North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, May 10, 1865, Image 1

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    HARVEY SICKIiEII, Proprietor.!
AweeklyDemocratij "—* i i
gayer, devoted to Poli
aad Sciences Ac. Pub- f 1
iaked every Wednes- %
yey, at Tunkkannock r
Wye ■ing County, Pa. -V Ijpjjff'j -
Terms— 1 copy 1 year, (in advance) 52.00.
aet pain within six months, $2.50 will be charged
JfO piper will be DISCONTINUED, until all a
rsersgss are paid; unless at the option of publisher.
10 lines or . >
less, make three four - two -three - six ' one
sue square weeks weeks mo'th'mo'th mo'th year
1 Square 1,00 1,25 ; 2,251 2,87 3,00$ 50
* do. 2,00! 2.50; 3,25 3.50; 4,50 . g' 0
1 do. 3,00| 3 75! 4,755 5,50 7,00 : . 9*o
I Column. 4,00, 4.50$ 6.50: 8,00 10,00 is'q
* do. 6,00 9 50j 10.00 ; 12.00 : 17.00! 25 0
I de. 8,00 7,0; 14,00 ; 18,00 25,00 3s'o
1 do. 10,00 12,00 i 17,00> 22,00 28,00' 40',0
TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, 82,50
OBITUARIES,-exceeding ten lines, each ; RELI
•IOU3 and LITERARY NOTICES, not of genera
latere it, one half tne jugular rates.
Business Cards of one square, with paper, 85.
af all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to suit
the times.
WORK must be paid for, when ordered.
fhrass gatiffs.
fice in Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk
haanoek, Pa.
Tunkbonnoek, Pa. Office in Stark's Brick
leek, Ttoga street.
Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa.
Offioe on Tioga street, Tunkhannock Pa.
Sjre BubIIIH: flmtsf,
The undersigned having lately pur. hased the
" BUEHLKR HOUSE " property, has already com
ueaeed such alterations and improvements as will
feeder this old and popular House equal, if not supe
rior, to any Hotel in the City of Harrisburg.
A eootiouanoe of the public patronage is refpect
faily solicited.
THIS establishment has recently been refitted an
furnished in the latest style. Every attention
frill he given to the comfort and convenience of those
trio patronize the IIoue.
T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor .
Tunkhanneck, September 11, iBGI.
1> U. .t. C- 11 KC KER .
Would respectfully announce to the citizensof Wy
ming. that ho has located at Tunkhannock where
he will promj-tly attend to all calls in the line of
his profession.
fjf Will be found at home on Saturdays of
eoek week
Wm. 11. CORTRIGHT, Prop'r
HAYING resumed tho proprietorship of tho above
Hotel, the undersigned will spare uo effort to
•under the house an agreeable place ot sojourn for
11 who may favor it with their custom.
Jut, 3rd, 1663
Pots Hotel,
[Late of the BBRAINARD Horse, ELMIRA, N. Y.
The MEANS HOTEL, i- one of the LARGEST
til BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country—lt
le itted up in the most modern and improved style,
Hi no pains are spared to make it a pleasant and
•grsoahils stopping-place for all,
▼ 3, n2l, ly.
M OILMAN, has permanently located in Tunk
• bannock Borough, and respectfully tenders his
profession a. 1 services to the citizens of this place and
wruunding country.
("Jf Office over Tutton's Law Office, near th e Pos
' Dee. 11, 186 L
iiTimii thin mist?
In order to faciliate the prompt ad
wtment of Bounty, arrears of pay, Pensions and
•ther Claims, due sosdiers and other persons from
tikoGorernment of the United States. The under
rwed has mode arrangements with the above firm
kosso uxperience and close proximity to, and daily
• ettunrte with the department; as well as the ear
•ulfnbwledge, acquired by them, of the decisions
Z ,3 made, enables them to prosecute
cffl than Attorneys at a distance,
All psrsjns entitled to claims of the
flueneioriptian can have them properly attended
Maskbjung on me and entrusting them to my care
_ .. , Agt. for Harvy & Collins, *
, Tuakhnanoek.Pn.
Third Edition, Fifty Thousand, 96 pasg
cloth covers,
By ROBT. E, BELL, M. D.,
Member of the Itoyal College of Surgeons. London,
addressed to youth, the married, and those
Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of TEN CENTS
A careful perusal of this small book has been a
and has saved thousands from a life of misery and
It treats on the evils of Youthful Indiscretion, Self-
Abuse, Seminal Weakness, Emissions. Sexual Dis
eases, General Debility.Loss of Power, Nervousness,
Premature Decay. Impotence, Ac. Ac , which unfit
the sufferer from fulfilling the
and illustrate.- the means of cure by the use of
OTI 08.
and other treatment necessary in some oases, and
Never fails to Cure and can be Relied on.
They do not nauseate the stomach, or render the
breath offensive, and they can be
They do not interfere with business pui suits, and
are speedy in action.
They are Warranted in aL Cases,
to be effectual ia removing and curing the disease.
Upwards of two thousand cases are on record that
by using BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, and certifi
cates can be shown from many that have used them
No Case of Fa lure ever Occurs.
Upwards of a Hundred Physicians use them ex
tensively in their private practice, and they can
not effect cures without them.
Are the original and only genuine Specific Pill
There are a host oi imitators—BEWAßE OF
They are adapted for male or female, old or young,
and are the only reliable reuieJy known for the
cure of all diseases arising from
In all Sexual Diseases, as Gonorrhea, Stricture,
Gleet, and in all Lrinary and Kidney complaints,
Relief is experienced by taking a single box ; and
from four to six boxes generally effect a cure-
containing six pills, price sl. or six boxes 85 ; also
in larg boxes, containing four of the small, price $3
It you need the Book or the Pills, cut out this
advertisement for reference, and if you cannot pro
cure them of your, do not be imposed on
by any other remedy, but enclose the money in a
letter to the proprietef,
DR. J. HRYAN, 80X 5079,
who will take all risk if properly directed, and will
send the Pills, secured from observation, by return
mail, p 'St Paid
Wholesale Agents.
The Private Medical Adviser.
An invaluable treatise of 64 pages, by
published for the benefit of the sex.
OD receipt of TEN CENTS, it will be sent
|xst paid, fa sealed envelope to all who applv
, for it.
It gives a concise description of all the diseaseses
peculiar to females, together with means of cure,
and treats of Conception, Pregnacy , Miscarriage,
Sterility. Sexual Abuses, Prolapsus Uteri. Fe
male Weakness, Consumption, &-c. and much
othar valuable information not published in any
other Work.
Every lady should procure a copy without delav
Three Editions, £O,OOO each,
have already been published A distributed thisj-ear
the moat Infallible and popular rernedv ever known
for all disease- of the female sex. They have been
used in m iny thousand cases with unfailing success
—and inay be re'ied on in everp case for which thoy
are recommended, and particularly in all cases aris
ing from
no matter from whft cause it arises. They are ef
fectual in restoring to health all who are suffering
from Weakness and Debility, Uterine Discharges.
Nervousness, (J-i-i 4*c-, and they
in strengthening and restoring the system. Thous
ands ot ladies who have suffered for years and tried
various other remedies in vain, owe a renewal of
their health and strength wholly to the efficacy of
They are not a new discovery but a long tried rem
edy—the celebrated
one of the most eminent physicians, prescribed them
for many years in his private practice, and no phy
sician was more truly popular or widely known than
hsm in the treatment cf
All who have used DR, HARVEY'S FEMALE PILLS
recommend them to others. Nurses recommend
them — Druggists and Dealers rcoommend them in
' preference to other medicines,beciuse of their merits
No lady objects to take them for they are elegantly
They ar perfectly harmless on the system, may
be taken at any time with perfect safety ; but dur
ing the early stages of Pregnancy they should
not be taken, or a miscarriage may be (he result.—
They never cause any sickness, pain or distress.
Each box contains sixty pills aud full directions
for use.
Price One Dollar.
VW Cut this notice out if you desire Dr. Har
vey s Pills or Rook, and if you cannot procure
them of your druggists, do not take any other, for
some dealers who are unprincipled icitl recomend
other Female Pills, they can make a larger profit
en—but enclose the money and send direct to
Dr. J. BYRAN. General Agent,
Bo x 5079. 16 Ceder Street, N,Y,
Who will take all risk if properly directed ; and
you will receive them post paid, securely sealed
from observation, by ret urn mail,
Wholesale Agents.
Shltd §torj>.
T3I miif HI
Mr. Peter Robinson was a bachelor, stout,
rosy, and almost forty. Peter had never
loved but once, and the adoration of his heart
had been bestowed upon Miss Lucy
Robinson; but, ala ! Peter bad failed to
express his passion at the proper moment, or
in other words, had not come to time; and
one day his heart was lacerated by receiving
an envelope of cards announcing that the de
lightful Lucy was about to become Mrs.
Jemmerson Crooks.
It was a terrible blow to Peter, but he
staggen-d up from it, and still loved the ob
ject of his eai ly passion—at a distance—
Mrs. Jemmerson Crooks revelled in the de
lights of matrimnny, leading fashion, her
husband, and Peter—at a distance—by the
nose, for five years, at the end of which time,
Mr. Jemmerson Crooks chose to depart for
another sphere, leaving Mrs. Jemmerson
alone to mourn his departure.
Once more Peter's heart sprang up from
dust and ashes, and looked forward to the
time when the allotted period of mourning
should be over, aud he could put forth the
pent up agonies of five years, and ask com
pensation in the hand of the fair widow.—
"One year," thought Peter, "is surely
enough time. I will give her one year."
Month after mouth rolled away until the
tenth came, and Peter was determined to
wait no longer. A sickish misgiving of the
evils of delay drove him to precipitate the
askmg lie sought the widow in her home,
and with all the ardor of a pent up love
poured forth his tale. The widow heard
h ; m —heard him calmly unto the very last
word, and then, with her delicately perfum
ed handkerchief pressed to her blushing
cheeks by the whitest of hands, told Peter
that he was ala ! just one week too late ;
that she had only the week before promised
her hand to Dr. Stickleback who had so
faithfully attended her dear Jcmtnerson in
his last hour ; and oh, why <lid her dear Pe
ter not 6pcak before ?
A second time was Peter's heart torn into
minute fragments ; a second time was he sent
out iuto the world to admire—at a distauce.
Time sped on, and once more Peter began
;o encourage hope. Perhaps Stickleback
might die; he certainly had an apoplet ic
look- -and, sure enough, Peter's "Perhaps"
turned out a certainty, and D-r. Theodosius
Stickleback was within a short peried of two
years gathered to his fathers, and the fair
widow Stickleback Was once more a mourner
Peter had learned too bitterly the danger ol
delay to suffer any such cause this time be
tween himself and snccess. lie would not
give the widow a year, nor yet ten months
nay, pot even six, but even at the third
month he wouid go to her #frh his tale of
love deferred ; and so he did. We must
transcribe the widow's own words when the
question was popped :
"Oh ! Mr. RubinsoP, why did you not
come before? You know my esteem for
vou—you know that I Would have set aside
all other offers for you ; but oh ! how can I
tell you, that only last evening 1 promised
Captain Hawkins 1 Poor, dear sweet Haw
kins ! he's j our intimate friend, I know;
I've heard him speak so highly of you ! Oh!
why did you not speak before?"
And so Mrs. Theodosius Stickleback was
i ransfoi med into Mrs. Captain Jonathan
Hawkins; and Peter was once more left to
admire—at a distance.
Still Peter waited and hoped. Something
might turn up, he argued and then he would
not allow himself to be too late, And some
thing did turn up,—the something being
nothing more or less than tho redoubtable
captain, who turned up missing, having, fall
en overboard from the steamboat while cut
■•n a target excursion with his company snd
sunk like a stoneowing undoubtedly, to the
ponderous naturcof his responsibilities.
The suddenness of this exit, as Peter ar
gued, must certainly act with depressing ef
fect upon the widow , and he thought
he would not give her time again to
recover and be admired ; still etiquette de
manded that a little do intervene. Accord
inly when the tenth day after the melanchol
ly bereavement, Peter knocked at the wid
ow's bent upon his errand of love, he rather
chucKled to himself that he was taking time
by the forelock. The business on which he
came was quietly told, and once more the
widow was in a torrent of tears.
"Oh ! Mr. Robinson," she exclaimed, hid
ing her Mushing face in her cambric, "why
are you so unfortunate, and why am I?
Yon know tuv esteem for you—but you are
too late ! You know Counsellor Ketcham ?
my poor, dear, dead and gone Hawkins' most
intimate friend. He was with him you know
whon he was called away, and was the first
to communicato to me the awful intelligence.
He was such a comforter, and—l have prom
ised to have him this day two months !"
This time Peter was crushed. He had
no words to express his broken-heartedness
but to rush from the bouse and go on, as be
fore, admiring— at a distance.
If was months before Peter even offered
to encourage hope,and even theu it flickered.
One day he was walking in despondent mood
through one of the upper avenuos, when ha
heard a sudden shout, and started. From a
half finished building just in front of him he
saw, as he raised his eyes, a stout Milesian
making gyrations in the air, from a height cf
three stories, in company with a coping stone
weighing somewhat less than half a ton—the
two having slipped together from a scaffold
ing that height. He saw both Milesian and
stone fall upon the head of two gentlemen
passing, and the whole four were in an in
stant mixed in an inextricable mass. Like
all other spectators, Peter rushed to the res
cue, only to behold, between sorrow and joy
the last gasp of Counsellor Ketcham and the
gentleman who was walking with him, and
the perfect safety of the Milesian and the
This time Peter would trust to no passing
of time. Without an instant's delay more
than to satisfy himnlf that life was extinct,
he hailed a passing hack and then sped to the
mansion ot the widowed Mrs. Counselor
Ketcham. In words of the mo6t delicate and
endearing nature, Peter communicated his
intelligence to the widow, and waited the
result; and then, between her sobs and tears
he claimed her hand for the next set.
"Oh ! Mr. Robinson," snbbed the widow,
"how can you ask me such a thing? How
could I know that you would be the first to
bring me the awful news of ray dear Ketch
am's decease ? You know how I esteem and
respect you. but—but—l am already engag
ed !"
"Engaged ! to who ?"
"I promised," responded the widow, be
tween her sobs, "I promised a month ago, if
anything happened, I would marry Colonel
Snapper !"
'lYou did ?" shouted Peter, the whole as
pect of bis face changing in an instant from
•that of a fiend to a look of unbrindled joy,
'lou did?" and who are you engaged to af
ter that 7"
"No one," sighed the widow.
"Will you swear this to me ?" said Peter.
1 swear it,'' responded the widow sjlemn
"And will you marry me after Snapper is
gone ?"
"I will." •
"Do you swear it?" asked Peter, fiercely.
''l swear it said the widow earnestly,
lhan you are mine, charming Lucy ! for
tho stone that ushered the Counsellor into
the next world also took the Colonel. I saw
it with my own eyes."
The next momaut the widow was in Peter's
arms, and they were married in less than a
BRIMSTONE LAWYERS— One day a simple
farmer, who had just buried a rich relative
an attorney, was complaining of tho great
expense of a fuueaal cavalcade in the coun
Why, do you bury your attorneys here ?"
aaked Foote.
"Yes, to be sure we do ; how else ?"
' O, wo never do that in London."
"No !" said the other, much surprised;
how do you manege then ?"
"Why, when the patient happens to die,
we lay him out in the room over night by
himself, lock the door, throw open the win
dow, aud in the morning he is gone."
'"lndeed !" exclaimed the farmer with
amazement; what becomes of him ?"
"VV hy, that we cannot exactly tell; all
we know is, there's a strong smell of brim
stone in the room the next morning."
THE HISTORY IN WORDS.— What a record
of inventions is preserved in the names whicn
so many articles bear, of the placo from
which it first came, or the person by whom
they were first invented. The "magnet"
has its name from Magnesia ; the "Balaehln"
from Baldacco, the Italian name of Bagdod ;
it being from that city that the costly silk
which composed this canopy originally came.
The "bayonet" tells us that it was first made
at Bayonne—"worsted" that it was first spun
at a village of the same name (in the neigh
borhood of Norwich)—"sarsnet" that it is a
Saracou manufacturer—"cambrics" that they
reached us from Cambray—"damask" from
Damascus (the "damson also is the "Dama
scence," or Damascus plum)-* "arras" from
Arras—"dimity" from Darrimetta—"cord
wain" or "cordovan" from Cornova—"cur
rants" from Corinth—"indigo" from India
"agates" from a Scilian river, Achates—"ja
lap" from Xalapa, a town in Mexico—"parch
ment" from Pergamutn.
CLEAN UP. This is the 6eason to clean up
for summer. Clean up the streets, lanes,
alleys ; remove all the rubbish, and deposit
it in lome out of the way place. Clean up
your houses and cellars, and prepare for tho
coming warm weather. In this way you will
save much annoyance and trouble, and in
many cases remove that which may cause
disease and breed pestilence.
"Ah," said old Mrs. Rosenbury 1
"laming is a great thing ; I've often felt tho
need of it. Why, would you believe it, I4m
now sixty years old, and only know the
names of three months ih the year, and them
is Spring, Fall and Autumn. I larnt the the
names of them when I was a little bit of a
gel." / . t • ... ' , - 1
The process of refining petroleum is oDe
that seems to be quite p.ain and simple but
nevertheless it requires in some parts of it
tke nicest skill and judgment. The crude
oil, green and thick is poured from the bar
rels into an underground reservoir. This is
done to prevent leakage and loss by fire.—
There is more danger of combustion from
the refined oil. From these tanks the oil is
pumped into huge iron retorts or stills, wbieh
are placed over furnaces. From the top 0
these retorts, tubes that double back and
forward once or twice, run through large
tanks that arejkept full of water. The re
torts aje subjected to heat for forty-eight
hours, under the influence of which, together
with certain ingredients which are known
and used by refiners, the first step is takan
in changing the appearance of the oil. This
step is evaporation.
At 190 degrees the benzine passes into
those crooked tubes in the cold water, where
it is condensed, and whence it flows into a
receptable prepared for it. As the heat is
intensified, the water is evaporated next and
lastiy the oil. This is condensed by passing
through the tubes already mentioned, and is
again conduced into underground tanks. It
is not yet entirely purified. It is pumped
up into a wooden tank, other ingredients
placed with it, and a column of air form a
force pump introduced at ihc bottom of th
tank with such violence that the whole mass
is thoroughly lahed about and intermingled
—much more effectually than it coujd be
done by any other means yet devised for
sad purposes.
This is termed "agitating," and is simply
to thoroughly mix up the oil and the ingre
dients. When this is done it i 9 drawn off
into shallow tanks to be settled and to be
come clarified. It then becomes refined il
luminating oil ; the work is done, and before
being sold, however, there is still another
process—that of inssection. By a law of
this State, the Courts appoint for each Dis
trict an inspector of illuminating petrolium,
whose duty it is to inspect every barrel re
fined, and place a brand upon it according to
its quality. The law requires that if at a
tomerature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit the
oil will not bear t he test of plunging a light
ed paper or match into it without ignition,
it must be marked "rejected." " If it does
bear this test, it is marked "approved," and
the degree at which it will ignite is branded
on tho barrel Oil News.
, The conjurer spread a piece of matting, and
squatted, produced fromjhis shawl a bag, aud
emptied it on the stone in front uf him. The
contents wese a quantity of little bits of
wood ; some forked like branches of a tree ;
some straight; each a few inches long ; be
sides these were some fifteen or twenty little
painted wooden birds, about half an iuch long.
The old man chose one of the straightest and
thickest of the bits of wood, and turning his
face up in the air, poised it on the tip of his
nose. The little boy who sat by him hence
forth handed him whatever he called for.
First, two or three more pieces of wood,
which he poised on the piece already there,
then a forked piece, to which he gradually
made additions, until he had built upon his
nose a tree with two branches. He always
kept its balance by adding simultaneously on
each side, holding a piece in each band, and
never once taking his eyes off the fabric.—
Soon the two branches became four, the four
eight, and so on, until a skeleton of a tree
was formed about two feet high, and branch
ing out so as to overshadow his whe le face ;
he could reach with his hands to put the top
moat branches on, It was a wonderful struc
ture, and we all held our breath as he added
the last bits. But it was not done yet. The
boy now handed him the little birds, and
still, two at a time, one in each hand, he
stuch them all over the tree. The complete
immobility of his head and neck while he
was balancing this structure on the tip of his
nose, was something wonderful,and he
must have breathed through his ears, for
there was not the slightest" perceptible mo
tion about the nose or mouth, After putting
all the bi r ds on he paused, and we, thinking
the trick was finished, begau to applr.ud
But he immediately held up his forefinger for
silence. There was more to come. The boy
put into one of his hands a short, hollow reed,
and into the other some dried peas. He then
put a pea in his mouth, and using the reed
as a pea shooter, took aim and shot off th#
birds. The breath he gave was 50 gentle and
well calaulated that it gave no perceptible
movement to his face ; it just sent the pea
fat enough to hit & particular bird with per
fect aim, and knocked it over. Not another
thing on the tree moved. Another pea was
fired in the same way, and another bird bro't
down, and so until all the birds were bagged.
The fire was then directed at the branches
and limbs of the tree, and beginning from the
topmost, the whele of this astonishing struc
ture was demolished piece meal even more
wonderfully than its manner of erection.—
All the Year Round.
C - Alum or vinegar is good to set col
ors, red, green, or yellow.
There was once a wise Emperer who ihadc
a law, that to every stranger who came to
his court, a fried fish should be served. The
servasts were directed to notice, if, when the
stranger had eaten the fish to the bone on
one side, he turned it over and began on tba
other side. If he did, h- tfas lobe imme
diately seized, and on the third day thereaf
ter he was to be put to death. But by a
great stretch of imperial clemency, the cul
prit was permitted to utter one wish every
day, whieh the Emperer pledged himself to'
grant, providing it was not to spare his life.
Many had already perished in consequence
of this edict, when, one day, a count and hit
young son presented themselves at court.
The fish was served as usual, and when the
count had removed the fish from one 6ide,
he turned it over, and Was aboutto commence
on the other when he was seised and thrown
into prison, and was told of his approaching
doom. ' *
Sorrow stricken, the count's young soc be
soughLthe Emperer to allow him to die iff
the room ol his father; a favor which tho
monarch was pleased to accord him. The
count was accordingly released from prison,
and his son was thrown into his cell in his
stead. As soon as this had been done, tho
young man said to the jailors, "You know I
havo a light to make three demands before I
die, go and tell the emperer to send his
daughter, and a priest to marry rf?." This
tirst demand was not much to the emperor's
taste, nevertheless he felt bound to kesp his
word, and he therefore complied with tho re
quest, to which the princess had no objection
This occurred in the times when kings kept
theia treasures in a cave, or in a tower set
apart for the purpose, like the Emperor of
Moscow in these days; and on the second
day of his imprironment the'young man de
manded the Emperor's treasures,
If his first demand was a bold one, the
second was not less so ; still, an Emperor's
word is sacred, and having nude the prom
ise, he was forced to keep it; and the treas
ures of gold and silver were placed at the
disposal of the prisoner. On getting posses
sion of thorn, he distributed them profusely
among the courtiers, and soen he had made
a host of friends by his liberality.
The emperor began now to feel excecdirgly
uncomfortable. Unable to sleep, he rose ear
ly on the third morning and went with fear
in his heart to the prison to hear what the
third wish was to be.
'•Now'" said he to his prisoner, "tell mo
what your third demand i, that it may be
granted at once, and that it may be out of
hand, for I am tired of your demands
•'Sire," answered the prisoner, "I havo but
one more favor to request of your majesty,
which when you have granted I shall die
content. It is merely that you will cause
the yes of those who saw my father turn
the fish over to be put out."
"Very good," replied the emperer, # "your
demand 16 but perfectly natural and springs
from a good heart. Let the chamberlain be
seized," he continued, turning to bii guards,
"I sire !" cried the chamberlain ; "I did
not see anything, it was the steward.^'
But the Steward protested with tears in
his eyes, that he had not witnessed anything
of what had been reported, and said it was
the Butler. The Butler declared that he had
seen nothing of the matter and that it must
have been one of the va'ets.
But the protested that they were utterly
ignoiant of what had been charged agains tho
count ; in short it turned out that nobody
could be found wao had seen the count com
mit the offensr, upon which the princess
said :
"I appeal to you my father, another
Soloman. If nobody 6aw the offense com
mitted, the count cannot be guilty, and my
busband is innocent."
The empereor frowned and forthwith, tho
courtiers began to murmur; theD, ha smiled
and immediately visages became radiant.
"Let it be so, said his majesty let him
live, though I have put many a man to death
for a lighter offense than his. But if he is
not hung, he is married. Justice is done."
BE POLITE. —Study the grace, not tfie gra
ces ot the dancing master, of bowing and scra
ping ; not of the fobbish etiquette of a Ches
terfield, but the benevolenoe, the grace of
the true heart, whatever things are true,
honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report.
The true secret of politeness is to please j to
make happy-flowing from goodneis of heart, a
fountain of love.
young man there lived in our neigborhood a
farmer,who was usually reported to be a very
leberal man, and uncommonly upright in hia
aealings. When he had any of the products
of his farm to dispose of, he made it an inva
riable rule to make good measure, rather
more would be required of him. Onte of his
friends observing him frequently doing so
questioned him as to why he did it,-' he told
him he gave too muen. Now, dear reader,
mark the answer of this godd man : "God
has permitted me but one jonrney through
the world, and when I am gone, T cannot re
turn to rectify mistakes." Thirfk of this
There is but one journey through life*
l <"0 i
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VOL. 4 NO. 39