North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, January 04, 1865, Image 4
DffilACK W, R Ruttnl us Time of Passenger Traliis, Jim 2d. 1864. =: waro . j HAVE SbITIiWAU Accom- Pasten j Paswn- Acc.ta- : nivJu- gor. I 8 8r ' m it tion. " j HOC. P. M. P. M. IA. M. P. M. | STATIONS t. ~4f 's,4o Great Bend 2,20 1.15 6.21 New Milford 7,59 2,45 1.00 6,00 Montrose 8,20 3.15 12.25- 5,38 llnphnttom 8,4 J 3,50 11.58 5,16 Nicholson S.Ol l 4.2a 11,2t 4.56 Factoryville 9.24 5 5 10 55 4,f0 Ahington *-0 10.40 4,12 CUrk'-Summit 9,4S 6,00 10,10 4 10 SCRAN TON l'v-o 6.30 A. A1 3.42 Greenville 19,40 1 M. £• 3,29 Dunning *Y oo -b 3,17 Moscow 11,02 A 254 UouliiiSwro 11,26 S .... 2.40 Tobyhanxa H lO -< ••• •• 2,20 Forks 11 ;50 ■•••> £ .... 202 Oakland 12,17 •• •• - £••••" 1.4G itenryvillo ■ 12,33 ••••g .... 1,35 Spraguevitle 12.4.3 ■•• ■ 5 .... 1,24 Stroudsburg 12.54 •••• K .... 1.03 Wafer Gap 1,03 •••• •••• 12,47 Mount Bethel 1,24 •*•■ > 5K,-... 12,35 Delaware 1,50 ■•••z L 12,10 *Manunkft Chunk-. 1.55 .... 12,02 Bridgeville 2,t4 • .... 11,51 Oxford 2,15 ••• La 11.38 Washington 2,23 .... 11,20 New Hampton 2,45 •••• • ••• A- M. 'Change fur I'liil. * - PM. •••• The Passenger Ti ain Northward Leaves New Hampton on the orrival of the Ma i Train which leaves NEW YORK at -\lO A. M.. and MANUNKA Clll'NK en the arrival of the Train which leaves-PHILADKLPUIA. (Kensington De • pot) at 7-15 A. M. At SCR AN TON this Train makes close connections with train.-- on the L \CK A WANNA A RTOOM.SP.rHG ami DELAWARE & HUDSON Railroads, an.! at Great Bend with the Mail Train on the Erie Railway going West. Tne Passenger Train Southward Le svo? Great Bend after the arrival of the Cincicu Express from the West, connecting at Si ran with Train? on the Lackawanna and Bloom.-bnr and Delaware and HuJsin Railroads; at Mt.nuek Cnu' k with the train for Phitadel]; Dia, end New Hampton with Trains for JVew York, the Le"" high Valley, HarrisLurg, Ac. Passengers by thi Train arrive in New York at 5.50, in Philadclpeta at 6.30, and in Ilarrisburrr nt S2O P M. The Acccmro elation Train N-irthwarn, connects at Great Bend v.ith the Da. Express going West, by wh'ch passengers arrive at Ithaca and Syracuse the same day. 1" Southward, leaves Great Bend after the arrival o the New Yotk Express going East. All Passenger Trains on the Erie Raiiu . stop at Great Bend. WATTS COOKE, Snj.l. R A. HENRY, G n. Tkt. Agent. A LA MOD E. THE LATEST FROM NEW YORK.. MRS. a. c;. STARK, TAKES pleasure in aga'n informing her triend?, and the Li lies gen , that she has received, and is still retci'. mg ral'ye and weil selected assortment of FALL AND JFINTEII GOODS, Consisting of HATS. BONN F.TS, It : 151 JON .- FLOSSES, FEATHERS, LACES, HEAD DRESSES, and. in short all art 1 s usually found in a MILLINERY STORE. She solicits a call from all requiring GOOD* in her line, before purchasing eUcwheie. Mrs St:-, enn be found at the house formerly • upiud !y II ry Stark, in the borough of Tunkhunnock, ready :.a willing to serve all who may favor her with a call. MANTUA-MAKING. We have secured the services of an expe.i r. - 3DX5t33Sis-Tva:^.i2:3i3:ir!:, and at all times will be prepared to Fit and M Dresses in the latest and most approved manner Soliciting your calls before purchasing elsewhere, tv. remain Yours, Resj ec* full v. MRS A G STARK. April Heirs Sbeclfic Pills—Warranted in all C • can be relied on! Never fail to cure! Do i nauseate! Are speedy in action ' No change < ' b et required ! Do not interfere with business pursiib - Can be used without detection! t'pward of 20 CHre j this month—some of them very severe c.a.t - Over one hundred physicians hare used th-m in th • practice, and ull speak well of their effi icy, at approve of their composition, which is entirely \<, table, and harmless on the system. Hundred?" certificates can be shown. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS are the original and on y genuine Specific Pill. They ire adapted fur mad and female, old or young, and the only reliable reme dy for effecting a permanent and speedy cure in a! cases of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, with all its train of evils, such as Uretheral and Vagina Discharges, Gleet, the Whites, Nightly or Involunta ily Emission, Incontinuence, Genital Debility an Irritability. Impotence, Weakness or Loss of Powei Nervous Debility, Ac , Ac., all of which arise princi pally from Sexual Excesses or Self Abuse, or so tn< constitutional derangement, and incapacitates th sufferer from fulfilling the duties of married life. In all sexual diseases, as Gonorrhea. Gleet, and Strict ures, and in Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys they act a? a charm ! Relief is experienced by t.-i tig a single box. Sold by all the principal druggists. Price 81 They will be sent by mail securely sealed, and confiden ially, on receipt of the money, by J BRYAN, M D., No. 75 Cedar Street Few York, nsalting Physiiian for the treat mint of Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who wi<, send, free to all, the following valuable work, in sealed envelope: THE FIFTIETH Thousand—DP.- BELL'S TREA TISE on Self-Abuse, Premature decay, Imp*.'net, ar. 1 Loss of Power. Sexual Diseases, Seminal Wc ns, Nightly Emissions, Genital Debility, Ac.. Ac. a pamphlet of 61 pages, containing important advice to,thc afflicted, and which should be read by every sufferer, as the means of *rc in the severe t p. is plainly set forth Two stamps required to fay postage. IMPORTANCE TO i —Dr. lIARVFV'S FEMALE Pilu h-avj never yet failed ia removi.-.g G3Ed tbiics arising from obstruction, cr sto page cf nature. or in restoring the syst.: • to porf.■<■' alih when suffer:,' T front £pinl aIT.-vdim-s, J'rolap-; Uteii, the \Y hit s" or other weakness of th - Utaiiue Organs The PilL aro^Scfffcetty harmless < n the constitution, and nmv bo takeu by ibc mos delicate female .without ,-aiis ing dial row—the same time they act like a charm by srengtbening, in\. . ratting and restoring the system t a.hrr.ithy condition, and by ringing on the monthly period with regularity, r.o matte. L- m what caucs the ohstruction may arise To y should however, hot be taken during the first three or four months,' of pregnancy, t iot:gh safe at any other t me, as miscarriage would bo the.esulf, Each box contains 60 Pills. Price $l. DR. HARVEY'S TREATISE on diseases of Fe males, Pregnancy, Miscarriago, Barrenness, Sterili ty, Reproduction, and Abuses of Nature, and emphatically tho Ladies Pri.ato Medical yvj viser, a pamphlet of 64 pages, sent free to any * YrL ef *-. cen,s required to pny postage. The PIIIO and Uook will be aent bv mail when d sired securely sealed, and prepaid, by J.BRYAN, M. I)., frcnerni Ag-lne -i. a 111 „ I f°- 76 Cedar st, New York ty Sell by ill the principal druggists. Jn 29, 164 v-3-n-o TllMlffilfilEllffi ; Our LETTER A. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE , s t'a?t gaining h worl.Uvid" reputation It is bo- . v ad doubt the best and -h-apest and most beaultful ; of all Family Sewing Ma fc*ues yet offered to the public No other Family ;<swiug M tchine hw eoj man- u Tut ap; li -n • for Hi-n.u. ug. Riu ling, 1 oil jng Tuffking, ?::thering, Guigiug, Braiding. 13:u- I l- r t -rii Cording, an ;s > t th No other Family j Seeing SI his - > mu li capacity fir agreit variety of i >:3- It will 3< v ail kinds of cloth, and with all kiuJs of thread. G re.: ami recent im • provQHionti make our Family A.-wiag Machine most t liable, an! most dura! '.e, aid n: c • tin iu a•* : ti-'U at all rates of speed. I* m.'.ks- the interlock'.- i | , wlii. ii is th 1 -tstit !i !;.. • n. Any ti. , ev en cftSia most r linary cupii-iiv, - a glance, i how to use the letter A Family L• iug Mtehiuo.— ] Our F; 1 1 1 ;"'ly* Rawing Machines ATO Fuisiie.l in chaste ' | tint exquisite style. i * The Foi ling Case of the Family Machine is a '■ \ piece of cunning workmanship of the most useful j 1 1 kind. It protects the machine when not in uso, and i , when ab. at to be operated uiay I e opened as asp.i -< i Hi? and su' stautial table !■> sustaiu the work. — ; ! While some of the made out of tho choicest ; | woods, are finijSjad in the eitu) lest an : chastest m&n -; nor jj<);-'ib! ', others are adorn : and embelbhed in ; i the inoct costly nni littit manuers. ; I It is al nc sary to see the Family Ma- j : ' chine in uj oration, so its to judge of its great eap tei- ! : j ty an : beauty. It is fast bee. tiling as popular for family sewing 1 ; ! as our manufacturing machines or l'or inunufictur- ; ! ing purposes The Brunch Offices sr.- well supplied with silk, j > twist, thread, needles, oil, Ac., of the very best qual- , Ry. Sen for a PAMPHLET. THE .TNGEII MANUFACTURING COMPANY.! 453 Broadway, Now York. ! ClTPPiladelpliia Olficc, 810 Chestnut St. : MRS. C. T. MARSH, ) * .- • T I I I , , ' > Aet sin luak iatm ick. 1). A. liAItDtVKLL, ) b • & l-JiXVPy,* V-i ' : J< r i 23 i BLSZJ *3 - U-v •J - -Gf fe' s *. - A-'.', i-ji t* Jf 'dSf ft4 : ! —AND— Hixa. Sil3.c2>"r>. i Tl'd it l rib'.-r has just reeeivt dat his shop, over I Hunkiuson's Store, in MESHOP?EN PA., 1 and will const; i.llv kt op on h-m I ail the latest IMPROVED COOKING STOVES " USK >. terns, with PARLUK STDVES 1 ! Heat ts f every lescription, v.!;■■ hhe • iLrs fur ,"lrS.©3a..ci37" l 3 a.3 r • j rices ih it wiiJ dify com; cfitii.n lit' .-t'iv, s are BOR : g ,-ti d :'t • Jl inuf i-tur- i O: M P..4NV, WIT.IC: - JABHE. I'R F A'F PENCF , A-'! >( RAN TON Jic J? lIK . C:. ~s v BLED to sell j met a".tail dvai e <.-a the original cost "J ? 1 S2 3 3 ¥? J f) A i iri y tj 7i a®iH vri 5 . Copper TVare. all hir.!-ou han l.ul :: ■ 1 to order A! S'IF, WAGON no x. v s i> T EI GJI- ' SHOES' FOR SALE. The popular Co- ki: ( Stove, F or c st lie c Elevated over.) is r av f..r llm first, offered at , €2O for S inch, 623 fur 9 Rich, neatly and promptly done. * Meshcppcn. De;- 17 ' aa—> : IIARDWAUE & IROr. j HUNT BBO'S S 3LLIB NO W OFFER FOll S a LK. IRON. STEM., NATLS AND SPIKES. MINF RAIL. RAILROAD-SPIKES. ANVILS. BELLOWS. PLAIN A, CONVEY JIORSF-SIIC! '. 11A.M MERKD Ito .-'R NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, BUILDERS' lARBWAII. CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED.) urns, SPOKFS. FELLOES, -EAT SPIN DLLS, C'AllKi AGE SPRINGS. AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STBEL, 1 BOTTS, NUTS, WASH, i EES BELTING, PACKING, GRiND 8 fOMEG; PLASTER I PARIS, CEMENT, ITAIR. SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., Ac.,' ALSO SASII, DOORS AND BLINDS ON If \>. D IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUEACTL'IIED 10 ORDER • ; LTATHEER AND FINDINGS' . j FAIi?BAK'S SCALES. f 1 trao!: n .darch 26, lSt3. vln33— s - -• INCtIIa3I and WI2FNCH, Manttf'acturcrs a:; ! IJcalcrs in • | • * - -a -fa • V ■rr\ T\ ,nt? r. : a ri \ki wr'G -tx t; hNi'tb \ OX WYALUSIXG CREEK, : CAMPTOW, BRADFORD Co Ta ; • r.o!!s Carded and Cloth Finished. ! MAKUFAGTURE CLOTH FOR CUSTOMERS ON SHARES I CR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES FER YARD: r Ciiesiraer -, (lest Finish, line 45 cents Plain Cloth, do 45 " Gray and Mixed Casiimercs,4s " _ | Tweeds, 32 " Common Fulled Cloth, 40 " i ; White Flunnel. 22 " Madder Red Flannel, 32 " Gray Flannel 23 " * Tho Gray Flannel made wtth tnsto and very snita i ble for Clothing* HARVEYIMGHAM B' AMOS WRENCH t J X3T Person living at a distance can have rolls ded so a to take them hoiue wit i them ; and > ' • theexsprnse of a scoeud tri^. IMPORTANT™ FEMALES 1 C * FWM ! ,(R PILL'S J I' BOCL A M A T I 0 N ! TO TIILI IiAUIU.S : Both Married and Single. THE OLDFST REGULATOR FOR FEMALES. DR.CHEESE.VIAN'S FEMALE PILLS Will immediately relieve, without pain, till disturb ance <.t" the per. lie 'urge, whet I. r arising Irom relAxt" .is or sUi'pr^s.-im. They at like a charm in removing the pains that accompany difficult ox im ! luo'lerate menstrual: 11, an I are th■: only rfiife and r iiiati'.: remedy far Flushes Sick Headache, Pains in the Loins, 'Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Hen it, Nervous Tremors, liyauaies, Spurns, Broken Sleep an i other unpteas if an i uan r > rohs eff cts of an unn -ouditiun i.l" the sexual functions. In the worst cases -f Fluor Aldus or Whites, they ef fect nSj ciy euro DR. CIIEFSEMAV? FEM.VLK PILLS llave been used OVER A QUARTER 01 ; A CEX ! TURY. ; if y are offered as the only safe means of jiin • interrupted lUcii-tniation, but Ladies must i t c '.r in that there is one condition of the fe malt eyst m in which the Pill* cannot \-e taken mitliout ; roducint a PECVLTAR RESULT. The 1 • 'ition referred to is PREGNACYCY— the result MIS&xKSTAOE, Such islhe iftesiet ihic tendency of the medicine to restore the sexual fund', ns ton n irmal condition, that eren the pro diietiie power of nature cannot r.-tst it TilE\ CANS<>f l"> i : .MINI i t any other way. DR.CII EF-EMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Are the on\yh£*AUine that MARRIED AND SIN GlxE LA HIE-- have relied upon for many years, or can r ' in 11 now. JJE li ARE OR I. v/ 1> A TIO.X- ! These Pills torin th finest f reparation ever put forward with IMalb. D! AT D and LEh- SfcSTENI •••••:• 3. DON'T BE DFCEIY f ,l>. Tako this advertisement to your Druggi.-t. and toll liim that von want the UEi- T awl most RELIAUL R. REM ALE M EDICJNE IN THE M r ORLP>. which is comprised in Lit. CHELSEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS !:! They h.avo received, and are n>w receiving tlic .-a ... most ennncnl Pivjstcidns in Arner- F.XPI.ICIT DIRECTIONS will <•> !i Box the pa e, One Z'ollurper lio~, containing from 50 to M Pills. 1' Is nt hy mail, promptyl 1 v remitting the pri ■ I'■ 1i j . r .xi.y aula -.tzed Agra. I.i 1 u:. < . i LI BY BRUG:;STS GENERALLY. Ill" *"HING3 £ lII.LLYER, PnopniETon's, SI Cedar Street, crc York. • .%•■ c]i Tanithannock, by J. W. Lyman, in .do bjr .*• to TurrcJl, in Stranton by L. S.& E. c. io . ,in Fuctoryvillc fcy all Druggists For. R'.TS, -MICK, R vcnrs, ANTS, Bn> B a- Morns IN Ft . ■ Vf. oi. oa, Ac,, o . PUXT FOWLS, ANIMALS, AC. Pint 1. ?5 50c, u 1 91 00 Boxes. P. titles, and > S J nd £3 sizes for Hotels, aud Publi • ii* stiunions, . "Not r t'-r us to the flu-arm Family." "Si ta 1 Hi;,.- out of their h. lea to die.'' X old Whi Icsale iu all large -I:i<-s. \ . 'Sold by all Druggists .v Retailers everywhe ~ F\ ! 1 BIVABE ! ! ! of all worthless imittuit* * . .-co that "C Isr A it's i. name isa. h an i 1 : k. before y. n hay. I f Adar-ss " ILI '-r.Y U. COSTA ; 'P; ir ipa IF'J 1 t 4F.2 I:. -v. v.>. . Y ' - 11• 1 1 -J T.v uar. y ('v., wholes tie j I.^" Agent, l urkhaniijcit, "T-M G'-'xyf s U* li ie -x J U d bj- > U wl -A -i -1' im Ah | 'THIE .sriISCItIUEH IIASHAI) INSUCCESSFFL j A operation, for several years, a ixr *.rr vo o :n :,q * .-fj 1 %-f -Sri cf-v or.. A Ja -d *.'■- "J v*L-<L A I y NX CD 'H' -DP ~\7U~ V.X JXT NN Nh.. , where all of the most appro. .l aud rare kinds of TTHJI r g. ORNATTENTAT. TREES, Can be obtained. Being 01.nv.need from experience that his Trees an i Wants will give far better satisfaction to the Fruit-growers of Wy rning County than any grown ir. other localities, he coafidently solicits their patron age He will mrdic annual visits either in person or by his nc ats to mo. t of Hie townships of Wyoming Co', an ! as r.ihy th it his specimens may be examined an I his moth- i of dealing bo tested. A!! <T ior- By i ; -r oroiberwi-c, for Trees, vices or pi nt< will I e promptly attended to. 1 o.fl-ly. D lIARKINS. AUCTION KIM?. C- C .t.k'.in, of Tunkhann.) if Borough, Wyo , loing Coiiuiy Pa hereby gibes notice, that he ha taken a ii onse as public Auctioneer, end tender, his- rid sto the public in that capacity, on reason able terms. L C. COXKLLN October Ist f-fil. TO : EOFE>.SORS OF MUSIC AMATEURS, AND THE MUSICAL PUBLIC GENERALLY, I\ A. WONDHRM \ X X j ronr-JOS I AMEUICAX ursic WAP.EI:-U-SE. 821 8.-ICAP WAV, j II iving on Ii ;n 1 thelargest-sto. k of Foreign Mr i ■ jin New Fork,which ho imports from Europeexi rt - j ly to moot th • t isto and rcquiremei ts of the Amcri , . in !• vt-r of Music, respectfully smlls attention to I th ■ f ict th tho is now supp yitig Mu-i • >• Everv Style ft' a R of TV. T-NTV-I IVK to rtnv ;er j cent, 1 - .; t.v other house in the Coiled States. Private Families can bo oopplied (p st free ) by j forwarding the .\.sh to Hie above address Should the .. i.ot of cash be forwarded exceed the co r i ' Mu the b ilan..e will ue promptly returned in P >tagj cu:T 1 ncy ItK\i.i;.;s and Profess -h'.ui 1 not neglect this ! j opportunity ; th y will be liberally ?eult with. N ll—Any an 1 every piece of Mu-ic (vocal or I instrumental) published in Europe and America Will ' v supplied to order, if aceompenied by the cash, Remember the Address, P. A. W UKDK R M A X X Foreign an l American Music AViirehouse, 824 Brondwny, New York, TOCONSUMPTSYES. Consumptire wHum will raeelvo a valuable tag. scrip l ion for thocui-e of Consumption, Asthma. Bron chttis. and all throat and l.ung affecuoos, (free of rhnr-cThv sen ling their address to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., * : New Yor i i rl EH-IRI 1, TEA ULT£ST IS I'ROM EUROPE Is fully conhrmatory of former reports th it Til II DUTCH HAVE lmiESsiOh OF lIOL LAM). { j It is also authoritatively announced that . has exclusive pissession of the STOVE AN!) TIK-SHOP "AT— TUNKHANNOCK. where every thing in the line of his trade can be had at the m LOWEST LIVING PHOFITS. j HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at h's Shop the lat j est and most improved Patterns of ■CfO Car , AND Pj&ELQK STORES, with all the FLRNJTURE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Guttering in all "its branches, attended to on short notice an t on It E A y O N A B Ii II T E R M S. JE9. J&3 If* Nh. X ItH 3: IST C , PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE O. S. MILLS fur.khanno.k, Nov. 4, 1863. —v3-nld. .*!; irfactiire of Woolen ( 1 CHAPTKR 1 The Manufac'.ure of Woolen Goods, both in the household and in the factories, h ■; beciuc of gr--at : portam eou accountof t its forming at pres. or ..ur prir.-ipal artii !os ot cb Hiing. Ti c i.'ur- < f <.t ; li matc make it nc. • -sary, and the - .rvity <.f 1 . . . has greatly increased t ie value of wool an I Fab. icl;s made tnuu it • and !•< iug engaged in the bu.-i.-e ■ ) iiiakingClorh an l Flannel, utui also oil Oardn.g, lot Cloth Dressing, wo Ii iw thought a few iem.ul - with leg .nl to bar. fling W.twl, anl the p:< per p.-.- ..01'M.ii.utacluro miglit beef teni .* to the coun try. and 1 beiieiit to ourselves 'J i.e 'ir.-; j ;oi es with the i inner who int. n I t . make bis wool into rolls for sp triirig .111 u:i . .: 1" me, after was': tig an t sli- 1 rinir, 1- :. ■- t . ■ , : . ualiti S. ids vie In not exp '.-t a to do. s eitc *iy as'a regular maßttf .ct'trer, 1 ly tvl. - he wiil ippr-.xunatc tow it. and be amply 1 -i ' j tor the little pains require ), by hwing an en ti threa 1 and smoother fabric. the tieeco >h •.1 I i-c while be ;-prcad out on a fable —the cotusest vvi.i 1 will be four lon .the skirts of the fleece, and can easily be distil guishw i by looking c! isclv to the fibre Two qualities from ea Jh fleeco will perl; - i. 'close en .ugh for obituary ) arj (-<•', but ;.s t!:e sheep in our country differ much 10 their gra les of v. ...5. —the coarse fmitofone in ay do to go with the (li er part < f another 11; i th e nake thrro or four qualities out of tho lot dtitis jotng to tiiotii 'nu taeto yor to market, th- fl hottM not he • ~-t . lut 1 ;• r icnv vtug the 1 <g-|.>. i - 1; ui.i • o 0 I t.|. 1. • tetly, skin out side N 1-s • 1 ... <) • ;la <l.fresh 1-T.t .-t •. - t. n jioun . af w ■ v, e'; .■! ■t. li.r w b 1 .u* .. • 1 • ~ S ; .. sl ide . but in 'be mutter >1 sptnuiug a i veavittg, we have auj'ther eaut .rto a 11. UnJc: * ti.u vru is a-. 1 'y twisted, an t beat up evenly in tl e loom, the clolh shrinks unevenly : n fulling— making .ant pa ces wide an f othcis larrew, au.i if the lii.isher suc ceeds iu pressing t.ut tt, * iviiri.-ic-. : • - doth will re -utii •il ■. oMi.rtioo :< tin >vii .2 ir,- . . ncrit, .t. i Hie n:t 'i - t -a - - t . ' 1 lan e I for a on' a oeeotiE .g lantern j tared on <• man'.- back. Ii is ta-iiy av. i- d by giving t; a .vl.ct-l n ■ qua! tii'tnbi 1 of turtis u> a u'.xeu length r.f thread ravvn out \V t- find thicififli ulle increasing of late years, an I have come to th- (.inclusion that if - I .e t f tli! spinners do m-t --tj-r tin;. . n t pi'.rn s th-1 their q.inriili.; wheels, wc should hate dr> ah lul iy to lis* on to th* ir inn Ac. As every moment O! labor S'J;. ni l b** einpl'-ved t*> Iho ' est advar.ti'.gp. and 1 very ounce of n.ateri'l -e appropriated to the 1< st purpo-e. 0:1 account of nor war. 'ac | rojKiSC to v . it(* some other . h ■ cters on onr * • inch of business after tiii- i- mad saffieiently t.< be retc* '■ ■' 'Ted, :n' Ish 11 emb-avor to do our work nice enough for a liali 1 oral skirt <r a doctor's (.oat, •i.n I m-ak*.' trow sera stout enough to list a fanner through a yent'scampaign nt least. IN'I ii \M r IVPEVCir. II FACT r.v, CAUTTOW*, BnAnroiiu CO Slay 2.'G4 ™$ B¥EES © i"' AGAINST— FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE 1 ! ! T-ikcn at this ofliec, on all kinds of Town and Country property, at th" w IST tti vs iwnt.r (nt for anv time from THREE MONTHS TO FIVE \ EAR* —either IVITU or WITHOUT PREMIUM NOTES Is the company reliable ? Will it promptly pay its honest Inssc.- ? are the important inquiries ivi'h all insurers. Wo answer : Til IS LYCOMING CO INSURANCE COMPANY HAS BEEN* IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION FORTWENTY-TUREE TEARS.— IT HAS A WELL SECURED CAPIATL OF OVER 52,400.00 IT PAYS FROM *6O. TO 5125,000 LOSSES ANNUALLY. ALL LOSSES ARE PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. EACH INSURER IS FURNISHED WITH AN AUTHENTICATED AXXU NUAL STATEMENT OF EXPEND! IT RES AND OPERATIONS OF THE "COMPA NY THE COMPANY IS CONDUCTED ON JUST AND EQUITABL E PRINCIPLES. \ TIIE CIIARTEiI IS PERPETUAL. I References Hon. Win. M. Piatt. Hon. A. K i Peek'nam, Henry Stark and Samuel S'.-.ta Esqs. of i this County ; Sav. r . f c Bros, of Susquehanna, and j Jeorgo M. Ilollcnback and others of J.uzerne Coiintv, ' who insure in and have been paid losses by this, Company. HARVEY SICKLER, Agt. mm IF AFIITM The Partnership between 0. L. lIAI.LSTEAD ; .v SON, is this day dissolved hy c. u.-i nt. The no'es and accounts will tie left in the hands of 0. L (Fallstead to sottio and can be found at tho st ;re formerly occupied by 0. L. HalLt jr. J L Sen, with sonic one t*> attend to the same. 0. L HALLSTEAP, II P. IIALL3TEAD. , Nicholson. July 2?th ISG-1. The business will ho continued by 11-nry P. Ilallstcad and Louis Uanimel, under the name and firm of HALLSTEAD & HAMMER i who will be pleased to retain tho patronage of all wiioii ive patronize i the old aim and will lie pleas ed to see any who tn-iy favor us w> ha call. We are prepared to furnish EXTRA INDUCE MENTC TO 'PiICSE IIAVINu PRODUCE 10 DISPOSE OF. will pay the HIGIIESI CASH PRICE for tho same. HALLSTEAD A HAMMED. 27h. lM4.3eke!a N July, The Latest Style -OF- SiTilNu & SUVIAI J'.P. ZLT o llJiCt £* . and MILLINERY GOODS. have iust been received at the establishment of LO'JiSA UEFUUFiH. *,n Ti'.-gn Street. > rp'fite the Pi*si-rfT*eo. v.-kere w a e found La it-s. CLikcn. Mis-cs, anl Bnvlc FLATS HATS, and CAPS; H tiA D-1)R ESSES. "RIBBONS FI.OWEKS, and TRIMMINGS, an t everything in the line of Millinery, which will be soli at the lowest Cash Prices. j Repairing promptly "*r.d neatly done. Ladies j please call and exaiuinefor themselves. '1 unkhanu "( k, Oot 3 1862 —v2nl I—lywil T%>~V "VTTT* ma., "-.. i Vtf w/ [% j sf| f\l} 4'\ " -i 5 V<i % - AND o x-s nl. x :o. T % " c *•** qnL, ' )L fiS % © ■% * i I T * r/ r- -IVJ- . FX MANUFACTORY! The st(l>e ri l er h > just l a new Futyiitu • C. *i t ltd • hatr Mioufi -r in T... ' n next door t" C. M. Kootif kept on h.itt.i in I -*i umfsMure to order: TA lb" <>f Ti ••■/< . * i. . a . - vl( i I I!4UtS (V.tio: h g-i tto .' nd c . u ma in 111*: ts o m • ■ - •*•-,., *! ai.'cs L . -- ; . r; f).iam.i .. v, •!!*•. I, : t . yor • • i b ' . , I 1 ■ " ' ' vV : . n be \ - ~ • I n•"- de ■ G . . • . _ I : i v--' 1 " *■--a iiah.uii.* in Use t -v. be so li i .- •!." public ] rtrr ri*•<".' b FI'AI ii IG ot all kinds done in a neat wi'o-i n tial and r.' -!• mar like mnntier. N. ii.—Old eunc-st at chairs, mw-.. ; .| j , L . pa i red. T'NDERT ' KIM! - Having *i Ifear-e ft ...t i in. 1 having had uiu. li exfK>rient e he wiiltt tf* n n tbis .b O irtii "tit nt tho busiiK fs (II shin i e\ it: a satisfactory tram er. 1 • '! t I! V • July 16, 1862. -v. 9 a I i ; vI ' V .I.* W v iii. £ , , . A Largo oiock just t'j - n- ,j AT T. L. LOSS CC'S.. etc 'W i ' "1 o rrj ConD-lj f t. imJi \Y ALL U.\ PER. VV \ | L PA. PEP. W.AI.L l .\l Lit '.v XUO'.V SHADE VV IN* r)i)\V ML\ 11 KM WIN iMJ SHADES. OF ALL SFY . . CLOTH si! \its W'liil ivOitDi'.HS CI.O'! ii MfAD?M \\ fi if HfIHDhHS. FIXTURES AND ROLLER'S,( OUI'LLM: FIXTURES \\ D i 2' ti.i.i:its i "O.M j'i.i-. i 6 KM Hi;)! IJ I! it i. !J Ai ( -*l,i s i L It • A i.\> . EM iUU 0 DEL Kit A] I .-1 |\ i j ETAiX-* EMHKDI DLiiEfl .MUSLIN* CURTAINS A i .SO A Large Stock of White Goods; LOTTED se 1.-'S MU-LIN. r h ; i. l i A n J s, JACONETS, LACES, BAT.MOR \f, ,-KiKTS, SPRING SKIRTS. GJ.OYUS. KI'.AIi AI.EXAXDRF.S lvI> And a Large St- ck of YAH'ii m NOTIONS. I ron, N ti i Is, W hife-Lend, Z no. Linseed Oil, Glass, Putty. Door-Locks, i and a iren< ral assorfment f-- mm BUI BES HARSWMIE. FISH, of all binds. O-TT SELl'"'- C"~ i* r a i kinds <*t (j rain * Tunkhanrnn k, Alareh. Dili I St,' 4 WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM rft tl m x h% $ % m sit .y - *' -M Sewing-Macliinos. TJic Cheapest and Best. OVER 1f.0.000 OF THESE V.'E'.L-~f-TP ~L!SMED SEWING-MACHINES HAVE Btt.v SOLD. hgfciyo roa CIRCULAR, LADIKS' ALMANAC, 4C. AGENTS WANTED. Address WHEELER & WILSON Setring-Afnchinr Co. 704 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Do vol VVtMI lO liK c. KM) I— Dli. lit CHAN'.- BNGLIBII BPHGIFVIC PILLS -n r ' i le?s thvn 30 days, the worst n| NElt VOt S- N K.-3 •(', Preti* atur* Decay. Seil.nO VVcikneps I'isiniry. and ll Un r, Ncrvou- AT*eti(Ti, n.> invtt ir I'ruiii wn .-i.> i. due •(• Price. One D 'liar Icrb n, > . ! p . . by mail, I.n receipt of an order. One L.x iip, r feot tho cure iu most enscs Ad Iroi-s JAMF/4S. BUTLER General Agent. 127 Broadway, Vrw Tork' ' t4l 3m: NOT-A RUM DRINK A HIG HL y. CONCENTRATED ' Vl. OLTAULE EXTH A CT A riJFE TONIC, Til VT WILL RELIEVE THE AKFICTED, AND Not make Drunkards. DH. NOBFLANS GERMAN SITTERS, PREPARED BY I)li. C- Mi JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL EFFECTUALLY AND MOST CERTAINLY URE ALL DISESES ARISING FROM A DISOUDEREI) LIVER, STOMACH OR KIDNEYS, i i;.-in !.-> of our citizens are suffering from I>yt pepsin a tut Liver Diseases, and to whom the fol lowing questions apply—we guarantee lIOUFI.AXD'S GLII.MAX BITTERS WILL CURE THEM. lIOOFLAN D'S OKRMAX HITTERS WILL CT HE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease* of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a Disordered Stomach. OB>f.H\E THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS lie. !tu: from Disorders of the Digestive Organ*: ( Inward piles, Fullnes or Blood • l: ' >'lity oi the Ntouiach, Nausea, Heart ! nn. 1 1 -' rn> for Food, Fullness or Weight in the* '* •" '• Lrnctatiuiw. linking or Fluttering at "I :i " niach. .-wliruiiiig of the Head, Hur ra' :!! I Lit Mil Lrcotliitig, I Tittering Of the Heart? Ch .king or ...ft; •.sting . nsotions when in * lying i. Diinn f Vi inn, Dote • r Wets before the s-ighr, 11 v <- r nod |mlp. i„ ,( u . Deticic>ncv ' cl I •' " Y • f ■■■"• oi 'he Skin an Eyes. '' ' 1 " T A,-., Sml te-' i-uri.iiMp .L ifjo | Constant la i.'i. n_-o, !. v. , m I i ■: t Depression ot Spirits. r fj .'/ ]■ reparations sold under the name UU era, pnt up in quart Hut He-, compounded of "/i rum coating Jrom i oeii " , r L .i: in lie taste disguised by Anise or i 'r>r<u dec £u . d i < c hi tirs has caused'and xeil!continue '>■ *old hundreds to die ' ■'■"itti <trd My lh fir use the system " ' •' >h- influence of Alcoholic fvt kind Iht di sire for LiMr ■ ' du result is all the hor ru: -"! iiunnl ! / . i 'truni-u,-u\ and dsitli ■Dcm-d tvili havt-a Liquor f'UU receipt. (rVth e 4 -> OKii rs and mix i i V. nit-. • <;■>■! Jirat.oy or fV'hls ' ■' < ' •• 'ration tnot ir'll % M ' ' '• "■! true cTeeh-'.ce ' Liquoi hi tera m ikemmrAtt, St I 11, Ik i< ,- s . )„„ w iti / lute u n ttie ' . . *'-d*s Bittern in connection uith '■ "• ' lt " much less price ihan • /• T >ns iritl cost you. KDOi'TiAN It's (.i ldiw HITTER WILL GIVE YOC \w l) .APPETITE, : Y'M - :.VES . i ■MM IS FEVER, Jte "I'm . sua",. ng trom I'l 'i it 'i -■■■'/ l/'inuits Dsns lif ill inns ' r in f •?: • ICE. - I- Mi IN iD.w DiiltMW HITTERS * '<e MEJJV • "!i ir usual ha! h. •■uch 'J M *' ! * " v ' 'i ,r *fiJs < r iii.tajLtire*, and u ' 1 ' ' c I r d I t r:o% c f h*2 Hfarrtion. Frum Rer J fl, rtnn Broicn, D. P, Editor of the LiitcydopciLa of Rhe ious Knotcledge \.'it ; - i•!<■; .i-j se-| . I vor or re.-ommr.nd Cat ;;i Mc .■:• -in :ci 1 1;inugli distrust -if tbei rr ;r iients <■ > lecis, 1 yet a .oiv of no sufficient b ■ •> .1 ' n in iv not testify ro the benefits he , ,v 1. rr. It to nave received fr in any simple r pei.i.'.n in d.v that he inUj thus contribute t'.' *r lit I.' !>• i 1 thi- r n • r< • \y ]. 'to IfooHandN ; (term- i prei.lred t.y Dr. C M Jwcketm, ot I cii- <• t y rb-c.iusu I was, prejudiced against them or j many yeare, under the impression that they were I . i fly in aii "hob mixture lam indebted t my friend 110 l -. r! Him innk-r, Esq., for the removal of ! ! - < J rr-jn-i. •' y l "p i' ! >!s an 1 for encouragement them -sh •: -uii t from great and long con* i i;: tied .ic' ili'y. The use o* three bottles of these j P.iiters, at the beginning of rh i>r sent year, was t • ed by evid nt relief, and r -i .ration to a de- I grce '. i> Illy a men-' -1 vig-.i whi h I had not felt bo- six months i i P. ?e, an I had almost despaired of jrig MM g 1 tiier.f..rc ihank God and my friendfot ' directing me ♦ the use of them PUILAD'A, Juue S.i. letil J NkWTott Bfiovv* ' DISEASES CF KIDNEYb AND BLADDE lit i.tiiig ov Ag- d, Mule or (female, I Speeidy removed, and the patiem restored to health DEL ICA TL C HIL I)REN, j'i !imsc suiTiiriug ir.nn MAiIAiCrIFS, wasting atray, : v.; :i - ,i; e'.i . \ tksh on thvir i-oues, are cured in a very short time: one nottle in such cases, will have a most su.'i rising effect. ii vMg suffering chil Iron as above, and wishing to •i-11 i<-!< wtti a v r regret the day they eotnmene• i cd with tl.e.-e Hitters I.iTEiMMiY MFX. STUDEXTS, ■v ri;i g.. id '.vuii Mir t rains, should al - vi ej i f.eot Ho 11a it's Hitters near . in. v. :Ii I. ■■ I i..a. ii t.t-1 efit iiom its use, to t .nil - ii a: .y, iovig r u t.g and not depressing. IT IS MX' A EKLCDst M l AIL' LANT, AND LEAVES No PKOcTKATION. A 7 fENT ' iSOLD JEM! .. i, i l-. \ mLII KU>. , . ; ■ ; h ring r.-l it ens or friend* i ' lii iIIFI. AN D'. w Ger iin ' nl'.s of ihe diseases ia" sitr | .iv --i ins in -i ient to camp M t ii!mos daily in the news . . .. k, it wiil tie noticed i. a .i r suffering from debil • i kin ein tie reaoily cured ' rs We have no besita m .. i'tars were freely used i !Wr< miglii tie saved • -;h ii-cful letters u •: i '.n> pitals. vrho have !!'■ v i'. H use of these Hitters Ir. • :. • 1.-Orff ihi, tlr Vtle' rERFKITP. ... . • M JAv'KMIN" V\ UaI'PEH I e ioh Bottle. I. to pi-r liitfe ">T 'Puis, or isa t :/.. to; 1,00. r-hout I sour lie resi g'st u*t have ihe articl in not *o put 'ii \ :i!y ;1 t no it. tu.\iu!\ting prepur* is ih it .: ' n?r-.. iin ifN pLu'e, but send to UJ J v \,• v\ j , wi ! v curi l \ j'ji kcct. by oxpcrss l> , r- ;i d >1 ;iittifactory • '■ "poH I '£*.* f"* " ... V MSN's {gtqejmg C, n, .1 t'kV'JA 4^| I'ropricsJorie FOIL3ALU hv Drugg.s*- St.itas.asd oitnm 'he Fuited