North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, September 28, 1864, Image 2

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    The Soldiers' Vote,
set* of <' wm I r ion tick
ets. We urgently request the father*, m>ih
rs, sifters, brother*, and friendhof every.
WeCleMaa soldiet in erery Tows6ftii|i, tto
see to it at owe, that all such are stressed,
and the ten cents t\x paid for thepl in
to aerare their votes. The assessment Ino'a
be made not later than Friday next. Per
haps if made on Saturday, Oct. Ist, it would
be in tiui", hat i<l avoid all doubt have it
m&d at the earli*sl p wibie moment. The
law on this guhj-ct published in tho next
coLmn, should be carefully read and consid
ered. Let the votes bo cutout, enclosed in
a letter ajid sent to the soldiers in the army.
Thlise of them who desire the success of Slc-
Clellan in November, will aurely vote for
Die men who will anatain him, and his peltcy
hi the state and nationalLegialature ; and fur
the men, who are now laboring night and day
to secure his election. The result of the elec
tion in October, will have a great influence
on the Presidential election in November.—
No friend of the ''Hero of Antietam" should
fail to vote the Democratic ticket in October.
All certainly should have an opportunity to
do so. Aud if every man does bis duty, suc-
CTsa will crown our efforts.
jEST Soldiers who fought with McClel
lan ! Your gallant lefder is daily slandered
by Mr. Lincoln's press. They once cheered
him. Mr. Lincoln called upon Ileaveu to
bless him. and Genera! Id a I leek could not
find words 6trong enough to sound his prais**
es. Now they assail hiui, and charge htm
with imbecility and cowardice. You know
false these charges are—avenge him at
polls 1
Democratic Ticket
Co agrees,
Tictor 1. Pio I'tt,
Represent alien,
John Jack on.
K. B. Guild.
Astooia te Judge,
John Y. Smith..
> •
Hiram Bedle.
Samuel Jerkins.
Martin Sitklrr.
Tictor S. Piollef,
John Jackson.
K. I. GuiHL
Associate Jndge i
John Y. Smith,
Commisii<rr*er f
Hiram Bodlc.
Samuel Jenkins
Martin Bitklw.
Tictor X. riollet.
Representatives, i
John Jackson.
E E. Gr.ild. j (
Associate Jvdyo,
John V. Smith. j c
! t
CvvHHissiensr, f
Hiram Bodlc. 1
Samuel Jenkins. | a
Auditor, r
Martin BidOe. <
C|t jgrnotrat.
: Wednesday, Sept. 28 1864.
Election October 1 I, 1864,
•I." .
'I -
.i; .
OF 01TI0.
The Union—The Constitution—
Peace—Public Liberty—Private
Plights—Free Elections—A Free
Press—Free Speech—Trial by
| Jury—The li ght of Asylum
Justice to cur soldiers.
| Resolved. That in the future, as in the past, we
| will adhere with unswerving fidelity to the Union
j the Constitution as the oulv solid f undation
• our <rength. 'security, and happii ess as u peo
[ pie, and as a forme work of government equally
I eendueive to the welfare and prosperity of all the
State,. Itoth Northern and Southern.
Resulted. That thi-- Convention does explictlv de
clare. as the sense of the American people, that af
ter for years o f 'ailure to restore the Union by the
j experiment of war, daring which, uuder thefre
j tense of a military necessity or war jower higher
| than the Constitution, the Constitution itself has
I be-n disregarded in every part, and public lib<--ty
and private right alike trodden down, and the ina
i terial prosperity ot the country essentially impaired
| justice humanity, liberty, and the public welfare
I demand that immediate efforts be made for a eessa- |
| tion of hostilities with a view t > an ultimate Con
j vention of all the States, or other peaeeble means,to
, the end that, at the earliest practicable moment,
j peace may be restored cn the basis ot the Federal
j Union of the States.
Re Atcd, That the direct interference of the mil
: itary authority of the United .States in the recent
elections held in Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri!)
| and Deleware* was < shameful violation of the
Constitution, and a repetition of such acts in the i
approaching e ection will beheld as reyolutionaiy
and resisted with all the means anj power under
•or control.
Rttoltetl , That the aim and object of the Dem*
r*tic party is to preserve the Federal Union and
• rights of the .-to'es unimpaired ; art th.v
hereby declare that they consider the administrative
usurpation of exiraordm -ry and dangerous |owers
not granu Iby the vumtituHon, the subversion of
the civil by military arrest, imprisonment, trial,and
sentence of American citizens ill States, where civil
law exist* iq lull force, the suppiessiouof freedom of
speech and of the press, the denial of the right of
asylum, the open an 1 avowed disregard of State
rights, the empkivment of i.nunihl test oaths, and
tho interference with and tho dt cial of the right of
the people 1 taTiear arms , as calculated to prevent a
restoration of the Union and the perpetuation of a
government deriving its just powers from the con
sent of tnc governed.
Resolved , That the shameful disregard of the Ad
mini st mn to its duty in respect to our fellow citi
zens who now and long have been prisoners of war
In a suffering condition, doserves tho severest rep
robation on tho score alike of public and common
hu • anity.
Resolved. That the sympathy of tho Democratic
party is heartily and earnestly extended to the sol
diery of cur army whoaie and have been, in the j
field, under the flag of our country, and in the
• v ent of our attaining power they will. receive all
the care, protection, regard ar 1 kindness that the
brave soldiers of tlio Republic have so nobly earn- ;
ed ' M . •
C3T On Friday. ihe New York Tribune 1
quoted against Little Mac and tho Copper :
heads a tnost loyal and patriotic extract, '
which it credited to Stephen A. Douglas,— ;
Thq extract turnttl out to he a pait of Gen. ;
McClelland West Point Oration. Shoddy
a badly Bold.
The Abolition papers have b>en crowing
quite luattiy-oyer the ekctifti relurnaof fuaino
It they will take trouble to examine more
cloAir. t!i,ey will n >: be qiito sija'- !.i,i r .. —
The 1 returns sliovv a Democratic gain i.i that
State of near thrdbthousand votes. The Ab
olition majority last year was over seventeen
thousand ; this year it is reduced to abou
fourteen tlwutaud, nolwithsatn ling about
Eve thousand soldiers were sent there to rwvl'
the Abolition v ite.
. " ■ . '-r ■ ■
THE DgftioGßATtc Tickets *rp now priht
ed find ffeady for distribution rt this . ffice—
Our frignha Iroui he 'liffereut Townships caa
get them by caMfng on us.
jJ3T Uorace Greeley pretends ,to weep
f ° r fe 1, Pf^ itice thinitsperhapa it, if j
thfi onion,.thumkti.> pioj cry, j
j * *****
ciJOOfor 17 Day's 8e rvlce,
The late "extra sesisnn of the Legislature,"
lasted for 17 days. The abolition majority
roted themselves the snug iitt'e su tn of S3OO
•ach lor their services. Mr. Wells' of Sus
quehanna, now the abolition candidate for
re lection—in this and that county—of
course did not oppose this nice little nrrang
tnent, but, as we are informed, tolcd foe it.—
At least, be pocketed the §3O0 —about §lB
per day—for his 17 days' arduous labors—
lie now aks the tax-pavers of this district
to send him back again! He think this
rather too expensive, for a man ta sit in a
richly cushioned chair fur three or four hours
a day. John Jackson an 1 PL E. Guild
would do the same amount of service fur a
far less aum. At least they would have vol
ed with the Democratic members who tried
to reduce the compensation to §IOO
The tax payers of the districts, who con-
with us in tiiis opinion, without respect
t> party, shoul ! vote for Jackson and Guild,
\N iien a man, like Representative Wells, gets
•o "he steals like an old member"—a new
one shoe Id be put in his What say
you tax-payers ?
Ate You Assessed I
It is but a short time untii the election and
perhaps you are uot assessed. D> not wait a
day longer, but go <1! orce to your assessor
and tee that your name is pu the I;-', L >ok
also tor the name of your neighbor, that you
know will vote with you, if it , not there,
have it placed on the books imtnedi itely.—
Let us lose no votes on account of negligence
New Tax Kama.
It it thought that the Abolition members
of Congress wd! put the following items in
the new tax bit I :
Fur speaking disrespectfully of Mr. Lin
Coin, t o hundred dollars, and confiscation of
For thinking, against Lincoln, one dollar. I
Fr dreaming disrespectfully of Lincoln,
fifty dollars.
For taking the name of any
office-holder in va<n, twenty-five dollars.
For speaking disrespectfully of private Re
publicans. ten ceots each.
F.>r voting a Copperhead ticket, twenty five !
Every Democratic offie-holder taxed fifty!
cenls a day (Sunday included.)
Every man not drafted to be taxed ten dol- '
lars (Abolitionists excepted.)
F >r every white male child, born alive, ten
For evors white female chili, burn alive,
ten cents.
For every negro male child, born alive, a
premium of twenty dollars.
hor every negio female child, born alive, a
premium of ten dollars.
hor not believing Lincoln is the Govern
ment, a tax of five hundred dollars.
For talking against the right of R publi
®**' t J, a fax of ftity dollars for each
ofiense. and six months' imprison n .*nf.
E>r dying, a tax of one dollar a head,
save and except, those Americans of African
descent who have a righs to die free.
JD-2T X A e understand that the Lincolniles
are tiying a new scheme. There are many
voters who have hitherto acted with thern,
not because they are fanatical, hut because
they have been overawed and tcrified,
These men have determined to vote for Mc
Ciellan bnt the Abolition managers try anew
dodge by persuading them to vote the Aboli.
tion ticket in October, even if they intend to
vote for McClellan in November. We hope
such voters will not he misled. A Demo
cratic triumph in October is necessary to se.
cure success in November. Every friend of 1
McClellan should remember this. Vote the :
Democratic ticket in October ; this will e. !
cure McClellan'* success.
Over two millions fuur hundred thousand
men have entered the army since the. begin- ,
ning of the war. The impending draft w ill
swell the number to three millions. Yet,
Willi all these'brave and gallant men, Mr.
Lincoln s fa'al and miserable poltcy ha. failed
to ace. :np lish the pretended object for which
the war was begun, flow many more will it
take to tini-h if, upon the basis of "the aban
donment of slavery," which the President
says is now the only condition of peace 1
XeJSu" Tim folL.ving extract from the
Western Maryhnd Demociat. published at '
Wesfiuinster, Md.,
' G>;N. MCCLKLLAN is by no means satis- j
factory to us. hut if we can only save one :
delicate female from the brutal grap of one '
of Lincoln's m gro soldiers, had we not well j
vote for him ? If we can only save the home 1
of one infaot, perhaps yet unborn, from the
hands of Lb coin's incendiaries, had we n>t 1
well vote for him ? if we can only save the j
life ot soms one pint and dying ina govern- i
mem baslile, had we not well vote for him ? j
if we can tnly save the life of some one half'
naked and starviug ina filthy prisoner's camp
had we not well vote for him ?"'
C 2f dr. Lincoln hasn't exhibited any of
his antics lately. But we shall stir him up
with a long poll in November Peentice.
The Richmond Examine r sayH that !
the crop* at the S-utii aro unusually pond;'
and that "the Yankees may as well dismiss
their pleasing vis'uns of Southern exii austion. I
— £
For McClellan.—General Robert And#r*nl
son, of Fort Sump'er celebrity, is a warff i'
and enthusiastic friend of General McClellan j
fur the Presidency Cin Enq
' i ■
General Sheridan has quite cleared i
the Shanandoah valley of rebels.
Tloe price of gold has rapidly declintd
within the past week. It is now "quoted at i
less than two dollars. j 1
•* j*l
! W> publish part rf a circular fldftrosscfl
, j to us as chairman of tho Democratic Stand
|! Ing Conjminee for Wyoafng County, We
I hopo our friends will read it and give imme.
.J d*te attention to its recommmdationy. : If
P we would secure our part of the army
| vote, every father, mother, sister and broth*
ior nod friend of s ddiers in the army, who
will vote our ticket, should immedia*ely
i forward the in tic kefs by letter togetht r with
; certificate of assessment and tax receipt.
ED. I.'E.M.
Tickets should be sent to s ldiers bot!in
the State and National service, and to all
! hospitals, in short, to ad persons in the mili
tary service absent from their homes.
We call your special attention t tfc#
following sections of the late act of Assem
Section 40. It shall he th e duty of every assessor
! within this Commonwealth, annual'y, to ossns adl
return, iri the manner now require] by ! vw, a cotio-
I ty tax of ten cents upon each and every noo-ooiumis
; sioued officer and private, and the u-ual taxes upon
! every couimitsioued officer, known by thcin to be ia
| the military service of the United States or of
: State in the army, and when any omission ?hall occur
! the < mitted name shall be added by such assessors to
I the assessment* and list of votfltv, on the application
lof any citizen of tue district or precinct
i wherein such soldier might, or would havo a right
i to vote, if not ia such sorv "ce as atoresai J ; and such
I non-coiuuiissioued officers and privates shall be ex
, emptfrom all other personal taxes during their con
tinuance in such service ; an i said assessors shall in
each an.! every case of such nssesse I sol oicrs or offi
| cers. without fee or reward therefor. give a certificate
|of such regular or addiii n al assessment to any citi
zen* of the election districts or predicts wh > may at
! any tiaSc demand the same ; and upon the
i tion thereof to the tax colic'tor of said district, or
! the treasurer of the said county, it shall be the duty
of such officer to receive said asessed tax of and from
! any person uaering to pay the same for tho soldier or
' officer therein named, and to endorse upo* such cer
i tificate a receipt thereof ; and it shall also be the
' duty of said ollector or county treasurer to receive
I said assessed tax from any person who may offer to
j pay the same for any of said officers or soldiers with
out roquiring a certificate of assessments when the
| name ot su-h person shall have been duly entered
upon the assessments books and tax dupli ates, and
give a rceipt therefor to surh person, specially stat
ing therein the name of the so dicr or offlcet whose
! tax is thus'paid, the year for which it was assessed,
I and the date of the payment thereof j which said
j certificate and receipt or receipt only, shali be pri
i via facie evidence to any election or board provi led
j for by this act, before which the same may be oller
j ed, of the due assessment of the said tax against
j and the payment thereof, by the soldier or officer
| therein named offering the samo as afore aid ; but
j sai 1 election board shall not be thereby precluded
from requiriingother proof of the l ight to vote, as
! specified by this act /r tho general election laws of
ihis Commonwealth ; and if any ot s.ij assessors
cellecton or treasures shall neglect or refuse to
comply with the provisions of this section, or to
: perform any of the duties therein enjoined upon
them, or either ot them, he or they so offending
shall be considered and adjudged guilty of a misde
meanor in office, and shall on conviction, be fined
in any sum not less than twenty or more than two
hundred dollars; Provided, that the additional as
sessments required to be made by the above section
] in the city of Philadelphia shall be made on appli,
cation of anv citizen of the election di strict or pre
cinct wherein sech assessment is required by such
citizen to be made."
if any assessor refuses to p?rfjr:n his duty
app'y to him the pcnaltic-3 herein pointed
There is a clss* of soldiers who are away
from their companies and regiments on de
tached service, in I ispitals, in the Veteran
Reserve corps, t£c , and rhe election law | di
vides that irhereve r there s a less number
than ten soldiers al any one place tiiev may
set.u a proxy to any friend at h< in • to vote
for them. The tm de is pointed out by law.
S*c*3l. When any of ihc electors mentioned in
the first faction of this act, less than ten in number,
shall be members of companies of another z>taie or
| Territory, or. for any sutfi ient an I legal causs
| shall be separated from their proper company, or
| shsll be in any Lsspital, navy yard, resel, or on
recruiting, provost, or other duty, whether within
■or without this btate, under-uch circumstances as
: shall render it probable thai ho or they will Le una
I ble to rejoin their proper company, or t > be present
at his proper place oft election, on or before the day
of elections therein mentioned, said elector or clee
j tors shall have a right to vote in tho fid! wing man
SEC. 32. Tho voter af >rasvi 1 s horeby author
ized, before the day of election, to deposit hit
ballot, or ballots priparly folded, as required by
the general election law of ibis State or otherwise,
as tho voter nifty < Loose, in a staled envelope, to
gether with a written or printed, or partly written
or partly printed statement, containing the name of
toe voter, the county, townsnip borough or ward of
. which ho is a resident, and a written or printed au
thority t rome qualified voter in the election dis
i trict of which said voter is a resident, to cast the
ballot contained in said envelope for him on the"day
of said election Said statement and authority to be
signed by the said voter, and attested by the com
manding or some commissioned officei of tho com
pany of which he is a member, in the case of an
officer, if any of such officers at . conveniently ac
cessible, and if otherwise, then by some other wit
ness ; and there shall also acc mpinv said ballots
an affidavit of said voter, taken before some one
of the officers aforesaid, and in the absence of.such
officers, before aouie other person duly author!zod to
administer on-h, by any law qf this State, that iio
is a qualified voter in the ciction district in which
he proposes to vote, that he is in the actual military
service of /he United States, rr of this State, de
scribing the organization to which he belongs, that
he has not sent his ballots to any other person or
porsoaa than the one in authority mention ed
that, that he will not offer to vote at any poll which
may be op sued on such election day at any place
what?oerer, r.nd that he is not a deserter, an I has
not been dishonorably dismissed from tho service,
that he is now stati >ned at in tho State
< Said sealed envelope, containing the
statement, a thorlty and affidavit as afore-
to be sent to the p roper persons, by mail or
otherwise, having written or printed on tho outside
ncoss the scaled part thereof, the words. ' '"Sol
dier's ballot for township, (borough or wa rd,)
in the county of— .—."
SEC. 34. The tlector to whom such bal'et shall
be see.: shall, on tho day of election anl whilst the,
polls of tho proper district arc open, deliver the en
velope so receive 1, unopened, to then proper officer,
who shall open the same in tho presence cf tho elec
tion board, deposit too ballots therein contain
tojtlktT with tire envelope siH eccempanyhig
patera, as other 1 iilluU are <'cpcti!cd, aud sai'l
bVSrd shall eouiit an 1 "antii#a tUe sahib in t'uo
game manner as( thor votes cnut at said election
and the person delivering the girae may, on the de
mand of any be compelled to testify, on
onth, th it the on re! pee Jelivered by in is in
the same state as when received by him, and that
the game has not beau opened or the contents there
of chang -d or altered ia any way by him."
You will see froin those sections of th e law
tiiat ; n order to enable any soldier absent in
the army, on detached service, or in the hos
pitals, to vote, he must boimmediately assess
td at homeland the nominal lax often
cents paid fo r him- The assessor most give
a certificate ui assessment, and the tax col
lector a receipt, which certificate and receipt
mult be immediately forwarded to the aol
e:er, to be shown by him at the polls by
which he tile's to vote. I n the case of those
wlie arCytlililled to Vote by proxy, yos imi>t
immediately oetid iht-m blank. • tatemcnta and
affidavits,(which you will receive in a day or
(wo,) which mnfei be filled and sworn to as
1" v;ded by the law. enclosed wi ! h the ballot
an 1 sent to the person win presents the bal
lot at home, so as to be by him received be
fore the Second T-u-sJu?/ of October.
In cases where a soldier votes by proxy,
'-he certificate and receipt, if rent to him. .
must be either returned ut a duplicate obtain*
cd, as a vte by proxy will be subject to:
cha.ienge, the same as though the origins!
was present, in cases of naturalized cuizt.,*
the naturalization papers, or a certified c. j.y
cf the same, must be win re the vote is pro i
senttd, whether in the army or by proxy at
NOTF. The blank* Ma and affi!a\ its
spoken of have nut yet been receive ! by us. .
Let there be no delay however in forwardu: !
the tickets. ED. DUM.
' " "" !
Col. V. E Pioliet.
By to the proceedings of the Con
fcrence held at 1 Bloomsburg recently, to notn
mate a candidate for Congress to represet t
the 1-sth Congressional District, t< be found
in another column, it wiil be seen that Col.
ICR K E. PIOLI.ET, ol Br ad lord C'-unty has
biieu chosen. In accordance therewith w
have placed his name at our mast he.iL and ,
are determined to support him, Ihe Colonel
is well known to a large, portion of our iea-1
ers, and to them a comment upen his worth
and talents is unnecessary, but to many in I
the District who are not acquainted with lnm
or his history, we woulu say th:i he is a
tearless and unflinching Democrat, eloquent
in speech and commanding .in appearance.!
and as ? rep. sentalive of the pe>p!e in Con
gross, would L r he" right man in the right ;
place.'' Being acquainted with the history :
of our country from its foundation, he unites '
the quality of being posted to that of a sound '
thinking and pr -fund logician. In these try '
ing times, we wit it men to fiii responsible !
positions who are made of the " right - tuff," \
and we urge upon the Dem -cracy to take
this important fact iuto consideration. The '
Abolition party have pV d on their t'eket
the rum ut ilun. . lu.itci'K, whom we all
know to bo a wily and powerful oppo
nent, an ! hence ail should see the necessity
of being on the alert ami doing all in their
power to give our party piestrge in the im
pending conflict. The great principles of j
Democracy must be upheld and sustained ;
To do ibis, all mu-t vote fur Col. V. E PIOL
LET f r Cur.g ess.
The Star.
Col. V E. Piolfet.
r>ur candidate for Congress ia so well
known to the p. ople of this District as to
make it unnecessary for us to introduce him
by anp extended notice. His large t
ence in public afTtirs pointed him out as in
vcty man f.r the tunes .•—s Superintendent, j
ol public Works,as Paymaster in the army in
tin war with Mex co, and as a mem ht-r of'
the State L'-g-vln ure, he has proved himself
to be an honest as well as capable public sir-' 1
The corrupt schemes of atni itiuus rr venal
men have always wnen known by him, teen i
exposed at.d denounced in b !il at.d fearless
terms— si hemes to r.-b the public Treasury,
Soch as the act to repeal the toun- g,; tax and !
all similar legislation bc< • so fiercely Attack '
til and so fully ventilated by hiiu as to make
him an object of hate to all that class of men •
who are held together by the cohesive power
of public pluder.
lie is a farmer and largo tax payer, having j
a deep interest in common with his fe.Lnr
ci.izens n reducing the public expenditures i
to the h/west possible point. For vnrs he
has urged the great disparity bet art en the'
salaries of llicers and the pay! to 1
mechanics and other laborers, as a reason for .
a reduction i f the f rmer. In short he is a
Democrat who sympathizes wi.h tho j-oople !
iu llieir wants and wishes, who gboyo all
desires a resti ration of peace and the intcg !'
nty of the Union, and who would lend every !
energy to the accomplishment of these dsira.
• .de emls, in the shortest possible time.
V e bespeak f>.-r hi n, the voles of all who
are willuu to have puice upon the basis of
Constitution ai d the Union. We do not tx- j
pect that those who have sit up the rrgroas '
their God will give him theii suppor. -Every
other Ehjgfr we hope will ,-Cdumbia Dem. I
(Wat- w
The wife of II , n . George IT- Pen- ! \
dletou is a Jaughtcr of Mr. Key, the author ' 1
of the " Star Spangled Burner,".-. I not a \
near relative of General Relet t K Lee, as has '
been erroneously stated in some of the news- \
pope r a. i
'4 Election Proclamation.
F'RM'ANT to an act of ih General Asscrn-
My of trie (.'ommniwe.rlt It ->t Pennsylvania
i suiulcJ "An Act relating to aUcrioiM in thia Cota
-1 1 no mwniitlj, approved the seconif day of Juiy, anno
Pomii.i one thou'ind hundred and tbirry-uino
Ahixa <lny, .Sheriff of the county of Wyoming Penn
sylvania. <l<> her.:i>y in K known an I give notice
to the electors of the county Aforesaid, that an elec
; tion will he hcl lin the .aid countv of Wy> tuing
anno D -mitii. one thousand eight hundred ami stx
ty-four, (being tha Eleventh day ot October,) at
. whi<-h time State. District an.] County officers as
; follows are to.he elected, to wit ;
One pcf S en to represent the IJth Congressional
I)i strut in the Mo>iej)t Representatives of the Con
' gross of the United States.
Two pets ms to r present tho counties of Sosiue
hatina and M'y>iniiig in tie house of Representa
tive" of th> General Assembly of Pennsylvania
Due perron for the office of Associate .1 u ige of
. W yosning C ■muty.
One person for the office of Commissioner for the
| county Of Wy. lining
One person for the uffl -e of Treasurer for the
• county of Wyoming
One person for the office of Auditor for the ooun,
ty of Wyoming*
I that the place of hul ling lLa aforesaid General
Election, in the serani wards, bor mghs, district
tin 1 townships within the county of Wyoming, are at
j fol! >ws. to wit:
Jimintrim, at the bouse eccupie 1 by T. D Spring,
in l.a-*ey villo.
I Clint' r, -it the new school house, in the village of
1 Factory ville.
Eaton, at tho house of Petor Stroh, in Eaton town
I Exeter, at the house ofSolonun Brown, in Exeter
Fiokston at th<? house of H*r.a:n Hitchcock. now
j occii) <*l bv A P. Burgess, in Forkston township,
r.'. tho house ot L vi Towusoui in Falls
Lei: a:, at the school house near 11 G. Kly, iu
Leinon township.
M .nr r-.m ihchouse of John "hoonix. in Monroe
j M 'hoipany, at the house of Petrr Leoier, in Me
ho'ip.ry 1- w
M<v h i . t the house of Daniel ILuiliuva, iu
M • hopjien township
N .Mbmorw.ind, at the house ot Winters A How
ard. : Cent; cmorel.and Co.-ncrs in Northiuorelan 1
Niiiv •:< at the hours of EX. It-icon, in Xieh
! ols.on Towuship.
•N "tii Ifrau.-h. at the v'hoo! house near the <tore
! of J ih.n Pi mts in North Branch To#w<hip.
UvcrjieFL at;the old school house near Lawrence-
Agtr's in Ovcrfiel i township.
i un!#wtniioek Borough; at the Court House in
| Tunkh-tnnock.
Tutikblun k. Township, at the Court House, in
: "fukVUnni:J k*
i Windham. ft* the house of D.irid Fisk. in Win 1-
h in town hip.
Washington, at the 7!p' ist church on Russell Ilill
' in W ■-hington township,
I al-i make known an 1 give notice, as fu and by
! the 13th section of tho a fur. said act 1 nrn directed
'•that ever,- person, excepting justices of the peace,
who -'in!! L"! 1 any office or npp ffntraent of profit or
; tr> st un ler the government of the I'nitrd States, or
;of this Mate, or any city or i nc* fwrute 1 district,
. whether • niiui-'-oonc.l off.-or or orberwisj, a subor
•J note oifi or or eg- nts. who is or shad be employed
under the legislative, judiciary or executive de
partment of thi St.-.fe or the United States, or of
aiiv city or in"o;p re 1 * ' district ncd alsi every
i member of Ifotigrt - .- n 1 the St ite Legislature, and
of the select at: i :;on council of any city, coiu
i mi.---inner ui tiny incorporated district, is by law m
■•pable of hoi Lug or excrciUng at the same time
| the office or .ippoi Anient of ju ige, inspector or clerk
jof any election of this Commonwealth, and that no
; inspector or judge, or other officer of uny such eloc
tion, sh ill be eligible to any ofiico then t"bs vot
c.i for."
Also, that in the fourth section of the Act of As
sembly, entitled "An Act relatiog to cx-vutinna,
: tin l for nth r purposes." appro; :J April Id, IS4O,
, it is enacted thai tho aforesaid I3th section "shall
not be so construed a* to prevent any militia officer
'( r borough <-fti<cr from serving as judge, inspector
'or clerk lit ny general or special election i > ;his
; Coiuin liiv.e iiih.
Als . that in the 6Dt i,)..|ii,ii of sai l act, it is en
; titled that ** eveny gcuerG mil spociil election
I shall he op ih't I bet we n ihe hours of eight ant ten
; in i.iß forenoon, tj I shall continue without inter-
I ruption or atj .u-nment until .even o'cl >c t in the
I evening,* wheu ' uc polls shiil ti.' closed "
; Th< general, special, yty, tneorpe rated district
and t 'wn-hip e;e 'i i; shall be he!! an t conducted
Iby the iu pec'o-s andju lg s ci vted as aforesaid,
an 1 by clcr'.- ipp.. otel as hcri-mai'te-providud.
No i err ■ i Ffiali be p.erm'ite i o v >te it any elec
iti -*n. t sforc.xi i, nut a wirnc ti fin m of the age
i' f twenty-;: .- or mors, who shad hare re
nte 1 in the ■'rate .tla* "our ye ir, an! in the el>-
| tion <!i.ri -t where he offers to vot, at least ten
j days iiuinediutely pr eceding su *h cicttion, and
within i • voir.- pu 1 a >• ii or eo inry t n, which
I shall havu i.-eon asses-' l at least ten lvs bef-e
the election Li t a citixen of the t'liitcd States
who lit- ]>r"visiiFly I con n quilille'l v for of this
.*tnto. and remove 1 therefrom and returned, and
, who sh-iil have resided in the election district and
! paid t ix r as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote af
ter re iling in this State six months; Proviiskd,
That the white freemen citiz: nt ot the I'mted States
b"tv en th" .aire- of 21 oml 22 year-*, ant have re*
ri led i i the election dir rict ten d ivs. as aforeaid,
hall be ei.titled to rote, although they shall not
| h-ve ( ii 1 taxes.
"No -ei-nn shall 1-e a Lni'te I to vote whose name
i i" not contained in the list of tvxabie nu.abitents .
I furnished by the eotnmJssionera, unless : First fa;
I pre lti"es a receipt for the payment waff.'.'Yi two yeere
|of a c-tate ore 'unty tez. aareewbly to the -
constitution, andgire sa:if*-t,,ry evidence on hie
own oath or affirmation, or the oath or affirm.* tion
of another, that he has paid su j a tax, or on fail
ure ? i:■ i luce i re.-el.rf. shall make oath of the
payment hereof, or, Fccon 1, if he claim a rote by
i" i ,g nil elector between the ages of 21 and 22
years, he shall oepise nil oitii oi affirmation that he
hos re*i led in the gtste at t • '-st or.c year before his
app; i<mt - .0, and make such proof of h:s residence in
tho district us is re-j-iiicd by this act- anl ih-.t he
does ver'.Ty'-el-cve from the accounts given him
that he is of tha nge aforesaid, and givo guch other
II iilon. -* us is required by this act. whereupon the
lir.nie of the peison s . admitted to vote shali be in
serteiin the a'phubeticnl list by tli - inspectors,
au I a cue ui id a opposite thereto by writing the
W( rd. ' tax" if he shall lc admiltc 1 to votj hy re t
sori "f'nnvtig p'id tax, or the word-age" i! he
shall te e.dinitied to vote by reajn of such age, an i
ha ! be c tiled out to the clerks, who shall make
the like mt'\s in Bie lis? -f voters kept by rhem.
"In all • isvs tviiere thalia ne of the person ciaira
ing to v t.e is not foun lon :iie 1 ■ furnlsned by the
coin at i •-loners nrd us set-?(')•, rr his right to rote
whether found ttiereon or n-.t is objected to br any
qualified ' it'/.en. ii -'nil be the duty of tho inspec
tor# to exnmtn* snca person on oath as to Lis qu.alifi
ca'ions, nn iti he claims to have resided within tho
State for one year or more, his oath will be suHi
cicnt proof thereof, but shall make proof by at
least nno competent witness, who shall be a qualt
lic 1 elector that lis hasre-ide I within the district
f.,jr more than ten {days next immediately preeeed
ing said e'exti n. nd shall also himself swear that
his bona tile resi lon.-e in j ur.suaiKa of his lawful
calling is within tbe ilisfri-t, ml that he did not
remove into said district lor the purpose of votiDg
therein. , , f
"Evcrv person qualified as aforesaid, and who
shall make due proof, hs is required, of his resi
dence and payment of taxes M aforesaid, shall be
admitt'-d to vote in the towuship, wap.l op district in
which he shall reside.
"If any person "hall prevent, or attempt to pre
vent any officer of any election under this act from
holding su -h flection, or use or threateu any vio*-
lence to any sw -h ofiieer, or shall interrupt or iau
'properly int -rl-vc with him in tho execution of his
duty,or shall block up the window or arenue to any
window or avenue where the same iuy bo holding,
or sh ill riotiously disturb the peace of such election,
or shall u-c or pra-tiee intimidating tnrontf, force
or violence, with a davigu to influence ttuduly of 1
overawe any cle.-tor, or to prevent him irciu voting,
or to restrain the freedom of choice, such a per
son on conviction shall be fined in uy sum not
excee ling five huti Ired dollars, and iuiprikousd for
nnv tim not less thau one month or more than
twelve months, aud if it shall be sliowo to the
Court where thi trial of such offence shall be had,
that the pors .n offending *as rot a resident of
the city, wnd or district, or towuship where the
said offence was committed, and uot entitle.! to vote
therein, then, on conviction; he shall be sentenced
to pay a fine of uot less than one hundred dollars or
tuore than one thousand dollars, uud bo imprison
ed not less tbnfi'six months or more than two years.
' In ease the person who shall havo received the
sect-nd Irgdest number of votes for inspector shall
not attend on the day of election, then tho person
who shall have rcoeivcu the next highest number of
votes for judge nt the next spring ejection, shall
as inspector in his pluoe. And in case the poisons
who shall have received tfae highest somber of vote