jKjje gtmotrat. HARVEY SICKLER, Editor. TUNKHANNOCK, PA Wednesday* Jan. 11, 1864 The war news ot the past week or two i comparatively unimportant. Peace rumors are now the order of the day. The Blairs ate said to .have gone to Richmond this time, sure. It in to be hoped that tho time for making peace on satisfactory condi tions. has not passed. Greeley and those who favor''treating with rebels with arms in their hands" will incur, if they do not beware, the imputation of "Copperheadiscn." For, who but one of these, would think of making peace upon any other basis but that of absolute abolition, complete subjugation, or total annihilation. rsr We learn that a draft for all deft ciencies under former calls, was made, or was to be made, at Troy, on Monday last. We have n>t yet beef, able to get a list of those who have drawn prize 9in this lottery of "your money or your life." How can they be so "disloyal" as to draft men into the ar my, whom they have constantly denounced as traitors? The numbers of such will soon exceed all others What a pity it would be if the "Copperheads" should take Washing ton and suspend all ihe thieves and shoddy ites ? "Loyal Leaguers I" To arms! To the rescue ! rush to the front! the back bone of the rebellion has been broken, more than fifty n>ne times. Lincoln wants juu to be "to be in at the death PREACH ERS, "By Their Fruits Ye shall know them.' In the Republican of a week or two since, the editor of that sheet deliberately and false ly charged us with being a preacher , Had he not at the same time, tuiimaled that he too, belonged to that class,we should have set down much in malice against him. As it is,we wish to disabuse the public tuin-i ot the im pression that we have any affiliation or sympa thy with that tribe of hypocritical meudi cants to which he belongs. We propose to test nun and them "by that ancient rule : * By their fruits ye shall know them." In cx-uu ing these "irons," we shall confine our-. Ives to the very small port! n of the "mora! V.ne yard," in our immediate v.cnity. Not doubt ing in the least, that other pot turns of the field will exhibit fruits equally poisonous and baneful, Twenty three years ago, two men, calling themselves preachers, made fivquent visits to our qmet little village, and engaged 111 preach ing tho doctrines of abolitionism Their meetings were attended by but few ; the greater portion of theur, young persons, drawn thence, by idle curiosity Not so with Ira Avery, he was a worshipper at this shrine ; •nd drank in the words of treason, sedition and hale, which (ell from the lips of these •postles of abolitionism, ?s the thirsty trav alcr drinks at the cool bubbling fountain at the way side. It was there he received the inspiration, which has made him through all his subsequent life up to this time, a fa natic and seditionist. These preachers and their doctriues were abhorea by tho great, mass of the people of both political parties. The prophetic woids o a Washington and a Jackson, warning them against the invidu ous "misrepresents!ions, which * would pro duce jealousies, heart burnings, and aliens Hons between who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection " still rang in tbey ears and stifled trie voice of treason and Wiißioo. Not so, with Ira Avery. He took these preachers and their infernal doctrines to his bosom. He feasted led and sustained then); he encouraged and aided the prosecu tion of some young men who it was aileuged bad disturbed their meetings. It may be thought strange that thesa men should have preached the doctrines of abolitionism in this tpwn. We had no slavery here: ( inlcs j the siav isli adoration with which these preachers and their ebony iuol was looked; upon by Ira Avery and one or two others, may he Caln-d Sfsvery.) What fruits then \ were produced by their labors? After the ! lipsp of nearly a quarter of a century we are reaping tho hitter frui:s of the teachings of Melvin and their faithful convert and ! PiseipU, jfi war, bloodshed, tears, stamp dn ' ties, ccnseriptions and violations of our most ! Miffed right*. Tra Av-ry reaps his reward iff the shape of a day as a Government ' tax assessor. One of these original jn-ach efi 1 W {flinfitionism, Pos\ turned out to be a notorious rascal and public defaulter. TfelMher, Melton. ha been hopelessly insane for ;.ea'r. Tra Avery, their pupil, is as in j •me as the one ; and as far as his capacity allows, aifrascally as the other.—"By their frbirs ye shall know them." ¥f% iW>w come to examine the f rails of a nh4e ret^nt' I'laborer 1 'laborer in the vineyard." One who is the great exemplar, the model man, for all the small fry of preachers and prcsid 'ng^lders no* a days, who awake or asleep, , in the pblpi* and out of it have floating in tbtfr fevered brains, vision* of fat picking-* in the State Senate or in the halls of Congress. Thesncces- of this inan has turned the heads of all the little Would-be Landon's in the country. From preaching the gospel, ! they have gopifatraight way into preaching j Tbouah, compared with those of; whom w* have just b. en speaking, he came int W*-n4 ti ur, he received Ins r „ my Uu Jenny, did say? Tu P naß r]. . I * l vaiiis R. R. Company have no such small j ! coin in their exchequer. They count their j j profit aby hundreds of thonannda. Surely : 87000 of these little yellew pieces of "filthy ! lucre" (they had copperhead money m those j i days) was not too great a sun to appease the j I gnawing* of conscience ! and the c.amors of I the outraged, plundered constituents of this j ! distinguished red headed laborer. "By his fruits ye shall know him." A lother of these ureachrrs claims our j brief attention. Ho could tell the slickest lie lof any of them. He would piay the fiddle iinf ne place,play the preacher in another,and , ' drink rot put whiskey everywhere (he ( preferred a daik room or behind the door.) i I Like "brudder Abery" too, he aspired to the EA9Y editorial chair, That position, however , ihe soon found, required more honesty than | Ihe had. more brams thrn he posseesid, and! ! more money than be c< u'.d borrow, without any prospect of paying. It didn't suit him. ■ lie was soon given a position in the war ! office at Washington where he could indulge 1 ! his favorite propensity of stealing "with none |to molest or make him afraid." It is said , : that large quantities of Emery have been , discovered in Massachusetts. If it is any- ! thing like the article we have had a sanij le | 'I of in this county—God have pity on that ! meanest of all states. Finding our discourse growing a little am i biguous, we must return to the original text, j : "By their truits, )e shall know them." We now come in our narative. sermon, or whatever it may be called, to a preacher who j : concluded that Captain's pay, stripes on his breeches, gilded "ding balls ' or. his hat and i the stealings in the army was better than the j poor pay he got from the stingy abolitionists • to whom he preached about "burying cop- j perheads, face downwards, with a clam-shell in their hands to dig their way to hell..'— , lie went forth to battle—not battle, but— i plunder. Having lost his horse, he oeuclud- j el, like Shakespeare's King Richard, to give i ; his "kingdom" for one of these brutes. Not j having any kingdom to give, and wanting j ; courage, though not inclination to steal one, j he tempted a p >or but honest soldier to steal j one for him, withhs2s in Greenbacks. The • j soldier dtdn'i steal; especially for such trash as that; so cur lirro lost whatever interest ' 'he had in the "kingdom of Heaven;" and, his horse boot. Least the poor plundered woman at Fredericksburg, may not know of ; ! whom we discourse, and who has her silver : ware, we will simply say ; that "By his j . pitcher ye may know him." There are many otht r co laborers in this vineyard, wo would notice, but time and : space forbid. In conclusion we can only sav that a presiding elder who will tell a dehber | ate lie in the pulpit, and who will as deliber j ately deny ha virtg tolu it. even afi. r he is 1 proved to have done jo by the sw rn esti i inony of thrcj' c >mpe*ent and oiv-htable wit nesses, i not in the < ye of t! e c.vi! law, (and ' we doubt ti at he is in h% of the m- rd law ) ! ; a "good and lawb.l man,"such as should he | | summoned as a jumr. We theref re take i IS-U-: with ash* riff whov. 11 *■ far viola'c hi- ' | duty as an cffi< er. as to summon such a man' , for such a position. These preaclnrs are: j near enough v o us in ihe puipi'. God knows j we do'not want them between us and our just | j righ's in the jury I. -x. We are n-.t going to j call names, we indulge in n> personalities;! j but if any one thinks we mean that the Rev. I Henry Browns corn be is unfit f,r a juror;' we solemnly declare, that if we wi re on w you." "A tree that bringeth ft rth not good fruit,! sha II be hewed do * n and cast into the fire." j "Brudder Abt-ry." where ds on hand, worth say and half paid for, nil! | j not realize enough therefrom to pay what he owes. When the goods an-all sold, he will , find himself still in debt for them from five ;to ten thousand dollars, and this debt he must liquidate, principal and intenst, with I gold, or its equivalent, or go into bankruptcy, i , The consequence of the end of the war with the dobtor class will be to increase eve J erv man's debts ah >ut 125 per cent.. An ob ligation of $4 000 will bicome, in practical effect, $lO 009— that is, it will require prop ( erty or lab. r IIOM- worth in currency $lO 000 •to pay it. A note drawing pet cent interest will ihen draw what 1 i now be equivalent .. 25 p.-r cent., or t h.-rea- ' bout-, to say nothing .( the principal o t-e ! note, the difficulty ,f wh , av!ljelll wi „ •well ta a corrsp Tiding raitj. ( i The l-Trst AruuJ Corps. Vie c requested to publish the following Circular in relation to enlistments in the first army or veteran Corps—now being or ganized at Washington, under M'j r General Hancock. If armies have to be raised we arc decided 1 I ly in favor of raising them by voluntary en listments, and feel certain that one thousand men thus iti-ed, would be worth ten times that number of urn n who have been futced to , leave their hemes lij a cruel and unrelenting conscription,or who have entered the service, as thousands Lave done, for the mere sake of gain. HEADQUARTERS FIRST ARMT CORP*, WASHINGTON, D. 0. Dec. 3, 1864 ! CIRCULAR No 2. In reply to the numerous letters of inquiry from persons desiring to enter the Ist Corps, now being raised the following is comtnuni , eated a* embodying ail the information yet obtained. I. As ro ENLISTED MEN. 1. 41! enlistments and musters in are to be made in this city. 2 Any Veteran, wh > has served two years has been honorably discharged, and is phys ically qnal.fi • i may enlist in the Corps for one, two, or three years. 3. Those enlisting will receive from the Government a b >un'y of S3OO as soon as they are mustered in, and, ip addition, the reg-.lar instalments from ihe Government, in ; proportion to Ihe period of enlistment, a* tol • lows: §IOO for oue year's service, ono-thirJ pai 1 on euhstment ; §2OO for two years' ser vice, one third 011 eulisiuieni; §JOO tor | three years'service, one,third 011 enlistment 4. They w ill be credited to the quota of the district *n which they or their families may bt domiciled and will, there lore, be en titled to local bounties. Five transportation will be furnished them, Ito \Yashingt. nby any Provost Marshal. It • is only ntccessary that the applicant should satisfy the Provost Marshal that he conies un der the provisions of paragraph 2, and that . the application is made, in good faith. G. O.i arr.ving ;n Washington and r-port ; ing at Ihe .Si Idii r*' rest Baltimore and Ohio ! Railroad Dep t, Veterans will be cared for , and enlisted and paid promptly. They will j be sent to t..e camp of organization, at Cnrnp Cntiborne, and will be fonond into companies I and regiments as they arrive, personal— pref er. nces bt 11 g regard, d w hen the good of the del vice will permit. 1 The best a ,- n#s in the possession ns. 2. Should the papers be favorably c .rt*id : ered, the ar.plicants will be severally notified, by mail or telegraph, when to appear before j the Ex em in ing Board establ shed by the War j Department maj de'ermine. [ 3. As soon as the letters of appointment j are given, officer* may he detailed to secure the enlistment of a certain number >f Veter ans— their commissions, with rank aud pay from date of acceptance of appointment, be ing g ve.i when the men are secured. Ii should be under-tood that the enlistments are to he consummated here, and an officer ! can do no m-Tg than to use his influence in | per.-uading the" men to come here and enlist. ! Officers awaiting action 011 their papers can occupy the tune in this way, and collect parties and send them on, securing a state ment as to the number from the Provo t Mars al. The proper credit will in all cases be given sch officers. The act mil and necessary expenses of such < Ulcers will be refuuded to them. By Order of Major General Hancock. FiNLEY ANDERSON, Assistant Adjutant General MATCHES. The enonn -us 'ax on fiction mate-he* is dt feaiing its obji ct. The Portland Aiicei hser says matches are now imported into the United States from New Brunswick, and sold -n packages suitable for the retHil trade, without being stamped or paying any tax under the internal revenue law. The duty for importation is very much less than the stamp duty upon friction matches of do mestic manufacture. The consequence is that the imported marches are sold so that fo w manufacturers of matches in this country cannot compete in the market. Already, at Uast three manufacturers of matches have re. moved from Maine into New Brunswick to carry oil business there. COPPERHEADS—SeveraI eminent and dis tinguished members of the Republican party, of Philadelphia have been arrested, in that city for stealing cuppper at the Philadelphia, Navy Yard. One of them was appointed to watch the others. Their plan was to cart the metal out of the yard and ship it to New Y' rk Tbe r speculations are immense They weie exp se l Oy a carter, to whom they relused to day his demands for hauling. These very ttoeves, who arenuw in the bomb proof of Fort Mi 111 n, at the la'.e election stigiaa'ized all Democrats as trcitors and copperheads. Thus it goes . another page ad 1e l !< the largo volume of fraud* commit ted tic ier rhe garb of patriotism - Who is the next cu Btomcr ? Incident # f tbormaa'a March, The correspondent <>f the New York World in relating the incidents of Sherman's inarch through Georgia, gives the lII .wing ; "Two incidents, illustrating the influence' of a lust for gain upon the worst class of troops—rapscallions wh<- inks* the tear and tiauk of every army—axe only two among score* that might he narrated. Aju Ue,sged ed, honored, and resp-ctod in his district, and supposed to have liern trUed wnh n share of weahh, winch was .* -m. where c >n eealed, and which he rt-fu-> u i< disclose t > a ptriy of soldier* who caile • upon torn >li. u dusk, was hung up thr. e tim -s by the n< ck before the secret Could be wrung from tuin A young girl, in one of the middle counties, was stripped naked by some stragg'er*, and kept in that condition until she disclosed the h'du g place of the family stoc nig. "Governor Brown let MilleJgeville in a hurry. Not having leisure to take up ins carpets properly, he cut them inside 'he tnck, leaving the borders behind. ll.s re*- dence was in a woeful state. "Ilerschel Johnson's residence, near D< visboro', was completely despu-led. Llis sil ver plate and-household ornaments became , the property of the troops. E'en his p>tj cane was seen twirling in the liana of a pri vaitj. soldier on the march. "On the appearance of tn arm, the p'-o pricior of the chicl hotel in Milledgeville de camped, leaving itie build.ng and iis Contents in charge of an old lady. Geneva. Sheruiao ami Slocuui made their lie oqtar -r* u< ii.e hotel while in Alilletlg,vnit. it up,*-!-. ' that tiie old lady In chwg. , c iiectnig tin valuables ot lite house, had dtp ■* ; ui'iu in a certain close', the key to MC Cooniel Evven, of General Sherman'* *'a if , b >rrow .1 in his uffic.al capicity to a*c. r .nn wh it sa? within. Hiving explored to Lis *a>*ilactio. . 1 he ueglected to lock ihe do or of 'he H *et .■, I his departure. The rank and file found u i the cupboard, plunged into if .11 cr>>riai.ee | wnh the tnaxitn tliat "all 1* lair m I ve ot I war,"' and half an l our thereafter a cl-asi | variety of spoons, tvnives and f.i k*, *iivcr ware, a>d crockery, was fi .ur-tung 10 in : arm* and hands of a hundred soldiers." AN EXTRAORDINARY AFFAIR.— We find s. 1 the Loui.*vill Journal i e I i- * > 'a I account of a fit er. m c f-i- * . t -arm . ■ chaplain, si lling hi.** .w . MJH , *i,i. | sti'uie Captain Ttiom -S. lin ar. .f<-- ! 88th OHIO volunteer inf.mi * *e. j her. through the R-v.J XV [; , j l.y tin- way, rece'v. d p.'. }• r itie j ■ { lock in the ransaetion managed t■ I. h j son, w:i bad I - i : 1 . - . v; i the quota of Darke c-noy, O .... 1 stitute for a drafted mm mined Cav a •Moore. If appears ilntt 'ln *1:1. C-,-. ■ Bunker, had entered the -> it r< ,* , -u', I tute early m the war, and, hv e,„ j . r ,.j• ' had been promoted to tin tank* • t *ie> n ; | Lit-uienani, wbich p-*tti .n In- h'l -nin | death, which ii" k place JIIU la*' T j months later, the lather, through the | lam of the regiment to *5 ch >e tei i.g.t, | re-enlisted hi 6 dead *oti a* a -üb*Mfne. i<-- ; ceiving the pay and local b n il), a part ■ ' . which he {.ave Ins ncc uq 'ice. So glsrii■<• a ! piece "f raca!ity, and so . x 1 =nrd.r.ar a j transacii<>n, would no' of omir-e J.-np rema •. 1 secrnt, and trie case will be ii vcstigateo t.t j fore a general court inlriial." *n Curtlu Against Hi. utica. ] Following the bad example o> -iie L ncob. 'League, ' 1 lie Gotrcrnor <•! I enH*vlvania, in his mes-ajp, take# ground acan.*t die pav* tnent of local bounties to volunteers. Hp mo it seems, dehircs that "the plough- are ~f c< nscriptioii shall ieacn toe subsoil. 1 ' and that the poor man shall not have- a helping hand extended to Lira when he seeks to .►, cape a fate which his run hb.r, gr.wn rich b. j war prices, perhaps by g >v pn. u: c -'.'rie *, j finds no difficulty in avoiding. One of- the I arguments of G' v. Ciim 111 s em* t" imply 1 t liar honesty is not necessarily a c ncniuii ...' ■ "f modern "loyally" among Abolition effi<- 1 holders—in these days there are bu* few oth 1 ers—for he says that of the largo arouui' paid bv c .unties, townships, wards ami inun icipalities for bounties 10 volunteers "ituo ease snrns have been appropriated bv c'"-at* an-' sv> ipdh is. in wavy ca-es belin-ed lo be •ic.t ing in c nnfj/icity with Ike agents of the goc ommenl. 11 That j s to sav, "the a v.-rnm -nt'" 1 had chosen as its agon's men, who in c>>m | plicity with c oafs and swi> dhrs, steal im ! sums of money apj.r p*'a'el to pav ' bounties to volnnneer*. therefore rh.'re sh .l' he no snhtitij'i.>n for the dinf ed poor m-o unless he can pay for the pi v! of r. in on ing with his wife and family out of a purse that is kept constantly draon-d To pnrch i-e j merest necessaries of h| e p. keep himeif AH i i them from starving The p'olau . r-.p-p nod .benevolent logic • f modern A'>,.lm JICSHI pus seth all understanding — Age. Beauties of Politics In tticPutplt. As a sample of the harmony and relie,.,,, that political preaching produce-, we give die following incident that the M .inn uth E.. quirer, a Republican shee', sn s occurred hi the Methodist Church, at Mind ie 00 P o.r. The preacher, it. appear*, was indulging m ; some sthong political allusions and "pinions. The Enquirer #ay : i "A' thin juncture, some of the ni. uih. rs became angry, and tine of them *•■ z i h's ~ and started f>r the door ; mo o. r :.r .*. ir l.is seat ai d began t. |H'>ak T<■ s w.m.T; r some other person. >nfor.ne.| ••. 'at -r . tleman thai fie Was u' of |.|, ■ i -• p 1 s:l down, w lien sorne one >r j . r r ' > the individual Wb * was io ' ' .. . hi* ground, iliu-sanciH nib,- a> •! en ! interrupting ot d.vu. -< rv i'be me. y was closen by the pastor wm.. u to tier murks." The authorities of the Ci.urch. Ik* Ij, 1 who have the rule in - the r.- igi vj* r: , j* tions, ought at once to Mist-e . I v. r , iM.un . ter who m.na ibe pulpit iuto a fob neat ro*." 1 tram. j I ipwiji WwiicePt . BANK~MEETING-" 1 Tho Stockholder oftbe vn at Tank hiiniK i:k, will moet on or t.cforo ibat-tday, the IS h. ' j i'iM, and dcpogjt lb- first installment of the c-tpii: 1 j | Stck subscribed by tbtin. Additional Subscriptions , : to the stack will bo received previous to that date By i.r lor of tho Din. tors. j ; II 0 If A R I) "jS SO Cl A T 10 A, j PIITLAERLPIirA, PA. DISEASES f.ETirr NERVOUS SEMINAL. CRTNART J avi SEXUAL.SYSTEMS— new and I-olinhlo treat- ' ■ roe ' in report# of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION J i- Rent b.V mail la se'il-.l letter nv-topcs. Tree of I o' irge. Ailrew Dr. J HOCOHTON ITow ir-J Asoociation, No 2 Son ii Nieth Street . Phil- I *jrl£kU Pa. *4nie'r iisxmiF rumisnr. 'l'be pnrtnershi p heretofore existing muler the firm I j mme of Shoemaker A >ne is this dav disgo'ved by 1 : mutual eons'nt. The l!o"ks in I -i.e'-Juts wll he j • fiurol in the hsn l of B- M. Stone by whom the bu.si- j c*.sew>tlb# continued ] Tun'.hannoek > B M. Stone. Jan, 3d. 18* 5 J 11. Shoemaker j I AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Tlio and (reigned. having been appoint ed, by the i Orphan's Court ol Wy oiumg County h. Auditor, to i 0 jino the aeC'Unt ot T. D Sprat; AC. .1. Lteer A 'uiimstrit.ors ot the e Lite ot lei# If Lieov Dee'd : ' will alfn !to sil ex-.miti .lieu at his office in th- j | Borough of T'ink.l lunock on Saturday the 7ta d.y j |of J i u.ry 1665, at . o'clock P. M ; at wlii- h tun# : and p'tee, ail p rgbus int-restefi therein t0.." apre-i j I and i-e heard, r deharre ' from co.nnr'ig in UJ>OI ! . the fun 4 arising fro u aa.d est. t". lIAlt hi' SICtLIII'.. Ao li* ,r ■ I Dec. 7:h 1864, AU I>ITOK'S \orU L. I . t The i.iitTsigtied li vitvg tain ape < te'i- ' I tor by lite Court of t Oium I, ft ,•rf W> ... ;i i,. • tv to distribute the di-t#lbu iv-i .-hat , (now ~, ( . ur -j of Jan R. Gir 10-r'. it# the mane •i . n sh TiflT- r tie of the r. al estate ol Kti.-n ■ . .#■!. • lin p 11' ition', -.. i ; li•' i o; to he, • ~ i tieti ■re iitoiß O's .i 1 .Joh.i R tl ;r i. r. ... a ! ibe duties of hi- Ifpjointn..■••■ ; , .... . ' • i.ti4 a one o cio k >n the -rnooi at • * .i ; | and place all persons it vo# : fund are here vno ifi-d to j i ~ , r I j a-l.are I from catni.: in u •• ••! # Ft' i't - - Ttinkbantiock Nov, 26ti ls'td A Esiait a-e r ; uiake io.:t#cdia°c vaymcu to, Alf ill .t# A V if CA K ij i> 4. II t .-. *S i. A•: AD>il\ 1ST:: A : £(IX > • :? ' . I Ill oil
. * :t*. I U'M i':* •N' • i '• I'aUi ATRXMQN3A .. LA t'KS vNL •. E.v'. L •". - 1 it' .11 - isltl o 1.1 -r\ ot .re— xn . no i, j wilt - •V.u ' Moljov aI. V. .. ..)0 a- . ' • u ito it..otto .....ii.. ■ .vm . 10.0.e joi, io j i hep aul sjeO'tily. Iritis; eef i. •• o! g. . v.v If. •> j ' benutv. Tlii- illi'or r to : wit. on. vol# •*: ••.. Jil vnuit i.i. t- unify. 1 w i.l .'beet*.wi > vm. | j ..I! le ..ft s;ri i.t.tit .tin f.i •t-t #. i n.i. r- j ) it...ti .;T n'v re ikfii ai id. mi tv ju > .'•• • s:• U .dd '.'t Tuaali iniov i# ••• tb.. I6*h a.. ..r i 1 . * , u.-ry. next, tor eontir.o ni ip au l i e to v.it j The final tc ouni ~t Betsey 11 Srur lev -.n:, Bxcc- I ulr x of the estate of Blisu # Miurdevant, de ' I l .ta j of Braintrim Township —Filed. Nov. 17. lSbl Tit - d'tal ac.-ount ot Dr. in "t-h, Exe -utur of the I hist Mill and Testament of Jann-s .Jennings L.te j M s'aoppen Township, tieeeasa#!. — Filed, Nov 13:1, \b'A. Ibe final account of Charles Houaer Administra tor of the estate ot Abraiu Transue, late ot Noith uioreland Township dee'd—Filed. Dec 16,h. ISO 4 The final a- count of Will tor of the esfHto of 'L orge Lo't, 1 ite ot Forksu.t) Township, dee'd—Filed, Dec. 15th, lSa4. The final account of John Flu'timerfi-lt, Adminis- j tmtor of the estate of Jurob Flumui' rfelt, tale of | i Washington TowDhip, dee'd —Filed I) t. 19: n 1364 ; Register's# Offi-c, > i Tunlth inno-k, Dec. 19th, IS6I \ O L PARRr-11. Register. K OTIC 12. Notice is hereby given thu Chnsto; her M-ith-w --' eon has flic t t,is Pe ition in the Court of (In #r j ' S'- of Wyot'tiug Coualr; an I will m ke npp.t- { j cation at the nrx' term of s.iid C..uvt tor a T.itern i License iu Cl'n' n Townehip ZICA LOTT, IV* . 2P. 1364. ItcrV N DTK 11. j Whereas my wife, Sarah Ant- his left my bed >nt : bo nd without just <■ iuse >r prov# . alloc ; ' .nc: >-, ; all persons arc hereby forbid to frijs# .u !i. , r her on my uct-ount, us f w.lt pay n -let t- of h -t- .in### <•# ing j Nicholson. De Is:h, 1661 D- AM. M -TP'#':! 'N TO THE PUBLIC. The u id< r*i(rue tn c n -qa> a- ( wbvre rcspe.-tfuLy ttmoiui cs i,.< t.ii i. a-.; i#ic • public g.-nera II > ihtv he* hu :-s, ■ ... ■!. • title iid tri'vn--"#, tn uif to th ■ t i i tiio store kept tii:u lu Mie-i\#jpfi#r, •>; , o ; the •lohts th the ■ by. ft ■■ ■ ~.,i ..-. count #o II X Cnr.rin, v.t r vri I rent * stand an I !,-i umi in- ni speaks • i!,>uej:iuuli. o #.t iie libt-r il p itrcuag-. h •ieiou>n, ex eit.Se , to him self- V A K'tXDV i>. v\. COK V\ I JMLlid JIJLOX*JF* i'-IXNJ j - (Dhi stj.u l ol -Mj-is Vernny.} Th - 5uU -ribcr oflVi* f>r • h* Hok o * *>< * above Q.tilled f weti seiv* i a-.* ui ;/ DRY GOODS. I LOTHiNG, H^TS. CAP*, BOOTS. & 3.10 S. 11 TV.'ff' T'fTf.VDL'T-'vr 1 J.; ' • '■ v ; ' .!•-.! he.-! R-- 1 . t y ,t!. , t, n . . * <■: frOlfl'WaVt Vcrk • • I ' low a* nmj 11-u • fhe r uuf.- y y . to se d lat (.1 : ■ CASH OR READ? and t#* >iu. e-iitsfie-* -.1 ,n . e pitta.. he inn the public to .mitl jj,j c.rlv u# j. f rfo-k. _,'f* At. p.a. ut O i to s, W-ia.ov v--.tlv bvr i.ttU: or ivccv#ugt nrs t • i.n.t> up :ui i#a , ilia.'ely and settTcor I hii tie couipelfed b. it.iu- . lfl pro*diof B N. ' MM Periona Drxwi. to Serwe „ j Uror for January Trim, 16G6. Hl'. \A it J c fuHB, Maao PANT,— ZU Funuu., o.,rdun SweatUod Wiacian-—John Kiite.ey Tt NK. Tp.- I>. b Hi* It, Gen. ORtorhout, Abran. .4eti j*Au.--Semi G .Miller. Israel Oneal "' m > a " si " j " Tcaic Bono— H-nry Rnsmgrant. MXET.. R.--S.un'l .m, kier. • "•.BKSTon —Dei# lie i. iv EATON. - Jag. N. Pllg im BBAI.XTRJM.- r. D. Sp.ing, Cuts. Keen AM PJ #f* MESHopptN Ditfi'l T- Sterling. LEMON —Henry Harris raTir JCRoaa, NICHOLSON —Wm. D Osterh-.ut, Rhol M d,^ b Hirant Mtircy. RALLS,— A. J V-#nty|e M'ni McKuue, H'n Oweu A. T Hewitt. G \V. Sherwood. Ov-r trld. JdirHiu See •v, C C Vyara. TONK Bom".—llenrv Browns . mb. NORTH BRAVCH - -Newel Pnenix, M A-HtNGTox Chas Plu.-e, Ktnanu.d OverfiiM MMHoorANY.--Th.. s . L Vose, fl„ 3t 4 K French Mos.-s Kintner rreuou, M.NROL.-Gro S Ho. 11. Mi>g X Newbury, Fwrkt?, U n. F. Cairl. KXTUN John b. Kog. is, Evans AT Drake. I.- aanoer Hording J NOKTHM )IIKI.ANI>.— Levi Winters, Dan'l G. C#raj TIJNK Tp.—M I„. C. hkcy. Jotm Shiflf r. BRAINTRIM —L D. Sturdevant, S.io'l li G-e"*y Petei .My r*. " EXETER -Thus- D Heul'y. dr-sHOPPEN -- Jis L'usnell, CLINTON - -Frank f <7 Tie. SHKHIFF'o SALE. IH Nil ~ EOF A WRIT Of FI. FA to ln .- • > • ■ . Ui l pnMio s.le -at the Coun T' • Ti.tikbantuvV .„.e 14:. -■ • y IMS ...... pif nf a ,„ r _ *' IwU'l ""lattc 1,, rl.a j Wi; ' '1 f,v W v'-S-ttIDU <' ulit , 1. . K,, ( | '*A v■ A : oi, ihe \oith ■ •' ■ e,. m' •; i. faL r t |,r ■ t' :..ti s ~#. the V. #-at I,y '-a '• "J- f |,ll| | h !i '■ " ' '* v> f ■' " l |. :ivi ,f t with <-n froine ' - "''6 the appur ■ K '• t# .;n i he rut: o' Win. AO Iwi !# ...; 1 t:.r r :i r H.V "1 fK A D4A'. She.-Ifr it . .i , J-. u i-'-.j N ' 1 I " ' 1 I ! " ' , : . ' % T * /li ii'i 1 o a. \ •' Y£X EXPO, to ■ ■ '' ♦- : '-bit. sol-, at the link'• :i:,t. i:, r „ ,u. t v>.' - (V, -V i l Vti.v'i -' a.!• • * -> A Li'.. • Fj FA oi n-e ji- ' ' ' .'• Ede .1 the Cm rt ;il *we in it.: a.. . .k l'-i.r utith. on the tflb nf I d.rtu.rv \r-ii.) at#... o j. 's |> >f ~# v-rtaiu Jr.t, ;• > ' ti. .L.i .i in Ettoii Township, ■ ■unl t, .'o t I --I-;111-• ■ .it !.-i! m #, \— : Beginning • • - he-..# 1 .• i i't.Li ai.j, iitiiig taii-iiif Bills Stephens j oil ,ii..... • r Su-.jUe it) i,A l.iv-r, Ih,.n eup st.i.i R:r le> >' ! i 4b . -git- ..- W .-t 64 it-r-h-M i.i a4: .ka . 0 iv, *:. *0111... 51 oc), H est 4d ;er-u :s to n i r ' "* '••'I a •; the ee S utV# 54 eg L -1 3 he- . u , Ut-ui! • k co.nier ; tben-t ! -"111.! 77 m 1; . ICA : i r.: jus t . the ; e ..f Be ! gill' g -iiSj t lttllig :vv iv ca; rjs iin.t 1 i ...#,,# .... . .ic .ar *v>aru attw llwttuf igwn#l#| wtt'. 1 -ktuofa ti>:iN! 1 1 : s.i ite f-iiit wees iherot n. w.rh the ipj ur'*Jii.i#,t <•.,} In-- the estate ,f dc-fcadcut in .!, wit n ■ u:ed. Stirtd an,i ia,rn in cxe uti- n at the *uit of Wef- Im (till Lev, v.vSyin s'ir Wa nm And will be aol.t f..r c .sh only, by- Ail 111 A CAY, Sheriff. SHER.BT'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A WHIT OF FJ FA. tenia to me hrectrd, I will e.xp s> to pur,!i • a e ttt the Corn* House, in th- B .r uigb #.f T.,.,kh .nnoi-e, <>u rh# 14'h Any of Jar.it.,.-v. A. V iS6j, at one o'clock F, M.. Ol of the righ: title mi l mrercsr of Eliaa Bu chsicn, in :ind unt:> a certain lot or Tract, piece or pw cl of land, situate 111 the Township vf Nicholson Wyoming County, Pu., m l bounded aui described >: I 'll ws : 011 the erst h Martin creek,on the South t-y l-n sof Dr. Ks'u- 011 the MVrt by I .111 mMr >e. le on the Nnrh vlm#l of John I! an i J.,bu M. Natna. in Containipg a' -ut fifty a, res. wnh .tout ortiilv Here-, to, prov, |. with one" pit.uk house .1A iOl her ouiluul lings 1 tier-■ with the appurto 11.i:i es ,Co. Sized :m ' taker, in execution t the suit of L H tr..!i"g A (' . vs. ti 11#t 3 ilii-h -#hc t:i I r.feap :t . titt'i oi in - o.leii*. cs, f. •• th- tWn; v-sivth Jmli-i 1 i* tri ... r ' rt.- ml \ 11. Weld- Esqsl •' ■ 1 : -u '■ 1 < #!in- #• I'ieasKul ' e ' .. ■ '" • •us 1 .be I'# irt 11 I'd AutKst. •>- ' 1 ' .' lilt. O.er vi: i Vi-ltei.il Jail -. i lot. •>1 V, .uvti-g have 1 v their p 1 v# ' t : li-- • i, o .i '1 ii 'I. ' Gin Ok : AX '• I E'b.MIN'ER A N D ti Fa I !i Ai. J A I i h.H #. : sle Id '" in k'. 1i) .. ■ I .\!i#n o#y (be ICtb day out . v A. l> . I-:-'! eig thrc .!".e o.T . y #*r 1 -f. C oroiar, all .! J I- ' Co* 1 0 no ' iiiiili til# (o'un t .1 Wy u,ti . ii .i they c -in. „r ii-their |.* i loirsvng ii the 1 tine .MJ*I , a,-# wbov# cm nt - -nci, noiiib ir-"lis. ■•#! is. p 1 - .-.ins ex in tuition*, 1 .i. ;iii/A. - uno -tn 1 r " nn.-es, to #tn those > , iiecs in that beiiwirrespective ly < " h "g * * t n 'h.it 'ho— who .ri hound by .ic the p#.s-.e.-rs that are or ~ t' l ' 1 ■ Cut Mryoio og CM. unty. ibutthey be c " ' 1 >o- . p1 -e.'ute then# it sltall >1 just. alllß V GAY, Sb# riff Sheriff s ( fliee, J lu. k. iiank. Dcv'26 1864 I I ATI 81A L SUIIIIIIII ' y 1 U. . I , , (V Tl x A vv (t t '•• ■ " w >■ L!() X I* C r- - , 1 ; , o< pt *d • • I • - • > •' i y. i'diniona and 0 T ht .s .. ..I •! * persons irotn \.. a t •" ' ' - At. a Thv uvder- C r;. ! : -o t with tho tit oV. St 11, r n- ' 'vi ! to an! df t:y , n ( " . s 1 a •• r , 1 ' e., , • t ' . •' ra h * *. * '' 'I ■ • . fr U • t'jo... r ■ " "h A A-. .MI- - it iiV.'.r.e, Ji.f. L ; . •;•.. ; • • t.il *' v 1 '1 .n • " i ... ,• A. • . n V .• c*r i( ■ Kx"lit Kb S Agi for llarry 4s Oolitoh I TucWtCMhik,!^