RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES, 0 F WYOMING CO ISOI. County Duplicates, Year Col'tus Names Townships rcrc'W kxons paid dme 1860. James N. B tker Meshoppen •• 8153,23; 5107,52' *42,29' $ 542! 186'-. T. H. Headly, Exeter •• 13,34 3,95? 9.59- " John P. Burgess Forkston •• 5.00; 5,00 " John Cyphers Lemon. •• 34,04! 18,4" 15.57? " Newman Miller, Tunkhannock Twp. •• 355,77; ! 140,00 8195 77 1863. Joseph Fox Braintrim •• 335,82; 1,60? 27.5fi> SO7,'GG| ' • Chaupey Bencon Eaton •• 576.23; 25,40; 50.04S 500J9; " T. D. ileadly Exeter •• 10'12| 4.39; 9,035 ! " Peter Hersbimcr Falls •• 204 46; 25.78; 41,235 137.45. •' Truman Mayn rd Mehoepany •• 46,62 1,62; 33,44 11,56? " Win. It. C,rtright Meshoppen •• 345,86; 2.645 40,27 302A5' " OL. Or'-utt Monr.e •• 93,93? 6.84; 17.35; 69 74 " O. B.Spraguc Nicholson •• 243.27; 26A3 48,69 167,751 A.L.Carey Northmorelund •• 164,34 ? ! 110 00' 54 84 " L, C. Conkiin Tunkhannock Boro •• 226,29| .3,95' 27,98! 194,365 ' '• Wm B. Oveifield Tunkhannock Twp, •• 2.5,32? ! ! 52,00 163 32 " Edmund i'ass<tt * Windham •• 133.41; ? 5 lll.'ooi 22 41 185-1. Thomas Philips Braintrim •• 399,54? j j 258,87- 140 67 " Z. S Reynolds Clinton •• 562,17 j 500!00! 62'17 " J.M.Robinson Eaton •• 831.37 i ? 654 04> 177 37 " T. 1). Ileadly * Exct.r'. 1 .. 152,97? | j 135.00? ■' Iliram llitchcock Forkston •• 235,42' ' 160.00 75 42 " A, T. Hewitt Fills •• 615,4 A ; > 569,00? 49 48 " Chas. 11, Ely * Lemon •• 328,54? j 301,00 27 54 " J. T. Jennings Mehooi any •• 596,29 j < 275,00; 32129 " Wm. 11. Cortright Meshoppen •• 716.46; < ; 350,'t0i 366 46 '• Sam'l. B. Cook Monroe 320,52? : < 243,00 77 52 •' E. L. Bacon * Nicholson •• 715,82; j.........s 495!ott< 220 82 •' trnrdon Pike * Northmoreland •• 538,63? ! ? 501 53> 3710 " Joseph Burgess North Branch •• 102,23; 2,99; 8,96 15o'28 ; ' " Wm. Irwin Overtield -• 210,95 ? 120.(10' 90 95 " Isaac 11. Koss Tunkhannock Boro. •• 452,23; 10,38; 22,09' 419.76; '* •' Joseph jjhupp Tunkhannock Twp 672,9il j 400 >q> 272 99 " John W. Crawford * Washington ! 535,21? 23o!oO; 265.21 " E. D. Fassett * Windham •• 427,57? : ~j 357.00; *70,57 'JOTAL. v, id 1616 44] 8247,36' 8394,39, *8248.12? 92731 . * Sot'.loJ since Statement was made. MILITIA FINES. Year Col'trs Names Tow.nshiis dcih'fe exojcs paid due 1862, TH. ileadly Exeter §10,50 $ 4,5('j S3O * 5,70? " John Cyphers Lemon •• 750 5,00? 12 2,'38? " Thos A. Miller Tunkhannock Boro. |•• 43,50 43,50? .; " Newman Miller " Twp. •• 11.50 \ : ? $lO5O 1563. Joseph Fox Brait.-: ;m •• 20,50 12.50? 40 7,60? " K I>. Gardner Clinton •• 36.50 19.50 85 1(U5; " Chauncv Ben.*, a Eaton •• 36.00 36,00; " T. 1) Ileadly Exeter ;•• . 750 5,00; 12 2,38? " Petei Hershimer Falls 1" 00 3.00: 60 11,40' il Hiram Ely L. mon •• 12,00 10,50 20 1,30? " Tiuinan Maynofd Mchoopany •• 23,00 9.00; 70 13,30? " Wm H. Cortitgbt Meshoppen •• 23.00 4.00; 95 15.05? " 0. C. Oreutt Monroe •• 16,00 5,91- 50 9,59! ■' A.S.Carey Northmoreland •• 11.00 ? .'. 1100 ' t. B. Sprague Nicholson •• 65,00 20,G0; 2,27 43 23? ' " L. C. Conk 1111 Tunkhannock Lorn, •• 23 50' 23,50 " Win. ]!. Overfiell '• Twp. •• 19.50 ? 19 50 " John W. Crawford Wi'riiitigti.n 26.50 26,50 " Edmund K'-sett Winlhim •• l-.t'O ; ' 18 00 1664. Thomas Philips Braintrim ,-• 21 50' j ; 24 50 /. S. Reynolds Clinton •• 27.50 ? 27 50 " J. M, Kobtnscn Eaton 30 ">0 j > -jn'-Q T. I), ileadly * Exeter .'•• 9.00 • i " Ilirai.i Hitchcock For If ton •• 10.00 < J in M A T Hewitt F.lls •• 25,00 i ? 28 00 " Chas II L.v * Lemon •• 24.50 ; 24 50 " J. T. Jennings Meh i-.pany •• 35,50 < ' 3550 " Win. I! Cortright Meshoppen •• 18,50 j ■ ? 18 50 " Sam IP. Cook Monroe I•• 27.50 !... \ 27 50 " E !'• L'con '* Nicholson •• 86 50 ; ' gg " Gor lat Pi.ce * Northim eland •• 41.t' ! i 44 00 " Joseph Burgess North Branch •• 16 00 ' 4,01 60 1i 40 Win Irwin Overtield 11.50 ! .. ...'.. j1 5Q " Isaac 11. Hosj Tunkhnnnru k Boro. •• Ii 5 > 14,561 ' " Josejli "hupp Tuakhanno k Twp •• 2d 50 20 50 " John W. Crawford * Washington 40did 4uW " L.H, i-assctt * Windham •• 15.' 6 151)0 1 §9i..00 §246,91 §7,61 *112,43 §515 0 *Scttlcd since Sta'cmd E tvts tna 10. O lX27o.'^ilc c! I DU. CR T, "T ,sw •-} .00,.a i To ninount of Hupiieates for 1364 8179 3*J Per '' r , i r V'.p. r ? vl <| U3 > ears !) ' ' T ° nr"cvLSl li - ,i * FiDeS f " r 18C4 I 912 9d br .ve," ltla " u " eol,ecte,i \ 515,00 fo Tax receive lon unseated land 1260,76 liy '- " ''V.'^ 0 ' o °," 5 ,,"? •' ° B r " x J> To balance of judgment ."gainst Gor- ) r, pr, n u 1 n Militia fines 240,91 don SweuUiuc'T ( 86 22 > C'im. allowed coII. on Co. Tax. 394,39 To Tax received on ?eated land return) 1'? *>■ .. Militia fines 7,61 el to Comw'.h by r, iLctl.rl I'-53 J re f- Com. on *13,158,R3. arn't re- ) ' To balance un hand at last settle- / J"'''' d by h.m at 2 per ce nt \ 263 > 48 . mcnt ( 3406,34 rreu '- Coin, on $7,427.63 arn't piid > 1-0-- To cash received for uuvurrcnted uion- } t v r 1" " ' V cr , '® nt $ " ( 50Q ".V < ounty ordei-s redeemed 7427.63 ) La.!.nice due County 5319 2 9 ' i~7302^2~ Expenditures, Auditors, * Costs tv yoming County vs. Gor- JohnG Spaulding 7 t 50 don .>weatland i 0.50 EH. Fassett 750 .. '°" s 1126 16 llenry Newcomb 7 50 onsfables 8346 F. C. Ross, Clerk 7,50 S 30.00 costs 77.84 FC. Ros-, auditor to examine Commotiw'th vs J. Hensmore costs 747 18 B°s o'' ncc'ts of Register, Record, Pro- Guarding Jail ' llk'nn thonoUry Ac. 1° 00 , * ri,n 'l Jumrs ....' Commissioners, " ZZ™ ,■ •• 987,88 James W, Gi trey, Balance ' 5.34 *° mCTS ViiaiUieS "S.ZS Francis Hough 120,00 Printing. Theron Vaughn 110 00 no- , . Edwin Stephens 115 00 350 34 v 175,75 Wm. F. Terry. Commissioner's Clerk 325 00 RpOin'i" t "T*"* n 95,00 270.75 J L,B ' J,uu "cfunJed orlers to Collectors over Prothonotarys. paid ]9 , r I), D. Dewitt, Balance 31,43 Bridge Building and repairing 1324 26 Ziba Lott 75,56 107,01 Attorneys. Ahira Gay She.iff, on account 115,00 Pcekham for Balance 13,00 Medical Attendance on Prisoners 400 J- C-Ross, 1864 25( 0 3S 00 Assessors 358 92 iiecor,Ji '>g' Treasurers Bonds, Ac. ' 4'p4 Repairs on Public Buildings 192 50 "Wearing Co. and Tuwnsnip officers ly'sO Road and Bridge Views 110/25 Lights, Fuel, Stationery, Record (oroners inquest 51,06 Books Ac- ' Rfi i ost• Mortom Examinations 35.00 Penn'a State Lunatic Asylum tm'Ti tVyoming Co. Agricultural So-iety 22 00 County seals 097= Bridge Drafts and Specifications 28.00 Harvey Sickler, HUrict Attorney i. M. Ilepbuin, Court Crier 37,23 Election Ballot Box J 7 J|JJ §1 ,"78,33 *5948,23 f *1778,33 *7726,56 t, V7 issi.""""' 01 th "P'-Hf.™ or w ; o, og C„. THERON VAUOHN 1 EDWIN STEPHENS F Commissioners W M . f. Terbv, Clerk. ' M B ° DLE ' Coanly'^rt-fJ? s^6 ' l ' Audito " of Wyoming County, being met r.t the Commissioners cffice in said we do find them L r ! f UP ° n rtaa,lnation of ae^uu 'B Treasu: .r and Commissioners of said County *re correct as set forth in T SMemeat > the expenditures of said County Frothonotnry Sheriff ml p StatemoDt ' linJ furthcr ' we diJ auJit < sole , adjust the accounts of the Witness' our hands thifTaT .° f squired by law ; hi., 28th day of January, A. H. 1865. JOHN G. SPAULDING,") lIENRY NEWCOMB, ( Auditors. MARTIN SICKI.EK ) Orphans Court Sale. The undersigned Guardian of the Minor children of Nuthan Sturd vant, Dec'd, will expose to sale by public vendue, on the 10thday of March, 1865. at on e o'clock P M. at the premise* hereinafter de scribed all that certain lot of land situate in Falls township, bounded north by lanl of Morris Sturde vnnt, East by public road loading from Falls to Clinton Corners, on the South and West by land of Hiram Evans, Chauucy Sherwood aud Samuel Dai ly Jr., with one Saw Mill and Dwelling House thereon, containing about two acres, with the ap purtenances, &r , late the est ite of said Nathan Sturdevaut. now deceased HANNAH LATEER, ,Guardian Ja il. si. INTERNA!, REVENUE, SPECIAL INCOME TAX. IVTotice is hereby given that the Sp eeial Income it Tax, on income for the year 1863, is now due and payable, and payment theroof is hereby demanded, and the Colloctor will attend in person I : or by Deputy, in the County of Wyoming, at the 1 I times and places hereinafter mentioned, fir the pur- ] j pose of receiving the same. j IN" STERLING VILLE Saturday February 13, i j 1965, between the hours of 10 a. in. 4 p. m. at Ja ' red Lilly's Hotel. I In TUNKHANNOCK, Monday, February 20, ■ at Maynard's Hotel, Notice is hereby given that all persons who J shall neglect to pay their tax within the time spec- j ified,wili be liable to pay teu per centum additional If. L, Scott. Collector 13th District, Pa. Collector's ofii ce i Towanda, Feb, 4 1865. j COURT OF APPEAL. Notb e is hereby given, that the Commissioners of Wyoming Covin j, will hold a court of appeal at their office in the llorough of Tunkhannoek, for the several townships in said County, commencing on Monday, the 13th :iy of March, 1665. and all per- ! sons who may feel aggrieved on account of their tax i esjfor iae year 1865., may attend and be heard. MARCH 13th 1865. Braintrim, Cliuton, and Eaton townships. MARCH 14th, 1865. Exeter, Falls, Forkston and l.tmon, MARCH 15th, 1865, Blehoopany, Meshoppen, and Monroe. MARCH 16th, 1865, North Branch, Northmoreland, Nicholson. MARCH 17 th, 1863. OverfielJ, Tunkhaupock T. P • Washington, Wind- | ham. March 18th, 1865, Tunkhannack Borough. By order of the Commiss loners, Commission, rs Office, Tank. Bo'r, Feb 14,1365' WM, F, TERRY, Clerk, COLPPMS FOR THE MILLION ! F _o— Pens to Suit the Hand, and Prices to Suit the Pocket* 0 The Best Gold Pens in the World ! , On receipt of the following sums, we will send, by I mail, or as directed, a Gol i Pen or Pens, selecting j the sain j according to tho description, namely. Gold Pens, in Silver Plated Exten sion Cases, with Pencils. For Sf No. 2 pen : far $1.23. No. 3 pen ; for 1.50, No. 4 pen ; for $3 No. 5 pen; for $2.25 No. G peu These pens are stamped THE IMPERIAL PEN', and are well finished on i fine writing GOLD PENS, i with goodaridum points, although they are j ranted and cannot be exchanged. ARRAX T 12 I) ti it I, I) PENS. Our name (AMERICAN GOLD PKN CO. N Y.,) is stamped on till our firs' quality Pens,'andthe points are warranted for six moats; except against acci dent. Our second i uality Pen-q are sin raped THE NATIONAL PEN, with the initials of our firm (A. G, P. Co ,) and are carefully made, having the same points as our first quality Pens, the only great j difference being in the quality of the Gold- Gold Pens 1 Ist and 2d quality in Solid Silver ExtensiouCases with Pencile. For 82,00' a 'o 1 pen Ist quality, or a No. 2 pen ! 2d qualif* . For 82 25 a No. 2 pen Ist quality, or a No-3 pen ' 2d quali' v For $2 25 a No. 3 pen Ist quality, or a No 1 pen j 21 quality. F >r S3 50 a AO 4 pen Ist quality, or a No. 5 pen j •24 quality. For S? SO a No. 5 pen Ist quality' or a No. 6 pen 1 2d reality. For sj>s 50 a No. G pen Ist quality. The same Gold Pens, in Solid Silver! Gold-Plated Ebony Desk Hold ers and Morocco Cases. For $2 25 a No. 3 pen Ist q ualitv, or a No. 4 mm ' 2d quality. 1 . For $2 50 a No 4 pen Ist-quality, or a No. 5 r.en 2d quality. j For -S3 20 a No. 5 pen Ist quality, or a No. 6 pen ; 2d quality For $4 00 a No. 6 pen Ist quality. For S3 59 a ! X o 7 pen For S'J 75 a No. 8 pen . For slj 00 a No. 12 pen ; all first quality. Our pens rank throughout the count ry as equal if' not superior to any Gold pens manufactured. Not! only for their writing qualities but durability and elegant finish. The greatest care is used in their manufacture, and none are sold with the slightest imperfection which skill can detect. Parties in ordering must specify the name, num ber and quality in all instances and whether stiff or limber, course or fine. TO CLUBS. A discount of 12 per cent, will bo allowed on sums of $l5, if sent IO one address, at one time • 15 per cent, on $25 ; 20 per eent. on $4O. All remit tnnces by mail, RRGISTKRED, are at our risk- To all who enclose 20 cents ext r.i for regis tering, we guarantee the safe delivery of the goods. ' Circulars of all our new styles, with Engravings ! of exact sizes, and prices, sent upon receipt of stnmp j if desired. Pen repointed for 50 cents by mail. Stationers and Jewelers are requested to corres pond with us as we can offer the in great induce ments. Address. AMERICAN GOLD PEN CO.. v4-n26-3 mos No 200 Broadway, N,Y BRIDGES LETTING. The Commissioners of Wyoming Countv will re ceivo until We lnesday February 15th. 1865. at 2 ocfock in the at ternoon,nt their office in the borough of Tunkhannoek sealed proposals for furnishing all materials and building two bridges to wit : one across the Tunkhannoek creek near the residence of Joseph Stephens in Nicholson Township. The other across tho Meshoppen creek at Keiserville on the sito where the old Bridge now stands Plans and j specifications to be seen at the said Commissioners office. By order of tho Commissioners. Win F. Terry. Clerk Tunkhannoek January 30th. 1865- Administrator's Notice. Whereas letters of Administration having been granted to the subscriber, upon the estate of Carles AV. lends late of Mehoopanytownship deceased.— All persons having demards against said estate are i requested to present them duly authenticated for ' settlement ; and all persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment. Mehoopany July 7th, 1965. HELEN D. FERRIS, A lministratri x. j NOTICE. AVhereas my wife, Sarah Ann has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation ; therefore, aU persons are hereby forbid to trust or barbor bcr on iny account, as I will pay no debts of her contract ing. Nicholson. Dec 15th, 1864 OSCAR M. STEPHENS. J TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned in consequence of bu.-incss else where respectfully announces to his patrons and the public generally that he has disposed of all his right j title and interest, in and to the stock and fixtures of the store kept by bim in Meshoppen, together with the debts now due the samo, both by note and ae ! count to B N. Corwin, who will remain at the old j stand and for whom he bespeaks a contiuuenoe of j liio liberal patronage, heretofore extended to him self- S. VBRNOY. B. N. CORWIN. 3P.A.. (Old Stand ol Silas Ycrnoy,) The subscriber offers for sale Ihc stock of goods i above named consisting of a well selected assortment intr GOODS. CLOTH®. snsj CAPS, 800T5..& SHOES, I HARDWARE, GROCERIES, <Sj-c. &c., j I besides very desiralic additions lately teceived : from New York, as j low as any House in the Country dare \ ' to sell, but only for CASH 0B READY PAY, ' and feeliog satisfied all can be pleased, he invites i the public to general and curly inspection of hi 3 1 ; stock. AH persons indebted to S, Ycrnoy, cither by note or account are requested to come up imme- j diately and settleor 1 shall be compelled to iusti- j I tute legal proceedings. B. N. CORWIN. j Sewing Machines. FINK [. E &T LYON 'S \ j NEW PATENT ROTARY FEED j ! Sewing Machines The following facts demonstrate that these Ma- ' i ohinea'comprise the HIGHEST IMPROVEMENTS IN THE I ! SEWING MACHINE ART. viz.— ! 1. Each MACHINE is gairautoe l to give better satis- j faction than any othsr Sewinfi Machine in Market ! or money refunded. 2. They have taken many of the HIGHF.ST PREMIUMS j at the most important EXHIBITIONS and FAIRS ' ever held in the Unitee States. 3. They make the LO< K STITCH alike on both sides— J thus saving more than half the thread and silk j used in th raveling ridge seams of the loop-stitch j and single thread Sew ing Machines. 4. They are adapted to the widest range of heavy ! and light sewing. Hr . 5. They have no rattling wires, or delicate at- j j i tachiuent to keep in repair. : 6. They require no taking apart to clean or oil. anil i no-Lessons''to set regulate teniion or! ops-rot c Machine, Blouse call and examine and demonstrate for j j ngursclf, or send lor CIRCULAR with samples of sew- FIXKLE EK UYON M- S. CO No. 536 BROAD IF AY NEW YORK j Information Free! TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility. In- j competency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error j actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy i o furnish to all who need io, (free of charge ), the j j re ipe and directions for making the simple remedy ! | used in his case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ' ! advertisers bad experience, and j*,s.-, a sure and ' i valuable remedy, can do so by ad r.-ss'ng him at j on?e at his place of business. The Receipe and full information- of vital importance—will be cheerfully sent by return mail. Address JOHNB. OGDEX No- 60 Nassau street, New York P. S —Nervous Sufferers os both sexes will find ■ this information invaluable. I v4-alB-3mo | The Lady's Friend. ! | M ist, households suffer great inconvenience fr< :.i { RAIN. SNOW, DUST, and COLD entering their j dw. Rings under the outside doois. The Ladies are j I especially | Annoyed with Soiled Carpets, i 1 CO].!) FEET. -.,1 SICK CHILDREN from the ! i COLD DRAFT under the door, DUSTY FUR ; NITi'HE. We have the pleasure of offering to the ! j public i A Sure ar.d F.flVctual Remedy fur .til these Difficulties, in CLAY'S Patcut 51 c t a J i c Weatherstrip. | Which elicits tho admiratson of all who bat e wit nessed it. The attention of the publis is invited to this little invention. Its Simple, Durable, and Effective, , and is WOBTHiDOF BLR its cost every year iu its : SAYING of Furniture, Furl and Doctor's Bills. ! IT CAN BE APPLIED TO ANY DOOR or I F'Rl NCI! WINDOW, is without springs orcompli | eaten macliinoiy to get out of lepair, is the only j strip that can ;i, moved at pleasure and is in ev | ery sense of the term. The Tinny that allHoseJceepers Want The Subscri •er having purchasodf the right for these strips wi'l furnish J fit them for those wishing them at short notice and on reasonable terms. The high ~st testimonials of their utility can be given by all who have them in use. No outside door should be without them. FREDERICK MILLER. Tunkhannoek. Pa. Feb. Ist, 1565 NOTICE. For the Benefit of Soldiers' Orphans. By an act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania ap proved M iy 9, 1964. the Governor was authoriz ! Ed to receive tho sum of fifty thousand dollars, offer ! Ed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, "for the | education an 1 maintenance of destitute orphan chil dren of deceased soldieis and sailors." The persons entitled to the benefits of this Act are the "children of either sex under the age of fifteen resilient in Pennsylvania at the time of the applica tions, and dependent upon either public or private charity for support, or on the exertions of a moth r or other person destitute of means to afford proper education and maintenance, of fathers who have been ki.led or died of wounds received or of disease contracted in the service of the United States, wheth er in volunteer or militi regiments of this State, or sn the regular amy of the naval service of the Un ied States, but who wero at the time of entering tuch service, actual bona fide residents of Pennsylvtw ! ina." Such children will be boarded, clothed and educa ted ; those under the age of six years, iu an} suitable school that will receive them on proper terms- and ose over six years of age, in one of the State Nor mal Sehoi Is. The application must be made "by the mother, if tiling, if not by the guardian or next friend." vh Persons representing such orphans as above de csribed can receive information, blank forms, and ali necessary assistance by application to either of the undersigned. P M. OSTERHAUT Esq , Rev. C. K. LANE, Rev. LUTHER PECK, Mrs HELEN M.NEWMAN, MisaRHODA S.CAREY Superintending j Committeo for Soldiers Orphans in Wyoming Couuty mm MOVER AID REAPER i Farmers should secure one of these excellent Ma ! chines at once as the supply is limited, and we are | eoufident thaf the demands for the above Machines will be great the coining season as the BUCKEYE J is the best Machine now in use, and is the best adapts ' e(1 to rough, hilly, and uneven ground, is tbe mo du bio and is managed with tho groatst oaseo l'ot her machines now in use. For further pa xulars address JOHNT. STONE Agent, HS. COOPER, FHYSICIAN k SURGEON • Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa. (■••Sk ME* roai. BN. •***> H; fo-jflMagg- SK? I BRIVER & BAKERS CELEBRATED ELASTIC STITCH : SEWING-MACHINE Were awarded the highest Premiums oe#r j irH Competitors, at the fallowing Stale and County Fairs of ISC3. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. F'irot Premium for Manufacturing Mackiae. First Premium for Machine Work. ! INDIANA STATE FATR. First Premium for Machine for all purpoees. First Premium for Machine Work. . VERMONT STATE FAIR. I Fir-it Premium for Family Macfli2. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. i First Premium for Machine Work, j Oil 10 STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine Work.' I lOWA STATE FAIR. \ First Premium for Family Machine. F' Premium for Manufactu ing Machine, j First Premium for Machine Work. j ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purpoeee. ! First Premium for Machine Work. KENTUCKY STATE FAIR, j First Premium for Machine for all purpee i First Premium foi Machine Work. MICHIGAN STATE FAIR, | First Premium for F'amily Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Maehine. I First Premium for Machine Work. | PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Manufacturing Mackiae i F'irst Premium for Machine Work, i OREGON STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Maehine. 1 irst Premium for Machine Work, ; CHITTENDEN Co. (Yt.)Agr'l Soc. | First Premium for Family Machine. 1 irst Premium for Manufacturing Mackiae. First Premium tier Machine Work -1 FRANKLIN Co. (X. Y. )FAIR. F'irst Premium for Family Machin", I Premium for CHAMPLAIN VALLEY (Vt.) Agr'l Soc. HAMPDFN Co. (MASS.)Agr'I Soc. laiploma f.;r Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Work. | WASHINGTON Ca.(N. Y,)FAIR Firit Premium for Family Machine. j OUEEXS Co.(N. Y. ;Agr'l Soc, j First Premium for Family Maohine. j T jr.-t Premium tor Manufacturing Maehiae. First premium for Machine Work, j SARATOGA Co (N.Y )I'AIR. ! I'rst Premium for Family Machine. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE (Pa.)FAIR F'r.-t Premium for Machine for ell puryease. Firsl Premium for Machine Work GREEN! I ELD (O)UN lON FA IR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. CLINTON Co (O.)FAIR. First Premium f r Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. MON f G OME J Y Co. (Pa.)FA IR. ; First Preminm for Machine for all pu eee. First Premium for Maceine Work, j SAN JOAQUINCo (CaI.)FAIR. I First Premium for Family Macljine. I First Premium for Machine Work, j SAN JOSE DISTRICT (Cal ) FAIR First Premium for Family Machine. Fsist Premium lor Machine Work i The a! ve eomprisez all the fairs at whteh | the Gnonru U RAKKU MUAINES were exhibited this j yea *. Sales-rooms. !95 Broadway, Now York, 730 Che '-.tut St. Philadelj' ia TO PROFESSORS OF Ml 610 AMATEURS, AND THE MUSICAL PUBLIC GENERALLY, P. A. WONDKRMANN rOREICN i AMKRICAM MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 624 BROAD WAV, Having on hand the largest-stock of Foreign Music in New York,which hn imports from Europe express ly to meet rho t '.s'e an i requiremerts of the Ameri can lovers of Mmic. respectfully calls attention to the fact that he is n>w snpp ying Musie ol Every Style at u Reduction of TWENTY-FIVE to I'IFTY per eent, less tli n any other house in the United Suites. Private Families can be supplied (post free ) by forwarding the cash to the above address Should; the anient:? of cash bo forwarded exceed tho cost <> the Music the balance will be promptly returned in postage currcii y DEALERS ami Professors .ffiottld not neglect this opportunity ; they will be liberally dealt with. N B Any an I every piece of Musie (vocal or instrumental) published iu Europe and America, will be supplied to order, if accompanied by the cash, Remember tho Address, P. A. W UNDE R M A N N Foreign and American Music Warehouse, 824 Broadway, New York, AYEB'S CHEIt It Y PECTOKAL, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consum ption, and for the relief of Consump tive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide istbe field of its usefulness aud so num erous are the cases of its cures, that almost every anetion of country abounds in persons publicly known who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other expecto rant is too apparent to escape observation.and where its virtues are known, the pu' iie no fonger hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing ami dangerous affections of tho pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits en the afilirted they can never forget, and produce cures too numerous and too roinarkaijie to bo forgotten. Those who require an alterative medicine to puri fy the blood will find AVER'S COMP EXT.SARS4- PAR.II,LA the remedy to use Try it once, and you will know its value Prepared by J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell Mass. and sold by Sain!. Stark Tunkhannoek, and alt deal ersin medicine everywhere, DO YOU WISH TO BE CURB D ?-J J~ CHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFY 1C PIT ]5 c in less thyu 30 days, the worst cases of NERYOI NE6S, Impotence, Premature Decay, Semin Weakness. Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexnai an Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause pro dueed- Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-paid by mail, on receipt of unorder. One Box will tier feet the cure in most cases Address JAMES S. BUTLER General Agent, 427 Broadway, New York r4nl3m: WM. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Of fice in Stark's Brick Block, T.oja St., lunk anneck, Pa. E. A HT. WTHONT ACO,, Manufacturers ef Photographic Ma terials, WHOLESALE AND.KKLAIL, 501 BROAD WAY, N. Y. i In addition to our main business of PHOTO' ■ GRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Headquarter* f*f j tho foil >wing, viz : ; mm II I STEIISCOPIC VIEWS. Of tb se we have an immense as sortmcnt, including 11 ur .cocoes, American and Foreign C-ties MM Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, Ao. A Ci Also, re volving Sterescopes, for public or private exhihi tion. Our catalogue will be sent toyny addrem e* receipt of Stamp . Photographic Albam^ TVe were the first to introduce these into tbUnit r | cd States, and we in an > fact ure immense quantiti** I great variety, ringing in price tr m 50 eenU t* i SSU. Our ALBUMS have the repntation of beiaf j ! P er ' Ol [ ' n be,:uty and durability to any othem. i .They will be sent by mail, free, on receipt of pria* r ALBUMS MADE 10 OiDER ! CARD PHOTOGRAPH P. | Our CataloguewbrnYPmcnsu rhik FIVE THOU ! S AND different s Kae'kuboe additions at* continually being ruade) of Portraits of *V'neni Americans, Ac., viz : about . 100 Major-Generals t ffoO Statesmen, ■A*O Brig.-Generals, 130 Divinos, 275 Colonies, 125 Authors, iOu Lieut.-Colone/8, 40 Artists, 250 Other Officers 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers. 50 Prom'ut Women,. 156 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 1 00 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings Paintings,St.itues Ac. Catalogue sent en. receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen PIC TURFS from our Catalogue will be filled on the re ceipt ot $1,60. and sent by mail, FREE. Photographers and others' ordering goods C. 0- D- will remit twenty-five per cent of th amovri their trder. E A H. T ANTIIOJiT <sC CO. Manufacturers of Photographic Material $, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The prices and Quality of our Goods cannot Jail to> satisfy. NOT 9 IS63* 12mo* PROSPECTUS" FOR 1865. THE SATUBDAYEVERING POST. j "The Oldest & Bestof the Weekl ea.** The publishers cf TIIE POST would call the at- J tentiuti of their host of oftl friends and the public t* their Prospectus for the coming year* THE POST still continues to maintain its proud position as A FIRST CLASS LITERARY PAPER, and arrays wee! ly its solid and numerous column- Choice Literature, including STORIES, SKETCHES, POETRY, E* AX I CHOT ES, and ©verythiDg of an interest ing character designed TO INSTRUCT AND AMUSE. A FAMILY OF CHILDREN who read a good literary paper weekly, can scar-rely fail to beeoma more cuifvated and intelligent under its influence— their st. i k of general information, especially will be greatly enlarged. That THE POST has exerted this beneficial influence in thousands of cases, THOUSANDS OF ITS ©I D PATBOIi| WILL TESTIFY. Therefore SUBSCRIBE TO THE POST, and sec if you do not note a gradual improvement in the minds and manners of your family. Its rs ried lessons on all subjects, cannot fail of being productive of more or less good. A SEWING MACHINE PREMWrf. We will give one of WIIEELER A WILSON'S CELEBRATED SEWING MACHINES —the regular price' of which is FIFTY-FIVE DOLLARS—on the fol* lowing terms; 1 Twenty copies, one year, and the Sewing Machine 970,0<f 2. Thirty eo* ies. one var, and the Sewiug „ _ Machines, " 85,00 o- * ■ pios, one tear, and the Sewing NJ.IV!. ine, 100,00 Ir> :irt of the above Clubs, a lady can get tweutv i -er* at the regular piriue of $2.50 ar copy, and t: ei, by sending on these subscript io an.! Twenty Dollars iu addition, wsll get a Much 115 ' that she cannot buy anywhere, at less than Fif*y~ five Dollars. It .-he gets thirty subscribers and Se v ," enty-five dollars, she will only have ti add Ten do®* lars to .'ho amount. While it she gets forty subsec bers at the regular price, she will get her Machine for nothing. The paper will be sent to different post-office if desired. The names and money should be forward ed as rapidly ::s obtained, iu order that the subscri ber'' may begin t.- receive their Dap-ers at once, and not become dissatisfied with the delay. When the whole amount cf money is received, tee Sewing Mu ch inc will be dniy forwarded. The Clubs inav be partly composed of subscribers to THE LADY'S FRiEXD, it desired. [ In all eases the Machine sent will be tbe regular WIIEELER A WILSON'S No 3 Machine, s >!d by them in New York for fifty-five Dollnra. The Machine will be selected new at the manufactory in New Turk, uixeJ, and forwarded free of cost, with' the exception ol freight, CASII IN ADVANCE* Or.c copy, one year $2,50 Two Copies. •* 4*oo Four copies, " Light copies, " and one to gettorup of club,l6.Off Twenty" - " and one togetter upof club, 35,09 One copy of THE POST and one of THE LADY'S FRIEND, 4,off t 5* The matter m THE POST will always be different from thai in THE LADY'S FRIEND. As the price off lIE POST is the same a* thai of i HL LADY'S FRIEND, the Clubs may be composed ebelusively of the paper, or partly of the' paper and partly of the magazine, Of course the premium lor got ting up a Club may be either one or' the other, as desired* Any person "baviug sent a club' , may add other names at any time ddring the year The papers for a Club may be sent to different post offices. Subscribers in British North America must remit twenty cents in addition to the annual TubscriptFoßV as we have to prepay the U. S. postage oh their pfcs. j pert Remittances should be made in United States notea For all amounts over Five Dollars we prefer draft* on any of the Ea tern cities, payable to our order* Specimen! numbers of THE POST sent ; gratis. Address. DEACON A PETERSON* No. 319 Walnut St. Philadi* !SP&BFAYB & SOWERS —o—o— TMIE SUBSCRIBER lIAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL. -L operation, fur several years, a ]H BSSSIY, TOWANDAj where all ol the most approved and rare kinds of 1 FRUIT d- ORNAMENTAL TREES! j Can be obtained. # Being'* 3 from experience that his Tree* [ and Plants will give fur better satisfaction to tk* I | Fruit-growers of Wyoming County than any grown r ! in other localities, he confidently solicits their patron- I ge ! He will make annual visits either in person or by hi.- agents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co , and asks only that his specimens tpj be examined j and his method of dealing be tested All orders by letter orothcrwho, for Tr*ea,ria*f or 1 | pj nti will be promptly attended to I to3I-ly D HARRI"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers