North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, November 30, 1864, Image 3
WP HNS GikS?l8 EYE AND EAR IMA MARY. Oa the Square, Three Doors from Steele's Hotel,) WJLK 1 SHAKRE, PA. TIITS INSTITUTION is now opened and fur nished in the most costly style. Reception, private and o|>er ting Rooms arc large, convenient nd well adopted The Surgical apartment contains the fittest collection ot instruments in the country, and thus his faculties will enable him i meet any and all emergencies in practice. lie will operate ipon all the various forms ot BLINDNESS. Cata ract, Oceluon of the Pupil, Cross Eye Closure of the Tear Ducta, Inversion of the Eyelids Pterygium fcc. Ac. And will treat all forms of Soros, Eye iranul°d Lids. Opacities of the Cornea, and Scrof alous diseases of the Eye together with all the dis ;ascs to which the Eye is subject. DEAFNESS—WiII treat all the diseases common io the organ Discharges from the Ear, Noises in !he Ear, Catarrh, difficulty of hearing, total Deaf ness even where the Drum is destroyed. Will in sert an artificial one answering nearly all the pur poses of the natural. DISEASES OF TfTE THROAT.-All diseases •oinmon to the Throat and Nose will be treated. GENERAL §/L'RGERY. He Will operate upon Club feet, Hair Lip, Cleft Pallate, Tumors, Cancers, Enlarged Teneils, Ac. Plastic operations by heal ing new flesh into deformed parts and general Sur gery of whatever charae er it may present. HERNIA (or RUPEURE) —He will pcrfrcm "La- Lias operation for the radical (complete) cure of Hernia, this is unquestionably a perfect cure, and is done with little or no pain. Out of suany hun dred ojKtrated upon in Boston there has b.en no failures, it having met tho perfect approbation of all who have submitted to it. ARTIFICIAL EYES—WiII insert artificial Eyes giving them the motion and exprcsiou of the natur al They are inserted with the least pain, HEDOKRHOLDL, (Pies) -This troublesome dis ease is readily cured, Those suffering from it will do well to call. Dr l"p De Graff visits Wilkos-B trro with a view of building up a p moment Institute for the treat ment of the Eye, Ear and General Surgery. The experience o; more than a quarter of a century in Hospital and gener.rl practice, he hopes, will he a ufficient guarantee to those who may bo disposed t Kin ploy him, Mai 9, lSbl. SJB&gCX S4HB4MB&. Miss Yose will commence a Select School in Tunk liitnnocltnn Tuesday, tho 29th of November and continue twelve weeks. TUITION. Common Ehfili.-h Branches $-1(0 Higher " " 5,00. Drawing 2,00 French and German, each, 2,00 Oct 3G)h, 130.4, Godey's Lady's Book THE Fasliion Magazine of the World. LITERATURE, FINE ARTS, AND FASHIONS. The must magnificent. Steel engravings. DOUBLE FASII I ON-PLATES. Wood engravings on every subject that can interest ladies. Crochet knitting, Netting. Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet, for the Parlor, Bond dr' and the Ki/hen. Everything, in tact, to make a coMff.KTf LADV'S BOOK. THE LADIES'FAVORIT E EOii 35 YEARS. No Migaxiue has been able to eompiote with it None attempt it, ' conn VS RECEIPTS {■■T every department of a lim-ehdJ, These alone a'c worth the price ofthe Book, Model Cottages (no other M >gazinc gives theiu) with diagrams. DRAWING LESSONS FOR THE YOUNG Another specialty with Gt'dey ORIGINAL .MUSIC, worth 4 5 a year, Other Magazines puh.i.-h ol I worn-out Music ; but the sub scribers to Godcy g. tit before tlie music stores G irlening for Ladies, Another peculiarity with Godcy. Fashions from Messrs, A T. Stewart A Co., of New York, the Millionaire merchants, appear in Godcy, tho only M igaziue that I. is them. Also, Fashions from the celebrated IJrodie,of New York. Ladies' RonnoK Wo give m ire of litem in a year than any other M igaziue. In fact, tho I.a ly.s Book euatiles every lady to bo her own bonnet maker. MARION HARLAND, Authoress of ■ 'Hidden Path,'' "21 loss Side," ■•Aieniesi?," ami "Miriam," writes for Co ley each month, and for no other Mag mine. We have also retained all our old nd ta vui'itc contributors ? 4 Godey's. Lady's Book for IS<JS. (From which there can be no Deviation ) I The following are the term- of the I.ady.s Book fori S3. At present, we will reeive subscribers at the following rites. Du • notice will bo gi/en it we nr obliged to advance, which .ill depend upon the price of paper. One copy, one year, $.5,00 Two copies •' " 5,50 Three '• " " 7,50 Four •' " 1 10,00 Five copies, one year, an l .an extra copy to the person ..ending the club, malting six e.op'es 14 00 Eight copies one year, anil an ex'ra copy to the person sending the club, making nine copies 21 00 Eleven copies one year, an 1 an extra ropy U the pore in sendlig tho club, uialatng t wcl. c copies 27 00 Additions to any of the above clubs, 32 50 eaclt -subscriber. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's II une Maga zine v ill be sent, each one year, on receipt of $1 50. We have no club with any oilier Magazine or Newspaper. The money must all be sent at onetime for any Club Can* la subscribers must send 24 cents additional fur ca. h subscriber. Address L.AGODEY, N, lv, C-rncr Sixth and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA Lost. On F •y ast, some where between Skinners Ed I dy and Tunkbannock, A IIUNTKR CASED WATCH — Cylinder escapement —half capped. Upon the face "re the words "Marine Time Observer*" $5,00 Reward will be paid any person finding said watch and lear ing it at Sterling's Store, Wall's Hotel, or with the t enter tr. the r< tite. WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Se wing-Mac liines. The Cheapest and Best. OVER 150.000 OF THESE WELL-ESTABLISHED SEWING-MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. j ♦S'SSSA rofi CIECULAR, LADIES' ALMANAC, AC. AGENTS WANTED. ? *adr es9 WHEELER & WILSON j Se winy -Machine Co. Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ■D CI I AN' S VN OLIS ltH{ p Jri ' J® 1 ' I,R \ BU >n less thvn 30 dn- * 4 LB |TC BILLS cuer ***, impotence' P *" :st * •eakness, Insanity' &n i u ., at "V e y, Seminal j Affections, no niTJ y lnsl| y. Sexual an l daced* Price, One Dullard i 1"'"" wl,at cau s P™- I °f an order o S< ? f ' P° B cure inmost eases Addrc"* •' per JAMES 5. BUTLER, rial "j" 0111 1:7 Bwadway. N Cw r , rk . Jefo fbratismitt. ifUlTlljS IIIHiIIS Column. ; lIALI.STEAD & HAMMELL,; ' DEALERS IX MKRCHANDISB. '■ NICHOLSON, WYOMING CO. PA. J J FOR A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT • 1 of Goods, Go to iHalliteid AHammtll's: ; For Sugar, Teas and Molasses, • : GO TO : ! HALLSTEAD A HAMMELL'S* J rou FLOL'R, FISH AHD UAMU, : GO TO : j HALLSTEAD \ HAMMELL'S \ • Far Spi * Starch, and Saleratus ; go TO ; HALLSTEAD A IIAMMELL'S j • For Wooden Stone and China Ware, • GO TO • HALLSTKAD A IIAMMELL'S. • FOItGt.AS#, NAlt.B HARDWARE, AND • CCTI.BRV. > ; Go to ; Halls lead and Hummel? j • • For Clothe. Caaiimores and Yc.tings • \ CO TO '. I HALLSTEAD A IIAMMELL'S j • For Muslins Calico * \ Drcst <rods • ; Go to : i HALLSTEAD A IIAMMELL'S • • For Soap, Caadlos, and Crackers. • Co TO ! HALLSTEAD A IIAMMELL'S. | • For Oils, Faints and Brushes, • •O TO '■ HA L LSTEAD \ HA MM 7-7 LL' S j ' For Flour, Salt, and F ruita, Go to i i HALLSTEAD A HAMMELL'S • TO GET THE nun It ST PItICBS FOR GRAltt • \ AND FRODCCE T ; g° <o ; ; HALLSTEAD & HAMMELL'S ; To Get Entire Sutiafaction, ] CO TO ; HALLSTEAD A;HAMMELL'S ; • • * I • To get an Equivalent for your money, • GO TO ; I HALLSTEAD A HAMMELL'S I f "v ; HALLSTEAD k HAMMELL'S j ; MOTTO. ) ; Ltarg* Salts and Small FrofiU. The j * Be t Goedsfor the Least Monti,'. • Sterling & Loomis gEEP the best and largest assorlmenl of MERCHANDISE . to be lound in the country, and most of it was purchased previous t i the LATE AOVANC E IN PRICES, which enables them to Sell Goods Much Be low present Rates. We have constantly on hand, /S'alt by tlic barrel, Fine Salt by the sack, and half barrel, * i Turks Island Salt for packing meat; Flour, Sole Leather, Iron, Nails, Nail Rods, Tow Cork, and Cast Sleal Carriage Bolts, Plaster, Dry Goods G no CTJ R I E S, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps ; Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Hardware, Wood en ware, Stove ware, Paints, Oils, Crookery, Liquors, Stationery, Wall Paper and Bordering, G riudstones, Wheelbarrows, Pegs & Lasts, Buffalo ii'obes, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Plated /Spoons Rosin. Tar &c., We give boluw a ft-w of our present price subject to all changes of the market, viz.: Salt §4 per barrel. Flour §l2 per barrel. Prints 25c to 40c per yard. Rest Brown Sugars 20 to 22c. White Sugars 25 cts. per lb And everything not enumerated, in same proportion. All we ask is for people to call and see fir themselves, a< we feel c nfident that we can meet their most sanguine i xrectations. STERLING i LOOMIS. j erlingville, Pa., Oct. 5, 18(31—\4ul0 J UT ItECHIVED, ! —ritoii — PHILADELPHIA -ANU— 3NI oris., A FCL I. AS 3 0 KT M F. X T O F T ii U. ■ i? f?r.V 2 r *-• a. DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, SASSiMEfiS, ! Clotbing, Shoes, Hats, Jnnti) (Doote, ! w; NOTIONS, <Sc. Ac, adapted to '.hi- Season 1 which will be sold ut the S LR\ LOB L>"l M > IvLl PRICE, for Cash or Country Produce, at the Store of John Weil. Tuiitkhureik Vr.rih' Sf', IFC4. I',. H, T, ANTHONY A CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Ma terials, WHOLESALE AND RELAIL, 501 BROAD WAY, N. Y. In eel litin t > our main business of PHOTO GRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Headquarters for the foil iwing, viz : STUSifb AI II STERESCOPiC VIEWS. Of wo have an immense asso'tuic ni. including j War Scores, Auierienn and Foreign C ties and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, &c. Ae, Also, re- , volvirg Sterescopes, for public or private exhibi- ■ ♦ion. '/ur catalogue will be scut to any address on ] receipt of Stamp . 0 Photographic Albums, We were the first to introduce these into the Unit ed States, and we raani facture immense quantities in great va-tety. ranging in price tr tn 50 oents to 350. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of bt-ing j superior in beauty and durability to any others j They will be sent by mail, free, on receipt of price, J INLINE ALBUMS TO ORDER CARI) PHOTOGRAI'H P. Our CalaloguewbinYl'uicasj ihik Fi\ L TIIOL SAND different s Kae'kuboe aulitions are, continually being made) of Portraits of l.mineut , Americans, etc., viz : about 100 Major-Generals, I 550 Statesmen, 200 Brig.-Generals, | l'.fO Divines, 275 Colonies, 125 Authors, 100 Lient.-Colonels, | 40 Artists, 250 Other Officers I 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers. I 50 Prom'nt Women, 15(i Prominent Foreign Portraits, 1 00 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, including reproductions of the most celebratad En gravings. Paintings, Statues Ac. Catalogue sent on receipt"of Stamp. An order for One Dozen PIC TURES from our Catalogue will be tilled on the re ceipt of *I,BO and sent by mail, FKEE. Photographers and others orderiug goods C. 0. D. will please remit twenty-five percent of the ainowi their order. E. & H. T. AN THO Si A' & UO.\faclurcrs of Photographic Materials, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORR. The prices and Quality of our Goods cannot fail to ' satisfy, Jfor 9 IWo l wEiL CWIIA. 6ROVER & BIKER'S CELEBRATED ELASTIC STITCII SEWING-MACHINE Were awarded the highest Premiums over all Competitors, at the / llawing State and County Fairs of 18G3. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Mai ufuetunng Machine. Eirst Premium tor Machine Work. INDIANA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purposes. First Premium for M u-Uinc W writ. VERMONT ST A TE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. OHIO STATE FAIR First Premium for Machine Work. IOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Ft'.iuly Machine. Fiast Premium for Munuf.ictu ing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. First Premium lor Machine for all purposes. First Premium for Machine Work. KENTUCKY STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purposes' F'rst Premium IV.i Machine Work. MICHIGAN STATE FAIR, Fust Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. Eirst Premium for Machine Work. PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR. FirsL Premium f >r Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Ma bine Work. OREGON STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine, First Premium for M ichinc Work. CHITTENDEN Co. (Vt.) Agr'l Smr. l'iist Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for M inula luring Machine. First Premium fer M 'chine Work- FRANKLIN Co (X. Y )FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine, Fir.-i Premium for Manufacturing Machine. CIIAMPLAIN VALLEY (Vt ) Agr'l Soe. IIAMPDFN Co. (MASS )Agr'l Sac. Diploma for Family Machine# Diploma for Machine Work. WASHINGTON Co.(N. Y,)FAIR - First Premium for i'umily Machine. QUEENS Co.(N Y. )Agr'l Soc. Eirst Premium for !' mily Machine. l Premium lor Manufacturing Machine. First premium for Ma.-hine Walk. SARATOGA Co.(N. Y.)FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. MECHANIC'S' INSTITUTE (Pa )FAIR First Premium for Machine for all purposes. First Premium for Machine Work, GREENFIELD (O)UNION FAIR. First Premium for Family M bine. First Premium for Machine Work. CLINTON Co (O)l'AIR. F'rst Premium iLr Family M i.-hine. First Premium for M i- bine Work. MONTGOMHJY C..(Pu )FA T It. First Pr mtnui 1 : M u-hine for ill purposes. Lira! Pramauii for M i.jeitic Work. SAX JOAQI lX Co (C ■! )1-'A 1R First Preiiiiuru for Family Machine. First Premium tor Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT (Cal ) I" \!R First Premium for l' tmily M u-hine. Fsist Premium for Machine MV.-.c tw The above comprise* ail the fair* at which the Gnontit A BAKMI MAUAI.VKS were exhibited this yea •. Sales-rooms, !J).j I>roadway, Xjtv %'oik, 730 Chest IUI St. Philadelphia NOTICE. For the IJetsi-fit of Soldiers' Orpliatis. Bv an act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania ap proved M iy 9, 1861, 1 lie G ivem u w is authoriz ed to receive the sum ot fifty thousand dollars, offer ed by the Pennsylvania Kii.roa 1 Con piny, ";i>r the clucalion and iniiinlenance of destitute orphan chil dren <T deceased soldicis and sailors." The persons entitle 1 to the benefits of ibis Act are the "children of either sex under the age ot fifteen, resident in Pennsylvania at the tini" of the applica tions, aud dep.-n lent upon either public or private charity for support, or on the exertions of a moth r or oth"r pci- m destitute of iiu-m.s to sifforl proper education and maintenance, of fathers who have been ki led or died of wouuds received or of disease contr.icte i in the service of the United States, wheth er in volunteer or miliLi t regiments of this State, iq su tho regal ir army of the naval service of the i'n„ ied States, bu' who were at the time of enteriii tuch service, uetuui Ooiia fide residents of Pennsylva* in a." Such children will be boarded, clothed and educa ted; those under the ago of six years, in any suitable school that wili receive them on proper terms• and ose over six* years of age, in one ot the State Nor mal Schols. The application must be made "by the mother, if tiling, it' not by the guardian or next friend." vhPersoos representing such orphans as above de csribed can receive inforniati, n, blank forms, and all necessary assistazec by application to either of the undersigned. P M OSTERIIAFT Esq, •Rev. C. R LANE, Rev. LI THEK I'ECK, Mrs. HELEN M.NEWMAN, Miss KIiODA 8 CAREY .Superintending Coin nitteo for Sol Iters Orphans iu Wyoming Couuty TO PROFESSORS OF MUSIC AM YTEURS, AND THE MUSICAL PUBLIC GENERALLY, P, A. WON DMH.MAW FOUKIUX 4 AMEKXTAX LLTSIC WABEnoUSE, 924 BIICAD WAV, Having on hand the largest-stock of Foreign Music in New Fork,which he imports from Europe express ly to meet the taste and requirements of the Ameri can lovers of Music. respectfully calls attention to the fact that he is nowsupp ying Music ot Every Style at a Reducti >n of TWENTV-FIVE to FIITV per cent, less than any other house in tho United States. Private Families can bo supplied (post free ) by forwarding the cash to the above address Shouldj tho si mount of cash bo forwarded exceed the cost o the Music, the balance will be promptly returned in postage currency DKAI.KBS an ! Professors xhoul 1 not neglect this opportunity ; they will be liberally dealt with. Nll Any and every piece of Music (vocal or intru!uentaj published in Europe and America, will be supplied to order, if accompanied by tho cash, Remember the Address, P. A. W UNDER M A N N Foreign and American Music Warehouse, 824 Broadway, New Y'ork, A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervcu* Debility. In competency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error aetuatee by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need i", (froeol charge ), the recipe and directions for tn.ikiug the simple remedy used in hisease. Those wt-hing to profit by his, and possess a Valuable Kemedv, wdl reieive the came, by return mail, (carefully sealed.) by addressing J JOHNB. OGDEN No- 60 Nassau street, New York • nz3310-mo., l'utunm wiiiiger c i SELt'-ADJ ÜbTI i<G WRIA'GER. NO WOOD-WORK to sweM or split, j ftMN IHUSCREWS TO GET OPT OF ORDER WARRANTED WITH OIL WITHOUT COG-WHEELS. It took the FIRST PREMIUM at Fifty-Seven ] State and C iunty Fairs in 1663. and is without an exception the best Wringer ever m ade. Puteuted in the United States, England, Cntlid*. and Australia. Agents wanted in every town, add in all parts of the world. Energetic agents on makfrom 3 to 10 Dollars per day. Sample Wringer sent Express-paid on receipt of price. No 2. SO 50. No 1, §7,50. >"o F, §3,50. No A .39,50. Manufactured and sold, wholesale a.. l retail, by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO- ' No. 13 Piatt Street, New York, Cleveland, Ohio, I and Benniigton, Vt. S. C NORTHROP, Agent. WHAT EVERYBODY KNOWS, viz.— That Iron well galvanized trill not rust; That a simple machine is bettor than a complicat i eel one. That a Wringer should be self-adusting, durable, and efficient. That Thumb Screws aad Fastenings cause delay and trouble to regulate and keep in order ; That wood soaked in hot water will swell, shrink and svlil; The wood bearings for the shaft to run in will wear out; That the Pntman Wringer, with or without cog wheels, will not tear the elothes; Thatcog-wbeol regulators arc not essential ; That the Putnam Wringer has all the advantages and not one of the disadvantages abovo name 1 ; That all who have tested it, pronounce it the best Wringer ever u;a le : That it will wring a Thread or a Bed-Quilt WITH OUT AI.T FIXATION. We might till the papar with testimonials, hut insert onlv a few to convince the skeptical, if such there bo; aril wo „ay to alt, test Putnam's Wringer Test it THOROUGHLY with ANY uud ALLothcrs any if not entirely satisfactory, return it Putnam Manufacturing Co : GENTLEMEN; ' I know from practical experience that iron well galvanize with zinc will not oxidize or rust one particle. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect as possiolc, and 1 can chccrfuliy rcc m i amend it to be best in use. Respectfully yours. J NO. W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Ohio. Many years'experience in the galvanizing lousi ness enable me to indoise the abovo statement in all uarticular.?• • New York, Jan , 1364. JNO. C. LEFFERT3 1(0 Beckmnn St. We have tested Putnam's Clo'hes Wringer by practical working, and know that it will do. It is cheap ; it is simple ; it requires t;o room, wlytlior at work or ut rust; a child can operate it ; it door its-duty thoroughly; it sanies time ant it saves weir and tear. We came '!y advise all who have much wishing to do. with all intelligent persons who have any, to°buy this Wringer. It will pay for itself in a \ ear ut uc st. How. HORACE GRE LEY. At Uli) TO THE SUFI'F.HIVO. SWALLOW two or three hogsheads of " Luehu' ''Tonic Bitters," " Sttrsapirilla," "Nervous Ant'dotcs." Ac., Ac., Ac,and niter you arc Ratified with tho re>ult, th n try-one box of OLD DOCTOR | BFCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They arc purely vegetal Ac, pleasant to take pr nipt aid salutary in their effects on the broken down and shattered consdtuticn. Old and young can t ike them with . ?y mt tgc. Imported and sold in the United States only by J AS- S. BUTLER No. 127 Broadway, New York, r f" Agent for the Unitod States. I'. S- A Box tbo Pills, securely packed, will e mailed to any a Idro- n receipt of price, which h ONE DOLLAR, ]st pai l—money refunded by ithe Agent if entire satisfa -tion is not given vl Lw. Ayer's Pills A RE you sick, feeble and conaplainL.g 7 Are y\vu out of order with lour system deranged and your feelings uncomfortable ? These symptom-- arc often the p.-elule to serious illness. Some 3t of sickness is creeping upon you, and should l e avert ed by a timely use of the rhrht remedy. Take Ay <r s Pills, an I cleanse out the disordered huuiurs— purify the blood, and let the lluids move on unob structed in health again. They stimulate tho func tions of the hotly into vigorous activity, purify the -'cm from the obstructions which make disease.— A col I sett I•- somewhere in the body, an I deranges i its natural functions . These, if not relieved react ! t:p(,n themselves and the surrounding organs,produc ' iug gov,evn! aggravation, suffering and derangement While in this condition, t ike Ayr's Pills and see | hnv directly Ihey restore the "natural action of the 1 -ystcui. and with ii the buoyant feelings of health ■ ag .in. What is true and so a parrent in this trivi ; II 1 and eominon complaint is also true and in in any i i f the bep seated and dangerous distempers. The - it c purgative effect expels them Caused by sim • ilar o' stiurtioDS ard derangements of the natural i functions of the body, they are rapidly uud many of . them surely cured by the same means, Sme who ' kimw the virtue of these Pills will neglect to employ I thnn when suffeiing from the disorders they cure. *c. h as ilea.lnch , Foul Stomach, Dysentery, Hil j ious Complaints, Indigestion, Derangement of the j ('oslivencss, Coustipatiou. Heartburn, Itheu iiiaii.-in, Dropsy, Worms and Suppression, when tak en in large doses. They are Sugar Coated, so that the most sensitive can take ti.em easily, .nl they are surely the best purgative medicine yet discovered. A ycr ' s Ague Cure. For the speedy and certain Cure of Intermitten Fever, or Chills and Fever, Remittent Fever, Chill ' "Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache or Bil ious Headache, aud Bilious Fevers ; indeed, for tho whole class of diseases originating in biliar ! derangement, caused by the malum of uiiusr.f tie countries This remedy has rarely failed to cure the severest ' eases of Chills and Fever, ni l it has this great ad vantage over other Ague medicines, that it suLJurs | the complaint without injury to the patient. It I contains no quinine or other deliterius substance, ! nor does it produce quinism or any injuries effect | ehatever. .Shaking brothers of the army and the ! cvYsf, try it and you will endorse these assertions, i IwPrepared by J. C AVER A Co., L-well, Mass, I d sold by Samuel Stark Tunkhannock. and all | Jn-lers in medicine eveiywhero. COUR r PROCLAMATION- I IT THERE AS, the lion. WM ELM ELL. Pre? ' * " dent Judge of the Court of Common Pleas anp 3ourt ot General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and the President Justice of the Court of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery, for the trial ofcap : it:: 1 and other offences, for the twenty-sixth Judicial ; District of Penn'a. S. Roberts, iindN. 11. Weils, Esqs. Associate Judges of the Court of Common Picas and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, an I Associ ate Justices of Oyer and Terminer and General Jnil Delivery of the County of Wyoming, have by their precept to me directed, ordered \ GENERAL COURT OF OYER AND TERMINER AND GENERAL JAIL DELIVERY, to bo held at Tunkhannock on Monday the 12.t day November A. D, 1864. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coronor, all Justices of the Peace and Constable - within the Coun ty of Wyoming, that they be and appear in their pro per persona at the time and place above mentioned, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, recognizances and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices in that behalf respect! ve ly belong. Notice is ofso given that those who arc bound by recognisances to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall bo in the Jail of Wyoming County, that they be hen and there to prosecuto them n shall be jest. All IK A GAY, She rift". Sheriff's Office, £ I Tunkhaiißock, Nov. 23, 1861. S BUCKEYE MOVER MB REAPER Farmers should secure one of these excellent Ma chines at once as the supply is limited, and wo ate confident thai the demands for the above Machines will be great the coming season as the BUCKEYE, is tho best Machine now in use, and is the best adapt ed to rough, hilly, and uneven ground, is the m - s duablo and is managed with the greatest case o I 1 s tlier machines now in use. For further particulars address JOHNU. STONE Ag cni, INOTARUM DRINK A HIGHLY" CONCENTRATED | VEGETABLE EXTRACT A PURE TONIC, THAT WII.L RELIEVE THE AFFrCTED, ah® Not make Drunkards. or. Yooflans GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED RY IJR. C- M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. | WILL EFFECTUALLY AND MOST CERTAIHL^ UKE ALL DISUSES ARISING FROM A DISORDER F.I) LIVER, STOIYACH OR KIDNEYS, Thousands of our ciGrens arc suffering from Dye— , pepsin and Liver Diseases, and to whom thefol , lowing questions apply—we guarantee 11001-LAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CP RE TiIEM. HOOFLAND'S LEItMAN HITTERS WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chroute or Nervous Debility, Diseases ot the Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE TIIE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Co; tipation, Inward riles, Fullnes or Blood to toe Head, Acidity of the S'omach, Nausea, Heart burn. Jn.-gust for j-Vofl, Fullness or Weight in the- I ••torn •!., Sour Erin li t; as, Sinking or Fluttering at SwimfhiHgpf the Head, Hur ried ur: biiit.-tilf Breathing, Fluttering of the Heart 1 Ssuwitioos when in a lying ; 'u. ■. Ii::.r. sj <•!' \ i Un, Lots or Webs before the Fever and Full Pain in the Head, Deficiency . f lV:.<p!.'n, Yellowness of the Skin an.- Eves l'..n in tlio Side, Ba-k, Chest-, Li tabs, Ac.. Suddar I In !,-• - ot II.:.;', Burning in tho Flesh, Constant lo>. ngiuiug> c. l.v ;J, on ! groat Depression ot lepiritsf PARTICULAN O 1 I C F ~T[... C a> Inr "'''J t' rc i sold under the name of h<.,~r . put 11,0 in quart Dottles, compounded of the cui apes' whiskey or omn on rum, costing from 20 to tn o / sper Dion, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander &ecd t , Th is ila. s or' D ilters has caused and will continue in be sold, hundred* Is die ', d :/h of the drunkard Dy their use the system i... ; con!at ■ li/y under the influence of Alcoholic let, th, desire for Liquor and the result is alt the kor rorc itliii-i: ii t up, n a drunkard's and de ith. id Will have a Liquor receipt. GeHiv.e SL'tt: iinoiilaiitUs Bet uian Bitters and mix m i'iiri o Quarts of Good Brandy or Wilis-. • be a preparation that will i tai xtt'l in in Hint virtues and true excellence •'■■'J r Bitters in the market and will cost much less. You will hare alt the virtues of llool.and's Bitters in connection with a good article of Liquor, at a much less price than , these inferior preparation* will cost you. IIOOFLAXiVS GBRJfASf BITTER WILL 01VE YOU AGOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU strong HEALTHY NERVES, WILL GIVE YOU BRISK. AND ENERGETIC' FEELINGS WILL ENABLE YOU TO SIiEET WELL. AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, AQ Tl; .so suffering trum BroLiu down and Delicate Consliluiiontf From whatever causes, either ia MALE AND FEMALE, WIJ.L FIND IN 1100 FLA N D".d GERMAS BITTERS A REMEDY That will rest ire thetn to their usual health. Such has been the ca;e in thousands of instances, and a tait truii ij out ie.piir.-d to prove the assertion. From Dee. J jS'ewton Drown. D. D., Editor of th? Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. AVli' -!-*h n. t >ii.- .-sed to favor or recommend Pat ent Mr ... 11:03 in general, through distrust of their incre iieiita an . e'f -ts, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a m; •> may nut testify to the benefits hs believes hiui-oM to have received from any simpler 1 'on. in e hope that he may thus eontiibuts to the benefit of others. 1 do tilis tiiO read "It in regard to Hooflsnd's Germ .11 Bitters, prepared by Dr. C M Jaekson, ot this city, because 1 was prejudiced aga nst them f.f many years, unJer the impression that they were t hieiiy an aic.h. lie mixture. lam indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them, when suffering from great and long con tinue 1 debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, •* tho beginning of the pr sent year, was 1 f..Mowed by evident relief, and restoration to a dc •■tree of b > lily an t mental vigor which I had not felt lor six months before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing ma *o the use of them. Philau'a, June 23. IS6I. J Nkvvtox Bkowx DISEASES CF KIDNEYS AND BLA DDE 1,1 V ousts or Aged, Male or Female,* 1 Speedily removed, and the patieni restored to health DELICATE CHILDREN, Those suffering from MARASMUS, wastingaway, wish Scarcely any liesh on their bones, are cured in a very short time: one bottle in such cases, will have I a most surprising effect. 3-^.:r*.:E33Nr Having suffering children as above, and wishing to | raise them, will never regret the dry they eommenc - | eil with these Bitters. LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, j And those working hard with their brains, should a?-' | j ways keep a bottle ot HooflatuUs Bitters near ■ 1 them, as they will find much benefit front its use, to I b th mind and body, invigorating and not depressing. IT Is NOT A I.IttUOIt STIMULANT, AND LEAVES NO PROSTRATION. AYTEuTIOhtVsOLDIERfi AND 1 HE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We call attention of all having relations or frien | in the army to the fact that " IIOOFLAND'S G ' man Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the diseases | due Iby exposures and privations incident to cAhis life. In the list.*, published almost daily in the news' paper-', on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large projuirtion are suffering from debil | ity. Every case of that kind cau be readily cured by Ilootlnnd's German Bitters. We have no hesita tion in stating that, if these Bitters were freely used , among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved i that otherwise would be lost. The proprietors arc daily receiving thankfulletten from sufferers in the army end hospitals, who have been restored to health by the Use of these Bitters ' \ sent to thetn by their friends. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS, j See that the Signaluro of "C.M. J ACKSON" is on the \V RAPPER of each Bottle. Price per Bottle 7 5 cents, or Halt Doz. for SI,OO. J Should your nearest druggist nt hnvo the srticl ■ do not be put off by any of the intoxicating prepare ' tions that may be offered in its place, bntseud to us I and we will forward, securely packed, by e.xperss. Principal Oflics and Manufactory, ; ©. I ARCH ; JONES & EVENS, 0 (Successors to C. M. JACKSON A Co.) Proprietors* j FOR SALE by Drugg'As rtates.uni I'ettUwi* I 0 ,vn°>u the baited