HARVEY SICKLEK, Editor. TVNKHANNOCK, PA Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1865 , rar We notice that a resolution has been introduced in Congress to confiscate the property of all persons who evade the draft, by running away, to an amount sufficient to procuro for them a suitable substitue.— "What next ?" as the toad said, when his tail dropped olf. THE WAR. Another attack, it is said will be made upon Fort Fisher by the navy, It L rumored that Gen. Grant with a large land force will co operate. Gen. Thomas is still crossing the Tennessee River. It is hoped that he will reach the south bank in safety. Judging from the length of time he has been doiiig so. it must be one of the widest bodies,of water in the world, The news from other quarters is comparatively unimportant. car The Court adjourned on Tuesday. Owing to the absence of P. M. Osterhout Er anticipating I the President's former proclamation, ai d ; previous to the lite election every McCTellsn man was denounced as a rebel sympathizer, and a traitor, who dared to give utterance to ! his convictions that in the event of Mr. Lui j coin's ro-elect.i in another draft w< ul i be ic | evitable. Nut only did the lesser iuhts of j | Abolitionism howl themselves -hemselvt- j ! hoarse with the old Cnrtin shibboleth, '"\ oe j | the Republican ticket, and avoid the draft," , but those high iir power, and who ought to ! have been good authority upon such subjects i reiterated again and again the pledge-that no more Conscriptions would be necessary, and : none would be enforced. Secretary Seward i made a point of this promise in his Auburn | speech, and Solicitor Y> biting assured th® ! country that the last draft hal been success ful aud that the government had obtained all the men, and even more than was needed to capture Richmond and finish up the Rebel! ion. The people took these gentlemen at their word, and have re-elected Mr. Lincoln, j The reward follows even more promptly than was anticiprted by the most ultra Copper j head; but it has come, and, though we may | not expess a disappointment we do not fee!, ! we may at lca-t be permitted to give utter ance to a genuine condemnation of the miser- j able falsehoods resorted to by the imbeciles in power to insure a retention of their hold upon the public purse and the public throat. Since February last—considerably loss than one year—the Administration has is sued calls, and ordered draft, f>r a million i and a half of men. In February the Presi- j dent "called" for five hundred thousand vol - ! unteers, all deficiencies to be supplied by a I | draft. On the 13th of March he ordered a draft for two hundred thousand men, to meet the immediate necessities of the army and navy." On the 10.h of July another draft was ordered f r a half million of men : 1 and now wu h&vo another call for three bun- • • 1 i l ! dred thousand mote. , ! Mi. Lincoln is yet filling his unexpired' . first term, and has been designated by tin j chosen electors of the Union as the iucum , j bent of the presidential chair fur four year.- longer. Hi s soldiery are air-ady stat tn i in every county, and are engaged in hunting down the desperate victims of firmer con-' . scripticns. The families of those who have . already been enticed or f >rced into the wa r are begging f r an increase of the scanty j it , tance allowed them by B ards of Relief.— j Those able-bodied men who can are flying . from their h uncs and seeking freedom in a monarchy. Conscription, tsxer, desolation and want keep pace with each other, and the time is not far distant when the almost uni uersal sentiment will be, "Give us any kind t of peace rather than thi- 'aim! d v.i-u'iug , war." Ia that day "they who have .- >w the wind shall reap thewhuln : I," Of one thing the, pnwt-rs thai b - m.i assured: the people wdl not eubmit ut another draft u:t '• J til it enforces the last one in all localitie ' ; where a deficiency yet remains 1 It is nor 1 j to be supposed, after the emphatic assurar.ee ! of governtront officials to the contrary, that 1 j the President refrained from enforcing tlu* L , | draft in any locality before the election for I ; political reasons, and yet we have heard of j supplementary drafts in Washington and of a draft ordered, and then postponed, in " | Kentucky. What is the meaning of these | reports? Is it true that the last draft still ' ; remains unenforced in any part of the coun Jtrv ? If so, the government can't be too - I quick in completing it, and until thtv do ; this, there should bono talk of enforcing -• another draft in those Sta'es which have filled i their quotas.—E.c. I r J How TO SHOW VOI R FRIENDSHIP Ron THE , PAPER. —V> e can adopt the language of acu , i temporary and say, " Subscribe and t iv for ! j it. Send your printing and advertising to , th'.s office. Ib Ip to in .ke the p m r inter esting by sending items war has been brought oh Us by t! God as a divine chastisement to bring us to C repentance, or to humble us." It shall be ii my business to show, that this assertion lias p not been Verified in the progress of this War. y But to the contrary, also to show, that jour e 1 course in this Wat has been nefarious—and , p j deserving of the highest censure. First, we allege there has been no repent- j C I once, or humility manifested 6uice this war j t i began, except by widows and orphans. j f The mere acta of,thanking God fur success- t fu! tr.au slaughter is no demonstration cf.hu- r I utility. Ever since this war commenced, we t have been making rapid progress in fully, | vice, shame, and marked profligacy. Every day brings additional animosities ; and embittered feelings. Neighbors who 1 used to respect and esteem each other, now j stigmatize and curse each other. Ilatc has ( ripened into revenge, aud men seek to do- ] a troy one another, even men who profess Christianity, pray for their neighbor's de- i struct ion, and laugh at his misfortune. llow f abandoned aud reckless humanity has be ( come. We, as a Nation, at this time arc | plunged deeper into the Gulf of dumoraliza- 1 tion than ever before. Re ligion is at a lower ( ebb to day, in these once United States than t ever kn nvn since the "days of the Pilgrims." , Vital piety is almost a stranger in the land, and you, you who should have stood lirin un ] llinching in the cause of Christ have shown • I yourself a band of political demagogues.— | i r ou have adv> cated abolitionism from the , pulpit, and through the press, and in your en husiastie striving for the negro, you have lust sight of your country and your calling, and aie not deserving of the title which you 1 bear. Some of you have stooped so low as i to cull Democrats "coppeiheads," and laugh wh n litis odious epithet is applied to a Dcm uciat. Fur such preachers I have no sympa thy, and say to you, "the devil desires to h ve y> u that be may sift you as wheat,"— And more than this, most of you can see nothing hut cannon and glittering swords. ! and trust in nothing hut abolitionism and i Union Leagues, It is tetnarkablc you do not ' :et nearer to the bat tie-field than these leagui •. except a few who have gone out as chaplain . or who have succeeded in persuad ing their members into a company of which ihey are Captain or Lieutenant, and unforru- | na'ely for the poor members, they become j subjects instead of members. I would say to j , jon in the language of Parson Brownlow, ••hya'ty leads to the field." And if you, would have us believe you are [patriotic and j loyal n.er ; "dry tip" and start to the field I of cb ;>d!y conflict and help to free your black brethren. Relieve tnc i r not, harm, and only harm, has been the result of your effort. You have caused distentions in the Church ; instead of saving the Church you arc destroying it. Y.,u are break r.g down that which you cov enanted with God to build up : you know it, yt u have seen it. and if you d" not foibear j irretrievable ruin will be the doom ot the Church, Instead of soothing he minds of the people*, you have aroused lueir hostilities ! et.geiidtled strife and invincible opposition to ' yourselves and the cause of Christ. \\ ith ! vour v.un babbling you have almost succeed | ' 1 i-il in m ;lung this world infidel. May Jeho : vah, before it is 100 late, call you from error . | and infamy, anil save the Church, and our beloved Conntry from sinking into the vortex ■ to destruction - — An old Fashioned Christian -*•- TIM F. G. OF THE C. C. AND THE WOUND , r. o Soi.in EH.— \mong the many humorous , things from tlie army, the best we have i j have heard is one related of a certain pious j- gcr.tletnau connected with that good and wor i | thv institution, the Christian Commission, j which is to this effect. The P. G. of the C. I\ was on a vis.t to the hospitals near \<'s intellect, and with a look of theTuo-t perfect astonishment and contempt, after viewing the pious pilgrim from to fot lie exclaimed in a feeble, sickly voice, 'Well, now, ain't this "a purty time to be ask in 1 a f that prt \i us drafts have boon a failure, and that volunteering is both more remunerative to the G< veninient and preferable to the i peoph . Ni i only are they exclaiming against the load of debt which is aecuinlating by rca-on of self imposed local bounties, but they are scathing tlmse who have grown rich off the war and arc able to buy substi tutes or are too old to serve. The "loyal j league" can quickly settle the matter bv j sending all its blatant heroes to the front Fx —4 ► I A M:I 11; Ac T FOR MORE PAR Secretary {fessenden recommends the committee of ways and means, to reorganize the Internal Revenue Department, and enlarge the sala ries, that of commissioners from three to five thousand, and other officers in.proportion. r l his will be hailed with special delight by the tax payers, I PORK AND REEF AT CHlCAGO.— Chicago is n earnest rivalry with Cincinnati in the bu siness of meat packing, claiming that she is the "porkopolis" of the present day. The j ] Chicago Times anticipates that the business J in pork-packing in the west will be more im- j portant this year than ever—not that there ! will be a greater number ofanimals slaughter ed, but because of the extraordinary prices . prevailing. It says : "There wll probably not be less than 3,- I 000,000 hogs packed in various portions of the country, and at au average weight of 220 , pounds, each hog will be worth §20,40, and the total number worth over seventy nine million dollars, and if Chicago packs 800,000, which is not an extravagant estimate, her proportion of the business will be over twen t ty-oue millions !" Last year Chicago packed 904,059 hogp— j This year, since the commencement of the j packing season, (from Oct. Ist to Dec. 4th,) Chicago received 504,214 hogs, and shipped 131.055, leaving fur the packers 372.559, which ( shows only a moderate deficiency compared with the same months in 1803. Chicago al so claims the foremost rank among western : cities in the beef packing interest, having packed last year over 70,000 head, worth at least §4,000,000. This season the busines is expected to in crease largely, as the packers already have 02,000 animals, which is an ex , eess of more than 5000 in favor of ISGL As regards the salt used in packing, a pre , fcrence is given to the Onondaga, compared i with the Saginaw, on account of the latter having no uniform grade. Michigan should see that suitable inspectors are appointed. Muruered by Guerrillas, Capt. R. M.McCoimick, son of Mr. R. Me Connick, of Milton, Aetiug Brigade Inspector of the 7til Penna. Cavalry, was, along with j the Surgeon of the same regiment, was lately i murdered in Kentucky, by a band of guerril- , las. The dee'd, when killed, was sitting in j the*parlor of a farmhouse in company with the family. When the guerrillas rode up the owner of the house went out and stated to the leader of the band, that there were two j Union officers inside who would surrender.— The Captain of the hand replied, "we take no j prisoners," and straightway, inhumanly sh t . both Capt. MeCormick and the Surgeon.— The Capt's remains were brought home this week to his distressed parents. Capt. M. was well known lu re, having for merly studied law under E. 11. Baldy, E-q. j He was a gentleman of fine manly qualities , kiid his death will be lamented by aH who j had the pleasure of his acquaintance.— Dan viile Intelligencer, IMPOBTANT RUMORS. —Says the N. \ World : "It is known in Washington tiia England has been quietly organizing a large j force of men, to be held in readiness for some important duty. An order, moreover, is known to have been issued, peremp'orily refusing leaves of abserce to the officers of ; several of the best regiments of the K ielish j army, and the recent maivelous promptness of Canadian au'hoiitiz-s in raising men, even at the expense of an enforced draft, un der the pretext of an apprehended invasion by the Fenians, is thought to point clearly to the fact that they had been instructed to' seize the first opportunity of organizing all available forces fui any emergency." — citizens have by this time learn ed many new war phtazes, but the new order recently issued by General Grant has been construed as follows : "On tu Richmond," that's tu say, if the bussed rebels will allow it. "Parallel lines," are them kind of lines that never cum together. "Military necessita,"— ten officejs and a ealon of whisky to every three privates. "Onluce tiie dogs of war but muzzle the darn kritters ; if you don't, somebody wil git huit. "War of Exterminashun," —this fraze be longs holey tew the Kommissary Depart uient. "Advance Guard" —this is a gard tha hav to hav in our army, to keep our fellers from pitchin in tu the enema frontwards. "Eere Gard"—this is a gard tha hav tu keep our fullers from pitchin intu the enonia backwards, "Awl quiet on the Pottermuck"—this shows what perfect subjection our fullers are under. "Pickets"—thesearc chaps that are sent out tn borry tur'oackcr of the enama, and tu ee if the cussed rebels has got a pass. THE PRICE or NEWSPAPERS.—The Rucks county Newspapers have raised their sub scription price to §3 a year, with a deduction 1 of 50 cts. if paid in advance. The same thing j has been done, as a matter of necessity, by ! the papers of several other counties. At the present rate of expenses, no newspaper can be printed, and yield its publishers a living, i for less than §3 a year. If the paper makers' j monopoly continues, all weekly new spapers w ill be compelled to go up to §3 a year, or slop.— Sunbury American. Alarming Desertions from the Federal Ar my, [From the Hartford Press, (Republican) We speak of what we know when we say , that more men, on the James, desert from our side to the rebels than desi rt from the rebel side to ours. Day after day we are filling our quota with scoundrels, theives, . jail birds, hand dog bounty jumpers, known j to be such by the substitute brokers, and often by the officers whose business it is to stop such outrageous swindling. Every day hundreds of these rogues are sent to the front. They do not add anything to the ar my. They weaken it. They cannot be trust ed, either as guards or pickets, or to go into a skirmish or battle. They steal what they can and then desert. Special Notices. Executors Notice. i Whereas letters testament.i;y to tlie Estate of linn. I'. Lemon, late of North Branch, (ieeea-ed, < have been granted subscribe •, All persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make | immediate payments, and those having demands ; ( against the Estate of aai l deceased will make the | t same known without delay t >, Executory. j llazleton Luzerne Co., I'a. J * BANK MEETING- I iiie Stockholder ot tuo National Lank, at luiiic j i bannock, will meet on or r.efore ihursday, the 19th, ! '■ iust, and deposit the first ius Alur-'iit of the capital i Btck subscribed by them. Additional Subscriptions : to the stock will be received previous to that date. By order of the Director!. II O WAR J) ASS OC I A T 10 A, ] PIIILA E'ELPHIA, PA. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, SEMINAL, URINARY ■ AND SEXUAL SYSTEMS —new and reliable treat ment— in reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SIvILLIN 1101 GHTON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, I'hii- , ad'lphia.Pa. • v4nlSly j III!! 0? FMTMSIIP, The partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Shoemaker A Stone is this day dissolved by mutual cons nt. Theßooksani accounts will be found in the h in Is of !!• M. Stene by whom the busi ness will bo continued. Tunkliannock 2 B. M. Stone. Jan, 31. 181-5 !) __ 11. Shoemaker. 1 i^ATRIMOIffXAL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN if you wish to marry, address the undersigned, who will send you without money and without price, val uable information that will enable you to marry happy and speedily, irrospeetive of age, wealth or beauty. This information will cost*you nothing, and ! if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you,— all letters strictly confidential. The desired infor mation sent by re'urn mail, and no questions asked, ■ dlross Sarah B. Lambert, Greenpoiut, Kings, Co., New Fork v4-nl 4-2 mo. N OTIC E. Notice is hereby given that Christopher Matlicw son ha.-Glad his Petition in the CoTirt of Quarter Se—iccs of Wyoming County; an 1 will m.ik% app'i ; cation at the next term of said Court for a Taveru License in Clinton Township ZLBA LOTT, j Dec. 28, 1564. Clerk- NOTICE. Whereas my wife, Sarah Ann has left my bed and f board without justcauso ir provocation ; therefore, ! all persons are hereby forbid to trust or harbor her on my account, as I will pay m debts of her contract ! in? -. Nicholson. Dee. loth. 1 "-61. OSCAR M. STEPHENS. TO THE PUBLIC. i The undersigned in consequence of bu.-iness else where respectfully announ-es t<> his patrons and the i public g r.ct ally that he has disposed of all his right 1 title and interest, in and (•> U- stock and fixtures of ; the store kept by him in Mo-hoppen, together with the del ts r.<.av due the same, both by note and ac | count to B N. Curiviu, who will remain at the old stand and for whom he bespeaks a continue nee of ! the liberal patronage, heretofore extended to hiin ! self- S VERNOV. B. N. CORWIN, ivLJs.CiZxc3X"'jr*TE:raj. i*A.. (Old Stan l of Silas Vernny,} The sul seriher offers for sale the stock of goods above named consisting of a well selected assortment •DRY GOODS,CLOTHING. HATS CAPS, 830T5.& SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, qV. &c., | besides very desiraile additions lately ieceivelj from New York, as i low as any House in the Country dare ; to sell, but only for CASH OR READY PAY, i and feeling satisfied all can lo pleased, lie invites , the public to general and early inspection of his itoet. j £-v All persons ln lo'ote l to S Vcrnoy, either ; by n >te or account are reque.-tcd to cotne up imrno- I diately and settleor 1 hall be compelled t, insti- j ! tute legal pr ceedings. B. N. CORWIN. NOTICE. Fir lite Item-fit of Soldiers' Orphans. ITv an act of the Legi-i iture of Pennsylvania np ) proved May 11, 1 lil. the Governor was authoriz ed to receive the sum ot fifty thousand dollars, offer ed by the Pennsylvania K li road Company, "for the education and maintenance of destitute orphan ehil j dren of deceased soldiet s and sailors." The persons entitled to the benefits of this Art are the "children of either sex under the age of fifteen, resident in Pennsylvania at the time of the applica tions, and depen lent upon either public or private charity for support, or on the exertions of a moth- r or other person destitute of means to afford proper education and maintenance, of fathers who have i been ki led or died of wounds received or of disease i c! ntracted in the service of the United States, wheth j er in volunteer or uiiliti i regiments of this State, or ' sn the regular arrpy of the naval service of the Un j ied States, but who were a! the time of entering j tueh service, actual bona li !e residents of Pennsylva- I ilia." | Such children will be boarded, clothed and cduea i ted ; those under the age of six years, in any suitable school that will receive thorn on proper terms• and ose over six years of age, in one ot the .State Nor mal Schoi Is. The application must be ma lo "by the mother, if | Hp tig. 'f net by the guardian or next friend." I vhPersons representing such orphans as above de- j : csribod can receive information, blank forms, and I all necessary assistance by application to either of the undersigned. P M OSTERIIAUT Esq , | R-v. C. R LANE, Rev LETnLit PECK. Mrs HELEN M. NEWMAN, Miss RIIODA S. CAREY' . Superintending j vDBntWM for Soldiers Orphans in Wyoming County j JEP'SfcZSTXIfI- j j The subscriber will sell at public sale, ou SAT • Til IA V. J AN. M'b, 1865. , A VALUABLE FARM, SITUATE IX j *> Y'OMING COU.VTY, PENXA. Late the estate of Pliins is Sherw <>l, deceased ; containing FIFTY ACRES, all IMPROVED, with A GOOD FARM-lIOUSE, u good APPLE Orchard j and other Fruit Trees thereon. SALE made on the premises ; where the condition ' , will be made known. * 0 SHERWOOD, Executor of the will of P. Suerwood dee'd j Falls, Dee. 16.186-1 NOTICfiL | i l\i B- B hereby given that 1 have placed in -fx Ju the possesion of L. D. Vflll urg. one SPAN of four-year old, bay COLTS, lo be kept by hiui du ring my pleasure ; ail person are forbid to molest or in any manner Rtuleru with them us they will do so at their peril. PERRY BILLINGS. Tunkhannock, Dee, 20lh. 1661 PROSPECTUS FORIBSS. " THE SATDRDAYEMG POST. "The Oldest & 13estol the Weeklies." The publishers of THE POST would call the at tention ot their host of old friends and the public to their Prospectus for the coining year- THE POST still continues to maintain its proud position as A FIRST CLASS LITERARY PAPER, and arrays weekly its solid and numerous eolumn of Choice Literature, including STORIES. SKETCHES, POETRY, Ed •;AY>, AN FCDOTES, and everything of un interest ing character designed TO INST KU C T AND AM USE. A FAMILY OF CHILDREN who read a good literary paper weekly, can scarcely fail to become more cuit'vated and intelligent under its influence— their .stock of general information, especially, will be greatly enlarged. That THE POST has exerted this beneficial influence in'thousands of cases, THOUSANDS OF ITS OI.D PATRONS MILL TESTIFY. Therefore SUI3SCRIBK TO THE POST. and see if you dp not note a gradual improvement in the minds and manners ot your family. Its va ried lessons on all subjects, cannot fail of being productive of more or less good. A SEWING MACHINE PREMIUM. We will give one of WHEELER