IflKtclbltCOUS. ol CJC The latest way to pop the question U to aak the fair lady to grant you the pleas ure of seeing her to the minister's. car At an eveuing party a gentleman caiving a chicken asked a lady what part she preferred. "I will takes foo'-handle," she said. EST The door between us and the joy of heaven cannot be opened, if that between us and our fellow men shut. The noblest question in the world is —what good can I do it ? C3T Poor men plant and gather the corn and RICH ones drink the whiskey. J-JR. EL,LACK.AW,R.R. Running Time of Passenger Trains, Aun 2d. 186*. ~ I SOUTHWARD Aceom- Passen I R |is - sen- Accoin- I moda- ger. I g°*- oda - I lion. j t"> B - j P. M. P. M. lA. M. P. M, | STATIONS 200 6,40 Great Bend 7".40~"2^20" 1,35 6,21 New Milford 7,59 2,45 1,00 6,00 Montrose 8,20 3.15 12,25 5,38 Hophottom 8,43 3,50 11,50 5,16 Nicholson 9,00 4.25 11,20 4.56 Factory viltc 9,24 5.15 10 55 4,40 Abington 9.40 5'40 10,40 4,32 Clark's Summit 9,48 6,00 10,10 4.10 SCRANTON 10,20 6,30 A. M 3,42 Greenville 10,40 P M rt 3,29 Dunning 10,52 IT? 3,17 Moscow 11,02 -...^ >••• 2,54 Gouldsboro 11,26 ••••_ ps 2,40 Tobyhanaa 11.40 ••••£3 < 2,20 Forks 11;50 > 202 Oakland 12,17 •••• ® □ 1,46 Henryville 12,33 •••• - •• •• 1,35 Sprugueville 12.43 <; 1,24 Stroudsburg 12,54 • • S3 .... 1,03 Water Gap 1,08 •••• j 35 •••• 12,47 Mount Bethel 1,24 ••••> V..*.- 12,35 Delaware 150 ....JU •••• 12,10 *Manunka Chunk-. 1.55 ....^ .••• 12,02 Bridgeville 2,'4 -••• 11,51 Oxford 2,15 ••••!§ .... 11.38 Washington 2,28 • ••• .... 11,20 New Hampton 2,45 • ••• .... A- M. 'Change for Phil... PM. •••• Passenger Ti ain Northward Leaves New Hampton on the orrival of the Mai Train whi<-h leaves NEW YORK at 8.10 A. M., and MANUNKA CHUNK on the arrival of the Train which leaves PHILADELPHIA. (Kensington De pot) at 7-15 A. M.. At SCRANTON this Train makes close connections with trains on the LACK* AWANNAA BTOOMSBURG and DELAWARE A HUDSON Railroads, and at Great Bend with the Mail Train on the Erie Railway going West. Tne Passenger Train Southward Leaves Great Bend alter the arrival of the Cindr- Express troin the West, connecting at Scrank with Trains on the Luekawann* and Bloorasbu and Delaware and Huds >n Railroads ; at Hanun Cnunk with tbe train for Philadelphia, and s New Hampton with Trains for JVew Y'ork, the L high Valley, Harrisburg, Ac. Passengers by th Train arrive in New York at 5.50, in Philadelpei a t 6,30, and in Harrisburg at 8 20 P. M. The Accommodation Train Northward, connects at Great Bend with the Day Express going West, by which passengers arrive a Ithaca and Syracuse the same day. Southward, leaves Great Bend after the arrival o the New Y'oik Express going East. All Passenger Trains on the Erie F.ailway stop at Great Bend. W ATTS COOKE, Supt. R A. HENRY*, Gen. Tkt. Agect. A LA MOD E. THE LATEST FROM NEYV YORK. MRS. A. G. STARK, TAKES PLEASURE IN again informing her friends, and the ladies gen . that she has received, and is still receiving rail ye and weil selected assortment ol FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting of H ATS. BONN ETS. It 1 ON'S FLOSSES, FEA I'HEKS, LACES, HEAD* I>KESSES, and, in short all art 1 s usually found in a MILLINERY STORE. She solicits a call from all requiring GOODS in her line, before purchasing elsewhere. Mrs Stark can be found at the house formerly occupied by Hen ry Stark in the borough of Tunkhannock, ready anil willing to serve all who may favor her with a call. MANTUA-MAKING. We have secured the services of an experienced DTIESSS-IVIiLKEII, and at all times will bs prepared to Fit and Make Dresses in the latest and most approved manner.— Soliciting your calls before purchasing elsewhere, we remain Yours, Resj ectfully. MRS. A G STARK. April P&SSBYS & —o —o — THE SUBSCRIBER HAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL operation, for several years, a AT TOWAWDAv where all of the most approved and rare kinds of FRUIT dr ORNAMENTAL TREES, Can be obtained. * Being conv.nc-1 from experience that his Trees and Plants will jive far better satisfaction to the Fruit-growers o Wyoming County than any grown in other localities, he confidently solicitstheir patron age. He will make annual visits either in person or by his agents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co , and asks only that his specimens may be examined and his method of dealing be tested. Al! orders by letter or otherwise, for Trees, vines or r nts will be promptly attended to. no3I-ly D lIARKINS. EYE AND EAR INFIMARY. On the Square, Three Doors from Steele's Hotel,) WILK P SBARRE, PA. THIS INSTITUTION is now opened and fur nished in the most costly style. Reception, Private and Oper ting Rooms are large, convenient tnd well adopted The Su gieal apartment contains ihe finest collection of instruments in the country, and thus his faculties will enable him to meet any and all emergencies in practice. He will operate apon all the various forms of BLINDNESS. Cata ract, Oceluon of the Pupil, Cross Ey . s Closure of the Tear Ducta, Inversion of the Eyelids Pterygium tc. Ac. And wiil treat all forms of Sor s, Eye 3ranuld Lids. Ojwiceties of the Cornea, and Scrof llous diseases of the Eye together with all the dis jases to which the Eye is subject. DEAFNESS- Will treat all the diseases comnfbn to the organ Discharges from the Ear, Noises in the Ear, Catarrh, difficulty ot hearing, total Deaf ness even whore the Drum is destroyed. Will in lert an artificial one answering nearly all the pur poses of the natural. DTSEASES OF THE THROAT.-All diseases iomraon to the Throat and Noe will be treated GENERAL SI RGERY. —He will operate upon Clubfeet, Hair Lip, Cleft Pallate, Tumors, Cancers, Enlarged Tencils, Ac. Plastic operations by hoal iDg new flesh into deformed parts and general Sur gery of" whatever charac or it may present. HERNIA (or RUPEURE) —He will perfrom "La bias operation for the radical (compb te) cure of | Hernia, this is unquestionably a perfect cure, and Ii done with little or no pain. Out of many hun : dred operated upon in Boston there has b*en no i failures, it having met the perfect approbation of j all who have submitted to it. . AIiriFICIAL EYES —Mill insert artificial Eyes 8j v 'i"g 'hem the motion ana expresion of the natur ; " '.J®®! are inserted with the least pain, HEDORRUOLDL, (Pies) -This troublesome dis ease is readily cured, Those suffering from it will [ do well to call. I p r . l PR® visits Wilkos-Barre with a view of building up a p rmanent Institute for the treat - I ment of the Eye, Ear and General Surgery The | experience of more than a quarter of a century in Hospital and general practice, he hopes, will be a ffi •icntguara ntce to those who may be disioaed lW htm. * I oyuai 9864. ! MSISMSWIIIfi. I Our LETTER A. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE s fast gaining; a world-wide reputation. It ia be yond doubt the be3t and cheapest and most beautiful of all Fa mil 7 Sewing Machines yet offered to the public. No other Family Sewing Machino has so many useful appliances for llommlng, Binding, Fell ing, Tucking, Gathering, Guaging, Bi aiding, Eru broidering, Cording, and so forth. No other Family I Sewing Machine has so much capacity for a great | variety of work It will sew all kinds of cloth, ! and with all kinds of thread. Great and recent im -1 proveinents make our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most certain in ac j tion at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked ; stitch, which is the best stitch known. Any one, ev | en of the most ordinary capacity, can see, at a glance, how to use the letter A. Family Sewing Machine.— : Our Family Sewing Machines are finished in chaste j and exquisite style The Folding Case of the Family Machine is a piece of cunning workmanship of the most useful kind. It protects the machire when not in use, and ; when about to be operated may be opened as a spa j cious and substantial table to sustain the work.— j While some of the Caes, made out of the choicest ! woods, are finished in the simplest and chastest rnan j ncr possible, others are adorned and euibelished in j the most costly anu superb manners. It is absolutely necessary to see the Family Ma j chine in operation, so as to judge of its great capaci ; ty and beauty. | It is fast bee ming as popular for family sewing | as our manufacturing machiues are for manufaetur -1 ing purposes The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk, j twist, thread, needles, oil, Ac., of the very best qual ity. Send for a PAMPHLET. TIIE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 459 Broadway, New York. Office, Hl() Chestnut St. STJJSir i Asts in Tukii"n°ock -1 sawl gamis siß —AND— Tin Siiop. THE subscriber has just received at his shop, over liaukiuscn's Store, in MESHOPPEN PA., and will constantly keep on hand all the latest IMPROVED COOKING STOVES Among which are the " CALORIC," MINER and "UNION" patterns, with PARLOR STOVES and j Heaters of every description, which he offers for Ready Pay at prices that will defy competition His stoves are bought directly of the Manufactur ers at ALBANY, WILKI.SBARRE. PROVIDENCE and SCRAN TON. He is therefore enabled to sell hem at a small advance on the original cost TIPJ, SHEET-IRON, —AND- Copper Ware. all kinds on hand and made to order Also PIP, WACON ROXS, AND SLEIGH SHOES FOR SAGE. The popular Cookin t Stove, Forest Q. ae en, Elevated "oven) is now for the first, offered at S2O for 8 inch, $25 for 9 'neb, REPAIRS AND JOBBING neatly and promptly done. HENRY STANSBURY. Meshoppen, Dec 17th, 1862—v2n191y. HA R D WARE & IRON HUNT BRO'S & BLAIR • NOW OFFER FOR SaLE IRON, STEEL, NAILS AND SPIKES, MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS, PLAIN A CONVEX 0 HORSE-SHOES. HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. ; WROUGHT IRON, ; BUILD IS' MID Will. I CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, r (ALL WARRANTED,) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, BOTTS, NUTS, WASIL ERS BELTING, PACKINQ, GRiND STONES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, lIAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD , FRENCH WINDOW p GLASS, Ac., Ac., 1 ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER 1 LEATUEER AND FINDINGS FAIiZBAK'S SCALES." ♦rr.nt.c.ij March 26, 18b3 vln33— Manhood : how lost, how restored. Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culver well's Celebrated Essay on the radic U cure j (without medicine) ot SPEIWATORBHIEA, or seminal | Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, IMPOTENCV. j Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to I Marriage, etc ; also, CONSUMPTION, EPILEPSY, and ; FITS, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extrava j gance. E V Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 emits. | The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly emonstrates from a thirty years' successful : practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured without the Wanger j ous use of internal medicine or the application of the | knife—pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every suf ferer, no matter nat his condition may be, may I cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man iu the land. I Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. 1 CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO. 12T Bowery, Bfew York, Post Office box 4.586 V4-b22 ly. THE E3ETEST NiSWS IROM EUROPE Is fully confirmatory of former reports that THE DUTCH HAVE POSSESSION OF HOL LAND. It is als, authoritatively announced that o. s. Mills has exclusive possession of the STOVE AND TIN-SHOP AT— TUIMKHANNOCK, where every thing in the line of his trade can be bad at the LOWEST LIVING PROFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at his Shop, the lat est and most improved Patterns of COOKING, AND P&E3&OH STOWES, with all the FURNITURE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Guttering in all its branches, attended to 00 short notice and on REASONABLE TERMS. R.E PAIRIN G , PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE 0. S. MILLS Tunkhanno. k, Nov 4, 1863.—v3-nl3. JUT RECEIVED, -FROM — PHILADELPHIA -AND— IXi ewY orli, A FULL AS SORT ME N' T O F DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CASSIMERS, ClotlAin.gr, Shoe ~ Hats, Jam ©oote, NOTIONS, &v.. , adapted to this Season'' which will be sold at the VERY LOWEST MA KF.T PRICE for Cash or Country Produce, at the Store of John Weil. AGAINST— FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE 1 ! ! Taken at this office, on all kinds of Town and Country property, at the MOST RHASONABI.K TERMS, and for any time from THREE MONTHS TO FIVE YEARS —either WITH or WITHOUT PREMIUM NOTES Is the company reliable 7 Will it promptly pay its honest losses 7 are the important inquiries with al' insurers. We answer : THE LYCOMING CO-INSURANCE COMPANY lIAS BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION FOR TWENTY-THREE YE ARS.-1T HAS A WELL SECURED CAPIATL OF OVER 02,400,00. IT PAYS FROM 060, TO $125,000 LOSSES A NNUALLY ALL LOSSES ARE PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID . EACH INSURER IS FURNISHED WITH AN AUTHENTICATED ANNU NUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND OPERATIONS OF THE COMPA NY THE COMPANY IS CONDUCTED ON JUST AND EQUITABLE PRINCIPLES. THE CHARTER IS PERPETUAL. References Hon. Wm. M. Piatt, Hon. A. K Peckliam, Henry Stark and Samuel Stark Esqs. of this County ; Saver A Bros, of Susquehanna, and tleorge M. Hollenbaek and others of Luzerne County, who insure in and have been paid losses by this, Company. HARVEY SICKLER, Agt. STILL IN "THE FIELD MRS. BARDWELL Announces to the Ladies of Tunkhannock and vicini ty, that she has just received a fine assortment of Fall and Winter Millinery, at her rooms opposite the Post-office, where can he found in great variety, all the LATEST STYLES, - OF- - BONNETS, HAYS, CAPS, HEAD DRESS ES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, TRIMMIN G HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS. and everything in the line of Millinery find Fane Goods, which she will sell at the lowest cash price VW REPAIRING promptly and neatly done v4nl4tf. Editor of Democrat DEAR SIR :-rWith vour permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all who wish it (free) a Recipe with full directions for making and using a simple Vega luble Balm that will effectually remove, in ten days Piimples. Blotches, Tan. Freckles, and all Impuri ties of the Skin, leaving the same soft clear, smooth and Beautiful, I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads, nr Bare Fa;es, simple directions and info - mation that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxurant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache in less than thirty. All application answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS, F. CHAPMAN.Chcmist ,( . ]. 631 i!rcad.,y, N„ V „k The Latest Style . —OF— SPRING & SUMMER Bonnets, and MILLINERY GOODS. have just been received at the establishment of LOUISA HEPBURN. on Tioga Street, opposite the Post-office, where w he found Ladies. Cbilren, Misses, and Boy's HATS, and CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, RIBBONS FLOWERS, and TRIMMINGS, and everything in | the line of Millinery, which will he sold at the lowest Cash Priees. j Repairing promptly and neatly doDe. Ladies please call and examine for themselves. Tunkhannock,Oct 3 1862.—v2n1l lywil ! | IWB W AND CHAIR I MANUFACTORY! The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture Cabinet and Chair Manufactory in Tunkhannock, next door to C. M. Koon's grocery store — where are kept on hand and manufactured to order: TABLES of all sizes, patterns, and styles. CHAIRS Cane-seat, I?lag-bottom, and common. BUREAUS ot all styles, sizes, and prices. BEDSTEADS, Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, BOOK CASES, and indeed every thing which can be found in the largest furniture establishments in the country, which he will sell at prices as low as they can be bought in any town outside of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete, both in workmanship and prices with any establishment in the country., he so licits the public patronage. _ REPAIRING of all kinds done in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.—Old cane-seat chairs, new-seated r.sd re paired. UNDERTAKING.—IIavini and having had much exper this department of the husin in a satisfactory manner. A BR AIT * ,R HAAS. July 16, 1862.—r1n4913 CROCKERY!!! A Large Stock just Opened AT T. L. ROSS GO'S., WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW SHAD ES. WINDOW SHADES. OF ALL STYLES. CLOTH SHADES WITH BORDERS. CLOTII SHADES WITH BORDERS. FIXTURES AND ROLLERS,COMPLETE FIXTURES AND ROLLERS COMPLETE EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS. ALSO A Large Stock of White Goods: SWISS MULS DOTTED SWISS MUSLIN, BRILLIANTS, JACONETS, LACES, BALMORAL SKIRTS, SPRING SKIRTS. GLOVES, REAL AL EXANDRE'S KID. And a Large Stock of YANKEE NOTIONS. IroD, Nails, White-Lead, Zinc, Linseed Oil, Glass, Putty, Door-Locks, and a genera assortment of BUI. GIRSHARDWBARE. Fish, of all kinds. Cash. Paid for all kinds of Grain. Tunkhannock, March, 9th 1864. FOR SALE. The Subscriber having permaneutly located j Harrisburg. Offers for salo, A HOUSEAND- LT situa'e in the Borough of Turikhtinnock. The House is well finished and in good repair with small Barn, out bouses, Grape-arbor, Fruit trees Ae. there on. The Lot contains one haif aeie and is pleasant ly situated on the principal street leading through the Borough Price, reasonable and terms Easy. For Particulars Apply to Harvey Sic hlcr ofunk-. bannock Pa: or address the undersigned atTHarris hnrg Feb. Ist 1866, _ GEO. J. BOLTON Information Free! TNERVUS SUFFERERS, A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility .In competency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error actuated by a desire to benefit others, will happy o furnish to all who need i (free ) the recipe and directions for mak -r ~ujpie remedy used in his case rufferers wishing to profit by the advertisers bad experience, and possess a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by ad ressing him at once at his place of business. The Receipe and full information- of vital importance-will be cheerfully sent by return mail. * Address JOHN B. OGDEN No- 60 Nassau strefit, New York ... .k'' Nervous Sufferers os both sexes will Bad this information invaluable. vi-nlSAme ' (iff HUB'S ' CELEBRATED ELASTIC STITCH SEWING-MACHINE Wore awarded the highest Premiums set all Competitors, at the f Mowing Stale and County Fairs ot 1863. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. INDIANA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all porpem. First Premium for Machine Work. VERMONT STA TE FA IR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium lor Machine Work. OHIO STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine Work. lOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Fiast Premium for Manufactu ing Machine. First Premium for Machipe Work. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all pnrpoaee . First Premium for Machine Work. KENTUCKY STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purpose** First Premium foi Machine Work. MICHIGAN STATE FAIR, First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. Eirst Premium for Machine Work. PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR First Premium for Manufacturing Machine? First Premium for Machine Work. OREGON STATE FAIR First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. CHITTENDEN Co. (Vt.)Agr'lSoc. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. ' First Premium fer Machine Work* FRANKLIN Co r Machine for all pu-poses. First Premium for Maceine Work. SAN JOAQUINCo (CaI.)FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium tor Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT (Cal ) FAIR First Premium for Family Machine. Fsist Premium for Machine Work 15/* The above comprises all the fairs at which the GRODER A RAKER MACAINES were exhibited this year. Sales-rooms, 195 Broadway, Naw York, _ 730 Chestnut St. Philadelphia TO PROFESSORS OF MUSIC AMATEURS, AND THE MUSICAL PUBLIC GENERALLY, JVA. WONDKRMANN FOREIGN A AMERICAN MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 824 BMA WAY, Having on hand the largrst-stoek of Foreign Music in New York,which he imports from Europe express ly to meet the taste and requirements of the Ameri can lovers of Music. respectfully calls attention to the fact that he is now supp ying Music ol Every Style at a Reduction of TWENTY-FIVE to FIFTY per cent, less than any other house in the United State*. Private Families can be supplied (post free ) by forwarding the cash to the above address Should.; the amount of cash be forwarded exceed the cost o the Music, the balance will be promptly returned in postage currency DF.ALKBS an ! Professors should not neglect this opportunity ; they will be liberally dealt with. N B Any an l every piece of Music (vocal or instrumental) published in Europe and America, will be supplied to order, if accompanied by the cash, Remember the Address, P. A. W UNDER MANN Foreign and American Music Warehouse, 824 Broadway, New York, FOR RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, BEI> BUGS MOTHS N FURS WOOLENS, AC,, INSECTS ON PLANT FOWLS, ANIMALS, AC, Put up in "25c. nud $1 00 Boxes. Bottles, and F'lasks. S3 and $5 sizes for HateU, and Public in stitutions, Ac. "Only infallible remedies known." ~Free from Poisons." "Not dftngbrout to the Human Family.'' "Rats come out of their h. les to die." 13^*Sold Wholesale in all large cities. by all Druggists A Retailers everywher fcjT"! •' ! BEWARE ! ! ! of 11 worthless imitatio that "COSTAR'SIO name isach Box, Bott and Flask, before you buy. Adares* HENRY'R, OOIJA, 1 Depot 462 Broadway, fi-Y - J. Lyman, qp Co., wholesale |2gf* Agent,Turkhannock, AUDITORS NOTICE, The undersigned, having been appoint*} by the Court of Common Pleas af Wyoming County, an auditor to distribute fhe money paid into Coqrt by the North B.a. h Cnnul Company, under the act of assembly of April 21st, 1858 and the supplements thereto, among the Judgment Creditors, will at tend to the duties of bis appointment, at bis office, in the Borough "t Tunkhannock. P* , on Thursday, the 6th duv of April. 1865, at one o'clock P- M., at which time and plapo, all persons interested can appearand present their elajms if they P ro l* r i or oe debarred from coming in op said fund. GEO S. TUTTON, Auditor. Tunkbanaeck March 7- 186b.