North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, March 01, 1865, Image 1

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    iI SICKI^^r.)
A weekly Democratic _ .asa.
ics, New?, the Arts t f
and Sciences Ac. Pub- ■ ..
ished every Wedncs
day, at Tunkhannock, TIB
Wyoming County, Pa. Y' \ Ifr&M |J;
Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advance) 52.03.
not pain within six months, ®'2.50 will be charged
NO paper will be DISCONTINUED, until all ar
rearages are paid; unless at the option of publisher.
10 lines or , ) £
less, make three \four j lico ! three six \ on*
tine square mo'th year
1 Square I,oo' 1.25; 2,25; 2,87' 3,00 5,0
2 do. 2,00! '2.50 3,25( 3.50 4,50; 6,0
■J '.o. 3,00: 375 4,75 5,50 7,00! 9,0
i Column. 4,001 4.50> 6,50! 8,00 10,00. 15,0
I do. 6,00 9 50! 10,00 12,00* 17,00; 25,0
i do. 8,00 7.0 14,00f 18,00 25,00' 35,0
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TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, 82,50
OBITUARIES,-exceeding ten lin's, each ; RELI
aIIOUS and LITERARY NOTICES, not of genera
interest, one half tne tegular rules.
SFuslness Cards of one square, with paper, 85.
f all kinds neatly exerted, and at prices to suit
the times.
WORK must he paid for, when ordered.
X'. Office on Tioga street, Tunkhannock Pa
• Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa.
YV 'in ficeßrick St ark'Blockga St., Tunk
anr.ock, Pa
VJ Tunkhonnock, Pa. Offieia Stark's Brick
lock, Ttoga street.
VU. .T. C- HEC K 1.1! .
Won! ! respectfully announce to the eitizensof Wy
ming. tli it he has located at Tunkhannock where
he will protn.-tly Attend to all calls in the line of
his profession.
£ Will be found at home on Saturdays of
each week
6!k Bufhlfu Douse,
O O ,
The undersigned having lately purchased the
41 BUEHLER HOUSE " property, baa already com
menced such alterations and improvements as will
render this old and popular House equal, if not supe
rior, to any Hotel in the City of Harrisburg.
A continuance of Ihe public patronage is refpeet
fully solicited.
I "'IIIS establishment has recently been refitted an
furnished in the latest style Every attention
will be given to the comfort and convenience of those
who patronize the House.
T. B. WALL, Owner anl Proprietor ;
Tunkhannock, September 11, 1861.
Urn. 11. t OUTRIGHT, Prop'r
nAY ING resumed the proprietorship of the above
Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to
render the house an agreeable place of sojourn for
•11 who may favor it with their custom.
June, 3rd, 1863
fjta* Dofrl,
and BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country—lt
is fitted up in the most modern and improved style,
and no pains are spared to make it a pleasant and
agreeable stopping-place for all,
v 3, n2l, ly.
AT OILMAN, has permanently Seated in Tunk
iil hannock Borough, and respectfully tenders his
professional services to the citizens of this place and
Urrounding country.
Office over Tutton's Law Office, near the Pos
Dec. 11, IS6L
In order to faciliate the prompt ad
ustment of Bounty, arrears of pay, Pensions and
other Claims, due sosdiers and other persons from
tihoGovernment o*" the United States. The under
fwed has mode arrangements with the above firm
onse experience and close proximity to, and daily
n ercourse with the department; as well as the ear
reknow edge, ae 9 u 'red by them, of the decisions
ayquently being made, enables them to prosecute
taims more efficiently than Attorneys at o distance,
Inpossibly do All parsons entitled to claims ofthe
T*Kr : i r - ,pt, " a C *° ha . ve thaul properly attended
aluobbyling on me and entrusting them to my care
s .... , A S* f or Harvy & Collins,
/unkhannook,Pa '
fftc 31odh iJraitdi Democrat.
poet's Corner.
From the American Monthly.
0 River of the widening sho.e ;
Could I but tell thy beauties o'or,
How many a stream that now, perch ance,
His high renown in old romance,
Or was, when yet the art was young,
In veise, by ardent poet sung,
Should be eclipsed by thee 1
The earth has nowhere greener fields.
Than thy refreshing inois ture yields ;
Though loftier mountains bind the Rhine
None are more beautiful than tbfi ne ;
Health through thy fertile valleys roams.
And virtue bl sses all their homes,
With pure felicity.
Thy banks are rich with standing corri.
Thy gol len wheat is Still un shorn ;
In the rich clover feed the kine.
Or 'neath the chestnut's shade recline
Until the milk-maid olithely gay,
All redolent of new-mown hay,
Comes tripping o'er the stile
My home hM been among thy hills,
Thy music, Susquehanna, fills,
My soul with vast and pure delight,
Whether thouglidest still and bright,
Or whether, when the autumn rain
Pours down the mountain slopes amain
Thou roll'st majestic by.
1 seek not Arno's silvery' side,
And Bonnie Boon shall ne'er divide
My steaifast heart and hope from thee;
Among thy wildnesses I see
Unwrit ten romance. But. oh ! where
The wizard hand that now may care
To start the forms of life 7
Oh ! would that I could bring once more
Van Campen to thy winding shore ;
And o'er the hill at shut of day
Upon the war pith urge his way ;
And make each creek a'd hills de rife
With war-whoop shrill, and soun d of strife
And deadly rcvelfy !
Ibe hope is vain. 'Tis not fornio,
Weired Susquehanna, to set free
And clothe again in hnman mould
The shades that nightly stalk each world ;
And ere they pass beyond ir.y ken
Wave over them the magic pen,
Aud bid them live for aye,
Mine is a less ambitious role ;
And thought I oft at evening stroll,
Along the path acrosu the hill,
And i-ee the shadows quickly steal
Athwart my way with quiet tread
I wander on; still spirit led,
To reach the rippling shore ;
V hose sparkling waters met my sight
b hen first my eyes l e htld the light;
And when, at last, I took my rest.
Vi lie* lightly on my sinking breast
1 pray thy kin.lly loam shall press.
And fold ine in that lon
\\ hen the last trump shall break !
The great hall of Fotheringhay was hung
wuh black; in the midst was a scaffold cov
ered with sage, and surrounded by a low rail
ing. Around this gloomy object nigh two
hundred persons were assembled, among them
weie the fpiintiptil gentlemen of the county,
who obexed the summons of the sheriff, in
total ignorance of the olject for which they
were required to be present. Behind the
block stood the executioner and his assistant
clad in suits of sable velvet, the last holding
the axe behind him in such a position that it
was concealed from the eyes of Mary. As
the Sheriff of Northampton and his officers
entered the hall there was a profound silence,
many a breath was painfully drawn; but when
the Queen herself appeared, the most manly
were moistened. Never had Mary ap
peared to better advantage ; she walked firm
ly, scarcely leaning on two noblemen by
whim she was supported ; her dress, which
Was that of Queen Dowager of France, ad
diDg to the dtguity of her deportment. Her
pointed coif, edged with bone lace, shaded
her wasted features, and around her neck she
wore a gold cross, and from her arms was
suspended a pair of beads ; a falling collar
completed a costume at once regal and becom
ing. As she gazed abashed
by the numerous spectators, nor shrinking
from the death droppings before her, a mur
mur of admiration and pity was with difficul
ty suppressed. Her attendants followed her
to the foot of the scaffold, which was raised
about two feet from the ground, but before
ascending she exclaimed to melville—
" Once more farewell, good Andrew ; pray
for thy mistress and Queen. Thou 6halt
now see the end of Mary Stuart's trials."
" Thank's, sir," she continued to Paulet,
who offered his arm with rather a penitent
expression of countenance, "it is the last
trouble you will experience at my hands."
On thi scaffold was & small wooden stool
and a cushion, and no sooner had Mary's foot
touched the fatal planks than the executioner
kneeling before her, prayed her to forgive
him for the office he was about to perform ;
but at this moment her eye fell on the axe
and she exclaimed quickly—
"Ah ! I would rather have my head taken
off by a sword as tbey do in France."
"Blame me not, madam." answered the ]
functionary. "I am forced to disregard your
Majesty's wishes ; I was not reminded to
bring a sword, and am, perforce, obliged to
use the axe, wnich I found here. That will
not, I trust, induseyouto withhold your par
"I do pardon you, my friend," said Mary,
giving him her band to kiss.
"Strange 1" she murmured, that your own
Queen, when she expected a similar fate from
the hands of an offended sister, so dreaded
the axe that she told Catlenau she intended
to desire an executioner should be sent from
France, skillful in the use of the sword,"
Mary now seated herself and, with the as
sistants grouped around her, prepared to lis
ten to the warrant, which was read aloud by
Beale. At this moment little Bonum (a fav
orite dog) contrived to make his way noise
lessly through the press, and, trembling and
shaking in every limb, concealed himself, as
usual, in the folds of the Queen's robe, with
out being perceived. •
Marj' paid slight attention to the reading,
but when the sonorious voice of Beale pro
nounced the concluding "God save Queen El
izabeth," she roused herself from her reveir
and gracefully rising, prepared to address the
assembly. Her countenance was slightly
flushed, and Burgoine, who had known her
longest, remarked, " it wore the look of hap
pier days." Iler voice was clear and ringing,
as she called all present to witness that she,
a Sovereign Princess is no way subject to
the laws of Parliament of England was ab*ut
to suffer—the victim of violence and injustice.
She spoke of her imprisonment, and the
wrongs 6he tad endured at the hands of the
Queen's councillors, protested her innocense
of all the charges brought against her. thank
ed God for thus publicly allowing her to con
fess her faith, and prayed chat her enemies
m'ght be forgiven.
"Madam," interuptcd Dr, Fletchar, the
Dean of Peterborough, "my honored mistress
has commanded—"
"Sir," exclaimed Mary, "with you I have
nothing to do, I will not hear you,and I com
mand you to retire."
Dr. Fletcher by no means approved this
indifference to his own eloquence; he there
fore pertinaciously continued, "Madam, you
hsve but a few minutes to live ; change your
opinions, abjure your errors, in order that
you may be saved."
"It is useless, answered the Queen, "you
waste your time ; leave me to die in peace."
Then turning herself around on the stool she
began to pray ; but the dean, making the cir
cuit of Hie scaffold, again addressed her,
' Trouble me no farther" repeated Mar)', re
turning to her former position ; but here the
Karl of Shrewsbury, heartily ashamed of the
scene, interposed, to the no small mortifica
tion of the divine.
Mar)- then falling on her knees, recited a
portion of the Psalms aloud in Latin, togeth
er with her attendants, concluding with a
prayer in French, and holding the crucifix be
tween her clasped hands.
"Madam," interrupted the Eirl of K*nf
unable longer to contain himself, "cast aside'
these Popish trumperies."
But Mary continued her devotions, fervent
ly exel lining, "Lord! Lord! receive me in
toyour extended arm, and pardon me my
sins." As she reseated herself, the Earl ol
Kent roughly inquired if she were done
"For if so, Madam, he concluded' "prepare.'
The executioner now approached, but the
Queen gently repulsed him. lam not used,"
she said, with a faint 6mile, "to undress be
fore so uumerous a company, or to bo served
by such grooms."
Then calling her attendents, she assisted
Elspeth to take the pins from her head dressi
the girl being almost useless from the violence
of her sobs.
" Do not weep," said the Queen in French,
"I have answered for you." She then kissel
i taem both, and desired her other attendants
to pray for her, giving them her blessing.
"Wear this for my sake, Jane," she said,
taking the cros6 from her neck. Then turn
ing to the executioner, she 6aid, "My friend,
I know that all I have on earth is yours by
right j let mo, howeTer, bestow this on my
attendant, and you shall receive twice its
value in money; but the fellow, brutally
snatch'ng it from her hand, growled, "it is
my right
Mary quietly continued to lay aside her
outer garments, and then seated herself that
Jane might bandage her eyes.
Unacquainted with the English mode of
execution, the Queen continued seated, hold
ing her bead stiff and erect, to render the
headsman's task more easy; but he stood,
axe in hand, not knowing what to do, until
his assistant, drawing her forward, forced
her upon her knees. Meekly she. laid her
head on the block, and clasping her hands
under her chin, the one holding the crucifix,
the other her book of "hours," she continued
her prayer. Unwilling to maim her hands,
the assistant drew them away, and as the
words, " In Manus ttas Do/nine" yet linger
ed on her lips, the axe de-cended awkwardly
and heavily. The weapon was blunt, and the
man unnerved. He aimed too high, indict
ing a deep wouud in the skull, and struck
from the extended hands the crucifix and
book. Stunned by the blow Mary remained
motionless, but the executioner trembled so
violently that the head was not detached un-
til the third 6troke. When he held it up
abcording to the custom, the features were
horribly convulsed.
" God save Queen Elizabeth," he cried as
"So perish all her enemies," subjoined the
Dean of Peterborough.
"Amen !" responded the fanatical Earl of
Kent. Every other voice was suffocated by
tears and sobs,
Mary's eyes were open,her hair was blanch
ed by grief, and the French writers affirm the
lips continued nervous for more than a quar
ter of an hour.
Not content with their spoi! } the execution
ers proceeded to remove the shoes and stock
ings of their victim,when they discovered the
poor little animal, nestling under the mis
tress's peticoat. He was dragged forth by
force, and by no gentle hand,but with a faint
yell he extricated himself, and crouching
down between the shoulders of the Queen
and the head that had been laid near the
trunk ; the faithful dog in a few moments
expired.—Mr*. Oclgan Heck's "Fortune's
[From the Philadelphia North American J
THE Ins and outs of mat
Young gentlemen who indulge in connubi
alism often see a great deal in a very little
time. In this particular school the very
dullest people, rapidly take on new ideas. A
case in illustration was heard on Saturday
before Alderman Welding. A young gentle
man—we wilt call him Mr. Wilkins—had re
cently reaped the harvest of a protracted
courtship in the shape of a marriage certifi
cate and a good looking damsel in cherry col
orid lips and six and three quarter-kids.—
Shortly after the wedding day a collector
called Mr. Wilkins with a "little bill" of fif
teen dollars for sundry back combs, handker
thiefs and other etceteras purchased by the
bride in order to render herself as stunning
as possible on the evening when she abjured
the name of Jones in favor of the patronymic
of Mr- Wilkins.
As the collect or appt ared a model of pat ience
Mr. Wilkics received bill, looked at bill, and
allowed that he "knew nothing about it."—
He called Mrs. Wilkins. "Angelina, my love
what Jones is this 1 Here's a bill for Miss
Angelina Jones,
"Why, ducky, that's me."
"Possible ?"
"Yes, dear. I quite forgot to get money
from ma to pay it with."
" Well, as ma has gone to Chicago, and as
I have n thing to do with if, the man must
wait," Mr. Wilkins so informed the collector
and immediately, closed the front door, leav
ing collector to stand upon the siedwalk. As
wc get this from the collector himself, it
must be as he says.
Collector, however, knew a little about the
law. It is said that necessity knows no law.
This is all humbug. Cul ectors receivea per
centage for collecting bills. lie felt a neces
sity for his money, and the results proved
ttiat he new a good deal law. lie immediate
ly entered suit agains Mr. Wilkins (or his
wifo'sdebt. The hearing came off as we
have said, on Saturday morning, before Al
derman Welding. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins ap
peared in persons. Collector proved the
debt, Mrs, Wlikins was to lady like to deny
it. Mr. Wilkins, of course, fallowed copy,
but claimed that because he married a set of
rippling ourls a pointed bodice it was no rea
son why he should pay, for getting them up.
Alderman Welding, to the surprise of Mr.
N ilkins, produced a volume of Purdon's di
gest, and proved to the contrary, lie poin
ted out old decisions, established precedents,
that a citizen in marrying a lady also marries
her debts. Much as he would like to rule to
the contrary, Alderman Welding said it was
impossible, and judgment must be entered
against Mr, Wilkins for the debt and the
cost of suit.
Mr. Wilkins was to well bred to express
surprise but he looked like a school boy afte
a lesson in Euclid, The proposition was de
raonstrated, and must be correct, but to com
prehend the reasoning was another matter
He accordingly paid the bill and the costs,
amounting to a tribe over twenty dollars, aDd
left the office with the air of a man who has
acquired sudden knowledge.
Another case illustrative af the same idea
was heard by Recorder Eneu on the same day
A diminutive German—we will call him Mr.
Kraut, entered, cunplaint that his
wife had beaten hita in a manner literally
merciless. He unswathed his head from the
bandages surrounding it, exhibiting the mark
of a broom handle administered with no fee
ble unction. Mrs. Kraut was arrested. She
stood full six feet high,with breadth of shoul
der and length of arm in due proportion.
The husband reiterated his affidavit. The
woman made no defence, and the magistrate
fined her for intoxication. As she didn't pay
the fine, the officer mctioned her to follow
him to prison. She obeyed the order.
"What you goto' to ?" asked Kraut.
"Take that woman to prison."
"Take her to prison ?"
"And who dakes care ob der baby ?"
"Don't know ; s'pose you must take care
of it yourself."
"But I can't I goes now to mine vork."
"Well, if sombody don't pay her fine she
mast be locked up."
"Und must I get knocked into der cellear
by mine vife, and tny head broke, and den
turn aroundt and pay for it ?"
"Somebody must.''
Mr. Kraut said something that sounded
like profanitr. He dropped five dollars and
ten tears,the former on the desk of the record
er the latter upon the floor,and departed with
his wife, plunged in profund wonder at the
curiasities of the law.
As we said before, people indulging in mat
rimony often learn a great deal by a very
short course of srudy.
Bulwer eloquently says: "I cannot be
lieve that earth is man's abiding place. 11
cannot be that our life is cast up by the ocean
of eternity to float a moment upou it waves,
and then sink into nothingness! EUe why
is it that the glorious aspiration which leap
like angels from the temple of our hearts, are
forever marching about unsatisfied? Why is
it that the rainbow and clouds come ever
with a beauty that is not of earth and then
pass off and leave us to muse upon their
faded loveliness ? Why is it that the stars
who hold their festivals around the midnight
throne, are set above the grasp of our limited
faculties, forever mocking us with their unap
proachable glo-y ! And finally, why is it
that the bright forms of human beauty are
psesented to our view, and then taken from
us,leaving the thousand gtreams of our aff
ections to flow back in Alpine torrents upon
our hearts ? We are born for ah igher desti
ny than that of earth; there is a realm where
the rainbow never fades—where the stars will
be spread before us like islands that slumber
on the ocean—and where the beings that pass
before Os like shadows will stay in our pres
ence forever.
LONG DKKSSKS —"We do not see one lady
in ten walking the streets" says aventursorae
cotemporary, without a constant fidgetting
with the long skirts of her dress. Some pin
them up at regular spaces, giving them a very
rumpled appearance; others wear "pages."
or an elastic cord just below the waist, pull
ing up the dress just as our grandmothers
used to do when they went to scrub the kit
chen; others frantically seize the side-breadth
holding them in front, having the appearance
of a desperate determination of sitting down
the first convenient opportunity. Some
walk cn, letting their dress hang, are sud
denly brought upon the front breadth stum
ble, fl 'under, pull up, and try it again. Now
all this could be avoided, Modesty and re
spect for the opinion of mankind demand a
reformation in this matter. If ladies would
only put a quarter of a yard less in the length
of the dresses, they would save the amount
the goods cost, and as much public observa
tion — Honie Journal.
DM. EXPLORERS —A company has been or
ganized and land leased near this bore ugh for
the purpose of prospecting and boring for oil.
Lands have been leased in Lycoming, Eldred
and Hepburn townships. Operations will
commence early in the spring, when, it suc
cessful, it is expected that our town will sud
denly expand into a vast oil prospecting com
munity, slightly mixed up w#fch the suddenly
manufactured ile aristocracy. The question
now i s, as to who will strike ile first and be
first a millionaire— West Branch Bulletin.
Cy The Supremo Court of Micbigan, an
Abolition concern, has decideed that the sol
diers' voting law in that State is unconstitu
tional. We wonder if the loyal abolition
press will denounce them as Copperheads ?
Hardly. The Vermont courts, a!s o 'loyal,"
have decided the same way. We re pectful
ly invite an opinion from the denouncers of
Judge Woodward, on this subject.
If a lover finds a pleasant note from
his sweetheart stuck into his kuyhole, it is a
keyhole to his heart.
JfcST" It is often a pretty good matrimo
nial firm that consists of three quarters wife
and one quarter husband.
Model WIVKS formerly took a stitch j
in time ; now, with the aid of sewing ma
chines, they take one in no time.
If a woman is truly beautiful, let
not her beauty be made dim by the flash of
JKST We love ourselves notwithstanding
our falts, and we ought to love our friends in
like manner.
jry Ladies, you should have an affection
for whales; you are chiefly bone of their
JC2C" If you haven't a dollar in your pock
et no one can rob you of it—and that's a Con
ty Why is necessity like a great many
lawyers ? Because it knows no law.
cyA person should be just before he is
[From the Cleveland Leader, Feb, 13 ]
The dull, heavy routine of the Provost
Marshal's office here was interrupted and en
livened, last Saturday, by an incident which
had several novel and comical features and
which is based on a mystery which the au
thorities have by no neans fathomed, and
may not be able to fathom for 6ome time to
Application was made, Friday, to the San
itary Commission, here by two young women
seemingly not over nineteen years of age, for
transpoitation to Washington. In explana
tion of the unusual request, they stated that
they had been in the Union service as pri
vates, two years, when, their sex being dis
covered, they were discharged.
As their money was all expended, they de
sired transportation from this point to Wash
ington. In the recital of their experience to
the ladies of the Commission,there was some
thing ether in the manner of tho matter of
the statement which excited their suspicions
and tha young women put off until the next
day. The Provost Marshal was immediately
notified of the case, and the parties were ar
rested Saturday afternoon, by his order.—
They gave their names as Charlotte Ander
son and Emily Wood. It seems that suspi*
cion was directed only to the former, but on
ly one or two of the authorities of the Pro
vost Marshal's office and Board of Enrolment
entertained suspicion in her case, the majori
ty being convinced, and claiming that that
crinoline, jaunty hat and feather, feminine
voice, figure and gait, and other palpable fe
male "attributes," could not possibly wrap
about and sustaiH any illusion. Nevertheless
an examination was ordered, and several re
spectable ladies were delegated to ascertain if
Charlotte was Charlotte. Alas, poor Char
lotte ! How faded the flower and beauty of
thy presence ! For the "commissiouers" re
turned a semi-hysterical report of 6trongly
reinforced suspicion of latent manhood. To
set the seat of absolute certainty upon what
was now In all minds a settled, confident
opinion, the examining surgeon of the Board
of Enrolment was directed to examine the
prisoner—as he was now thought to be a reb
el spy—which feat was finally accomplished,
after a two hours' parley, which exhausting
the resouiccs of statesmanship, palaver and
threats, ended in the use of a sufficient
amount of force to test the legality of the fair
prisoner's title to the name of Charlotte
The end justified the means, and the examin
ation demonstrated that the prisoner was an
irrepressible young man.
It was ascertained that this twain had been
stopping at the Burnett House. An officer
was sent there, who brought their baggage,
consisting of two satchels. In one of them
was found three suits of clothes, one a citi
zen's suit, another was military, bearing a
lieutenant's insignia, and the third was female
apparel. The officers then proceeded to di
vest him of his water-proof cloak, with hood,
alapaca dress, jaunty hat and feather, etcetra
of the arcana of feminine attire, and invest
him in his military suit,and then they lodged
him in jail.
"VYe may say here that the illusion was
complete. lie had the voice, smooth face,
dclecate neck and features, form and gait of
a female, and counterfeited the charm of
presence of a maid of sweet seventeen .
His accomplice, who seems still younger,
was taken by Commissioner Kilpatrick to
his home and put under the eyes of his fami
ly. She seems thoroughly innocent, from
first to last, and advised Charlotte again and
again, during the parley, to allow them to
proceed with the examination ; that it was
hard to bear ; but then she was in a tight
place, and her virtue would come bright out
of the fiery ordeal.
She afterward stated, in explanation of her
being in company with Lottie Andeison, as
she persisted in calling him, that the first
time she saw "her" was in this citv, about
two weeks ago. They had been boarding
and lodging together the last few days. She
insisted that Lottie was Lottie, and not
Charlie at all. If she was not innocent, if
she was acting that difficult role , it must bo
owned she did it with consummate tact and
the utmost nonchalence :
We learn that on Thursday night of last
week they went to the Burnett House and
engaged lodgings, saying, when asked, that
they wanted no supper. They broke their
fast in the morning, and left their hand bas
kets as pawns in the hands of the landlord,
while they should bring up their satchels
from the depot, when they returned, They
then engaged board for that day, and at
night, learning the price of the luxury of hav
ing a fire in their room,had one built. Their
bills were all paid, but by the bona fide dam
The rest of their baggage hand-baskets and
portfolios, were taken possession of yesterday
by the officers. Dr. Beardsley says papers
were found from which they learn certain
facts relative to these parties' former where
abouts and operations, and that information
can be derived from Columbus which will
throw much light upon this mystery, if it
does not solve it. Our readers may rest as
sured that when the facts are arrived at we
shall hasten to lay them in full detail before
their eyes.
VOL. 4 NO. 29