L CCAL AKD PERSONAL i THE LAW OP NEWSPAPERS, 1 Subscribers whe do not gi e express notice to tho contrary, are con iidr.-wd as wishing to continue their subscription 2. Any person wno takes a paper front the Post Office —whether directed to his n.nino or lo another— or whether he has subscribed or not, i? respouniH* for the pay 3* If a person orders his paper discontinued, he must pay all arrearages, or the pnblishear may con tinue to send it until payment is made. an, r h-r even j the eldest inhabitant ki n>t what Jay any j bring forth, shake. 1 • • .< 1 t .*■ • -. I fuses to make * tr'b.*r > ... , s , ... j wcaltci king it :li . etui ri -■ < t 1 ac -j i ing HATSjCAPS, FI RS, STRAW G • &r. v'ut few of i u , ir. Merchandise at* aware that the most extei .ire •• mplcte and elegant st ck of httg, • ,fu &! tr \w •, - ti ■ j lills 'X'.-. i Oetttlfimt! ■ V - > , . In) v y ' M" 1. K ney uftau ] *- i l — '■ * ■ v 1.9 ; ,r : ™ >*,., the ...y, wither wishing to I grcfcaro hi* g,v„. F ~r P houM not ffiil to .Ir-.p in ! Cls.k Kconey i Go's. No ii 49 Bro*hc j comptroller who at first refused to all note has ; been convinced of its necessity,and ha-i consented to ' its establishment. Nothing i? noil rc-- : i' rl3 d to set it ' operation but the requisite amount of Government, j securities. As the tuaite is in charge I,f men who j Lave the •'needful." There will probably be no dif ficulty on this score- WM. F. TERRY ESQ. Clerk to the Commissioners, has been si;ffir;iig from a severe at- i tack of Erysipelas, during the past two weeks, He is now convalescent and it is hoped will be able t° resume his duties in a few days. Having bad,tor *• veral years, sole charge of the books and vouchers j of the Commissioners, it was thought best by them to defer settlement and auditing ot accounts until he should recover. The Auditors therefore adjourn ed. WHOLESALE EMBEZZLEMENT ok PUBLIC MONIES. —James Mullison, late Treasurer of this County appeared by a state ment of his accounts with the County, made bv the County Auditors a few days since, to have in his hands, of the County funds, the sum of Five Thou sands dollars and upward? which, upon demand, he j failed to pay over to the incoming Treasurer. Ilis bondsmen becoming alarms ! at his neglect so to do, 1 ceuie to this place on Friday last and ujon inquir- j ing of him the cause of thi? n< gleet, wero coolly in- j formed that he had lost the money by gambling, ! He gave them, what he allege 1 was all th.,t he had left, the sum of one hundred and twen'v or thirty dollars, He also made over to tbeni, the title to lands nelonging to him, valued at nearly a thousand j dollars. On Saturday last he was arrestercd, on a charge of embezzlement of the public monies, and after hearing, in default of bail, w.a* committed to jail for trial, While it is known that during the past year he j he has been frequently enggaged in gambling, it is j thought by those who have good opportunities for ! foi information, that he has not lost this large atnonn of money, but that he is attempting to defraud his bail by withholding it. A? this mutter, is so soon to ' be made 'he sulject of judicial investirn>ion. we withhold sn opinion .i our own. iutlber, than to say ; that in any evout. Mr- Mulli son ha? shown himself utterly unfit for any office or porlfion of trust er honor : and to his friends, a most, ungrateful man. . ! LINES n the rieeth of Miss Ophelia A Finney i who was drown td on the 6th of August. 1669, in the , 21st year of her age. Hark ye who tread yon earthly ground, Hear from the tomb a solemn sound. I, 'hough buoyant and o gay I though so young have passed away. I have rink beneath ho wsve t* . ' "ivT-m.-vI i watery grave, ! | L 'lie thought mv end so near, " v bought it would be here. B'Jt iifi . , ... . J - K -"t'W so< n are o'er 7 " e shall m „ f omi , ' ®arth no more. t o>ek the I* " " ' r k !h " Lf!rd< <• , J - ? 10 llv with God. . Mother, , ,Z?JfW T Lord will be your 1 Thou.-h J ;ntve g- tea while befo'i, . IfU Wt will reach the tiasvuxdy *hera. J, You have a Frien 1 that cannot die, On his strong arm for strength rely, , lie with a Mary once did weep, ': llis !.ytnpathy on earth how sweet. i Sisters, dear frien Is, you soon innst die, All, in some narrow grives must lie ; j O now the gospel truiuj-et hear, j Remember that your time is near. . i 0 learn the blessed way to GoJ, 0 with one heart now seek the Lord, You'll n*':-r -c;rat the blessed choice, j On..* . . God's solemn voice. ; 1 He h s blessing for you all, i ; O listen to hi searnest call, ! 0 now receive a Savious'a love, ■ j And soon you'll have a home above. ( ! Popular Vote for President, I j According to the Tribune,the aggregate vote, ' ; os actually returned, is 3,957,702 —say 4.000, . i 000, including such as were excluded by be* 1 ing too late. Of those duly received, the re , jqiective candidate* had ; Abraham Lincoln 2,182502 Gvorge Briaion McClellan 1,775.200 Maj >rity for Lincoln 407 302 l J The vote in imaung Or-got)is s | follows, comparing with the -amo S'atenn j 1800 : ISC4. 1860. Lincoln. McClellan Lincoln All ot/iers California 43,841 26,357 39,173 79,667 Connecticut 41,961 43,235 43,792 33,454 Delaware 8,155 8,757 3,815 12,224 , Illinois 189,196 158,780 172,.61 167^532 Indiana 150,238 139,233 139,033 133,110 lowa 89,075 49,596 70,409 57,922 Kansas 16.441 8,691 iKe ituoky 26 592 61.473 1,364 144,852 ; Maino 61,803 44.211 6*.811 35^107 i Maryland 40,153 32,739 2,294 90.203 j Massachuscttsl'26,742 47,745 106,733 62,643 ; Mi-bigan 85,352 67.370 83,480 66,267 Minnesota 25 060 17 375 22,069 12J30 Missouri 71,192 31.299 17,028 148^490 Nev!xlii(rst,) 10,217 6.964 N Hampshire 34,:i5'2 32A10 37,510 28,434 New Ji-r-ey 60.723 67 024 58 324 28,801 j Ne-V Yerk 368,785 361 986 362,646 412,510 j Ohio 261 973 205557 231,610 20,931 ' Oregon,(et.) 8,9b0 6,000 5.270 9,140 j 1'- ansy tv.inia290,391 276,316 269,030 203.112 I Rhode Island 13'692 8,740 12,244 7,707 J Vermont 42.419 13,321 33.809 9,036 j West Virginia 23.152 1b,438 44 947 ! tViscaPsin 30.092 63 023 Bb,llo 66,070 Total 2,162.502 1,774,200 1.864.523 2,004.098 Per cent. 55,15 44 55 49,20 51,60 ; Lin-olu'a lmj.roity 1864 407.302 1 j Au'i-Lin oln Maj rity, i960 139,570 • i'ii.;.tM;s •> 1;.-,vfcNb'E YtXaal-'i ! *t' J ' "■ ' ' ■' r i it iti il rcvL:>Utf*,:h&i tro ls-K'iis A S a s r. 0 I. ot ! A •: fi; ,j tl.. r l.ih '* 1-o.s henvi 1 'I• -ri■ n"ut dieased jH-ulily" ih ' j i!"Ub't-il- liro mural* of rr.e Country seeui uu | J r qui re >t , B—Bolotia sassage made in part of d<>rg . A" l ' s's Tof red H.U.IK-I, mu-t pa the duty ot 1 tianiK-t HIS.I. U—Awl '"baker, ( >nh*B the tnauafakturi r j disk ri-'iiiutes what \s new and whot i* hi!i 4 required t.- m: ! j tMjj AIL men OWDUI wheeiharit-rs are duiy li. i fetised. I-—Enuy man refusin o owu a wheelbtir . Per will he fiu-d fur the uiT'iise. and !SSOO urid. 1-1 . . ..o Picknicks and Cauip ueet- j ins and 4tii -luiy's has been postponed for the i , weather and other considerashuns. Tut LA~T MESMAGE. A soldier came into our rooms in Nashville, to get an envelope : lie said he bad a letter to send home for one of bw comrades. He drew Irom hie blouse a small package, carefully wrapped ; and open ing it, held up a scrap of a leal fratu a tneino ri-itjum book. It had bloody linger prints, on u, and a few w-.rds hastily written with a I pencil. The writer was the soldier's partner ! he saw. In the charge on Kenvsaw Moun- I taoi, he fi und him staggering back from the j . hue, 'he bloot! htreuunng from his tnouih.and ! , Covering Ins hands and clu'hes. A inmie ball j tiaii cut "ft his tongue at the rout. He tried : !l" speak, hut could not. Finally,by motions, ' ( he made his partner 'induratand his w-nl j i paper and pencil. A scrap wa- torn from the j diary. aud on it the boy, held up by ins Coin- | rade, with liog-.-r* dripping with blood, and and trembling in death, wrote, ' Father, meet me in heaven " He tried iu wn.e ni.s name, but it was to late. ; Ltfe had fled. Fathers aud mothers, what i ill you nut tin for your 6011s, whoso waking and dreaming and dying thought* are home ward turned ? - Ziont Herald A Strange MEETING. —During the battle < ot Bub Run, ; member of tt,e 71*t regtuienl New kurk, states that in one ot the charges oi Unit regiment upon the enemy's b.tteries he me a' the jiouit t! the bayonet a member •I - lie of the \if jg.iiiu regiments with Whom 1 he had foi rued iiiliuiatt relations of frteud- ; w.'P, whne they were to college to New York. L c|i instantly recognized the other, and m snnd u, cairying mil tlie work of deatti, they cla-ped eacu mhet's hands with iho exciema j matron, "(jr, I bless you !" and they seprrat. Ed Tm-cHiNG INCIDENTS. —Many incidents of a sad and touching in ,-rest tt\iiisp:red pit o-graph* of their intend ed w lev wi n-f und upon their prs >ns One i ia*> ha 1 upon in* p*rson ihe letters of his w ib*. Sm- wrote in fond nfTecttonate term* uf ,i-. xpecu d r* urn, ami the glad ntcipa lolls of the little ones. I| t . had stop. |-id HI 10-iianap >hea and bought a number of j toys. , i FARM FOR SALE. Tbo Subscribers wII sell at Public Vuedne or AuctioU, on Saturday, Jan. the 7th 1865 A Valuable Farm situ:t in North Branch Township Wyoming Coun ty Pa. 16 talle? from Tnukn.inm.ek. nn the main road, Icadiu r fmui Mehuopany to Tnwanda, Bradford Comity, and to Dushore and Laporte in Sullivan County. Is well watered by good springs, anj Stream? pissing through it. Is well adapted to grain or grass. Contains 25t> ACRES. One Hundred and Thirty, Improved With a Large frame House, frame Barn -and other i Out buildings. lias an exr-elleut orchard of Apple*, Peach and Plum trees The unimproved land is heavily timoered with Pine. Maple, Ash, aud Hem lock. The Farm, late the Estate ot the HON. PERCIFER LEMON Deed is one of the most desirable in Northern Pennaylra -1 nia. Sale to be made at th e prerai res, Term Easy, and made known on day of sale. , E.C.VINCENT ) Exr's of JOHN PFOI'TS j P- Lemon. Deo'd I ' i AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF , Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consum ption, and for the relief of Consump -1 tive Patients in advanced stages i f the disease. I So wide is-the field of its usefulness and so num- i I erous :irc the cases of its cures, that almost every I , se'-tionof country abounds in persons publicly known , who have been re-tored from alarming and even ' desperate diseases of the lung-'by its use. When J once tritd, its superiority over every other exjecto rant is too apparent to esea|j© observation,and where ( its virtues arc known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that ! are incident to our climate . While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial conferred benefits on the afflicted they e*o ) never turget, and produce cures too numerous and I too remarkable to be forgotten Those who require an alterative medicine to puri fy the blood will find AVER'S CoMP EX F.SARSA PARILLA the remedy to use Try it once, and vou will know its value Prepared by J C. AVER kCO , Lowell Mass. I and sol •by Sam!. Stark Tunkhanuock, and all deal ersin uiedieL.e everywhere, liifoiHiialion Free! TO JE R VOUS S i FFERE RS, A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility. In i-omp6 tency, Prem uure Deny ;m<) Yomhful Error actuated by a ile>ire to benefit others, will t>e happy o furnish to all who need i , (free of charge ), the •c ipe and directions for m iking tho simple remedy Used in his ease. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertisers bad experience, ant po-.-ess a sure and vain role remedy, an df bus- toss f.;.. H a—!;*, ( iiif'irui-Ltion ot vital importance wll be cheerfully sent by return mail. Adircss JOHNB itGHEN No- 6U Na --au street New York I*. S —Neivnu? Suff rcrs os both sexes will find this iiroruiatiou tn. iluable \ 4-lilß J::.o S< 'OTT V B \I,I)W! \'S" LADIES. MIS SE S AND C KII 0 RE N'S i OUTSITTING ROOMS St. N'i< tto'as Block, 5d Broadway mrs. e7wintle. (Formerly of "Grsi*'* IIAIIAB,") Under whose ? upcrindenre ibo above Departments are conducted. t? pleased to announce to her former oatror.s ani the i.adiesof New Yoik g-n rally, th it, in connectiau wnh tin; numerous ARTISTES under I her directi-.n,she is prepared to lur.isn, promptly, fafciea, Mscts ar.i> (Corfu's (Putt ing to (Drbrr, LADIES UffJDER LINEN. Offiue i^Uiilit), Kept in sioek, ready for immedi ate use, Pattieular attention y:r en to I M3BA3. TR9S3SA9K, nonce. "JVfOTICE ishrreby given that I have placed in i\ in the possesion of L. I). Vosburg. one SPAN of four-year old, bay COLTS, to be kept by hiin du ring my pleasure ; all persou arc forbid to molest or in any manner iterfere with thaiu as ibey will do so t their peril. PERRY BILLINGS, k'lxaiodc, Dj*, 29 h. 13i4 Farm FOR SALE, The subscriber will sell at public sale, on SAT ! UK DAY, JAN 14'h, 1565 1 A valuable farm, situate in FATjLS. > YOMfNG COUNTV, PENXA. j Late the estate of Pbineas Shurwoo I, deceased ; | containing FIFTY ACRES, all IMPROVED, with i A GOOD FARM-HOUSE, a good APPLE Orchard i and other Fruit Trees thereon. SALE made on the premises; where the condition will be made known. C SIIERWOOf), Executor of I the will of P. Sherwood dee'd i Falls . Dec. 16.1564 NOTICE. For the Benefit of Soldiers' Orphans. Bv an act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania ap proved May 9, 1864, the Governor was authoris ed to receive tho sum of fifty thousand dollars, offer ed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, "for the education and maintenance ot destitute orphan ehil : dren of deceased soldicts and sailors." The persons entitled to the benefits of this Act are the "children of either sex under the age ot fifteen, resident in Pennsylvania at the time of the applies* tions, and depen lent U|n ei'her public or private charity for support, or on the exertions of a moth r or other person destitute of means to afford proper education and maintenance, of fathers who have been ki led or died of wound* received > r of disease contracted in the service of the United States, wheth er in volunteer or iniliti i regiments of this State, or sn the regular nrinv of the naval service of the Un ied States, bui who were a* the time of entering tuch service, actual bona file residents of Pennsylva in*." Such children will be boarded, clothed and educa ted ; those under the age of six years, in any suitable school that will receive theui on proper terms* and ose over six years of age in one of tho State Nor mal Scb"- Is The application must be made "by the mother, if ti|ing, if not by the guar ii , n or next friend " vbPerson* representing su -h orphans as almve de esribed can receive inform ti.-u, bi -nk forms, and all necessary assistance by application to cither of the undersigned P M OSTERUAUT Esq, Rev. C. R LANE, Rev Ll'TilElt PECK, Mr- HELEN M NEWMAN, Miss F.HODA S CAREY Superintending Convwi'tee fir Soldier* Orphans in Wyoming Couuty HS. COOPKit. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON • Xawtoo Centre, Luanru* County J'a. f imTmirßAiiTin Column. : ■/ • I - ; H ALI.STEAD A HAMMiSLL,; PKALKBB 1M UKKI HAXDI6K. i NICHOLSON, WYOMING CO. PA. •' J FOR A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT • of Good*, Go to ; iHallatead AUtnuell'i: • For Sugar, Teas an J Molasses, : ao TO : HALLSTEAD A UAMMELL'S- : . roR FLOCR. rn 4SB HAMS, • : ao TO : HALLSTEAD $ UAMMELL'S ; F° r Spites Starch, and Saleratua • ' 60 to \ BALLSTEAD A UAMMELL'S • For Wooden Stone and China Ware, • : GO TO : •Uallstrad a • roa Glass, kailb kabswaxb, akd • COTLERT. ; Go to ; Hullttead and Hammell't ; For Cloth*. Caselmere* and Veitinga • ! go TO ; I lIALLSTEAD AIIAMMELLS • For Muslin* Calico's Dress Goods • ; Go to \ IIALLSTK \D AII SMMELL'S I For Soap, Candles, and Crackers. ; a* TO ; : HALLSTEAD A UAMMELL'S. t For Oils, Pain's and Brushes, ; GO TO • '.HALLSTEAD ± HAMMELLS'. \ For Flour. Salt, and P rnita, •0 TO I HALLSTEAD A UAMMELL'S | TO OKT THE HIGHEST TRICKS FOR BAIX ■ I ASD PRODICB \ : s° • '.HALLSTEAD HAMM LL'S I ; To Get Kntire Satifaction, 00 TO ! : HALLSTEAD A HAMM ELL'S • • t i i • To get an Equivalent for your money, 1 I TO ; I HALLSTEAD A HAMMELL'S \ • • i ' ' ; i < .-. t j : HALLSTEAD A HAMMELL'S I ! 1 i MOTTO. Largs Salts and Small Profits. TKs | • Bsst Goads Jot ths Laast Money Sterling & Luoinis J£KF.P lite beat and largest assortment of MERCHANDISE to be toand >ii the rutin! ry, and most of it \ra< purchased privotis t Ihe I LATE ADVANCE IX I'ItICES, w Inch nahh-s it eni to Sell (Goods Much lie low present Rules. . We have constantly on hand, iS'altby the barrel, Fine Silt by the sack, and half barrel, Turks Island Salt for packing meat Flour, Sole Leather, Iron, Nails, Nail Rods, Tow C'ork, and Cast Steal Carriage Bolts, Plaster, Dry Goods GROCERIES, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps ; Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Hardware, Wood en ware, Stoveware, Paints, Oils, Crockery, Liquors, Stationery, Wall Paper and Boriering, Grindstones, Wheelbarrows, Pegs & Lasts, Buffalo Pocket and Table Cutlery, Plated S'poons Rosin, Tar &c., We give below a few of our prespnl price? sulject to all changes of the market, viz.: Salt 84 per barrel. Flour 812 per barrel. Prints 25c to 40c per yard. Rest Brown Sugars 20 to 22c. White Sugars 25 cts. per 11> And everything not enumerated, in same proportion. All we ask is for people to call and see for thi tiiseive", a* we feel c nfident that we can meet their most sanguine expectations. f? IERI.JNG & LOO MIS. "i-li'lgvide. Pi.. Oct. 5, ISGI —V4:110 JUT KECEIYED, j —rROM— PHILADELPHIA 'AND— Pi. ew"Y"orli, A PULL ASSOB T M F. X T O F 35 •••■/ . A x Q j DRESS GOODS, Clo~tl3.iX3.SgV Shoes, Hats,i Jfancu dsoote t V A <*9 ' NOTIONS, &c. Air , adapted to this Season 1 which will be sold at the VERY" LOWEST MA KKT PRICE for Cash or Country Produce, at the Store of John Weil. Tu unlthcroek Vonlr 10. I?C4. E. A 11. T, A NTH ON V & CO,, Manufacturers of Photographic Ma terials, WHOLESALE AND RELAIL, 501 BHOADB 'A V, N. Y. In fddition to our main hu-ioess of PHOTO GRAPHIC .MATERIALS, we are l!e..Jqu.iters for the f >ll wing, via : mm ill II STEHESCIIPIC VIEWS. j Of th-se we have an immense asso-tme nt, including War Seeres, American and Foreign C ties and ; Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, Ac Ac, Also, re- ' volving Sterescopcs, for public or private exhibi- I tion. Our catalogue will be sent to any address on i receipt of Stamp Photographic Albums. We were the first t> introduce these Into the I'nit ed States, rind we main f/teUire imtnento quantities in gteat vauety ranging in price tr ui 50 eents to SSO. Our ALRUMS have the reputation of being i superior in beauty and durability to any others They will he sent by mail, frt-e, on receipt of pi i> e, i ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER __p__ | CARD PHOTOGRAIMD. Oar C.ttnloguo-wbrnYPuicaso ibik FIVE HIOU-, SAND different s Kae'kuboe auditions are cf/iilinuiillv tt iiisr maile) of Por!rai ts of Eminent ' Americans, Ac., vix : about 100 Major-Generals, I 550 Statesmen, 200 Brig.-Generals, ] 100 livines, 275 Colonies, j 125 Authors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, j 4t) Artists, 250 Ot her qfib era I 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers. | 50 t'rom'nt Women, 156 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 1 0C COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, including reproductions of the most celehrafad En graving. Paintings, Statues & ■ Catalogue sen; oti ri'eipt <>f Stamp An<>rcrf->r One Dozen PIC TURES fr, •in our Catalogue wrll be tilled on the le ceipt ot SI,Si) and sent by mail. FREE Photographers and others ordering goods C 0. D. "11l i remit twenty-five percent of the ainowi their order. F. A 11. T ANTHONY A CO Manufacturers of Photographic Material*. 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 1 The priest and (Quality qf'our Goods oanno.tjail to satisfy. Vat 9 1093- Uaiot 1 I i j • Glirnit CELEBRATED ELASTIC STITCH SE\V r j\(;-)IACHINE Wore awarded r Machine Work. CHITTENDEN Co. (Vt.)Agi'lSoc. 1i: -1 Pi; uiiuiu t>r Family Ma-hinc. Fir a Pn iai • n tor M uiufa turing Machine. Fi; t I'rei!:i';!a fer Machine Woik- FR AN KL3 X Co. (X. Y. )FAIR. i-:r-t Premium for Family Machine. 1 iv-1 Piemiuia for Manufacturing Machine. CII AMPLAIX VALLEY (Vi.) Agr'l Soc. HAMPDEN Co. ,'MASS ) Agr'l Soc. Dip! ma f. F A .11 ichine. DtpKiua for .Mu hine Work. WASHINGTON Co iN. Y.)FAIR ...i :!.> foe Family Machine. QEI-!..> - ( <\ Y. )Agr'l Soc. ' ( oil for F' mily Machine. I. i.o u or Manufacturing Machine. First premium lor Ma lime Work. ® All ATOP A Co (N. V i FA'R Pli f Premium f r Family M ichine. MECIJAND'S' IN TITCI'E (Pa.)FAIR Fir.-: Premium *' r Air hine for all purpose**. First Premium for.M >' hin Work, GREEN PI F. I.l* (O)FN luX FA Ift. First Pienvum for Family Mo-bine. First Premium for M iehine Work. CLIN TON Co (O)F.UR. 1" rst Premium f-r Fimily Midline. First P.-'-m ini for M -hitie Work. M JNT . JMETY CJ.( Pa )KAIil. First I'c miom f„. \J i.-hine for all p U -pore*, Fiist i'leaioi u f.. Af i-. ne Work. SAN JOAQI INCo (C,l )FAIR. First Premium for Family Mtcbioe. First Premium f..r M n-hine Work. SAN JOSE DI-TRD T (( ,i ) fair First Premium : r Family Machine I -j.t Premium :.ir AincPnc r, TK J f lh,: *' r! - "* •• f'irs at whi.lt '■ •' '' A •-" -11 •>< Msr.n were exhibited thia j yea \ Sal—ro i,;s i;*.? Rrna'ivav, Saw York. | IJW ' heat oil >l. Philadelphia v# a;n {imAa , aT FYi: AM) EMI LXFIMAII Y. On the Spare, Tli.ee Doors from Steele's Hotel,) NY! I.Ki- SUAHHIi. I\\, r |'"lir> IN-mi TIOX is now opened and fur- I nishetl tn the must costly style. Reception, Private and Oper ting Rooms are large, convenient ind well adopted The >urgical apartment containe •he finest colic.-tion ot ii;>trumcnts in .tie country, and thus his faculties will enable him to meet any and all emergencies in practice. lie will operate lpon uIJ the various forms of DLISDXESS. fata -act, Oreluon of the Pupil, Cross Ey s Closure of Tie Tear I: : . Inversion of tiie Eye'li Is Pterygium tc. Ar. And wlil treit all forms nf S-r -s, Eye • r.uiul-*.l LiTs. Op.iceties of the Cornea, and Seref i ilous diseases nt the FNe together with all 'he die , :asi sI i which the Eye I- subject. I'F, *i FN i• -It ill iron! -ill the di.scasvs common " "'e • ' i " lr gv- fn.iii the F. ir, Noises ia die Ivir, Cifunii. li.Ti uii.v he irmg, total Deaf ; Jess even where the Drum is destroyed. Will in . -eri an artili-iai one iin.-iveriug nearly all the pur- I foscs of die uaf ural. DtFEA-ES THE THROAT.- All disease* •oinitif 1.11 t, to ■ 'Jbr.-.r Itvl Noe will be treated CN* F. I', AI, >t KG Fit I.— He will ojierate upon ulu" teet. isir Lip, LTet; Ibilljte, Tumors, Cancers, ilargcd Tcueils, &*;. I'IJ?:,- APCNTMI by heal mg new flesh int ■ def< rice ' parts ; nd general Sur ;ur.v of whatever ehurac or it may present. HERNIA (or Ui i' El RE) lie will perfrc m "La bias operiti in f r the radical, (couipi te) cure of Ilvi ta. i! . ■- iiurjur.f onahly a perfect cure, and is done with littl. .no paiu." Out of many hun drcd operate: u , n in Tt/.ston there has b.en no fiiilure.-, it hai ;ng met the perfect approbation of ail a i i have submitted to it. .- 1 ■'' ' 1 Al. Ei E.-> ill insert artificial Eves givn Item the nt• >ti n r.n t expresion of the natur al 'I hey ire inserted with the least pain, 111- f-' 1 AIIOLDL (Pics) -This troublesome dis ce.-.r-is i -.iily cured. Th -:c suffering from it will do well to c-ill. lh* Ir It.-Griff v t its V. iikos-H irro with a view ol ' uil.ling uj) a p raiment Institute for the treat ment ui t'..- Eye. FFir anil General Surgery. The expcrienco o: more than a quarter of a century in Hospital an] general practice, ho hopes, will be a ulTu-ient ; :i.u-ar.tcc t-j those who may be diciosed t -tnpln| hi m Mai 9, ISGI. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID TOR GRAIN AT "THE / ; 6F.CVE MILLS" NEAR Sit a W's Corn ers in idemon Township. THFADORK A. Jack-- the Leasee of these Mills, npractical MiF •i < Fog ■ xpcricncc, thankful for past favors, h. pes by g \ ing his pers- nal attention to the 1 usint-s t- u-erit a . o innu in-e of the same. FLOI'R si -1 1 FFDot \LI. KIND.- constantly on hand and for SALE. OXTSI r^OILT--"VV'C>ri.Bt, satist.etoiily aud expeditiously done. THEO. A JACKSON. i 1 n. IS 3 m UI !H. !!. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Of fice in Stark' 6 linck .Clock, Tioga St., Took* •twwrk,