wfci cileun to (he asanr-uieat of voters a* chs *-ii-i insjjcctors, or either ot them ."hall , from time to time require Pursuant 4o the pr'Viii.iru ccnfnine'l In the 7nrh seotb.n of he scl fir alresud the ju lg- s of ttae aforßeuid districts shall, reap- 'tily lake cb>rge>f the certificate or retain of the oic-4 n of their '♦ Tevtoe tire and prftduck them at the m*etir>j?"f 'go finic ox. h disNiut at the bor cash "f Turkhmimxk, on the third duv after the da? of the election, being fr the present vsar on FrtUMV tie 11th d-y >.t NOVEMBER pr>>x., then and there N) do end perSirm the duties teqU'.rcd by them by law of said judge*. Alo that where a j tt*o by sickness or unxvoid shle .('cl ient U unab'a to atten so- n mae'ini; ot , Judges, th* the certifti ito or retu-n afmeen I*h xl j be t*k*n cbtrge ot bt our ot the in>pe tors or rk o f'he election of sail ■ft strict. who sh >ll do and , perforin ths tß.ies required ot amd unable to Attend. Given under my kned ia bit offl •• Tankhea seek ibe IU dey of bepiemOer. A I>. 19 64 AIIIRAGAY, Skerif. Merit's Offl-n ) Tunis Vt IHh I*l4 S LOCAL PiSSUhAt. j Select Nclio >l. Miss V-■•*- mlveri* * a"Select i Fch'.mV to V.j o;ena.l th.; piece The nre qunl- j iffsxtion* en J fittiers of this for teaming, sho' i 1 er.d douV ties* will, secure a 'arge at endnnee of j those wio> know enough to know that liiey hare not | yet finished their education. - H tli l,cgs Brolei'.-ffs learn that Cl.irk , BiiVr of, while awistng in handling some , lieary tiiuftr.', had both hi* !• g broken be! w; * rfae knees by too falling fa -'irk. Ike bones were 1 ret by Dr, loles and at ley*, aeoou- t* he was d drg i ;' well. | • - t'lT The ship Anna Sehini it, whi- h was destroy- j ed by th AI aba r. > iff the e .s.t of South Amnio, had on ho*rl a quantity of Ayer'* Cherry Pectoru l ; for Ceii urni.-v. l>r Ayei <1 o>.nw u ( peul for re- , dress direct tn the [tiil:h Government, as there- j SpohMblv party its this wiiked business and ] their elu.ui tor payment i>iri prelection on tho j ground of humanity, as their CMmmoditie* are ! wholly for the sick. Ti.eir p>int is well t ik*>n, and ] will doubt 1 -s be p esse ! wpb the pin. -k on i persi- - j en-y which characterize the o|iertt>ons of the*e or!*- ' bruled ehenjist", (Bnliltr.ore Ciippvr.) The Indies who hare deferred the buying >.f ■ dres*." until they could g"t just the thin' that sailed item r:te i w inf ;r: e.J that '■ the litu tia* krriv hi ii was .>, bate itrroven ; and those . the '*!ortier pei.-u wion,'' who in ve cm lud* I to wear that old sm-d; coat n I pants n .til "aft-r tht draii, bad nw .tiler abend.>u su> n uooe-nee; for wo ceu aseure thriii, tl.di under Liiaftlu's rule, the draft, like the war. i- a 'conttnu ais, j rinaiscM instl u ion —The place to buy. is it Wit's, who i nuw r cii tug a new stock , wiii h wiii lie sol I at f• i ■ price*, coe?idi ring the pr*-o iff hat is p >ict 1 i-t to* [iin-s witf" ir wi fe irrd tfc> r e was to be a p n , on a.-couut of fn duwiiSiiri toil ieucv of Gol i, ..* theiefo'o p i'ai.d li I ' • dii c ot hef stuck cheaper tb.u can to to.ue!. ( ' elsewlifio in towi . lik s*y' ee are r.c , end h>- ] gosuis #f the firs' qUiiily. Not being n con-ioititur 1 ia her br in -i of irnlc. we wiil n.t at'ctnpt to erribe the ;:.?stcijt .ty!es and v.irie i-s. bu; n !vir ( our 1,. ij friend* <■> gii*- kcr a <• til unl jilg ■ f thni.)ivas 31 r*. will befour.dat the ol isrin ! re'sdy anl Wil!:n. f<> et"-l b.t hery>ds to nit whom n.iy give Tjt u ca ||:to MS&aSM | 1/ s Vosc will erunT..*' '?* -.!•> > -chnol in Ti.tik ' beer.- W- a Tuc.|n v i;,g 29 !t of November and ! i n'iaue twelve TUITION. t onimlwt tuhiien Bra odes id 1 0 Higher •• • 5.00. .Nr.. wir.g 2.00 c'rciu h aid, rwch, 200 ''ct hiiih, IStilj, Lost. On b'iiny is>. eonsabcs l)twcen Skiuner* F.d dy end '1 unkhennock, t nixtcfi CAsr.n watci I'yiin em .peius nt —half c-.ippe i . I'p.jn the ib.d r the werdr "Marine Time Obserer'" ss,o9 Reward ■'* , 4. . j will be pi i any prso- fin Hng ?.,j j, T i*ch .in lieir- t i ?t ■ t >'"! ny's M -: \ Wai.V H .tci. or with th <• ' stage or. •, u rou'e. | IiKMUtiIiAT.S !he I i.Mh f<- At. l iUX ha- ! iff'Vrd. ifti i>ol iwglici \ i tic • ill iv. ! A la A MODE. THC LATEST fltlf.M S i:\\ kOifK. MH. a. C. BTARK, TAlvp< in -s* n informing mr f'ricud.. m l tbeU H-a gen- j re '.v, ih.t she has r. .-ivl, -aJ is still recaiviug j • atjfe an t w-il otiect# 1 in> rruji-nt i*l j- m- %. BUI I * YAM 'AIST) GOODS, • >uistijr of II tru. HO \\|Vl S. R ' IllfO> S Fl.OS, FLA IIIIKS. |,A I bisi, |H\|t nKKSSLS, anl, iu short all art 1 ■ usually teond i":i * S w. r*£s i ' l ." ,f n ' h " u " formcrlv occupied bv Hen- MAXTUA-VIAKING. TTe hive .-•"-urc. I tht. surTlfctai of an >xpßriBced DILESfS MAKI2II, Slid at oil tituae ail I i.c |n cp.icd 1.. Fit an Make I)re*e in the latest an t iu>.*t .ippn.ied inaiiucr.— jor c ill* bcf. e j.ur. h.irnij; elsewhere, we remain Yours, Kesj c ctfiillv. MRS A G STARK Air-1 27, 16bI Ham HUH IB JfJffl ehfVe^,t r onw'11, l weH'®" Mi- Boofi'iei" lb-.y , . * Ui,|,| . v ,e ''paua. I>Y wu Bet of iho Leqislature >.f Pennxvlvenia ap- prorcd 31 iy 9. 1964, the Governor wu anthortf . e-J to receive the sum oi fifty thousuud dollars, offer ed t>y ttie t'enr.yylvsnia Rai road Company, "for the education and in wo! pnaiiie ot destitute orphan chil dren of deceased soidici - and sailors" The person- entitled ?>> the lasneSis of this Act are the "children of either sex un for the age ot fifteen, resi hnt n "ennevlvuma at the time of ihn appiica , tions, an t iir>n enhor public or private ch inty for support, or on the exertion- of a math r i.r otlj-r person destitute of tneur.s to afli.rd proper ; education and inainienen-e, of fathers who hive , been ki led r died of wounds received > r of di-c-ise ! coni racle > i i < ho service of >he United Siat.-s, wheth er in volunteer or militi regiments of this St re, or i *n the regular arinv of the naval service of the Uni ' icd St-itcs, but ho were a ihe tur.e of entering j tucti service, actual i>ona fide residents of Penusyi va in Such children will be hoarded, clothed nnii educa ted ; those under the age of six years, is any etiitnble •-•hoot that will receive theui ob pr;e r,22nl at 10 o'.Jock P. 31.1864 A Valuable Farm 1 -'.tuate in North Branch Township Wyomins Coun j'v Pit. lti miles from Ttiitkn.inno .k, : in Sullivan | Couutv. Is well v at enl by g.oi spn-g*, ant . -tteuius pis*t>ig through it. Is wed ad tp'e ito grain jo gr-s. Coll'a til* 2.11) U KKS. (>t.e Ilniidtad attd I'ltirty, Improved kith i L>rgc frame 11 .i 'riio Pto ,n I o•!!• ot • - h-.rt of tpplc*. ib.'.'i'h ittl Plum :.<■• Tin tiei..... vid List • ivilv i;n tlwi h i'i > t : ia t Jm- I't k lh- Fa . \.r tin E , t -J ■ llo> ii:.( 11 I.ft Li 31 N P I ore of tb>' ia ot i-.'c :.i North • ul* nosylva oi i. Trrrns Fa*., an I in 'p ki or. non<| >v r.f E. ' \ iNd'UN'i iE* of • OttN PI V IS S !'. Lemon. Dce'.t j ! terling & S^ioinis KKf' 'i.t*'t •; nd large-* .*--> i m.-nt <.f MERCHAiXDI.VE l fttund -ii the c.oin rv. an 1 tn •' ■>( it ,i a j tit-pRiM >i p. v . tt- t>> the ' 1 .VIE ADV.WUi . I X I'IUCKS Wl. C'l • ' i > Sell (Goods He low present Hates. W i* ♦t.'iW Oil il \li(l. 1 I 1 /Suit bv (he liarrel, | Fine Sail by the pack, and half barrel, Turks Island Salt fir packinrug, live Stud's, Hardware. Wood- I en ware, Ftoveware, Paints, Oils, C'ruokerv, Liquors, Stationery,! Waii Paper and R>r ering, Gi italstones, \V heeit> irrows, Pegs & Lasts, Hoft'tlo A'obes. Pocket and Table Cutler}, Plated *S'{tonus Ib'sin, Tar IL'C., j \N I* eve bol.-W r. ft B* >f i.tir Jjle-ell' | rr. - ! st.Lje.'t t<> till c' nng. - of the nttiikei v ftalt $4 per barrel. Flour £l2 per barrel. Prints 2.">e t>. 40c per yard. Rest Brown Sugars 20 to 22c. \\ lute Sugars 25 cts. per lb A d i>T'Pyt Ji'n.4 nut Btniiiit rnted, m came pr ipo' ti >rt. AM wt'n r tlit inxoivt—•, s* '.ve Lab co fi lent that we run' their mi m atisrnin>' < x: t cias'..iis. .SI ERE NG i LOG MIS. S- r'i.jrvai p., O" A 1 Rt'4 _• 4 10 WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Sewing-Machines. o The Cheapest and Best, OVER ! 10.000 OF THFR** WELL- r " , SEWING MACHINES rtAV£ BEtN 601-O. vox CiIfTLVH, Lames' At.makac, 4c. ACCWTS WANTED. Addrew WHEELER & WILSON Sririnff-l&irhirw Co. 704 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. A Lff l lO V t .l'.ll. LC* Uu'iklia of 1 >titlsi: iinto *k ilorotigh, Wyo rning-'.Hirt-y Ft bcreoy gt<>. noti.v, that he hu • th-R a liitan • p.ibiie An'tinnecr. and lender h: .ervi -as >o the |ut>lic iu cwpm-itv • n n- son Able term*. LC. CONkLIN. Orttn- I''. Hit RR. dt *, liiri'LH A TTOENBT'S A LAV, UAsi co T(ig street, Tgnkhinncc Pj I uuut uuii CELEBRATED ELASTIC STITCH SEWING-MACHINE Wrrt iiwurr/eti 'h>- highest Premium* over all Ctin.fw.tilo * at the f lloicing Slate and C uniy Fairs of 18C3. I NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First I'reiuium f>r Family Machine, j l its 9 Premium for Mai ufieturing Machine. Fir#i Premium for MichfueWork. ! INDIANA STATE FAIR First Premium for M chine tor all purpose®, i First Premium for Machine Werk. J VERMONT STA fE FAIR. Firs' Premium for Family M ichin*. Firs' Premium for M mufa during Machine. First Premiuui for Machine Work j MHO STATE FAIR First Pii inititn for Machine Work. ! IOWA STATE FAIR i F'ityf. Prem'uiu for Family Machine Fist Premium for M .nufactu in# Machine. Firs! Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS>T A I E FAIR. First Premium tor Machine for all purposes. F.irst Premium for Machtue Work j KENTUCKY > FATE FAIR. First Pre HI: mn for Machine for nil purposes- First Premium tci M chine Work. ! MICHIGAN STATE FAIR, FTiSt Prcioititi f..r Family Machine, i Firf Premium for Manufacturing Machine. Eirst Premium tor Machine Work ! PENNSYLVANIA STATE FA R Firs' Premuui for Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work, j UIIEGOX STATF. FAIR. First Premium lor Family M ichine. I irt Premium for M .. hine Work. ' CHITTENDEN Co. (Vi )AgrMSoe. F'i st Premium for Family Machine. Firs: Premium for M • nufa, luring Machine. I First Premium fer Ma. hiue Work i FRANKt IN Co (N. Y )FAtR. I First P e-oinni for Family Machine, j First Premium t r Mjiiufu. rutin- Machine. | f fIAMt'LAIN VAI.LEY (Vr ) Agr'i Soc. | H AMI'DTN CO. (MASS ) Kgr'l Soc. Diploma for F mil* .M •chine. D.ploma for M hiue Work, i WASHING ION Co.(N. YjFAIR Fir": Premium for Family Machine. ! QUEENS CV(N Y )AgrM First Premium tor F inily Machine first Premium nr Manufacturing Machine. Firet premium for Ala hitte Work, j SARATOGA Co (N. Y )FA'R I irst Premium for F.nniiy M ichire. I MECHANICS' rNSTI ri'l'E (Pa )F.\IR First Freniium for M i< hino for nil purposes. Firei Premium for Machine W..rk, 1 GREENFIELD (UjIMON FAIR. F:r* Premium for Family M .chine. Firt Premiuui fur Machine Work. CLINTON Co 'OjFATR. F rst Premium Ur Family Machine. Fir*i Prciuiuio for .VI o-hiue Work, vf tXDiJMBJY C...( Pa )KAIR. First Premium for Machine for nil purposes. F ni Pre in uin for Alaceine \V u rk. SAN JOAQI INC.. (Cal )FAIR | First Premium for Family Machine. ) Firet Premiuui t>>r M .chine Work, j SAN J>SK DISTRICT (Cal ) FA IP. Firet Premium for Family Machine ' Fsist Premium tor Machine Worn j J ** Ihe above comprises all the fair® at wht.-h i the t/ a D.CKKK MAC4INES were exhibited thin i yea -. j 4f>. Rrnadway, Njw York, 7Jl'Cti."t .<• t St. Philadelphia DWTIBN 111' COPAITIERiBIF Tie Partnership 1 Hie-n 0. I. HALLSTEAD • A AON i this d y dissolved hv uiu'ual c„np>-nt. j There#- an t ac-ouo's will he left in the hat. is of 10. L !I llerc.v i t.i actio and can he fount a' the j store formerly occupied hy 0. L. A Son, ; with aoaio one te atteed to tlie same. i 0 L HALLSTEAD, II P. HALLSTEAD. N k '.en. July 27th 1P64 Th- usi.iess will ho continued h Henry P. j tiC4*'ed in I L' U li.iLiiuicj, under the name ;.n>J | firm of | HALLSTEAD & HAMMEL, wi;.. wit! he please I to ret tin the patronage of alt ' h-. t ve patronise i the ot i ti m an 1 wiil '>e pica® I *d my > any who may favor ns wj.h a call. I W-> era pr..|>ire it„ f.iroi.a FXTR V IN DUt'K i MVNTC r<> r i :-se iivvuvG PRTDUCETOI j DISpi.SK OF. Will pay the HIGHEST CASH : PRICE fur the sLa HALLSTEAD A UiMMBL 1 Y7th. 1444 iekelMin N Jely. i Hj'Bs~aresT -AGAINST— F! HE ! FIHE ! ! FIKEI ! ! Taken at tbie office, on all kinds of Town and t j Country projierty, at the MOST nitAso.vAßi.f: TVRMK, ' I and for anv time from THREE MONTHS TO j FIVE YEAR-—either WITH or W ITHOUT PKEMIII.M NOTES j Is the company reliable 7 Will it promptly pay j its honest losses? are the important inquiries with , j all insurers. Wo answer : I • THE LYCOMING CO INSURANCE COMPANY lIA- REEN IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION FOR i WEN TY-TUKEE YEARS.— IT HAS A WI LL SECURED CAPIATL OF OVER 42 400,00 IT PAYS FROM *6O. TO 4125,00' LOSSES ANNUALLY. ALL LOSSES ARE PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. EACH INS liEK IS FURNISHED WITH AN AUTHENTICATED ANNU NUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES , AND OPERATIONS OF Hit COMl'ii- j NY THE COMPANY IS CONDUCTED ON ; JUST AND EQUITABLE PRINCIPLES. THE CHARTER IS PERPETUAL j Ref retice* H>>n VVtn M. Piatt, Hon. A. K peckhatn, Henry Stark and Samuel Stark Esq*. of ihit County ; Saver 4 Bros, of Susqueh.nna, and J urge M HoUenback and others of Lttzerue Cuuntv, *h<> insure in and have been paid losses by this, %mpany. IIARVEY SICKLER, Agt. IT f M. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Of. | VV flee in Stark's Brick Block, Tioga St., Tank ! nanneek. Pa. i ! GKt. *. TLTTON, ATtORNKY AT LAW. Tujkheacoek, FK. OSet !a Stkrk'A Brick | Bl^k. Pnnam Clothes wdajeiv ! i kt T : ■ I LV RKI IABLI ; ! SELF-ADJ UcTlxvCi W 111 AG l'R. NO WOOD-VYORK TO SWELL OR Sl'LlT. —NO 1 HUSCRJfcWS TO GET OUT OF ORD^R WAK*A>Tr.P WITH OB WITHOt T CG-WHBPI.S I? to k tbe FIRST PREMIUM at Fiftv---v.-n State ami U mnty Fair#in IsifLi. and is vittwut an j exception the best Wringer ever made. Pateutwt in'he UuiteJ State# E:vgl >n •*, Canada, and Australia Agent* wanteu ie ©vary town, and tu nil parts of the world. Energetic agents exn mak from 3tc 10 Dollars j per day. (■ Sample W'tnger sent Express-paid on receipt of prite. No 2. $6 50 No 1, 47,50. No F. 46.50 N A 40.50. Mai .ufactured and sold, wholesale retail, by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTUKIXtt C> No. 13 Plait Street, New York, Cler :!.>■ .Ohio, and Benni igton Vt S. C NORTHROP, Agent. WHAT EVERYBODY KNOWS,via.— That Iron well galvuniseo seiil not rust ; That a simple machine i* batter than a complicat ed one That a Wringer should be setf-adusting, durable, and efficient. Tint i'fiumtt Screvs and Fastenings ■ air*" delay and trouble IO regulate and keen in order ; That wood oaked in hot water xciU veil, shrink ! and svlit; The uod bearings forth# shaft to run in trtii i tear ( out; That the Pu'man Wringer, with or wsthoat cog wheels, will not tear the clothes-, Thateoft-wheol regulator* arc rim esspnttal; Tnalthe Putnam Wringer has all the advantages and not one ot the disadvantages above named ; Tint .>ll who have t sted it, pronounce it the fce#J Wringer erer uia if : That it will wring a Threid or a Bed-Quilt WITH OUT ALTKHATIOH. We uiight till the pap.r with tes'ituonials but insert onlv a few to convince the skeptical, if such there be ;".ml we „av te all, test F'uttiain's Wringer Test it T lOKOUGHLY with ANY un 1 ALL others any if not entirely satisfactory, return it Putnam Manufacturing Co : GKNTI.I.HKN ; I knrncfr m practical experience that iron icell stalrapixe -xith zinc uill not oxidize or rust one particle The Putnam vf ringer is us near perfect as possible and lean chcerjully rcc ! amend it to be best in use Respectfully yours. JNU W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Ohio. Many years' experience in the galvanizing r>u.-i --j nesa enable me to indole# the above statement in [ all particulars, New Yoik, Jan , 1864. JXO. C. LEFFERTS 1(0 Beekumn St. | We have tested Putnam's Clo'hcs Wringer hy practi ai working, and know that it will do. Tt is •■heap ; it is simple ; it requires no room, whe her at work r at r>>st ; a child can operate it ; it doe* itsduty thorenghiy; it satnes lime and it saves weir and .ear. We 'earnestly advise all who ha* e tnncA washing to do. wi'h all intelligent persons who n-.w any, to buy th's Writiger. It will pay for itso.f in , a year at most. He 5H OE RACGRE LEY'. A CARL) TO THE SUFFERING. SWALLOW two or three bogsh*rd* of" Pu< ho' '•T.-nie Bitters." " Snrsaparillu," " Ne'von* Ant ; d'es." Ae.. Ae., Ac. ni nf'er you are wi'h the result, th n try one hox of OLD DOr'TOl! BUCHAN'A ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS and he les'.uei to health and vigor in less than thirtv lavs. They are purely vegetnHie J.I asant to take pr< inpt a.J slufirv in their eff r cts on the hro en own and shattered . one itutiun. Old and yurp ■u take them with a.'v niage. Imported an ! ••! ' in the United States mil vby J 1 -• R. BITtEC No 427 Brosdwiv, New Y'-ok. -lit for'he '*nit. ,f St ife*. P. S - A Box of tbe Pill*. *•■< ur ly p. kc i, wil v mailed to n> a.idreee on rtwij t ..f pri •. wh ; ' bONE DOLLAR, p. st— mo"-v refunded hy ith" > gent if entire saiista tion is not gtveu v 4 I?w. Ayer's Pills ARE you sick, feeble and complaining 7 Ar you out of order wtn .our s stem derxn '<* d an : our feeling* un.tonfottable 1 The-s symptoms ttr often the prolate to ••.enou* tlLnes*. Souse at ot sickness is ■•veep'Bg upon y.u nt.d should he a or'- ed t>y a timely u*e of the r £ht rcu-.o ty Take Av er Pills, and cleanse out ice disordered hciucrt puri'v the I.loe'l and Jet the fluids move on unoh -tructed in healtn again I hey stimulate the tun.— the body into vigorous activity, purify th svstetn fiotu the obstructions which m ike di.-oa*e A colli settle* somewhere in tne b"dy, an I d-rang. - it* natural functions The*#, tf not relieved rva.-t n(.n tbeiuselvts an Ith *ur -ouniii:g organ*,pro br ing general aggravation, .-uST. tiog an i deiangeuient While in this condition, take Ay r's Pills an 1 sc-i how directly they rcs'ore the natural uctiou of the system, and with it the buoyant feelings of hu.iiiu What is 'rue and so a par. ei.t in this 'riv al and common vdiif.l lint is ui*o true tino it) mstii of the deep sea'.-' and dangerous disteu.pers. Th same puTi-a tve .-tTcct .'ijirlt them (j iu*r.i by sim ilar obstruction* jrd d< rung, tueiit* of the u tui i tit notion* of the body, they are rapidly and many ■. them surety tured hy the san.e uivs.ns, N nc v!i<- kti w the virtue of iho*e Pills will neglect to employ ibein when suffenng fioiu the disorder* they ••> su hus llca.lo. h , Foul Stoma, b, D'Sente'y, Bil ious Couipl iiu**, Indtges'ion. Djmngameiit of tn. Liver, CostiveneS*, Constipation 11 r ourn. Rhcu matL*m, Dropaiy, Worms and Sup t aeeioa, when tak en in large do*-s They are Sugar Coated, so hat tbe most seos.tiv.- cn take t em easily, n: indued, i'or the wholu cl.taß of .lisuaao* orgiuating in 'i. si •derangement, caused > y the malaria of iiii>i.)i "- tic countries This remedy lias rarely failed to • ure the * ; the eoiiipi'ti .t without Mijurv t<> ihe )mti tit. I' contain* no or oihei delitein.s *uli*t .n e, uor doe* t p,.du-f qiiiiii-iu or any Hi juries effect ehitevor Shaking nrothers of the HI my and the ewsi, try it an i you will endorse these assertions. by J C AY' R A Co., L well. Miss, d *old by Samuel Stark Fun* bunuock sx.3 ull • a lur* in ue ticinc eveiywhure. COURT FROCI.AMAI'ION ITSfHEUEAR. the Hon. WM ELM ELL. Pr.g | *• * dent Ju Ige of the Court of Common Plen* anp i Court o! General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and I the President Jusii. e of the Court of Oyer and Ter- | j miner aud General Jail Delivery, forth# trial ofcaj i'.al and Other offences, for the twenty-sixth Judicial J j District of Penn'a. S. Roberts, and N. 11. Welle Esqs. • i Associate Judge* of the Court of Common Plea* and ( : General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and A*oci- j i ate Ju*ii.:cs of Oyer and Terminer unl General Jail j | Delivery of tho County of Wyoming, have by their ; pre-ept to me directed, ordered A GENERAL COURT OF OYER AND TERMINER AN DGENEH AL J AIL DKLIV LK Y. U> be h'-ld at Tunkfaannock on Monday the 12et day j November A. D, 1864. Notice i* therefore hereby given to the C'oronor, U j ! Judicee of the Peace and Constables within tbe Couu- ! I ty of Wyomiug, that they te and appear in their pro- j . prr persons at the time end piece above fhentioned, ! With their rolls, records, inquisitions, ex tuiination*, I I re oainzan. es and ..thcr retucuihrances. to do those j \ th ag* wttich to theirotfioes in that be.xlfrespective- ; j ly belong ! I Notice is u'o g'.von that those who are bound by j recognizances proo"Ute the pnem. r? that ure or shad he in the Jail of Wyoming County, thafthay be ! hen an I there to prosecute thuut a* h ill be just | AliiKA GAT, .-h. riff. Sheriff's Cffice, ) InilrUis-v.k. Nov. H. IM4. S DO YOU WISH TO IE (IKED 7-tiR. RU CliAN's ENGt.IMI SI'LCIFFIC PILt S i-uer in less tbyu 36 days, the worst CUBC* of NLR\ 01 S NE.-S lir[*itfD'f, Premature Decay. Semin.l Weakness Insanity, and all Urihnry, Sexu d and Nervous Affection®, n. uiutt-r from what infuse pro duced- Price. One Dollar jer box. sent, post-jond by mail, on receipt of anotdir. One Box ill per feet the cure in U">*t . ases A.I 'rr* JAMES S. BUILER General Ageet, 427 Broadwey, Nw Yefk v4ol 3m: S. COOPER. PiiYSICIAN A EUItSBOW • Newtwo Oewkre, Lurene Ocmety P. NOT A RUM DRINK A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VEG ETA BL E EXTIt ACI i A PT'RF. TONIC, THAT WILL RELIEVE TIIE AFFICTED. AM Not make Drunkards. DR. HGGFLm GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY DR. C- M. J.tCkffON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL EFFECTUALLY ANDMOBI CERTAINLY UKE ALL DlfcfcSES ARISING FROM A DISORDER ED DIVER, RTOMACH OR kIBMEYX, Thousands of ourcitieet.* arc suffering fmm D;. ■* prpeia and l.ivrr lileeaecs. und to whom tbe fol ■owing qtiestiou* apply—we guarantee IWUFLAMf'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE THEM IffOOFLAVI>*?4 GERMAN BITTERN WILL CURE E\ ERY CASE OF Clirentc or Nervotis l>ebl tty, I>lse*se o the Kidneys, and Diseases at* s:ng frofls Dlsorden d Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Resulting from Disorder* of the Digestive Organ - Constipation, Inward Pile*, I' or Bioo to the Head, A. idity of the Stoma, h Nausea, Hear burn. Disgust for Food, Fulliivssor Weight m the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking ur Fluttering a the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. H u. - rie • and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering of (be Hear Choking or Suffoeutiug Seiii tions when in a lyinr (Kivture. Dimness of Vi ion, Dots • r Webs before th. Sight, Fever end I.nil Pain iri the Head, Deficicn . of Perspiration, Yeiiuwness of the Skin an Eye* / a:n in the Side, B&.-k Chest, Lit ibs, Ac., Sodde Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant In aginings of Evil, end great Depression ot Spirits. PARTICULAR C r I i ] There arc many preparations sold under the rami of Bitters, put up in quart Bottle*, compounded u, the cheapest -whiskey or ami) on rum costing fron 20 to 40 cents per gallon the taste disguised by Am#. or Coriander Seed This class of Bitters has caused and will continue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hundreds to di. the der,'h of the drunkard By their use the syslcn is kept continually under th>- influence of Alcohols Stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for Diquo i* created and kept up. and the result is all the hor rcrs attendant uvon a drunkard's and de ith Ft those who desire and wli t have a Lie not Bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get k* • Bo'tlc Houttfeinl'- tic in a I Hin, r and mij with Three (lunrta <>| Good Brandy or Whis key. and the result wilt be a preparation trial wn ta' ■ II". I in medicinal virtues and true excefien- ■ any at the numerous Liquor Bi'itrs in the marke' and wilt cef much lea*. You will hare all th | virtues of II " a d*>* It- fer- in connection wit' j a good article of Liquor, at a muc/i less price ihai ■ these inferior prepaialions will cost you HOMELAND'S GERMAN BITTER WfLL GIVE YOU AGO >D APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU STRONG HEAI.I IIY NERYES, WILL GIVE YOU i.RISK AM) KN YAi' •El 1(7 FEELING: WILL ENABLE YOU To NI.KKT WKIJa AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER, BILL.US FEVER, ft I. Tb oSe suffering troa Hruk.-n duxen and. Lehcale Constitution* Froia whatever causes, ei fier in MALI: AND FGMAI.B, WILL FIND IN IIO()Fi.A\I)'J GFIOI % V RITTURM A RDME.DY That will rest ire them to th-ir usuil health Su t has been the case in 'bousandsof instance*., and tir trial is but tequired to prove the assert un From Rev. J Newton Brown. D D , Editor of tb Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge APhungh not disposed to fivr or re.-ouno nd Pa | ••:>( Meuicitics in (general, through distrust of tlx i j n; e licnts nn.i effects. I yet know of no suffiuici. musotjS wh. a m.n may riot testify t..'he benefits h iwdit-ves h'tn-cit to have received from any s' prepara: 'or. in 'h<- hop*- tnat he uin, thus cont.ii u . ' the benefit of ethers I do thi* the more readily in regard to Honfiand'.* Gcrnmn Hitters prepared by Dr. C M J u-kson, ol t is Gty, because 1 was, ed ngu nst tb< m I tnaov years, under 'he impuessior. that they wen hi. fly an ai.'oh.di.- mivture I in iebted to m* friend R..bcr' Sbo maker. Esq , for the removal .it ibis pn jn Hce by proper test., am for en< our .g'-m nt o try them b -ii suffering fnnn great and long . on rttiuci de'ilitv The use of three bottles of these Bi'tr*. at the begit n.iigot tp, pr s.-nf ver. was t-.110 .cd by evident relief, and restoration tu a e grec of b..dtiy an • ineotai vlgi.r which I had not r elt *r *tx month* an ' had almost lespaire t >: r gaining I therefore hatik (rod and my friend t i Greeting m- '<• thr use ( if rfi m itti.Ap'A, Junt 21 1861 j NEIVTO.V Brow s ! DISMbES CF KIDNEYh ANO BLADO: lit Y ut.g or Ag tl. Mais* > Female, j Sj*e.hly removed, and .he patieia restored to!), at BEL ICA TL (, HIL l> Ii EX, i Those suffering Iron. MAR tSiing aw .v with aciircelv auy fl.-tih on tit. ir tames, .-ured't very short time: ne not tie iu such cases, wi.i ha* a most surtrisinx' effect. PARENS Having suffering children .is above an: wishing t< raise thein will never regret the day they uomnien.-- ed witli the** Bitters LITERARY MEN. STUDENTS, And those working hard w>tb th-ir brains, should a I • ways keep a bottle <>t Hnofla it's Ritters near them, a ihcv will fin.l mu.h benefit tioui tis u*e, to j U.tb mind and .o Jy, iovig..rating arid nui depressing : IT IS NOT A I.IQUOR STIMI'I.ANT. AND LEAVE- No PROSTRATION attentjoFTsotssebs 1 AND THE FIGEND? (IF MiLDiEUS \Vc vll attention ot all h-iving refit on.* or friend in tho army to the fact th 11 " HOOFLAN D'S Ger man Bitihr* 1 ' wil! cure nine tenths of th© diseases in -1 du -ed by e*jj>ur* and privations inci lent to ea U) , J life In 'helisis, published alunv iHily in the tw-ws j paipers, on the arrival of the si. k, it will o© noli t d ! thai a very large proportion are suffering fmtn dehil j iiy. Every case ol thai kind can be rea iilv cured ;by Hoofi md's German Biters. We have no heeita l tion in stating that, if thc*e Hitter* were fruelv u*ed j among our soldiers, hundred* (J f !iv fcß might be saved ; that otherwise would t.e lost. ! The proprietor* are daily receiving thankful letters ! from sufferer* n ihe army an) bospiifals, who have been restored tu health by th© u c of thaee Bitters j sent to them by their friends | BEWARE OP COUNTER KRIT9 Sec'Ba' til. *S g a It 'V I ••! JJ -I .\("K>UX" ia in I.* YV ft A I 1 PER "f -arlt B ttltf. per Rotflc 7lf rciitn, or lfa'f D. z. fos SI.OO. Shonl i your neiirest iruggisi n*r have he arficl ido not bo put off by *ny of ttie iotoxieating prepara tions thai may i>t offered in is p:jee, but -rd to as and we w!!l ffrrward. securely pa kcd. by exp^rse Prti elpmi Dtfice and llanuteetory, 0. i AP.TH JONES & EVENS, (Su.-cesßois to C. M J ACK.d'JX t Co ) Proprielor*. [ FOR SAL* hy Dnigf'sti State* ejju L-vwt*.-six ovxixi ttf* 11l SB'S SEtllt Itlllß Our LETTER A. FAMILY SEW ISO MACITINK is fast gaining world-wile reju-ittion It is h yond doubt (be best an i 'he-st hii I mo o'bt:. Family •iewint; alt h>n>' Ilia s in'lib i-upoU. fry _-ra*f variety if w„k It will sew >l** 'Ho 1- ..f li.TS, and with >L Hid* of thread. Wrest an! re-en' iu pMvriiHiilt iukii urn V.untly Setting Msihine ts >'•* rel' thin, ami men Kan• In, .mil m•" cert -in in an ion at .11 rate- of -p. ~1 ft n.-k. . rhe interlocked stitch, which is 'be la -* stitch known. Am .am. ev en of the ti'ost ordinary • opacity, -Mr see. at i g! •H # v. how to uio* the letter A F.unilv Sewing M o hint Oar Family I s ! winjf Maihinor sre Sulaked in ur ate iD'i eaquiaite style The Voiding i • of the Fani.'.r M--hint ie a piece of cunning workmanship of the most ueetsl kind. If protects tk moshti e when not in ue, and whan :;L< ut to t:e operafed may e ojwoed as e spa eii us cd so l s'. niioi table to raa'ain the work.— While eou.a of tho t"a*M, made out of the choice-1 wuod*, are finished inth simplest nrd rh<'st > in ner possible. r.'tmrs nt' adorned nr..l etai elishi i lu the most istli nan tipeei. m inner®. It ia ibsolut. !r c-I—arv to • o 'h" F-.'oily Ma chine in operation, : 1 gatipher] w.'b silk •rust, throat, i.utll s, oil, &e., cf the vcrv '.est qua. rv. Send for -i Panfulr?. THE SINGER MAc'IFACICfcTNG .COMPANY 4od Cro-..iwajr Now Yoik. " fc""P.V. 'adelphia Mli*e, M 1 ts i !ii>tiiit St.* MB.-. CT. Mausu, ) . * . . , | * , DA. Isaki>w,.ll, J Age sin Tunkhannuek. —AND— * Tin Siiop. THF. subscriber bus just re?eivod at his shop, ovu? Hrtukiusi ii's Store in MESHOP.'EM PA., and will constantly kiepnn html nil the latest MPROVED .CJJXiI, SfVES Among which are the "C.VLORIC," MINER and •EN ION" patterns, with PAF.I.OH S I EVES and Heaters ot every description, which he offers for Ready Fay it prices th it will -kfy couipet'doß His stoves ire bought direct! vot the yj i-of.tctur ers nt ALBANY. Wll.Kt S BAR RE. HHoVILENCK aua hCKANTON. lie is therefore enabled to sell ttiein eta small advance on the urigiua) .-ct', TIN, SHEET-lfiO'N, —AN P - Copper Ware. .11 kinds on bnimlui iUto or Jer Alw .*IP. W.IoOV il I x.4. If UfLI G.ll siUoLss FO;< 4 v. Jr. The popular Ccokir. B'cve ( For *rt Q,u en, Elevated overil is row for the first, ofered at for 3 inch. 525 fo- 9 -n-h, BEPAIRINSAND JOBBiNG ic.itlv artd promptly doin HENRY STANtIfURY Meahoppen, Dec 17th, ISb - v.nlSfy. ?£3373 rue -UHFcr.u'Ei; HAS HAH IN' SUCCESSFUL A operation. f.>r Several rears, s A. TOWA.NDA, !u-re all id A., in >.-? appro'. ' d en t r.r. kindcf A- CZNA TREES, *a 11 be obt tlUP'l. B;in/corv need from evperierce that hi Tie"* in I Plants will give far better satisfaction to the Fruit-growers of Wy .miott County h >ii .lit cinsn in other localities he •niifl lent I. swii itsth'-ir pakrtMM ■Ji lls- will make annual vt-if eitfn-r in tir by •is intent- to iuo.-t id • hi- tow! ship-' • Y.-> ning Co , •nd asks only that Ms specimens may • <-iati|.iic i • n-t tiis method R-F...-IlOr.S. IIA.M --iIEUEO IIOKSE NAILS | WROUGHT IRON, HUMS'IIIIVUI. I CARPEN TERS' ToO'.5 t ( M.L WAKHAVTED.) nnis, SPUKB6; FELLOES SEAT I SPIN I'I.FS, CARRI AGE SPRINGS, AXLES PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL BOTTS. NI TS, o ASH ERS HFL'llNti, PACKING, GR ND STONES; '! A