U. S. 7-30 LOAN By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury,the undersigned has assumed the General Subscription Agency for the sale of United States Treasury Notss bearing seven.'and three tenths per cent, interest, per annum, Known as the fflffl-TtMI LOAN. These Notes are issued under date of August 15th. 1864' and are payable three years from that timo, in currency or are convertible at the op ion of the holder into U. A, 5-20 Six per cent, GOLD-BEARING BONDS These bonds.are now worth a premium of nine pOT cent., including gold interest from Nov, which makes the actual profit on the 7-30 loan, at current rates, including interest, about ten per cent, per annum, besides its exemption from\State and muni cipal taxation, which adds from one, to three per cent, more according to the rate levied on other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to each note, ? whlch may be cut off and sent Jto any bank or banker. The interest amounts to One cent per day on a SSO note, Two cents " " " SIOO " Ten • " " SSOO " 20 *' •' " "81000 " 81 "85000 " Notesol' all the denominations named will be promptly furnished uyon receipt of subscriptions.— This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now effered by the Government; and it is confidently expected that its superior advantages will make it the MTPGNIMINFEU Less than 8200,000,000 remain unsold, which will probably be disposed of within the next 60 or 90 days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscristions toother Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded fae'lities for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Barks, tnd Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they hare con ftleace, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, Philadelphia. SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL Bfc RECEIVED by the First and Second National Banks at Scranton, Wilkes Barre and Towanda Special Notices. Executors Notice. Whereas letters testamentary to the Estate of Jloa, P. Lemon, late of North Branch, deceased, have been granted to the subscribe •, All ]ersons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make immediate payinerts, and those having demands against the Estate of aaid deceased will make the aamekuuwu without delay to, E C VINCENT, ) JOHN PFOL'TS, T| L * ECATORR - Ilasleton Lurerno Co. t Pa. DISSOLUTION OF CO PARTNERSHIP. The Partnership between Ilallstead and Ilam inell, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Dotes and accounts will be left in the hands of 11. P. -Hallstead to settle. 11. P, IIALLSTEAD, LCI'IS UAMMLL Nicholson, Fob. 9th, 1365. The business will be continued by 11, P. IIALL STEAD who will be pleased to retain the patronage of all who have patronized the old firm and will be pleased to see any who may favor him with a call. H, P, IIALLSTEAD, Nicholson, Feb 9th 1865. DISSOLUTION 'OF CO PARTNERSHIP, 0 The Co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm name o f II- L. HARDING & Co. has this day boen'dissolved by mutual consent. All persons in # debted, will please call on H. S. Harding, at Hall stead's Store, and settle up without delay. H, L . HARDING A Co. Nicholson, Feb, 7th, 1865. Administrator's Notice. Whereas lett ers of Administration Laving been granted to the subscriber, upon the estate of Carles W. Ferris late of Mehoopany,township deceased.— All persons having demards against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement; and all persons indebted aro requested to makejimmodiatc payment. Mehoopany Feb. 7th, 1P65. HELEN D. FERRIS, ""5 ilministratrix. Chilians Court Sale. The undersigned Guardian of the Minor children ! f Nathan Sturd -vant, Dec'd, will expose to sale by : public vendue, on the 10th day of March, 1865, at | one o'clock P M. at the premise* hereinafter de scribed all that certain lot of land situate in Falls township, bounded north by lani of Morris Sturde vant, East by public road leading from Falls to Clinton Corners, on the South and West by land of Hiram Evans, Cbauncy Sherwood and Samuel Dai ly Jr.) with one Saw Mil and Dwelling House thereon, containing about two acres, with the ap purtenances, Ac , late the est ite of said Nathan Sturdevant, now deceased HANNAH LATEER, Guardian Ac- Informaiion Free! TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility. In- | competency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy furnish to all who need it, (free of charge ), the rocipe and directions for making the simple remedy in his case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the l' eT V sers k R d experience, and possess a sure and va uable remedy, can do so by adiressing him at • f * J? 8 Pl*ce of business. The Reeeipe and full wot by ; return* "'J 11 ia, P° rtance ~ W 'B cheerfully Address JOHN B. OGDEN No- 60 Nassau street, New York thi!/inr~ Ne ]? 0U ? Sufferers o both sexes will find tois information invaluable v4-nlB-3uio —OF— RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES, O F WYOMING C 0.—1864. —————^■— County Duplicates. YEAR COL'TRS NAMES TOWNSHIPS DUPC'TF EXONS COL.COM PAID DUK 1860. James N. Baker Meshoppen [•• §153,23! 8107,52'j 842,29: $ 5,42 i 1862. T. D. lleadly, Exeter 13,34 3,95 9,89 " John P. Burgess Forkston •• 5,00; 5,001 " John Cyphers Lemon. •• 34,04; 18,475 15.57; " Newman Miller, Tunkhannock Twp. •• 355.77s ; : 140,00 8195,77 1863. Joseph Fox Bruintrim •• 336,82; 1,60, 27,56! 307,66! •' Chauncy Benson Eaton •• 576.23! 25,40! 50,041 500,79; " T. D. Headly Exeter i•• 10'12> 4,39, 9,03; " Peter Dersbimer Falls •• 204 46, 25,78! 41,23; 137,45; •' Truman Maynird Mehoopany •;!•• 46,62; 1,62s 33,44; 11,56' " Win. 11. Cortright Meshoppen •• 345,86; 2,6-1; 40,27! 302,95 " O L Orcutt Monroe •• 93,93 6,84; 17.35 69 74 " G. B. Sprague Nicholson i•• 243,27; 26.83; 48,69; 167,75; " A. L. Carey Nerthmoreland •• 164,34, ji ; 110,00; 54,84 " L, C. Conklin Tunkhannock Boro ,•• 226,29; 3,95! 27,98; 194,36; '• Win B. Overfield Tunkhannock Twp, •• 2.5,32; 1 j 52,00; 163,32 " Edmund Fass<*tt * Windham •• 133,41; j ! 111.00; 22,41 1854. Thomas Philips Braintrim •• 399,54; | ; 258,87; 140,67 " Z.S.Reynolds Clinton 1 •• 562,17 500,00 62,17 " J.M.Robinson Eaton I•• 831,37! ; ; 654,00; 177,37 • T. D. lleadly * Exettr;-- 152,97; 135,00 17,97 •' Hiram Hitchcock Forkston •• 235,42; ; ; 160,00; 75,42 " A, T. Dewitt Falls •• 618,48! \ 569,00; 49 48 " Chas. H, Ely * Lemon •• 328,54| 301,00; 27,54 " J.T.Jennings Meboojany •• 596,29; | S 275 00; 321.29 " Wm. H. Cortright Meshoppen 718,46; ! ; 350,0b> 368,46 Sam'l. B. Cook Monroe •• 320,52; j 243.00 i 77 52 " E.L.Bacon * Nicholson •• 715,82 495,00 220,62 •' Gordon Pike * Northmoreland 538,63; ; ; " Joseph Burgess North Branch • 102,23; 2,99! 8,965 150,28; " Wm. Irwin Overfield !•• 210,95! j ; 120,00; 90,95 " Isaac 11. Ross Tunkhannock Boro. i|* 452,23; 10,38; 22,09! 419,76 " Joseph Shupp Tunkhannock Twp : 672,99; j ; 400,(0; 272,99 " John W. Crawford * Washington •• 515,21 ; ! 250,00 285.21 " E. D. Fassett * Windham •• 427,57| | j 357,00| 70,57 TOTAL. , 811615.44, 8247,36 8394,39;88248.12]82731,87 * Settled since Statement was made. MILITIA FINES. YEAR COL'TRS NAMES TOWNSHIPS DCPC'EE EXONS COL.COM TAID DCE 1862. T. D. Headly Exeter i!-. 810,50 8 4,50| 830 8 5,70 i " John Cyphers Lemon 7,50 5,00; 12; 2,38 " Thos A. Miller Tunkhannock Boro. •• 43,50; 43,50; ; | " Newman Miller " Twp. •• 11.50 1... ; 1 81050 1863. Joseph Fox Braintrim 20,50 12,50; 40; 7,60! ' " E. D.Gardner Clinton •• 36.50 19,50' 85; 16,15! " Chauncy Benson Enton •• 36,00 36,00; I " T. D Ik-adly Exeter •• 750 5,00; 12 2.38; " Petei Dershimer Falls ■ 15,00 3,00 60 11,40 il Hiram Ely Lemon ]j- 12,00 10,50, 20 1,30; " Trutnnn Maynord Mehoopany •• 23.00 9.00 70 13,30| " Wm 11. C'ortiight Meshoppen !•• 23,00 4,00' 95 18 05; " O. C. Orcutt Monroe |- 16,00 5,91: 50 9,59| " A.S.Carey Northmoreland |- 11,00 i 1100 ' G. B. Sprague Nicholson 65,00 20,00 2,27 43,23 " 1,. C. Conklin Tunkhannock Boro, •• 23 50 23,50 1 " Win. B. Overfield '• Twp. ;j- 19.50 ' i 19 50 " John W. Crawford Washington jj— 26.50 26.50 ! j " Edmund Fassett Windham j-* 18.00 ' ; 18,00 1864. Thomas Philips Braintrim :•• 24,50 ! ; < 24^50 " Z.S. Reynolds Clinton •• 27,50 ; j 27^50 " J.M, Robinsen Eaton !•• 30,50 < ; 30 50 " T. D. Headly * Exeter !-• 9,W ; ! i 9.00 " Hiram Hitchcock Forkston 10,00 j 10 00 " A. T Dewitt Falls 28,00 J 28 00 " Chas. H. Ely * Lemon J- 24,50 ! ! 24.50 " J. T.Jennings Mehoopany !•• 35,50 ? ; ; 35*50 " Wm. 11. Cortright Meshoppen j- 18,50 ; 1 18.50 " Sam'l B.Cook Monroe !'•• 27,50 ;.. 1 j 27,50 " E. L. Bacon * Nicholson •• 88,50 ' 88,50 " Gordon Pike * Northmoreland •• 44,00 ! ; ! 44,00 " Joseph Burgoss North Branch 1600' 4,04, GO, 11,40/ " Wm Irwin OverfieU •• 11,50 ! - 1150 " Isaac H. Ross Tunkhannock Boro. •• 14,50 14,50! \ " Joseph Shupp Tunkhannock Twp 20,50 ; 20,50 John W. Crawford • Washington •• 40,00 s ! 40 00 " E. D, Fassett * Windham •• 15.00 ' j 15|0U 10TAL * 012.00 82-16,91 87,61 5142.48 8515 0 '•"Settled since Statement was made. Treasurer's Account, DR - CR. S IT,** , 515C0 and previous years ,UU ex , ons a „ owed eo( Co J To Tax received on unseated land 1260,76 Bv •* " '• Mitiri f,n oxeni T ° b donTweaUand' nent aainst Gor " J 86,22 Com. allowed coll. on Co. Tax.' 394 T ° SniT , Seafe n ! r d retUrn I 17,59 Troas - c " m - 13,158,89 M am't C rc- > J'** eJ to Coinw th by collectors 5 ' OJ , ree'd by him at 2 per ce nt ( 263 ' 48 To balance on hand at lust settle-/ 3 ;By Trens. Crni, on 87,427,63 am't p. id ) ... f . ) nut by him nt 2 per cent S To cash received for uncurrented mon- ) . 0Q B y County orders redeemed 7427.63 e -y > ' ! Ballance due Cot. nty 5319 22 817302.02 ' g 7302,02 Expenditures, Auditors, *Costs Wyoming County vs Gor • v?„ 7,50 , 30.00 77.84 83 16 FC. Ross, auditor to examine ; Com mon wthvs J. Densmore costs 747,18 825 02 acc'is of Register, Record, Pro- ; Guarding Jail 115,00 thonoury Ac. 12,00 ranfl Jurors 344,44 , traverse Jurors oa? UQ Commissioners, Reltot to Soldiers Families nl'S James W, Garey, Balance 5,34 j ' Franci* Hough 120,00 Printing. Theron Vaughn 110,00 Harvey Sickler 1757 c vr ™'rr. te P "A • • „ 115,00 350,34 William Burgess 05 IK! 270 75 M m.F. Terry. Comm.ssioner's Clerk 325.00 Refunded orders to Collectors over ' Prothosotarys. paid 1245 D, D. Dewitt, Balance 31,45 Bridge Building and repairing 1324.28 Ziba Lott 75,56 107,01 Attorneys. Ahira Gay She.iff, on account 115,00 Peckham for Balance 13,00 Medical Attendance on Prisoners 4 00/ LJ- KA>SS, 1-64 25,( 0 38,00 Assessors 358,92 R e oordipg Treasurers Bonds, Ac'. 4 t S4 Repairs on Public Buildings wear i n S Co. and Townauip officers 13^50 Road and Bridge Views 110,25 Lights, Fuel, Stationery, Record, Coroners Inquest Books Ac- ' J92 g6 Post Mortom Examinatrons 35.00 Penn'a State Lunatic Asylum 374 11 Wyoming Co. Agricultural Society 22,00 County seals 32'75 Bridge Drafts and Specifications. 28.00 Harvey Sickler, District Attorney 76 00 F. M. Hepburn, Co ait Crier 37,23 Election Ballot Box j^Oq 81778,33 85948,23 81778,33 87726,56 . r ** ° rt >ry that the above is a true and correct statement of the expenditures of Wyoming Coun ty for the year ending January 2d. A D. 1865. " THERON VAUGHN ) EDWIN STEPHENS > Commissioners. A* * . XX— TI M , HIRAM BODLE. ) Attest, WM. P. TERRY, Clerk. We, the undersigned, Auditors of Wyoming County, being met fit the Commissioners cffica in said County, do certify that upon examination of the accounts of the Treasu: .r and Commissioners of said County we do find them correct as set forth in the foregoing Statement, and that the expenditures of said County are correct as set forth in this Statement, and further, we did audit, settle, and adjust the accounts of the Protbonotary, Sheriff and Coroner of said County, as roquired by law Witness our hands, this, 28th day of January, A. D. 1865. JOHN G. SPAULDING,} HENRI NEWCOMB, > Auditors. MARTIN SICKLER $ IMPORTANTto females HP ' (f -Pills/ PROCLAMA T I 0 N ! TO THIS LADIES ! Both Married and Single. THE OLDFST REGULATOR FOR FEMALES. DR. CHEESE MAN'S FEMALE PILLS Will immediately relieve, without pain, all disturb ance of the periodic discharge, whether arising from relaxtion or suppression. They act like a charm in removing the pains that accompany difficult or im moderate menstruation, and are the only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes, Sick Headache, Pains in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep_ and other unplenscnt and dangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Albus. or Whites, they ef fect a speedy cure DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Have been used OVER A QUARTER OF A CEN TURY. They are offered as the only safe means of renewing interrupted menstruation, but Ladies must bear in mind that there is one condition of the fe male system in which the Pills cannot be taken miihout producing; a PECULIAR RESULT.— The condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the result, MISCARRIAGE, Such is the irresist ible tendency of the medicine to restore the sexual functions to a normal condition, that even the pro ductive power of nature cannot resist it THEY CAXN OT DO HARM in any other way. D R.CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Arethe on\y Medicine that MARRIED AND SIN OLE LADIES have relied upon for many years, or can rely upon now. BEWARE OF IMITA TIONS! These Pills form the Finest Preparation erer put forward, with IMMEDIATD and PER SISTENT SUCCESS. DON'T BE DFCEIY ED. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that you want the BEST and most RELIABLE FEMALE MEDICINE IN THE WORLD, which is comprised iu DR. CIIEESEMAN'S FEMALE TILLS !!! They have received, and are now receiving the sanction of the most eminent Physicians in Amer ica. EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS with each Box—the price. One Dollar per Box, containiug from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptyl , by remitting the price to the Proprietors, or any authorized Agent, in current funds. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. HUTCIIINGS A IIILLYER, PROPRIETOR'S, 81 Cedar Street, Aew York. IW s old in Tunixhannock, by J. W. Lyman, in Montrose, by Able Turrell, in Scranton by L. S.A E. C. Fuller, in Factoryville by all Druggists. COURT OF APPEAL. Notice is hereby given, that the Commissioners of Wyoming Covnty, w ill hold a court of appeal at their office in the Borough of Tunkhannock, for the several townships in said County, cotuinencirg on Monday, the 13th day of March, 1365. and all per sons who may feel aggrieved on account of their tax es'for ifie year 1565., may attend and be heard. MARCH 13th 1365. Braintrim, Clinton, anl Eaton townships. MARCH 14th, 1865. Exeter, Falls, Forkston and Lemon, MARCH 15th, 1865, Mehoopany, Mesboppcn, and Monroe. MARCH 16th.1863, Norrh Branch, N<>rthmoreland, Nicholson. MARCH 17ih, 1865, Overfield, Tunkhannock 1. P. Washington, Wind ham. March 18th, 1665,"Tunkhannock Borough. By order of the Commiss loners, Commission..rs Office, Tunk. Eo'r, Feb 14, 1565- WM. F, TERRY, Clerk, GOLD PENS FOR THE MILLION ! Pens to Suit the Hand, and Prices to Suit the Pocket. The Best Gold Pens in the World ! On receipt of the following sums, we will send, by mail, or as directed, a Golu Pen or Pens, selecting the same according to the description, namely. Gold Pens, in {Silver Plated Exten sion Cases, with Pencils. For ti No. 2 pen ; far 51.25. No. 3 pen; for 1.50, No, 4 pen ; for S3 No. 5 pen; for $2,25 No. 6p en These pens are st imped THE IMPERIAL PEN, and are well finished and fine writing GOLD PENS, with good aridum points, although they are unwar ranted and cannot be exchanged. YV ARRANTED COLD PEN S. Our name (AMERICAN GOLD PEN CO. N Y.,) is stamped on all our first quality Pens,"andthe points are warranted for six monts; except against acci dent. Our second quality Pens, are scamped THE NATIONAL PEN, with the initials of our lit m (A. G, P. Co ,) and are carefully made, having the same points as our first quality Pens, the only great difference being in the quality of the Gold. Gold Pens' Ist and 2d quality in Solid Silver Extension Cases with Pencile. For $2,00 a No 1 pen Ist quality, or a No. 2 pen 2d uualitA . lor 92 25 a No. 2 pen Ist quality, or a No-3 pen 2d quality For $2 25 a No. 3 pen Ist quality, or a No 4 pen 2d quality. Fir $3 50 a AO 4 pen lst quahty, or a No. 5 pen 2d quality. For 84 50 a No. 5 pen Ist quality' or a No. 6 pea 2d vuality. For $5 50 a No. '6 pen Ist quality The same Gold Pens, in Solid Silver Gold-Plated Ebony Desk Hold ers and Morocco Cases. For ®2 25 a No. 3 pen Ist quality, or a No. 4 pen 2d quality. For $2 50 a No 4 pen Ist -quality, or a No. 5 pen 2d quality. For 83 20 a No. 5 pen Ist quality, or a No. 6 pen 2d quality For 84 00 a No. 6 pen Ist quality. For) 85 58 a No 7 pen. For 86 75 a No. 8 pen. For 812- 00 a No. 12 pen ; all first quality. Our pens rank throughout the country as equal if not superior to an}' Gold pens manufactured. Nut only for their writing quulitios but durability an d elegant finish. The greatest care is used in their manufacture, and none are sold with the slightest imperfection which skill can detect. Parties in ordering must specify the name, num - ber and quality in all instances and whether stiff or limber, course or fine. TO CLUBS. A discount of 12 per cent, will be allowed on sums of sls, if sent lo one address, at one time ; 15 per cent, on s'2o ; 20 per cent, on 840. All remittances by mail. REGISTERED, are at our risk- To all who enclose 20 cents extra for regis tering, we guarantee the safe delivery of the goods. Circulars of all our new styles, with Engravings of exact sizes, and prices, sent upon receipt of stamp if desired. Pen; repointod for 50 cents by mail. Stationers and Jewelers are requested to corres pond with us as we can offer them great induce ments. Address. AMERICAN GOLD PEN CO.. v4-n26-3 inos . No 200 Broadway, N,Y* ' SCOTT & BALDWIN'S LADIES. MISS ES AND C HIL D REN'S ®ms% HOdMS St. Nicholas Block, 503 Broadway MRS. ETWINTLE. (Formerly of "UKNIN'S BAZAAR,") Under whose Superindeneo the above Departments are conducted, is pleased to announce to her former patrons and the Ladies of New York genarally, that, in connection with the numerous ARTISTES under her direction, she is prepared to furnish, promptly, fflbics, anD (Cljilbrcn's (Putlit infl ta (Driicr, LADIES UNDER LINEN. C'ffine Quality, Kept in Stock, ready for immedi ate use, Paeticular attention given to Sewing Machines. I'IKKL E & LYON'S NEW PATENT ROTARY FEED Sewing Machines Hie following facts demonstrate that these Ma chinea'comprise the HIGHEST IMPROVEMENTS IS THE SEWING MACHINE ART. viz.— 1. Each MACHINE is guaranteed to give better satis faction than any othsr Sewinfi Machine in Market or money refunded. 2. They have taken many of the HIGHEST PREMIUMS at the most important EXHIBITIONS and FAIRS ever held in the Unitee States. 3. They make the LOCK STiTcn alike on both sides— thus sariug more than half the thread and silk used in th raveling ridge seams of the loop-stitch an!• S CO No. 538 BROAD IFAY NEW YORK The Lady's Friend. Most households suffer great inconvenience from RAIN. SNOW, DUST, and COLD entering their dwellings under the outside doors. The Laities are especially Annoyed loitli Soiled Carpets, COLD FEET, and SICK CHILDREN from the COLD DRAFT under the door, and DUSTY FUR NITURE. We have the pleasure of offering to the public A Sure and Effectual Remedy for all these Difficulties, in CLAY'S Patent M e t a 1 i c Weather Strip. Which elicits the admiratson of all who have wit nessed it. The attention o the public is invited to this little invention. Its Simple, Durable, and Effective, and is WORTHiDOUBLE its cost every year in its SAVING of Furniture, Full and Doctor's Bills. IT CAN BE APPLIED TO ANY DOOR or FRI-NCH WINDOW, is without springs or compli cated machinery to get out of repair, is the only strip that can be removed at pleasure and is in ev ery sense of the term. The Thing that allHosekeepers Want The Subscri'i cr having purchased the right for these s'rlps m l furnish A fit them for those wishing them at short notice and on reasonable terms. The highest testimonials of their utility can he given by all who have them in use. No outside door should be without them. FREDERICK MILLER. Tunkhannock, Pa. Feb. Ist, 1865 E. & H,T, ASTHON Y A CO,, Manufacturers of Photographic Ma terials, WHOLESALE AND RELAIL, 501 BROAD WAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of PHOTO GRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Headquarters for the foil iwing, viz : STEMS® 11 (I STEMSCOPIC VMS. Of th se we have an immense assorting nt, including War Scenes, American and Foreign C ties and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, Ac. Ac, Also, re volving Sterescopcs, for public or private exhibi tion. Our catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp . Photographic Albums, We were the first to introduce these into the Unit ed States, and we manufacture immense quantities in great variety, ranging in price tr m 50 cents to SSO. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others They will be sent by mail, free, oil receipt of price, [ £'*FIXU ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER- CARD PHOTOGIiAPHf-. Our CataloguewbrnYl'menso rhik FIA'E THOU SAND different s Kac'kuboe additions are continually being made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans, Ac., viz : about 100 Major-Generals, I 550 Statesmen, 200 Brig.-Generals, | 130 Divines, 273 Colonies, 125 Authors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, | 40 Artists, 250 Other Officers I 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers. | 50 Prom'nt Women, 156 Prominent Foreign Portraits, 1 00 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues Ac. Catalogue sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen PIC TURES from our Catalogue will be filled on the re ceipt of SI,BO. and sent by mail, FREE. Photographers and others ordering goods C. 0. D. will plea e remit twenty-five percent of the arnowi their order. E & H. T ANTHONY & CO. Mannjacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The prices and Quality of our Goods cannot Jail to satisfy, Nov 9 1563- 12inoa YSSBTS -A WMWTIBS O —O THE SUBSCRIBER HAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL operation, for several years, a If U R & E fi J, AT TOWA.N33A.J where all of the most approved and rare kinds of FRUIT Or ORNAMENTAL TREES Can be obtained. * Being conv.nc-1 from experience that his Trees and Plants will