TT aiI V33Y SICEtXiBti, Proprietor.] NEW SERIES, weekly Denn ei atic _ is. paper, dtivoted to Pol vfSS&J - ics, News, the Arts f§ f and Sciences Ae. Pub- ~ ; ished every Wednes- y par, at Tunkhanuock, IJJPP|%nJpW ' Wyoming County, Pa. V tJ P BY HARVEY SICKLER, w Terms —1 copy 1 year, (in advance) *'2 00. not pain within six months. V 2. 0 will be charged £lO paper will be DISCONTINUED, unril all ar rcarages are paid; unless at the option of publisher. . ADVEIITISIISra. 10 lime? or , • > i less, make three four tiro three sir ' one square wceks\tceeks'vio'th{mo'th\mo'th fj tar ' I.Square l.Oo' 1,25; 2,23; 2,?7. 3,00 5/) 2 do. 2,001 2.s'Jj 3.25; 3 501 4.50 e.O 3 !o. 3.o')j 3 75? 4.75 5,50j 7,00. I Column. 4,U'O 4 50s 6.50< 8.00 10,00 JVC 4 do. 6 00[ 950; 10 00; 12.00 17.00; 2> 0 i do. P.uof 7.0! 14.00' IS.OO 25.00 3*,.0 1 do. 10,00! 12,00; 17,00'22.00, 29,0U> 40,') j EXECUTORS, ADMINLSTB A'iURS and AUDI TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, $2,50 OBITUARIES,-exceeding ten tin s, each : RELI GTOUS and LITERARY NOTICES, nut ot genera Interest, one half inc aegular rates. ttuaitiess Cards of one square, with paper, $5. IRON WONM of all kinds neatlj executed, and at prices to suit the times. All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and JOB WORK must be paid fir, when ordered Sitshifss Stiffs. j £> ,R. liITTI.E, ATTORNEY AT LAW, b Office on Tioga street, Tunkhannock Pa. STCOOPER. PHYSICIAN SURGEON • Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa WM. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ol fice in Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk hannick, Pa. ! CI ED S. TUTTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, J Tnnkhonnoek, Pa. Office in Stark's Brick ? located at Tunkhaiiiiovk w here he will prom-tly attend to alt calls in ttie line of bis pr Tension. ; Will be found at home on Saturdays of •ach week tilt tlUfjllfU I^OUSf. II AU li Is 1 unto . I'l'.N NA . The underrigned hiving lately pur-based the " BUKHLER HOUSE " p'ojairty, has already com nsenccd su -h alteration* mi l unproveinerits as will render this old and popular lb usc equal, if not supc jior, to any Hotel in the C.ty of if arris urg A continuance of the public patronage is refpeet fuliy so icited. GEO. J. BOLTON WALL'S HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE J TUNKHANNOCK, 3Yk OMINCi CO., PA. THIS establishment has recently been refitted an furnished in the latest style Every attention will be given to the comfort and conveu'ence ot those who patronize the House. T. B WALL, Owner anl Proprietor . Tunkhannock, September 11, 1561. NORTH BRANCH HOTEL, MESIIOPPEN, WYOMING COUNTY, PA Wm. 11. CORTKICUIT, Prop'r HAYING resumed the proprietorship of the above Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to fender the house an agreeable place ol sojourn for all who may favor it with their custom. Wm. II CCRTRIIIHT. Jane, 3rd, 1863 MfitllS Dotfl, * ; TOWA3NTDA, PA . D. B. BART LET, [Late of the BBnAtxvßn 1101-SE, ELMIHA, N Y. PROPRIETOR. The MEANS TIOTF.I., i one of tno LARGEST And BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country-It j is fitted up in the most modern and improved style, j and no pains are spared to make it a pleasant ano I agreeable stopping-place fur all, v 3, n2l, ly. M. OILMAN, DENTIST. .—---- - ' ■ ; r M OILMAN, has permanently located in Tunk • hannock Borough, and respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of this place and ' urrourtling country. -•N ALL WORK WARRANTED, TO GIVE SATI.S yfc/sy-. Qver Tutton'3 Lav? Officu, near th e Pos NDLmft OM\. IS6 £- iOTBI i I £ I f IkTBTII 6 T UN DUCTED BY v' HAKVY AND COI.UTVP WASMINGTON. D, C- In order to faeiliate th prompt mi nstment of Bounty, arrears of pay, Pensions and other Claims, due* sosdiers and other persous from tihcGcvernment ?' the United States The under gwed has mode arrangements with the abovi firm lonse experience and close proximity to, and daily n ereourse with the department; as well as the ear reknowledge, acquired by them, of the decisions ayquently being made, enables them to prosecute taims more efficiantly than Attorneys at a distance, lnpa3sibly do Alt pirsius entitle Ito claims of the •ivslettriptt >n on htvi rhup->a-rly attep le I •laobbyling on me and entrusting them to inv care HARVEY SICKLER, ww^.* 4sttMU " Ty * Co " i '"' MANHOOD. Third Edition, Fifty Th< usand, 96 pages cloth covers. By ROBT. E, 11EI L. M. D., Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, addressed to youth, the married, ami those COM EM PL A TING MA RRIAGE. Sent bv mail, post paid, on receipt of TEN CENTS A careful perusal of t'ais small book has been a BOON TO 'IIIE AFFLICTED ! ! and has saved thousands from a life of misery and A N UNT/ ME LY GR A VE , It treats on the evils i f Youthful Indiscretion, Self- Abu-e, Seminal Weakness, Emissions. Dis eases. (doner il Debility. Loss of Power, Nervousness, Premature Decay, Impotence, an 1 Kidney complaints, 1 GEY ACT LIKE A CHARM. Relief is experienced by taking a eioglc box ; and from tour to six boxes gen-rallv effect a euie- SO. D LY DR' GGI.SiS GENERALLY, in boxis containing six pills price SI. or fix boxes £5 ; also in larg boxes. i-nhim-ini; four of the small, price S3 it you need the Book or the Pills, ctlt out this • d.eitiMintnr for reference, and if you eau>-ot pro •ure then, of your, do no f" be imposed on by any other remedy, but enclose the money iu a ic-.lsr lo Hie proprieter, DR. J. BUY AS. BOX 5079, 76 CEDAR STUI-ET, N. Y. who will t-.lie i.ff risk if properly directed, and will end the Pills, secured from ob-ervation. by return mail, p st Paid. SOLD BY DRUGGIST* GEXERALLY DUMAS BARNLo A CO , New Yum:, Wbo.esale Agents. IMPORTANT TO LADIES. The Private Medical Adviser. Au InvtCuabhi Aol p-gc, by DR. JOHN HARVEY. published for the benefit of the sex. On receipt ot TEN will be sent post paid, i a sealed envelope to all who applv for it. It gives a concise description of alb the diseaseses p* c alii rto temolcs together with means of .ure, 1 1. I i re. us ol (J inception, Prevrnacy , Miscarriaire, SS'erilitij. S sunt Abuses, Prolapsus Uteri, Fe male Weakness, Consumption, \c. and ma-b "ttiar valuatile information not published in any j other work. Every lady should prceuro a copy without delay Three Editions, £O,OOO each, have already been published & distributed thisyeur. the most Infallible ar, 1 pupal ir rcrielv ever known for all disease of the fetu.le sex. They have been use tin tmnv thousand cases wiih unfailing su-cess —an t may l>e re icd on in everp case for which they are rec-onmended. aud particularly in all cag-s aris ing from OBSTRUCTION, OR STOPPAGE OF NATURE. |no matter from what cause ir arises They are ef j iectual in restoring to h-alth all wh > are suffering I from Weakness and Debility, Uterine Discharges. I Nervousness. S- -., Jfv., and they A0 T L I K R A CIIA RM ! in ®trengthening and restoring the system. Thous ands ot ladies who have suffered for years and tried vari us other remedies in vain, owe ft renewal of rhetr fioltli and strong. Ii wholly to the efficacy of DR HARVEY'S FEMALE PILLS. Ih?y are not a new discovery but t long tried rem edy—the celebrated DR, JOHN HARVEX, one of the most eminent physicians, prescribed thoin for many years in bis privite practice, and no phy si tan was more truly p.puiur or witoly known than hsin iu the treatment tf FEMALE DIFFICtLTIES All who have used DR, HARVEY'S FEMALE PII.LS recommend them to others Nurses recoui'ueud them— Druggists and Dealers rccoutmend them in preference to other medicines,bectuse of their merits No I olv objects to take tbem tor they are elegantly PREPARED BV AN EXPERIENCED CHEMIST Thcv ar perfectly harmless tin the system, may be taken at any time with perfect safety ; but dur- j in.? the early stave* of Prevnancy they should 1 nut be lalien, or a miscarriage may be the result. — They uewr cause auy suktic.-s, pain or distress. E K-h box contains sixty pills aud full directions for use. Price One Dollar. Cut this notice out if you desire Dr llar , v.y's Pitts or Hook, and if you cannot procure | them of your druggists, do no' take any other, for i some dealers vrho are unprincipled icill recomend other Female Pills, they can make a larger projit on—but enclose the money and send direct to Dr J. BYRAN. General Agent, i Box 5079. T6 Ueder Street, N,Y, i " Who will take all risk if properly dirootei ; and you will receive them post pail, securely sealed i from observation, bv ret urn mail, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. DEMAS BARNES & CO., NEW YORK, Wholesale Agents. 029-ly. "TO SPEAK HIS THOUGHTS IS EVERY FREEMAN'S RIGHT. "—Thomas Jeflerson. TUNKHANNOCK, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1865. Istfs Corner. GRAND OLD POEM. VTho shall judge a man from manners I Who shall know him bv his dress 1 Pauyers may he fit for princes. Princes fit for something less. Crumpled shirt and dirty jacket May beclotbe the golden ore Of the deepest thoughts and feelings— Satin could do no more. There are springs of crystal neetar Eyer welling out of stone j There are purple buds aod golden, Hidden, crashod and overgrown ; God who counts by soul-, not dresses, Loves and prospers you and me, tVbile he values thrones, the highest. But as pebbles in the sea. Men upraised above his fellows, Oft forgets his fellows then, Masters, rulers lords, remember That your meanest kind are men, Men by labor, men by leeling, Men by thought, and men by fame, Claiming equal rights to sunshine. In a mans ennobling name. There are foatr-embroidered oceans, There are little web-elad rills. There are feeble inch-high saplings. There are cedars on tbo bill ; God. who counts by souls, oot station. Loves and prospers you and me ; For, to Iliin, all vain . istinctions, Are as pebbles in the sea, Toiling hands alone are builders ; Of a nation's wealth or fame ; Tiltled laziness is pensioned, Fed an t fattened on the same ; By the sweat of others' foreheads, Living only to rejoice, While the poor man's outragod freedom Vainly littcd upjits voice, Truth and justice are eternal, Born with loveliness and light, Secret v.rungs shall never prosper, While there is a sunny right ; God, whose world heard voice is sing:ng Boundiese love to you and m> . Sinks oppression with its titles As the pebbles in the sea. Jlelcct Storir, v_- *'f tlie Bufl the cratk regiment of lite day —as In ir'avfiseii Ins blief n nnd at the garden pale ..f Greenwich 'trcet, behind the rcsidmo ••f Sir Henry Crirton, the C.unmaiidcr-in- Ohief of the Britis!'. forces in America. IL stalwart figure and hijh grenadier cap made tit* fi :uee appr gizantio beneath the tats ..I ..ur full and gb r.ou-. orb— the Westen uiocn. Occ'tsi.mally lie would psU*e as i listening to the rich music which ever and aii'.n swelled f.r.h trom the residence of Sn Ilenrv, and his thoughts turned ujmn the joutii and beauty mingled in the dance with m. Once tr twice be passed ihe back • f bis hand across hi* eyes, as if to stay a trn ;int tear ihat was stealing from ris foun'am His memory ru-bed to the days of bis early home in "merry England " "By S. George?" he muttered half aloud "I did not think 1 could be 8 ehdJisi. ?- The sound of the tune has put me iu uund •.f home and Old Devonshire." Saying this, he broke out on the song ol General Wolfe, which as tradition goes, Iu Ming while pa*tng up the St. Ltwrencc. Ih night before be fell on the plains of Abra ham : "Why. soldiers why Should wo be melancholy .boys. Whose business 'tis to die I" As . H's vnic", naturally *wee', sounded per tec ly melodious as, unconsciously, hw forgot bis duties as sentinel, and gave to the sone the full compass of h's inanly tones. At a lit tie distance, concealed from the sentinel by the shrubbery, was an officer, upon win si* arm leaned a beautiful girl - absentees from ihe ball room. As the after fate of this brave • fficer form* a memorable page in our country's history, our readers may perhaps like a description of his person. lie was rather under th< middle height, of a hand ome well made figure, and erect, military carriage. IBs face was oval, and the features decidedly handsome. The matn expression of \o> countenance displayed frankness and sincer itr. li s cat was faced with white buff and buff breeches, with white silk stocking* adorning the lower part of his person. Such was the bail room costume of an English ..ffijer at their period. "You seem melancholy to-night, Mij -r Andre." said his fair companion. "Oo such a inght as this y.-u should be otherwise." "And in such company, yu might have added, Mi*s Beckham. Pardon me for this apparent qmetnefcs. The thought that tins may be the last nieht that I shall ever spend io N*w York ta enough to make one feel melancholy, is it not, fair lady ?" "Letavc Now-Y>rk. Mij r An ire ?" said the young lady, with sotno surprise, "Are yon going South with Lord Cornwailm ?" "A soldier, Mtna Beckham, must inform no one fi his distinction, anl particularly one hke yourself, with a touch of the rebel feel tug towards yout countrymen. Tuis much I will answer —I am not going South." "Sortie new plan fr Sir 11-urv's I 11 be bound;" said the laughing girl, "I do love YVash ington, and that is the truth. My fa ther, it is certain, remain* firm in bis alle giance to King George ; but. Igo with our Republican George—the soldier fioiu Vir ginia." •'I cannot say that I think lee"f you foj thus feeling, Mis*," said A"dr ; it is natural e should lve our c uutry.— Washington is a brave soldier, and froui all [ I.ear. a good man. Be thai as it may. how ever tie ba no right to iat,e upa. ins against h s iawiul Ki"g; and when he is taken, as he umst be. t e will end his days on a gibbet.' "I'd wage this rose," said the in.rty tn arted trl, in a laughing tone, taking one trom her hair, ' against tin- first ncl?. n-.v. I von receive by ihe L union packet, that y>u w ill suffer such puiiistinieut tirst—and tba. you know is iiopoSMblf, A a ol\ II e. •'You are ill, M"jor ! Let us go in." "No, No !" sai lhe family. - 'li was bu - itiouientary aifeciiou, and has itim ; aseeti." ',There are at times, Miss Be kttatn, pre -el)' men Is ol evil in the huuiau nniid, ilia • ijuies without real cause, and trouble lis *'• Know n u why. I cannot say but w hat ui> ;;li>sicl tu-ai(h is a- good as tvtr it was - Ihe night is b autitul. and the scene wnhi • Mr llct i>'s tnaiißo.ii is enchanting ; bu'. siil 'ln rets a heaviness about my spirits that I cannot shake off. 1 si e a danger bc-tote un . >et 1 know not where 'o guard or how g aivet it. Tiiotigh shadowy, it appears jial p'hie arid distiuc'. Ab I tbal sotig " At this moment the fi'lver tones of the st mint 1 rang sweetly upon the ear with the words we h; ve ii.nui. i.cri. Whilst thu eng ped the M j- r und his fair cniuoa>>i"i> suddenly a; pealed before him In an ii stst.l his Voire was hushed, and hi* ■ musket btought suddenly tor "preseiffjirui*,' I* hetoi'd moti'inli ss in true military p•- -ttiun before his superior. "Nay, nay, Whitney, cease not your song," said the Major. "On such a night as this I wonder not that y u feel like singing. 1 will 6trni responsible to the Sergeant for Mich a breach of discpline." "I should like much better to hear it in fuit, soldier," said the lady, "I i nly know it, lady," said the sentiml "froin hearing Major Andre Ring it when on duty at his quarters. Peruap* he, oiadatue, will consent to favor you wiih it." "Well, Mifcs Beckhaiu, I will not deny you, but I canuot equal Whitney in the song, as you will soon find out." He then commenced and sung with great ! pathos and beauty. The calm splendor of I the night, his pensive tr, and the feeling I with which he entered into the Wolds of the song, gave it great i fleet. As he conclndtd ne was surprised G hear the exclamations, ••Bravo! Andre!" "Beautiful!" "Excel lent !" from numerous voices In tact he was suitl'linded ly a goodly portion of the ••all room company, who hid availed them* *• Ives of a pause iu the dance to visit the garden. '•W. II done, Andre," said a stout and portly gin ilt man, in military costume, with i large star on 'he breast of his Coat; "you shall hereafter hear tUq'/.Me of amg master is well as Ai'j'riaiitsGeheraV to ILs Maj> s iv's troops in America. But erne, man, y-uir politeness and gaifi s em to be on a tnrtough t ck ham, will you condescend to take my arm ?*' "1 liave been Sir and will go instantly and repair inv wrong," sail Andre. lie entered the ball-room, and waltzed with Lidy Rei*dtl, the wife of the IlesMan Gi'titral Burgoyne's 6ec- nd command at Saraa'oga. I' was the last wal'Z ar.d ball r. oui scene ver engaged in by Andre—the night ol the 19th lißo. The ball was over, the guests bad departed ..nd i*was waxing towards daylight when Andre left the private closet of Sir Henry Clinton, rind st "d in the doorway looking •i.ward* B wbng Green. "Now my dear M ♦jor," said Sir Henry. •I bid yii adieu. May success attend your •tF. ris. If your inte vmw with Arnold ter minate* as we have reason t" expect. West point )* onrs. and a G> nerals C> mmissior awaits John Andre Be cautious, 1 entreat you." "Adieu, Sir 11. nrv—T go to serve my K'P( and country. If I—bull will oot say it,— i Sir, farewell." He shook the extended hand of Sir Henry with emotion, and as he stepped into the street, received, for the ia.*t lime, the military salute of a British sentinel. lie touched his hat and pressed on. At the waters edge he into and was soon afmr on board the Vulture Hoop uf-war, on his way to a final interview with Arnold. loalttile in re than ten days the hi,jh minded soldier dangled on a gibbet. His hope* of glory were forever closed i: the dust ami ashes of the grave. AN INDIAN LOVE STORY. In Gen. Scott's rec. ntly published autobi •eraphy, among his experiences in the Black H'k war, occurs the following romantic epi ode : Ihe summons for the conference was now -iven to all the tribes and obeyed, and thi grand c •uucils of war for ihe sultleinent <.i ttie treane* c .tnmenced. While these wer. (•eliding, adtiuam] caine up, from ajudis oi I hiiois, sotne sixty miles be'ow, for art 1 *i *- a.ttt'i n t ncau •and *tn-pirvl that his fe,rs hud brven prophet'c ; that the happy had "•r the good of the cou.tderacy, confessed h 4 -m*e'f to be guilty party, and was a', hard but begged the general to repeat, in a full council, the demand, etc* Tills was accord ingly d. tie, and as soon as Scott's pet oration , 1 demand the tnurdeier ! vas interpreted the young Appofiu s'ood up tad said: lam tlie tnau ! With avi .lent stau.p and voice i *?cott called out the guard ! A sergeant,ill. dozen grenadiers rushed in, Seized the off ender, and earned him iff. When lies blacksmith began to place and rivet irons upon him, lie si ruggled furiously . It took sevural of the guard to hold buu down He sani he did not couie forward to be iron ed; lie did not wish to be tried, that he j preferred to be shot at once. He was sent down to the Illinois court then in session, put on his trial, and notwithstanding the ! Mrorg c rcumstaoiial . Vi'leuce, and that t was proven he had|acknuwledged the killing iu hand-to hand fight, a tricky lawyer, well provided with the meani of bribing,no d..ubt by the chief* of the Codfederacy*, obtained Ir. m 'he jury a verdict of not gutlly. Ihe acquitted bad yet to pass another or der- one .f fir.- and water. A swift horse, half way between the court and the M.**is -B:Pt'h:Pt'h (t lew hundred yard* < ff,) had teen piovtded fi.r the . cca*ion ; froo.ter men al ways have their i fl. sin d,at:d their hors es ready. The lawyer hastened fits client \ out I court, and gained for him a good start •Fiy, young m m. or your d - irl v bought II l en will soon be a wi 1 i* In a intnute f..1 by some whizzmg sluts he was in tln s;t idle. In another, "tmr-e and rider" were plunged into "the gr at lather of w-.ter.*," swimming *ide i>y side. Now came up un - (iu*ly ad' Z-n r fieuten, who threw away thetr It ad at the 'co distant genie. 'I I e last news of ttie romantic represented him as t e happv father of a thriving family oi 'riming j hirhariHos," by m -re tlor a 1 D. ctsn moth ! ei"—all far beyond the Mississippi. I WELL PAID GKNV.KOSITY -Evi rybodr will > retnemfH r fiow much credit was given to r j Commodore Vanderhilt fi.j his wonderfu j generosity m tnak'ng a present to tlie G->v rn merit ■( his s'eatner. the Vaoderlult. It . now aiqu ars fr nt an official document that r he received the sou; un of 000 f'>r the - ; hire of the steamer for 150 days before he t ! presented "the vessel to the G vernntent. n His generosity in the mattir wa like much t! of that we see in these days—it was a shoddy article. _ If a quack would be 'am >us. he must be sore to qusck u load *s pussxble- TEHM S: 92-00 xEn A. "MiMTT^y He all remember the story of the iod - keepei who became proud as he prospered, trid takingdwn the sienof the Asa, put up a portrait of Ge-.rge IV in its place. Hir neighbor immediately raised the cast off effigy, and ' in the sign he conquered."— The first landlord, alarmed at the increasing popularity of his rival, and understanding 'he cause, wrote underneath the grim visage o' hi-) Majesty: "This is the real Ass." But a more ridicu'ous incident of the kind is j-i-t now told of the good Bishop LnndafJ. He took up his abode near the head of Lake U'endi rmere, where the principal inn had Ween known as the Cock ; but the landlord' byway of compliment to his distinguished neighbor, sukhtuuii d 'he Bishop as the sign!' An innkeeper clo.e by, who had frequently envied mine host of the Cock for Hf good fortune in securing a considerable prepon-* lerence of visitors, took advantage of the •liHiige, and aitraa ed many travelers to his IIOUM? by putting up the sign of the Cock.—' Ihe landlord of the new sign was much dis* comfit ted at seeing many of his old customers ■ eposited at his rivals establishment; so by 'be way jf remedy, lie put up in large red ••tiers under the portrait of the Bishop;— fhis is the old Cock." "A IIo9S Car Adventure." Art em us Haid is looking at tilings iu B< Mon. He had an adventure one dtjf vliich resulted as follows: I returned in the Carß, part way.—- A pcoiy girl in sjectacles sat near me, and •vas tellin' a young man bow much he re '> nded Iter of a man she used to know in H alt ham. P- olysoon the young man got •'it. and sinilin' in a seductive' manner, I -aid t.nnegii-1 in spectacles, "Den't I re mind yon of semeb-.dy you used to know ?" \e*,' she-aid' 'jnu do remind roe of lie man. but lie was sent to the penitentiary or steal n' a bai'l of mackerel—he died bere, s. t conclood you ain't him." I didh't pursue the conversation. PRESENT COMPANY EXCEPTED -At a pub be d finer in the country, a farmer while re bating a -inething to the company about two Chinese womtn, said, "I declare tbey were 'be ugliest women I have seen anywhere." There happening to be two maiden ladies present of no remarkable beauty, the farmer Who was a litile misty, began to think he he in 1 mi Jo a moss " F ' ' "" u in " 'nev wo"W .—•" ne was alluding to them >o to jut matters straight (as he thought)' oou.j, ',fc present company excepted.— ' K ars of laughter ensued, and in a few min utes both farmer and ladies had vanished. A bounty jumper deserted from Gallop'r I -land. Boston Harbor, last week by unlooe enir.g his irons. A girl w; . visited him had a key made which fi'ted the padlock of the irons. H hen she kissed him at parting she managed to transfer the key from her mouth into his without being detected. ... A young lady refused to go into the Wa 'ervliet Arsenal the other day, because she heaid that some of ihe mu>kets were with out breeches. There's delicacy for you. He knew thai Oberlin, Ohio, was a place distinguished for its love of the negro and devotion to the ideas of sir>ng minded wo tit'-t: and soft-he.tded men, but had no idea that the people there had progressed so far as "BncK ' P iint'ioy says they have. He as-er's that wl>e na pet negro dies and ar ticles of that genius are as plenty there as chblc stones in the street, the white girls pay from ten to fifty cen's each for the privi iegi of kissing the corpse. - AN ArF.ECTING INCIDENT —A story is told of the colonels of two regiments engag. Ed at M:*sioo R due. They had been class mates and chums at Waterville Collepe, . Maine, bti when the war broke out one went with the S'linh and the other remained true' to the Union. They were both mor'ally wounded in this hat tie and after the fight was over a mutual friend found them lying side by side on the hattle field with their right hands eU-oed, and both dead. They bad ev dent'v rec