North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, December 07, 1864, Image 3
Special Notices. _ ...... AUIMTOirs NOTICE. Tho undersigned, having been appointed, by the i Orphan'* of Wyoming County, ar. Auditor, to 'examine tho account ot T. I) Spring AC. J. Laeey Administrators ot the crtate ot Geo. G Laeey Dec'd ; : will attend to said examination, at his office in the Borough of Tunkhannock on Saturday the 7th day of January 1965, at 1 o'clock P. M ; at which time and place, all persons interested therein may appear 'and be heard, or debarred from comming in upon the fund arising from said estate. HARVEY SICtLER, Auditor. Dec. 7th 1964, r • AUbiTOK'S NOTICE, ( . The undersigned having been appointed an Audi tor hy tho Court of Coinrn u Pleas of Wyoming Coun . Iy, u distribute the distributive share (now in Court) of John It. Garduer, in tho money raised by the ekerilTe sale of the real estate of Elisha Harris dec'd ,in partition, said distribution to bo, to and among lies creditors of said John 11. Garduer, will attend t > the duties of his appointment at bis office in the bor ough of Tunkhaniiock on Saturday December 24th, 1864 at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which timo and place all persons having any claims upon said fund are hereby notilied to present the sumo, or be debared from coming in upon said fuud. o . F, C. ROSS Auditor t Cunkhannotk Nov, 23th 1864. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration on the estate of Henry W. Fassett late of Windham Township dec'd. Hav ing been gran ed to the Undeisigned. All persons , o* ring claims against Estate are requested to preseu present thbui duly authenticate I for settlement an ail persons indebted to said Estate arc requested t make immediate payment to, AlilßA GAY, Adiu'r, or CAROLINE 11 FANS KIT Admr'x AI>MIXISTR ATKIX S SOTICE, Notice is hereby given that letters of Adiuinistra ■flou on the Estate of Andraw Sicklcr Dec'd, have been grauted to the undersigned. All persons in debted to said Estate are requested toniake immedi ate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settle ment. FANNY SIOKLER. Tunkhannock Pa. Admr'x November, 16th 1864. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN if you wish to innrry, address the undersigned, who will send yon without money and without price, val uable information that will cnablo you io marry •happy and speedily, irrospective of age, wealth or lieauty. This information will cost you nothing, anl if you wish to inarry, 1 will cheerfully ussist you,— cti letters strictly confidential. The desired infor mation *entby rclurn mail, and no questions asked, sd Iross Sarah B. Lambert, Green point, Kings, Co., New Fork l v4-nl4-2mo. >IJO WAII D ASS<) C 1 1 T 10 A , PIIILAEELPHIA, I'A. DISEASES OF THE NnilVOl'S, .SEMINAL, Frjnart Ann Srxr alStstem: —new and reliable treat ment— in reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION' ' —sent by mail in sealed lettor envelopes, free of •charge. Aliress, Dr. J SivILLIN lIOUGIITON, JI >ward Association, No 2 South Ninth Street, Phil adelphia Pa. v4nlßiy Information Free! 'TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, A GENTLEMAN, cure 1 ot Nervous Debility. In competency, Pivtuaiure Decay and .Youthful Error ■actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy o furnish to all who need i , (free of charge ), tho Yeripo and directions for making the simple remedy -used in his ens". Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertisers had experience, anl possess n sure and valuable remedy, can do so by a 1 rss'ng hini at ■once at his place of business. The ltcceipo'and full information- of vital importance - will be cheerfully sent by return mail. Address JOHN B, OGDEN No- 60 Nassau street, Now York P.lS.—Nervous Sufferer* 6s both fexes will find * this information iurulusble. v4-nIB-3aio NOTICE. For the Benefit of Soldiers' Orphans. TTr an art of the Legislature .if Pennsylvania ap- J0 proved May 9, 1864. the Governor was auth >riz •wi to receive fbo fsth f fifty liiotisand dollars, <-fibr ed'by the Pennsylvania Railroad C-niipany, "for the ♦dhention and muiufenun. e of destitute orphan chil dren of deceased soldici? and-sailors." The persons emitted to the benefits of this Act are "children of either sex under the age of fifteen, resident in Pennsylvania at the time of the applica tions, and depeu lent upon cither public or jaivatc charity for support, or on the exertions rf a moth r or othr person destitute of means to afford proper i education and maintenance, of fathers who have j Veen ki led or died of wounds received or of disease •contraetei in thceervi"e f the Unite I States, wheth er in volunteer or miiiti i regiments of this State, or an the regular army of the service of the Un fed States, but who were at the time of entering tush service, actual bona fide residents of Pennsylva in*." -Such children will be hoarded, clothed and educa ted; those under the ace of six years, in any suitable j n-b.K.I that will receive them on prop** terms • and ose over six ycurs of age. in one of the State Nor mal Schools.. The application must he made "by the mother, if ti|iug, if not- by tire guardian or next friend." vhPereons representing such orphans as above de csribcd can receive information, blank forms, and at! necessary by application t-o either of the undersigned. P. M OSTERHAUT Esq, Rev. C. R LANE, Rev LUTHER PECK. Mrs. HELEN M. NEWMAN, Miss P. HOD A S CAREY Superintending ! Com ni'tee for SolJiors Orphans in Wyoming Couuty j STILL Hi THE FIELD, MRS. BARDWELL Announces to the Ladies ot Tunkhannock and vicini ty, that she hae just received a fine assortment of Fall and Winter . millinery, at her room? opposite the Post-office, where can be found in great variety, all tho LATEST STYLES, —or— BONNETS, IIAYS, CAPS, HEAD DRESS- j ES,' RIBBONS, FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS , HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, and everything in the lino of Millinery and Fancy' Goods, which she will sell at the lowest cash prices tsr REPAIRING promptly and neatly done v4nl4tf. SCOTT&II3ALI) W IN 'S LA DIES . MISSES AND C HILD REN'S OUTFITTING ?OGMS St. Nicholas Block, 503 Broadway | MRS. E~WINTLE. (formerly of "'s Bazaar,") .t nder whose Jfupcrindence the above Departmonts are conducted, is pleased to announce to her former patrons and tho Ladies of New York generally, that, m connection with the numerous ARTISTES under j r direction, she is prepared to furnish, promptly, j anb (Eljilbren's (ftutjtt infl la (Drier, or f 6m£JS®k UNZiER LINEN. ate use, y ' Ptm Stock, ready for imm4di * u ' tieul( *r attention given to Vnlnabl c FARM FOR SALE. The Subscribers wll sell at Public Vendue or Auction, on Saturday, Jan. the 7th .1865 A Valuable Farm situate in North Branch Township, Wyoming Coun ty Pa. 16 miles trom Tnnknannock, on the main road, leading from Mehoopany to Towanda, Bradford I C'onnty, and to Dushore and I.aporte in Sullivan County. Is well watered hv good spriugs, and 1 Streams passing through it. Is well adapted to grain | or grass. Contains 250 ACRES. One Hundred and Thirty, Improved with a Large frame House, frame Barn and other J Out buildings. Has an excellent orchard of Apples, I'eaeh and Plum trees The unimproved land i* : heavily timoerod with Pine, Maple, Ash, aud Hotu | lock. The Farm, late the Estate of the HON. PERCIFER LEMON Deed. j is one of the most desirable in Northern Pennsylva* ; nia. Sale to bo made at the premises, Terms Easy. and made known on day of sala. 11. C VINCENT ) Ksr's of JOHN PFOI'TS ) P. Leuion, Dec'd PROSPECTUS FOR 1865. : THESATURDAYEVENINGPOST, '• Flic Oldest & Bestol the Weeklies." The publishers of THE POST would call the at tention ol their host of old friend* and the public to ; their Prospectus for the coming yoar* THE POST j still continues to maintain its proud position as A FIRST CLASS LITERARY PAPER, and arrays weekly its solid and numerous columns ; f Choice Literature, including STORIES, SKETCHES, POETRY, ES 8 AYS, ANFCDOTES, and everything of an interest ing character designed TO INST RUCT AND AMUSE. A FAMILY OF CHILDREN who read a good | literary paper weekly, can scarcely fail to become j more eult'veted and intelligent under it* influence— l their stock of general information, especially, will be greatly enlarged. That Til E POST ha* e'xerted this beneficial influence j n thousands of cases, THOUSANDS OF ITS OI.D PATBONS WILL TESTIFY. | Therefore | SUBSCRIBE TO THE POST. an l sec if you do not note a gradual improvement in the minds and manners of your family. Its va ried lessons on all subjects, cannot fail of being productive of more or less good. • A SEII'ING MACHINE PREMIUM. In order to enuble ladies to procure a first qual : ity Sewing Machine at very litile outlay, we make the following liberal offers ; We will give one ol WHEELER A WILSON'S ( ulkbhati.d Skwixc M veil I n F.s —the regular price of which is FIFTY-FIVE DOLLARS—on the fol lowing terms; 1 Twenty copies, one year, nnl tho Sowing Machine 170,00 1 ji.-ty copies, one year, an 1 tho Sewing Machine, * 8500 d. forty eopios, one year, and the Sewing Machine, 100,00 In tm first of the abovo Clubs, a lady can got tweuty subscribers at the regular pirico of 52.50 a copy, and t'.-.en by sending pa these subscriptions, •uni Twenty Dollars in addition, wsll get a Machine cannot anywhere, at less limn Fifty fiie Jt illars. Ii she gets thirty .-übserihers and Sev ! cnty-iive d •liars, she will only have to add Ten dol | Jars to .-ho amount While if she gets!forty subsecri hers at the regular price, she wiii get ler " Machine for nothing. ' i ; ho ,P : L-. r te sent to di:T rent pst-offices if ac -ire j. ine names and money should be forward ed as rapidly as obtained, in order that the subscri bers may b -gin t" receive their papers at once, and not hccorr.o dissatisfied with th : delay. When th# w hulo aim unt ot money is p eircd, tee Sewing Ms chine wiil he duly for warned. 'I he Club* may be partly imposed of subscribers to THE LADY'S FRiEND, it desired. i fi** In ill eases the Mj -bine sent will he the ; regjjtar WHEELER A WILSON'S No Machine, • d i by tiicni in Now Y'-.ik 1 r tifty-fire Dollars. The AI ichiiie wiii he sclc t* 1 n- w at th# manufactory in j New York, b >xed, and forwarded free of cost, with \ the exccptiiin of freight, } CASH IN ADVANCE- I One ropy, one year #2 50 j Two Copies, •• 4JOO Four copies, ' B,UO j Eight copies, " an 1 one to gettirupofclnb,lß 00 ! | Twenty ' " mid one t jitter upof club, 35,00 One copy of THE POST Dd ono of THE LADY'S FRIEND, 4,00 CfT The matter in THE POST will always It different fr m thai in TIIE LADY'S FRIEND tWA* the price of THE POST is the same as | that of THE LADY'S FRIEND, the Club* may ba composed ebclusively of the pa par. or partly of the ' paper and partly of the magazine, Of eonre the I premium for getting up a Club may be either one or j the other, as desired- Any person having font u club 1 111 iy add other names at any time during the year j Ibe papers for a Club may be sent to different post- I offices Subscribers in British North America must remit tweuty cent* in addition to the annual subscription, as we have to prepay the U. S. postage on their pa i P®"- j Remittances should be made in United States notes i For all amounts over Fire Dollars we prefer drafts I on any of tbe Ea tern cities, payable to our order* I Speciment numbers of THE POST seat 1 gratis. Address. DEACON A PETERSON No. 319 Walnut St. I'hilada A CARD TO Tit I! SUFFERING. SY\ ALLOW two or three hogsheads of" Buehu' ' Tonie Bitters," " Sarsapirilla," '< Nervous j Ant'dotcs.' Ac., Ac., Ac, nnl after j-ou are satified i with the result, th n trv one box of OLD DOCTOR ; Bl ( HAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS-and , be restored to health end vigor in less than thirty ! days. They are purely Vegetable, pleasant to take prompt a 11! salutary in their effects on the broken down and shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Imported and sold in the Fnitod Statesonly by JA.S- S. BUTLER No. 427 Broadway, New York. £'£•'* Agent forthe Lnitod .States. P. 8.- A Box of the Pills, securely packed, will e mailed to any a Idress on receipt of price, which b ONE DOLLAR, post paid—money refunded by ithe Agent if entire satisfa -.tion is not given v 4 13w. : BUCKEYE MOWER if 11 I Farmers should secure one of these excellent Ma ' chines at once as the supply is limited, and we are confident thai the demands for the above Machines will be great the coming season as the BUCKEYE, is the best Machine now in use, and is the best adapt ed to rough, hilly, and uneven ground, is the mo s dn bio and is managed with the greatest easeo 1 other machines now in nse. ; For further particulars address JOHNU. STONE Agent, Lost. On Friday last, smj whore between Skinners Ed dy and Tunkhannock, a iiuxter cased watch — Cylinder escapement —half capped. Fpon the face are tho words "Marino Time Observer"' $5,00 Reward will be paid any person finding said watch and leav ing it at Sterling's Store, Wall'* llotal, or with tho age driver on the route. , WM. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Of fice in Stark's Brick Block, Tioga St., Tunk hanaock, Pa I |LEFO IBTFRIMIIM T. IITMNITTIVINRS Column. ,1? . ; , j ; HAL INSTEAD 4HAMMELL,; T IIALin !M MKBOUXDI6H. ! ' NICHOLSON, WYOMING CO. PA. | J . 4 • * * • FOR A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ; of Goods, Go to : Hal lit end dtHamm ell's! For Sugar, Teas and Molasses, : GO TO : HALLSTEAD k HAMMELL'B- | • FOR FLOUR, FISU AXI> HAMS, ' GO TO : ; HALLSTEAD b IIAMMELLS j JW Spices Starch, and Saleratu* • ao to ; •' LALL3TEAD & HAMMELL'S J • For Wooden Stono and China Ware, • GO TO : • llallstrad a Hammell's • FOR GLABB, NAILS HARDWARE, AND • CUTLERY. i j Go'to ; I thills tead and UummelCt '. • For_Cloth. Cassimcres.and Vesting® ; ; GO TO • HALLSTEAD AHAMMELLS j I • For Muslim Calico' * Dress Goods • Go to * HALLSTEAD AII IMMKLL'S ! • For Soap, Caadle s, and Crackers. ; oo to ; i HALLSTEAD k IIAMMBLL'S. I • For Oils , Pain's and, '. CO TO ; ■ HALLSTEAD $ HAMMELL'Sj ; For Floor, Salt, and t ruits, > 00 TO ; : nALLSTEAD> HAMMELL'S ; ;TO CRT THE niCHEST FRICE® foR RAIN • ; a*d 4 froduce ; ; go to : HALLSTEAD &r HAMM LL'S ! . ••• , 1 ! To Git Entire Satisfaction, • o TO ; HALLSTEAD A HAMMELL'S " • To get an Equivalent for your money, • • go TO ; : HALLSTEAD A HAMMELL'S i : HALLSTEAD A HAMMELL'S MOTTO. I ! Large Sales and Small Profits. The • Best Goods for Ihc Least Money. Sterling & Luomis tho best and largeat asaortment of MERCHANDISE Lcrb6 louud iu the couoiry, and most of it was * \ 1 purchased previous t the LATC AIT VAN.CMti IN PKICES, Which tnaiilee them to Sell Goods Much Be low present Rates. Wo have constantly on hand, >Siilt by the barrel, Fine Salt by the sack, and half barrel, Turks Island Salt for packing meat Flour, Sole Leather, Iron, Nuils, Nail Rods, Tow Cork, and Cast Steal Carriage Bolts, Plaster, Dry Qoo ds GROCERIES, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps ; Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Hardware, Wood en ware, Stoveware, Paints, Oils, Crookery, Liquors, Stationery, Wall Paper and Bordering, Grindstones, Wheelbarrows, Pegs &■ Lasts, Buffalo Ll obes, Pocket and . Table Cutlery, Plated Spoons Rosin, Tar &c. We give below a few of our present pridoc' subject to all changes of the market, viz.: SUFC §4 per barrel. Flour 912 per barrel. Prints 25C to 40C per yard. Rest Brown Sugars 20 to 22c. White Sugars 25 ets. per lb And everything not enumerated, in same proportion. AH we ask is for people to cal! and see fir themselves, as we feel confident that wc Can meet their most sanguine expectations. STIRLING & LOOM IS. erlingville. Pi.. Oct. ">, 1801 —v4nJo JUT MOTIVED, —TROM— PHILADELPHIA —AND — HNi ewYorli, A FULL ASSORTMENT O F 95 I FT R - CRY JA>- y. DRESS HOODS, SHAWLS, SASSIMEBS, i Clotlaing:, SHOES, HATS, JANOI IOOBS, NOTIONS, &c. <fcc , ndipted tn (his Season' , which will be sold af the VERY" LOWEST MA KET ; PRICE for Cash or Country Produce, at the Store of John Weil. Tu unklmri ck Manh 10, 1 64. I - ;. Ik H, T, ANTHONY & (().. Manufacturers of Photographic Ma-J terials, WHOLESALE AND RELAIL, 501 BROAD WAY, N. Y. In rdditionto our main of PHOTO-j GRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Headquarters for the foil iwing, viz : SNUFFLBUI STIISCBPIC! VIEWS. Of th"se we have "n immense assortme nt, including j War Seeres, American and Foreign C tics and j Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, Ac. Ac, Also, ro- i volving Sterestojies, for public or private exhibi- j tlon. Our catalogue will be sent to any address on | receixitof Stamp Photographic Albums. We were the first to introduce these the Unit- 1 ed States, and we mam facturo imrneusc quantities 1 in great va-iety. rmsring in price tr in si) ents to #SO. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being , superior iu beauty and durability to any others ! They will be sent by mail, free, on raceipt of price, j E ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER CARD PHOTOGRAPH f - . Our Catalogucv.binY l'mcasj rhik FIVE THOF- | SAND different s Kao'kuboe additions are' continually being made) of l'ortrai ts of Emiucut j Americans, Ac., vis : about 100 Major-Generals, j 550 Statesmen, 200 Brig.-Generals, j IH9 Divines, 275 Colonics, ! 125 Authors, 100 Lieut.-Colonel*, j 40 Artists, 250 Other Officers j 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers. I 50 Prom'nt Women, 156 Prominent Foreign Portraits, 1 00 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, including reproductions of the most celebrated En graving*. Paintings, Statues Ac. Catalogue sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen PIC TURES from our Catalogue will be filled on the re ceipt of #I,BO and sent by mail, Free. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. I D. will remit twenty-five percent of the aiuowi their order. E At I|. T ANTHONY & CO Manufacturers of Phott graphic Materials, ' EOl BROADWAY, NEW YORlt. The prices and Quality of our Goods cannot fail l<fi satisfy^ 9 1563' * 12mo HE K BAKER'S ■ CELEBRATED ELASTIC STITCII SEWING-MACHINE t -X Were awarded (ho highest J titans over all Competitors, at the fallowing Stale and County Fairs of 18G3. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. INDIANA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purposes. First Premium for Machine Work. VERMONT STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. P'irst Premium for Machine Work. OHIO STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine Work. IOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine- Fiast Premium for Munufaetu ing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purposes. First Premium for Machine Work KENTUCKY STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purposes - First Premium f'oi Machine Work. MICHIGAN STATE FAIR, First Premium for Family Machine P'irst Premium for Manufacturing Machine. Eirst Premium for Machine Work. PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine P'irst Premium for Machine Work. OREGON STATE FAIR. 2'irst Premium for Family Machine. P'irst prewii'tn for Machine Work. CHITTENDEN Co. (Yt.)AgrTSoc. i First Premium lof Family Machine. P'irst Premium for Manufacturing Machine. P'irst Premium fer Machine Work - FRANKLIN Co. (N. Y. )FAIR. P'irst Premium for Family Machine. P'irst Premium for Miinuf'acturing'MacP.ine. CHAM PLAIN VALLEY (Vt ) Agr'l Soc. HAMPDFN Co. (MASS ) Agr'l Soc. Diploma for Family Machine* D.f loma for M tehine Work. WASHINGTON Co.(N. Y,)FAIR i P'irst Premium lo r Family Machine. I QUEENS Co.(N. Y. ) Agr'l Soc, Eirst Premium for Family Machine First Premium lor Manufacturing Machine. P'irst premium for Machine Work, i SARATOGA Co. (N. Y.)FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE (Pa.)FAIR First Premium for Machine for all purposes* First Premium for Machine Work GREENFIELD (O)UNION FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. P'irst Premium for Machine Work. CLINTON Co (O )FAIR. P'irst Premium-for Family Machine. P'irst Premium for Machine Work. MOXTGOMEJ Y.C i.(Pa)FAIR. First Premium for Machine for ail purposes, l'irst Premium for Maceine Work. SAN JOAQFIN Co (CaI.)FAIR. P'irst Premium for Family Maehino. First Premium tor Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT (Cal ) FAIR First Premium for P'amily Machine. P'sist Premium for Machine Work. FW The above comprises all the fairs at which the Groder A Baker Macai.ves were exhibited this yea Sales-rooms, 19.5 Broadway, Njw York, ' 10 Chestaut St. Philadelphia ~WMWINJHWTI EYE AND EAR INF IMA R I - . Ou (ho Square, Three Doors from Steele'® Hotel,) WILKIiSBARIiE, I'A TIIIS INSTITUTION is now opened and fur nished in the most costly style, Reception, Private and Oper ting Rooms arc large, convenient inif well adopted The Surgical apartment contains :he finest collection of instruments in the country, and thus his faculties will enable him to meet any ind all emergencies in practice. lie will operate ijain all the various forms of BLINDNESS. Cata ract. Oeeluon of the Pupil, Cross Ey s Closure of die Tear Ducta. Inversion of tho Eyelids Pterygium fee. Ac. And will treat all forms of Soros, Eye Lids. Opaceties of the Cornea, and Scrof ilous diseases of the Eye together with all 'he dis eases to which the Eye is subject, DEAFNESS —V ill all the diseases common ; o the organ Discharges from the Ear, Noises in j ihe Ear, Catarrh, difficulty of hearing, total Deaf- j ncss even where the Drum is destroyed. Will in lert an artificial one answering nearly all tho pur poses of the natural. DISEASES OF THE THROAT.-All discs-tea •otmnon to the Throat and Nose will be treated GENERAL SFRGERY.—He will operate upon Clubfeet. Hair Lip, Cleft Filiate, Tumors, Cancers, Enlarged Tencils, Ac. Plastic operations by heal ing new flesh into deformed parts end general Sur- ! I cry of whatever charac or it may present. HERNIA (or R't PEL'RE) —lie will perfrom ' La- ! bias operation for the radical (complete) cure of > Hernia, this is unquestionably a perfect cure, and j is done with little or no pain. Out of many hun- i dreil operated upon in Boston there has bon no ' failures, it haviug met the perfect approbation of | all who have submitted to it. ARTIFICIAL EYES—WiII insert artificial Ryes giving them the motion and expresion of the natur al They are inserted with the least pain, lIEDORRHOLDL, (Pics) -This troublesome dis ease is readily cured, Those suffering from it will do well to call. Dr I j> Do Gr iff visits Wilkos-B.irro with a view of building up a p riuanent Institute for tho treat ment of the Eye, Ear and General Surgery. The experience of more than a quarier of a century in Hospital and general practice, ho hopes, will be a j ufficient guarantee to those who may be disposed t employ hiin. _ Mai 9, 1864. fiTTllt HAlim 3F*TT ODTT C 33 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 339 GREENWICH STREET, New loik, G. 9. llatding, } L. Hauimcl, \ L. Harding. 3 \armor? having butter and other produce to sell will recoiro from this firm the highest marke pric ■ end prompt returns. Mr. L. Harding, one of the menibors, who residee Nicholson Depot, will receive and attend tf shipment of all articles, and if desired will mako advancements of uno half market yal io at timo of deliver/ to hiui. TOCOHSBMPTIVES, Consuuintive * usurers will ico-i' e a valuable pre sc.ipiioii Gij cure of Consumption, Asthma. Brcn clJtis, and ul" I'lnnt an! Lung affections, (;"re of ! eber<<i.)bT s nding th"ir a'Mnss Re*. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg. Co, . ~ New Ycr vvnl4. amo. jGodey's Lady's Bodk THE Fashion Magazine of the World. LITERATURE, FINE ARTS, AND FASHIONS. ■ The most in;.gnificeut Steel engravings. DOI'BLB | FASHION-PLATES. Wood engravings on every i subject that can interest ladies. Crochet knitting, | Netting. Embroidery, Articles for the Toirht, for the Parlor, Boudoir' and the Kitchen. Everything! in fact, to make n COMPLETE LADV'H BOOK. TIIE I ADIKS' FAVORITE FOR 35 YEARS* No Magaziuc has been able to complete with it None attempt it, GODEY'S RECEIPTS for every department of a household, These alone are worth the price ol'the Book, Model Cottages (no other Magazine gives them), with diagrams. DRAWINO LESSONS FOR TUB TC*U*Q.— Another specialty with Godey. ORIGINAL MUSIC, worth S3 a year, Other Magazines publish old worn-out Music ; but the vub scribers to Godey get it before tho music stores. Gardening for Ladies, Another peculiarity with Godey. Fashions from Messrs, A T. Stewart A Co., of New York, the Millionaire merchants, appear in Godey, the only Magaziuc that has them. Also, Fashions from the celebrated Brodi#,of New York. Ladies' Bonnet". We give more of them id a y#a* than any other Magazine. 111 fact, the Lady,a Book enables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. MARION IIAULANE** Authoress of "Alone," 1 'Hidden Path," "Mot* Side," "Nemesis," and "Miriam," writes for Godey each month, and for no othef Mag azine. We have also retained all our old nd fa vorite contributors TErLMS Ol* Godey s. Lady's Book for 1865. (From which Ihere can be no Deviation ) The following are the terms of the Lady,! Book for 1865. At present, we will receive subscribers at the following rates. Due notree will bo giren if we are obliged to advance, which will depend upon thn price of paper. k. One copy, one year, $3,00 Two copies •' " 6,50 Three '• " " 7,50 Four. •' " •' 10,05f Five copies, one year, and an extra Copy to the person sending the club, making six cop'es id 00 Eight copies one year, and an ex'ra copy to the person sending the club, making nine copies 21 00 Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy tc tho person send'ng the club, making twelve copies 27 00 j Additions to any of the above clubs, $2 50 each' j subscriber. j Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Ihme Maga zine will be sent, each one year, on receipt of $4 50. We have no club with any other Magazine of Newspaper. The money must all be sent at one tim'e for any Club Cuna la sub'Tibers must send 24 cents additional for each subscriber. Address I". A GODEY. N, E, Corner Sixth and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA FutnamClotlies wringer SELF -AD J U bTI x* G WRINGER/ No WOOD-WORK TO SWELL OR SPLIT. MN Till SCREWS TO GET OUT OF ORDER N WAUKAXTEJV WITH OH WITHOUT COG-WHBRLS. Ii to k the FIRST PREMIUM} at Fifty-Seven State and C >untv Fairsin 1563, and is icithout an exception the best Wringer ever made. Patented in tho. United States, England, Canada, and Australia. Agents wanted in every town, and in all parts of the world. Energetic agents can mak from 3to 10 Dollar# per day. , Sample Wringer sent Express-paid on receipt of price. No .2, §6 50. No 1, $7,50. No F. SS.SO. No A 80,50. Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO- No. 13 l'latf Street, New York, Cleveland, Ohio, and Bennington, Yt. S. C NORTHROP, Agent. WHAT EVERYBODY KNOWS, viz.— That Iron well galvanized will not rust; That a simple machine is better than a eomplieat ej one. That a Wringer should be self-ad testing, dkrable, and efficient. That Thumb Screws aad Fastenings cause delay and trouble to regulate and keep in order ; Thnt wood soaked in hot water will xuelt, shrink and sv!*i; The wood bcariugs for the shaft to run in will wear out; That thePulrnan Wringer, with or without cog wheels, will not tear the clothes; That cog- wheol regulators arc not essential ; That the Putnam Wringer lias all the advantage*, 1 and not one of tho disadvantages above named ; That all who have tested it, pronounce it the best Wringer ever made; That it will wring a Thread or a Bed-QuUt wnn OUT ALTWRATiOS. We might till the papar with testimonials, bat insert only a few to convince the skeptical, if snch there be ; and wc oay to all, test Putnam's Wringer Test it THOROUGHLY' with ANY und ALL others, any if not entirely satisfactory, return it. Putnam. Manufacturiug Co : GENTLEMEN; I know from practical experience that iron well galcanizc with zinc irill not oxidize or rustdricparticle. The Putnam Wringer is a* near perfect as possible, and I can cheerjully rec omemt it to be best in use. Respectfully yours. JNO. W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Ohio. Many yoars' experience in the galvanizing busi ness enable mc to indoise the above statement in all particulars. New York, Jan, 1864. JNO. C. LEFFERTH 100 Beekmnn St. We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer by practical working, and know that it will do. It Is cheap ; it is simple ; it requires no room, whether' at work or at rosr; a child can operate it ; it does its duty thoreughly; it sames lime ami it saves weaf and tear. We earnestly advise all who have much washing to do, with all intelligent persons who have any, to buy thus Wringer. It will pay for itself in a year at most. Hex, LCI/.(I of. KELLY*. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consum ption, and for the relief of Consump tive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wido i sthc field of its usefulness and so num erous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in person* publicly known who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lung 3by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other expecto rant is too apparent to escape observation, anj where i[!> virtues are known, tho public uo longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous aflections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our ciin; While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed un '' discarded, this has gained friends by every trial conferred benefits on tho afflicted they can never torgct, and produce cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. Those who require an alterative medicine to puri fy the blood will find AYER'S CGMP EXT.SARSA- I'ARILLA the remedy to use- Try it once, end you will know its value Prepared by J. C. AYF.R A CO., Lowell Mesa; and sold by Sain I. Stark Tunkhunnock, und all deal ers in mcdicipo everywhere, DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED 4—DR. BIT CHAN'S ENGLISH SPECItTfC PILLS cuef in less thynSO days, the worst ensi" bf NERVOI Su NEBS, Impotence, Preicaiar* Decav, Semlha* \Veakn n ss. Insanity, and ttt VrWAky, Wti'aal Nervous Atfec/„ S ; i no uialter f;obi - ami iibc.H r-rloe, One Dollar per ly&. ~ -..use pt >- oy mail, on feV.'cipt of nr pJur r°t-paid ihz care ki most case* * A , * * }ox pur ii v _ "vet .rose BUTLER, , ( ' encr - 1 Agent 427 Broadway. Vn T-rk* '*cl Jm, •