North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, May 03, 1865, Image 1
BAHVEY SlCKLEH,Proprietor.] NEW SERIES, AweeklyDamocratl J" terms—l cop*- 1 year, (In advance) $2.00. set pain within six months, 52.50 will be charged NO paper will be DISCONTINUFD, until all a res rages are paid; unless at the option of publisher. ADVERTISING. 10 lines orl , "T" \ , t less, make three ; four ! two Ithree f six one one square year 1 Square l,odj 1,25; 2,25? 2,8?; 3,005 5 q 2 do. 2,00! 2,50! 3.255 3.50; 4,50', gO 1 do. 3,00! 375 * 4.75 ; 5,50! 7,00 9 'o ♦ Column. 4,00 4.50| 6,50! 8,00; 10,00; 150 i do. 6,00 9 50; 10,00; 12,00; 17,00 250 * de. 9.00 7,0! 14.00, 18,00; 25,00 350 1 do. 10,00! 12,00! 17,00* 22,00 28,00' 4(^o EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS and AUDI TOR'S NOTICES, of tho usual length, 82,50 OBITUARIES,-exceeding ten lines, each ; RELI 610U3 and LITERARY NOTICES, not of genera interest, one half tne aegular retes. Business Cards of one square, with paper, $5. JOB WOFLK: ®f *ll kinds neatly executed, and at prices to suit the times. All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and JOB - ....WORK must be paid for, when ordered. fimnws: ftoliffs. WM. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Of fice in Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk haanoek, Pa. GEO. S. TUTTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tunkhonnoek, Pa. Office in Stark's Brick leek, Ttoga street HI. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON • Newton Centre, Lurerne County Pa. R.R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office on Tioga street, TunkhannockPa. I>H. .T. C. BKCKKII . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Weald respectfully announce to the citiicnsof Wy miag, that he has located at Tunkhannock where he will promptly attend to all calls in the line of his profession. 14T Will be found at home on Saturdays of eash week WALL'S HOTEL" DATE AMERICAN HOUSE/ TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA. establishment has recently been refitted an furnished in the latest style Every attention will lie given to the comfort and convenience of those who patronize the House. T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor . Tunkhanneck. September 11, IS6I. &{if Butlilfc §)mtsf, IJAIUtISBURO, PENNA. The undersigned having lately purchased the " BUEHLER HOISE " property, has already com menced such alterations and improvements as will reader this old and popular House equal, if not supe rior, to any Hotel in the City of Ilarrisburg. k continuance of Ihe public patronage is refoect fally •elicited. GEO. J. BOLTON NORTH BRANCH HOTEL, MESIIOPPEN, WYOMING COUNTY, PA Wm. H. CORTRIGHT, Prop'r HAVING resumed tho proprietorship of the above Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to Madsr the house an agreeable place ot sojourn for •tl who may favor it with their custom. Win. H. CCRTRIIIHT. Jane, 3rd, 1663 Ijotfl, TOWAKTDA, PA. D. B. BART LET, (Lata o! the Bbrai*ard House, Elmira, N. Y. PROPRIETOR. Tho MEANS HOTEL, i- one of the LARGEST aad BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country —lt • k fitted p in the most modern and improved style, •ad ao pains are spared to make it a pleasant and •grooablo stopping-place for all, f "v 1,b21, ly. M. GILMAN, DENTIST, OILMAN, has permanently located in Tunk pTAe hanncck Borough, and respectfully tenders his •refbsoioaal services to tho citizens of this place and arisanlian country. ALL WORK WARRANTED, TO GIVE SATIS f ACTION. over Tutton's Law Office, near the Pos - Dec . 11, 1861. lifTllli CVUM A&n&Y NDUCTED BY HARVY AND COLLINS, , ' WASHINGTON, D, C- I* ardor to faciliate the prompt ad awmewt of Bounty, arrears of pay, Pensions and Claims, duo sosdiers and other persona from , ■hoGovarnment a' tho United States. The under hoe mode arrangements with the above firm wMfid axportonne and close proximity to, and daily •If**""* tha department; as well as tho ear rakaowledgOj, acquired by them, of the decisions *£2BB?* ®ade, enables thorn to prosecute .* . * ™O'Rtlj than Attorneys at a distance. All person* entitled to claims of the -nMeenptioa can have them properly attenled ae and entrusting them to my care .TV-- --j—. r HARVEY BICKLER, n ***• f r Harry A Collins, r innw'wk P* • • . . t 'J ' :-r* * ■ . -k., i S V-. ~*- - . . -.S> MANHOOD. Third Edition, Fifty Thousand, 96 pssg cloth covers, By ROBT. E, BELL, M. D., Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, addressed to youth, the married, and those CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE. Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of TEN CENTS A careful perusal of this small book has been a BOON TO THE AFFLICTED ! ! and has saved thousands from a life of misery and AN UNTIMELY GRAVE, It treats on the evils of Youthful Indiscretion, Self- Abnse, Seminal Weakness, Emissions. Dis eases, General Debility.Loss of Pover,Nervousness, Premature Decay, Impotence, Ac.. Ac , which unfit the sufferer from fulfilling the OBLIGATIONS OF MARRIAGE. and illustrate.- the means of cure by the use of IMPORTANT NOTICE and other treatment necessary in some cases, and which Never fails to Cure and can be Relied on. They do not nauseate the stomach, or render the breath offe isive, and they can be USED WITHOUT DETECTION. They do not interfere with business pui suits, and are speedy in action. NO CHANGE OF DIET IS NECESSARY. They (ire Warranted in al Cases, to be effectual ia removing and curing the disease. Upwards of two thousand cases are on record that HAVE BEEN CURED by using BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, and certifi cates can be shown from many that have usod them !No Case of Fa lure ever Occurs. Lpwards of a Hundred. Physicians use them ex tensively in their private practice, and they can not effect cures without them. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS. Are the original and only genuine Specific Pill There arc a host 01 imitators—BEWAßE OF THEM. THESE ARE WARRANTED. They are adapted for male or female, old or young, and are the only reliable remedy known for the cure of all diseases arising from YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION. In all Sexual Diseases, as Gonorrhea, Stricture, Gleet, and in all Urinary and Kidney complaints, THEY ACT LIKE A CHARM. Relief is experienced by taking a single box ; and from four to six boxes generally effect a cure- SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY, in boxes containing six pills, price SI. or six boxes 85 ; also in larg boxes, containing four of the small, price S3 It you need the Book or the Pills, cut out this , iid.eriisement for reference, and if you cannot pro [ euro them of your druggist, do not he imposed on by any otner remedy, but enclose the money in a letter to the proprietor, DR. J. BUY AX, BOX 5079, 7b CEDAR STREET, X. Y. who will take all risk if properly directed, and will send the Pills,secured from observation, by return mail, p >st Paid. SOLI) BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. DEMAS BARNES A CO., NEW YORK, Wholesale Agent*. IMPORTANT TO LADIES. The Private Medical Adviser. An invaluable treatise of 64 pages, by DR. JOHN HARVEY published for the benefit of the sex. On receipt of TEN will be sent post paid, l' a sealed envelope to all who apply for it. It gives a concise description of all the diseaseses peculiar to females, together with means of cure, and treats of Conception, Pregnacy , Miscarriage, Sterility. Sexual Abuses, Prolapsus Uteri, Fe male WeaA-nes®, Consumption, 4-c. and much ofhar valuable information not published iu any other work. Every lady should procure a copy without delay. Three Editions, 50,000 each, have already beeu published A distributed this year the most Infallible and popular remedv ever known for all disease- of the female sex. They have been used in m ny thousand cases with unfailing success —and may be relied on in everp case for which they are recommended, and particularly in all cases aris ing from OBSTRUCTION, OR STOPPAGE Of NATURE, no matter from what cause it arises. They are ef fectual in restoring to health all who are suffering from Weakness and Debility, Uterine Discharges. Nervousness, 4" 4*c-, and they ACT LIKE A CHA R M! in strengthening and restoring the system. Thous ands ol ladies who have suffered for years and tried vari >us other remedies in vain, owe a renewal of their health and strength wholly to the efficacy of DR IIAR VE T S FEMALE PILLS. They are not a new discovery but long tried rem edy—the celebrated DR, JOHN HARVEX, one of the most eminent physicians, prescribed them for many years in his private practice, and no ptay si ian was more truly popular or wilely known than hstn in the treatment cf FEMALE DIFFICULTIES All who have used DR, HARVEY'S FEMALE PILLS recommend them to others. Nurses recommend them Druggists and Dealers recommend thein in preference to other medicines,because of their merits No lady objects to take tbem for they are elegantly PREPARED BY AN EXPERIENCED CHEMRST They ar perfectly harmless on the system, may be taken at any time with perfect safety ; but dur ing the early stages of Pregnancy they should not be taken, or a miscarriage may be the result. — Tbey never cause any sickness, pain or distress. Each box,contains sixty pills and full directions for use. Price One Dollar. Cut this notice out if you desire Dr. Har- \ vey's Pills or Book, and if you cannot procure them of your druggists, do not take any other, for some dealers who are unprincipled will rtcomend other Female Pills, they can make a larger profit on—but enclose the money and tend direct to Dr. J. BYRAN. General Agent, Bo x 5079 . T6 Ceder Street, N,Y, Who will take si! risk If properly directed ; and you will receive them post paid, securely sealed from observation, by ret arn mail, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. DEMAS BARNES A CO., NEW YORK, Wholesale Agents, ~via*y>l I "TO SPEAK HIS THOUGHTS IS EVERY FREEMAN'S RIGHT. "—Thomas Jefferson. TUNKHANNOCK, PA., WED.NESDAY, MAY 3, 1865. Jjotfs Cornet From the Luzerno Union. IN THE TWILIGHT; BT STELLA, OF LACKAWARNA. My dead io the Summer gleaming, I walked and wept in the darkened room, And knew full well that the garden roses Would never again unfold their bloom ; Or the warm-eyed sun, with emblazoned fingers, Dash pa!e gold o'er a world gloom, Slowly I bent in that mournful twilight, Over the form so dear to me— Till my heart went out in its wild, wild sufferings, Aod lett me a pitiful thing to see, — With a broken life and a ceaseless longing, With my own brave, beautiful doad to be. That was all in a long gone twilight And oft, since then, has tho tremulous bloom Of Summers, more than my heart remembers, Tossed white leaves in that very room, Till scarce remembered the olden Heart-ache. And death, and that desolate night of gloom, So I am thinking and thinking , ver, If, when they hide me from loving sight, With warm caresses the sun will linger, And clambering rose s blossom white T And all fein things in the world aboie me Still disport in the golden light ? And sadness falls with the dews of twilight, And over my spirit holds its reign— Till the life within me forever troubleth With vague unrest and a dull, pain. For 1 know but a moment the crowd will miss me, And then go jostling its way again. PROFESSOR HALLSTEAD'S GIRL, A contrary arid croichery old chap was Joel Shellenbarger, • rich old farmer, as mulish as the donkey in hie barn. He had made his way in the world by the doggedest •bstinacy, seizing hold of whatever came in his way, and retaining that hold as though life de|>ended it. Joel's mulishness had lit erally been the tnakiug of him, though you might not have considered the littls pot bel lied, thick skulled old man at much of • make after all. Jot I had one son—• handsome, clear headed, active young—tall, straight, as a young larch, and as set in his way, when he chose to Lave one, at old Joel himself.— This son, as he grew up had proved a great assistance to his father in working the farm and hi. services had been made most of, the old man managing to keep him home with him sometime after he ought to have been doing for himself. Not an acre of hi* father's nosseaiuns were evor called the eon'a ; be owned nothing in the world save a horse, which some sics'y neighbor had given him when it was a sickly colt, and some sheep obtained in much the same manner ; and tha old man grudged him the keeping of ihoae. Joel Sballenbarger and bis Anson differed often, but there were two points in which the diflerence amounted to aomething serious. The first point concerned education, for which the old man had the most profound contempt, and the son had not. There was a college some dozen miles from the Shel lenbarger farm, and thither, having thor oughly prepared himself, in spite of fatherly thwarting and oppotition, Anson betook himself, in spite of the same continued oppo sition. and by one contrivance awd another, and helped out by his mother's small mark eting, kept himself there until he graduated. Joel Shallenbarger contested the ground inch by inch, but was afraid, in his selfish ness, to do anything more than he obstinate lest his son should leave him. That was the first point of difference, and that was how Auson settled it. The second was not likely to be of so easy an arrangement. Al college Anson had found something beside graduating honors. He bad chanced upon a very charming combination of curls and azure eyes—a red lipped dimpia-cheeked fairy, daughter of one of the professors, who instead of curling her dainty lip at tha home spun suit which his poverty and his father's mggardnese compelled him to wear, never seamed to be conscious of anything or any body else when he was by. In short. Auson had found some one to love—somebody that be waoted to marry— as he gravely informed his father. You ahould have seen the old man's eyes —it was a mercy that they wero fast in their sockets. ILre was gratitude I That Anson having already defrauded bia old father of so much of his time, was going now to set the seal upon his absurdity and disobedience by marrying a "town girl 1" Bad enough to marry any, seeing nis father wasn't through with him yef— but a town girl! He should never conseut, and every Shellenbarger acre should ge to strangers before Anscn should have one, if ha persisted io an idea so ridicu lous J" . "And pray what harm ia there in being a town girl ?" questioned Barbie Habtead I when Anson told her, half-laughing, half vexed, and altogether rueful.—for, without MeiiUooe from bis father, he could sot msr- ry Barbie for a long time yet. Anson laughed again, but with 60ino em barrassment, saying. "My lather is afraid that a daughter of Professor Hal Ulead would would uot make a very good farmer's wife.'' "Does he think—?" Barbie hesitated, lookmg with smiling perplexity at her little white nands, "that these pretty hands don't know much about brewing and baking,'' etc ?" "Exactly ; I believe he thinks that." "Then he thinks wrong," said Barbie, red dvning, and looking up at her lover with a comical little pout. "Did I not hear you aay you needed a servant at home ! I've a mind to go djwn and offer for ;he place." Anson laughed again enjoyingly. "We need one badly enough, but iny la ther will not suffer one inside of the house." "Why, how do you live then ? Who cooks for you, now that your mother is un well ?" "We do our own cooking." Anson ►aid with a return of ihe half smiling, half-em barrassed expression. We cook for our selves or do without."* The very day succeeding the one (hat wit nessed this conversation. Anson was at home busying himself over some culinary opera tions, when the outside door, which stood ajar, was noiselessly pushed wide open, and a singularly attired form presented itself ot* the threshold It wore a red and irreen plaid dress, the checks very large, a yellow shawl, and a very frowzy and tumbled white bonnet- A red feather, neaily as long as Anson's arm, streamed from one side, and a very frowzy and tumbled white bonnet.— A red feather, nuarly as long as Anson's arm, streamed from one side, and wuhiti the brim flopped the immense frill of a cap which clung close around the face of ihe stranger.— The face—what could be seen of it, was a very curieus one to be inside of such a bon net and cap. Just now, as she surveyed the kitchen and Auson—herself still unseen— the muscles about her mouth twitched ner vously, and her eyea twinkled with roguish brightness. Presently Anson looked that way. Instantly the face took a lugubrious length anJ, coming into the room, the girl said, in sinuatingly, but without looking at him "An' ye would alther hirin' a servant the day ?" and stood fidgetting with the fringe of her shawl. "I believe no'," sa'd Anson, coloring, with some annoyance, perhaps at the nature ol his employment. "Shure, sir, an'the lady that sintme Lord bless her swale eyes I—said you'd be shure to take me on her recommendation, which I has iu my pocket—and here 'tis now." She gave him a little note.whieh proved lo be from Barbie Halstead Anson read it With very-like carefulness, but shook his bead. "I am very sorry, my good girl, but we do not wish to hire a servant." "Be like your father mayn't object whin he sees me," th girl persisted. Anson looked at the soiled white bonnet and the red feather, and repressed usnnle, wondering what his father would say. But ha was of too kindly a. nature to be willing to expose even this servant to bis father's rough manner. lie repeated what he had said before, assuring htr that it would be of no use to sec his father. The girl stood a moment. "If ye plase. *ur, I'll just see him a moment, Belike lie may lake a likiu' to the look of me." And before he could reply she had crossed the room, and stood upon the threshold of the next. Anson followed presently, curious to see what sort of a reception she wuuld get. "Shure an' I'll d® plinty more 'ban I'm worth to yees," she was saying with innor ceni emphasis, as Anson entereJ. She talked rapidly, pouring out such a torrent of words that the old man could not by any possibility slip, one in among them, and sat regarding her with an expression of the most ludicrous astonishment. Thia remarkable volubility completely baffled the old man's slowness. lie csuld not say a word if ho wished to, and when she concluded at last by saying, "I csu make flapjacks and coru bri ad that 'ud bring the very out iv yer head and make ye swally yer tongue with delighteoineness, (if he had a weakness it was for flapjacks and corn bread. He could only twirl his thumbs in aso r t of delicious awe, and ask her with a cunning smile how much she ex pected to get for doing all these things. "Seventy five cents a week," was the prompt reply. With a still more cunning laugh Jon) of fered her half the money. Greatly to hit amazement she agreed at once, and he found himself, to use bit own expression, "in for it." To and to bis chagrin, Anson stood by laughing with intense enjoyment. But the girl, without further ado, proceeded to dis in cumber herself of bonnet and shawl, and van ished iu the direct ion of the rickety old kitch eu before any thing could be said. A* she shut the door she stole a glance at Anson that tnade him start and bite bis lips, and presently be stole jutchif(werd elso, , 1 >i ' ' * - | She was already at work, handling the broom like an adept, and grumbling in her rich Irish brogue at th§ dust hat had accumu lated in the corners ; for the extent of An son's and his lather's sweepings had been to brush the centre ot the room, somewhat to the disadvantage of the rest, She did not look up as Anson entered : but Ire sat down and delibejately but furtively watched her, For some time she seemed un conscious of his scrutiny ; hut presently she 1 urued, and crossing both little hands upon the top of the broom handle, said, with a mixture of bravado and archness too natural to be mistaken : "Weil, Anson, what do you think ?" The young man laughed and looked annoy ed in the same breath. "Then it is you, Barbie ?" he said. "I was suspecting something of the sort" "Not till I looked at you," said the girl roguishly, retreating as he approached. "Do you think this is quite the thing' Bar h.e ?" "Shure, an' why an't it the thing for a poor girl lo be getun' her livin' dacently and honestly ?" And that was all he could get out of her. Having acknowledged her identity with Barbie for an instant, she was the most un approachable "Biddy " the next, and would have nolhu.g to say to him save in that char aCter. "Does your father know of this, Barbie ? What would he say ?" persevered Anson, anxiously. "Shure, an' it's not me own fader would be intcrferin wtd tne,.would he ?" said Biddj . 111 vain were all remonstrances with the roguish and wilful girl. She persisted in be ing Biddy even to him,and maintained a dis tance between them very different from that between him and Barbie in her own proper self. Annoyed, provoked, chagrined, almost angry, the advent of his father forced him to retire from the kitchen, for fear of betraying Birbte, which he would not have dona fur a great deal. It w is several hours before he could return to the house, his father having joined him, and upon one pretext and another detained him. When at last they enteied together, kitchen, and sitting mom, both of which had been in a most untidy state when they left there, had under gone 6uch a remarkably renovating process that old Joel drew back al first, thinking he, had set foot in somebody else's house instead of his own. Supper was smoking on the table—such a suppet as old Joel, at least had not been seen fur months To crown all Mrs. Shellenbarger was sitting propped with pillows, in a great easy chair, and looking wondrously contented, and with reason- -the poor lady had not a woman's hand about her before, since her illness. They lived in such an isolated, inhospitable manner, that very few of their neighbors even knew hat Mrs. Shel lenbarger was not as well as usual. Biddy as she called herself, had tidied the poor lady up iu a wonderful man ner. J. el Sliel'enbarger sat down to the daintily spread table, and made a most hearty ana keenly relished meal, glancing askance al Biddy meanwhile. Anson, strange to say, ate very little, and he watched Biddy askance too. This was only the beginning of the reform thi*daring yirl instituted. First, however, as much for her own peace of mind as Anson's knowing that mother and son were fa6t Iriends and always of one opinion—she told her secret to Mrs. Shellenbarger, and fairly wheedled her into approval. It is true that that she shook her head at first, and looked wondrously shocked. But it was so charming to have those littie soft hands fluttering about her, and see such brightness and com fort soring up around, that she could not, for her own ake, help countenancing as much as silence could, Bn'dj's mysterious presence. I havn't time to give you all the particulars, bul having made a good beginning with a true Irish facility. Biddy established herself in a vei v short time completely in the good graces of the old man. lie had a lurking liking for neatuess and order, and Mrs. Shellenbarger wasn.t a very tidy housekeeper. Under the new reign, order grew out of chaos; the house seemed in holiday garb all tha time, and an atmosphere of social cheerfulness per vaded everything. One morning—Biddy had said something about leaving (tie day before—the old man ended a grumbling complaint of Anson with " I never seen any good come of eddication yet. If it hadn't a been for that college busi ness you uught have taken a liking to a sensible girl and she to you." He glanced ot Biddy as he spoke, She turned scarlet, and came near dropping the dish she was holding. It was not the fiist tune Anson had heard such insinuations, and ho raiher enjoyed Bid dy's trepidation. " See here, father." he said roughishly,just you pick me out a wife, and see what will come of it " ''The only girl worth having, wouldn't you I dare say— would you, Biddy?" Joel said grumblingly, bat suddenly, turning then to the gir!. Ansoo was smiling maliciously, Bridget O'Flynn had kept. Ibrbie's lover at a most tantalizing aud unrelenting distance ail this time. Making detporatc effort, Biddy nl- TERMS S 2.00 PER. ANND AC Jied her contused SPDse to say, with consider able self possesion; '• Shure, r, an't meself that'll not be after havin' any man till I'm asked." " Biddy, will you inarry me?" said Anson, gravely, extending his hand. " I will that now," said Biddy, promptly putting her hand in his. Old Joel came near choking with amaze* meot. It was too late to recede, however, even had he wished to, as they soon made him understand. lie went our of dooti presently, and privately pinched himself to ascertain if he were in his senses or not.— Seeing the two standing in close conversation by the window soon after, he crept with the same laudable intention toward them, under cover of the bushes that grew by the side of the house. ''Now, Barbie," Anson was 6aying, laugh - ingly, "what is to done next. I must say you've managed wonderfully so far, but what do you suppose he'll say when he knows you are not Biddy at all ? "Not Biddy at all ?" screamed Joel Shel lenbarger, struck with a sudden suspicion of he knew not what, as he started out of cov- ert. ~ . There stood Biddy, the white Irill of her close cap as immense as ever. She. laughed, though when she saw him, and deliberately taking off her cay, shook her bright curls all about her face, and reaching towards him her little hand, said archly, "Shure, sir, an' ye won't be afther hatin' a poor girl because her name's Barbie llalstcad instead of Biddy O'Flynn !" "You—you Professor Ilalslead'a girl 1" ' "Professor Ilallstead is my father., sir," said Barbie, in her = atural tones. "What's that!" Barbie repeated it. "And ycv are not Irish ?" "Niver a bit." The old man stood a moment, clouds gath ering in his laco. / " Well," Anson," he said, rather surily, you've outwitted me again—much good may it do you. You'd better get out the horses, lie must want to see her by this time." "Yes, sir." And Anson colored with min gled anger and amazement. Barbie did not change countenance, how ever, Extending that pretty band of hers again, she said sweetly, "You'il shake hands with me sir ?" i Joel Shellcnbarger turned back and gave his band awkwardly, The girl took it in both her hands, bending her bright arch face towards him and saying, ''l shall come back some time sir. Will you be glad to see me Joel hemmed and hawed, and stammered out at last, "Yet, yes ; come back Biddy—l mean Miss O'Flynn—l mean mist—" "Barbie," suggested the girl, quietly.. "Yes come back ; and the sooner the bet ter . There, Anson, make the most o'nt." Barbie did come back, in a very few weeks too, and nobody was gladder to see her than old Joel, though he was a little shy at first of Profeosor Hallstead's girl. She soon made him forget, however, anything save fcb&t she was Anson's wife ; and the way he humored the sly puss with sundry grants of money, refurnishing and repairs, Ac.. I couldn't be gin to tell you. But I'd like you to6eethe Shellenbarger place s:nee Barbie has gone there to live. A PIT ABLK SlGHT.—Yesterday afternoon when the cars arrived at Portsmouth from Suffdk the attention of the bystauders was drawn to a squad of poverty stricken refuges from North Carolina, among tvhom was a la ther bearing in his arms the helpless form 01 a grown son, who from some circumstan* ces, was a helpless cripple asd a confirmed : diot. But this was not all of the distress ing picture ; following tue father was a more athletic son bearing the foot-sore and ex hausted body of his sister, who from long walking was almost tired to death. These wanderers had no friends here to offer rest, to their weary and worn bodies, and were compelled to take the only refuge the au thorities could offer, that of the city jail— Driven by the ruth leas monster rebellion to this extremity, away from the spot they lov ed best on earth and the sod beneath which they hoped to rest, no friendly grasp of wel c ime, hencefoFtb the recipients of * public charity ; what must be their feeling#!— Norfolk Dominion. The Tutch have a good proverb thefts never enrich, alms never impoverish prayers hinder no work. To make known our failings is to furnish others with weapons that they ujay be used against us. If you would borrow anything a second time, use well the first and return it speed ily. • . You wilt not find a deep fox. in a shallow burrow. •• FIRST OIL DISCOVERY* —It is related of Jonah when be took np quarters in the whale's belly, be wrote to his father to cotfca down immediately, as he had discovered a spfeodid opening in the ovl business. The next day he telegraphed the old gentlemao as follows : "F&'her, don't como. I'm badly eucked in. Plenty of oil, but no market This it the first of fßh-al account that p-ofaoe hiitoriank gi .-e us of the oil business. VOL. 4 NO. 38