North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, December 07, 1864, Image 4
n ■{} 'T LACK YY;R R Running Time ol Passenger Trains, Jim 2d. 1861. * " wrV,." ' " | LEAV E SOFTHWAU p— Acc \ ,,u - j .•*d* gcr. I I K er - Ul,,d ' l - I j t tioa. i j Hoc. I. M l\ >l. | ! A M, I*. M, | STATIONS mm,. . ; 7*7 00 640 Great Bend 7,40 2.20 1*35 6,21 New Mitford 7.59 2,45 ; . ..*.OO 6.W0 Melrose 8,20 3.15 12 25 5.38 Hdpbottoui <M> 3\'" s.JjIi.RQ 5,10 Xh-hoDon 9.00 .11,20 4.50 Factoryviltc V* 1055 4,10 AI,n K ton..-- : 9-40 5 4 V 10,10 4.32 Cl>iiV Summit 9.43 O.U 10,10 4.10 SCRANTON DUO 7;'' w,'A. M 3,12 Greenville 1u . 4 0 1 *: .ft vr •. 3,29 Dunning • .i 1 T Moscow },<>? ••••IS 0,5 l (JouMshoro 11.2b tS 240 Tol'vhansa 11.40 ••••a t % .... 2,20 Forks 11:5U ••••>; 202 Oakland 12,17 ••••' 1,46 Henryville * 12.33 •• •• s * .. .. 1,35 Sprngueville 12.43 j . (j| r .>.. 1,03 Water Gap 'I,OB •••• , °4 .... 12,47 Mount Bethel 1,24 ••••> • {fc V- 12.35 Delaware 1,50 ••■•5 12,10 *Mnuuka Chunk*• l.aa • 12,02 Bridgevillo 2,i'l .... 11,51 Oxford 2.15 .... 11.38 Washington 2,28 ■••• .... 11,20. New Hampton-••• • 2,45 •••■ ..... A • M. 'Change for Phil... V M J The Passenger Ti ain Northward Leaves llainptc.n on the orrival of tho Ma i Typhi wliDh leaves NEW YORK at 8.10 A . M., and t U MANCXivA CHI NK on tho arrival of the Train j * which leaves PHILADELPHIA. {Kensington Do- j pot) at 71 jA. M. At SCKANTOX this Train | makes close conneetio*. with trains on tho LACIv- AM'AKNAi BTOOMSBUBG arnl OKI. AM'A RE A HUDSON Railroads, and at Great Bcud with the Mail Train on tho Erie Railway going West. Tne Passenger Train Southward Leaves Great Bend after the arrival of the Cine-innu Express from the West, conueetiug at Sennit o With Trains on the Lutkawanna and Biouiusbur and Delaware and llulsm Railroads; at Manunk , Cnu'.k with the tiain for Philadelphia, and New Hampton with Trains tor .Yew York, the Le high Valley, Hnrrisbtirg, Ae. Passengers by this Train arrivo in New York at 5.50, in l'liihidelpoia at 6,30, and in Harrishurg at 820 P. M. The Accommodation Traill Northward, connects at Great Bend with the Day Express going West, by which passengers arrive at Ithaca Mid Syracuse the same day. Southward, leaves Great llend after the arrival of the New Yoik Express going East. £ All Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway aton at Great Rend. WATTS COOKE, Supt. R A. lIEiS'RY, Gen. Tkt. Agent. ALA MOD E. THE LATEST FROM NEW YORK, tiTRS. A. €4. STARK, TAKES PLEASUREIN I\_l_ aga'm informing her frien ls, and the ladies g< n , that she has received, an 1 is still receiving rallye and wed selected assortment ol FALL AND JFINTER GOODS, Consisting of HATS. IJONNF.TS, IUBBON FViOSSES, If EA I'HERS, LACES, HEAD DRESSES, and, in short all art 1 s usually tound in a MILLIFERY STORE. She solicits a call from all requiring GOODS in tier line, before purchasing elaewheie. Airs Stark can be found at the house formerly occupied bv Hen ry Stark, in the borough of Tuokhannock. ready and willing to serve all who may favor her with a call. MANTUA-M A KING. Wo have secured tho services of >n experienced 33nESS-3VIA.I£:un., and at all times will lie prepared to Fit and Make Dresses in the latest and most approved manner.— Soliciting your calls before purchasing elsewhere, we remain Yours, Re?l cctfullv. MRS. A.G.STARK. At rii Bell's Sbecific Pills--Warranted in all Cases can be relied on! Never fail to cure! Do no nauseate! Are speedy in action! No change of di et required! Do not interfere with business pursuits Can be used without detection! Upward of 200 earc this month—some of them very severe cases Over one hundr'ed physicians have used them in their practice, and all speak well of their efficacy, an approve of their composition, which is entirely vege table, and harmless ou the system. Hundreds e certificates can be shown. Bell's Specific I' are the original and only genuine Specific Pill. They are adapted for male and female, old or young, and the only reliable reme dy for effecting a permanent ami sjieedy cure in al cases of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal YVeakness, with all its train of evils, siul. as I retheral ami Vagina Discharge?, Gleet, tho Whites, Nightly or Involunta ily Emission, Incontinuence, Genital Debility an Irritability, Impotence, Weakness or Loss of Power Nervous Debility, &e , fcc , all of which ariso princi pally from Sexual Excesses or Self Abuse, or some constitutional derangement, and incapacitates th * sufferer from fulfilling the duties of married life. In all sexual diseases, as Gonorrhea. Gleet, and Strict ures, and in Diseases of the Bladder and Kidney? they act as a charm ! Relief is experienced 1 y ta ng a single box. Sold by all the principal druggists. Pi ice -SI They will be sent by mail securely sealed, and eonSden'ially, cn receipt of tho money, by J BRYAN, M P., No. 76 Cedar Street Few York, Bsulting Physician for the treat rented o Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who wil send, free to all, the following valuable work, iu sealed envelope : Tnr. Fiftieth Thotsand —Dn BELL'S TREA TISE on Self-Abuse, Premature decay, and Loss of Power, Sexual Diseases, Seminal YY'e. ness, Nightly Emissions, Genital Debility, Ae., ,tc. ft pamphlet of 61 page?, containing important advice . to the afflicted, and which should ho read by every sufferer, as the means of cure in tho severe :t stage's is plainly set forth. Two stamps required to pay postage. Impohtaxob to ladies —I'a. llauvfv's female Pills havj never yet failed in removing difficulties arising from obstruction, or tsto] page of natuie. or in restoring the system to perfect health wheu suffering rfrom Spinal affections, Prolapsus, Fteri, the Whites, or other weakness of the Uterine Organs The Pills ara perfectly harmless on the constitution, and may he taken by the mosi delicate feruale t without eaus- Ing distress—the same time they act like a charm by srengthening, invigorateing and restoring the system to a healthy condition, and by /ingtng on tho monthly period with regularity, no matter front what caues the obstruction may ariso Tn y should however, xot betaken during the first three or four months, ot pregnancy, t tough safe at any other t me, as miscarriage would he tficiesult, Each box contains 60 Pills Price ST. Dr. HARVEY'S TREATISE on diseases of Fe- Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Barrenness, Sterili ty, Reproduction, and Abuses of Nature, and emphatically the Ladies Private Medical viscr, a pamphlet of 64 pages, sent free to anv Cents rp< l uirL ' t 't* pay postage. * 1 The 1 ills and book will be sent by mail when <Jc Slrftd securely sealed, and prepaid, hy J BRYAN, M. D.. <?enerai Ag-!ne rsr kll hv all tl,„ 76 Gcdar St., New York i by ill ihs principal drugj^istg. 26, 1864 r-3-n-23 . 11E SiS&EE SEWIN& MACHIIES. Our LETTER A. FAMILY SEYVING MACHINE s fust gaining a world-wide reputation. It is jo vuad doubt the best an 1 and most beautiful of till F.imil/ Sewing Ma.h nes yet offered to the public. N<> other Family Sewing Ma. bine has so many u? ful appliances for llenitntng Binding, ' ing ' l ucking, Getbering, Guaging, Li aiding, Em : brjldet'ing. Cording, and so forth. No other Family Sowing Machine lias so much apacity for a great ' variety of woik- It will sew all kinds of cloth, ! jtiid with all kinds ol thread. Great anu recent iiu provcinents make our Family Sewing Machine most it liable, and most durable, and moot certain in ac tion a* till rate? of speed. It makes the interlocked stitch, which is the be?t stitch known. Any one, ev en oi'tho most ordinary capacity, can see, ot a glancd, how t - use the letter A. Family Sewing Machine. — Our Family dewing Machines are finished in chaste and exquisite stylo. The Folding Case of the Family Machine is a piece of cunning workmanship of tho most useful kind. It protects the machine when not in use, and when about to be operated may I. p opened as asp t cious and substatitial table to sustain tiie work.— YVhile smne ol rlie Ca?cs, made out of the choicest woods, are finished in the simplest and chastest man ner po-sil le, others are adorned and ernbelished in the most costly and superb manners. It is absolutely necessary to see the Family Ma chine in operation, so as to judge of its great capaci ty ttiid beauty. It is fast bee. ming as popular for family sewing a? coir manufacturing machines arc for manufactur ing purposes The Rranck Offices arc well supplied with silk, twist, thread, needles, oil, Ac., of the very best qual ity. Sen 1 for i PIMriiLKT. THE SINGEII MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 458 Broadway, New Y'ork. j V Philadelphia Office, Hit) Chestnut St. tova i mmm —AND— Tin SJiop. r P HE subscriber hits just received at his shop, over L llaiikinson's Store, in MESHOPPEN PA., and will const..ntly kceppu baud all the latest IMPROVED COOKING STOVES Among which are the "CALORIC," MINER nsd "NlO.V' patterns, with PARLOR STOVES und Heatc"- of every deserij tion, which he offers for IP ay .it prices that will defy competition llis si'.ve.- ire bought direotlv of tho Manufactur er at ALBANY', YVILK! SRARRB. PROVIDENCE and SCRANTON. lie is therefore enabled to sell hem at a small advance on tho original cost TIN, SHEE7-JRON, —AND- Coppcr Ware. all kinds on hand and ma de to order Also Pll', YV VGOX \S, A X 1) SI.EI G II SHOES FOR SALE. The popular Cooking Stove, For ©st lie en, Elevated oven) is now for the first, offered at S2O for 8 inch. 825 for 9 inch, mpAmimms jobbing neatlv and promptly done. HENRY STANSBURY. Mcshoppcn, Dec 17th, 1 -.62—\2n191y. HARDWARE & IRON UUiTf BRO'S & BLAIR NOW OFFF.It FOIt SaI.E IRON, STEEL, NAILS AND SPIKES, MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOYVS, PLAIN A CONVEX HORSE-SHOES. HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, BUILDERS' HARBWARB, CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL YVARRANTED,) HUBS, SPOKES. FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLI S, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, A XL £3. PIPE BOXES, SPRING • TEEL, BOTTS, NUTS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARIS. CEMENT, JIATR. SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW G LAS>. Ac., Ac., ALSO SASII, DOORS AND BLINI* 3 ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEA THE Lit AND FINDINGS FALKBAK'S SCALES. trar.t: a. ".inrch 26, 1863. vln33— ING HaM and WRKNCHJ 3lanut'acturers a:;d lYcaiers iu OX WYALUSING CIiKKK, ICAMPTOW, BRADFORD Co Pa Rolls Carded and Cloth Finished. MANUFAGTURE CLC-TH FOR CUSTOMERS ON SHARES OR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES PER YARD; Cassimere, Best Finish, fine 45 cents Plain Cloth, uo 45 " Gray and Mixed Cassimere?,4s " Tweeds, 32 " Common Fulled Cloth, 40 " YVhite Flannel, 22 " Madder Red Flannel, 32 " Gray Flannel 25 " The Gray Flannel made wtth taste and vem: suita ble for Clothing* * HARVEY IMGIIAM AMOS WRENCH i LiT Person living at a distance ran have rolls carded fo n to take them home with them -and • ave the e x.-pns?e ef a trip ' IMPORTANT™ FEMALES t( < pilS/ proclama t I o N ! TO TIIE LADIES ! 11 ot li Married and Single. THE OLDEST REGULATOR FOR FEMALES. DR. CHEESE MAN'S FEMALE PILLS Will immediately relieve, without pain, all disturb ance of the periodic discharge, whether arising irotn relaxtion or suppression. They act like a charm in removing the pains that accompany difficult or im moderate menstruation, and are the only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes, Sick Headache, Pains in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep, and other unpleasant and dangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst eases of Fluor Albus. or Whites, they ef fect a speedy cure DR. CHEBSEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Have been used OVER A QUARTER OF A CEN TURY. They are offered as the only safe means of renewing interrupted menstruation, hut Ladies must bear in mind that there is one condition of the fe male system in which the Pills cannot be taken mithoul producing a PECULIAR RESULT. The condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the result. MISCARRIAGE, Such is the irresist ible tendency of the medicine to restore the sexual functions ton normal condition, that even the pro ductive power of nature cannot resist it TIILY* c AN NOT HO lIARM in any other way. DR.CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Arc the only Medicine that MARRIED AND SIN OLE LADIES have relied upon for.many years, or can rely upon now. BEWARE OP IMITA TIONS! These Pills form the P'inest Preparation ever put forward, with IMMEDIATD and PER SISTEN'i SUCCESS. DON'T BE DFCEIV RI>. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and toll him that vou 1 cant the REST and most RELIABLE FEMALE MEDICINE IN THE WORLD , which is comprised in DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS !!! They have received, and are now reccing the sanction of the most eminent Physicians in Amer ica. EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS wi'h each Box-the price. One Dollar per Box, containiug from 50 to 60 Pills. . . Pills sent by mail, promptyl, by remitting the price to the Proprietors, or any authorized Agent, in current funds. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. lIUTCIIINGS A IIILLYER, PROPRIETOR'S, SI Cedar Street, Aew York. r V Sold in Tunithannock, by J. W. Lyman, in Montrose, by Able Turrell, in Scranton by L. S.A B. C. Fuller, in Faetorj;ville by all Druggists. RATS, MICK, ROACHES, ANTS, BED Bros Mofiis IV FIRS WOOL ess, &E„ INSECTS O.V PLANT FOWLS, ANIMALS, AC. Put up in 25c. 50c. au'l &l 00 Boxes. Bottles, an<l Flasks. $3 and S5 sizes for Hotels, and l'ublicin stitutions, Ac. "Only infallible remedies known." ~Free from Prisons." "Not dangerous to the nuinan Family." "Rats come out of their hides to die." - "?f:3oU Wholesale in all large cities. / So Id by all Druggists cc Retailers evervwher J-V"! ! ! BEWARE ! ! !of all worthless imitatio £ s*"See that "COSTAR'S name is onach Box, Bott ami Fla.-k, before you buy. 2 Address HEBBY R. COSTA Principa 1 Ft lot 482 Broadway, N . Y. byJ. Lyman,9/ Co., wholesale Retal, Agent, Tur khannook, mm? & & pl®wrs —o—o— -IMIE SUBSCRIBER HAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL . operation, for several years, a AT TOWANDAj where all of the most approved and rare kinds of FRUIT <Sr ORNAMENTAL TREES, Can be obtained. Being eonv.need from experience that his Trees and Plants will give far better satisfaction to the Fruit-growers of Wyoming County than any grown in other localities, he confidently solicits their patron age. He will make annual visits either in person or by his agents to must, of the townships of Wyoming Co , and asks only that his specimens may bo examinod and his method of dealing be tested. A I! orders by letter or otherwise, for Trees, vines or pi nts will be promptly attended to. to3l-ly. D HARKINS. AUCTIONEER. JgL. C- Conklin, of Tunkhannock Borough, Wyo ming County Pa hereby gibes notice, that he ha taken a license as public Auctioneer, and tender, his services to the public in that capacity, on reason able terms. L C. CONKLIN October Ist 1861 TO PROFESSORS OF MUSIC AMATEURS, AND TIIE MUSICAL PUBLIC GENERALLY, I\ A. WO Nl> KIIMA N N FOREIGN 4 AMERICAN MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 824 BROAD WAY, Having on hand the largest-stoek of Foreign Music in New York,which he imports from Europe express ly to'meet the taste and requirements of the Ameri can lovers of Music, respectfully calls attention to the fact that he is now supp ying Music of Every Style at a Reduction of TWENTY-FIVE to FIFTY per cent, less than any other house in the United States. Private Families can be supplied (post free ) by forwarding the cash to the above address Should the nmouut of cash be forwarded exceed the cost o the Music, the balance will be promptly returned in postage currency DEALEBS and Professors should not neglect this opportunity ; they will bo liberally dealt with. NB Any an l every piece of Music (vocal or instrumental) published in Europe nnd America, will be supplied to order, if accompanied by the cash, Remember the Address, P. A. WUNDERMA N N Foreign and American Musio Warehouse, 824 Broadway, New York, A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervcus Debility. In competency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error actuatee by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it, (free of charge ) the recipe and directions for making the used m bis case. Those wishing to profit by his, and possess a \ aluable Remedv, will reieive the came by return mail, (carefully sealed,) by addressing ' JOHN B. OGDRN ° No- 60 Nassau street, New York -c 3040-mo., TIIE 11-TEST jKMWg FHOI EUROPE Is fully confirmatory of former reports that THE DUTCH HAVE POSSESSION OF HOL LAND. It is also authoritatively announced that o. s. Mills has exclusive possession of the STOVE AND TIN-SHOP AT— TUNKHANNOCK, where every thing in the line of his trade can he had at the LOWEST-LIVING PEOFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at his Shop, the lat est and most improved Patterns of COOKLIIVG, AND P&H&GH STG¥3ES, with all the FURNITURE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Guttering in all its branches, attended to on short notice and on REASONAKLE TERMS. REPAIRING, PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE O.S. MILLS funkbannoik. Nov 4, 1863.—v3-nl3. Manufacture of Woolen Goods ! CHARTER 1. The Manufacture of Woolen Goods, both in the household and in the factories, has become of great importance on accountof t its forming at present our principal articles of clothing. The nature of our cli mate make it neccessary, and the scarcity of Cotton has greatly increased the value of wool and Fabricks made trom it • aud being engaged in the business of making Clorh and Flannel, and also -oil Carding, and Cloth Dressing, we have thought a few remarks with regard to handling Wool, and the proper pro cess of Manufacture, might he of service to the coun try, and a benefit to ourselves The first process with the farmer who intends to make his wool into rolls for spinning an I weaving at home, after washing and shearing, is assorting the ualities. This we do not expect a farmer to do as erfectly as a regular manufacturer, but by trying he will approximate towards it, and he amply paid for the little pains required, by having an even thread nnd smoother fabric. The fleece should be whole find be spread out on a table—the coarsest wool will be fourd on the skirts of the fleece, and can easily be distinguished by looking closely to the fibre Two qualities from eadh fleece will perhaps be close enough for ordinary purposes, hut as the sheep in our country differ much in their grades of wool—the coarse pait of one may do to go with the finer part of another, and thus make three or four qualities out of the lot. If it is going to the manu factory or to market, the fleece should not be torn, but after removing the tag-locks, should be rolled up compactly, skin out side. Not less than one pound oflard, fresh butter or oil should be sent with every ten poundsof wool going to the carding machine. The next thing of importance is of cour.e to be well carded, for which wc will be entirely responsi ble . but in the matter of spinning aud weaving, we have another caution to add, Unless the yarn is evenly twisted, and beat up evenly in the loom, the elo'.h shrinks unevenly ! n fulling—making some pla ces wide and others narrow, and if the finisher suc ceeds in pressing out the wrincles, the cloth will re sume its contortion again when made into a gar nent, and the mechanic is sometimes wrongfully blamed for a coat,s becoming lantern jawed on e man's back. It is easily avoided by giving tha wheel in equal number of turns to a givcu length of thread drawn out. We find thisdifficulty increasing of late years, and have come to the conclusion that if some of the spinners do not keep better time on their pianos than on their spinning wheels, we should hate dreudlully to listen to their music. As ever}- moment of labor should he employed to the best advantage, and every ounce of material be appropriated to the best purpose, on account of our war, we propose to write some other ch ipters on our branch of business after this is read sufficiently to be remembered, and shall endeavor to do our work nice enough for a skirt or a doctor's coat, and make trowsers stout enough to last a farmer through a year's campaign, at least. INGHAM A WRENCH. HOME FACTORY, CAMPTQWN, BRADFORD CO May 2,'64 ~lWHa&ai# E ~ —AGAINST— FIRE ! FIRE ! ! FIRE 1! ! Taken at this office, on all kinds of Town and Country property, at the MOST REASONABLE TERMS, and for any time from THREE MONTHS TO FIVE YEARS—either WITH or WITHOUT PREMIUM NOTES Is the company reliable 7 Will it promptly pay its honest losses 7 are the important inquiries with all insurers. We answer : THE LYCOMING CO. INSURANCE COMPANY HAS BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION FOR TWENTY-THREE YEARS.—IT HAS A WELL SECURED CAPIATL OF OVER #2,400,00 IT PAYS FROM 360. TO 5125,000 LOSSES ANNUALLY ALL LOSSES ARE PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. BACH INSURER IS FURNISHED WITH AN AUTHENTICATED ANNU NI'AL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND OPERATIONS OF TIIE COMPA NY TIIE COMPANY IS CONDUCTED ON JUST AND EQUITABLE PRINCIPLES. THE CHARTER IS PERPETUAL. References Hon. Win. M. Piatt, Hon. A. K Peckham, Henry Stark and Samuel Stark Esqs. ol ihis County ; Sayer A Bros, of Susquehanna, and ucorge M. Ilollenback and others of Luzerne County who insure in and have been paid losses by this' Company. • ' HARVEY SICKLER, Agt. mm o? MTimip The Partnership between O. L. IIALLSTEAD A SON, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, The notes and accounts will be left in the hands of O. L. Hallstead to settle, and can be found at the store formerly occupied by 0. L. Hallstead A Son, with some one to attend to the same. O. L. HALLSTEAD, 11. P. HALLSTEAD. Nicholson. July 27th 1864. The business will he continued by Henry P. Hallstead and Louis Ilammel, under the name and firm of HALLSTEAD 4 HAMMEL, who will be pleased to retain the patronnge of all who have patronized the old firm, and will be pleas ed to see any who may favor us with a call. We are prepared to furnish EXTRA INDUCE MENTC TO TIICSE HAVING PRODUCE TO DISPOSE OF. will pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for the same. HALLSTEAD & HAMMEL. 27th, 1864 iehelsan N July, The Latest Style —OF— SPRIXG & SUMMER Bonnets, and MILLINERY GOODS, have just been received at the establishment of LOUISA HEPBURN. on Tioga Street, opposite the Post-office, where wi be found Ladies. Chilren, Misses, and Boy's FLATS lIATS, and CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, RIBBONS FLOWERS, and TRIMMINGS, and everything in the line of Millinery, which will be sold at the lowest Cash Frices. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Ladies please call and examine for themselves. Tunkhannock,Oct 3 1862.—v2n1l lywil IST E3 'W C HA I IF*. •g _ .. g 6 S MANUFACTORY! The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture Cabinet and Chair Manufactory in Tunkhannock, next door to C. M. Koon's grocery store — where are kept on hand and manufactured to order: TABLES of all sizes, patterns, and styles. CHAIRS Cane-seat, Flag-bottom, and common. BUREAUS of all styles, sizes, and orices. BEDSTEADS, Cottage ;uid common. CENTRE TABI.LS, WORK STANDS. BOOK CASES, and indeed every thing which can be found in the largest furniture establishments in the country, which he will sell at prices as low as they can be bought in any town outside of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete, both in workmanship and prices with any establishment in the country, he so licits the public patronage. REPAIRING of all kinds done in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.—Old cane-seat chairs, new-seated and re paired. I NDERTAKING. —Having a Hearse of hisod-f and having had much experience, he will atten,n this department of the business on short not icewri in a satisfactory manner. ABRAHAM IIAAS. July 16, 1862. yln-9!ya CROCKERY!!! A Large Stock just Opened AT T. L. ROSS CP'S., WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW SHADES. OF ALL STYLES. CLOTH SHADES WITH BORDERS. OI.OTH SHADES WITH BORDERS. FIX TURES AND ROLLERS, COMPLETE FIXTURES AND ROLLERS COMPLETE EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS' EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS, AliSO A Large Stock of White Goods: SWISS MILS DOTTED SWISS MUSLIN. BRILLIANTS, JACONETS, LACES, BALMORAL SKIRTS, SPRING SKIRTS. GLOVES, REAL ALEXANDRE'S KID. And a Large Stock of YARKEEWnONS, Tron, Nails, White-Lead, Zinc, Linseed Oil, Glass, Putty, Door-Locks* and a general assortment of BID DERS HARDWBARE, Pish, of a!! kinds. Cash. for all kinds ot Grain. Tunkhannock, March, 9th 18G4. WHEELER & WILSON 7^ HIGHEST PREMIUM Sewing-Machines. The Cheapest and Best, OVER 150,000 OF THESE WELL-ESTABLISHED SEWING-MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. 49-SXXO FOB CIRCULAR, LADIES' ALMANAC, AC. AGENTS WANTED. p Address WHEELER & WILSON Sewiny-Hachine Co. DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED ?_DR. U ! CHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFFIC PILLS cuer m less thvn 30 days, the worst cases of NERVOLS NES, Impotence, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness. Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause pro duced- Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-paid by mail, on receipt of an order. One Box will per lect the cure in most eases Address JAMES S. BUTLER, General Agent, 127 Broadway. New Yerk- 3m. • li • S. 7 30 Load. The Secretary ofhe Treasu.y gives notice that* subcriptions will be received for Coup in Troaxard j notes payable three years from Aug. 15th 1864 with smi-anual interest at the rate of seven an three three-tenths per cent per annum prinai andintrest both to be paid in lawful money. Thee notes will be convertible at the optiiou at the bolder at maturity, into six per cent, geld bear ing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty years Irom their date, as the Government may elect. I hey will he issued in denomination of #:>o, SIOO. SSOO, SI,OOO aaq 5,000, and all sub scriptions must be for fifty dollars or some maltiet of fifty dollars. The notes will b e transmitted to the owneiu free of transportation charges as soon after the reeelptef the originul Cir.ificates of Deposit as they eat bu prepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15 per sons making deposits subsequent to that date' must pay the interest accrued fiom date of note tedate ef deposit. • Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollar and upwards for these notes at any one time will h allowed a commission of one-quarter of one per eon which will be paid by the Treasury Department upt on the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions for commissions mast be made from the deposits. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN IT IS A N ATIC.SAL SAVINGS BANK, offering a higher rate of interest than any other, and thebestsecuring ADJ savings bank which pays its depositors in U? d. Notes, consider that it is paying in the best circala ing medium of the country, and it cannot pay is anything better, for its own assets are either in gov ernment securities or in netes or bonds payable ia government paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or pelma nent investment. The notes can always be sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated inte rest, and are the best security with banks as collate rals for discounts. CONVERTIBLE INTO ASIX PER CENT, 5-20 GOLD BOX. In addition to the very liberal interest oa tbu notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for the current rate for 6-20 Bonds is not less than nine percent, premium , and before the war the premium on six percent, U• S. stocks was over twenty pet cent, It will he seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten. percent, per annum. ITS EXEMPT!"* FROM STATE on MUNICIPAL TAXATION. But aside from all the advantages we have enu merated,a special Act of Congrcs s exempts all bonds and Treasury notes from local taxation. On the average, th s exemption is worih about two percent, per annum, occordirg to the rate of taxation in va rious parts of the country. It is believed that nosccurities offer so great in ducements to lenders as those issued by the govern merit In nil other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or seperate communities, only, pledged for payment, while the whole property.of the countr? is held to secure (he discharge of all the obligations of tho United States. While the govemnrent offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it I eiieve dthat the very strong est appeal will bo to the loyalty and patriotism ef the people. Duplicate certificates will be issued for all do posi's. The party depositing must endorse upon the original certificate the denomination of notes required, and whether they are to be issued in blanx or payable to order When so endorsed it must b® left with the officer receiving the deposit, to be for warded to th • Treasury Department. SubTcaipiions will be received by :he Treasurer ®S tho I nited states, at II ashim/ton. the several As* sistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, aad bp the FIRST AND SECCND NATIONAL BANKS OF . SCRANTON, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OE TOWANDA. and by all National Banks which are repositariee ®f public money, and ALL RE3PECTBALE BANKS AND FANKEKS throughout the country will give further iuio'rmatlen a^d AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS The greatest improvem-ntyet in tho Sew ing Ma chine art. A curiosity w< rih seeing. Please send forcircular with sample of sewing, iheai? lujproved 4 \lacbiu ssave o.yk HIMIBEII pan CE.VT. of thread and silk, and make the LOCKSTITCH alike ou both sides. They require no instruction to operate perfectly except " the printed directions-" No hange in sewing from one kind of goods another. And no taking apart to clean or oil. Our NEW MANVFACTORV is now complete with all ts machinery and tools entirely new, and is already rapidly turning out Machines which for BEAWTT and PERFECTION of FINISH are not surpassed by any manufacture in the world. N. B. Should any Machine prove unsatisfactory it can be returned and money refunded. Agents wanted in counties not canvassed byoaj own agents. FINKViC & IiYOV. S. M. CO. No. 533 BROAD fUAY, NEW YORK April 13 1363, v3-n35- Traveling Public! ■T.-fega '"PO accommodate pers ny wishing to go by pubo -L conveyance from this place to any section, or t urn, the undersignedcoutinues to run a Daily Liiie OF ISTASIB, : n fr>-ii F.i.-toryvtllo Depot, leaving big hotel o'clock, a. in , arriving at Factory ville in time to Trains to orcat pcnii, Srrantiw, ilnn-ljorh, and PHILADELPHIA. Returning, leaves Faetoryvilie on the arrir of New York, Philadelphia and Acco nmoda tion Ti lin from Great Bend, arriving in X inkhaa nock at 7 o'clock, p in. N. I —All Express matter, packages andgiods wil be conveyed to and from the Depot, at reasonable, ates ; the proprietor holding himself reif c nsible for he safe delivery of all such entrusted to his care. Towanda stage arrives at this hotel at 12' deefc m. Returning, leaves at 3 o'clock, p in. Stagos for I'itteton, Wyoming, and Wilkeibarre eave on tho arrival of the Towanda stage, ai d r* urning connect wth the same. Montrose stago leaves on Tuesdays, Thursday Saturdays, at 7 o'<*! ,ck, a. in., cojr.s.Uug ,i X'* a with stages.for Bingkamto:., be. -Hamming, srie with stages for Pittaton, Towanda, A®. Person? wishing to bo called for at their reside will bo aosoinmodated by leaving their aeefl hotel of the proprietor. lloriM and carriages ia readiaen to torwrdyesa <Mgeit at alTtiam. T *