Dellao* m. r _ i .s 'liuc ol Patenter Trains, Jun 2d. 1804. yAKtn [ TTTTI 7oLTiivvAH Accom- j Pussen- I Accotn- j mela- ger. I g- 1 1 thm. • , j i P. M.I P.M. i I A. M#_ ?. M, | i, STATIONS 2 00 (TlO •t~l'Ti r - 7.10 2.2'> 1.35 G.'-l N,wMiUhd '59 2.j> 1.00 6.00 Montrose v 13 25 5.38 II r- - j $$ 11,50 5.16 Si.-h..K'n - ft 11,20 4 56 1 . i.iryvilte 9.-4 5.1., ; 10 75 4.10 Abu • - | 10.40 -1.32 01 rk" Summit £''' j 10.10 4.i0 o -K v:;TON it -'J 3.42 Ureonviiie ID.sU i n .••• 3.29 Dunning {';f* ~ 1 1d.... 3.17 M-scw 11,02 ••••-.; ; ' 2 51 tSoulihboro 11 -' - 1 6 2.40 T.>b> 11.40 k | < 2.20 Fork- 11;u' Z {t .... 2 02 Oakland 1''.17 •• •• ' .... 1,40 Jlcnryvilh * 1-.33 •• •• g i 7T •• •• 1,35 Spragucvii'e • 1- 43 " " j: J .... 1,24 .Stroudsburg 12.51 k".... 1,0:3 Water Gm 1.08 * 12,47 Mount liethcl 1,24 >\ k .... 12.35 Delawan 1.50 ••••£■ jJ.... 12 10 *A!:ti:unl;;i Chunk•• 1.55 t " j .... 12.02 JiridgcviUe 2. 4 ••••">, .... 11.51 Ox ■ rd 2.15 ••••L, .... 11.33 Washington 2,23 .... 11.20 New llamv.'.on 2.45 .... A- XI. *Cli.mge 3or I'fall.•- P M. Tlie Passf'gs-r'l i aiit Xorllniard Leaves Ken* Hampton >*i the ..rrivn! "t the Mi" Train which leaves i.' lOl'.K •' 0 A XL. and MAS UN K A CHUNK an the m ival of the Train which leaves PiJfl.Al'Ki i !i! A..: 1; - ■ n De pot) at 7*15 A. XI- At fd.'RA \ tON this T An makes dose ct nne i' n* with trail on the LACK* AW ANN A & RTOOXISLiTG and it EL A WARE .v HCUbON Kailrna. e, a < I at livni with the M lil Traiu on the 1 rie Railway going West Tue Passenger Train Southward T.e eve.* Grer.t En d after the arrival of the Circir- Expref# trim tie We.', ct meeting at '■ wit h Trains on the l.i • kaw. t.r.t anil L'l.i.m-l tik ond DeltwarMMl Hurts i. Railrocde; :it J'anun Cnu * k with the train for l'L bun!) !::a, nr.ii r New Ilainpiton with 'liains for jYew York, the Le high Valley, Harrieborg, Ac. Passengers iy tbi Train arrive in New York at 5 >0 in Pbiladelpei at 6,30, anil in liarusi.ur .it 3 20 P XI. The Accovr.rr. datioii Train KofflWHwl, eonnects trt Or ..t Bend with the Day Express troii.g U\ ', v wlO h p.--..ngers arrive a ud Syracuse the same day. Southward, 1 e•.\i* Git t P 1 i o.terthc arrival o the New Yoth Ex; tc .* io * 1. '.-t. j-j;/" A.I P i get* drains on the Eric Railway gto.l at Oi. f l.i : WATTS COOKE, Supt. R A. lIENRY. G. n. Tkt. Aget t. A LA MODE. THE LATEST FROM VEIV YORK. Mrs. a. st\rk, take- pi.e \=t re in 3ga n informing hr friends, and th<* ladies gen , that he has re.-. '.ve l, and is still receiving rail ye ari l weil selected assortment ol FALL AND jriNTKU GOODS, Consisting of II VTS. HOX NI TS, RHIKON> PI,OSSES,FEA • HEltk, I. Vt'ES, IIIEVl)- DRI-LSSFS, and, in sL .rt all art Is usual!., tound in a "A 4T T T T < \T ' { 3 "O ~sr V. f 1 - ■ 11 - ry Stark in the ' >r ittgh < • Tttnklt inn k. ready an ! willing to serve all whr> m iy faroi he with a call. MANTUA-MA KING. We have secured the services of an experienced jT9. , and at all times will be prepare I tFi r ant XT ke Dresses in the latest tn. l ma t iij.prove'l m.iii .er.— Soliciting your calls before purchasing elsewhere, wo. remain Yours. Res| eetfullv. .ML- A. U. STARK. April llcll's Specific Fill-—XL •;ranted in all Cases an be teEeJ on! Never fail to < ure ! I)o to nauseate! Are spec !y in act: >u No chat ;e ~f et reijuircJ! Do not interfere wTh business pairtiits C*n he used without detection! t'pward of 200 eure- this month —some 1 1 them very severe cu-es* Over one hundred |4iy ; iciaiis h i\e c * 1 them in their practice, and ill speak well i f their efficacy, an approve of their composition, wl ich i entirely vcgi table, and harmless on the system, liundteus c •ertificites cm 3tn wn PELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS are the original and only genuine Specific Pill. They ire a lapted for male and female, old or young, and the only reliable reme dy for effecting a permanent and speedy cure in ul casus of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, with all its train of evils, such as Vretheral and V gina Discharg-s. Gleet, the Whites, Nightly or luv dunta ily Emission, Incontii utncc, Genital Debility an Irritability. Impotence, Weakne-s or Loss of Power Nervous DeLil 'y, k • , V • , all ..f which arise princi pally from Sexual Execs or Self Abuse, or so me constitutional derangement, and incapacitates th sufferer from fulfilling the duiies of married life. In all sexual diseases, us G otorrhea. Gleet, and fr*trh*t ores, an l in Di-enscs of the L'l ■ ider and Kidneys they act as a charm ! belief is cxjericnced by ta eg a single I. -x Sold by all the principal Jiuggists Price SI They will be sent V.y mail securely sealed, and confidentially, ou receipt of the money, by J RItYAN, XI D., N'o. 76 Cedar Mieet Few York, H l u Itir g r 1 ysit I.'n for tie tit: t • 11. f ot Urinary, Sexual, nr. I Nervous Di.-ensi s, who wi send."free to all, the following valuable work, in 1 sonic I envelope : The 1 ivTir.Tit Thocsasd - Pit EEI.T.'S TREA ! TlSßpn Self Ai us?. Premature decay, Imji. Lev an I Loss of Power, .-e .ual I'isen.-i s, Seminal We. n-ss, Nightly Km'is.-iotis, Genital Debility, A'c., Ac j n; unpblot of 61 ' •• ■ 1 : '''gin. o'.t:u:t :nl\ice to the aIH : ted. and whit h si onl i bo read by every ; suffer'T, as th-* men* ? of cur- in the severe t stages j is plainly set forth Two st amps required to pay postage." I ft OUT a ■ rr. TO l.vdif3 —lit?. IlAr.rrv'.s fejialf. 1 T'ii L.- liy. iv vcr yet failed in removing diiii uities briifig frv i oh struct ion, or slo: j .ge of nature, or i:r re-tbring the sy-f. : i to perfect health when >u "V rig frotu Apirial a '.vet vol s, Prolapsus, Uteti, the \\ hitcs, rr other wevkrise o! the Uterine Organs The Pills •ro perfectly 1 m!e.-- i n the constitution, and may bs taken •>> them...- deli, ate female without cutis ing distroflss—Lite same ti c a-t'iibe a charm by erengtnetitug. Inrigoratt ing and restoring the system to.a en Ution, and by /ingtiug on ' the me an y poiiotl with regal, rity, no matte: IV-uu whsf eruifs ♦fteob.-trurtion may arise Tn y should however. Mtfbe I ken during the fir-t three or fur 'ninths, fit pregnant y, t t .*igh safe at any other I tue. as nV's.-anmgr- would he the.esult. Each box contains 10 Pills. Price $l. Dr. HARVEY'.- TREATI.-Eon diseases of Fe reales, Fr gnaney, Miscarriage, liarrenne s, Steriii *y^B®l,raluetion. an 1 Abuses o f Nature, and the Ladies Pri.ate Medical Ad viser, a pamphlet. >fft pages, sent free to any uddreFS_ . i\ ceuts rnpiirc.i to pay postage. The Piii-i.nd I • h ... ..... .. D , by m HI wfa a ,t c xlrcd sfeeuretj seal. *, .. y (i>! \ y e , - * 131. i . . i j • • :jtcj .ci Ag lue > G! '-he prim ip ui u.uggi.-i.,. 3aa 20. 1364 r-3-n-y 1 "lliS SIIpICHISES, oir LETTER V. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE . s I'cc dr. : a tvorl S-rcpu atmn It is be- [ yon I doubt the bt St and -haapc-L nof laist beautiful . 1,, oil Family - ing Ma h nes yet offered to the j nublic No other Family 3 .wing Mn hma has so ; uiaay us ful nj-i ;i ' for He. .'itig, Dm ling, Fell i- - Tucking, GMhering, Sdfgtfig, ID aiding, Em-: broitieriug, Geiding andf>|bpth. No uhor Family , Sewing Machine ha; ; > n'lt It enj .irily i pruAt , variety of work It will sow all kinds of cloth,! and with all kinds of thread. Great and recent iw- j provemcnts make our Family -Sawing Machine most , rclist'le, nr. ! most durn'do, and most cetfiin in ac- j li- n ill .11 rates of peed, It makes the interlocked 1 : liteh, which is the bed stitch known. Any one, ev en of the most ordinary capacity, can see, at a. glance, how to vw the letter A- Family Sewing Machine. — Cur I'. i ; : .!y "-cuing Mochines are fittisite lin chaste and exquisite style The Jol iingt =e of tho Family Machine is a ! pic a of cunning workmanship of the most useful I kind, it protects the machit e when not in use, and when a ! f to b- i [cva'cd may be opened as a spa-' j cious and fuLstni ial table to sustain the work. — While si,; c , 1 tlm Ca-"-. , made out of the choicest ; woods, arc fioisl ; 1 iu tho simplest and chastest uifttt- I nor jo,-.! ' others .uc a lorned and embelished in ; ii,e most costly and superb manners. It is --bv lately necessary u. see the Family Ma- I chin.' in operation, so as to judge of its groat capaci . Tv and beauty. It is 1• : I>:■<■ tning rts popular for family sevriug as our maintfa taring multilines are for niuuufactur ! iug pui"i cs The Jlran h Offices are well supplied with silk, twist, thread, needles, oil, Ac., of the very bestqual { 'ty. ! Send for a Pasiphlkt. j THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 158 Broadway, New F'ork. " 7'"*l*!it : a<"elpliia Office, 8 1 O Chestnut St. , 1 ' ; Agt's in Tunkhannock. J' A. I ".Ri,V- : LI., S n m &MWMH mvm —AND— Tin Sliop. THE subscriber has just received at his shop, over Jlaukinson's Store, in MESHOPPEN PA., and w ill v list.intly keep or. hand nil the latest IMPROVED COOKING STOVES Irnong whi a ere the •' CALORIC," MINER asd " UNION" patterns, with PARLOR STOVES and IK : ; of every description, which he offers for 3EPsty at prices Ii it will defy ciunpetition Ilia stovi 8 are bought directly of the Manufacfur ers it ALBA SY, W ILK. S: ■ A RLE. PROVIDENCE tu i ; KANT .V lie is therefore enabled to sell hcui at : .-ui ill advance >.n the original cost *i I"H 5 SH E 2 T-IROW, —AND- Copper Ware. i dl kin is on I: m l and m•le to order Also HIP, WACOM rs<> \h AY 1)81 EI CI H -8IK)i:8 FOR SALE. Th" popular Cookin t Stove, F o rest lie en, E'rvared n: n) i- now for the first, offered at 820 f. , S in h, .825 for 9 neb, RH?Am?^SAHD4OBS!HS neatly md promptly done. HENRY STANSBURY. Me bop n, Dee 17:h. 1262 -v2nf9!y. ; iiAiIDW; ALE & LJiOA ; HUMT SBO'S & BtAJR NOW OFFER FOR SaLE IRON. STEKL, NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS, PLAIN A CONVEX liOF.SK-SHOES. IIAM MERLD HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, | BUILD£IS' HARDWARH, CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HUBS. SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPi: DLLS, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. Fil'E BOXES, SPRING STEEL, BUT IS. NETS. FVASII- El'.S BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, &c , Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON 1! VXD IN ASSORTMENT AND MAN FRACTURED 10 ORDER LEATUEEIi AND FINDINGS FAI //BAlv'R SCALES. .. n .Uiircii 26. 1863 vln33 — 1 XLiila3l and WRENCH, Manufacturers and Dealers In . i <) N \V YALFSING CURE K , CAMPTOW, BRADFORD Co Pa Hulls Carded and Cloth Finished. f.'AN'JFAGT'JRE CLOTH FGR CUSTOMERS ON SHARES OR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES PER YARD: C.issimer-, Best Finish, fine 45 cents Plaiu Clnth, do 45 " tlray and Mixed Cassimcres,4s " Tweeds, 32 " C'i in men Fulled Cluth, 40 " White Flannel, 22 " Madder Red l-'lannel, 32 " Gray Flannel 25 " i'ho Gray 1 l.vni'el ma le wtth tngto and very suita ble for Cltiti.iiig* II 4RVET TMGHAM AMOS WRENCH i. ; .* it 6 .-an have r.Hs :en rued ?o a to take them home Wi th them • and ' ▼• th e xq"rß* of n veeoad irip I PSOCLAMA T I 0 N ! | TO THE LADIES ! li oI It Married and Single. THE OLDEST REGULATOR FCR FEMALES. DR. CHEESE MAN'S I EM ALE PILLS Will immediately relieve, without p:*in. all disturb ance of the periodic uiseh irge, whether arising trom relaxtiou or suppression. They act like a charm in removing the pains that accompany difficult or im moderate meantruntion, and twa the onlylsafe and reliable remedy for Flushes Sick Headache, Pains in the Loins, Hack and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep and other unpleasr nt and uangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Albus. or Whites, they ef fect a speedy cure DP. CHEESEMAN S FEMALE PILLS Have been used OVER A QUARTER OF A CEN TURY. They are offered as the only safe means of renewing interrupted menstruation, out Ladies mut bear in rniriU that there u one condition of the fe male system in which the Pi/Is cannot he taken mithoni producing a PECULIAR RESULT. - The condition referral to is PREGNANCY — the result. MISCA RRIA CE, Such is the irresist ible tendency of the medicine to restore the sexual functions too normal condition, that even the pro ductive power of nature cannot resist it TiiEd CANNOT DO H ARM in any other way. • *DR. CIIKEbEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Are the only Medicine that MARRIED AND SIN . OLE LADIES have relied upon for many years, or can rely upon flow. UN WARE OF EMI P.I 77OA'S These Pills form the Finest Preparation erer }>> i! forward, with TMMEDIATD and PER SISTENT SUCCESS* DON'T UK DFCEIV i:i). Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that you want the BE NT and mo.-! R ELI ABLE FEMALE MEDICINE IN Til E WORLD, which is comprised in DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS !!! They have received, and are now receiving the sanction of the most eminent Physicians in Amer ica. EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS with each Box-the price, One Dollar per Box, containing from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptyl, l>y remitting the price to the Proprietors, or any authorized Ag-nt, in current funds. SGLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. HI TCHINGS A HILLYER, PROPIUF.TOU'S, -SI Cedar Street, Aew York. £?* Sold in TunKhannock, by J. IV. Lyman, in Montrose, by AHe Tnrroll, in Scranton by L. £ & E. C Fuller* in Factoryville by all Druggists FOR RATS, MICK, ROACHES, AXTS, BED BI:C --MOTHS IN FLRS Wool. ENS, AC,. INSECTS OX PLAVI FOWLS, ANIMALS, &<-, Put u|> in 25c 50' nu 1 sUOO Boxes. Bottles, nnl Flasks. S i and #5 sizes for Hotels, an i Publi. i' rtitutions, .to. ■tin'-, in! •!:'! !■ remedies kn .wn." ..Free 'r< m I • isons." '•.V..! i.-.tigtr the Human Family." '•R s . otne out of their to leslo die." £ WhUcsale in El 1 >-gc cities. -'"Soli by a i iiuggi • - n Retailers ever;- 1 I if'\ ! ! BEWARE 1 ! ! of all worthless inula: - that "COSTAII'S i > name isaeh Box, and Flask, before you buy, £ TF'A IN . SS HENRY 11. ' -.. j jf* Principa ! I.'cjot 492 Broadway, N 5 byj Lym in,y Co,, wholesale Iteta! I "jf Agent,Turkhannock, mmvz & plbweb* —u —o rpilE SUBSCRIBER HAS IIAD INSI'CCESSFI I. J, operation, for several years, a M 3i aSfil, AT TOWA.dNT3D7Yf where all of the most approved itiid rare kinds of FRUIT Sr ORNAMENTAL TREES, Can he obtained. Being con v. need from experience (hat his Tree? and Plants will give far better satisfaction to the Fruit-growers of Wyoming County than any grown in other localities, he confidently solicits their pa tron age. He will make atmnnl visits eitherin person or by his agents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co , and asks only that his specimens may be examined an 1 his method of dealing be tested. Al! orders'by letter or otherwise, for Trees, vines or pi nts will be promptly attended to. uo3I-ly. D IIARKINS. AUCTIONEER. gjL. C- Conklin, of Tunkhannoek Borough, Wyo tiling County Pa hereby gibes notice, that Alalia taken a license as public Auctioneer," and tenTer, his services to the public in that en parity, on reason able terms. L C. CONKLIN October Ist 1?64. TO professors OF Music AMATEURS, AND THE MUSICAL PUBLIC GENERALLY, P, A. WONDKRMANN FOREIGN A AMERICAN MTSIC*WAREHOUSE, 82-1 B".CAD WAV, Having on hand the largest-stock of Foreign Music in New York,which he imports front Europe express - ! !y to meet the tasfe and requirements of the Aineri- j | can lovers of Music, respectfully calls attention to ; I tuo fact that he is now shfip Music of Evert I Stylo at a Reduction of TWENTY-FIVE to FIFTY J R | cent, less than any other hotlse in the United States. Private Families cap he supplied (post free.) by | forwarding the cash to the above address Shouldj ; the amount of cash be forwarded exceed the co to ; j the Music, the balance will be promptly returned in postage currency 1 | DEALKBS and Professors should not neglect this j oppoitunity j they will bediberally dealt wtih. NI! Anv and every piece of Music (vocal or instrumental) published in Europe and America ; will be supplied to order, if accompanied . by the j cash, ' J <-• ■ B : * ; Bemcptbe.r the Address. P. A. W 1 N D li R M A N N Foreign and American Music Warehouse, 824 Broadway, New York, TOCONSUMPTiVES. .. t.onsu, U pHve sufferers will receive a valuable pre scription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Brou -1 chltis, and all throat and Lung affections, (free of ' charge.)hv sending their address ty , | Rev. ÜbWARU A'En'flV, - . • , j- WiUiamsburgA !' 1 yeY' teato. i " Mhpt'Co!, U *'A L.l • NewYor f| H .aH.-180. mm mm TUOMEUROPE gnu J .',it i.ulH t fi I: full v confirm ••.'ory ''rmC" reports th 'II I'. Did TV II ilA\ K I'OtsiKSSION <)!'' KOIv LV\ D. It is also authorii itiveij HT noun ■ i that • "" ' i o. s. • - : has exclusive pnset-.-si & < : th - STOVE AND TIN-SHOP , > AT— ■ TUNKHANNOCK. where every thing in (he line of his trade can be i hud at. the LOWEST LIVING PROFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at his Shop, the lat est and most improved Patterns of COOIS.IKTG-, AND PISLO 8 ST OWES, with all the FT RNITURE ami FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Glittering in all its branches, attended to oo short notice and on It K A IS O N A II L. C TERMS. PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE O. s. MILLS Tunkhannoik. Nov 4. 1963. v3-n!3. Manufacture of Woolen Goods ! CHAPTER 1. The Manufacture of Woolen Goods, both in (he household and in the factories, become of great importance on aemuntofjita forming at present-.our principal articles of clothing. The nature of our cli mate make it neccessary, arid the scarcity of Cotton has greatly increased the value of wool and Fabrtcks made iroui it • and being engaged in the business of makingClorh and Flannel, and also oLI l.u iing, and Uloth Dressing, we hive thought a few remarks with regard to handling Wool, and the pioper pro eess of Manufiicture, might he of service to the oun trv, and a benefit Co ourselves The flrsf pro. es- with the farmer who intends to make his wool into mils for spinning ml w wing at homo, after washing and shearing, is ass wing the u.ilities. This we do not expect a farmer to do as etfcctly as a regular manufacturer, but by trying he will approximate towards it, and be amply paid lor the little pains required, by having an even thread and smoother fabric Ihe fleece should be while and be spread out on a table—tha eoa-scst wooi will befou r d on the skirts of the fleece, and can easily be distinguished by looking closely to the fihr Tw6 quaiitie from oadh fleece w ill perhaps nc close er. ugh tor >• 'Liu iry r ur;o3e, but as th sbeepi in Ditr country differ tcuefr in their gr i "p o< wwl —the coarse p.nt < f one may do to go Willi the U la part ot another, tin a Ch"sn! ike three or four .pi •li'Les nut of (he !"t It it is -to trie manu f;i !"rynr t. c rk- '. lie fiecc -houbrnot tx ■ ,rn j but • :>• ir.m .i. h . ' m-. -I" oH ( . | | corni ictly. skin 1 Not I- 'S th not • jra I oflwd,fraeb > uttet "• ■ Ih ul ■ be seat kb w len pounc -"1 wn >! g"i gtiih injii g n hi... . I The ei..\ ih tig or iiti• • a-: in- is "f mr • t.i - well -ar.ti U for win o <• • ' i! Windy resr.orisi ldo . but in the ina-ter i-t i- iinc .in I ve.iving wo have another C.IUIDOI hi ndd; 1 nless rhe yam * nly twisted, and lie it up evenly Tn t! e loom the cloth plirink-'no vetili m t uliiug —making some p!;t ces wide a i others l'irrii-v, and if the finisher -u --, is-in pA-sittig on*- 'in' -v n les, flit* cloth will r - stime'ff trtwvn nu tvhftlf ;u il<- ftifn a tier.' lilt file n. : s -oc -tiei *r n. .1 a :hre a ! ran nOU I ot in'- . .*, • . ' ii tu if • 11 ■ ■ ! h ' n thou jit ■;o to 1 • ■• • •- . * ion i 1 ■ •flab' .• 11l m '■ P >" -t IV • 1 '• • 'I "<■ > \ > • e ..i 1: piirf'ect.t o • -'pet •t, 'T ,'i .m ci! i war, we 1 • 'D > • • h tW i-ti 1.t .*• - branch 1 f • • . • remci ni' c ctici • ski • 1 •11; I tnak' ft v.-ers *• : - enough to ist a cii-.i through a'se.imp.iigD at U:-r. IN'. II 1 M A wp.nxrn. Home FACTORY. CAMPTOWN, DRADKOKD CO May 2,'i'l INStfRANTGE AGAINST— FI HE ! FILiE!! FIRE 1I ! Taken at this office, 011 all kinds of Town and Country pro; city, at the MOST RE \4ONABI.k TERMS, and for any time from Til ii UK MONTHS t'O I'i V K Yli.VßUsk ei!ht hX IXII or 4Y I I HOLT PREM4U.M NOT lib Iy the company reliable ? Will It promptly piy its losses 1 are the important! inquiries with all insurers. We answer : THE LYCOMING CO. INSURANCE COMPANY HA S BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION 1 OR TWENTY-THREE YEARS.—IT II AS A WELL SECURED CAPIATL OF OYER ?2,400.Uif1. IT PAYS FROM *6U. TO *125,000 LOSSES ANNUALLY. A LL LOSSES ARE PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. EACH INSURER IS FURNISHED WITH AN AUTHENTICATED ANNU NUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND OPERATIONS OF TIIE COMPA NY THE COMPANY IS CONDUCTED ON JUST AND EQUITABLE PRINCIPLES. THE CHARTER IS PERPETUAL. References Hon. 'Win. M. Piatt, Hon. A. K Pevkhain. Henry Stark and Samuel Stark Esqs. ot this County ; S tyer A Bros, of Susquehanna,' and i Scorge .*? Hullenbaek and others of Luzerne County, who insure in and have been paid losses by this, Company. HARVEY SICKLER, Agt. I DISSOLUTION OF COP ARTSEfISHIP | The Partnership bcftvocn 0. L IIALLSTEAD A SON, is this day dissolved by mut til e .nsenf, | 'I he notes and accounts will be left in tiie bands of 0. L. ILillstea 1 t" settle and can be found nt the ' store formerly occupied by O. L. Ilallstead .1 Son, with some one to attend to the same. 0. L JIALLSTEAD. 1 II P. lIALLSTiiAD. , Nicholson. JuTy 27th 1864. The hudne-s will be continued bv Henry P. , | Ilallstead nit 1 Louis Ilauime), under the name and. firm of : HALLSTEAD & HAMMSL | who will he pleaseJ to retain the patronage of all ! wiio '1 wo jaitrm ize 1 thaold firm, and will be pleas < ed to see any who inny favor us with a call. J \V> arc prepared to furnish EXTRA INDUCE j MKVTU TO THOSE HAVING PRODUCE TO ' 1 DISPOSE OF. will pay the HIGHEST CASH PRltyi. for the same. . . - * HJHfMFT. * ■ IT'a, 1614 fehelsoa N Jtfjr, r f * 1 1 5 1 *8 j yfe , v.. —o r-- Ss' K?;\ - i \S * J A/ >< > i ; . , V, " $ -- L ,< v . ,)r f*. -i 4& V; iW • -"g .*••#•• ' t&l* , ■' '-. N ♦*£'' A ... •.;'t .-r Ts I ' ■■ •" ■ •nd • * * i Mil ! I !;!: Y f?o^!>S I iive jus>t been re <•. ui'di. .im-i.< LOUIS* H£?BUMI, | on T". ir Street. ••) j • .-iw !.. J ■ —itfcc: u! lie !ouu I I.■< ie- C :ii i• > M so IPo v' F 1 HAT.-, anil (.'A!'-: lIK A i >-Hi! ESSES, RILLO.'. FLOWERS, ami TRIMMING.-. an.l everything o the 1 i " if Mi.lit"-' v who h wll !>■• - il l at the loircst Cash Prices. Repairing proyiitly- ni'l tp-itD tone Ladies please cull ami examine for themselves. *lunk bannock, Oct 3 1362 —v2nll— lvwil IST 33 r ST% Zns £ $ 1 -\ssk $ G H A I 23L | g I' MANUFACTORY! TliO i'i- •r•> er has ju.-t ened a new Furniture j Cabinet ami Chair ALauuf.ictory in TunkhaDnock, next door to C. M. Kcwn's grocery store —where are kept i ii li in I an l in mufacturcd to order: TARI.F.- of all i/.cs, patterns, ami styles. CHAIRS Cane- ,t, Flag-bottom, ami coruiuon. HI RKAI £o'.■ll -i vies, sixes, an.l prices liF.Li-'l LADS, '"ottoge an i common. CENTRE TAi 11.3, W' largest furniture t ttfAl [isoteeuh in the country, which i.' < ii • I.ri o.s - low a-- they can be imugii' a any ' ui ..; "i, H oiiirs. Being tlt i.-ficd tin' ii rs ■ inp tc, i ill in workmanship am] prices with any establish', out in the country, he so- Itei s the public j trr-n-c'c REP A I T'. T NO II kin D i-aie in a neat, ul.-ti'i tial ami workmanlike loiinm i JS . U. —Obi ane-s utch-irs. H ri , paired. I N PERT \KI Nt J Hn ii,_• .. ijenr-e t hi, it j nm] having Itu i mi:. !. txi' ii ne. he il ten i tlii- ilfj .riti-enf fc i n-iriessot, sberr ■ , e, • t in a sa'isftt.'torv u in et . • tH i ■ - t July 16, 1362. r 9 a / 1 i h i i I' {> \ f ? I iiUv aV Ii 11 i -, . A '. v. - :-i ' - I \ T.> C( ' . R -,a ^ i• f '>i * ; t. <■ W.\ • I •' ?. i ; \ i i 4 I , ■ j • . ■ i • • ' ■ : ! FIX 'I Li- 0 ; bits -41- K % .ii (f !M : i E.\JBROIDI : , j ■ , EMiiiE * ;.5 ALSO A Lsurrc ."Si tt k e;i" vYi. :<- (x .- v , ,1| 1 1,.- I OT lED > V t r'S 2JESLIN. URIf.LIAKTS, J . vt.'U.N ii i LACES, P \LMORAL SKIRTS, t,'RiNi oiviiau j GLOVES, RF.AL ALEXATSDRF'S KID I And it Lartjp Stuck of YANKEE HOHOJIS. I run, Nails, Win" to-Lead, 7/ac, Lingeed Oil, (rlass, Putty, Door-Locks, and a "onoral assortment of BULGERS HAR3WBARE. Fish, of all kinds. ! GirS s'ia. Paid for ad kiuds of Grain. Tunktuinndck. March, Otli 18fi4. ; WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Sewing-Machines. T/h- Cheapest and Best. OVER 150,000 OF THESE WELL-ESTABLISHED SEWING-MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. | VOK CIRCCTAR. LADIES' ALMANAC, AC. AOENT9 WANTED. Address WHEELER k WILSON Sririni/'Aforliinr Co. 704 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. no FOI V. . .i 1 0 . 4i ■.rif -D' . t .s aei i in Ics.- tlivii 10 i \ Oi wor ae- o! ■ it' < N K>S Fmiki'.-I !'-■ 'ii On ml ! Wi-ikneas !; - 1. ... p i ii. , . i ; Norvod- \?fe tio i-. ii . m itt i to. \.. pio j ducdU- Prieo; On Hoiltir icr ;■ i,x. Sei." |< Bt-|mid Iby ni lil, uu reiteigtof uuonler. One Ilex ill per j lent the cure in tuopt cases Ailhress JAMES 3. BCTLER, f--* General Agent, 427 Broadway, Eew lark* T4B! 3m: Oodey's ady'sßook : i ' sol -ii i>iciut t . ticr orld. '* ; ; 1-L ri.i ALT-, A• 1> FASiIIONs. •' •'" Mi St : g. .ug. DOUBLE • ' a: : • Wei f* rravings en every -y l ' - ! ■ Tu-bet knitting £ •'!;• :r ''iel i>t („r th, > i. t i K u Kierythiag, in Lai T V k ! •>''' A •'! V otiTK'FOK 'ls YEAKij 'i... no *v;:L it ' 'ill* v -La ii jsc £:si': .s . ■ | " M .'■my g.v- them) .at •tOLXO.- •i- .i j car, Other " Aiu: ; nut the *ub ■i t.ef. t'. ems!, stures i"c>, Aae.iior pe.uiiiwiiy .-' A T. Stewart & Co., of New if. i; ii.c nioviiuiits, ippeAr in Godey, the only M■ giv.-.-ie tiitit has (hem. Aiso, F'usutoua from the celebrated Brodie,of New York. La lies' Bonnets. We giro mote of them ho a year tkau any other Magazine. In fact, the Lady,s Book enables every lady to be her own Oounet maker. MARION 11 AIM.AND, Authoress of u Alone," ' I Hidden Path £.c/e," ," and "Miriam," I writes foi Godey each month, and for no other Mag azine. AVe have also retained all our old ad fa vorite contributors rp tt* ti ivrca Godcy'e. Lady's Book for 18G5. (Ftom which there can be no Deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady,s Book for 1865. At present, we will receive subscribers at the following rates. Due notice will be gi/en if wa are obliged to advance, which will depend upon tint i price of paper. One copy, one Tear, 53.00 Two copies •' " 5,50 Three '* " " . 7,50 Four •' " ■' 10,00 Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, makiug six copies 14 00 Eight copies one year, and an ex'ra copy to thc;rson sending the club making nine copies 21 00 Kit ven copies one year, and an extra copy U the pers oi .-end ; ng the club, making twelve copies 27 00 Additmns to any of the above clubs, 82 50 each subscriber. G 1-y's Lady's Book and Arthur's II ime Msga zini- will be -cut. each one year, on receipt of 84 50. AVe have no club with any other Magaiine or Newspaper. the in. ocy must all be sect at onetime for any Club -a; 1 i'.ci- mu.-t it 24 rents additional for e: a sub. triuer. Address L.tRODEV. .V E, C rner .-i ,-; • ..( Cfcesriiut .Streets, . UII.AVELFHIA rininiirt toilits mlinger .-I.LI- -A IL; L' L'Kvti \V KIAGER. ..(i ' Y! .(! It . V. ! L! OR M LIT. >i . u i :,v - fO i. .1 01 1 OF ORI'EK vVX :?AN It; -V .1 ii ft; w!T O IT C I. wnfBI.S --... y. r J f. • VCD . . ■ rfio.ii an . , i. i i.., ui •l , j • 10 Do .ar P , o, -.t P V >, o'. Ni I *1 .it N'J •i.i,i. v. ,1 • o.'c a.I .C ii,. by v • • vi. Goo , Oh ... ' 1 • nut ; • m !i t > the Ladies of Tunkhwnnock and vicini ty, unit shu has just received a fine assortment *f Fall and Winter TMEilii nery, tb . .. m- j p '.-il- ttio -office, where can be t. -I i in gr ■■ I' -'A, all the " L.ViAAT STYLES, OF IR. v !•:: -II . l-AP?, HEAD DRESS i; E!J>A*F.US I'IUMMINOS l H(r! SKIRiS. CORSETS, * and everything in the line of .Millinery *nd Goods, wh ioh she will sell at the lowest cash P r j REPAIRING promptly w*' l / T4el44f.