HARVEY SICKIiEII, Proprietor.! NEW SERIES, AweeklyDemocratij "—* i i gayer, devoted to Poli aad Sciences Ac. Pub- f 1 iaked every Wednes- % yey, at Tunkkannock r Wye ■ing County, Pa. -V Ijpjjff'j - Terms— 1 copy 1 year, (in advance) 52.00. aet pain within six months, $2.50 will be charged JfO piper will be DISCONTINUED, until all a rsersgss are paid; unless at the option of publisher. A3DV33R.TISI3STG. 10 lines or . > less, make three four - two -three - six ' one sue square weeks weeks mo'th'mo'th mo'th year 1 Square 1,00 1,25 ; 2,251 2,87 3,00$ 50 * do. 2,00! 2.50; 3,25 3.50; 4,50 . g' 0 1 do. 3,00| 3 75! 4,755 5,50 7,00 : . 9*o I Column. 4,00, 4.50$ 6.50: 8,00 10,00 is'q * do. 6,00 9 50j 10.00 ; 12.00 : 17.00! 25 0 I de. 8,00 7,0; 14,00 ; 18,00 25,00 3s'o 1 do. 10,00 12,00 i 17,00> 22,00 28,00' 40',0 EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS and AUDI TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, 82,50 OBITUARIES,-exceeding ten lines, each ; RELI •IOU3 and LITERARY NOTICES, not of genera latere it, one half tne jugular rates. Business Cards of one square, with paper, 85. JOB WORK af all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to suit the times. All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and JOB - WORK must be paid for, when ordered. fhrass gatiffs. WM. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Of fice in Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk haanoek, Pa. GEO. S. TUTTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tunkbonnoek, Pa. Office in Stark's Brick leek, Ttoga street. H9. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa. H,R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Offioe on Tioga street, Tunkhannock Pa. Sjre BubIIIH: flmtsf, HARRISRURG, PEN NA. The undersigned having lately pur. hased the " BUEHLKR HOUSE " property, has already com ueaeed such alterations and improvements as will feeder this old and popular House equal, if not supe rior, to any Hotel in the City of Harrisburg. A eootiouanoe of the public patronage is refpect faily solicited. GEO. J. BOLTON WALL'S HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE, TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA. THIS establishment has recently been refitted an furnished in the latest style. Every attention frill he given to the comfort and convenience of those trio patronize the IIoue. T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor . Tunkhanneck, September 11, iBGI. 1> U. .t. C- 11 KC KER . PHYSICIAN Si SURGEON, Would respectfully announce to the citizensof Wy ming. that ho has located at Tunkhannock where he will promj-tly attend to all calls in the line of his profession. fjf Will be found at home on Saturdays of eoek week NORTH BRANCH HOTEL, MKSIIOPPEN, WYOMING COUNTY, PA Wm. 11. CORTRIGHT, Prop'r HAYING resumed tho proprietorship of tho above Hotel, the undersigned will spare uo effort to •under the house an agreeable place ot sojourn for 11 who may favor it with their custom. Wm. II CCRTRIHHT. Jut, 3rd, 1663 Pots Hotel, TOWATJDA, PA. D. B. BARTLET, [Late of the BBRAINARD Horse, ELMIRA, N. Y. PROPRIETOR. The MEANS HOTEL, i- one of the LARGEST til BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country—lt le itted up in the most modern and improved style, Hi no pains are spared to make it a pleasant and •grsoahils stopping-place for all, ▼ 3, n2l, ly. M. OILMAN, DENTIST. M OILMAN, has permanently located in Tunk • bannock Borough, and respectfully tenders his profession a. 1 services to the citizens of this place and wruunding country. fj ALL WORK WARRANTED, TO GIVE SATIS FACTION. ("Jf Office over Tutton's Law Office, near th e Pos SXfiee. ' Dee. 11, 186 L iiTimii thin mist? NDUCTED.BY HARVY AND COLLINS, WASHINGTON, D, C- In order to faciliate the prompt ad wtment of Bounty, arrears of pay, Pensions and •ther Claims, due sosdiers and other persons from tikoGorernment of the United States. The under rwed has mode arrangements with the above firm kosso uxperience and close proximity to, and daily • ettunrte with the department; as well as the ear •ulfnbwledge, acquired by them, of the decisions Z ,3 made, enables them to prosecute cffl than Attorneys at a distance, All psrsjns entitled to claims of the flueneioriptian can have them properly attended Maskbjung on me and entrusting them to my care '' HARVEY SICKLER, _ .. , Agt. for Harvy & Collins, * , Tuakhnanoek.Pn. MANHOOD. Third Edition, Fifty Thousand, 96 pasg cloth covers, By ROBT. E, BELL, M. D., Member of the Itoyal College of Surgeons. London, addressed to youth, the married, and those CON 7 EM PLATING MARRIAGE. Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of TEN CENTS A careful perusal of this small book has been a BOON TO THE AFFLICTED ! J and has saved thousands from a life of misery and A N VNTI ME L Y GR A VE , It treats on the evils of Youthful Indiscretion, Self- Abuse, Seminal Weakness, Emissions. Sexual Dis eases, General Debility.Loss of Power, Nervousness, Premature Decay. Impotence, Ac. Ac , which unfit the sufferer from fulfilling the OBLIGATIONS OF MARRIAGE. and illustrate.- the means of cure by the use of IMPORTANT OTI 08. and other treatment necessary in some oases, and which Never fails to Cure and can be Relied on. They do not nauseate the stomach, or render the breath offensive, and they can be USED WITHOUT DETECTION. They do not interfere with business pui suits, and are speedy in action. NO CHANGE OF DIET IS NECESSARY. They are Warranted in aL Cases, to be effectual ia removing and curing the disease. Upwards of two thousand cases are on record that HAVE BEEN CURED by using BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, and certifi cates can be shown from many that have used them No Case of Fa lure ever Occurs. Upwards of a Hundred Physicians use them ex tensively in their private practice, and they can not effect cures without them. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS. Are the original and only genuine Specific Pill There are a host oi imitators—BEWAßE OF THEM. THEE ARE WARRANTED. They are adapted for male or female, old or young, and are the only reliable reuieJy known for the cure of all diseases arising from Y0 UTIIF UL IN DISC RETIO N. In all Sexual Diseases, as Gonorrhea, Stricture, Gleet, and in all Lrinary and Kidney complaints, THEY ACT LIKE A CHARM. Relief is experienced by taking a single box ; and from four to six boxes generally effect a cure- SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY, in boxes containing six pills, price sl. or six boxes 85 ; also in larg boxes, containing four of the small, price $3 It you need the Book or the Pills, cut out this advertisement for reference, and if you cannot pro cure them of your drugg.st, do not be imposed on by any other remedy, but enclose the money in a letter to the proprietef, DR. J. HRYAN, 80X 5079, 76 CEDAR STREET, N. Y. who will take all risk if properly directed, and will send the Pills, secured from observation, by return mail, p 'St Paid SOLD B Y DRUGGISTS GENERALL Y. DEMAa BARNES A CO., NEW YORK, Wholesale Agents. IMPORTANT TO LADIES. The Private Medical Adviser. An invaluable treatise of 64 pages, by DR. JOHN HARVEY. published for the benefit of the sex. OD receipt of TEN CENTS, it will be sent |xst paid, fa sealed envelope to all who applv , for it. It gives a concise description of all the diseaseses peculiar to females, together with means of cure, and treats of Conception, Pregnacy , Miscarriage, Sterility. Sexual Abuses, Prolapsus Uteri. Fe male Weakness, Consumption, &-c. and much othar valuable information not published in any other Work. Every lady should procure a copy without delav Three Editions, £O,OOO each, have already been published A distributed thisj-ear the moat Infallible and popular rernedv ever known for all disease- of the female sex. They have been used in m iny thousand cases with unfailing success —and inay be re'ied on in everp case for which thoy are recommended, and particularly in all cases aris ing from OBSTRUCTION, OR STOPPAGE Of NATURE, no matter from whft cause it arises. They are ef fectual in restoring to health all who are suffering from Weakness and Debility, Uterine Discharges. Nervousness, (J-i-i 4*c-, and they ACT LIKE A CHARM! in strengthening and restoring the system. Thous ands ot ladies who have suffered for years and tried various other remedies in vain, owe a renewal of their health and strength wholly to the efficacy of DR. IIAR VE T S FEMALE PILLS. They are not a new discovery but a long tried rem edy—the celebrated I)R, JOHN HARVEX, one of the most eminent physicians, prescribed them for many years in his private practice, and no phy sician was more truly popular or widely known than hsm in the treatment cf FEMALE DIFFICULTIES All who have used DR, HARVEY'S FEMALE PILLS recommend them to others. Nurses recommend them — Druggists and Dealers rcoommend them in ' preference to other medicines,beciuse of their merits No lady objects to take them for they are elegantly PREPARED BY AN EXPERIENCED CHEMIST They ar perfectly harmless on the system, may be taken at any time with perfect safety ; but dur ing the early stages of Pregnancy they should not be taken, or a miscarriage may be (he result.— They never cause any sickness, pain or distress. Each box contains sixty pills aud full directions for use. Price One Dollar. VW Cut this notice out if you desire Dr. Har vey s Pills or Rook, and if you cannot procure them of your druggists, do not take any other, for some dealers who are unprincipled icitl recomend other Female Pills, they can make a larger profit en—but enclose the money and send direct to Dr. J. BYRAN. General Agent, Bo x 5079. 16 Ceder Street, N,Y, Who will take all risk if properly directed ; and you will receive them post paid, securely sealed from observation, by ret urn mail, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. DEMAS BARNES A CO., NEW YORK, Wholesale Agents. "TO SPEAK HIS THOUGHTS IS EVERY FREEMAN'S RIGHT. "—Thomas Jefferson. TUNKHANNOCK, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1865. Shltd §torj>. T3I miif HI Mr. Peter Robinson was a bachelor, stout, rosy, and almost forty. Peter had never loved but once, and the adoration of his heart had been bestowed upon Miss Lucy Robinson; but, ala ! Peter bad failed to express his passion at the proper moment, or in other words, had not come to time; and one day his heart was lacerated by receiving an envelope of cards announcing that the de lightful Lucy was about to become Mrs. Jemmerson Crooks. It was a terrible blow to Peter, but he staggen-d up from it, and still loved the ob ject of his eai ly passion—at a distance— Mrs. Jemmerson Crooks revelled in the de lights of matrimnny, leading fashion, her husband, and Peter—at a distance—by the nose, for five years, at the end of which time, Mr. Jemmerson Crooks chose to depart for another sphere, leaving Mrs. Jemmerson alone to mourn his departure. Once more Peter's heart sprang up from dust and ashes, and looked forward to the time when the allotted period of mourning should be over, aud he could put forth the pent up agonies of five years, and ask com pensation in the hand of the fair widow.— "One year," thought Peter, "is surely enough time. I will give her one year." Month after mouth rolled away until the tenth came, and Peter was determined to wait no longer. A sickish misgiving of the evils of delay drove him to precipitate the askmg lie sought the widow in her home, and with all the ardor of a pent up love poured forth his tale. The widow heard h ; m —heard him calmly unto the very last word, and then, with her delicately perfum ed handkerchief pressed to her blushing cheeks by the whitest of hands, told Peter that he was ala ! just one week too late ; that she had only the week before promised her hand to Dr. Stickleback who had so faithfully attended her dear Jcmtnerson in his last hour ; and oh, why