North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, February 08, 1865, Image 2

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*V42s** '• ' • • ' •■kj-v. t -- \
©be Be mot nit
Wednesday* Fell. 8? 1865*
The following etatement of the mini
r-ricsl strength oi the rebels was made in the
Confederate Congress on the 14th instant:
"Mr. Foster, of Alabama, said that he had
made a calculation that there were euough of
tnen in ch? Confederacy between the ages of
eighteen and forty-five years to protect this
Government against any enemy forty years to
ccme. There were seven hundred thousand
persons if. .e confederacy between eighteen
and forty-five years of age."
PROPOSED TAX ON DOGS.— At the annua)
meeting of the Pennsylvania State Agricul
tural Society, held a day or two since, it was
resolved to petition the Legislature to make
provision for taxing all d<>gs in the State, and
n-k attention of Ihe Governor to the same
subject. During the disc sien upon ih ; s
subject it was slated that such a tax would
produce to the Slate Treasury an annual
revenue of n< t loss than $>700,000.
A Harry PROSPECT. —The Boston Com
mercial B lleiin, ( the 7lh inst., remarks
v t;\ a .reat deal of so.emnity,
*" 1
'*ll is pretty evident that if the great
rational debt we are now accumulating is '
c. ito be paid, the Government must rely !
on some c.vd i rf. nary source of revenue not
yet developed,"
IAX POT JAM i ORDER —The f Uowing i;n
per tail t ft icr lias been issued tn r 'it- n to
those who paid commutation m 1804. As
wt!l be scrn, the impression under which a
g: -1 many are laboring, that tliey are not
liable to draft under the present call, is er
rors us. The following is the order :
"Office OF A. A. PRO. MAR. GEN.., )
"Western Division of Pennsylvania, S
Harrisburg, Pa.. Jan. 26, 1865, )
il C(rcular J\o. 7.—Questions having been 1
made to this office, with reference to the lia- 1
bility of men who paid commutation under i
the drafts of 1864, the attention of District j
Provost Marshals is called to the sth section I
of the Amcnuat ly Enrollment Act of Feb i
24th, 1864, from which it should be under
stood that [he names of ail men drafted, after
the latter date, and txtmpfed upon payment j
of commutation, should be returned to the i
uheel tor the draft under tho call of Decern- i
19,1?C4. By order of
Maj r R I. DODGE.
A A Provost Marshal General.
Wm. B'.;rrF/.E;i, C-ipt. anl A. A. G."
Consolation lor Democrats.
l - nd> i i' ;, ,s reported to h-tr ■ -.aid: ;
'Uis an i,a j.img rule of national Ifo that
the ; a. ty that carried y >u thn ugh a War al '
v.- >ys vacates office win r> it is ended,and the •
other party comes in. In IBCd the Democra
cy is to preside at the White House."
This,from so prominent an Abolitionist and
shrewd a politician as he is,should be taaen as
warning by the now dominant party,and their
acts and policy should be shaped in accord
ance therewith. Of the many false and crude
things said by Phillips the above is not
among them. In this utterance he but quotes
Lis'ory. lie will get co thanks from the lea
(bis of his party, and yet he deserves their
most sincere regards for pointing out to them
the inevitable course of events. If,they are
wise they will profit by acting !n the belief
that a brief period will break their rule, and
that their place at the helm of government
to be assumed by new men of a new par
<•. .
The Committee on the Conduct of
tie War is investigating the cause of the fail
ure of the resent Ben. Duller expedition
asrainst For' Fisher. Since the capture of
Hut fortification by General Terry, the coin
mittee need have very bt'.le trouble in find
ing the cause.
Soldiers : your commander takes leave of
you— Ben Butler,
And the country takes leave of you,
Y r conduct the field has extorted prais
< - fi;.m the unwilling..— Bill Butler.
But yours Las net.
I, too," was eft".*- army of tho Jatncs.—
Ben. Butler.
And prevented it from taking Fort Fisher
To'j aft jet pate in euch acts is honor.— Ben.
Ren "sscn't r-.fcr, probably, to the capture
of F >rt I'ist-er.
ihe wasted blood of my mcu not stain
my garmeuts.— Ben. Butler.
Neither does the dust of Fort Fisher.
For my action 1 am responsible to God and
my country.— Ben. Butler.
Your country has passed judgment, you had
better take an appeal to the other tribunal.
Go hang yourself.
Comrades of the Army of the James I bid
jou farewell.— Ben Butler
Maj.jr General Ben Butler, get out.
IS. The Dayton Empire gets off the fol
lowing on what it considers BUTLER'S present
and future resideuce :
(.rencral Butter's present residence is
LowiU*&a future residence will be Low
The Draft—Peima. ftuota,
The quo'a under the recent call for 300,000
men havrg been re arranged, the Marshal of
this State furnishes the following as the qu -
ta of the several districts. 4V hile the total
number is lessened about 18,000, tho reduc
tion in this district is very small.
I—Philadelphia, 1936
2_ " 2509 j'
3- " 2912. (
1 4_ " 252G : ;
} 5 "andßuck9, 1543 ]
C—Montgomery and Lehigh, 1756 i
7—Chester and Delaware, 1121 <
B—Bucks, 1560 |
9—Lancaster, 2584 ,
10—Schuylkill and Lebanon. 1525 .
11—Northampton, Carbon, Monroe,
Pike and Wayne, 2413
12—Luzerne and Susquehanna. 1495
13—Bradford, Wyoming, Sullivan,
Columbia and Montour, 2301
14—Dauphin, Northumberland, Union,
Snyder and Indiana, 3435
15—Cumberland, York and Perry, 1990
10—Adams, Franklin. Fulton. Bedford
and Somerset, 2403
17—Cambria, Blair, Huntington and
Mifflin, 1694
18—Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Tioga,
and Potter, 2157 :
19—Erie, Warren, McKeco, Clearfield,
Eik and Jefferson, 2540
} 20—Crawford, Venango, Mercer and
Clarion, 1512
; 21—Indiana, Westmoreland and
Fayette, 15-17 j
i 22—Pittsburg, 2572 ;
23—Allegheny in part, Butler and
Armstrong, 1770
24—Lawrence, Beaver, Washington
and Greene, 1741
Constitutional Amendments.
The resolution proposing amendments to
1 the Constitution ot the United States abol
: ishmg slavery, passed ihe House of Reprc- ;
, eentaiivesou Wednesday by the necessary !
two-thirds vote. They had previously piss-I
id the Senate.
Av e fail to see any possible good that can :
, result from this action at the present time. I
j The effect must inevitably be to rno,o firmly 1
end determinedly unite the Southern people j '
in favor < f scnaratinn, at whatever cost, by j
the ndoptim uf the identical policy on the !
part of < ur goveinment which it was charged
by the prime movers in secession, would be
done whenever the abolition party came into ;
power. D will enable the Southern leaders '
to justify their acts before the Southern pco- j
p!e, silence all croaking, and, as a last resort, I
; to themselves abolish slavery as the price of j
j recognition by Franco and England, and the j
• formation of a league by which the Southern J
j Confederacy and the Maxainiliam Empire
wii! become fixed facts. am j t p e power of '
! England on our northern borders be mor
firmly established. It is merely another
: brand thrown into the flame which has burn
ed so fiercely during the past four years.—
. Had 'hey beeu style 1 ''Resolutions to more
: effectually recruit the Southern armies, sup
! pre.-3 the r cent manifestations in favor of
peace, prolong the war, and render a re un
ion ot the States impossible," and framed in
"• "tor 'iiice with 'he title, we d ;u'ut whether
the result c 4 have been more (flVcluaHy
. It is not only an whs and ir.juui ; '
1 c His, but., in the present state of aff.iiis, is ;
impracticable. Like the emancipation j.roc
1 lam.!'ion, it is a '"Bull against a comet."— I
No one who takes the pains to examine the |
political, military and civil position of at
least ont-third of the States which are called
upon to act on this question, can fail to see
that a ratification of measure by an
honest and fair expression of the people is
impossible, and would never have been
dreamed of by any less obtuse and fanatical
body of men than compose the majority in
the present Congress. The number of orga
nized Slates—including the West Virginia
bantling—is thirty five. To secure the adop
tion of the resolutions would require a rna
! jority vote in the Legislatures (or by Con ,
ventions) of twenty seven States. An jec
jeetion by nine States would defeat the
measure. Does any one believe that in the
States of Virginia, North Carolina, South
Carolina Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Miss
issippi, Louisiana, Texa c , and Arkansas, ten
in number, legislatures or Conventions, to
I be elec ed b}' the people will endorse these
| resolutions 7 While in the Slates of Ken
.' tueky, Delaware and New Jersey, where a
innj-.rity of the people arc of the belief that
slavery is a local, State institution, and that
each Sute has the right to manage its in
ternal affairs in its own ways the same difi
culty would perhaps be met with. Nothing \
but the most outrageous and despotic in- j
terferance with the rights of suffrage could !
bj' any posibiiity secure their ratification by i
the States in the manner provided by the !
Constitution. The evil effects of such tneas j
ures, at a time when the efforts of all true I
| patriots are directed to the means by which !
; peace and Union may be restored to the'
country, cannot but be apparent to all. It ,
merely displays the animus of the fanatics j
of toe North, and furnishes fuel fur the fan at- |
ics oi the South, without the possibility of 1
securing any good results— Poltsrilie Stan
A SMART TRICK— A very smart trick has
been detected on the Canadian borders, by j
wliich the revenue of the United Slates was
defrauded. An individual has built his house i
directly on the line, so that the north door is
within Canadian territory, and the south door j
jiu that cf the United States. British dutia-
I ble goods pass freely into the north door,and
i are slipped out of the south door for use in
! the United States. This smart dodge is
j ab"Ut to be stopped by a law of Congress,
by which the fact of building up the bounda
jry line, will, of itself, bo assumed as evi
dence of a purpose to smuggle, and the rev
i enue officers will be empoweaed to cuter aud
| search the premises aud eeiM'the goods.
The en<l of the Peace Confere cc—The I 1
Terms Proposed and Rejected—The J i
War to CO on with Increased Vigor—|
Probahility of French Intervention--Ex
change of Prisoners, etc,
j From our Special Correspondent,]
WASHINGTON, Feb. 5 18G5.
It is all over now. Abraham Lincoln and
William 11. Seward, commissioners appoint
ed by the President cf the United Stale, bad
a f>ur hours' interview with Alexander 11.
Stephens, R. M. T Ilunter and John A. Camp
bell, commissioners representing the C'onfed
erate States, and the result of it was both
parties agreed to disagree. Did any reason
able man expect anything else '? Was it not
a foregone conclusion that neither would i
agree to or accept the terms ihat the other j
would ask or offer ?
When General Singleton returned from
Richmond he informed those who had confi
dential access to him, that tho South would
not return to the Union. lie saw the lead
ers ol the rebellion, President, Cabinet offi- <
cers, members of Congress, tnd generals in j
the fi- hi, and from them he learned more
than Messrs. B!*ir, Gillmore and Jacques
gleaned ia all their visits to the Confederate
capital. lie was told that the Southern
people entered the contest with their eyes
open and their senses alive to ail that it in
volved; that they mean to be independent,
and would be independent if it cost them a
twenty years'war and all the resources of
their country that they would never vcluu
tarily return to the Union, and had no fears
of being brought back invoiuutarily;
that they would negotiate Ar j
peace at any time, but without abat
ing one iota of their claims; that they were
confident of an early recognition from Europe |
and that if we would anticipate the expected j
recognition from abroad, tht?y would give us j
the preference and compensate ns by < fie ring !
an that would assuredly redound to
the advantage of both North and South.
This is what General Singleton learned
during his stay at Richmond stud it merely
confirmed the convictions of th>se Northern I
men who know the spirit of the Southern
people. Mr. Flair was not taken into the
confidence cfthe Confederate leaders. He
was received courteously, hut with a certain j
degree of formality. lie was tohl that the .
South was willing to negotiate—willing to j
send or receive commissioners, but he was j
not told that they wonid in.-est on set:'.ration.
„ I
This was the result of his first mission lie,
returned and infi rued the President that, if j
he wot.! 1 e m-vnt to receive them, the South j
would send commissioners to deliberate on !
conditions of peace. The President took
the matter into considerate n, and detcroiin
ed toaccept the proposition. Then Mr.
Blair returned to Richmond and commanica
ted the decision to the Prc.-i lent, and the
result was that the commissioners were ap
pointed, and President Lincoln and Secretary
Seward went to meet them:
The meeting was of the most cordial kind.
The three Confederate Commissioners wore 1
old and intimate associates of our Secretary j
ol State, and were r.ot personally unknown I
to the President. After warm and friendly j
salutati the Conimissijntrs, two from the j
north three fioin the South at once entered up |
on the btismccs which brought them together |
The conference was opened by Mr. Seward i
in the guarded method of which he is so
complete a master. lie ask 1 what rue gui
i,i had to older as representatives of the
Richmond Government, and wa3 informed
that that Government was desirous to bring
the war to a close, and wouid willingly ne
gotiate for that purpose. Mr. Seward next
inquired if they were authorized to negotiate
on the basis of the reunion of the States,
and received the reply that reunion was out
of the question ; that the Siuth was pledged
'to mdt and cou Id not accept any
thing else, and that if independence were
granted an alliance mutually advantageous
to both countries would beacceeded to by the
South. This point was argued with great
force by the Confederate Commissioners, and
the arguments were respectfully listened to
by the President and Mr. Seward, but the
proposition was not entertained.
The latter then laid down the ultimatum
of the North. If the Southern Government
would dn-band its armies, dissolve itself,
abandon the idea of a separate Confederacy,
induce the people to return to the Union and
submit to the Constitution as amended, and
resolve itself into its or.ginal elements, that
is, its members resume their status of private
citizenship, if the Southern Government
would do this, then the war should cease, an
amnesty be proclaimed, and tho Confiscation
act be suspended and repealed. These con
ditions were laid down as forming the only
bas'-s on which the North would consent to
a cessation of hostilities, and it is hardly nec
essary to say that they were firmly, and with
becoming dignity, rejected by the Confeder
ate Commissioners.
The Conference lasted for four hours, and
when it closed the parties to it shook hands
and parted, each with sadder hearts and more
serious thoughts that when they came to*
gether. It was conducted in the most friend
ly ami cordial manner, and was free from !
formality of any kind that no written prop ;
csnions or pledges formed any part of it. It j
was purely verbal from beginning to end, i
and no written paper that could hereafter bo '
used to the disadvantage of either section was
Introduced, or now exists. Reunion was the
rock on which these peace negotiations were !
wrecked, and nothing more remains but to
tight on until one or the other of the contend
ing sections becomes too exhausted to con
tinue the contest, or is induced by extraneous
causes to withdraw from it.
Now, that the peace bubble is exploded
the Government is determined to give all its
energies to the campaign that will open in a
few weeks. The draft will b enforced with
ibe utmost vigor, and everything that can be
dene will be done to compel the South to ac
cept what its representatives have just reject
ed. Foreign intervention, which has been so
long regarded as a bugbear by Radical war
men. will not remain inactive much longer.—
It is even said that the Administration has
been advised by European agents that France
io de termined to recognize the Confederate
Government, and will do so before May next,
and that this recognition will be followed by
armed intervention ; and when France takes
this step you may be assured she will have
at her back means that will insure its success
She lent her assi6taoce to the colonists, be
cause she wanted the power of England bro
ken, and when 6he interferes in our quarrel
it will not be because she has any sympathy
with the cause for which the south is fighting
but solely for the purpose of insuring the
downfall of the American Republic, and thus
providing against the danger that threatens
her Mexican empire in the event of the res
toration of the Union.
fche New Enrollment Act.
The following is the amended enrollment
act, introduced in the Senate by Mr. Wilson,
of Massachusetts, and now pending:
Be it enacted by the Senate and Hon se of
Representatives of iho United States oj
America in Congress assembled, That
from and after the passage of this act persons
enrolled and liable tube drafted may be ac
cepted as substitutes for drafted pesons.
SECTION 2. And be it further enacted,
That no person owing military service 6hall
be exempted from liability to perform the
same o:i account of furnishing a substitute
for the navy, uniess the substitute is pre
sented in person to the board of enrollment
by which the principal is enrolled, and is ac
cepted by said board of enrollment.
SEC 3. And be it further enacted , That
any recruiting agent, substitute-broker, or
other person, who shail enlist, cr cause to be
enlisted, as a volunteer or substitute, any f
insane person; convict or person charged with
crime, or person in a condition of intoxication
or a deserter from the military or naval serc
v'ce knowing liim to be such, or who shall
defraud or deprive any volunteer orsubsti
lure of any port'on of the State, local or Uni
ted State 3 bounty to which he may be enti
tled . hail upon conviction by any court mar
tin or military commission, be line 1 not ex- ]
cei ling one thousand dollars, or imprisoned
n ' exceeding two years, or both, at the dis
cretion of such court martial or military com
SEC 4. And be it farther enacted, that
any officer who shall muster into the milita
ry or naval service, cr insane person, convict
or person charged with crirao or person in
condition of intoxication, knowing him to be
such, shall upon conviction by any court
martial or arbitrary commission, be dishon
orably dismissed the service of the United
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That
all State and local bounties hereafter to be
paid to any volunteer or substitute upon en
try into the military or naval service of the
United States shall be paid in installments,
as fallows : One third at the time of the mus
ter into service cf such volunteer or substi
tute: one third at the expiration of half tho
term of service, and one third at at the expi
ration of the term of such service, unless
sooner discharged by reason of wounds re
ceived in battle. And incase of his death
while in stivice, the residue of his bounty
unpaid, shall be paid to his wide w, if he shall
have Irft a widow ; if rot, to his children, or
if there be none, to his mother, if she be a
SEC. G And be it Jurlher enacted, That
tho remainder of the term of service of any
person who shall hereafter enter the milita
ry or naval service as a volunteer or drafted
tnan, and shall desert therefrom, or be dis
charged by reason of physical disability ex
isting prior to such entry into service shall
be added to the amount of service due from
the district to which such volunteer or draft
ed man shall havo been credited, and the
same shall be filled up from such district by
enlistment or draft,
SF.E. 7. And be it further enacted, That
iu addition to the oilier lawful penalties of
the crime of desertion from the military or
naval service, all deserters from the said ser
vice, who may have deserted or who shall
hereafter desert beyond the limit of the Uni
ted States, shall be deemed and taken to
have voluntary relinquished and forfeited
their rights of citizenship, and their rights to
become citizens and such deserters shall be
forever incapable of holding any office of
trust or profit under the United States, or of
exercising any of the rights f citizens there
of. And ali persons within the United
States who have deserted the military or
naval service, who shall not return to service
or report themselves to some provost mar
shal within sixty days* after the passage of
tho act, and alt persons who shall hereafter
desert the military or naval service, 6hall be
liable to the penalties of this section.
CURE rou SAJALI. POX The German Re
formed lle<senger lias received a letter from
a friend in China, in which it is stated a
groat discovery is stated to have been recent
ly made by a surgeon of the English army
in China, in the way of gn effectual cure of
small pox. The mode of treatment is as fol
ows : When tho preceeding fever is at its
height, and just before the erupt ion appears
the chest is rubbed with croten oil, and tar
taric ointment. This causes the whole of
tho eruption to appear on that part of the
body, to the lelief of the rest, It also se
cures a full and complete eruption, and thus
prevents the disease from attacking tho in
ternal organs. This is said to be now the
established mode of treatment in the English
army in China, by general orders, and is re
garded as a perfect cure.
nicest girl you know. You will then have
her to preside at your breakfast table, and,
unless yon are a sad dog indeed, you will not
| require any but her.
WYOMING C 0.—1864.
County duplicates.
186 ft. James N. Baker Meshoppen •• $153,2?j *107,52; #42,291$ 5,42^
1862. T. D. I T cadly, Exeter •• 13,24 , 3,95 9,89
" John P. Burgess Fork.,ton •• 5,00/ 5,00;
" John Cyphers Lemon. ij* 34,04? 18,47! 15.57j
" Newman Miller, Tunkhannock Twp. .. 355,77* ; > 140,00': $191,77
1862. Joseph Fox Braintrim •• 335.82 1,60; 27,56! 307,66j
" Beacon Eaton 576.23: 25,10; 50.041 500,79!
" T- B. Her-dly Exeter j*- 10'12; 4,39; 9,03>
"• Peter Persbimer Fails !•• 204,46; 25,78; 41,23? 137^45?
•' Truman Mayn>rd Slehoopany 46,62! 1,62; 83,44! 11,56;
" Wm. H. Cortright Meshoppen 345,86; 2,61/ 40,27; 302,95'
" O L Orcutt Monroe •• 93,93 6,84 17.35 69 74;
" <J. B. Sprague Nicholson 213,27; 26.83! 48,69! 167,75!
" A.L.C'arev Northmoreland •• 161,34 ; ; 110,00; $4,84
" L, C. Conk!in Tunkhannock Boro •• 226,29; 3,95 27,98; 19- 4 ,36|
'• Wm B. Overfield Tunkhannock Twp, 2.5,32 j 52,00; 163,32
" Edmund Fassett * Windham •• 133.41 ; j 111.00! 22.41
1354. Thomas PI ilips Braintrim •• 399,5-* ' j 258,87; 140,67
" Z. S.Reynolds Clinton 562,17; .•> 500,00: 62,17
J. M. Robinson Eaton •• 831,37 j 654,00; 177,37
'• T. D. lfeadly * ExeUr •• 152,97 ; j 135,00; 17,97
•' Hiram Hitchcock Forkston •• 235,42; j 160,00 ; 75,42
" A, T. Hewitt Fills •• 618,48! ' 569,00 ! 49^48
" Chas. H.Ely * Lemor •• 328,54 301,00 ; 27,54
" J. T. Jennings # Meboorany •• 596,29 ; j 275,00> 321.29
" Wm. H. Cortright Meshoppen •• 743,46; ; j 350,00; 368,46
" Sarn'l. B. Cook Monroe •• 320,52 - 243,00; *77.52
E. L. Baeon * Nicholson •• 715,82-; ! 495.00- 220,82
Gordon l'ike * Northmorehnd •• 538,63 ! 501,53 - 37,10
" Joseph Burgess North Branch •• 162,23; 2,99! 8,96; 150,28;
Wta. Trwin Overfield •• 210,95! j j 129,00 90,95
" Isaac II Boss Tunkhannock Boro. •• 452.23; 10,38, 22,09; 419,76 :
" Joseph Shupp Tunkhannock Twp •• 672,99; ! j 400,00; 272,99
John W. Crawford * Washington •• 635,21' ! 250,00 285,21
E. D. Fassett * Windham •• 427,57 \ 357,00; 70,57
TOTAL. I. Sll01S,14; #247,36 $394,39(58243 12;#2731,87
* Settled sinco Statement was inado.
1862. T- I). lieadly Exeter •• $lO 50 5 4,50; S 30; 8 5,705
" John Cyphers Lemon •• 7,50 o.i'Oj 12; 2,38!
" Thos A. Miller Tunkhannock Boro. !•• 43,50 43,50 j
" . Newman Miller " Twp. •• 11.50 !••• ;... I $10,50
1563. Joseph Fox Braintnm •• 20,50 12,50 40 7,60;
"■ E. L>. Gardner Clinton •• 36,50 19,50; 85 16,15;
" Chnuncy Benson Eaton •• 31i.U0 36,00 1
" T. 1> lieadly Exeter •• 750 5,00, 12 2,38!
" Petei Dersliimer Falls •• 15 00 3,00; 60 11,40!
il Hiram Ely Lemon •• 12,00 10,50! 20 1,30
" Truman Maynord Mc-boopany •• 23,00 9,00! 70 13,30!
" Wm H. Curtiight Meshoppen •• 23.00 4,00; 95 18,05;
" 0. C. Orcutt Monroe -• 16.00 5.91 50 9,59!
" A. S. Carey Northmoreland •• 11,00 ■: 1100
• G. B. Sprague Nicholson •• 65.00 20,00; 2,27 - 43,23''
" L. C. Conklin Tunkhannock Boro, •• 23.50 23,50 >
" Wm. B. Overfield " Twp. •• 19.50 • 19,50
" John W. Crawford Washington i•• 26,50 26,50';
" E'iinund Fussett Windham ,•• 18,00 < > 18,00
1864. Thomas Philips Braintrim •• 24.50 ! i 24,60
" ZB. Reynolds Clinton •• 27,50 ; | 27,50
" J. M, Robinsen Eaton i 30,50 ; 30 50
" T. D. lieadly • Exeter •• 9,00 ; ! 9,00
" Hiram Hitchcock Forkston •• 10,00 ! ! 10 00
" A. T Dewitt F*lts •• 28,00 ] .A 28^00
" Chas. 11. Ely * Lcuion •• 24,50. ; i 24.50
" J. T.Jennings MeUoopany i•• 35,50 ! j 35*50
" Wm. II Cortright Meshoppen •• 18,50 ; i 18,50
" Sam'lß.Cook Monroe I•• 27,50; ; ; Jv" 27,50
" E.L.Bacon 9 Nicholson •• 88,50 ;... 1 68,5U
" Gordon Pike * Northmoreland 44,00 ; ( 44,00
" Joseph Burgess North Branch 16 00 4,04- 60 11,40
" Win Irwin Overfield 11,50- ! I 1150
" Isaac H. Ross Tnnkhannock Boro. '•• 14 50 14,50; j
" Joseph Shupp Tunkhannock Twp •• 20,50 ) j 20,50
:{ John W. Crawford * Washington 40.00 j 4000
" E. D, Fas sett * Windham 1500 ' j 15j)U
' ' *• $912.00 $246,91 $7,61 $1X2,48 #516 0
*Settled since Statement was ma le.
'X'x-o-slssi arex-'si ilccount,
To amount of Duplicates tor lduJ and > 53134 7-3 'Rj amount of County tax uncollected ) •o?qi 07
rreview years. i ' ; f0r1864 and previous rears < $2731,87
To amount of Duplicates for 1864 8479,39 ;By amount of Militia fines uncollected > Kl . m
To amonnt ol Militia Fines for 1804 ) qto 00 for 1864 Ac. C 515,00
and previous years ) ' ;By ex'ons allowed coil's on Co Tax 247.36
To Tax receive lon unseated land 1260,76 By •' " '• Militia fines 246 91
To balance of judgment against Gor- £ By Com. allowed coll. on Co. Tax. 394,39
lion bwcatland J 1 ,By " " Militia fines 7,61
To Tax received on Seated land return ) .. By Treas. Com. on $13,153,88. am'tre- )
eJ to Comw th by collectors ) ' 1 ree'd by him at 2 per cent S 203,4S
To balance on hand at last settle-/ o, nfi o. By Treas Coin, on $7,427,63 am't r lid ) , inr .
ment 5 1 out by him at 2 per cent ( 148 - 5S
To cash received for uncurrented mon- > 500 i ßy Count J redeemed 7427 63
ey ) ; Ballauce due County 5319,22
$17302.02 ' $17302,02
Auditors, ""Costs Wyoming County vs. Gor
„ „ ~. . don Sweatiand 10 50
John (L Spanlding 7,50 Elections 1126 16
L D. Fassett i,50 ( Constables 83 46
FC. Ross, au litor to oxamino omcaonw th vs J. Densmor© costs /47,18 825,02
acc'ts of Register, Record, Pro- Guarding Jail 115,00
thonotary Ac. 12,00 'j™ *' uror! i 344,44
~ , . Traverse Jurors 987,88
Commissioners, Reliet to Soldiers Families 115,25
James W, Garey, Balance 5,34 _
Francis Hough 120,00 Printing.
Theron Vaughn 110,00 Harvey Siekler 175 75
Edwin Stephens 115,00 350,34 William Burgess 95*00 270 75
Mm. I. Terry. Commissioner's Clerk 325.00 Refunded orders to Collectors over ' '
Protlionotarys. Pid 12,45
P, D. Dewitt, Balance 31,45 Bridge Building and repairing 1324,26
Ziba Lott 75,56 107,01 Attorney s.
Ahira Gay She.iff, on account 115,00 B,l ' an<, ° £<?% OQnrt
Medical Attendance on Pnsoners 400 K 'i, n . . Js,to
A=sesora no Recording Treasurers Bonds, Ac. 4,84
Repairs on Public Buildings Swearing Co. and Townsnip officers 13,50
Koad and Bridge Views 110/25 Lijejhts, Fuel, Record,
Coroners 51,08 Books Ac* .... 192,86
Post Mortoiu Examinations 35-00 Penn'a State Luna ic . sylum * 374,11
Wyoming Co. Agricultural Society 22.00 County seals 32,75
Bridge DrafU and Specifications 28 00 Harvey Siekler Dutrict Attorney 76,00
F. M llejbum, Court Crier 37,23 Election Ballot Box 1)00
We do certify that the above is a true and eorroct statement of tho expenditures of Wyoming Coun
ty for the year ending January 2d. A, D, 1865.
EDWIN STEPHENS > Commissioners.
Attest, WM. F. TERRT, Clerk.
We, the undersigned, Auditors of Wyoming County, being met et the Commissioners office in said
County, do certify that upon examination of the accounts of the Treasu: „r and Commissioners of said County
we do find them correct as set forth in the foregoing Statement, and that the expenditures of said County
are correct as set forth in this Statement, and further, we did audit, settle, and adjust the accounts of th#
Prothonotary, Sheriff and Coroner of said County, as required by law
Witness our hands, this, 28th day of January, A. D. 1865.