North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, October 26, 1864, Image 3
(when called on in rrt*tK>n to the nght of soy per wn assessed by them to vote ut such elections or j aurh other matters in itlution to the Moment of ■ voters as the said inspectors, or either of them shall j from lime to time requiro. Pursuant to the provisions eontniued in the /flth section of'he act first afore-aid. the judges of the i aforesaid district? shall, respectively take charge of the certificate or return of tho election of their respective districts and product thorn at the meeting of one judge fium each disfnet at the bor ourhof Tunkhaniitn k, on the third day after the duv of the election, being for the present year on FRIDAY, the Uth day of NOVEMBER prox., then and thereto do and perform tho duties required by them by law of said judges. B to that where a judge by sickness or unavoid laMa accident is unable to atten 1 such meeting of judges, then the certificate or return afores.u 1 shal he takon charge of by one ot the inspectors or clerk 0 " 'he election of said district, who shall do and perform the duties required of said judges unable to Attend. I Given under my head in my office at Tunkhaa nock tke Slit dey ef September A P. 1864. AlilFA GAY, Shenf. 4kerire Offloe. ) Tank Oet 11th 1864 S LOCAL AND PERSONAL. The I.rtdy's Friend —We learn from the No nilEß number of this New Magazine of end Literature, that it has already attained a large circulation, The aim of its publishers i* to rival the three dollar magazines in the quality of their '•■ graving* and contents. Thjs it has given during the peasant year, in every number, a finely engrav ed anil colored Double Fashion Plate, while its oth er numerous engravings are of the best quality. Ihe long end brilliant arrav of tho liternry Contri- j butors to The Ledvs Friend, nearly fill of whom are ladies, is highly creditable to the Magazine, and also to the country. vs showing bow large and culti watcd a cluss of lady wiitersit possesses. Many itaay wonder how any magazine can be got up in so handsome and lavish a manner as this is, a! the low price of $2,50 saving nothing of tho reduced rates to clubs. The publishers say that it is oniy done by having a very largo circulation, as money would •certainly be lost on a small edition. We hnve scarcely left ourselves rootn to speak of the November number, bat we in iy briefly state that th.-re is a beautiful an 1 touching steel engrav ing, called 'TUB Eurrr CRAULK'' —A very hand some Double Colored Fashion Plate—a quantity "of other eijgraviugs, some of theui very pretty,and ail very useful to the ladies- a piece of mus c, and the 'Usual a. eartment of interesting stories, poetry, Ac. Price $ '-50; 2 copies 81,00 ; 9 copies 816.00 ; 21 •copies 835 00. Single numbers sent, postage paid .for 25 eents* A. S.'tein? Machine -Premium u alio jfirc* en certain hrmr. A 1 ress Gascon A Peter •eon, 3t9 "Wa'nu. street, Philadelphia. yie t the I ime to begin making up clnbsfar i Marrie. FEI MOL'R—BRKIf.tiV-Ia Tunkhannock, Oct 15 1961. by Emit Vorch'uimar Ej, il:ss Flora F. Fro-uia to Mr. John 3. 3 eymour, both of Northumrelav I- Died 1865. KENNEDY In; Tunkhannock Township, on the i 19th inst, Mr. Jnuie? Kennedy in the 90th year : of his age, EsCrayed. fretn the subscriber, in Tunkhannock Borough, ou the 20th itut. one tire year old c,m of a greyish col- j or. with the left horn stubbed- nt( ut half or two thirds length. \ny person inform'rg of her whore about., w\li be liberally reward# 1. IMcCLKLLAN AND PENDLETON i DemocrnUe MASS-MEETING 8 At Nicholson Depot on Tuesdav • -Kov. Ist., 1864, at 1 o'clock P. M. * j And at TtAKHAJVJVOCK, | on Wednesday, Not. 2nd., 18G4, at 1 o'clock P. M. ' * HON.HEISTER CLYMER,i of BERKS. | Hon. Geo. Northrop,! of PHILADELPHIA. , J. B. 3VTCOLLU3VI ESQ. of MOST ROSE, • i Ana others, will certainly be pres ent ljion both Occasions. - All, in favor of "the, "liJVION as the on ly condition ofpeace," j - are invited to attend, j JNGHAM jnd WUENc 57 ! Manufacturers and Drate^iu ON WYALISING CltlfildK (CAMPTOVV, BRADFORD Co Pa I Rolla Carded and Cloth Finished. MANUFACTURE CLOTH FOR CUSTOMERS ON SHARES CR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES PER YARD: Puil.TrV 568 ' F,nish ' 11x13 ' . .. Cloth, no 45 a > ay Mixed Ceesiajerfce.4s " 22 (i Whn UO L FuIUd Clotl b do 2; '!• *> n el. 22 " Grey Fumade wftil talt " b! ^rChthi Bg Dd VerjSlM,H | HARVEY IMGAM 1 & A,„,lM g , d J^ OS w "iHCU 9 "crded so ng to take them h can bave roll •"? ?. - ...., i . NOTICE. I For the Benefit of Soldiers' fit-pans. } BY an act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania ap- j proved M iy 9, 1364, the Governor wa/> nntljnrti- i • ed to receive tlie sum of fifty thousand dollars, offer- ! •d by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, "for the ! education and^maintenance of destitute orphan chil- ! ! drcu of ue, eased sol diets and sailors" j The persons entitled to the benefits of'this Act arc ' j the "children of either sex under the age ot fifteen, resident in Pennsv lvania fit the time of ih nppliv:*. j tions, and dep°n lent upon either public or private j j charity for support, or on the exertions of a moth r ; or othr person destitute of means to afford proper ' education and maintenance, of fathers who have • been ki led or died of Wounds received or of disease , contracted in the service of tiie United States, wheth er in volunteer or inilUi \ regiments of this State, or j sn the regular armv of the naval service of the Uni icd States, but who were a', the time of entering j tuch service, actual bona fide residents of Pennsylva in i." Such children will be boarded, clothed and educa ted ; those under the age of six years, ' any *uitalde s hool that will receive them o proper tcruis- and j those over six years of age, in one of the Sute Nor- j mal Seho> Is. The application most be made "by the mother, if living, if not by the guardian <t i • vt friend 1 ' Persons re . resenting suah <.q hnas a9 above de- | scribed can receive inform .tUn, blank f :rm, nnd all necessary assistaace by application to either of the undersigned P M OSTERHAL'T Esq, ll.v. C. K LANE, Rev LI TIIEK PECK. Mrs HELEN M NEWMAN, Miss RlluDA S CAREY Superintending j ! Committee far Soldiers Orphan? ir. Wyoming Cmiuty Valuable FARM FOR SALE. j The Subscribers wII sell at Public Vendue or i Aucti i'l, :it the Court House | IN LLNKIIANNOCK WYOMING COrNTY PA. ; on Tuesday, Noven.iior.22ad at 10 o'clock P. M.1564 : A Valuable Farm siinote in Novth Branch Township Wyoming Coun- ' jty Pa. 16 miles from Tniikmnr.o.-k, on the in tin l ruffil, lea Jin< from Mehoopauy o Tuwan la, Bradford j j ' "nuty,nrid to Dusboro and I.aporte in Sullivan I , < ounly. Js well watered by good springs, an i • reams pacing through it. Is well ad iptcd to grain i ;or grass. Contains 250 ACRES. Out Kuiidi'td and Thirty, Improved j irith a Large frame House, frame Barn and other j Out buildings. Has an c.v client ..r. hard ~f Apples, ; j Peach an i Plum trr. * The unimproved land is ! heavily 'im .ere l wuh Pin-. Maple, Adi a-.d lima ; lock. 'J he Fanu, late the Estate of the IION PERCIFER LEM'N I>ced. i is one of tho most desirable i.n Northern Pounsvivn- I nia. t Terms Easy, and made known or. .lav of .r]o E. r V INC E.N 1 ) Exr's If JOHN PFGI TS j P. Leitmn Dec' 1 Sterling & Luoinis i HEP tin test ani lar'?t a-- 'rtmen 1 of j MERCHANDISE | jt> be found u the conn ry, an.l m>.st ef it was ! pui "liasnJ pr< v i.u> t the | I .AT K ADVANCE INI'RICES,' which enaliie- them j Sell Im outls Much Be low present Hates. We have constantly in hand, i >S'alt by the barrel, Find .Suit by tbe sat 1-r, and half barrel, ! Turks Island iSalt for packing meat ; Flour, Sole Leather, Iron, Nails. Nail Bods, Tow Cork, and Oast Steal j Carriage Bolts, Blaster, lOjry Goods Gll O CIJII IE S, liools ami Shoes, i 7 Hilts and Caps ; j Drugs, Dye Stuff-:, Hardware, Wood en ware, Stoveware, Faints, | Oils, CVotdierv, Liquors, Stationeir. 1 | Wall Pa(ier and Borlrin§, Grindstones, \\ bcelbarrows, Pegs & Lasts, Buffalo V/obes, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Plated .B'j >oons Bosin, Tar * , i give boh w n few of nnr present priei-s j subject to alt changes of the market, viz.: Salt $4 per barrel. Flour sl2 per barrel. Prints 25c to 40e per yard. Rest Brown Sugars 20 to 22c. White Sugars 2acts. per lb And every tiling not entitns rarcl, in same proportion. All we ask is f>r penile *o call and co fir | tin mseive. as we teel e nitblrnt that we can 1 tiaet their most sanguine expectations. STERLING to LOOMIS. j r'inevi'le. Pn Oct. 1864 —v4- 10 WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Sewinff-Machines. o f The Chi'a pest atbfl Best. OVER 150.000 OF THESE WELL-F--T' RLISHED SEWING-MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. AySxiro roji CpuriAß. I.ABIM* AIJIAXAC, AC. AGENTS WANTED. Addr. M WJ[!dELER & WILSON Sctrin{/-Machine Co. 704 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. VI Ci L. C- Conkl in, Of TUUKU UIUU k Borough, Wyo ' ming Cuirnry IM. hereby eiuo uotic-e, that he ha taken n liceu*e an p'ib'i e AU' iicneer, and tender lib services to the public in that capacity t .n re sou able terms. LC. CONKLLN. , 0:51 >ir t e f46 i p W, LITILB ATTORNEY'S AT, I LAW.Odlce ou Tioga street, Tuaihanoock Fa I .** . !M* mm & BAKER'S CELEBRATED ELASTIC STITHI si:\vi \(j-ma( iiim: Were aicunfed 'ho highest Premium* ever atl Co npetito s at the f Homing Strife and C unty Fairs of 1863. j NEW YORK STATE FAIR. j I-ir-t "uiium foi I'.nuiiv Machine. I ir:-' Pr.mium for Mai uf.ieturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work INDIANA STATE PAIR. , Firs' i'lsmiiHii tor Machine fur all purposes 1 list Premium for Machine Work I VERMONT STATE FAIR. J-irs' Premium fur Fa mil; Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium fur M ichine Work. CTITO STATE FAIR First I'ltmium for Macbino Work. . low ASTA'JF: FAIR. Kirs' Premium for Fund* M 'chine F i ist Premium lor M . nut'.ictu ing Machine F nil Preu.iu:.. for Machine Work, i ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. Fi-.-t Premium tor Mschine for nil purposes. First Premium f.r Machine Work. KENTUCKY BT.VTBFAIR 1 irn Premium fur Machine for all purjioiiei -1 TS' Premium foi M chine Work. ; MICHIGAN ST ATE FAIR, First l're mi it in f>r Family Machine. First Premium for M mufaciunog Machine. Eir-t Premium |.,r M I-him: WOI G PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR i ir- Premium f- r Manufacturing Machine First Premium tor Machine Work. OREGON STATE FAIR. Fir*"' Premium lor j amihr Midline. Pir.f p, 11*ihi for M ("liii'ie U ork. CHITTENDEN Co. (Vt ) Agril > i I -t Premium Uj- I- -licit v Mi; hine. In-: Iv-mium for Manufacturing M tehins. first Pr-mium for Ma hine Work • . P. AN KM \ Co (X. Y. )FAIR. i iist i c.i iju for 1 in.'iy .M i Fine, i•. - 1 liiin i i.m l r Ale i, ufa- tui irn r Mac Lido Cii AM PLAIN VALLEY (VT ) Agr'l'soc. HAMPDEN Co. (MASS )Ag,-T Sot. It ■ M I i >r F o;>1t M • hine* P n Mr M .chin- Work. W A SHI NIL TON Y )F MR i Fi.-.-i i'rcjoiuiu fo .'.imiiy Ma.hine. |U< F .NS to (X \ . )Agr'l jioe. j First Premium for F i.iilv Machine. F..-t Pf i.iiifrn -..r M uniacturing Mcchine. 1 '-ft jip mill in for Ma hine Work J SARATOGA 'O (X.V;FA'H 1 i •! i'n .lIUIII f'i r F.nuiF. M ichiue. Mi- N AXP'S' FX ST i rrrn M> ; , JFAIR ' ' : ' i fur M• v 1 r..: for nil purposes, F. • t ici.iiiiai tor Miehi <i W.,rk, GR i k\TIKLD(O)I XI ON 1 UK. F Pi Am for Kami!; M u-blno. i Pre iu :i for Mn-hine Woik. ! CLINTON C c )FAin. F -i.- . ieii.i.l r Fiuaiiy Machine. I Fust Premium for M.o Liac \\ u t*. i M >Xi i ME FY C, .'P.i )f"A IR. ' '* • i f>r M ichine for all pun>o # e? j F'is' Prm. r. m f.r M-. -•-!•! W .rk. ; SAN AOl IN Co (C.i )FAIR. F>rt i'n-ijjium for Family Machine. Fin* Premium tor M ichine VV-.rk. SAN JO'-tR DISTRICT (Cat ) FAIR l iiri premium for Family M.o-hine F-ist Prciuiuui tor Xlach/ae Wora I The a'-oye eou|.riKs ail rhe fairs at win. h the N t.n A E iKittt UACAIM.S were exhibited this ' yea Sal-"- ooms H'JT Broadway, \jiv Vork, i 739 Chert iut St. Philadelphia Sheriff's Sale. f)Y VfRTT EOF A "HIT OF F1 FA to me 1) • -t- 1 I will expo?-* to imolFc sal •af the ' oitrt If II cot i • I! >r-oiy,i of Timkh ir.iioek on the J9'h 'iav of October A. D. la 04 m one o'l-lu.-k P. M all of tho right title of Deft toil . Mowing deaerib u.fic. <• -r -11 of I,i;cl. fcituate in Monroe Totrn -1 hip. Wyoming Caunty a i.J State ot Prnn'a bou.. l .an I it-, rife.l i r,11..v,: to wit. Becinnlnr on tii E -t line of Wiu A Oreuttg on the North s ; le of the L ike to "i an I running thence North one am 1 a half iletr-c.- li t-' iift.v-four aa I eight tfcnili per ii <- " ' '• Ims' -7 J'cr-h- ■>. South 3f> I i-xrets Ki Pi Perch -to L ike ro ni hv the Seh o „i liou-v, i n t>y-'h oil roa 1 South 49 en I one fotirt:. i-grees We f-J an I three tenth porelies ■" t Fo cla. eo| ticgi .mug. containing 9 arres, nn-i >( Porch'*, toot* o I- Excepting and reserving one h i,. r D' .I IJotisj purposes and a!o axcep ing u. re- rviug afiout one fourth of n ace | on the North mil whiuu is re starred to Curpanrer foj i purpose of con noting water About t> acres there of improved with Fr.lined Dwelling , IS e,i an .f oecu ' pied ..s Dwelling and Store If. use Framed Ran, j and ii g Pen with so.ue fruit tre* thereon with the aj purtenmuo s Al.Sti, one other pi ace or t iret-l of Fan I situate in N.u-th more land Township Wyoming Counts Pa. Rounded ail i lo.Hcrue<i ai follows : Rounded on tlie North t,y lon (sol Augu-tus Weaver, East l.r lari js Au/iistii" Weaver .and I-nd late of Jams* ICI iy : to;, eoiil lining Yi a.-ros, more or less about 23 Here thereof improved with one small f.nme 11. u-e one lritneParn arid small apple orchard thereon with the ap lurfenn.-ice- thereunto belonging. Si 'zed and taken in execution at the suit of lleii>- ter Keeler, arsignei to A. K. Peeltham rs Elijah Montrose J And will Lc sold io" cash only by AHIRA GAY, Sheriff ShenflPs offi-e, > . Tuck Oc-t, 3 1 *G-1 ( Slici iir's Sale. "I T V VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF F1 FA to me A-f direeteu, 1 w.ii e.ip. e to public s.ilo at the Court tioue iu Tuukhanuo. k Roit.ugh on the 29th day of Oct A. D Fold, ULOUS o'olock P. J|. all that I certain I .t, jiicce, or parcel of Ir.nj, situate ill Li j ceyville, Rraiiifriu, T .xuiship, and bounded on th -mu'h by tho Tioga Road, on the East by 0 d Fel lows' lot, itn.l R. W.tkenun, on the North by land . W.ckernau on tbc \Vest by land of I. N. L irev; } cor.tatnfng about one.4erc, all improved, with one puldie Hotel, i'uc building called -'Odd l-'elloifs' Flili'.'one Barn and oth r outbuildings, and some f> II it frees f hereon, A LEO. one Mb. r Jot piece or parcel of land situate in s.ud I own-hip o Rniiiitrim and bounded on the "onth by I. rids of Ren j. Edwardi afld S.inincl Greg r.ry, on tn East by ih" <ptii-g Hill Road, on the \* est hy land of Th.'tnas Sherblan and the Lifile tus amm (TL-ek, ami .n the North by laml of Rei j i Rlwa Is .it ! a tuunury, eontai. Ing about elewn neros *lly,nproi -d, with some fruit trtts th roou Ac. % Se'ie i and tak'-n in exneution at the suit of So!-, mon Rrown < s Mary A. Labar, Eie utors of I J Lnbar Dec'si. Sheriff's Office, ) AHIRA QAY, Sheriff. Tunk Oct. 3d, '64 PROCIiAP.fATIOX. Th snbaerilicr hawuig baeu Licensad as an Aue •, offers his servsces as such, to all who may need the. upon terms as low as th> lowe-f. H 11. WALTERS, OvßrCabl,'Aug 3!-rt 1964 \\ TM. !W. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT VI fice mSdrrk's Brick Block, Tiga. 8.. Tunk hßcuaek. F-. Hi ir * * * * i iii iii lollies wringer. ; -wsAIW MO >I.YJ _ | SELF-AI)JU TUsG WUTF&TZ: N" TO SWELL OR SPLIT. ' ™XO 'l HJSCRRWSJ.I'O TIET OUT OF ORDER WAni:A\Ul> lH.OIt WITRoCT CQO-Wf KL. I It to k kef MRST PRUMiLM 'at I .ftV-Segcn State and Cvmty in iiffd. nnd U puhout an . exception the best Wmgur ever made. ' Patented in tho Hnd'e I Stilt*'*. England,, j j nnd Australia., Agents wanted in evary town, and iu all parts of "the world. Energetic kgtnta ean uiak from 3 to 10 DoLant 1 per day. * I Sample Wringer sent Lxpress^fciiou receipt of 2. ?G 00. NfFJ 50. No F. No A 89.50. , , MauuTncturcd and sold, xTholesale a„d retail, by TH L" PUTNAM M ANUF ACT I' RINQ CO No. 13 Piatt Street, New York, deKilau i, Ohio, and Benni igton. Vt S. C NORIIIRQP, Agent. WHAT EVERYBODY KNOWS,ris.— That Iron well galrnniied i till not rust; , That a siiuple machiue is bettor than n complieat e I one i That a M'ringer should be tclf-adusting, ,'urablc, and efficient. Tin it Thumb Serein and Fattening* cause delay and trouble to regulate and keep in order ; That wood foaked iu hot water uill sir ell, shrink and svlit; I The wuod bearings for the shaft to run in uill wear • i out; That the Putman Wringer, with or without cog i wheels, will not tear the clothes; I That< og-wheol regulators ar,; not essential ; I That the Putnam Wringer has all the advantages and not one of the disadvantages above named ; i That .11 who have t gted it, pronounce it the best ; Wringer over uiaio : j That it will wring a Thread or a Jlcd-Quilt WITH . OUT MATURATION. We might fill the ]>apar with testimonials, but | insert only a few to convince the skeptical, if such | 'here he ; an 1 we JHtv t all, test Putnam's Wringer i LVst it THOROUGHLY with ANY un 1 ALftoihers j tn v if not entirely satisfactory, return it ! Putnam Manufacturing Co : GKNTI.KMI N-; I kuouji-on practical experience that iron well galvanise with zinc will not oxidize or rust one particle The Putnam M ringer is as near perfect as possible, and I can cheerfully rec omend ii to be best in use Respectfully yours. JNO. W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Ohio. Mat-.v years' experience in tho galvanizing nusi i noss enable me to indoisc the above statement in nil varticulars. New Y-rk, daa, I6CI. JNO. C. LF.FFERT.S ItO Beekmnn St. We have tested Putnam's Cio'.les Wringer by pro lical working, and know thatit will do. Ft is cheap; it is simple ; it requires no room, whe'her at work or at roer; a child cau operato it; it does itsdu'v thoreugh'y; i' sanies lirncand it -n\os wear and .ear We earnestly advi-e all who ha-e much washing to do. with nil intelligent persons who have any. to buy th's Wringer. It will pay for itself in ,i year at most. IICNTIOE RACGRS'-LEY. A CAUI) TO TIIE SUFFERING. SW.M.I.OW two or three hogsbends of 4 ' Rui hu' '•Tu.ic Bilt.-r-,'' 44 j : .vs." Ac . ec • . A;. nn I after you are satified i with the ,--ult. tit nti v one box <d OLD DoCIOK i i.l ''H AN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS-an 1 ! e rt-si ,rv Ito health and vigor in less than thirty bus. They re purely vcgetsMe, jd-asant to take I ir. nipt an! salutary in their efft-c's on the bra en- I own uud shaltcrrJ . ons ituli-n. Obi and young •nt .ko iriem with advantage. Imporw i and F'J ' I in the United States only by J A*" ?. BUTLER No. 427 BroadwaT, New York. I Ag-nt for the United States, j P. 5 - A B"X o 4 tiie Pills, secun iy packed, will • maib dto uny a idre-s on receipt of pri -c, which | a ONE DoLLAK, post p.-i l—money refunded hy | tii.o ot if < utire sutiifa tim is not given vl law. AJCT'S Pillsi ARE you sick, Treble and complaining ? Ara you .ut of order with vour system deranged and I your, feelings uncomt'ottable 1 These sjinptoms an j i.On the prelate to serious illness. Some ui ot j kne. i* CRRTGIFTIR noa you, and should be avert- Ici by a timely Use of the r 7l)t remedy. Take Av ' -r s'i'ill-. an I cloat.yo <ut the ditorlored humors ' puri'r the blood, ami let the fluid* move on ur.ob -trui'tt iin liP.iltn again, xhey stimulate the tunc ! -ionf. ftiie b"dy int" Vigorous activity, purify the i -\s-riii from the tions which rnako disease ; A c 1 I -ettle- - onewhcre ir. Tim t dy, and deranges • its n itural functions . These, if not relieved renct 1 i.p.>n themselves undtb surrounding organs,produc j ii g general aggravation, suffering nn 1 derangement While in this condition, take Ayr's Pills and sec how'directly 4 they res"are the natural action of the system, and with it tho buoyant feelings of health i I again. What is true and so a parent iu this tnvi • i al and common complaint is also true and in many j of the deep scute 1 and dangerous distempers. The j F ioio purgative effect expel* them Caused by sim ' j ilar ohstructi. us ard .lerangemer.ts of the natural tunc'i i'is • fI he body, they arc rapidly and many of ' them surely cure ', by the same menus, \ ne who jkn av the vittue ot those Pills v*ill neglect to employ j thi-in when -uffcring from the disorders they cure su h"> II"i !a h . Foal Stomach, Dvsentery, liil . i n:-Coinj lain--, indigestion, Dw-r-ngeincitt .1 the Liver, < -'iveiie*-. Constipation. Heartburn, Rheu ' i matisin, Ih-op-y, Worms and Suppression, when tak j en in large dos -s. They are Sugar Coated, so ihatthe most sensitive i can take t am easily, .ud thev are surely the best i purgative medicine yet discovered. 4 i Ayer'i Ague Cure. | For the speedy and certain Cure of Intennitlrn J Fever, or Chilis and Fever, Remittent Fever, Chill I | l', Dumb Ague, Pericillcnl Headache or Ri!- ' : ious Headache, and Bilious Fevers ; indeed, for jj the wii ilo class of originaiing in Liliar dc-r.-.ngcnient, caused hv the malaria of miasma tic countries Tho- remedy has rarely failed to cure tho severest cases of Chills and Fever, and il has this great ad vantage over other Ague medicines, that it subdues j tlie voinplaint without injury to tho pnlimt. It j couUius nofjuinine or other delitenu? substance, , nor does if pToduce quinism or any Injuries effect 1 i ek'Uvrr Shaking Mothers of Iho artny and the | cwst, try it and you will endorse these assertions. hvPrepired by J.C AY I R A C".. T. well. Mass, d sold by t-amuel Stark Tunkhanuoek and all i aailers in tpedieine eveiywhere. WANTED!!! ; ! 100 BUSHELS OF CHESTNUTS for which tho highest mnket casii price will he paid A G. STARK. : luiikLai.ftwsk Pit. i H EH 5 IA MM EL &CO PRODUCE ' CO O N ME KC HANTS i | 3AO GREENWICH STREET, New Yoik. ! G. P. Datding, T ■ L ILiiiiihef', V 4, L. II trdiug. ) J! Farmer.- ha ving butter end other produce to sell will re -Mvs fr .m this firm tho highest marke pric > and jjvoinpt returns. Mr. B. Iftrding.pno of the meaibers, who resides s at Niiltcil.-up F'eppt, will receive and attend to s shipment-.f aJ! utifilos. aqd if desired will make ad'v■■incpiiicnh < f ..tfc'half market val c at time of , doll-.ct-y Fi hita. ! TAG Yf-F WTSHTO BE CF'RF.n ?-DR BU I ±yCHAN'S E.NGLI>II SPECIFFIO PILI 5 euer in b>* thvn 30 days, the worst esses *>f NERYOI S- N E-S Irnpatence, Prcn-ature Decay. Ieriiinnl J Weakness lnsuniiy. and all L'riaary, Sexual and Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause pro duced- Price. One Dollar per box. Sent, post-paid jbv mail, on receipt of an order. One Box vih per i feet the cure in most cases Address JAMES S. BUTLER General Ageat, 427 Broadway, New Yerk vfnl 3n: HS. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON • Newton Centre, Lnserr.e County Pa. JV. SMITH. M D , PHYMCIAN A SURGEON, • Office on Bridge Street, next i>or t-o the Perao j erat Offlse, Fa. "' T S •NOT A RUM DRINK i Wu JUI^UUIUUMmmmmL VEGETABLE EXT 11 ACT ji A PURE TONIC, ' \l ! THAT WILL RELIEVE TIIE AFFIUTED, AND ; i i Not make Drunkards. BR, HOOFLANS j GERMAN BITTERS, i PREPARED BY i I)K. C- !H. JAfhSOV, ! PHILADELPHIA, PA. ( AVILL EFFECTUALLY AND MOST CERTAINLY ' URE ALL DISEASES ;j ARISING FROM A ! , DISORDERED LIVER, STOMACH OR ' ' * KIDNEYS, ' Thousands of our cititens arc. suffering from Dys* ! ' i pepsia anu I Aver Diseases, una to whom the foi ! ( j lowing quesiior.s apply—we guarantee ! HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE THEM HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases ol the Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a Disordered itomach. OBSERVE. THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullnes or Blood to the Head, Acidity ol the Stomach. Nausea, Heart i burn. Disgust Food, F'ullnessor Weight in the- I Stomach. Sour Eructations. Sinking or Fluttering at ! the Fit ot the Stomach, Swimming of the Head lj Jr - ! ric I and Difficult Breathing. Fluttering of the Heart i Choking or Suffocating Sensations when iD a lying! posture. Dimness of Vi ion, Dots or Wei* before the < Sight, Fever and Bull Pain in the ifoad, Deficiency ! of Perspiration, Yellowness of rhe Skin an Eves I Pain in the Side, Back. Chest, Lii ibs, A Sndde i Flushes of Heat, Burning in tho Flesh, Constant In ' of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. i PA IITICULAN O r J I C 1 There ore many preparations sold under the name of Fitters, put up-in quart Pottles, compounded of ' the cheapest xchiskey or c tmv on rum. cost in* from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anise ' or Coriander Heed This class of Bitters has caused and if ill continue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hundred- to die ! the death of the drunkard By their use the system ! is kept continually und'r the injluencc of Alcoholic j Stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for Liouoi ] is created etrtd kept up, and the result is' all the hor rors attendant upon a drunkarcf s and de dh. Fr these who desire and will haven Liquor Bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get it e Bottle Iloofllmtd's tie-man Hitters ard mix with Three 41 II arts ol Good Brandy or Wilis : key, and the result icill be a preparation fruit win tar x e.e lin medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Filters f?i tAe marke' and will eost niueli !e,s. You will have all the cirtuis of llocvflaiid's Biltcr* in connection with a good article of Liquor, at a much less price ihan these inferior preparations will cost you HOOFLAND'S GERMAN FITTER WILL GIVE YOU AGOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU STRONG HEAL IHA NERVES WILL GIVE YOU BRISK AND EN ERG E lit) FEELING WILL ENABLE YOU TO SLFET WLL L. AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, A 1 Those suffering from nrokc./i down und Delicate Constitutions From whatever cause?, either in MALF. AND FEMALE, WILL FIND IN , IIOOFI, %XD* 4 GEKM4N RITTLkS A REMEDY That will rest >rc them rn iheir usual health. Such hi- l eer, the case in thoc.-ands of instances, and * fair trial is but required t.> prove the assertion. From Iter. J Feu ton Brown, D. D , Editor of thi j Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge A!'hough not disposed to favor or recommend Pal ! cut Medicines in general, through distrust of thei j ingredients and effects, I yet know of no suffi.-icn 1 reasons win a m m may not testify to the benefits la | believes himself to have received from any situ-1, i preparation, in the hope that he may thus corn ibuic i to the benefit ~f others I do this the more readily in regard to Hoofl rod'- - German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C M Jackson, of I tl is . iiy, because 1 was prejudiced nga nst theui f r 1 many years, under the impression that they wr j chiefly an aicoliolii- mixture lam indebted to my j friend Robert Shot maker Esq., for the removal ot | this prejudice by proper tests, am for eu.-euragem -nt I lu try thvia. wlmu suffering from great an i Jo' gcoc- t tinned debility. The use of three bottles of these Bi'fers. ot the beginning of the pr sent veur. was ] t.dio .c.J by cii.ii ut relief, and restoration to a de gree 'lb. hly an . mental vigor which I had not felt ' for six. months before, an ( had almost despaired : I regaining 1 therefore hank God and my friendfo- j directing me 4 <> the use of them PUILAD'X, June 23, 1861 J NEWTO.N BROWN DISEASES OF KIDNEYb AND BL A DDE In Young or Aged, Male or Female, Speedily removed, and the patient restored to health j DELICATE CHILDIiEE, Those suffering from MAR ASMUS, wasting hw.IV. . with scarcely any flesh on their bones, aro cure i in u ' very short time: one bottle in such cases, will bare ! a most surprising effect. FARBPTH ; Having suffering children as above, an i wishing to ' 1 raise theui, will never regret Cue day they commcnc- I j ed with these Biitors LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, I And those working uard with their brains, shoul .'al- '• I I ways keep a bottle ot Ilooflaod's Bitters near] j them, c. t hey will find muili benefit from ns use, to ' I both mind and body, invigorating ami not depressing | IT IS NOT A LHtUOR STIMULANT, AND LEAVES Nu PROaTUATiON. j AT7ETIOft7 SOLDIERS 1 AND THE FRIENDS OF SULDIEUS. j AVo call attention of r.l! having rei it ons or friends i •in the nrmy to the fact that 44 U00?1..*N1 ,,S Gr- 1 man PAtlefa" will cure nine tenths of the disease- in- • ! duced by exposures and privations incident to camp ' I life In Ihe lists, published almost daily in the news- ' j papers, on the arrival of tho sick, it will he m-ti. ud j ! that very large proportion are suffering from dul il j Hy. Every case of that kin I con he readily cured' !bv Hoofland's German Bitters. We have no he?it:i- ' ; tion in stating that, if these Bitters were freely used . j among our soldiers, hundreds of liv-s might be saved , that otherwise would he lost, i I The proprietors are daily receiving thankfullef ters ; , from suffcierg ill the army an I hospitals, who have ' , j been restored to healih by the use of these Bitters. ' - sent to than* by the-.r friends j BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS See tbat the S'jl'iaiurw ..f 44 U. M J At'KMI.N" , is fit 1 ht- \\ RAPPER "f earb Bottle. I . ! Jrire per Bottle 7 $ rente, I {• 'or Haft l>ox. for 8 LOO, ' ! Should your nearest druggist h*t Lave be article j . do not he put off by any of the intoxicating propsra- i tions that may he offered in its place, but tend to us and we will forward, securely packed, by experts. Principal O/Hce and Manufactory, 0. I ARCH JONES & EVENS,' (Succeeaorsto C. M JACKSON A Co.) , Proprietors. * 1 FDR SALE by SiaK-a. a*d Detlcu.a J owniu tHw fTMfkrt V*. tii sin mm mrni . i HTiTiRW I K4MI £TjTLT'I MA L C ""g is fast gaining a world-wide rrpntftTOff. if D bu yon i doubt the best and cbeapegt and most beautiful of uH Fnyl / .Sewing Ma bine# yet offered to tk public" utfier Ftnrly Sewing Machine bas no many no(ui appliances for Hemming, Binding, Fell in?. Trnking, Gathering, Gauging, Ciaiding, Em broidering, fording, and so forth. Ifo other Family Sowing Machine hag go much capacity for a great variety rroik It will gear all kinds of clotb, and wt'li n!! kind oftHyeid. Great and recent !■- provcm-nt? tnukr cur Family Sewing Machine cuolt rrliibfo. an J iu<.?t durable, and :• >r certain in! ao* tier at all rate- of It makes the interlocked stitch, r !i-. ais the best stitch known. Anv one, ov en of the toast crdinary capacity, can see, at a g!toee, h<>tv to use the letter A Family Sewin? Machine—' Our F:m:Uy >ewirg Machines are fitttuSed in chart* an I exquisite stjlj The Folding ta*c of the r.'.nsily jSachine if a piece of cunning workmanship of thr. rttoot useful kind. It protects the inu .hii e when ictt in /ad when about to Le operated may le opened a a spa ci us and subg'antiai table to sustain the wtfivle.— While some ot the Cares, made out of the cSbieeM woods, arc fnished in the simplest and chastest man ner possible, others are adorned end embelisbed'iu the most costly an t superl. manners. It is absolutely ncce.-sary to see the Family Ma chine in operation, so as to judge of its great capaci ty and bounty. It is fast bee tiling as popular for family scsvinjf as our manufacturing machines arc for manufactdf itig purjsjscs The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk. twist, thread, needles, oil, Ac., of the very best qual ity. Send for N PAMPHUKT. TUB SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY/ 453 Broadway, New York. I Office, WlO Chestnut ffft.' i Ag'.'i iu Tunklianoock. m&vm mmm mm —ANL'— Tin Sliop. THE subscriber has just received at his shop, over Hank in.sen' 6 Store, ia MESHOPPEN PA., and will constantly keep on hand all the latest MPROVED COIN] SrVES Among which are the • CALORIC," MINER and " UNION" patterns, with PARLOR STOVES and Heaters of every description, which he offers fa/ Ready Pay it prices that will defy competition 11; stoves arc bought directlv of the Manufactur er- it ALBANY, WILKt SBARRE. PROVIDENCR and SCRAN TON. lie is therefore enabled to sell i them at a small advance on the original coat TIN, SHEET-IRON, —AND- Copper Ware. j ail kinds on hun l aal made to order Also 1 PIP, WAGON n:> \s, AX D *IA GH SHOES FOR SALE. i The popular Cocking Store, For st Qli € ii, | (Elevated r,\. r.) is now fu tbe first, offered at S'J" for L inch, 525 for ft nch, REPAJ SIRS AND JOBBING neatly ami prcrnp'.iy none. HENRY STANSBtftY. MesL' rpen, Doe 17th, 18G2 v2nii]y. FRIHT6 & PLBWEM r PiIE SUBo-CRILER IIA3 HAD IN SUCCESSFUL A operation, fir several years, a iff "XT T) -n -.n ~T) I s *! '%J &IJ H i , A TOWAIVDA.^ where ill of the in-st approved and rare kinds of FRUIT &■ ORNAMENTAL TREES. Can lie obtained. Being c.-nr nee 1 from experience that his Trees an 1 Plant-will give far better satisfaction to the FruP-g. ower* of Wyoming County than any growtt i:i other lotftliucf. he confidently ijli. ilsthoir patron age. He wilt make annual risita either in person or by tlis agents to most of the township.- of Wyoming Co , and asks only that his specimens may be examined m I hi method of dealing be tested A! riersbybtt ror otherwise, for Treeg, v iceg or p; ritf will be promptly attended to. t' vl-ly. D IIABKINS. HARDWARE & IRON I HUNT SRO'S & Blair OVV OFFER FOR SLE IRON, STEEL, NAII > AND SPIKES, MINB RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS. PLAIN A CONVEX HORsE-SIIOES. HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, I miliar minn. I CAKPEN- I TERS' TOOLS, (ALL VV ARK AN YEI>.) IIUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL. BOTTS, NUTS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARTS, CEMENT, IIAIR. SHOVELS. WIIITK LEAD EEENCII WINDOW GLASS, Ac Ac , AI.SO SASII, DOORS AND BI.IN.'S ON HAN DIN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED TQ ORDER LE AT 11 EE It AND FINDINGS 1 FAIi?BAK'S (SCALES. [ iiarrt 2?, i u 62 vl7?-