of numerous medicines. Send a di rected envelope and stamp and it will cost you noth ing. Address EDGAR TREMAINE, Station L. 128 th St. New Y'ork City. v4-n3l-3m. CONSUMPTION- - A valuable treatise by a RECKED Physician, on the nature of Consumption anait ▼arioos stages, together with rules for self-treatment price 10 cents, including postage, and simple pre scriptions which have cured thousands will be sent, free of charge, to any one applying. It will cost you nothing, and may be the means ofsaving your money and perhaps your life. Send an addressed envelope to STEPHEN IIAMLIN, M. D., 422 i Broadway New Yerk City. v4-n3l-3m. LOTK AND MATRiMCNr. —Any Lady or Gentlemar sending cue an addresse 1, envelope and stamp il receive full directions for gaining the affections ot the .opposite sex. andwhich will enable them t marry Happily, irrespective of wealth, age o beauty. Address MRS MARIE LEMOTLLE. llarlem P. 0,, New Yotk City V4u3l-3m. WHISKERS! WHISKERS! Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches ? Our Gre eianComponnd will force Ihetn to gro.. on th smoothest face or chin, or hair on bald heads, in 3>: Weeks. Price, 81.00, Sent by mail any when closely sealed, on receipt of price. AddTess, WARNER A CO.. Box 138. Brooklyn, N, 1 LU MBEB TAKEN UP. W M.DBWITT Esq. SIR : The following is lilt ef Lumber taken up by me at Tunkhanno I Borough Wyoming County Pa. on the North Brand of the Susquehanna River—on Saturday, the IS-1 March, lSb5---with the marks thereon. About 5,500 ft, of white pine hoards, one incl thick. Abeut 5,000 ft. of them 16 ft. long; and 500 It 12 ft. long, Th# number of feet on each marked with re chalk. You are requested to enter this statement upon your Docket and cause the same lobe advertise! according to law. WILLIAM FLICKNER. Tank Pa, March, 22, 1365, LUMBER TAKEN UP. J. Q. DAVIS Esq. SIR:- The following is a li ef lumber taken up by me at Meshoppen Wyoming Co. Pa. cn the North Branch of the Susquehanna River, on Saturday, March 18th, 1865—with th> marks thereon. About 5,000 ft. of white pine inch Boards. A'oir. 3,500 ft. thereof, sixteen feet long ; anl the remain dr twelve feet long. The number of feet on each board, marked with red chalk, Theletiers 'S, B. P." marked with chalk on three or four boards. You are requested to enter this upon your Docker and to advertise the same according to law. J. A. ELLSWORTH. Meshoppen. Wvoming Co, Pa, March 22, 1855, TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having •offered several years, with a severe lung affection, •ad that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to •sake knowu to his fellow sufferers the means o fture. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used,(free of charge,)\vtth the directions for preparing and using which they will •ad o sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchi tis, Choughs, Cohls. Ac. The only object of the ad vertiser in sending the Pres -ription is to benefit the attieted, and spread information which h conceives te be invaluable ; and he hopeg every sufferer will try his rtmedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish ig the prescription will please ad *•>. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., New Yotk ,v4-n2B-3oio. M A Co, STILL 18 THE FIELD MRS. BARDWELL Announces to the Ladies of Tunkhannock and vicini ty, that she has just received a fine assortment o Spring and Summer Millinery, at her rooms opposite Wm. Piatts-office,where can b feuud in great variety, all the LATEST STYLES - OF- - BONNETS, HATS, CAPS, HEAD DRESS *S, RIBBON'S, FLOVFERS, TRIMMING IIOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, everything in the line of Millinery and Fane Geedt, which she will M ll Bt lowest cash price QT REPAIRING promptly and neatly done* Helttfi i: - on k. May 10, 1865 , MERCHANTH.E APPRAISEMENT The undersigned, hiving been appointed Mercin i!e appraiser for the County of Wyoming, for the year 1865, hereby eer ifies the following to be a correct list of Retailers in Foreign Merchandize with their names, class and rate in the severa Townships to wit; CLASS NAMES RATE BRAINMRIM. 12 E. Merritt §12,50 13 Stevens k Taylor 10,00 " Bunnell k Brother, 10,00 CLINTON 12 Gardner A Son 12,50 12 E Frear & Co. 12,50 12 H. & S. C. Mithowsoa 12,b0 13 W. Briggs k Son 10,00 13 John Wells 10,00 EATON 14 J. V Carpenter 7,000 FALTS. 13 Amos Beetner 10,00 13 Chauncr Sherwood 10.00 FORKSTON 14 Peter M. Qui en * 7,00 14 11. Hitchcock 7.00 15 G II Burgess 7,00 ME HOOP ANT 13 J T. Jennings & Biother 10 00 13 Win 11. Barues 10,00 14 Henry Love 7,00 14 " Win. Jennings 7,00 MESIIoPPEN. 12 Sterling A Loowis 12,50 13 D llankiiiM>n 10,00 14 Jacob Hallow 7,00 NICHOLSON 12 Wi lliains k Birgn 12,50 12 H P. Hallstesd 12,50 14 N. 1. Wilcox 7,00 11 Billings k Squire 7,00 14 E Nichols 7,00 14 S- L. Tiffary 7,00 NORTHMORELAND 13 H. Keeler 10,00 13 Howard k Winters 10,00 NORTH BRANCH 11 Wm. C. Garey 7,00 TURK, BORO. 11 T L Ross & Co. 15,00 12 Motf A Wright 12,50 11 John Weil 7,00 14 Samuel Stark 7,00 14 C. P Miller 7,00 14 E. WheelocW 7,00 If. Geo Leighton 700 14 T. B. Wall 7 00 14 C. M Koon 7,00 15 R Ross 7,00 WINDHAM 14 Hiram S Grav s 7,08 WASHINGTON 13 F. C. Bunnell 10.U0 13 G. W Fuman 10 00 14 F. W. Zimmerman 7,00 An appeal will be bell at the Court Uoue, on I'hursday, June fiist, 1865, for all who may lee! aggrieved by said assessment. PAUL CLAYTON. Mercantile Appraiser. A LA MODE. THE LATEST FROM NEW YORK. I IRS. A. G. STARK, TAKES PLEASURE IN tJL ag.i n informing licr friends, and the ladies ger vally that she has received, and is still receiving a new an t w<-ll selected assortment ot SPRING AND.UMMBR GOODS, Consisting of HATS. BONNETS. RIBBONS FLOSSES, FEATHERS, LA' "S. HEAD OR ESSES, and, in short all U4l s usually oiund in a \! IL LINE R Y STO RE. 3he solicits a call from all requiring GOODS in tier line, before purchasing elsewhere. Airs St; rk tin be found at the bouse formerly occupied by llen y Stark in the borough of Tunkhannock. ready an i villing to serve ail who in iv favor her with a call. MA NTU A-M AKli\ G. We have secured the services of tin xperim . ■ DFLESS-MAKEH , nl at all times will be prepared to Fit am M ike Dresses in the latest and most npprt.veil iimnnei •Soliciting your ctills before pur> htislnu elsewhere, we eiiiain Yours, Rej eetfullv. MRS A G STARR Tu.ik May 10th 1365 E. & lI.T, ANTHONY & t O„ Manufacture is uf Photographic Ma terials, WHOLESALE AND RELAIL, 501 BROAD IVAY,N. Y. In rd'liti"n to our rniin business ot PHOTO GRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Headquarter* for the foil wing, viz • STERESCOPEb MI STERESCfIPIC VIEWS. Of th se we have an immense asso-tment, including War Scores, American and Foreign C ties and Landscapes, Groups, Statu try, Ac Ac, Also, re volving Stercscopes, for public or private exhibi tion. Our catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp Photographic Albums. We were the first to introduce these into the Unit ed States, and we mam f.icture immense quantities in gieat va-jety. ranging in price tr m 50 cents to SSO. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others They will be sent by mail, free, on receipt of price, ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER- CARD PHOTOGRAPH•. Our CatnloguewbraYl'mcaso rhik FIVE THOU SAND different s Kae'kuhoe auditions are continually being made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans, Ac., viz : .iimut 100 Major-Generals, I 550 St itesmen, 200 Brig.-Generals, | I>o Divin •*, 275 Colonics, 125 Authors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, | 40 Artists, 250 Other Offi .re I 125 Stage, 75 Navy Otli-ers. | 50 Prom'nt Women. 156 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 1 00 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, including reproductions of the most celebntad En gravings. Paintings, Statues Ac Catalogue sent on receipt of Stamp An oruer for One Dozen PIC TURES from our Catalogue will be filled ou the re ceipt of SI,BO and sent by mail, FREE "Photographers and others ordering goods C. 0 D.wlllplo.j e remit twenty-five percent of the atnowi their order. EAR T ANTHII.iY ACO Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The prices and Quality of our Goods cannot Jail to satisfy. Nor 9 1863* 12uaos Ha. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON • Newton Centre, LniwM County Px (frciit llckction —IN— Goods Sold at an Immense Sacrifice. , i The Subscriber lias just returned from Philadelphia and New York, ( with a very large and well selected } Stock of DRY GOODS, In all its branches, SMCT 580355, Shoes, Ready-Made Clothing,Cassimers and (iuods for Men's Wear Generally. < In short, everything belonging to ' a First Class Dry Goods Store." Having bought Goods at the very 1 lowest market, ' SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES" being my motto, I am determined UNDERSELL THE LOWEST. I invite my friends and Customers, and the Public generally, to examine s my Goods. JOHN WEIL 1 SOLD KAS FALLEN. AND SO HAS ( THE PRICES, ' o. s. milis' STOVE AND TIN-SHOP TUNKHANNOCK. here every thing it. the line of hi* trade can be .id at thr L 0 WEST LI VIEG PROFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at h'.s Shop, the lat est and most improved Patternsof i OOOK.IN G-, AND SASXiOR BTOVBB, with all the Fl RNTTURE and FIXTURES complete Roofing & Guttering in all its branches, attende t to o short notice and ott K B A S O URIiC T E R l S. r*33i>AirinNro. PR'UIMLY, NEATLY. AND CHEAPLY DOVE 0 S MILL* 1 utikhaiuio k. Apr Ith ISfi'.l. v\-nl3 dXTe-w JCJaiXy fine of StaijTsJ FKO.M NICHOLSON DEPOT | TO Auburn 4 Corners. i The s bscribers are running a New Daily Line of J Stag 'g, on the above route. j Passengers frotn Auburn 4 Coiners start from that place at three o'clock A. M ---arrive at Baton's , Hotel in time for breakfast, and to take the EX- \ PRESS train for NEW YORK and PHILADEL- j I'll IA, or the Accommodation Trttin going north and west. Start from Nicholson Depot on arrival j "f Express and Aceointuo lation trains,take supper at Bacon's Hotel and arrive at Auburn 4 Comers the I 8-line i-tretiing. GOOD HORSES MD HtCKS. : | m (obliging nl attentive Drivers on the line. Mir2> Hit S. D. LA< ON v 4 n i 1 of. Proprietor. WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Sewing-Machines. The Cheapest and Best. OVER 150,000 OF THESE WELL ESTABLISHED • SEWING-MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. 49-SNA> FOR CIRCULAR, LADIZS' ALMANAC, AC. AGENT 6 WANTED. Addresi WHEELER & WILSON Seiriny- .Vnr/iinr Co. 704 CK*tnut Street, Philadelphia. $25 Reward. LO*T at Tcrytown in th Sa-q'ehinna nver. on the 24h day of' March, an old leather po.:ket-hoik tied up with a .hoe. t ring. cont tilling money, in 'he neighborhood of $l2O or SlaO.Tne finder will be en titled to the above rew rd, by return ng the jm. ket i book hod money to vhe subscriber, at Towanda, i Bradford Co. Pa. JOHN BKIDLEMAN. i U. S 7-30 LOAN. Ttie sale of the first series of 8300 000,000 of the 7-30 Loan was completed on the 31st of March, 18- 65. The sale oj the second seiic* of Three Hur dred Millions, payable three years from the 15th day of June, 1865, was :egun on the Ist of April.— In the thort space of thiry days, over One Hun dred Millions of this series hare been sold —leaving thie day less th in Two Hundred Millions to be dis posed of. The interest is piyable semi-annually in currency on the 15th of Dectm .or and 15th of June by Coupons attache] o each note, which are read ily casben anywhere. It amounts to One cent per day on a 850 note, Two cents •• • "8 I Oil Ten " " " " s.YOO '• 20 SIOOO • 81 " '• "85000 More and More Desirable. The Rebellioa is suppressed, and the (Jovornment has already adojited measures to reduce exja-ui i tures as rapidly as possible to a peace footing, thus withdrawing from market as borrower sol purchas er This is the ONI.Y LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Gc vernmeut, and constitutes the GREAT POPULAR LOAN Ol* THE PEOPLE. The Seven-Thirty Notes aro convertible on their maturity, at the option of the holder, inte IJ. A, 5-20 Six per cent, GOLD-BEARING BONDS Which a.e always worth a premium. Free from Taxation. The 7- 9 0 Notes cannot be taxed by Towns, Ci>i, AKDSPECI-.L. AGENT FOR JAY CI oxr.- .-OBSCRIPTION AGKNJ. Will deliver 7-30 Notes, Free of charge, by express, in all parts of the country, and receive in payment Checks on New York, Philatlelpbi. and Boston, current liills, and all five per cent, interest notes, v-ith inieiest to date of subscription. Orders sent by mail will be promptly filled. This Bank receives the accounts of Bank ano Bankers on favorable terms; also of individuals keeping New York acounts. J T. HILL. Cashier. J. U. ORVIS, President. IMPORTANTTOFEMALES WgjM ' (( PILLS ) v P E O CL A M A T I O N ! TO THE LADIES I Both Married and Single. THE OLDEST REGULATOR FOR FEMALES. DR. CIIEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Will immediately relieve, without pain, all disturb ance of the periodic oischarge, whether arising trom relaxtton or suppression. They act like a charm in removing the pains that accompany difficult o. im moderate menstruation, and arc the only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes Sick Headache, Pains in the Loins. Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep, and other unpleasi nt and dangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Alb is. or Whites, they ef fect a speedy cure iJR. CIIEESEMAN'S FEMA LB PILLS Have been used OVER A QUARTER OF A CEN TURY. They are offered as the only safe means of renewing interrupted inonstruation, but Ladies must bear in. mind that there is one condition of the fe male system in which the Pills cannot be taken miihout producing a PECULIAR RESULT. — The condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the result, MISCARRIAGE, Such is the irresist ible tendency of the medicine to restore the sexual functions to a normal cond\tion. that cren the pro ductive power of nature cannot resist it TIiEY CANN OT DO HARM inany other way. D R.CIIEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Are the. on'y Me licine that MYRRTED AND SIN GLE L YDIK* have relied up >n for uiauv years, or can relv ujion now. BEWARE OF IMITA TIONS! These Pills ortn tin- Finest Preparaiion ever put forward with IMMKDIA'L'D a" I i'K..- SfSTKVi SUCCESS. DON'T BE DECEIV ED. Take this advertisement to vour Druggist, an I tell him that v.ti want the BESV and most RELIABLE FEMALE MEDICINE IN THE WORLD , whi< h is comprised iu DR. CIIEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS :!! They have received, and are new receiving the sanction of the most eminent Physicians in Amer ica. EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS wi*h each Box the price, One Dollar per Box, containiug from 50 to 60 Pills. . Pills sent by mail, promptyl, by remitting the price to the Propr etors. or any authorized Ag nt, tin current funds. ! SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY, i til TCHINGS A HILLYER, PROPRIETOR'S, 8T Cedar Street, - v rw York Sold in Tunahannoek, by J. YY. Lynn-n. ir Montrose, by Able Turrell, in S-ranton by L.S.J E. C. Fuller, in Feotoryville by ell Druggists, A Card to Invalids. A Clergvro n, while residing in South Ameiica a a missionary, discovered a sale and simple retne dyfor the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, ' Diseases of the Urinary Hnd Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful aud vicious h.ibits. Great numbers hivo been al ready cured bv this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit 'he afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the ret-ipe for preparing and using this.medicine in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it. Free of Charge; Please inclose a post-paid envslobe, addressed to yourself. ADDRESS. JOSEPH T. INMAX, STATION D. BIBLE HOUSE, New York Citv. WHISKERS ! ! ! —Those wishing a fine set uf whis kers, a nice moustache,or a beautiful hea lof glossy hair, will please read the card of TIIOS, F. CHAP MAN in another part of this paper. \4-n29-3m, STEVENS & MAY. MANCFACTCUS OF ittarlile itlonuments anb U3raoc Stones i E EVERY DESCRIPTION* * MAN TLEFIKFS.TFHE HD STAND TCFS- POSTS-! TILING, & C.. FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. CEMETERY LOTS FENCED AND FIT TED UP TO ORDER. I.AC K A\VAN XA AVEX"UE. A. B STKVEES ) SCRAXTO.N PA. M. MAY. Y \4-n3O GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTION. mUIAIIIiIMMC WORTH OVER ONE MILLION DOLLAES ! All to be Sold for One Dollar eaeli ! ! WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE Not to be paid for until you Know What you are to Receive. jspi.ENDID I.IST OF ARTICLES. ALL TO BE SOLD FOR 81 00 EACH. 250 Gents' Gold Hunting-case Watches 830 to 8150 250 I,'dies' Enameled Case Watches 35 " 70 , 500 Gents' Hunting-Case Silver Watches 35 " 70 j 200 D'atnon I Rings 50 " 100 j 2 G-d't Vest and Neck Chains 15 " 30 | ;{, t 0 tinld Oval Band Bracelets 4 " 8 5 t'O Cn ised fluid Bracelets 5 " 10 2.000 Cnateliine Chains and Gu 'rd Ch itns 5 ' 20 7 < l 0 S-.lit ure and fluid Brooches 4 " .0 2,000 Liv i an i Fl ireiitinu Brun. hes 4 ■' 6 5 ftp,o Tor I.Opal an I Eme aled Brni>cd)ps4 ' 8 5 000 M-s-'i'-, Jet, Lou, an I Florentine Ear Drops 4 " 8 7.500 Coral. Op il, and Einerald Ear Drops 4 '' B 4 000 California Diamond Breast Pins 2 50 a 10 3,000 fluid Fob and Vest W lchKeys2so " 8 4 0' 0 Fob and Vest Ribbon Slides • 3 " 10 5,000 Sets of Solitaire Sleeve Buttons, Studse'c. 3 " 8 3.('OP Gold Thitnbles. Pencils, etc 4 7 10 000 Miniature Lockets 2 50 " 8 4 000 '• " Milgie Spring 3 " 20 3(4)0 Go'd Toothpicks, Crosses, etc 2 " 8 5.000 Plain fl.d I Kings 4" 10 j 5.1 00 Chased Gold Kings 4 " 10 I < n receipt of 25 cents ALL ARTICLES SOLD ATONE DOLLAR EAC II WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE! On reeeiptof the Certificate you will see what you are going to have and then it is at your option 1 to f end the dollar and take the article or not. Pur- 1 hnser" may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or any Set of Jewelry on our list for ONE COLLAR, and in no case can thev get le*s th -< Dollar's worth, as there are no blanks, 1 h • pIM of Certificates is as follows : One for 25 cents ; five for SI ; eleven for 82 ; | thirty for $5 ; sixty-five for 84) ; one hunlred for 815. AGENTS will be allowed ten cents on ererv Ccrti- ■ ficate c nlered by thern ptovided their remittance amounts to One Dollar. Agents will collect 25 centt for every Certificate, and remit 15 cents to us, either in cash or postage stamps. T. A H. GAUGHAN A CO., 116 BROADWAY, NEW Y'ORE* Ayer's Ague Cure, FOR THE Srr.EPVCDRE OF utermittent Fever, or Feer and Ague, Remittent Fever. Chill Fe ver, Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodi cal Headache, or Bilious Headache, and Bilious Fevers, indeed for the whole class of diseases originating in biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria of miasmatic coun tries, FEVER and Ague is not the only consequence of the miasmatic poison- A great variety of dis orders arise from its irritation, in malarious district ? among which are Neuralgia. Rheumatism Gouth Headache. Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrha Asthma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the , | Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic Par ' alysis, and Derangement of the Stomachl all of ' which, when originating in this "CURE" exdel*,Hhe poison from th- 1 blood, and thus cures them all aliks t is not only the most effectual remedy ever di soo errd for this class of complaints, but it i- the cheap . lest and moreover is perfectly safe. No harm can arise from its use. and the patient whpn cured is left r as boa 11 hy as if ho hid never hid (he disease Can " this l-e said of any other cure for Chills and Fever 7 1 It i" true oflh s and its importance to those afflicted ' with 'hi complaint o.mnot be o.er estimated. So " sure is ii to cure the T< ver and Ague, that it may be > truthfully said in be a certain remedy. One Denl ' or coini lains th a' it is not a good medicine to sell, ' t.eonu-e one bottle cures a whole neighborhood , p.. p.re I by I c. AVER A CO., Lowell Mass I and sold hvSnnl Stark Tunkhannock anil all lei!- ' crs in in- ti ine oiorvwhvo . Information Free! ", T.-iEItVUS SL FFEKEUS, e A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility .In o competency, Premature Decay and Youthful Erroi actuate 1 by a desire to benefit others, will be bappj e o furnish to all who need i (free of charge ), th t -e ifie an I directions for making the simple reinedj used in his case "ufferers wishing to profit by th j advertisers bad experience, and possess a sure and I valuable remeuy, can do so by ail ressing him ai ! once at his place of business. The Reeeipe and fuU infoncatmn - of yitl importance - will be cheerfully sent 1 y return mail, fc. Addiess JOHNB. OfIDEN No-60 Naswu street New York N P. S —Nervous Stiff-rcrs os both sexes will fine 4 this inlonnatiou iaraluable. 1 v4-l8-ame IMPORTANTANNOUNCEMENT op ; ... WATCHES, GHAINS, DIAMOND RINGS, AC OXE MILLION DOIjtfARS' WOBTH TO BE DISPOSED OF AT Due Dollar Each ! Without regard to' Value! Not to be paid for until you know what you arc to receive ! ! Splendid I,ist of Articles 11 All t Sold for One Dollar Each ! ! t 250 Gents' Goldhutingcase WatchesSsotosl6Oesch 250 Ladies' Gold and Enamelled hun ting case Watches 35 " 70 " 500 Gents' hunting case Silver Watches 35" 70" j 200 Diamond Rings 50 " 10V " ' 500 Gold Vest and Neck Chains 4 " 30 " 3000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets 4 " 8 M 5000 Jet and Gold Bracelets' ••••• •-6 " 10 '♦ 2000 Chatelaine Chains and Guajd 5" 20" 7000 Solitaire and Gold Brooches 4•' 10 i 5000 Coral,On il and Emerald Brooch es 4" 8" 3000 Gold, Cameo, and Pearl Ear jf Drops 8 5000 Mosaic. Jet, Lava, & Flr'ntine Ear Drops 4 • B j 7500 Coral Opal, and Emerald Ear s S- I J) n , a . 4 " 6 4000 Califomia Diamond Breast-pins2,so •* 10 " 3000 Gold Fob and Vest Watch-key 250 " 8 * 4000 Fob aud Vest Ribbons-slides -.3 '" 10 j 5000 sets Solita-re Sleeve-buttons, Studs, &e 3'• 8•• ; 3000 Gold Thimbles. Pencils, Ac---- 4 • 6 ' I 10000 Mini iture Lockets --1,50" 10 ' ! 4000 Mmiaturo Lockets Magic j Spring J .20 1 20 '• 3000 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, Ae' 2• 8 " | 5000 Plain Gild Kings .4" 10 " i 5000 Chased Gold Rings 4'• 11 " | 10000 Stone Set and Signet Rings 2,50 " 10 - | 10000 California Diamond Rings 2 " 10 - 7500 sets Ladies' Jewelry—Jet and Gold - 5• 15 " 6000 sets Ladies' Jewelry-Cameo, .. Pearl, Opal, and other stones 4 " 15 *• I ICOOO Gold Pens, Silver extension hol ders and Pencils 4 " 10 '* 10000 Gold Pens and Gold mount d Holders 6•• 16 • i 5001 Gold Pens and Gold • extension Holders 15 " 25 ' ! 5000 Ladies' Gilt and Jet Buckles 5 " 15 " 5000 La lies' Gilt and let Hair Bars A Balls s•' 10 " 5000 Silver Goblets and Drinking • Cups 5 " 50 " 3000 Silver Castors * 15 '* 50 " 2000 Silver Fruit, Card, and Cake Baskets 1 20" 50 " 5000 dozen Silver Tea Spons 10 " eOf do* JOiOO dozen Silver Table Spoons and Forks 20 40 " AItItAXDAT.E & CO., Manufacturers' Agents, No, 167 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, 1 Announce th it all of the above list of goods will be i sold for One Dollar each, In consequence of the greOt stagnation of trade in I the til-nufacturing lisjricts of England, through tee war having cut off the supply ot cotton, a large ! qu inti yof Valuable Jewelry, ori -inwlly intended I f>rthe English market, has been sent off for sale m I this country. AND MUST BE' SOLf> AT ANY ! SACRIFICE ! Under these cirein?t*n 1 ■ •-*> -air. e 6. The.v rtqu-ie uo taking apart to clean or oil, and J no * Lea-ons" to set "needle, regulate tsniion or operetc Machine, " Please call and examine and demonstrate for 7 J ngursclf, or send lor CIRCULAR with samples of sew. i'O, " * 3 FINKT.E At LYOX M' No. 539 BROAD HAY NEW YORK id l_> ,K. L.ITTI.U, ATTORNEY AT LAW i OBiee on 'lmga street, TunkhanaockP*