North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, January 04, 1865, Image 2
tljje §htittrat. j HARVUY iICKLES, Editor. TUNK.II AN NOCK, PA Wednesday, Jan, 4, 1864 KTThc Saviour preached ihe doctrine of "Peace on earth, and good will to man."— Our modern Loyal Preachers, bellow for war; war to the knife—the knife to the hilt. Choose ye between them. It ■ rumored in Washington that F. P. Blair Sr. ami Montgomery Blair, have, with the approval of the President, gore to Richmond on a peace mission. Queer ! Will ail the abolition journals, shoddy contractors and Government office holders raise the cry of " Peace sneaks' against them ? What! treat with rebels, with arms in their hands ? How it will sheck their l yal hearts ? ■ Presiding Elder ys the Sheriff*, Rumor saith that this case, which, it seems has been depending during a year or so past, came to a somewhat tragic conclusion on Wednesday last, the modus operandi where of excited some interest—perhaps it would be better to say some amusement in the public streets. The plaintiff crossed over to Ihe defendant's side of ilie street and at once corajnenccd the trial by charging the defend ent with having put his, the said plaint. AT* name in the Jury Wheel. In answer to this grave charge the defendent pleaded that the law required him to put in said wheel the names of a competent member of " bmas et legalis homines " —good and lawtul men ; and that from the fact that the plaintiff had been so long upon the "anxious scat" in ref erence to this impi riant subject, he naturally inferred that said plaintiff regarded himself as a " bonus el legulis homines ," and therefore entitled to exchange said anxious seat for a seat in the jury box. The pl.iiutifFs replica tion was so violent in tone, and in violation of all the rules of pleading that a formal statement ot it becomes impossible. Such amiable expletives as "smut machine," nui sance," "your another," &e. tic., formed its substance, and these were cast at the poor deft with such destructive force that he wa> compelled to put in a rejoinder, byway of "twitting on facts." This method of plead ing on part of the deft proved too much for the amiable assaults of the plaintiff, and thai bellicose individual discreetly took a non suit and incontinently "vamosed," in accord ance with the time honored principle that "lie who fights and run* away, May play the sueak another day thus leaving the grave question still undecid ed whether the defendant is justified in con sidering the plaintiff "j good and lawful man" The public will, doubtless, wait the decision of this important question with profound anxiety. Thieves Among the Prisoners at Anderson vlHe—Their Execution. A letter from Annapolis, in relation to our paroled prisoners lately arrived there, savs : It is painful to record anything that would exhibit any of the Union soldiers of our ar my in a wicked and murderous light; but the men recently received tell a sad story: At Camp Sumter, at Andersonville, over 30,000 of the nion sold'crs were congre gated together. Some two hundred of these were reckless characters ; men, who were, perhaps, before they j< ined the army, guiliy of every vice ; thieves, and even murderers. These all banded together to practice the same evil deeds in this camp on the unfortu nate men confined there as prisoners from their own army. 'I heir custom was to seize any man who came into camp, and rob him of everything ho had, and if he made the least resistance or outcry, to murder him on the spot. They murdered many. In some instances the bodies of those they had made way with were found buried in their tents. Th'B state of things had assumed such a pitch that all the better portion of ihe prisoners felt that something must be done to stop if, nadbring these men to punishment. At length they conferred with the rebel authoii tiecr Tbey consented to the arrest of the suspected ones. A guard was sent to the j camp for this purpose. Over two hundred were picked up and taken outside the stock- ' ade. They were all examined. The result ' was that six of the ringleaders were deliver- i cd up to a police force of the Union prison— | era. I hey took them, formed a regular court, obtained lawyers, appointed a jury, and gave them an impartial and just trial.— Every facility Was afforded them that they might havejustice done them. But after all was ended there was every evidence that the men had cruelly slain a number of thv men 1 in camp. They were condemned by a jury of their own fellow prisoners and sentenced to be hung. All the six were hung, hung in the camp. We have the names of these men hut we forbear to publish them. We have not heard one say, among all who have re turned, that he doe 9 not approve the act.— All say that hanging was too good for thr m. The proceedings of the court, the Testimony *C., we are told, have all Ween sent to Wash ington. AfUr this affair and his summary punishment, there was no more murders or •tabbing in the camp.— T.r. Political Parsona, There are some persons who seem disposed I to take editors to task for pnin'it.g out the j incon istency of those reverend gentlemen I who forget their calling and dabble in par ti sn politics in the pulpit. The complaint is, that it holds them up to ridicule and con tempt, and weakens their influence with the i people. New, the truth of the matter is j this : It is the minister himself, who makes | hi rnself the target for shots from outsiders, ' as well as Christians, who not only weakens, but destroys his influence for good among right minded, thinking Christian men, as well as men of the world, by descending from ins divine ca.ling to politics for the ad vancement of partisan ends. lie pinccs himself in an attitude that is anything but enviable, lie becomes the mere partisan pol tician,and must expect to be treated as such ; and if he is held in Contempt, and his ' teachings derided, ho has no oue to blame 1 but himself fur he it is who has won it. It | is not the press that has brought him in this j strait, but the pulpit. A man who wili as j cend to the pulpit, and there descend to de claim upon partisan themes before a mixed J congregation of both politicrl parties, must ! expect to irritate the feelings of one or the I other, if nut directly offend them. lie must | alf>o expect to be criticized b\ tho congrega | tion, and these criticisms lead too oiten to angry feelings among those who enter into ! the discussions, and end in the estrangement I of the members of the church, and often, final outbreaks. Men are kept from the place of worship because they do not wish to have their feelings irritated, and are then accused of "neglecting the means of grace." Was ever presumption greater. Presumption—it is downright impudence.— Johnstown Dem acrt. Peace and War. The Petri it Free Press, furnishes the ful i lowing question and answer; If the rebels should to-morrow lay down their arms and express a desire to come back into the Union, without first abolishing sla very, is there "one in a thousand of the sup porters of the administration" ready to wel*- come them back into the Union thus restor ed ? Would no? an honest, unequivocal an swer to this question from the administration itself remove a vast amount of misconception, not to denounce it by the harsher epithet of deception and treachery, that now sur round government authorities and their sup porters ? Are one million st-ven hundred thousand democrats deceived in the belief they entertain that the abolition of slavery and not the restoration of the Union, is now made the prime object of tbe war, that the fi finer would be insisted upon as a condition precedent to the restoration of peace an! Union. We ail know the significance there is in words, for Mr. 1) mglas told us on the 25th day of December, 1859, in the Senate. ! "The fact can no longer be disguised that many of the Republican Senators desire war and.disunion, under pretext of saving the Union. For partisan reason they are anx ious to dissolve the Union, if it can be done with mt bottling them responsible before the people. * * * 'i he sole responsibility ol our disagreement, and tbe only difficulty in the way of an amicable adjustment is with the republican party." Are not these state* metus as 1 1ne now as when Mr. D uglas gave them utterance? The Philadelphia Age of Tuesday, closes an article as follows: The Democratic party are for the Union in all its integrity, and they will neither ad lo cate nor willingly accept a peace which has for its object or result a '• iismeinbcrmer.t" of the Union. With such a record in the past, and such resolves fur the future, they can rest secure jagainst the attacks of their enemies, and be in readiness to aid in any movement that is honestly projected fur peace and a restoration of the Union under the Constitution. Co in Young America. We're "A BIC. THING," we are ! We're on exhibition before the whole world ; and we make their eyes bug out with fear, wonder and astonishment! Snakes and wood lice ! we whip all creation, including ourselves ! Our venoin and hatred to one another, our public debt, cur taxes, whip all creation,! — Me are a remarkable people! We want more taxes ; its loyal to pay taxes—the more the better ! A national debt is ana tion.vl blessing! Greenbacks are the stan dard of value ! Gold is weighed in the La 1 ance and found wanting ! The more we rur in debt, the richer we are ; because we hate got more greenbacks I Do you see it, copperheads ? It you don't, its because you didn't shed your skin when you entered up on this emblazoned era ! \\ ar is a national blessing, because the more men you kill the more you have left to carry elections with i and of what account are the people in these times but to pay taxes, and vote ? The gov ernment (admin istratioii) is everything! Hurrah then for Abraham the modest aud upright; the wise and sagrcious; the clasic al and beautiful ! ! Hurrah for the war ! Hurrah fur a national debt! Ilurrab for taxes; and with all, to be pious as well as loyal ; ana as we brought nothing into this wwrld, let us have nothing to take out of it.— Bradford Argus. K~3T A Tit tv church haA been STORIED in Illinois, styled the "Christian Union ofllii -11 is." The purpose of this church is to strictly exclude forever politics from the pul pit and from the church, They just held a Convention at lYoria. '1 here was a good at tendance. The Wcnona Seminary is a school already under their direction. i 'I he Christian Union will spread through- I out the whole length and breadth of the land, if professed ministers of the Gospel , continue to belch forth from their pulpits blood, war, murder, arson and devastation nstead of the peaceful doctrines of the Sav iour. IS hat a humiliating spectacle to be hold good Christian men driven from the house ol God prostituted to partisan propa gation, seeking the establishment of a new church with Christian ministers, where they can worship God without assault, Obituary. DEATH OF XX VICE PRESIDENT DALLAS On the last day of the old vc-ar one of the few statesmen lelt to us from the elder and better tines of the republic passed away. George MitHin Dallas, ex Vice President of the Unted States, died at bis residence in; his native city of Philadelphia at nine o'clock j on Saturday morning. Mr Dallas had outliv ed the Psalmist's term of human life ; but, ; after nearly hall a century of active public j service his eye was, not dimmed nor his nat urul strength abated, and he seemed likely to rival in his hale longevity those Neslors of British statesmanship and diplomacy among whom lie had moved in all other respects as I their pesr. Mr. Dallas came of a family eminent in the law both in England and in America, and was nearly connected with the poet Byron.— The Philadelphia of his boyhood and early youlh was by far the courtliest and most pol ished of American cities ; and lie had barely attained manhood when lie was selected by Albeit Gallatin to accompany him as his pri vate secretary in the commission for negotia ting a peace with England at Ghent. No Ametican, indeed, with the exception of the second President Adums, cvei enjoyed so many and such excellent opportunities in his youth fur familiarizing himself witti the high cr walks of political activity as Mr. Dallas ; and none of those opportunities were thrown away up<>n his clear intellect and his well balanced nature. After two years spent in travelling over Europe and as secretary of legation i.i Lon don, Mr. Dallas returned to America and to the practice of the law. lie had been called to the bar shortly after graduating at Nassau Ilill, and just before his visit to the old world. He preferred, however, the career of politics to his profession, and after filling the posts of mayor of Philadelphia, and of dis trict-attorney fo Penn-.y'v.inia, he wan elec ted a member of the Senate ot the United States at the age ot thirty-nine. In 1837 President Van Burer> appointed him minister fo Russia. He was received with distin guished courtesy by the Czar Nicholas, who caine off in a boat to thefrigate in whicti the envoy and his family arrived, and presented himself on board in a semi official incognito. Upon the election of General Harrison, Mr. Dallas returned to America ; and in 1844 he was elevated to the vice-presidency on the ticket with Mr Polk. At the height of the excitement growing out of the '•Crimean en listments" in 1856, President Pierce request ed Mr. Dallas to accept the post of minister to England in the place of Mi Buchanan,who had become extremely restive and unuianage able, and was in some danger oi complicating very disagreeably our already complicated re lations with the Btitish Court. No umre fuitunate 6c-Uclion could have been made, and Mr. Dallas had nt been in London six months before be had amply vin dicated Lord E'gin's manly and sensible dec juration that there was "no matter in dispute between the two countries which could not be airanged in ten minutes by two gentlemen • f common sense on a steamer in the mid- Atlantic." No American envoy since ISI4 had been charged with diplomatic functions in England nt a more critical moment than Mr. !> illas in ftvG ; and no American envoy HI any counrty at any time ever acquitted him self of ins duties with more giace, tact, firm nesr., and success than he. lie continued to fill the position of American minister in England alter the election of Mr. Buchanan ; but since his return to this country, atnl the outbreak of the civil war, he had taken no active part in pub'ic affairs, excepting to give his earnest and cordial support to the cause of the Constitution and the Union, _ Mr. Dalias, in politics, was a thorough and conservative Democrat, tolerant and courte ous toward hi# oppouents, skillfull and con siderate in the assertion and defense of his own opinions. To the advantages of a culti vated mind and a winning manner he united those of a presence singularly dignified and attractive; and whether in his place as president of the Senate, or in a foreign court, as the representative of the republic, all men recognized in hitn the rare and admira hie type of the American statesman of the olden time. Letters from Gen. Lee, The following letters from General Lee have just been made public : ARLINGTON, Ya. April 20, IS6I. General —Since my interview with you on the 18tii instant, I have felt that I ought not longer to retain my commission in the army. 1, therefore, tender my resignation, which I r equest you will rtcomruerd for accept MII. It would have been presented at ouce,bu t for the struggle it has cost me to separate my self from a service to which I have devoted all the best years of my life, aud all the übili ty I possessed. During the whole of that ti-ni— more than a.quarter < fja century—l have experienced nothing hut kindness from superiors, and ihe most cordial friendship from my comrades. To no one, General, have I been as much in debted as to yourself lor uniform kindness and consideration, and it has always been my ardent desire to m erit your approbation.jggl shall carry to ths grave the most grateful recollections of your kind consideration, and your name and fame will always be dear to nie. Save in defence of my native State, I never desire again to draw my sword. Be pleased to accept my most earnest wishes for the continuance of your happiness and prosperity aud believe me, most truly yours, R. E. Lxx. Lieut. Gen. Winfield Scott, commanding United States Army. A copy of the preceeding letter was in closed in the following letter to a sister of the General, A. M : ARLINGTON, Va., April 20, 1861. lly Dsat Sister —l am grieved at my ina bility to see you. * * • I have been waiting "for a more convenient season," j! which has brought to oiany before .ne, deep i and lasting regret. Now wi are in a state of war which will yield to nothing. The ; whole South is in a state of revolution, finto which Virginia, after a long struggle has been drawn, and though I reoognize no neces sity for this state of things, and would have forborne and pleaded to the end for redress of grievances, real or supposed,yet in my owu person I had to meet the question, whether I should lake part against my native State. With all my devotion to the Union, and the feeling of loyalty and duty of an American i c'tizen, 1 have not been able to make up my , ; mind to raise my hand against my relatives, ! my children, my home. I have therefore re ; signed my commission in the army, and, save ! in defense ot my native State, with the oiu cere hope that uiy poor service# may never be needed, I hope I may never be called on to draw ray sword, I know you will blame me, but you must think a-i kindly of me as you can, and be lieve that I have endeavoaed to do what 1 j thought right. To show you the feeling and* i struggle it has cost nie, 1 send a copy of my j letter to General Scott, which accompanied my letter of resignation. 1 have no time for more. • * * May God guard and protect you ami yours, and shower upon you every blessing, is the prayer of your dcvled brut her. R. E. Lea. The Next Draft, The following is the call of the President for 300,000 nire men. W ASIIIKGTIN, December 20. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, by the act approved July 4. 1864 entitled ' An act further to regulate and pro vide for the enrolling and calling out of the I uational forces, and for other purposes," it i 6 provided that the President of the United States may, at his discretion, at any time hereafter, call for any number of men as vol unteers, for the respective terms of one, two, or three years, for military service; and that in case the quota, or any part thereof, of any town, township, ward of a city, pre cinct or election district, or of a county, cot so subdivided, shall not be filled within the space of fifty days after such call, then the Psesident shall immediately order a draft for one year to fill such quota, o n any part thereof which tnay he unfilled ; and whereas, by the credits allowed in accordance with r the act of Congress of five hundred thousand men, made July 13, 1804, the number of men to be obtained under that call was reduced r to 280,000 ; and, whereas, the operations of the enemy in certain states have rendered ft impracticable to procure from them their full quotas of troops under the said call ; and, 1 whereas, from the fori going cause, but 250,* OOOJhave been put into the army, navy ami mat ine corps under the said call of July 14, 1864, leaving a deficiency on that call of two hundred and sixty thousand; now, there 1 fore, I, A bra hint Lincoln, President of the tniied Slates of America, in order to supply the aforesaid deficiency, and to provide for 1 casualties in the military and naval service ' of the United Slates, do issue this, my call for three hundred thousand vedunteors. to 1 serve for one, two, or three years. The quotas of the states, districts, and sub-dis tricts under this call will be assigned by the > War Department, through the bureau of the Provost Marshal Genera! of the United 5 States ; and in case the quota, or any part thereof, of any town, township, ward of a ' city, precinct, or election district, or of|a • county not so sub-divided, shall not be filled • before the loth day of February, 1865, then a draft shall be made to fill 6uch quota, or an\ I part thereof, under this call, which may b<* unfiled on said 15th day of February, 1865. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set ' my hand and caused the seal of the United " States to be affixed. 1 Cone at the city of Washington this 19th ' day of December, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight, hundred and sixtv-four i and of the Independence of the United 1 States of America the eighty-ninth. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. ; By'he President: Wm. 11. Seward, Secretary of State. ■ —-•*- ELECTION IN PENNSYLVANIA. the following the official vote of this State in 18C4 for Presidential Electors : COL NT lE#. Dem. Aboli. Adams 3.016 2,612 I Allegheny 12 414 21,519 | Armstrong 3,241 3,526 • Beaver 2,304 3,237 r | Bedford 2,752 2.436 j Berks 13,266 6,710 Blair 12,686 3,292 Bradford 3,007 6,865 Bucks 7,335 6,436 1 i Butler 2,947 3,475 j Cambria 3,036 2 244 : Cauieron 232 335 Carbon 2,251 1,721 ; Centre 3,399 2,817 j Chester 5,987 8,446 | Clarion 1 2,833 1,780 Clearfield 2.801 1,506 Clinton 2,135 1,666 Columbia 3,367 1,914 ! Crawford 4,526 6,441 Cumber laud 4,356 3,604 Dauphin 4,220 5,544 I Delaware 2,141 3,664 i Elk 835 348 ! Erie 3,7k2 6,911 Fayette 4,126 3,221 Franklin 3,821 3.862 Fulton 906 694 Forest 62 85 oreene 3,076 1,583 Huntington 2,477 3.321 Indiana 2,179 4^320 Jefferson 1,868 1,823 |' uumt * 1,7W L7 Lancaster 8,451 14,469 I>awrence 1,389 3,048 Lcbaoon 2,779 3,780 Lehigh 5,920 3,908 ] Luzerne 10,045 7,045 Lycoming 4,207 3,401 McKean 652 707 Mercer 3,369 4,220 Mifflin 1,716 1,643 Monroe 2,698 685 Montgomery 7,943 6,872: Montour 1.406 1,130 Northampton 6,944 3,726 Northumberland 3,608 2.915 Perry 2 446 2,406 i Philadelphis 44,032 55.791 j Pike 1,180 260 Potter 680 1.390 j Schuylkill 9,540 7,851, Somerset 1,719 2 788 Snyder 1,368 1 6<9 , Sullivan 670 309 i Su-qut hannl 2 959 4,203 , Tioga 1 584 4 673 I Union 1,352 1.945 j Venango 3,341 3,849 Warren 1.506 2.541 Washington 4 579 4,951 W ay ne 2.989 2.214 Westmoreland 5 977 4,650 j Wyoming 1 402 1 337 j Turk 8 500 5,568 Total 276.308 296.389 The vote in 1860 was as follows, viz : Abraham Lincoln 270.170 J. C. Breckenridge 176 435 Stephen A. Douglas 17 350 John Bell 13,755 THE WAR. (From the Ag of Dec. 30th. The attack on Wilmington has been aban doned The expedition is given up. Gen. Butler with his land forces has returned to Fortress Monroe. Admiral Porter with the fleet has withdrawn until ordered to 're-proceed." Bu l ler 6ays that Fort Fisher is impregnable. The explosion of the pow der vessel, loaded with three hundred tons of powder, did no damage to the fort. The fire of the navy dismounted two guns, but that was all. Butler with his ten thousand negroes captured a flag and a horse fr> m the Fort. Two small batteries up the coast about three miles were taken, with two hun dred and ninety Confederate prisoners.— The Federal loss in the assault was heavy. Forty-five men on different vessels were killed and wounded by the bursting of som? Parrott guns. The expedition has done ev erything it could, but could accomplish nothing, and it has ben agreed by the coin* ' manding officers to withdraw. Dec. 31. General Sherman has created a military ' government iu Savannah and made General ' Geary the governor. Two corps of Sher man's army have crossed to the norfh side of the Savannah river, and have started in pur suit of Ilardee's column, which is marching towards Charleston. On Christmas day heavy firing was heard in the direction of Broad rver, which is northeast from Savan nah, and it was supposed that a battle was 1 going on between the Federal troops and the rear of llardee'6 column. Nothing is accu rately known of it, however. A fleet of Fed eral gunboats is now engaged in clearing out the obstructions in the Savannah river.— The dangerous work of removing torpedoes has to be performed very cautiously. Noth ing has yet been heard of Kilpatrick's cavalry expedition, which left Savannah, and march ed in a southwesterly direction to release the Federal prisoners beyond the Altaiuaha river General Thomas' headquarters are now at 1 Pulaski, Tennessee, and his advance guard is a short distance south of that place. The pursuit of Ilood appears to have been given up, for we can get nothing but rumors of his position, and if the Federal trt>ops were pressing him, they should have some certain information. The railroad between Charts nooga and Nashville is now in order Ad f ' Northern Georgia is now in Confederate p>s session. it is reported in the Southern journals that General Davidson's raiding party de stroyed all the public buildings at Pollard, Miss issippi, when he passed through that town. Colonel Meseby, the guerrilla chief was , sori msly wounded last week, near Culpepcr Virginia, by a Federal soldier from Torhert's cavalry party. JC3T Under Mr. Polk's administration during the Mexican war. when we had a hun dred thousand men under arms, and nuttier onBgarrisons in Mexico, the annual expenses of ihe government were a little over forty millions a year. Now the expenses of the government fo the United States under Lincoln's ad iius tration are as follows : 5L000.000,000 a year ! 83,333,333 a month ! ! 20,833,333 a week ! 1! 3,000.000 a day 1! 1 ! 125 000 an hour !!!!! 2,083 a tninurc ! ! !!! •' 35 a second !!!!!! ! Thirty-five dollars at every lick of the clock 7 There is no use of asking where the money goes to, or for what it is applied.— I Some of it is used for making warlike imple ments, vessles and missies—millions of it en* rich cont r actors aud office holders—all of it worse than wasted, Mr. Bonner offered to j lake the government and carry it ou for fifty millions of dollars a year, and also to furnish each man, woman and child with a copy of his paper as a free gift. Would he like to renew his offer now ? Bridgeport Farmer. PAYING INTEREST ON k DEBT.— Great Britain has paid in interest on her national debt, over ten thousand millions of dollars, which is two and a half times as much as the debt itself. With the present parly in power four years more we will have a debt ■ double that of Englabd and taxes to our j kearts content to pay th# intereat. LOCAL AID PERSONAL. BUTTER EGGS AND LARD. — TH* highest Market price, in cash. paid for BI'TTIR, EGGS and LARD, at Leighton's Groctf) 7 Stove Stark, Blick Block. Tunkhanoock, Pa. The County Auditor'.—are new *QE*F— ed in settling up tho acoounu of th. ConmUeioaew and Treasurer for the yearj ust cUsed Hon. B F. Harding—United State. Senator from Oregon made a short visit to hi. Father aud friend, here lust week. lie appears in excellent health and spirit*. Donation Visit.—The frienl. of the Rev. Q- W Scofield will make him a donation ou Thursday ihe l.'th inst., at the house of Jacob Deck er in Washington TownshipAfternoen sad Irei ing. THE LEMON FARM. in North Branch Town ship, advertised for sale by the Executor. 00 Sat*' day next, should be looked to by all wh* wi.fc buy a good furm 00 reasonable 'em,*. TT* *•:.. will be made ou the premise. A II SCHOONMAKER now at Montrose is to have a donation on the 12th inst. We would hint to hi. friends there, that if they donate any M*pl molasses. they had better not carry it in a jit.-ber particular/ .1 ailrer oae—Schoouey has a hankering alter that kind. Took the hint.—The hint given DJ iu just be-" ore the hollilay. in relation tojthe scarcity of Tar-' key. iu our Co >p, was taken by our friend B D.- Jaque.,iu real earnest; at least we had the evidence thai it vu ho taken, in the •naps of a very ftne fat gobbler weighing about ten pound*. If we were go ing to preach a "eermoa on tho monnt," afier we had *aid ; "Blessed are the Peace-makers," we should add ; Bleared are those that remember the Printer. Another Draft.—The conscript, from thi. re gion who reported on the 22d ult. and who deposited •525. for procuring substitute have received notice that the price of person, to fight bleed and die ; r run away for theui, ha. been increased eoine 4200, •by Abraham's call for "300,00# more." A draft far the extra t2OO, i. therefore made on their pocket.,— The "resources of the county, both a. to men and money," says, "honest Abe" are * inexhau.till..."-7i 'On with the dance" —Nero's a fiddling. THE ELECTION of Judge., InspwMur# OJ elections ; and other Township and Borough Officer* will tnko place in this, County on Tuesday next, th. 10th inst. Too tittle attention is paid to th# wear ing of honest and capable tnen for these minor posi tions. Much of the prosperity of a community de pends upon an honest and economical administration of its local affairs, Besides, the place to lay the foundation, for ft restoration of the state and nation al affairs, to the hands of the Democratic party, tho only one wnich ha 3 ever shown itself competent to administer them, is at these primary election!.— Every Democrat should attend and do ht.dnty, We find in Ayer's American A!tnan.c.(now ready for delivery gratis, by all their agents,the ro mark aide statement that the temperature of the earth has not diminished more thau 1-306 part of one degree Fahrenheit for 2000 years, fo our en quiry how he could make such an assertion. Dr. Aver writes us the followinganswer "Hij part-bus gives the exact record of an e. lipse in his time. This en ables us to measure with extreme accuracy the earth's diurnal revolutions since to any eclipse now, ' Diminutionol its heat would by concentration,short en its axis aud consequently its time of revolution on ita axis. The data shows that this chnge has been only such as I state it, mathematically and indispu tably true."—[New York Journal. Important t* the Friends of Soldier..-" , The Postmaster Gcuoral at Washington desires the , newspaper press to call attention :o a matter of mo ment in regard to packages sent to the Army. He savs : "A large number of packages, intended forth, army, have arrive tat this office with the wrapper, destroyed, or the address so mutilated that they can not be forwarded, and are therefore necessarily seat to the dead letter office If persona sending would take the precaution to write out on a card or slip of paper the full name of the officer or aoldier for whom the intended, the numberofthe regiment and corps to which he is attached, as well as the name and post office address of the person by whom it is sent, and f.islon the card or slip thus addressed securely to tli-* contents of the package, inside the wrapper, it will, in all cases, insure their delivery o prompt return to the owner." Obituaries, Died suddenly, Dec. 23, 1964 in Dashore, Sulii van County, Pa., Uenry Metcalf, Eq., of Tuulrisr.- nock lute Major of the 53th Regt P V , in th- 4iih year of his age. Major Metcalf studied law at Wilkse* Bar re, and ws admitted to practice in 1348. In 1841) he re moved to cullivjin County, tud was engaged in ifc practice of the law until the beginning of the .'At In IS6I he raised a company among his neighbors and friends for the defence of the country lie was in the following engagements : Zuni, Ya.. Dec. 1, 1562. Sandy Ridge, N. C.. April 18, 1862. do do do do 20 do Gum Swamp, May 22, 1363 Bachelor's Creek, M iv 23, 1343 Commissioned a Major June 2, 1363; and resigned after two years and nine months service on account of ill health and pressing private matters of trust nature Died on a visit to Sullivan Co. and was buried in Eaton by ihe side of his youngest daughter who died while he was in the service. Of a friendly, joyous nature, Under this hilarity, a deep, strong current of sterling sense and of pre found religious feeling, He was a regular attendnnt upon and liberal supporter of the ordinances of the Gospel. Thus has passed awny from us a friend whoso place cannot be easily filled, and a eitiien whom w. could ill afford to loose. The profound sorrow of the community mingles with the still deeper sorrow of tho widow and children over the j yous companion, useful citixen, the upright lawyer, and the gallant soldier, Henry Metcalf. "Sweet he his sleep on his pillow of dust." AI arrie cl- DECKER BATES-—On Sunday, Ist inst by Dan iel Bull Esq-, Nathaniel Decker of Tunkbanneck, to Muhala Bates of the same place- NOTICE. Whereas my wife, Sarah Ann has left my bd snd board without just cause >r provocation ; therefore, all persons aro hereby forbid to trust or harbor ber on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contract ! iug. Nicholson. Dsc. 15th, 1^64 QBCAK M. STEPHENS. HOWARD ASS () C 1 A T I O N, FHILAEELPIIIA, PA. DISEASES or THE NERVOUS, SKMISAL, I KI.AKT AND SKXTALSYSTKMS—DO* IUIJ ill?-- ment--in reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION —sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes. Dee o churge. Address, Dr. J SK'ILLIN HOI GHT - . i Howard Association, No 3 Sonth Ninth 3treet, j stelpkia. P,