IfflLJra OF PART lEBSHIP, The partnership heretofore existing under the firm aim* of Shoemaker A Stone this d*v ditto! vad by mutual content. The Books and acsouots will be found in th hands of B- M. Stone by whom the buei- BM will b continued- Tunkbannock ? B. M. Stone. Jen, 3d. 19*5 $ H- Shoemaker LUt of I'ertous Drawn to Serve aa Jurors tor Jauuary Term, 1865. •kaxd JURORS, Jlaaoo reKT,—Zela Fumrun, Gordon bweatland. Wiarniaa —John Kinsley TURK. Tp.—D. I) Dew tt, Geo. Osterhnat, AVv.m Aoe. _ KALI.* Saml G Miller, Israel Onenl, NiCHoneos—Amos Wight, Henry Harding, Virer, Perry Oakly, s )fn*MOKH.AMV J N. Vantyle, Lewis Austin, Cetoe. Tusk BOKO. —Henry Roeengrant. i HlßTklt.- Sam'l Sickler ifoitesTos —Geo l!e;-ry K.ITO*.— Jaa. N. Pilgtiw Citaijsiaiu —i'. D Spring. Kc Abel r'ln*' ' il.UHorim Dan'l T- SierliLg. I.KMoX —ilenry Harris ram ntuin, Sicnonao* -Wu. D. oterh it, P.L lee &**o j II! rem Sftofy #4Lia,— A. J Vnntyle W, McKuue, Win. Gwer: j A. T. Hewitt G W. Sherwool. Overleld. Ahram Scecoy, C C Slyers. Ten* Boa-.. —Henry Bn.wnaoomb. NORTH BKAVCH --Newel Phenix, MTasbisotos —Cha Place, Emanuel Over field Manoor Ast . -Th'.-s. L Hose a K French it■ >. Kintner Momtoi —Geo. S H. SturJevant, S.ui'i ii Gregory Peter My re. Kxktkr—Thoic D He id! v. S4lT!>U*>P?i !t - Jai Bunnell, CUSTOM - -Frank iJ Cuxtie. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY NIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FT. FA tome directed I will expose to public ileal the Court House in the Borough of Tunkhonnoek on the 14ti> of January 1865 ,at one o'cock P. M, all of a cer tain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the T"Wn thip of Mehoopauy Wyoming County l'o and bolincied aud Jeg-rihed us follows, viz : on the North by main roaii, on the Lost . y the null puiil, r. the South by lan dof Wni. II il irnss. on the IV est by land of C E Sturdev.uil, containing about one fourth of an acre uiore or lees, oh improved, with one frame dwelling llou*. one Burn, and one lila.J.*i>iif is shop, aud some fruit Pets thereon with the apyur famnces Ac Seized and taken in execution at ;he Buit of Wn. 11. Barnes vs John b Place. And will be sold for cash only, by AIIIKA GAY, Sh--itT- Tunkhanoofk De . -Ith 1364. biiEuIFF'S SALF BY VIRTUE OF A WiUT 01' VEN EX I'D, to xne directed, I will expoe to public sale, at the Court House, in Tuukhannock Boro. onthe 14th Jan 1365. at one o'clock P M- nil that certain lot, piece, ■or Parcel of land, situate in Mm roe Township, and described ns Pillows, vie :Beginning on the F.ast lice of lands of Win 11. Orcutt, on the North si !e of Lake road, and running North one and „ nulf Jc grons, East fifty tour and eight '. r ,ths perches; Bou'h ■eighty eight an 1 ah ij{ d grees East thirty seven perch*" KUtu, th'rty degreeseast sixteen pcrchei, Xo the Lake road l>y tho School House thence by and with sail road torty uino nnd one fourth degrees IV" s; sixty one perches nnd three tenths to the beginning; containing une acres and thirty perches, more or less ; (excepting one half ucre for School 4lou. c e, aud also excepting about one fourth of an acre on North end reserreu to C.irpen ter tor purp-jS, sof conduct lag watc) with one two Atory new frame store ar.d dwelling house, one old heuse and one tarn, and some fruit trees thereon— *tv >ut two acres improved. Setxed and taketi i.i execution at the suit of ]tnj Keuira, asiigned Ac, v Elijah Montrosa Aud will be so.tifu; cash onl •. by AIIiKA GAY, Sheriff. Dec. 19ih, 1364. SHERIFF'S . ALF. iBT TIKTI'E OF A WItIT OF FT FA to me dl f?*eted I wit' exjs'se to public sale at the Court jliouse. in Tntikhannock Borough, on ine 14th of .January 1865 at one o'clock, P M, a certain lot, ; piece or parcel of land, situate iu Ea ton Town-hip, .bounded, and described JUS follows, vir: Beginning t a hciul ck corne' adjoining land of Ellis Stephens .on back of Susquehann.. 11.v T, thence up said lliv er North, 46 degrees, W 34 per-hes to a stake . corner, thence South, 54 ,< g West 40 perches to" ! • oaracr or line ofr.id Me; hens; the co S.u'h. 51 ! - deg East, 8 per,'he- to i ilcuilo.k can'-r ; tbet. t i 75 dez. Ea-t 100 pcr.'ttes to tho p'.a.-e ,J J,c- ! ginning. c..iat 57 !7'V! \ ! I? oiliiiJL-1 i o nAiohs i I BY VrRTf'F i>? \ WRIT a' the Court ft• use, ir. the Bit mgh of Tu .khanno' k. on the ; 14th day of J.-r.o iry. A. Lt 1865, n' one nVmek !*, I M,. *ll of the righ' title and interest of Elius iiu. ehanan, in and unto a certain lot or tract, piece or , parcel ©f land, situate in the Township of Nicholson ' Wyoming Bounty, Pa., and bounded and .leseribsd as follows ;on the east b Mattin creek,on the Smith ' ky hint's of iir. E-in.- on the AVer? h\ land ■t Mr Searle on the North t v !mJ of Juhn It/ an and .1 tin IfeNauiarra t'oubiii.iog about City ,i -res, wdb acre- imp v,-i w in on- plsnk •• u-e aAd other outbuildings ir.ctcon, attb the aj j urt* nances A". Seised nnd taken in execution ,it the mt of L Harding A Co. vs. Elias Bucii-in iii, And will be sold for Cash onlv by AilK GAY, Sheriff Tank bannock, Dec, lyth, 1564- REGISTER'S NtITICE. NOTICE is horeby given, to .ill peraons inte.**ted, that the following Accounts have been filed in the Kegistar's Otfiio, a?. Tuu'rhaino ;na 1 will he pre sented to the Orphan's Ceurt of Wyoming County to be held at Tunkhanno ;k. on tho Ifith. Jay of Jan nary, next, for confirmation and allowance to wit au'tl account of Betsey II Siurdevcnt. Exec- , ,utr xof the estate of Elisha St urh vant. dec'i late of Braintrim Town.-hip Filed. Nov 17. 1364 The final account ot Orrin fish. Executor of the last Will and Testament of J .rites Jennings late o Meshoppcn Township, deceased.—Filed, Nov. lyth 1864 The final account of Chu'lcs House.- Admimsi. •- hirof the estate of A brum 'irunsue, late of North more I and Township, dee'd—Filed, Dec. 16th, 1364 The final account of Wilhim Robinson. Adtuiuistm *or ©f the estate of George Lott, lute of Forkston Tnwnship, dee'd - Filed, Dec. 15lh, 1864. Th* fi na j account „f J ( ,h n Flummerfelt, Adminig- tlie estate of Jaeob Flummerfelt, late of ** mgton Township, dee'd.—Filed, Dee. 19th 1864 Kogiftcr'g - Tunkhauaoek, 1,. 0 . i 9th , 1864. | 0 L. PARRrSH, Register. v . noticr, m* b t,C !, i ' ber * lj - ,ivCn lKut Christopher Mathew "fa°,rttr liw*.*!.' 1 o*" ' " c™", r it TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigbed in consequence of bu-iness else i where respect fully announces to his patn-us aud the ! public generally that he. has uispo. *d of all h's right J titlo and interest, in uni to the stock aim fixtures of j j the store, kept by him in Meshoppcn, together wih ' j the debts uow due the s-nne, boih by note and <•- 1 | count to B N Oorwin, who will remain at the old | stand and for whom he bes]ieaks a continuance of , the liberal patronage, heretofore extended to him self- S VERNOY. 1 B. N.COR WIN. Mss?p:tCTTr2F F/y. ('• --'.I '/• c.-.oc.v i Ti~ >i.- f • ' • ■ !i snrko'goods • a' v-1 •> > ' w *!, b-uveee-l assortment ! DRY GOODS. CLOTHING. HATS. GAPS. 50CTS.& i'HOtS, I I HARDW lilE GEOC£HfES,fc Ac. ' I besides very lie *J : i tic I iiciv ircci. . • ; fr or *. er Y- It. j lav.as 'ik7 House in the dare jt> c©l' but. r r.!y for : CASH OB 3£A¥ PAY. 1 h*. < i • • it] 'i. .ft j; • . . Q# vv*tr9 . rhs |3ul*jic tu general atl c.rif iu-. 4 -a of kitf ' tt o £. , IJT V" ; '..ous indebted t.- Yern-v eilher ! by a to oraecoanf are requested :.. cotee up imiae- : '• at*. > le, or t she ronipt lle.l t insii- i fiui igal pi crcdiugs 11. N. CORY IN. Kew ; sarfe?t. 'lbc ssbs-rih* r v mid inform the . inxcn- of Tu .k. .nn ck B*.j ugh end v. '.nity. that h* b s lul-.'y opened Shop for the sale ot BKL'I Vfj .v. piip.lf Piif'LTKj Ac .no foor •>n h V KOOB's Grocary-Store; where, bv atric< •nt uto boeinow. ai- h>i i ; merit aci receit- ash in- f the public tarron-go. N- B. His prices will s'w .> l.e as Lw *s the • . r- '' eat M FLOKEY v4-i IS-tf THE HIGHEST CASH PRi CITS F-A . II FOP. -T, /ID /A' ,-i i' "TH£ GROVE MILLS"' N' ii . fl Shaiv ei i Qi'stCFS in e.isoii Township. Tnr.Atn.it.-. A. Jacks in, the Le..seii of he,© M l: '.s : Kpractical Ml;la rof long xparu-RCO, ih 'i.kfu! r: ' past favors, hopes by g ving his prtt--nai it'cuti-.n ! to 'he husinov to merit a cor.tiuuanoe of the FLOI'R ar.d FEED of ALI. KINDS u,f ; li I hand and for SALE ~r TX. satisfactorily aua expc-i ii.-u ly .lon--. TIIEO. A JACK ON. v 4 a 13 3in Spcciftl \otices. AUDITOirs NOTICi:. The nndttsigned, having been appointed, by the Orphan's Court of Wyoming County a:. Audiior, to ■ x.vmiti- the aci-.'-unt ol T. D Sprin:' AC. .1. Liccv Administrators of tie e tr.tc ot Geo ti Envoy De.-M ; will attend to s id exauiiu.-ti.-m at his office in the Borough of Tutikn ma i. kon >v ur Jay tD.. 7th >J v of January 1865, at . o'clock P. M ; at vvht li tirnc uti'l place, all persons iuterestc 1 therein u: , • c . and be hoard, or debarre ! from eotiiuiing in up u. the fund arising from sa d o-t do. HARVEY SICKLER, Auditor. Dec. 7th 1864, AUDITOR'S NOTICE, Tho andcrsigned having been app->inted an An !i- ! tor by the Court of Cunui i> Picas of Wjroiu.u,; C i'in- j ty, to distribute the distributive share (now in C ur ) I of John H. Gardner, in the money raised by t!ie | sheriff s sale of the n-al est •t of Eii-h.i 'i irris ■!<:• 'd in partition, suid distriliutiijii to be, '<> ai-d nroong ' lien creditor.'of said John it Gardcer. will .mend t. j the duties of his uppQtntuin' at hi- oflb.-e in the i or- j ougb of To* 'h.mr.o k --n Saftir i)--.'*tiioor 21th, ] 13t*4 a on • ? >i.ornv..i, .• >vh-.-h liiti j ; • ant civ - "I { v • •.-'I.I" ii|v,a s.ii i | j fni-i •• ..mv. or ha | il-i r.-.* fr in - i - .i • v.l F i'. lioBB ~r ; Tm kbi-i • -:i ! 1 HiUltlli -Si'PDi: 'd Vtfii l'C. j Let'crs ■! A . In.,* ■! ic - it • f -J- .*v . w 1 - ; '.v ti Pi •!<> f ••bs-otji !-• . Hi • in? !is ♦* • • t • . t i • f Umg -!aiii! Eutto si •• ;J ._ •• to pt pft Vi■ t r- : u ii* l \*+-\ i' ! flit i: l t T't i . I iff r : n.'iXf • • tn • '.'. He >uviiitsUt T-. ! A II! RG A ; s.'.ti r , t'AU')LI.NE ij t.<- ET ?' A 11. . IDMHHBTR t TRIX & NOT 14 j ~ i Notice w hereby given that letters of Aduiinistra j tiou on the Est ft of A" |r- j>i*kle ••have ; 1 e'-n gr.-u.fe ito ih un i.- '"igic d, ill , -i- o. s in- ( "if'tt I !• sail a'< are .oq'l -•.*• ,u •<■•• all *d- , at". : Hiiru-iii ncl fr. S*J I. • 111 'i •• same w. i proseni : n-m duly mtb u.i- ~*. t. . -• lorn'. i 1 SNY iitkl.Kit Tankh-i.n..vk Pa. Vltnr'x \ (-•! IVil . ATEIMONFIJ LADIK3 AND ; t t.EMhN if vou wish to marry, ado-e- ilie ui. it>i>igncil. wbo Will set.! '-nil i- at iii*.r .< r I .vif'i ur • ri.-. i.-il • oable inforiniv'ioi) tl c vi ' n i !n v.uj t , , r : v happy and speedily, irraspective of age. w-.i-ith or beauty Thi-info":■■■ .ti . i.u i • ...t • ! if you w isii 11 marry. I " vlu uii ietiers strielly vorfi n.-.iti '! r i , • ui ; ■ootiMi sent by re'urn mail and no quesib - -t lirsss Sirah B. Ji.imti-rt, t. oenpo'ir.. I>. n.-r, Co . New Y-rk r4-nl4-2ffi'i COURT I'RIM 1..1M4 I'lliM IT7IIEP.EA3, the-lion. W.M I IWELL 1 res ** dent Judge of the f'-jur <-f Ootniaoo J'lo, .- anp Court ot Gentptl Quartet Sessions of the Petea, and the President Justice of the Court of Oyer and Ter min '■ and Gonnr-il Jai: Delivery, for rhe trial ofcap i'.i un-l other 'ifTenees, id" the ■ •en-y-; i.xth Judicial District ol Pciin'a 8. Ci.bert?, ntN'll Well Isqs. Asso* late Judge" of the vu.i of C -Diiuun l'!eu? i.J Gcucrul Quarfwr e'e.-sions of 'ha P-.i-e. and Ah"oei ate Justi.es ol Over an-i forinincr an t General Jail Delivery of the Couotv ot Wyoming, have by their prevent to tu- directed, ordered A GENER AL COURT OF OYER AND TERMINER AND GENERAL JAIL DELIVERY t ' i l o be held at Tunkhannock on Monday the lGth dav January A. D., 1865. Notice is therelore hereby given to the Ooronor, all Justices of tho Peace and Constables with-n the Coun ty of Wyoming, lhat they be and apiiear in their pro per persons at the time and place above meutioneu, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, exaiMtiations, recognizances and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices in that behalf respective ly belong Notice is also given that those who are bound by recognizances to prose-ute the prisoutr? that are or shall ho in the Jail of Wyoming County, that they be hen and there to prosecute them as shall be just. AIIIRA GAY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ofhce, j ■Jnnlthn*ofk, Do' 38 IWI. , FARM FOR SALE. The Subscribers wII sell at Public Vuedne or Auctir.u, OD Saturday, Jan the 7th 1865 A Valuable Farm 1 situ-.te in Xifth tneb Township Wyoming Coun ty Pa. 16 miles from ii.tiKn.iuuocb. on the main ' road, leading trotu M-dmopuiiy to 'fowanda, Bradford . Couuij, '.rid to Dm! re and T.aporte in Suilivaa j County. Is well watered by stood springs, and Streams j.. ssitig thr ugb it. Is v— II ad ipted to grain ior grass. Con'aine • One Hundred and Thirty, Improved ' with a Luge frame House, trains Barn and other t Out buildings, lias an excellent orchard of Apples, Peach and Piuui trees The unimproved land is : heavily timoeved with Pine, Mipi€, Ash, and Ilea '• lock Ihe Farm, late the I2s*. ite of the CON PER< IFL'R LEM 'N Deed I"? o r the moo tesli il'ic in X rth.rn Pennsylva nia T -i I'.i v • > t r b k -on or d.iyof S*'M tu c YTKCENT i Err's of JOHN PFO! TS ( P. J.euion. De<-'d ! A VER's Ci: Eiiti i r RECTOR \L, 1 OR I'll' RAPID oFRE OF | Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, ilpinchiti.s, Incipient Consum ption. an I for the relief of Consuitip ivc i' uioats in advanced stages < f the disease. S .vide i. 'he f;cl I of its usefulness and so num - - .n- bc • es -t its .-ut CA, that almost every •se t|. n ..: i luii.'f, -.> i■ is in p-reons publicly known • b.i .. i ■ .red 'ruin i firming and even •. . .> „f t|| hv its use Wh'n >ii t•: -i s J, r itv over every other expecto i • ' ■' a' u t■ • o.c • i..s*irv.ttlun,:r the distressing and •.. •.if* li .-r,- of tin; piibrt iii.irj' rgans that n' • to !i:;i 1 11 While many inferior '•-n. tics thu.s' . n *be ominunit\ have failed !nil ai -ii use*t! .1.-1. rds b.ts grin t friends bv every ' trial conferred benefits on the afflicted they can | never torg ' m I pro lui e cures too numerous and j too rvni irkei-le to • .org tu-n Those wh . require n alterative medicine to puri ! I> thr- ;•<• d will li t A A Kti'S CoMP FX I'.SARSA t'A ivil.LA rim nine ly to use Try it once, and 1 ou wic know i - v lae Prepare tf.. J. C. AVER .t CO., Lowell Mass. • ii-is >li by .-uui .Si irk t uukhaunock, and all deal j orjiri taediciuO everywhere, Information Free! TO Nib I; VO US t> U FFERE ICS, \ O \ i i.KMAN ui' aot . vrvous Debility. In . i .iic • ncy, Pii'inature Dc ay nd Youthful Error •i ■'■•■< 1 y c iic ire to i i-1 -li'. o.hers, will be happy 0 Jurrd-'i to nil who need i ee of charge ), the !?• :rd di---' ••)..- for ua.li the simple remedy us- :ui hi - fch;;iV,e;s w'.-hiug to proQt lay the a.L -rtb.- >!> ui t'\ f jorii ■a. a\. Ir. -,v -i sure and v lu-•■!■• i.Jv • -I •s i l-y .-is- ng him at I*i- a' hi- •! i■ • - i". rI. iiic and full in:' .. o of itu••••!■; ;:;••• 'v.IJ be cheerfully rtui b;i ir uru mail, A J-tress JOHN R. OGDEN lib X • o "r. et. New York p. 3 —Nervous S'.fT rcr la bath sexe3 will find This io.orina:iou invaluable v4-iilS 3me S('t) ! T' A LL \ !.I) WIN'S LADIES. MISSES AMD CHILDREN'S ROOMS St. Ni ho'a- B: • k, 50- Broadway Mas. ETWINTLE. (I'r.nneily oi • GKXI.V'M BAUAK,") I"II I-r whose ope ••••!.-.i.-t- !i. above Departments are ..iu tc I i- pie-- lto a tin- uic-e to her former palrotis uri l re. •. Lu tics .1 Xcw fork geiioril'y, that, in eoiirje. tiou vv; h :ii" i nineiou- Alti'lSTE.B uii lor her dir. *i n, .-be i- pn ; art to : urn !i. promptly, fftMcs !c /llis:*Cs Hob £!}!;•-era's (fulfil iar; ID (Trhr, X A D [£&' 'J •s'iJSR LIN UN. Oftitie • •ii •t. I have pi need in xi lo the po.-so-loii of L It Vosburg. one -PAN of t cr-year old. bow < 'OLTS, to t • !<• ■ t bv hiin du ring a- p' -vrurs ; ult p-:-s ;: a;e forbid to moleat or .t: a-.y utanner betlrre vvnk thetu as they wiii do so ai 'heir peril. PFRRY BILLINGS, k'tv o : Dr "")'t 1 ' 4 "" " —> ,* > >?* & a f P .&• K & A u ?:iier will a-;| t t |ab ,0 sale, on BAT- L"ID\Y, JAN I I h, IS'J-T A VAJ.FAHLE F\p,M. mttmtein "2F" .&*. XJ F <> yttjii \ ; corxry, PEXXA. • L i'C ib, art tie i-t •'lioeas ■iherwoo l. de •••isd ; •out i in ig li'Tv *. UES, ' H *.lo'v . with All * 111J i - AilM-ilb'i : M, i ... APPLE Orchard ai..; vr Fruit !'r"i>- ' aereOTi. -' LH o' b.' o mii- premises ; waer.) me eon iitiou will be made4tnown C -lIERWOtIP, Executor of the will of P. Sh'-rwood dte'd Fx - De- '6 l?<14 voraii. V . 'lie Kt'iit fs- of Soldiers' Orpbans. j v a ' ot i.-ii- ijcgi.-biiure of Pennsylvania ap x.Jt pi >"• i .Mi 0. 1 ri>4, she Govetnor was authoric •* i ■ . ' - .it - ib ' u -v. riftv thousand dollars, offcr cd "v tv !' k. --1 v i •K i .>. , t'oiiip itij, "for the • lu aim. . ut ; .a...i. nof licsiitutc orphan chil dren i-.-d soldi, is and sailors" Tbe jit.- ns eii'it'.ed r • the ivcnefits of this Act are • lie -b-bil Irvii of either sex under the age ot fifteen resident Iva ii.i it the time of the applies* noil", sod Lo- i .em upon i i her public or private eh-uity for auj.port, or on thv exertions of a moth-r or oth-r t :oi.s.iu destitute of means to atford proper education and maintenance, of fathers who have been ki led or .fie.! of wounds received c-r of disease eentracte i in the service of the United States, wheth er if vi luuteor ot uiiliti. regiments of this State, or su tbe regular armc of the naval service of the Un ied States, but who were ?i the time of catering I .let: service, actual boua fide residents of Pcnusylvu in i " Such children will be boarded, lothed and educa ted ; those under the age of six ye.irs, tn any suitable school thit will receive them on proper terms' and use over six years of age, io ot.c ot the State Nor mal Schoi is The pp'icaiion must be made ''by the mother, if ti|ing, if not by the guardian or next friend." vbPersons represerittng such orph. .is as above de csnbe i can receive inform .lion, blank forms, and all no. e-. GO-TO : • HALLSTIAD a HAUMKLL'S. • FOR GLASS, RAILS HARLWARK, AXD • CDTLKRT. ' . Go to • Hallstead and HummtlVt ! • For Cloths. Cassimeres and Vestings • ; OO TO I HALLSTEAD AHAMMELLS : • For Muslim Calico's .V Dress Good* • ' Oo to [ : HALLSTEAD Ali VMMELT'S I • For Soap, Ca lies, an l Crackers. • TO \ I lIALI.STEAD A lIAMMELL'S. 1 For Oils, Pain's and Brushes, I <• TO ; l • ; '■HALLSTEAD $ HAMMBLUS\ • For Flour. Salt, and Fruits, o to HALLSTEAD A lIAMMELL'S J * •TS 6BT TIB BIOHRRT PRICBS FOB BAIB • ; ARD moDccß ; • goto | '.HALLSTEAD HAMM LL'S ! '• : To Get Entire Satisfaction, ; o to ' ' HALLSTEAD A HAMMELL'3 ' •••• 1 • To get sn Equivalent for your money, • ; GO TO : nALLSTEAD A HAMMELL'S *. I HALLSTEAD A HAMMELL'S MOTTO. : ; Largs Sales and Small Profits. The \ f 9 Beat Goad*far tks Least Money. ■ . ,r Sterling & Loontis K SEP the best and largest assortment of MERCHANDISE to bo found at the country, and most of it was purchased prtvous t the LATE ADVANCE IN PRICES, ! which enables them to Sell Goods Much Be low present Hates, j Wc have constantly on hand, ': ■ our m lin bu.-iivss ot PHOTO GRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Headquarters for the foil wing, viz : STEMS® IS 8 STEBESCOPIG VIEWS. Of th"ie we have nn immense asso'tment. including i War Seeccs, American and Foreign C ties and | Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, Ac. Ac, Also, re volving Stcrescopes, for public or private exhibi tion. Our catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp 0 Photographic Albums, We were the first to intioduco these into the Unit ed States, and we mam facture immense quantities in great va-jety. ringing in price tr m 50 went* to ' $5O. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being | superior in beauty and durability to any others They will be sent by mail, free, on receipt of price, ISTFINE ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER- CATtl> PHOTOGRAPH F. Our CatalogucwbrnYPme.aso rhik FIVE THOU SAND different s Kac"kuboo auditions are continually being made) of Porirai ts of Eminent i Americans, Ac., viz : about 100 Major-Generals, I 550 Statesmen, 200 Brig.-Generals, | 130 Divines, 275 Colonies, 125 Authors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, | 40 Artists, 250 Other Officers I 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers. I 50 Pmiu'nt Women, 156 Prominent Foreign Portraits. I 00 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, including reproductions of the most eelcbr.itad En grnving, Paintings, Statues Ac Catalogue sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen PIC- : TURES from our Catalogue will be filled on the re- ' ceipt of 31,50 and sent by mail, FREE. Photographers and others ordering goods C O. D. will please remit twenty-five percent of the amowi their order. F, A H T ANTIIOM Y " Manufacturers of 7 " I'Q. *noto"raphic Mile rials, Th 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORR. -•prices and Quality cf our Goods sannotfui! to J - atSffy. ffl Ifflfflffl. " | HIVII i UDR CELEBRATED ELASTIC STITCH j SEWING-MACHINE Were awarded the highest Premiums ossr all Competitors, at the f Moving Stale and Caunty Fairs ot 18C3. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. INDIANA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purpose*. First Premium for Machine Work. VERMONT STA TE FA IR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. OHIO STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine Work. lOWA4TATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine - Fiast Premium for Manufactu ing Machine. F'irst Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for ail purpose*. First Premium for Machine Work. KENTUCKY STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all ptrrpotol* First Premium foi Machine Work. MICHIGAN STATE FAIR, First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. Eirst Premium for Machine Work. PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work. OREGON STATE FAIR First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. CHITTENDEN Co. (Yt.) Agr'lSoc. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium fer Machine Work- FRANKLIN Co. (N. Y. )FAIR. • First Premium for Family Machine, First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. CHAMPLAIN VALLEY (Vt.) Agr'l Soc. lIAMPDFN Co. (MASS )Agr'l Soc. Diploma for Family Machine# Diploma for Machine Work. WASHINGTON Co.(N. Y.)FAIR First Premium for Family Machine. Q1 EENS Co.(N. Y. ) Agr'l Soc, Eirst Premium for Family Machine. I irst Premium !or Manufacturing Machine. First premium for Ma.hine Work. SARATOGA Co (X. Y.)FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. MECIIA MCS' IN ST 1T UIE (Pa.) FAIR First Premium for Machine for all purpoMS# First Premium for Machine Work, GREENFIELD (O)UNION FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. CLINTON Co (O.)FAIR. F'.rst Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. MONTGOMEJY Co.(Pa )PAIR. First Premium for Machine for all pu -prtfoi. First Premium for Maceine Work. SAN JOAQUIN Co (CaI.)FAIR. F'irst Premium for Family Machine. First Preiniuiu tor Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT (Cal.) FAIR First Pre ui in in for Family Machine. F'sist Premium lor Machine Work CfT The li.ove comprises all the fira at which the Gp.odku ,t Raker Macaises were exhibited this yea.-. Salts-rooms, Broadway, M<>w York, _7'io Chestnut St. Philadelphia W£ J&iS FY I•: AM) EAR IX F1 MARY. On the Square, Three Doors from Steele's Hotel,) WILKHSBAHHE, PA* THIS INSTITUTION is now opened afid fur nished in the most costly style, Reception, Private and Oper ting Rooms arc large, convenient md well adopted The Surgi, a! apartment contains :he finest collection of instruments in the country, and thus his faculties will enable hira to meet any and all emergencies in practice. He will operate ipon all the various forms of BLINDNESS. Cata met, OceTimn of the Pupil, Cross Eyes Closure of the Tear liucta, Inversion of the Eyelids Pterygium to. Ac. Ari l will treat all forms of Sores, Eye 3ranul a d Li ls. Opaceties of the Cornea, and Scref ilou9 diseases of the Eye together with all the dia lascs to which the Eye is subject. DEAFNESS- —tV ill treat all the diseases commoH ;o the organ Discharges from the Ear, Noises in the Ear, Catarrh, difficulty ol hearing, total Deaf ness even where the Drum is destroyed. Will in sert an artificial one answering nearly all the pur ooses of the natural. DISEASES OF THE THROAT.-All diseases mm men to the Throat and Nose will be treated. GENERAL SI RGERY.—Iie will operate upon Club feet, Hair Up, Clelt Pallate, Tilmors, Cancers, Enlarged Tencils, Ac. Plastic operations by heal ing new flesh iuto deformed parts and general Sur gery of whatever charae er it may present< HERNIA (or Rl PEURE) —He will perfrotn "La' lias operation for the radical (complete) 'cure of Hernia, this is unquestionably a perfect cure, and is done with little or no pain. Out of many hun dred operated upon in Boston there has been no failures, it having met the perfect approbation of all who have submitted to it, ARTIFICIAL EYES—WiII insert artificial Eyes giving tbeni the motion and expresion of the natur al They are inserted with the least pain, HEDORRIIOLDL, (Pies) -This troublesome dis ease is readily cured. Those suffering fYom It will do well to call. Dr Up Do Graff visits Wilkog-Barre with a view of building up a p nnancnt Institute for the treat ment of the Eye, Ear and General Surgery. The experience of more than a quarter of a century in Hospital and general practice, he hopes, will be & ufiicicnt guarantee to thoso tvho may be disposed t eanploy hiin, Mai 9, 1364. STILL IN THE FIELD. MRS. BARDWELL Announces to the Ladies of Tunkhannock and vicini-. ty, that she has just received a fino assortment of - Fall and Winter Millinery, ' at her rooms opposite the Posr-ofKce, where oan b tound in great variety, all the LATEST STYLES, OF MFN'N'ETS, UA\S, CAPS, HEAIM)RES?I' ES. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS lIOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, and everything in the line of MR"' Goods, v.bk-U she will se> "* .ery nd Fa® J 1 r . -r- REP"~~ - lowest cash pnen J ' vioUtf.