North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, December 21, 1864, Image 1
TTATIVEY ®XOEEXJEH. T Proi>rIetor.I NEW SERIES, wjatl y Democratic paper, dovoted to Pol- . '• ie, News, the Arts J day, at Tunkhannock, Wyoming County, Pa. T BY HARVEY SICKIER. Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advance) $2 03. If mot pain within six months, 5'2.50 will tie charged NO paper will be DISCONTINUED, until nil ar rearsges are paid; unless at the option of publisher. ADVEJITISIINIGr. 10 lines or i ! 1 ; . j /est, make three) four! tiro (three' six tone one square iceck.ifueefcsiiiii/ 1 l/tUno 1 tu'ow l/i. year 1 Square 1,00- 1,25> 2,25| 2,97{ 3,00 5,0 2 do. 2 Old 2,501 3,25 3.505 4,501 6,0 3 Jo. 3,00> 3 75; 4.75 5,50J 7,00| 9,0 i Column. 4.00; 4.50 6.50 B,oo> 10,00; 15,0 1 do. 600 950 10,00 12.00? 17,00 25,0 i do. 8,00; 7,00 14,00| 18,00 25,00; 35,0 1 do. 10,00? 12,00 l 17,001 22,00) 23,00* 40,0 EXECUTORS, ADMIX ISTB ATORS and AUDI TOR'S NOTICES, of the il length, 82,50 OBITUARIES,- exceeding ten iin s, each ; RELI GIOUS and LITERARY NOTICES, not of general interest, one half tne aegular rules. llnsiucss Cards of one square, with paper, 35. yon wonK ♦ railkinds neatly executed, and at prices to suit the times. All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and JOB WORK trust be paid fir, whcii ordered. ftaineg? R IG lilTTliE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Tioga street, Tunkhannock Pa. / i i .l) 8. TUTTOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, V J 3- 1 --Ting* street. ViTM. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Of- VV f;cc in Stark's Brick Block. Tioga St., Tunk bannoek, Pa. H 8. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON • Newton Centre, Luzerne County l'a. 1 >H. j. C- BECKER. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Would respectfully announce to the citizensof Wy ining. that he has located at Tunkhannock where he will promptly attend to ail calls in the line of his profession. Will be found at home on Saturdays of •ftch week lUflllfC Dou.sf, O w O 'w -• 11A K KISI U'IKT , 1' ENX A - The undersigned having lately purehas • 1 U.e ' BUERLEVt HOUSE " property, has already com menced such a Iterations ant improvements as v.ill render this old and popular House equal, if not supe rior, to any Hotel in the City of Harrisburg. A continuance of the public patronage is refpcct fu'lr solicited. I.KO. J. BOLTON WALL'S HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE/ TUN KHAN NOCK, WYOMING CO., PA. rHIS cstablikbmcnt has recently been reutted a>i furnished in the latest style Every attention will he given to the comfort and convenience of those who patronize tlie !loue. T. 15. WALL, Owner and Proprietor . Tunkhannock,September li, I SG I. NORTH BRANCH HOTEL, MESIIOPPKX, WYOMING COUNTY, PA Wm. 11. COHT RIGHT, Prop'r HAVING resumed the proprietorship of the above Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to /ender the house an agreeable place ot sojourn for at! who may favor it with their custom. Wm. II CCRTRIIIIIT. Jane, 3rd, ISG3 Hffiuis LO U TOWA3STDA, 2?A. D- B- BART LET, (Late ol the BBRAI.VARD 1101-sk, EI.MIRA, N. Y.J PROPRIETOR. The MEANS HOTEL, i ona of the LARGEST and BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country —lt is fitted up in the most modern and tmproted style, and no pains are spared to make it a pleasant and agrtoable stopping-place for all, v 3, n2l, ly. M. GiLMAN, DENTIST, " A T OILMAN, has permanently located in Tunk [Vl. bannock Borough, and respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of thi> place arid urrounding country. ALL WORK WARRANTED, TO GIVE SATIS FACTION. .EST Office over Tuttou's Law Office, near the Po: Office. Dec. 11, IS6<- nfTIFU TmTTfTi R: DUCTED BY IIARVi AND CDI.LTNS. WASHINGTON, 1., C- In order to faciliate tho prompt acl ua'ment of Bounty, arrears of pay, Pensions and w hr Claims, due sosdiers and other pcrsous from of the United States The under- We 'l has mode arrangements with , at>ov3 firm onsi e *Vertencc and close proximo and daily U w ith the department; as well as the car n 'I.T i ' hy them, of the decisions J;!. V " ~ s . Iu;l '!e, enables them to prosecute inrvw.'ii i' rC s® clln Oy than Attorneys at a distance, I arid IV. I '<■ l' ;rs,,ns entitled to claims ofthe alnahl 100 Can ave them properly attended ) i'g oa iae and entrusting them to my caro HARVEY SICKLER, t„.ll . „ A S I for liarvy l Collins, JurkbgDrorkJ'a. ADDnES s. To the Democratic Citizens of Pennsylvania T have but wailed the tardy movements of our public authorities in col'tcting the result of the election held on the Bih u't., in order to discharge the incumbent duty of calling your attention to the means by which a ma jority of 20,081 votes (a I now leain from official circles) has been recorded against u*. This majority is made up from all the votes stated to have b<en given, to the districts at home, including those by proxy, and all those given in the armies—negro votes and all—in every form of terms lawfnl and otherwise, There have been at least two paipable forms of fraud practiced by the supporters of Abra ham Lincoln, in order to make up this ma jority, and thus secure him the electoral vote of the Stale. Ficticious ballots have been placed in the ballot-boxes answering to false registries, tlie same as has been repeatedly proven to have been the case in our elections heretofore ; and, secondly, the suffrages of the volunteer soldiers have not only been overawed and perverted by corrupt partisan officials, but the retums themselves, in many cases, have been tampered with and trans formed. Jn reference t< ficticious votes, who believes that Philadelphia has to day, or ever had, 99,800 voters legally and properly regis tered in her various wards and precincts ? And yet th s number ot votes has been count ed as thus resident—giving near 12,000 Abo-* lition majority in a city that not many years since burnt an Abolition hall in open day, as a public nuisance ! The late attempt to exercise the right of suffrage on the part of the volunteer soldiers, has proved a signal failure— farce I would call it. but for its various IT.vhncholy con comitants. Tie d°uhts entertained by many ts to the wisdom and propriety of this meas ure, priur to i,s adoption, would seem to have been fullv realized. It is impossible ever to secure a fair and fu'l distribution of tickets, so as to allow a free choice to the voters in army service.— The expenses of the attempts made to do so, are almost beyond belief. On the part of State, they will reach at least 30,000 ; and the two p Jittcal organizations expended fully as much more. The system will ahvavs be liabie to great abuses, and must ever be une qual in its operation, arid untaii in its results Certain it is, that the privilege of voting given to the soldiers is a mockery, when the wry man against whom perhaps, he would like to vote, has the tuost despotic control over those who rule that soldier's every move merit, and could send him at a word to the front of b ittle and to death, ii he refused compliances with their behests. L ot i the volunteer soldiery have the pmv er of choosing their .>w u officers, the ri lit of suffrage f r other purposes can never fie car ried in'.o effect in the army. Had tiicy been fan ly* and freuly left to their own preferences can any sane man d<<uht, but that there wo'd have been about the same proportionate di vision of sentiment expressed bv the soldiers in the late elections, that was manifested by their fathers and brothers at home 7 It is this army vote, (not to speak of the other frauds,) which lias given our opponents their-ecent beggarly triumph in Pennsylvan ia. Beggarly indeed—when it is recollected that it shows a falling off of from frty to fifty thousand majority, within rfie last four years! Such a victory, and so obtained, be tokens a speedy downfall as a party, to the advocates of negro i quality in our staunch old Commonwealth. Revolutions never go bach-wards. It is worthy of rem irk here al so, that a change of twenty-five thousand votes properly divided amongst the larger States would have defeated Mr. Lincoln alto gether. It was our duty, fellow citizens. To have rescued the Constitution at the'ate elections! if we could. The effort was gallant!)', but unsuccessfully made. And now, in view of all that must inevitably transpire within the next f >iir years. I feel honestly, more like congratulating you as apolitical party, on having escaped a fearful responsibility, than offering explanations and condolence over a defeat. After entailing a weight of suffering upon this country, from which nothing but the most radical measures can ever relieve it ; after having forced into op-ration a fi nancial system, which is but the mask of ruin in that regard ; after so mis managing the unfortunate civil war now upon their hands, as to leave scarcely a hope of saving the Un ion—it is but right that the Abolitionists, and their instrument Abraham Lincoln, shnM remain in a position to feel the first fruits of their own wickedness and folly, and meet the curses and condemnation of an outraged and suffering people, when the impending clouds shall mature into storm and darkness. j Out plain duty, fellow citizens, both as a party and as patriots, is to maintain our no ble organization in all its power and activity. It now comprises upwards of two hundred and seventy six thousand freemen the bones sinew and brains of the Commonwealth. Every hope of an uliiinate reunion of the States, and of restoring the Government and laws to their original purity and vigor, lies in the progress and ultimate triumph of the Dem icracy. We must still continue to act as the sentinels of freedom, ami vindicate our time-honored principles before tho people "TO SPEAK HIS THOUGHTS IS EVERY FREEMAN'S RIGHT. "—Thomas Jefferson. TUNKHANNOCK, PA., WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21 1864. Instead of disbanding our clubs andassocia. tions, let us increase tbeir number and in spirit their action. Convene,at least, month ly meetings. Gather, if possible, and organ ize a Democratic assoc ; ation in every school district, and boldly canvass on all propel occasions the measures of our corrupt and imbecile rulers. Expose the secret leagues and banditti like gatherings of our opponents and hold up to merciful scorn those who, in midnight assemblies, and under kindled'dark ness, conspiie to rob and ruin our countn and at the same time to degrade our people by plotting anaffiliatien with the negro race. Let us, as a party, march steadily on our accustomed paths, employing neither stealth nor secrecy ; they are unwortoy of freedom who are afraid to defend it in open day. Allow mc,in this connection, to add a word, also, in behalf of the Democratic press of Pennsylvania. Always but too poorly re warded, now, when nearly all public patron age is in the bandof the fanatics, and the expenses of printing greatly increased, it be comes the manifest duty of every faithful Democrat to support and strengthen his lo cal paper, and to d scriminate in his patron age, if compelled to so at al>, in favor cf the Democratic prest of our own State. There is a culpable carelessness in this respect, in many of our public men, which is a very proper subject of reprehension, as well of remembrance to those who suffer from it. Ui der ordinary circumstances, fellow citi zens, 1 would deem the piesent duty of my place fully discharged in this hasty reference to the late election, and the sequent sugges tions which 1 have ventured upon. And in what I further undertake at this time, it is p.ssiLtu t may be cbarged with somewhat out of the sphera of my appoint inent, and with entering upon a field of in quiry that is beyond its usual limits- But as my purpose is manly and upright, and, I may add. patriotic—l feel I may safely rely in these times, that the spirit ol liberty will secure mo at least your indulgence. On or about the l>t day of September last, forty four substan:' 1 and reputable citizens of Columbia and Luzerne counties, in this State, were seized by military authority and hurried with indecent haste, at the bayonet's point, into the depths of a distant arid dis used military fortress, as a place of confine ment. One of them, in a letter to his rela tives, in simple words that must touch ever) honest heart, thus describes their imprison ment. ; ' Our treatment was inhuman. When first taken and incarcerated in this cell, not a s'o,,J or bench to rest our ".wary limbs on ; not a cup or knife, or U rk, or plate; and these few indispensable articles were purchased at ex horbitnt prices, attended with vexatious de lay. Forty four of us in one cell, without even a separate place to attend to the calls of nature, it is no wonder that one of our num ber was soon laid in his last resting place, and many others prostrated by disease." Four of their number have recently been brought to trial before a military commis sion, and three of thorn sentenced to heavy fines aiul imprisonment, upon charges clearly cognizable in the civil courts of the State and of the United States. With the question of the guilt or innocence of these men, ( and I helii ve them truly innocent of any deliberate infraction of law, ) I have, in this place, noth ing to do. It is the startling fact, that forty tour men, of good repute in their respective neighborhoods, some of whom had held pla ces of ingh public trust and honor, should be seized by soldiery in the heart of this peace ful and loyal State, dragged off to a noisome military dungeon, and there kept for months, without being confronted by an accuser; one of them in the meantime dying, as is believed from suffering thus ; another becoming blind from bis confinement, while most of the oth ers still c .nlitiue shut up-in Fort Mifllin—a damp, island fort, constructed more with a view of resisting a bombardment, than any thing else! A brave old name desecrated ; a fortress associated with many proud recol* lections and memories of our forefathers' struggle for freedom turned into a bastilefor the ues of modern tyranny I This is not all, nor in iny view the worst of the case—it it is to be established as a pre ceedent. These men are being drawn % out, one by one, to be tried before a tribunal un known to the Constitution—called a Court Martial, in which they arc denied the privi lege priceless in a freeman's estimate—of a trial bv a jury o f their peers, and of the vici nage ! I should impliedly impugn your intelligence and love of freedom, fellow-citizens, by offer ing here any elaborate di-sscussion of this sa cred right of trial by jury. No work of ty ranny so stirs the inmost _ depth of every freemans heart,as any attempted infringement of this precious principle of liberty which has come down to us untrstntneled and nnitnpar* ed from the days of Magna Charta to the present moment. The very idea of a Milita ry Commission sitting in the heart of our fiauhful, law abiding old Comm nweat'.h, to try anything but simply breaches of military law and regulations, is monstrous and unbear able. Our Legislature f.vrly humbled jtself to subserviency, in pt'-mg liws punishing any resistance, by word or deed, to the con scription laws of Cone res > j and Congress in its turn has piled enactment oa enactment —n iw endorsing our gracious President's proclamations of martial law, and next re straining thctn—but all the while Painting to the civil cowls as the proper tribunals to to try the class of offenses newly announced —shall I say, created, by both President and Congress—Lord and Masters of a submissive people ! I submit, fellow citizens, whether it is not the duty of ihe two hundred and seventy six thonsand Democrats of Pennsylvania, to in quire into this alarming violation of those great principles of hnman rights, which even no monarch on the throne of our English an cestors since the date of Magna Charta, ever yet invaded with impunity ; and no adminis tration of our Government aver before dared to infringe, even in tho slightest degree 7 The fate, to day, of these men of Columbia County, if innocent, may' be ours to morrow Besides, if it really has come to pass, that. the old laws of the land require enforcement by bayonets, and the new ones introduced, and about to be introduced. , need the same illustration and support, it must at least be interesting to the people to know it, and be prep-Ted to yield up gracefully all our cher ished principles of civil freedom baptized in blood of the fatheis of the revolution, and be queathed to us as their inestimable legacy ! 1 rue we had the boastful announcement of the Secretary of State at Washington, that the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus placed every independent heart in the land un dcr his gaolership ; and we had also* the prac tice of Secretary Stanton's satraps in various places in other Slates, showing the same grand estimate of his secret tri .ls WITHOUT JiRUNj were to be substituted for grooved ; • igs in the civil courts of the country,in cases clearly defined by statute law as belonging exclusively to their jurisdiction, is a state ot things which could not have been fully con teuiplated bv the people of Pennsylvania at the late election. We really seem to bo fast reaching the condition of the German Baron of olden time, who, in order to provide the the means for maintaining his castle againstt assailants, mortgaged it to some neighboring Sbylocks, who suz.-d and appropriated it themselves, before the Baton's dofeaseswere completed. Or, in plainer words, in conduct ing what appeared at the outset to be a prop er struggle tosu-tain the powers of the C. n stitution, and the supremacy of the laws over the Southern States, we are now sinking the same vital principles here at home ! \\ lio is responsible for this position of al fair so lar as our Slate is concerned ? The new Military Commander of this division.with his >wn fair record to preserve, and a bright ( ancestral fame in memory, cannot be acting a i voluntary pm tin them. The Governor ol Pennsylvania disavows all prior knowledge of the original proceedings against the Columbia county prisoners, and all responsibility in the premises. '1 he Judiciary, il applied to,would probably be disinclined to enter into a conflict with the military authorities, in which would simply be illustrated, that the President and j his Cabinet ministers are the Lords pra ' mount of our destinies, both civil and mill tary ! The people can permit—can perpetuate this position of our liberties if they desire, They have the power—the arcftil power to prove recreant to themselves ; to become the executioners of their own rights, their own happiness, and their own glory illustrated ii the past. Yes, if they so elect as a people, they tm.y, in cowardly supineness allow them selves to be covered with the pall of despot ism as dark and dismal as ever shrouded any of its victims in the old world ; anu finally fiil the latest, of (hose ignoble graves of na tional freedom, that lie in dreadful warning along down the great pathway of recorded time 1 In behalf of the Democratic State Central Committee of Pennsylvania. C. L. Ward, Chairman. Towanda, Ta., Dec. sth, 1864. Jlelrct jStorg, EDWARD'S TEMPTATION. BY HORATIO ALGKK, JR. It was six o'clock in the afternoon. At this time the great wholesale warehouse of Messrs. Hubbard & Son was wont to close, unless the pleasure of business compelled tf;t> partners to keep open until later. The duty of closing had usually devolved on Edward Jones, a boy of fourteen, who had lately bt en engaged to perform a few sl'gbt duties for which he received the sum of fifty dollars annually. lie was the 'boy 1 but if he behaved himself so as to win the approbation cf his employers li Is chance of promotion was good. Yet there were some things that rendered this small salary a hard trial to him—cir cumstances with which his employers were unacquainted. His mother was a widow.— The sudden of Mr. Jones had thrown the entire family upon their own resources, and the&c were iudeea hut slender. There was an older sister who assisted her mother to sew, and this with Edward's salary constituted the entire income of the family. Yet by means tf unt'ring industry they had continued thus far to live, using strict economy of course. Yet they had wanted none of the absolute necessaries of life. But Mary Jones— Edward's sister—grew sick- She had taken a severe cold which terminated in a fever. This not only cut off the income arising fi> m her own labor, but also prevented her mother from accomplish ing as much as she would otherwise have been able to do. On the morning of the day on which our : stoi'7 commences, Mary had expressed a longing for an orange. In her fever it wo'd have been most grateful to her. It is hard, indeed, when we are obliged to deny to those we love that which would be a refreshment and a benefit to them. Mrs. Jones felt this, aud so did EJnard. "I only wish I could buy you one, Mary, said Edward, just as he set out for the es tablishment. ''Next year I shall receive a larger salary, and then we shan't have to pinch so much." '"Never mind, Edward," said Mary, smil ing faintly. "I ought not to have asked fur it knowing how hard you and mother find it to get along without me." "Don't trouble yourself about that, Mary," said Mrs. Jones, soothingly, though her heart sank within her at the thou lit of her empty larder. "Only get well, and we shall get on well enough afterwards." It was with the memory of this scene that Edward went to the store in the morning. All around Lim were boxes of rich goods reprc-onting thousands of dollars iu Oil, lboqu,,t fie," if [ had only the value of one of 'hese boxes, how much goid '.t would do poor Mary," and he sighed. As he passed the desk of his employer his attention was drawn to a bit of paper lying on the flour beneath. lie picked it up, and to his great surpris found it to be a ten dollar bill. The first thought that flashed upon him wa ; "How much good this will do Mary. 1 can buy her the oranges she wants, and she shall have some every day. And perhaps she would like a chicken." But a moment later his countenance fell. "It isn't mine"' lie sighed. '-It must be Mr. Ilubbarrl s. This is his desk, and he must have dropped it." "Still," urged the tempter, "he will never know it. And, after all, what are ten dol lars to him. He is worth a hundred thous and." Still. Edward was not satisfied. Whether Mr. Hubbard could spare it or not was not the question. It was rightfully his and must be given back to him. "1 II go to his house and give it to him this very night." said Edward. "Otherwise I might be temptod to keep it." lie determined- to go to Mr. Hubbard's before he went home. The sight of his sick sister might perhaps weaken his resolution, and # this muse never be. He must preserve, his integrity at all hazards. He knew wheie Mr. Hubbard lived. It was a large, fiuc looking house on a fashiona ble street. Ho had passed it several times and wondered if a man must not he very happy who was able to live in such 6tyle. Without any necessary delay, therefore, he went to the house, and, ascendmg the steps rang the belt. A man servant came to the door. "Well ?" he said. "Is Mr, at home 7"' "Yes, but he has only just come in, and I don't th'nk ho can see you," was the reply. "I am in his employ," said Edwaid quietly "an I I have just come from the store. I think he will see me if you mention this to him." Edward was left standing in the hall while Mr. Ilubbard was sought by the servant ; as he came up to Edward he said : "Well, has anything happeued 7" "No, sir," said Edward, "but I picked up this bill near your desk, and supposed you must have dropped it. I t jought I had Ut ter bring it here directly." "You have done well," said Mr. Ilubbard "and I will remember it. Honesty is a very valuable quality in a boy just commencing a business career. Hereafter I shall have per fect confidence in your honesty." Edward was gratified by his assurance,yet as the door closed behind hirmand he walked out into the street, the thought of his si.--> ter sick al homo atrain intruded upon iiitn, and he thought regretfully, how much good could have been done with ten dollars. Not that he regretted that he ha.l been honest There was a satisfaction in doing right, but I think my readers will understand his feelings without ay expiaa i tion. Mrs. Jones brought some toast to her daughter's bedside, but Mary motioned it away. "Is there anything you could relish, my daughter 7" "No." said she hesitatingly, "nothing that we can get." Mrs. dunes sighed— a sigh which Edward echoed. It was with a heavy heart that Edward started for the warehouse the next morning. Ho had never felt the craving for wealth which now took possession of him. TEHMS: 52.00 PER ANTNtTM' | lie Ret about his duties as U6uai, About I two hours after he had arrived at the store, ! Mr. Ilubdard entered. lie did at first I appear to notice Edward, but in about half au hoar summoned him to the office, which was partitioned off from jhc remainiuder of he spacious rooms in which goods were stored. lie smiled pleasantly as Edward -entered his presence. "Tell me frankly," he said, "did you not feel an impulse to keep tho hill which you found last night ?" "I hope you won't he offended with rue, Mr. Hubbard," said Edward, "if I say that I did "Tell me all about it," said Mr. Hubbard, with interest. "What was it that withheld you. I should never Lave known it-" "I knew that," said Edward, "Then what withheld you from taking the bill ?" "First I will tell you what tempted me," said Edward. "My mother and sister are obliged to depend upon sewing for a bring, and we live but poorly at the very best; But a fortnight since Mary became sick, and (tinea ihen we have had a hard time. Mary's ap petite is poor, and does not relish food, but we are able to get her nothing better. When 1 picked up that bill I could not help think ing bow much I might buy with it for her.' 1 "And yet you did not take it ?" "No, sir ; it would have been wrong, and I could not have looked you in the face after it." Edward spoke in a tone of modest coufir dence. "Mr. Hubbard went to the desk and wrote a cheque." "llow much do I pay you now ?" "Fifty dollars a year," said Edward. "Henceforth your duties will be increased, and I will pay you two hundred. Will that please you ?" •Two hundred do'lars a year?" exclaimed Edward, his eyes sparkling with delight. "Yes, and at the end of the year, that will lie increased, if, as I hare no doubt you will you continue to merit my confidence." "Oh, sir, how can I thank you ?" soid Ed ward, full of gratitude. "By preserving you integrity. As I pro. sume you are in present need of money I will pay you one quarter in advance. Here is a cheque for fifty dollars which you can get cashed at the bank. And, by the way, you may have the rest of the day to yourself." Edward llew to the bank, and with his sudden riches hastened to the market, where be purchased a supply of p PO ri 6 j ona ' such M he knew would be welcome at his home, and t hen made haste home to announce his good foitune. A weight seemed to fall eff tho hearts of mother and daughter as they heard his hur ried story, and Mrs. Jones thanked God for bestowing upon her a Ron whose good princi ples had brought them this great relief. And Mr. Hubbard slept none the worse that nigut, that at a slight pecuniary sacrifice he had done a kind action, confirmed a boy in his integrity, and gladdened a ftruggliug family. If there were more employers as considerate as he there would be fewer dis honest clerks. EVEN. Brick Pomeroy, of the La Crosse Democrat takes the result of the election good natured ly, and makes out that the Democrats have done as well as the Abolitionists. He says; NOT SO B in.—Election Is over, and all who are sensible people will once more be friends. The Republicans say we abused them and their candidate. So we did. And they abused us and our candidate. Here we are even. They voted against us. We voted against them. Here again we are even They spent time and money. So did we.-. Here again we ate even. And besides it cost the Republicans more to elect their President then he will ever benefit them.-*? Here we have the advantage. And again thousands who have worked for Old Abe beautiful Abe, in hopes to be rewarded with office, will be disappointed and for year, feel sore at heart. Here we have tnem again- And still auother ! They began this war let them be responsible for its ending. It is a bad time to swap horses when cross* ing a stream. Let us rather drown the horse. Make him carry his load through ! The Republican party has disarranged our finances. Let it remedy them. Republican# are holding U. S. Bonds. Let them hold them! In four years from now no one elsa will want to ! Republicans want to free the negro. Let them do it. They want to do ihe black cuss a kindness by sending kim to war, All right. Let none but negroes go to war. We can stand it. Here we are even. Republicans do not intend to go to war. We do not intend to. Here again we are even ! They won't go to the war. And wc won't. Here again wo are even with them. The Republicans will have no more drafts And we will bare no more ! Even again! They intend to stay at home to watch cop porhe-uls. We intend to remain at home to watch thom ! Here wo have them again. Over two million ot men in the North voted for McClellan. Quite a moderate bond of brothers. Hero wo have tWin again VOL. 4 NO. 20