North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, December 14, 1864, Image 1

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    AiIVEY si CKljßH.,Pilrietoj.! .
to "t*i."r r - a
vrkekly Democratic
Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advance) *2 00 I
Hot pain within six months. 82.50 will be charged
" 4 > •
10 lines orf , } '• I
less, makefthree f four lipo three six ont
one squared/seeks weeks t mo'th mo'lh mo 1 1 year
1 SqaawT TOO 2,87 3,00? 5,0
2do 2002,50 i 3,2.1/ 3.50 4,50, 6.0
' \ in. '3 00' 3 7*! 4.7.*! 5,t. 7.09; 9.0
| Column, 4.t>o 4.5p .50 8,004 IrO.UM li,o
do. 600 95i)( 10,00| 12.00-17.00 2i.0
do 800 7,00'14,00. 19,001
I do.,- lOJMfi 12,00 17,00' 22,00, 28,0tt 40,0
Business Cards of one square, with paper, S3
of sll kinds neatly executed, and at prices to
lb® times. • ' '
ftosinrss sotirfS.
XV LAW, Office on Tioga Street, Tunkhanno
J J . ,T. CJ- 13 HO KUH
Would respectfully announce to the citucbsof Wy
the has locates I Tunkhiinnock who
• witl promptly attend to all eaifs in the tine of
|*y" Will he found at home on Saturdays 0
Tunkhonnock, l'a. Office in Stark s Brick
Block, Ttoga street.
• Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa.
Tills establishment has recently been refitted an
furnished in the latest style Every attention
will he given to the comfort and eonven'ence of those
who patronize the House.
T. B WALL, Owner anl Proprietor .
Tunkhanneck, September 11, 1?61.
>Vm. H. ( OUTRIGHT, Prop'r
HAVING resumed the proprietorship of the above
Hotel, the undersigned will spsre n'> eilrt t<>
render the house an agreeable place ot sojourn lor
■ll who may favor it with their custom
June, 3rd, 1563
Bfitits mi\,
XJB ...
(Late of the BHRAIKARO HOORK, ELMU-.A, N. Y.
The MEANS HOTEL, i oco of tne LARGEST
and BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country—lt
is fitted up in the most modern and unproved style,
and no pains are sp tred t. make it a pleasant and
agreeable stopping-place for all,
v 3, n2I, ty.
M. GiI. MAN.
M OILMAN, has pcrroanintly located in Tunk
. hannock He rough,-and respwU'ully tenders his
profession il services to the citizens of this place and
Office over Tutton's Law Offic*, near the Pes
Dec. 11, 186f.
PILLS are the only Reliable Remedy for all
Diseases of the Seminal, T'rinary and Nervous -ys
ems. Try one box, and be cured. ONE DOLLAR
A BOX. One box will perfect a cure , or money re
fnded. Sent by giail pn receipt oi piiCS
Station D- Bible Touse
New Y'ork,
General Agent
r3-n3l-3m M. AC
In or<ler to faciliate the prompt ad
ustinent of Bounty, arrears of pay, Pensions and
ether Claims, due sosdiers and other persons from
tihoGovernment of the United States. The under
go wed has mode arrangements with the ahovs firm
fconse experience and close proximity to, and daily
n ereourse with the department; as well as the ear
feknowtedge, acquired by them, of the decision*
ayqueatly being made, enables thcui to prosecute
(aims more efficinntly than Attorney# at a distance.
Inpossibly do All persons entitled to claims of tho
laredeseription can have t hem properly attended
alnobbytin - on me and entrusting them to my care
Agt. for Harvy 4 Collins,
On Yriday last, soaiewlisre between Skinner# Ed
dy andTunkhannock, A NCXTXR CASED W ATCH—
Cylinder escapement—half capped. Upon the face
are the words "Marine Time Observer*"
$5,00 Reward
win be paid any persow finding said watch and leav
ing it at SterJtnj'a Store, Wall's Hotel, or with the
*s® driver en the route.
(The 3Uidh lsntnih Democrat.
blessings ot health and abundant harvests
claim our profoundest gratitude to Almighty
The condition ot our foreign affairs is rea
sonably satisfactory.
Mexico continues to be a theater of civil
war. While our political relations with that
country have undergone no change, we have
at the same time strictly maintained neu
| trality between the belhgerants. At the re
quest of the Stales ot Cosia Rica and Nicara
gua, a c 'mpetent engineer has been authoriz
ed to make a survey of the river Sin Juan,
| and the port of San Juan. It is a source of
much satisfaction that the difficulties, which
for a moment A'JSCl ted some political appre
hensions, and caused a closing of the inter
oceanic transit route, have been adjusted
and that there is a good prospect that the
r >uie will soon bo reopened with au increase
of capacity and adaptation. We could mit
exagerate eiiher the commercial or the po
lineal importance of that great improvement.
It would he doing injustice to an important
South American state not to acknowledge
the directness, frankness, with .which the
United States of Columbia have entered into
intimate relations with this government
A claim convention has been constituted lb
complete the unfinished work of the one
which closed its session in 1861.
The new liberal constitution of Venezula
having gone into effect with the universal
acquiescence of the people, the government
under it has been recognized, and diplomatic
interest with it has been opened in a cordial
and friendly spirit.
The lorg deferred Avcs Island claim has
been satisfactorily paid ana tiischaiged
Mutual payments have been made ,of the
claims awarded, by the late joint
for the settlement of claims between the
United States and Peru, An earnest and
cordial friendship continues to exist betweer
the two countries, and such efforts as wen
n tm p iver hive heCn otehrT to remove rni>
understanding, and avert a threatened war
between Peru and Spain. Our relations atv
of the rn ist friendly nature with Chili, t e
Argentine Republic, B /.ivar, .Costa Rica.
Paraguay, San Salvader, and il iyti. During
the i n>i year no differences oi any kind h-iv*-
arisen with any of these republics. And, on
the o'her hand, their sympathies with the
United States arc Constantly expressed with
cordiality and earnestness.
The e'aiiiTnnCmg from the seizure of the
cart;o of the brig Macedonian, in 1824, has
been paid in full by the government of Chili
Civ•! wai continues in the .Spanish part of
San Domingo apparently without prospect of
an early close.
Official correspondence has been freely
opened with Liberia, and it gives us a pleas
ing view of s-cral and political progress in
bat republic. It may be expected to derive
new vigor from American influence, improved
by the rapid disappearance of slavery in the
United States.
I solicit your authority to tutnish to ihe
republc a gnnboat, at a moderate "Cost, to be
reimbursed to the United States by install
merits. Such a vessel is needed, for the sate
ty of that state against he nat've African
race, and in Liberian hands it would be more
effective in arresting the African slave-trade
than a squadron in our own hands. The
possession of the least organized naval force
would stimulate a generous ambition in the
republic, and the confidence which we should
manifest by furnishing it, would win forbear
ance and favor toward the colony from all
eivdized nations. The proposed overland
(olograph btrtßCfi) America ud Europe by
the way of Behrtu's straits and Asiatic Rus
sia, which was sanctioned by Congress at
the last session, has been undertaken under
very favorable circumstances by association
of American citizens with the cordial good
will and support as well of this government
as of those of Great Britain and Russia.
Assurances have been received from most
of the South American states of their high
appreciation ol the enterprise and their read
iness toco-operate in constructing lines trib
utary to that world-encircling communica
tion. . - ,
I learn with much satisfaction that the no
ble design of a telegraphic communication
between the eastern coast of, America and
Great Britain has been renewed with a full
expectation of M its carJy accomplishment
Thus it is hoped that with the return of do*
mestic the country will be able to resume
'.H I energy and advantage lmr former high
career oi commerce and civilization. Our
very popular and estimable representative in
Egypt, died in April last. An unpleasant
altercation, which arose between the tempo,
rary incumbent of the - ffice and the govern
ment of the Pacha, resulted in a suspeusion
of intercourse. The evil was promptly cor.
.. . j -- .it. Lio a -j ■.■••* .11 ,7-77 7 ; :i, .i > v * u Z>
reeled on the arrival ot'the successor in the
consulate, and our relations with Egypt as
well as. our relations with the Barbarv pow
ers are entirely satisfactory.
' The rebellion which has so long been fla
? grant in China has at last been suppressed
with the co operating good offices of this gov
ernment and the other western commercial
states. Thejudicial consular establishment
has become very difficult and onerous, and it
will need legislative requisition to adapt it to
the extention of our commerce, and to the
more intimate intercourse which has been in
st tuted with the government and people of
that vast empire.
China seems to be accepting, with hearty
good will, the conventional laws which regu
late commercial and social intercourse among
the western natrons.
Owii g to the peculiar situation of Japan,
and the anomalous form of its government,
the action of thatempire in performing treaty
stipulations is inconstant and capricious. —
Nevertheless, good progress has been effected
by the Western powers moving with enlight
ened concert. Our own pecuniary claims
have been allowed or 1 put in course of settle
mi nt, and the Inland sea has been reopened
to commerce.
There is reason also to believe that these
proceedings'have increased' rather than dim
inish the friendship of Japan toward the Uni
ted States.
The ports of Norfolk, Fifnandina, and Pen
sacola have been opened by proclamation.—
It is hoped that foreign merchants will now
consider whether it is not safer and -nore
profitable to themselves, as well as just to
the United States, to resort to these and oth
er penports than it is to pursue through ma
ny hazards and at a vast cost a contraband
ti tide with other ports which are closed, if i
not by actual military operations, atleast by !
a lawful and effective blockade.
For myself,.! have no doubt of the power j
and duty of the executive, under the law of
""Hons to exclude enemies of the human rac<
from an assy ■ üb. T-. liUi l S,a?cs. IF
Congress should think that proceedings
such cases lack the authority of law, or
ought to be further regulated by it, 1 recom
mend that provision be made 1 r effect .tali i
preventing foreign slave traders from acquire
ing domicile and facilities for their criminal
occupation in our country •
li i- possible that if it were a uow and
open que*! ion', the maritime powers, with the
light they now enjoy, would not concede the
pnvi'cges of a naval belligerent to the in-ur
cet.ts o. the United States, destitute as they
are, and always have been, equally of ships
and of ports and harbors. Disloyal emis
saries have been neither less ass.i iuous nor
more successful during the last year than
tin y were before that time in their eflorts
under favor ot that privilege to embroil our
country in foreign wars. The desire and de
termination of the martiiue states lo defeat
that design are believed lo be as sincere as.
and cannot be more earnest than, our own ;
nevertheless unforeseen political difficulties
arisen, especially in Brazillmn and Britfish
ports, and on.The northern boundary of the
United States, which have required and are
likely to continue to rcquije tfie practice of
constant vigilance and a just and conciiliatory
spirit on the part of the United states as
well as of the nations concerned and their
governments* Coimnisaioners have been ap
pointed under tho treaty with Great Brittain
on the adjustment of the claims of the Hud
son Bay and Puget's Sound Agricultural
Companies on Oreg"D, and are now proceed
ing to the execution of trust assigned 10
In view of the insecurity of life in the re
gion adjacent to the Canadian border, by
recent assaults and depredations committed
by inimical and desperate persons who are
harbored there, it has been thought proper
to give notice that after the expiration of six
months, the period conditionally
in the existing arrangements with Great
Britain, the United States must hold them
selves at liberty to increase their naval ar
mament upon the lakes, tf they shall find that
proceeding necessary. The condition of the
border will necessarily come into considera
tion in connection with the question of con
tinuing or modifying Ihe rights of transit
from Canada through the United States, as
well as the regulations of imposts which
were temporarily established by the Recip
rocity Treaty of the sth of June, 1854 I
desire, however, to be understood, while
making this statement, that tho colonial au
thorities are not deemed to be intentionally
unjust or unfriendly toward the United
but, on the contrary, there is every reason to
expect that, with the approval of the imperial
government, they will take the necessary
measures to prevent, new incursions across
the border.
The act passed at the last section for the
encouragement of emigration' has, as far as
was possible, been put into operation.
It seems to need amendment, which will
enable the officer* of the government to pre
vent the practice of frauds against the itnmi.
grants while on the'u: way and on their arri
val in the ports, so as to secure them here a
free choice of advocaUpps and places of set
tloment. A liberal disposition toward this
great national policy js manifested by most
f of tfie European states, and oftght to* be re
ciprocated on our part by g-vuig the immi
grants effective national protection. I regard
our emigrants as one of the principal replen
ishing stream* which are appointed by Prov
idence to repair the ravages of internal war
and its wastes of national strength and health
All that is necessary is to secure the flow of
that stream in its present fullness, and to
that end the government must in every way
make it manifest that it neither needs nor de
signs to impose involuntary military service
upon those who come from other lands to
cast their lot in our country.
The financial affairs of the government have
been successfully administered. During the
last year the legislation of the last session of
Congress has beneficially affected the revenue
although snfficient time has not yet elapsed
to experience the full effect of several of the
provsions of the acts of Congress impo- ing
increased taxation, The receipt# during the
year from all sources upon the basis of war
rants signed by the Secretary of the Treasury
including loans, and the balance in the treas
ury on the first day of July, 1863, were sl, ]
394 796 007,62 and the aggro ate
merits upon the same basis were $1.298,0.56,
101,89, lea ving a balance in the treasury, as
shown By warrants, 0f596,739,903,73. De
duct from these amounts the amount of tho
principal of the public debt redeemed, and
the amount of issues in substitution therefor,
and the ac'uai cash operation of the treasury
were: Receipts,' $4,076,716,77; disburse
merits, $865,234,087,86, which leaves a cash
balance in the treasury of $18,842,558,71.
Of the receipts, there were derived from cus
t0m5,5108,316,152,99; from land#, $583,-
333,29; from direct taxes, $475 648,90; fioin
iniernal revenue, $109,741,134,10; from mis
celianc >us sources, $47,511,448.10; and from
loans applied to actual expenditures, inciu l
!f!g former, $023,443,629,13. There
were disbursed for the civil service, $27,505,-
599, 46; for pensions utul Indians, $7,317,.
930,97 ; for the War Department, $60,791,
812 97 ; /or the Navy Department, $85,733,
TJ-.i ;> , .... .... ... . ( tUo T>nh | lf . ., beo
680,021,69 ; making Rn aggregate of $805,28.4,
089.85, and leaving .a balance in the treasury
of $49.842,358.71, as above stated.
For the actual reCeip's and disbur#mcnt#
for the first quarter, and the estimated re
ceipts and disbursements for the three re
maining quarters of the current fiscal year,
and the general opt rat funs of the Treasury in
erf ail, I refer you to the report of the Secre
tary of the Treasury. 1 concur with h'm in
the opinion that the proportion of the mon
ey's required to meet the expenses consequent
upon the war, derived from taxation, should
be still further increa#e(l, and I earnestly in- !
vite your attention to this subject to the end j
that there may be such additional legidation
as shall he required to tneet the just expecta
tion of the secretary*
The public debt on the first day of July
last, as appeals by the books of the treasury,
amounted to one Uiliuo seven hundred and
forty thousand million, six hundred and
ninety thousand, four hundred and eighty
nine dollars and forty nine cents. Probably,
should the war continue for another yeai,
that amount m:i7 be increased by not far
from fivs hundred mtihons. Hold as it is
fur the uiost part by our own peopie, it has
become a substantial branch of national,
though private propei ty. For obvious rea
sons the inore nctriy this property can be
distributed among all th? people the better.
To favor such general distributions, greater
inducements to become owners might, per
haps, with good effect, and without injury
be presented to persons of limited means.—
With this view, I suggest whether it might
not be botlj expedient for Congress to pro
vide that a limited amount of soma future
issue for public securities|might beheld by any
bona fide purchaser exempt from taxation,and
from seizure or debt, under such restrictions
and limitations as might be necessary to
guard against abuse ol so important a piivi
lege. This would euable prudent persons to
set aside a small annuity against a possible i
day of want. Privileges like these would
render thj possession of such securities to
the amount limited most desirable to every
person of small means who might be nble to
save enough for the purpose. The great ad
vantage of citizens being creditors as well
as debtors, with relation to the public debt,
is obvious. Men readily perceive that they
cannot bo much oppressed by a debt which
they owe to themselves. The public debt
on the first day of July last, although some
what exceeding the estimate of the Secretary
of the Treasury made to Congress at the
commencement ff last session, falls short
the estimate of that officer tnade in the pre
ceding December, as to its probable amount
at the beginning of this year, by the sum of
$3,995,079,33. This fact exhibits a satisfac
tory condition aud conduct of tho operations
of the Treasury,
The national bauking syatera is proving to
be acceptable to capitalists and to the peo
On the 25th day of November, 584 nation
al banka had been organized, a considerable
number in which were conversions from stat
banks. Change® from the itatc system to
the national system, are rapidly taking plice
and it is hoped thai very soon there will be
in the United states no banks of issue not
authorised by Congress, Dd no bank note
circulation not secured by the government,
that the government and the people will de
rive geueral benefit from this change in the
banking system in the country can hardly be
questioned. The national system will create
a reliable and permanent influence in support
of tho national credit, and protect the people
against losses in the use of paper money .
Whether or not any further legislation is ad
visablo for the suppression of state bank is
sues, it will be for Congress to determine. —
It quite clear that the treasury cannot
be satisfactorily conducted unless the govern
rae.nt can exercise a restraining power over
the bank note circulation of the country.
The report of the Secretary of war, and
the accompanying documents, will detail the
campaigns of the armies in the field since the
date of the last annual message, ai.d also the
operation of the several administrative bu
reaus of the War Department during the
last year. >-
It will also specify the measures deemed
essential for the natiouai defense, and to
keep up and supply the requisite military
force. The report of the Secretary of the
Navy presents a comprehensive and satisfac
tory exhibit of the aflairs ol the department,
and of the naval service. It is a subject of
pongratuLtion and laudable pride to our
countrymen that a navy of such vast pro
portions has been organized in so brief a pe
riod and conducted with 60 much efficiency
and success.
The general exhibit of the navy, including
vessels under construction on the Ist of De
cember, 1864. shows a total of 671 vessels
cari-yir.g 4,610 gun® and 510,396 tons, being
an actual increase during the year, over and
above all losses by shipwreck or in battle, ol
total number of men at this time in the naval
service, including officer#, is about 51,000. —
There have bepn cap'ured by the navy during
the yoar 02-* vL-ajcio, u ..a rnmibei
of ufiVrtl captures since hostilities commenced
ia 1,379, of which 267 are steamers. lb,
gross proceeds arising from the sale if con
dem tied prize proper Iv, thus fcu- reported,
amounts to $14,396,250.51. A large amount
of such proceeds is still under adjudication,
and yet to be. pe ported. The total expendi
tures of the Navy Department, of every de
f-cripiion, including the cost of the immense
squadrons that have bcea called into exist
i-nee from, the 4th of March, 1861, to the Ist
of November, 1864, are $238,047.262,35.
Your favorable consideration is invited to
the various recommendauocs of the Secreta
ry of the Navy, especially in regard to a na
vy yard and suitable establishment f>r the
construction and repair of iron vessels and
the machinery, and armature for our ships, to
which reference was made in my last annual
Y HI Y attent ion is also invited to the views
expressed in the report in relation to the
legislation of Congress at its last session, in
respect to prize on Mir inland waters.
I cordially concur in the recommendation
of the secretary, as to the propriety of cre
ating the new rartk of vice-admiral in our na
val service.
Your attention has been invited to the re*
port of the Postmaster Geueral for a detailed
account of the operations and financial condi
tion of ihe Tost-office Department.
The postal revenue for the year ending
June 30th, 1864, amounted to $12,438,253,
78, and the expenditures to $12,644,780,20;
the excess of expenditures over receipts being
$206,652, 42.
The views presented by the Postmaster-
General on the subject of special grants by
the government in aid of the establishment
of new lines of ocean mail steamships, and
the policy he recommends for tho develope
ment of increased commercial intercourse
with adjacent and neighboring countries,
should receive the careful consideration of
It is of noteworthy interest that the
steady expansion of population, improvement
and governmental institutions over the new
and unoccupied portions of our country, have
scarcely been checked, much less 1 mftMed
or destroyed, by our great civil war, which
at first glance would seem to have absorbed
almost the entire energies of the nation.
The organization and admission of the
State of Nevada has been completed, in con
formity with law, and thus our excellent sys
tem is firmly established in the mountains,
which one soemed a barren and uninhabita
ble waste, between the Atlantic States and
those which have grown up ou the coast of
the Pacific ocean.
The territories of the Union are generally
in a condition of prosperity and rapid growth
Idaho and Dontana, by reason of their great
distance and tho interruption of commonica-
rp EXUVI: A TVT-iaj-tfr'-IVE
tron with them by furtmti hostilities, have
been only partially organized ; but it is un
derstood that these difficulties arc about to
disappear, which will permit their gorern
tncnts, like those of the others, to go into
speedy and full operation as intimately con
nected wit h and promotive of this material
growth of the nation, I ask the attention of
j Congress to the valuable foformatioif and
important recommendations relating to tho
public lands, Indian affairs, the Pacific rail
roads, and mineral discoveries, contained in
the report of tho Secretary of tho Interior,
which is herewith transmitted, and which
report also embraces the subjects of patents,
pensions, ind other topics of public interest
pertaining to his department. The quantity
of public land disposed of during the fito
quarters ending on the thirtieth of Septem
ber last, was 4,221,342 acres, of which, 1,53-
8,614 acres we'e entered under the homo
stead law. The remainder was located with
military land warrants, agricultural scrip
certified to states for raitroads, arfd sold for
cash. The cash received from sales and loca
tion free was $1,0TV,446. The income from
sales during the fiscal year, ending June 30th
1801, was 8678,007.21, against 36.077,95
r eetaed during the preceding year. The ag
w regatc number of acres surveyed duriDgthe
year has been equal to the quantity disposed
<f, and there is open to settlement about
133,000,000 acies of surveyed land,
The great enterprise of connecting the At
lantic with the Pacific states by railways and
telegraph lines has been eutered upon with m
vigor that gives assurance of success, not
withstanding the embarrassments arising from
die prevailing high prices of materials and la
bor. The route of the mam line of the road
has been definitely located for one hundred
miles westward from the initial point at Om
aha City, Nebraska, and a preliminary loca
tion of the Pacific Railroad of California haa
been made from Sacramento eastwasd to tho
great bend of Mucker river in Nevada. Nu
merous discoveries of gold, silver, and cinni
bar miues, have been added to the many
heretofore known, and the country occupied
by the Sierra Nevada and the Rocky Moun
tains and ihe subordinate ranges, new terms
wuh enterprising iabur, which is richly re
munerative. It is be! oved that tlie products
ut the u.ines oi precious metaUg m region has
during tiie year reached, if not exceeded;
8100,000.000 in value. It wa reccommend—
ed in my last annual message that our In
dian sy stem be remodeled. Congress at its
last session, acting upon tho recommendation,
did provide for reorganizing the system m
C aiifornia ; and it is believed that under the
present organization the management of the
liu.ians there will be attended with reasona
ble success. Much yet remains to be done to
provide fur the prope'i government of the In*
duns in other parts of the country, to render
it secure for tho advancing settler and to pro
vide for the welfare of the Indian. The sec
retary reiterated his rec< mmeudations, and
to them the attention of Congress is invited.
The liberal provisions made bv Congres- for
paying pensions on invalid soldiers and oaiiora
ol the republic, and to the widows and or
phans. and dependent mothers of those who
have fallen in battle or died of disease con
tracted, or of wounds received, in the service
of their country have been diligently admin
There have been added to the pension rolls
during the year ending the 30th day of Juno
last the names of 16,770 Invalid soldiers, and
tf27l disabled seameD, making tho present
number of army invalid pensioners 22,767,
and of navy enrolled pensioner-712. Of wid
ows, orphans, and mothers 22.198 have been
placed on the army pension roils, and 248 on
the navy rolls. The present number of army
pensioners of this class is 25,433, and of navy
pensioners 793.
At the beginning of the year the number
of revolutionary pensioners was 1.430. Only
twelve of them were soldiers, of whom seven
have since died. The remainder are those
who, under the law. receive pensions because
of relationship to revolutionary soldiers.
During the year ending the 30th June,}B64
§4,504, 616,92 have been paid to pensioners
of a!! classes,
I cheerfully commend to your continued
patronage the benevolent institutions of the
District of Columbia, which have hitherto
been established or fostered by Congress, and
respectfully refer for information concerning -
them, and in relation to the Washington
aqueduct, the capitol, and other matters of
j local interest to the report of the secretary. -
The Agricultural Department, under the
supervision of its present energetic and faith
ful head, is rapidly commending itself to tht
great and vital interest it was created to ad
vance. It is peculiarly the People's Depart
ment, in which they feel more directly con
cerned than in any other, I commend it to
the continued attention and fostering care of
The war continues. Since the last annua!
message all the importaut lines and positions
then occupied by our forces have been main
tained, and our armies have steadily advanced
thus j liberating the regions left- ia &2 r**r.
VOL. 4 NO. 1 9