IIAIIVEY SlCiiljElljl'roprletor.] NEW SERIES, gortji Branch fhmorrat A wookij Democratis .paper, devoted to Pol- ' * tio, News," the Arts and Sciences Ac. Pub- {MJgaha ' - Sighed every VTednes- .J day, at Tunkhannock, (jp: Wyoming County, Pa. V\- *' BY HARVEY SICKLER. W * . Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advance) $2.00. I not pais within six wenths, $2.50 will he charged ADVERTISING . 10 lines or . Us*, make three I four i two [three] sis one one square iceeks^iceeks^no' th j/in/Z/tjuio'/Aj year 1 Square I.OU 1.25 2.25? 2,87: 3.00; 5,00 2 do. 2,0U; 2,50; 3,25s 3.50• 4,50; 6,00 3 io 300 3,751 4,75 5,50; 7,00; 9,00 ft Column. 4,00; 4.50; 6.50s 8,00 10,00' 15,00 do. 6 00' 7.00: 10.00 12.00; 17,00, 25,00 do. 8 00; 9.50; 14,00! 18.00125,00 35,00 1 do. 10,001 12,00! 17,00* 22,00^28,00'40,00 Business Cards of one square, with paper, 85. JOB WORK sf all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to suit the times. business _ ~ _____ PEO.B.TUTTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, \JT Tunkhannock, Pa. Office in Stark's Biick Block, Tioga street. WM. M.PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Of fice in Stark's Brick Block, Tioga St.. Tunk hanneck, Pa. R. A S, VV, LITTLE ATTORNEY'S AT, LAW, Office on Tioga street, Tunkhannock Pa. HS. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON • Newton Centre. Luzerne County Pa. IMB FOR FARMERS, AS A FERTILIZE for sale at VERNOY Msshoppen. Sept. 13 1661. JV. SMITH, M D, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, • Office on Bridge Street, next door to the Demo crat Office, Tunkhannock, Pa. DH. .T O. BECKETI . PHYSICIAN* A SURGEON, Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Wy mingthatho has located at Tunkhannock wh er he will promptly attend to all calls in the line o his profession. tw Will be fennd at home on taturdays ch weo 0 WALL'S HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE/ TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA. "PHIS evtabliihment has recently been refitted and JL furnished in tho latest style Every attention will ke given to the comfort and convenience of those Wee patronise the llou^e. T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor; Tankhanneck, September 11, 1361. WORTH BRANCH HOTEL, MKSIIOPPEN, WYOMING COUNTY, PA Wm. 11. COUTH I<>IIT, Prop'r HAVING resumed tha proprietorship of the above Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to render the house an agreeable place ol sojourn for all who may favor it with their custom. Wm. II CCRTRIIIHT. June, 3rd, 1863 4ftfaus iatfl, TOWA.NTDA, IA. D. B. BARTLET, (Late of the Bbrainard Hoise, Elvira, N. Y. PROPRIETOR. The MEANS HOTEL, i-onofthe LARGEST and BEST ARRANGED Houses in the-country—lt is fitted up in the most modern and improved style, and no pains are spared to make it a pleasant and .agreeable stopping-place for all, v 3, n2l . ly M. OILMAN, DENTIST. M OILMAN, has permanent ly located in Tunk • hanncck Borough, and respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of this place and urrounding country. ALL WORK WARRANTED, TO GIVE SATIS FACTION. _ nr Office over Tutton's Law Office, near the Pos , Office. Dee. 11, 1862. A GEN TLKMAN, cured of Nervous Debility In competency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error! •ctuatee by a desire to benefit others, will be hannv to furnish to all who noeil i (tree of charge ) the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy used in his case Those wishing to profit by his and Bosses* a Valuable Remedy, w>ll reicive the came by return mail, (carefully sealed.) by addressing ' JOHN B. OGDEN No- 60 Nassau street, New York fg-n4O-3mfr. USE NO OTHER !—BrCHAVs"' SPECIFIC PILLS are tho only Reliable Remedy for all Diseases of the Seminal, Urinary and Nervous Sys ems. Try one box, and be cured. ONE DOLLAR A BOX. One box will perfect a cure, or money re •nded. Sent by mail on reeeipt of price. JAMES S. BUTLER, Station D. Bible Pouse New York, Wl .at o .. General Agent >a-i3l-3ta If. &Co T)° } rc J , SVISII TO l>E CURED 7 • than 39 dayVtbe w" HPBC,F i c P,LLS cure m notm< v P,„ . re CftSeS of WKBVorSHESM laenitj, '„, i '"l J'™ 1 """" srs zr- JAMES S. BUTLFR, Statien D, Bible lluus* ■"""I-?* M * * r, " r Y * rk THE WITHERED HEART, BT LIM A HERBfcKT. "Ah, brokea U the golden bowl, the ipirit flown forever! Let the bell toll! a saintly soul floats on tha Stygi an river. And let the burial rite be real—the lunaral soDg be sung— An anthem for the lovliest dead that ever died so young— A dirge for her the doubly dead in that she died so young." " Come, Lilla, now for the story," said my cousin Ellen, as she seated herself upon a stool at iny feet, and lying her restless head upon my knee, while she raised her dark be witching eyes with a most implormg express ion to my own. "How can I withstand thy earnest solicita tions, sweet coz 1 But turn away those bright star-like orbs from mine, dear Nell, for thou shouldst be so well acquainted with their power as to be aware that while they are thus gazing upon me I cannot describe those of another, which unlike thy own were deeply yet beautifully blue." So Nell cast down her eyes very modestly upon the carpet while a gentle smile lingered about her mouth, and I began my story. "Alice Cleaveland was the only child of a wealthy merchant of this city. Beauty ot tha sweetest nnd gentlest nature was hers. Picture to yourself, sweet Nell, a complexion ihet could vie with tho valley lily, regular and very delicate features, a nose that an ar chitect would have been proud to take as a model, a 6weet, bewitching little mouth, a slight but beautiful form, tiny white hands, and feet for which Cinderella's slipper wo'd have been a size too large, and you will have before you a complete portrait of my lovely heroine. Nay, nay, dear Nell, do not shake your head thus, and reproach me for having forgotten to mention the bright rose tints that gave new lustre fo the snowy skin. I had not forgotten them, but the rose never matea with the lily, and Alice was a perfect lily. "Fair and delicate as that frail fi >wer, h ad Alice C leaveland ever been, for her const itu liun was naturally delicate, and the 6lightes exertion was sufficient to cause illness.— f From her birth, ber parents had watched over her with the most intense solicitude, and though the physician declared she could not poaibly aurvive the period of childhood , bia prediction was not verified, and she grew up to her aeventeenth year wnhout giving her parents any canse to regard themselves as in danger of losiug her. "Still, the least excitement or agitation possessed power fo weary her, She never attended theatres, or balls, or joined in any similar pleasure, of which most young girls aie fond ; and only once, when she was scarce fifteen, had she accepted an invitation to a party, and then, when she returned, she was to completely unnerved that it was ma ny days era ehe recovered from the effects, and her parents would never consent to her going again. "And Alice murmured not , she was hap py at her own loved home, where her young days passed in continual sunshine. Hers was a lovlog heart, and pure and unspotted, too, for never had an evil thought claimed a place within it. She posse sed few intimate friends, nor did she wish for more, for Alice loved thosa she had very dearly, and di d not care to make room in her heart for others. "Among the members of her fathers house hold were her cousin, Henry Cleaveland, who had always lived with them, and a young and beautiful heiress, Ida Lisle, who had been committed to the guardianship of Mr. Cleaveland. Ida was very beautiful, but hers was a different kind of loveliness from that of the delicate Alice. (Tall, yet not too tall, commanding and dignified in appearance graceful in every movement, and, above, all lovely in mind as in person, and with the rose of health beaming upon her cheek was it a wonder she excited admiration and love in all who knew her 1 " And uow let us turn to another. Henry Cleveland had been left an orphan at an ear ly age, and his uncle bah watched over him with all the affection of a parent. He was indeed a noble young n>an. In person, he was handsome and manly, possessed of good principles and an excellent disposition, wilh a heart susceptible of the fineßt emotions, and ke had just entered upon the manage ment of a large estate, the inheritance of which his father had not lived to enjoy. "Henry had ever loved his cousin Alice, but it was the affection of a brother for an only and beloved sister. He- felt that he would never dare to dwell upon her with other thoughts, a deeper love could never be returned by Alice, for she was too pure, too holy in nature, to place her mind very firm> ly upon an earthly object. As a meek and I spotless angel, Henry regarded Alice Cleave land, and whenever he gazed upon her lovely face, and saw the hectic flush that went and came with each passing emotion, a dark fore boding would a teal over him that she to young and beautiful, was not long to be a child of earth i "TO SPEAK HIS THOUGHTS IS EVERY FREEMAN'S RlGHT."—Thomas Jefltrsou. TUNKHANNOCK, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEP E .21, 1864. "But httl did he know his cousin's heart He never marked how lovingly her blue eye# glanced upon his face, or how the bright crimson mantled her fair cheek when he ad dressed her with more than usual tenderness Why did the young girl's heart throb so wildly when her crusin pressed a fraternal kiss upon her brow ? Why did sho watch so anxiously for his return, when he left her for a fevr hours ? and why did her little hend tremble and flutter so when he clasped it within his, and called her his own dear Alice. 'lt was because Alice loved. Yes, with all the truth and fervor of a first affection she loved her cousin Henry. He was everything to her. Was she sad. her cousin alone had power to cheer her droopißg spirits, and, with a single kind word spoken, in his own soothing tones, he could bring a smile into the pale cheek of the gentle girl. Was she ill, he was ever beside her, and while she lay languidly upon her couch he read aloud from her favorite authors. "Cleaveland knew full well that he was regarded with affection by his cousin, but ncer for a moment did he deem that her at tachment to him could be other than a de voted sisterly love. He dreamed not that the fair young being loved him with an affec tion that naught but death could chill ; he knew not that every tender word he uttered sank far into the inuermost depths ofhhae a heart ; no, for had the knowledge been his, my tale would not have beeu a mournful one. ''Henry Cleaveiand wonld liavo deemed it profanation to think of Alice with other than a brotherly attachment, and thinking thus restrained not his affections, and when his eyes rested upon the beaunfui Ida Lisle, he felt that he had found one whom It would not be wrong to love, "Poor Alice ! from tho moment Ida be came a resident of her lather's mansion her doom was sealed ! Yet she was utterly un conscious that any change had taken place, and for many months she lived on, apparent ly secure in her cousin's affection. "From early childnood, Ida Lisle had been the most intimate friend of Alice Cleaveland and rather than give the latter one moment's pain she would have sacrificed everything, even the love of Henry Cleaveland. But she imagined not the state of Alice's heart, and with her ignorance of this, she allowed her self to love when love was, alas ! to be the harbinger of death to her young and trusting friend. "One morning, Alice, feeling better than usual, went out to walk. She was gone for a long time, aud returned worn out and ill, for she had overrated her strength. Hastily she threw herself upon a sofa in the parlor, acute and distressing pains shooting through her frame, and frequently causing her to close her eyes with agony, "Ida hastened towards ber, and bent sor rowfully over her friend, and as she gazed upon the palid face of the sufferer, the burn ing tears streamed rapidly from her eyes. The gentle invalid observed them, and ten derly pressing the hand she held in her own, •he murmured . "Weep not for me, dearest Ida; do not mourn thus. If it be the will of tho Great One that I Buffer, I may not repine—l will try to bear it ail," "But, O, Alice," replied her weeping com panion, "how can I behold, unmoved, your delicate limbs racked with these dreadful pains ! O, that I could take them upon my self, sweet Alice! Gladly, willingly, would I bear them, to afford you one moment's re lief." " I know it, my own Ida," said Alice, ten derly ; "yon would lay down yonr life for my sake, would you not V " At that moment a foot-step was heard approaching, and Henry Cleveland entered. " What, Alice ill I he exclaimed, advanc ing to her side ; how came ibis sweet cous in V •' It is nothing," she replied, while a smile of we 1 come appeared upon her face in the midst of all her sufferings "It is only one of my old attacks, I shall soon be well again." " Just then Cleveland's eye rested upon Ida, as she stood mournfully beside, Al'oe, her dark eye softened with recent weeping. A thousand tender emotions came pressing upon his heart, and ho felt that he loved Ida Lisle far better than any other that the world contained. Long and earnestly aid he gaze upon that fair face, observing not the death-like paleness that overspread the countenance of his young cousin. " A strange feeling, such as she had never before experienced, crept over the heart of Alice Cleveland. A foreboding, a chill, such as she had never known till then, seemed to paralyze her frame ; her head swam, her brain became confused, and in an instant she lay pefore her sousin and friend cold and ad parently dead. " Alice, Alice !" shrieked Ida, raising the drooping form in her arms, "dear Alice, look up and speak to your Ida. O, Ilenty, she is so very cold. O, save her—call assistance, she must not die." "I will, dear Ida,', he replied then sum moning the servants. Alice was conveyed bv tham from the room, Ida did not follow. A fear that her friend was indeed dead, came upon her mind, and the nit in a atupor on the eofa, How long the remained tha# she knew not, but-she was at length aroused by a well known voice, and the next moment Hen ry stood beside her. "Ida" he exclaimed, alarmed at beholding her thus ; " dear Ida, are you ill 1 Alice has recovered, and is now inquiring for you, dearest." " No, lam not ill," she replied rising slowly from her seat. " I will go to Al ice." " The young invalid reclined upon a couch. Her languid head was supported by pillows and, her soft eyes were dimned by her recent swoon, but the expression of suffering had left her face, and as Ida entered she looked up and welcomed her with a glance of affec tion. " Are you better, Alice ?" Asked Ida, as she tenderlv pressed that small transpar ent hand. "Much better, dearest," she roplied in a low tone," but I have felt very strangely to day. I know not why itjs, yet a presentiment of ill rests heavily upon my spirit, and it seems as thoughisomething terrible had befallen me. But where is Henry ? Why does he stay away so long ?" At that momeut he stood before her, and gazing sadly upou the ashy face of the young girl, he said, in a low voice shaken wilh emotion, "I am here deaiesi: Alice," You are very kind to me, dear Henry," and her sweet voice trembled slightly ; "you have ever been so. May you ouo day be rewa rdcd'for your care of one who has nev er been aught but a burden to all around her" "Say not so, Alice, you are not a burden for who could help lovingone so gentle and good. cousin, you know how well we all love you." " A smile of joy crossed the young girl's countenance; she clasped her hands and mur mured a few inaudible words, then the long silken lasges slowly drooped over the blue orbs beneath them, and she fell into a light slumbec. " Henry and Ida watched anxiously be side her, rot hardly daring to breathe a word lest they should disturb her rest. An hour passed, and yet there was silence within that little chamber, for Alice still slept. At length a violent ring at the bell startled the sleeper, and Mrs. Clevi land, who had been from heme the whole morning, and was therefore unacquainted with her daughter'# sudden indisposition, entered. Her first in quiry was for Alice, and on learning that she had been taken worse, her fears were imme diately awakened, and she proceeded direct ly to her daughter's chamber: " Alice," she exclaimed, in a voice of alarm, on beholding the sick girl's altered appearance, " what ails you, my child ?" "Be calm, dear mother; I have been ill again, but I shali soon grt better." But the mother knew the physician's opinion, and in an agony ofgrief she throw herself upon a chair and burst into tears. Alice appeared to b# much ditre##ed, though she spoke not, while Ilearj reminded Mrs. Cleveland how very iniurious it was for her child to be exerted. "The physician now came in, and when he saw hi 3 young patient he shook his head sad ly, as if he feared all would not be right. "For days after that Alice lingered on the verge of the grave, and her friends watched sorrowfully beside her, fearing lest every mo ment might be her death struggle. But in spite ofevory prediction, before a fortnight had elapsed she had nearly her us ual health. It seemed as though fato had adopted every measure that could string her young and loving heart and she was preserv ed for a few short hours but to have her spirit deadened by the poisoned ar row o blighted affection. Poor Alice ! Sweet flower Better far had she sooner rested in the cold dark grave, than to have been stricken to the earth by chilling frosts of hopeless love. "One pleasant summer morn, when the sun gleamed brightly into her chamber wind-'W. Alice resolved for the first time since hur sickness to leave her room. Ida had been absent for a long time from her side and the young girl; feeling rather lonely, and desiring once mo re to join the family circle, left h#r apartment. "The drawing room was partly open, and Alice stole softly down the stairs, thinkiDg how gratified those within it would be to see her again among tbem. She heard voices in earnest conversation. She paused and listen ed. "Well, ah ! well, did she recognize the voice ol one who Fpoke, and a thrill of de light ran through her veins. But as she ber.t her head to catch the beloved tones,the words that 6he heard fell like drop? of lead upon her heart. Again those fearful benumbing sensa" tions came over her. Her head grew dizzy' her lip# quivered, she shuddered, gasped and fell. "Henry Cleaveland atartled at the tound, rushed from the room, and there upon the cold floor, pale an d motionless, lay Aiice the faded flower—' '•The life upon her shining hair, but aot upon her ejes ; Ike life Mill v*n her h*lr, as brave *nen may hail, the restora tion of Union and Peace" without the effu sion of snother drop of blood." The farmers of our Harvests, the mechanics in all our shops,the woikingraen of tho North are with u9. And all those whom one cause or another has in past time allieoaled from the Demo cratic party will now return to swell its ranks auew, and help to win its victories. 'lhey lie in their teeth who shall henceforth say that the Democratic party, or any man within it, is fighting for * disunion peac*. Its shield is spotless. Its motto is t UNION AND PEACE. And in this sign vre conquer \—World. j A rage r or red hair is the epidemic j in Paris now. Soma of tbs bellaa art dye- j fr it TBRMSi SB.OOFBR -AIS7TTT2hit THE SOLDIERS FOR MCCLXLLA*.— Tfti Philadelphia Agt, of Sunday, says :—W# art always gratified by any attention paid as,bat : iaet evening we received an unusual compll inent. About half pact seven o clock, a long file of soldiers, eorie on crutches, some aup ported by their companions, and all from our military hospitals, stopped in front of our of i fice and gave us most vociferous cheer#.— I They then cheered McClellan and the Demo j eratic ticket, and in a very unmistakable way | showed that their hearts were with us in the great contest we are fighting for liberty and right. It wa9 a spoutanous outburst cf en thusiasm. The men had been in the hospitals had heard that their beloved commander was nominated and determined to support him. Last evening they formed a "Soldier#* McClellan Club" at the Globe Hotel. The chagrin of the Abolitionists at ibis evident* of the soldiers' feeling, is intense. THE ARMV FOR MCCLELLAN An extract of a private letter from a soldier in the Army of the Potomac, written to a gentleman, in B >ston, under date of September 1, 1864, and published in the Morning Post , says : "J am well, and love my country as dearly as ever ; although lam changed in my politics from a Republican when 1 came cut to that of * Democrat; and like three fourths of our o ccrs and privates here in the field alrg"AU hail, General George B. McClellan." He ia the m->n for the Ship of the Union. If thw States wi'-l allow the soldiers to vote yon may re->t assured that Little Mac is for the White House way on the Chesapeake Bay for for the next four years. A Republican here is as rare as a twenty-dollar g >!d piece." RATHER SEVERE FOR THE GIRLS. An EX change says : "The number of idle, useless girls, in all our large cities seems to be s'-eadily increas ing. They lounge or sleep through the mornings, parade the streets during the af ternoon and assemple in frivelout companies of their own aud other sex to piss their ev enings. What a store of unbappiaee# for themselves and others are they|!aying up for the time when their real duties and high re vponsibilities shall be thoroughly assumed! They are skilled in no domestic duties—nay r they despise them ; have no habits of indust ry nor taste for the useful. What will they be as wives and mother's ? Alas for hus bands and children, and alas for themselves. Who can wonder if domestic uuhappiness and domestic ruin follows." £33T" Saying Sharp Things— Speaking daggers. Devout ing a Book—Eton Latin Grammer. A Fair Race.—The Saxon Race. An Acceptance at Sight,—Receiving a black eye. The Best Way to Cut a Swell. —Don't speak to him. llow to Serve a Dinner Properly Kit it* Bet every Unionists remember that Gen. McClellan says, "the Union is the one condition of peace," while Abraham Lincoln announces that "the abolition of slavery" i* the only basts upon which he will negotiate. Union men, think of thie, on your way to the polls in October uext I A GOOD SIGN. —The only three Ex-Preei* dents now living are with the Democracy and M'Clellan, namely : Milliard Fillmore, Fiank* lio Pierce,aad James Buchanan. The admin istration of all these worthy and honored gentlemen was characterized by peace, proa - perity and general happiness, It. is certainly a cheering sign to see all of them arrayed op the side of that party which is the only true Uuion party of the country, and the only .one capable of bringing back tho country to it* pristine condition. „ fyST A little boy of Hartfort was recently heard upon his "first going to church." IB reply to a question by his paternal parents a* to what he did in church.he replied : "I went into a cupboard and took a seat on a .shelf l" That boy will be a Presidential joker whe£ he grows up— if he is not cared for in time. A Springfteld(lll.,)letter says : "It is stated by friends of Mr. Lincoln that be does not expect to return to lilt nois after his term of office, but will make Boston hi* future home." Timbuctoo, or a quiet spot in the interior of Africa,will bo a residence more to hie taste than even Boston, and wo think a good deal more to his peace of mind. Jfl'C*"(Jome here, my little Eddy," aaid * gentleman to a youngster of seven years of age, while sitting in the parlor, where a larre company was assembled, "do you koow met" "Yes, sir, 1 think I do." "Who am I, then V let me heai. "You are the maa that kissed aiater Aug*- line last night in the parlor." Angeliue cauie near fainting. A SHARP YOUNGSTER. -A little boy on hi* return from Sundy School, recently address ed his mother as follows : "Mamma H' "Well, my dear." "Mamma, Ihe teacher says people are all made out of dust;" "Ye*, my dear, *o the Bible says." "Well, mamma, are white people made of dust f" "Yes." "Well, then, I •'pose co.mrtd people are mad* of drrsf, *vf'f t*ey ?" r • * VOL. 4 NO. 7