AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Tn matter of the estate of Abner Jackson, late of Falls'' irnship, Wyoming County, deceased. T'lIE Undersigued, having been appointed ht L the Orphans'court of Wyow cg county, aa auditor to make distribution of the fund in the hauls of the administrator of said Abnor Jackson, der'd, amongst the heirs, and all that are legally entitled to anv potion of said fund, will attend to the duties of liissaid appointment at his office, in the botetigh of Tank-bannock, Fa, on B:ituiday, October 15th. 1864. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at which time and place all persons having any claims upon # lid fund, are required to pre sent thsin or be debarred frotn coming in upon said fund. F. C. ROSS, Auditor Tu.k Mnek 12tn, 18"4 AUDITOR'S NOTICE In Tn at er of the estate of L. A. II hiteomb, lute of Windham toicnlhip, Wyoming Cocnly. dc tas.d 'pifK undersigned, having been appointed by 1 the Orphan*' Court *f Wyoming Counte, an Aeditor to make a general distribution of the fund ia the kenda of the adminietrator of said L. ,K Wbitoemb, decM, wiH attend to the duties of hie said appointment at his office, in 'he borough of TunkUinnock, Pa,, on Saturday, October 16th, 1854, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time anl place all person" having any claims upon said fund, are hereby notified to pres.:nt the same, er he debarred from coming in upon said fund. F. C ROBS, Auditor. Tunkhanucck Sopt. 12th 1864 DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED 7-DR. BU, CHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFFIC PILI.NCUCR to less thyn 30 days, the worst cases uf NERVOI S NE.-S, Impotence, Premature Decay. Seminal Weakness. Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause pro duced- Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-paid by maii,on receipt of sr. order. One Box v. ill per feet the cure in most cases Address JAMES S. BUTLER, General Agent, 427 Broadway, New York v4nl 3m: A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. OWALLOW two or three hogsheads of -1 Buchu' O "Tonic Bitters," " Sarsapirilhi,'' "Nervous Ant'dotes," Ac., Ac., Ac , tiivi after you are satified with the result, th n try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'A ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS-and be restored to "health and vigor in less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take pr-mpt R.J d salutary in their effects on the bro.i en down and shatter*! constitution. Old and young *n take them with advantage. Imported and sold in th* United States only by J AS- S. BUTLER No 427 Broadway, New Y'-rk. tr Agent for the United State#. P. S - A Box of the Pitts, securely pa-ked, wilt I be mailed to any address on receipt " f price which is ONE DOLLAR, post pv J—money refunded by tire Agent if eatire Mtisfa-tiou is act MTSU v 4 i?r. PROCLAMATION. The subscriber having been Licensed as an Auc tioneer, offers his servsctg as such, to all who need the. upon terms us low as the l-wc t. 11. 11. WALTERS, Overfield. Aug. 31st 1864 AyeFTPlTis ARE y,.u sick, foe hi- and complaining ? Are you out of order with .our si stem derange 1 and your feelings uncomfortable ? These symptoms are often the prelule to serious illness. Some fit of sickness is creeping upon you, and should be avert ed by a timely u?e yf the rqrht remedy. Take Ay er j Pills, and cleanse out the disorder- 1 humors purity tue blood, and let tho Quids move on un ib etructed in henltti again. ibey stimul.ite the tun.- tiocs of the body into vigorous activity, purify tie sy'strm from tbe ob-fru-tiocs wh'eh m .he disease.— A cold settles .here in th. L re action of the system, ntvl with it the buoyant feelings of health •gain. Want .is itue and so a-parent in this tijvi •l sßd-Oonitnon com plaint ia also'fme u.d in many of the deep eated and dangerous distempers. T! ! Strr.e pur*fuive effc t exp"lj them Caus-J by siti - ilar ohtriieti the [lAtient. It oonieins eo q uieiue or other doiitertus eubetence. mor deee it produce qaintsm or Dy injuriee effect wketever. Shaking brut here of the army and the weef, try it nnd you will exidurso those nsserfions. Prepnred bv J. C AY I R A Co , L< well. Mase., and sold by Samuel Stisk Tutik hatiuock and all doalers in tne Government of the U.iitcd States The under signed hss moile arrangements with the ahove firm •who*, extmrien -e and elose proximity to, with tho department; as well ae tee ear ly kuotvledgo, acquired by thern, of tho decisions frequently being made, enables them to prosecute claims officiantly {han Attorney* at a distance, esßpuisibly do All perons entitled to claims ofthe above deseription can hare thr-m properly attended te ky oaliing on me and entrusting them to my care HARVEY SICKLER, Agt for Harry A Collias, ■ Ikaaaoek. Pa. ifiTiiifamTii ra ODTJCE COMMISSION M KHC H A NTS, 33U GREENBKII STREET, New Voik. O 3. Ilnldiiig, f L. Haiuaiei, L. Harding. ) Farmers having butter end other produce to sell will receive froru this firm the highest marke ! pri>" and prompt returns. Mr. L. Harding, one of the members, who resides at Nicholson Depot, will receive and attend to hipment of all articles, and if desired will make j dvancemonts of out) half market vale at time of elivery to hitn. nam in in mm Farmers should jpmre one of those excellent Ma chines at once us the supply is limited, and we are confluent tuaf the demands for the above Machims will be greot the coming season as the BUCKEYE, 1 >s the best Machine aow in use. and is the best adapt- : •** o rough, hilly, and uneven ground, is the most ura 0 and is ujtuagel with the greatest ease of 11 ther machines now in use. p °t v further particulars address JOHN U. SIONE, Agen J. SHMCIAS * SIRUEON, i wOS:., 4 °" """ """■ i | JUST RECEIVED, —-ritoM— PHILADELPHIA -AND— TN ewYorb., A Ft" LI, AS S OIITM F. X T 0 F DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CASSJMERS,, Shoes, Hats, iimtn (Sooils, v j ; J NOTION'S, & c. &C, adapted to this Season' which will be sold at the VERY LOWEST MA KET PRICE for Cash or Country Produce, at the Store of John Weil. Tunkhannock, March 30, 1964. A JOINT RESOLUTION 7 , l-Rorosise CKRTAIS Amendments to the Constitution. I'e is resolved by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives cf the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in general assembly met- That the following amendments be proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in accordance with tho provisions of the tooth article thereof- There shall bo an additional section to the third article of the Constitution to be designate 1 section ■ four, as follows ; SECTION 4, Whenever any of tbe qualified elec tors of this Corainoiiwe.dth shall he in any active military servt c, un lor a requisition from the Presi dent ofthe United States, or by tho authority of tho Commonwealth, such electors may exercise tho right of suffrage in ail elections by the citizens, under urh regulations as are or shall bo, prescribed by law as fully as it they were present at their usual ii■ i.:c of election.' Sscrioa 2. There shall be two additional sections •o ibo eleventh article of tho Constitution, to be des ignated a> sections, eight and nine, as follows: "SeriioN -■ No bill shail be passed by the legis lators. containing more than one subject which shall be clearly :xpres=ed in the :i le, except appropria tion bills " '■fLxri'-.v 0 No bill shall be passed by the T.cgis latuie granting any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has been or may hereafter i.o conferred upon the courts ot this Commonwealth." lIENRY' C. JOHNSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN P. PENNY. Speaker of the Senate. Office OF THE SECUETAHV OF THE COMMON- J WKAI.EH HAHItiSCIHCi, April 25, l a (j4- { I'jiMi-j'vauia, I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full • rue. an ! correct copy of the original Joint ReKo iution of the General Assembly, entitle i "A Join' Residutioi! proposing certain Amenlinents to the ; .institution," as the sauje remains on fbc in ijjij .ffice. [Seal.] Is Tasnii >! v whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Sceretarv's office Jo oeafflsel. the day and year about written ELI SLII El'., S. -. of ihe Common weal/h The above Resolution having been agreed to by a majority of the members of each Housr, at two sue •e--sbve sessions of the General Assembly of this C< oimonweutth, the proposed amendments will be submitted to the people, for their adoption r rejec tion. on the FIRST TUESDAY OF AUG'' T. in the year of our Lord, ono thousand, eight hundred, an d sixty-four, in Accordance With the provisions of the tenth arti-le of the Constitution, and the act entitled and the tut tntttied. "An act prescribing tbe time and manner of submitting to the people, for their ipproval anl salification, or rejection, the prop't--d amendments to tbe Constitution," approved the twenty-third day of April, one thousand, eigct hun dred tuid sixty-four. ELI ALIFKR, .Secretary ofthe Commonwealth. Ilarrisburg, May, 3, 1864 —3ui. INC.HAM and WRESC H, Manufacturers and Dealers iu IM&H-a ON WYAI.i'SiNG CREEK, CAMPTOWN, BRADFORD Co Pa 9 I Rolls l arded and Cloth Fliilshed* MANUFACTURE CLOTH FOR CUSTOMERS ON SHARES OR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES PER YARD: Cassimere, Best Finish, fine 45 cents Plain Cloth, uo 15 '* Gray and Mixed Cassimeres.4s " Tweeds, 32 " Common Fulled Cloth, 40 " White Flannel, 22 " Madder Red Flannel, 32 " Gray Flannel 25 " Ihe Gray Flannel made wtth taste and very suita b!c for Clothing- HARVEY IMGHAM AMOS WRENCH MtT Personliving at a distance can have roll carded so as to t-ke thetn home with them ; ans j savethe expense of a second trip. Mew ,Store, IT. iicour BLOCK; 505 BKO DVVAY, NEW YORK. Ihe p.V)priet.ire have (jerfccted arrangements which enable iheiu t<> announe to the Ladies of New York and li.-imtj, that they have secured the services of x MRS. E. WINTLE, (f.rr some years Superintendent of the Ladies' De pa-i uent in "Guxix's BAZAIB.") who will have char eot their llovins. M''S- W■ will be sslsted bv one of the most ac complihed Cutter# and Designers of LADItS', MISSES,' CHILDREN'S, & INFANT'SOUTFITS ' sll of which they are pr epared to funush to o Particular attention will begiven to e IJ It I vn I 'I ItOUSSK AUX, IX ANY DEBIRED STYLE, HOWEVER ELAB ORATE Ladies favoring us wito their orders may rely upon having them executed in the most approved manner. No pains will be spared in giving per fect satisfaction. SCOTT At BALDWIN, Importers of Furnishing Goods and Manufactur ers of Ladiee' Outfits Ac. 303 Broßdwkvg N. T. A, L. SCOTT, ) ♦. S. ALDwTJf. S New Drug - and— FANCY STORE. NICHOLSON DEPOT, PA. H. S. HABDiNG & CO, Having refitted a part of the building formerly oc cupied by E. F. Snow A Co., as a Stow and Tin ware Store, would respectfully announce to the pub lic that r.e have on hand an entire new and care fully selected stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS AND DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, Ori.S, AND VARNISH. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, TOYS AND CLOCKS, POCKET CUTLERY, TOILET ARTICLES. KEROSENE LAMPS, ALBUMS Ac. Ac Ac. CIGARS AT WHOLESALE & RETAIL, md every thing usually kept in a Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PREPARED. This branch of trade will be under the direct su pervision id A. C. lU.AKCsiLEE .*!, 1>„ wef known a n an expericti cd and skillful J'uysieian and Surgeon: and with . trict attention to business we hope to merit a liberal share of public patronage. Office of A. C Biukeslee, at tho Now Drug Btore. II 5. II ADDING A Co v3n443tn. Hell's Sbeclfic PiWarranted in all Cases, •an be relied on! Never fail to cure! Do not nauseate ! Are speedy in action ' No change of di et require!! Do not interfere w-th business pursuits! Can be used with >u' detection! Upward of 200 ••u:e this month—souio of thcin very severe cases Over one hundred phy.- it inns h ne used thetn in their practice, and all speak well of their efficacy, and ipprove of their composition. which is entirely vege • able, and htirmL ss on tho system. Hundreds of certificates can be 3hown. lirLL'H Sl-cc-iru i'lJA* are the original and orj" r-t.uine Spe iSc Pill. They ire adapted for male nd female, old or young, and the only reliable reme !y for effecting a permanent ar.J speeily cure in all cases of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, with ill its traiu of evils, such as Uretheral and Vaginal Discharges. Gleet, the Whites, Nightly or Involunta rily Emission, lnconticuence, Genital Debility and Irritability, Impotence, Weakness or Loss of Power, Nervous Debility, Ac, fcc., all of which arise princi pally from Sexual Ex-esses or Self Abuse, or s> me constitutional derangement, and incapacitates the sufferer from fulfilling the duties of married life. In all sexual diseases, as Gonorrhea. Gleet, and Strict ures, an tin Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, they act .- a charm ! Relief is experienced by tak ing a single box. Sold by nil the principal druggists Price £1 Thcv will be sent by mail securely sealed, and confidcn tally, on receipt of the looney. by J BRIAN, M P., No. 76 Cedar Street Few York, Consulting Physician f r the treatment of Seninal, Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who will send, free to ail, the following valuable work, in sealed envelope: THE FIFTIETH Tinx-ANH bit BELL'S TREA TISE on Self Abuse, Premature decay, Imp., 'ta and Loss of Power, Sexual Diseases, Seminal We. ness, Nightly Emissions, Genital Debility, Ac., Ac , a pamphlet of 61 pages, containing important advice to the afflicted, and which should be read by every sufferer, as the means of cure in the severe d stages is plainly set forth. Two stamps required to pay postage IMPORTANCE TO LAMES — Da. HAUVVV'S FEMALE J PILLS havs never yet failed in removing difficulties j arising frotn obstruction, or stoj page of nature, or in i restoring the system to perfect healih when suffering rfrotn Spinal affections, Prolapsus, Uteri, the Whites, or other weakness of the Uterine Organs The Pills are perfectly harmless on the constitution, and may be taken by the nios delicate female without caus- | ing distress—the same time they act liite a charm! by srengthening. invigorateing and restoring the j system to a healthy condition, and by /ingtng on \ the monthly period with regularity, no matter from j what cauesjtheobstruction may arise. Tn-y should j however, NOT betaken during the first three orfour ! months, ot pregnancy, t lough safe at any other [ t me, as miscarriage would be the esult, Each box contains 60 Pills Price SI I>R HARVEY'S TREATISE on diseases of Fe males, Pretrnaucy, M'scarriage, Barrenness, Sterili ty, Reproduction, and Abuses o' Nature, and emphatically the Ladies Pri.ate Medical Ad- ! visor, a pamphlet of 64 pages, sent free to any address Six cents required t<> pay postage. The Pills and book will be sent by mail when de sired securely sealed, and prepaid, by J. BRYAN, M. D., Generai Agent ; No 76 Cedar st, New Y'ork. Sold by all the principal druggists. Jan 20, 1864 v-3-n-23-lv I DISmiTIIN OF MFABTIERSHIP | The Partnership between 0. L HALLSTEAD ! A SON, is this day dissolved by mutual euneut. The notes and accounts will bo left in tho hands of 0. L II Ustead to settle and can lie found at the store formerly occupied by 0. L. Hnllstead A Son, with some one to attend to the same. 0 L HALLSTEAD, | II P. HALLSTEAD. Nicholson. July 27ih 1864. The business wiil be continued by Henry P. | Uallstead and Louis Hummel, uuder the name and firm of HALLSTEAD & HAMMEL. j who will be pleased to retain the patronage of all who uve patronized the old firm, and will be pleas ed to see any who may favor ua with a call. We are pr-nared to furnish EXTRA INDUCE MENTS! TO TIICSE HAVING PRODUCE TO DISPOSE OF, will pay the HiGHEST CASH PRICE for tho sauia. HALLSTEAD A U.aMMEL. Nicholson, July 27th, 1864. HS. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON . Newton Centre. Luzerne County Pa.- Lx t wu mh F A KMEltb, AS A FERTILIZE for sale at VERA"Of Stpt. 18 IMPORTANT™ FEMALES Sf pills/ : r II o C L Ai A T I 0 N I TO TUB LADIES J Roth Married and Single, THE OLDFIT tffiUlATOfl FCH FEMALES. fiR.CHIISIMAN'6 fIMALI PILLS , Wiii immediately relieve, without pain, all distarb ! ance of the periodic discharge, whether arising trotn relax! lon or suppression. They act like a ebarin in removing the pains that accompany difficult ot im moderate menstruation, and are the only safe and rjliable remedy for Flushes, Sick Headache, Pains in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Tremors, Ilystetirs, Fpnsms, Broken Sleep and other unpleasant and nangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexaal functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Albus. or Whites, they ef fect ft speedy cure, DR. CIIEESEMAX'S FEMALE PTLL* Have been used OVER A QUARTER OF A CEN- T( RY. They are offered as the only safe means of renewing interrupted menstruation, out must bear in mind thai there is one condition of the fe male system in which the Pills cannot be token rniihout producing a PECULIAR J?ESULT.— Tiie condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the result. MISCARRIAGE, Furh isthe irresist ible tendency of the medicine to restore the sexual functions to a normal condition, thai even the pro ductive poxcir of nature cannot resist it THEY CANNOT LM > IJARM inany other wav. DIt.CHEE3EMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Arethe on\y Mc iicirie that MARRIED AND SIX OLE L A DIE - have relied up n for many years, or can rely up n now. HE WARE OF IMITA TION'S! These Pill.-form the Finest I*reparaiiuri ever put forward, with IMMEDIATD and I'ELI SISTKST .SUCCESS. DOS T HE DECEIV ED. Take tiiis iidvei'ti&cuj' nt t" your Druggist, and te'l him that you want the REST and most RELIABLE FEMALE MEDICINE IN THE WORLit, which is comprised in DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS !!! They have received, and arc now receiving the sanction of the most eminent Physicians in Amer ica. EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS wili each I!ox-the price. One Hollar per Box. containing from 50 to 6U Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptyl, by remitting the price to tlie Proprietors, or any authorized Ag-nt, in current funds. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. HUTCHIXGS A HILLYER, PBOPRIETOII'S, SI Cedar Street, --ew York. Sold in Tanahannock, by J. W. Lyman, in Montrose, by Able Turrell, in Scranton by 1,. S. A E. C. Fuller, in Factoryville by all Druggists IMi nam Clothes wringer. II IH Till. O.ILV L(EL; \BLK SELF-A I).J II >T Ia (t WRIA'GER. NO WOOD-WORK TO -SWELL OR SPLIT. NO THUMB-SCREWS TO GIST OUT OF ORDER jpfl WAKRANTFD WITH Oil TVITHOI'T COO-WUK.EI.ft. Tt to k the FIRST PREMIUM at Fifty-Sever St; te and C luntv loirs in 1-63. and is without an exception the best Wringer ever made. Patented in the United Stft' . England, Cftnadc, and Austral w * n '<4 in every town, and in nil parts of the world. Eu rgetic agents can mak from 3 to 10 Dollars per day. Sample Wringer sent Fx press-paid on receipt of price. No 2,->G 50. No 1, ??,50. No F. *5,50. No A *9 50. Manufactured and ftold, wholesale and retail, by TUB PI TN AM MANUFACTURING CO No. 13 Piatt Street, New York, Cleveland, Ohio, llenni ign.n. Yt. S. C NORTHROP, Agent. WHAT EVERYBODY KNOWS, vix.— That Iron well galvanized will not rust; That i siuiple machine 0 better than a complicat ed one. That i Wringer should be eelf adusting, durable. and \fi-ie lit. That Thumb Screws Had Fastenings cause delay and trouble to icgulate an I keep in order ; That wood soaked iu hot water will swell, shrink and. svlit; The mod beatings far the shaft to IUU in T rill wear out; That the Put man W ringer, niih or without cog wheels, will uot tear the ilotliSJii Thntcog-iTheol regi a >rs arc not essential; That the Putnam Wt. .<>*r has all tho advantages and not one of tho itisadvautag. s above named ; That all who have tested it, pronounce it the best Wringer ever made: That it will wring a Thread or a Bed-Quilt WITH OCT VLTNRATION. W might fill the papar with testimonials, but insert only a few to convince the skeptical, if such there be ; and we say to all, test Putnam's Wringer Test it THOROUGHLY with ANY uni ALL others, any if not entirely satisfactory, return it Putnam Manufacturing Co: GKNTLKUUK; I lemur from practical experience that imn we!' galvanize with zinc will not oxidize or rust one particle. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect as possible, and lean cheerfully rei otnend it to be best in use. Respectfully yours. JNO. W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Ohio. Many years'experience iu the galvanizing busi ness enable me to indotse the above statement in all particulars. New York, Jan , 1564. JNO. C. LEFFERTS 100 Beckmnn St. We have tested Putnam's Olo'hes Wringor by practical working, and know that it will do. It is cheap: it is simple; it requires no room, whether at work or at rose; a child call operate it ; it does its duty thoroughly; it games limoand it saves wear and tear. We earnestly advise all who have much washing to do, with all intelligent persons who have any, to buy this Wringer. It will pay for itself in a year at most. lies. HORACE GRE LEY. WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGhEST PREMIUM Sewing-Machines. The Cheapest and Best. OVER 150.000 OF THESE WELL ESTABLISHED SEWING-MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. ro CIRCULAR. LADIES' ALMAS AC, KG. A'JENTS WASTED. Addresc W HEELER & WELL ON Self i>t'j -Machine Co. 704 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Auditor Noticed The undersigned having been appointed by the Court of Common Picas of Wyoming County an Au ditor to distribute the fund arristng from the Sheriff's sale of ths Real Estate of James W Garey, will at tend to thu' duty, at his office in Tunkhannoek Bor ough on Sa'urdav. August 13th. A. D: 1804 at 10 o'clock A, M-; at which time and place oil persons are require t to present their cUiuj be 4barieJ Tom con inj in upon said fund* July 16th 1344. FTarrwy Setter, DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED 1 BICHAN's ENC.LISH RPKCIRIC PILLS cure, j es than 30 days, the worst cases of HkRvocsNKSBB tnpotency, Prema'ure Decay, Seminal Weskneos ! Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual, and Nerv - 1 Affcctnns, no matter from what cause pmdueedui Price, One Dollar por box. Sent, postpaid, by mail ion rkcCHMtf an order. Address, ... si > JAMES S. BUTLFR, PtaGen P, Bible House Naw Tort nfl-H-a tt k NOT A RUM DRINK A HIGHLY CONCENTRATES VEGETABLE EXTRACT. A PURE TON'lt', THAT WILL RELIEVE THE .4FFICTKD, AND Not make Drunkard*. DR. H O OFLAHS GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY DR. C- M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. WII.I. EFFECTUALLY AND MOST CKRTALNkf URK ALL DISESCS ARISING FROM A DISORDERED LIVER, HTOMACR 01 KIDNEYk, Thousands of cur citizens are suffering fr-wn I)vc pepsia and I Avar Diseases, and to whom the fed lowing questions apply—we guarai tee IIOOFI,AMI'S GEK.MAN" BITTERS WILL CURE THEM HOOI LAND'S GERMAN KII'TERk WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chronir r Nervous Debility, Disease, ei the Kidneys, and Diseases arising iToia a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation, Inward pile,, Fullne, r.r B.W to the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nauseu.Umrt burn. Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight iu the ! fi!"T. C h ; '/i' n,r h,U " ,: : tiol1 '- Sinking or Fluttering ! the 1 it of .he Sh much, Swimming of the Head. Har- I rie.j mid Difficult Breathing, Fluttering of the Heart ("hotting or Suffocating §eus.uions when in a 'vinw posture. Dimness of V i-iou, Dots ur Web, hefi, re . v.. .■sgbt, Fever and Bull Pain j n the Head, Deficuncv of Perspiration, ellowness ( f the Skin an E >Ao l'a:n it: the Side. Back Chest, Lii ,bs. A ■ Hushes of Heat Burning in the Flesh, Constant In ul Lvil, and beitres&ion ot Spiiite. P A RTICUJLA NOTICE The-tare many preparations sold under the name oj Bitters, gut up in quart Bottle*, compounded of ihc cheapest whiskey or iomnon mm. >ostinsr from -V to vo cents per gallon, tue taste disguised by Anise or Lor lander Feed This class of Bitters has caused and willmntir.ui to cause us long as they can be sold, hundred, to die the death ot trie drunkard By / W utt thl , is kept continually under ths i,,ji utr;rr , f .d/coAo/ic Stimulants oj thc worst kind, the desire for L-.yuu, IS created am. kept up. and the result is u.'l/he hor rors attendant upon a drunkard's and de ith F T those who desire and vi lli havt a Liquor Hitters, we publish the following receipt t; t ' One liunfllaiiil'H Lleimai. Hitt. rs and mix with Three (luartsof fjood Rrandy or \> hiti key, and the remit will be a preparation fiat will ,n mec * lc inai virtues and true cx-e'Unre unyoj the numerous Liquor Bitters in die market and will com much less. You will have all the vermes o ll,,., Hand's Hitters in connection with a kooii article of Liquor, at a much less price ikon these interior preparations will cost you HDO F" LAND'S GERMAN BITTER M ILL GIVE YOU AGOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOD STRONG HEALTH Y NERVES _ WILL GIVE YOU liUISK AND ENERt; I ; ITc WILL ENABLE YOU TO SLEET WKLL. AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVKR. BfLIOUS FEVER. Ac Tho- suffering from Broken down and Delicate Constitutions From whatever cause-, either in MALE AND FEMALE, MILL FIND IN HOOF LAND'S GERMAN BITTERS A REMEDY That will restore them to their usual health. Sach has been the caee in thousands of iuslanceg, aad ■ lair trial is but required to prove the assertion. From Per. J Newton Brown, D. D. Editor of the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge Although not disposed to furor or recommend Pai eut Medicines in general, through distrust of their tugradießts and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons whv a man may cot testify to the benefit.-he believes btme]f to have received fm am si'.-plt preparation, in the I o;>e that he may thus (/intric ate to the betielit of others. Ido this the readily in regard to Ho 1 • .-f's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C M Jackson, ut tl is city, because I was prejudiced aga ust tharn'f- t many years, under the impression that thev wen chiefly an aicoh lie mixture ] urn indebted to mi friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal Jf this prejudice by proper tests, and for enceuriigemc,, to try them, when suffering from great and longeea tinued debility. The use of three bottlaa ef the* Bitters, at the beginning of the pr sent year was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a de gree ot bodily an t mental vigor which I bad not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired ef regaining I therefore thank God und my friendfoi directing me o the use of them. Philao'a, June 23, 1861 J NEWTON BROW* DISEASES OF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER J In Young or Agud, Male or Feiuale. J * hpeedtly removed, and the patieni restered to health DELICA TE CHIL DREK, Those suffering from MARASMUS, wasting away, with source hd^ - ticsh on their boDey, are curetl ia 21 very short time: one bottle in such cases, will have a most surprising effect. PAREJVrs Having suffering children as above, and wishing to ; raise them, vnil never regret the day they eommene ed with these Bitters LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, And those working hard with their brains, should al ways keep a bottle of llootland's Bitter* near them, as they will find much benefit from its use, to both mind and body, invigorating and not depressing IT IS NOT A I.KUOK STIMULANT. AND LEAVES NO PROSTRATION. ATTENTIO7*7SC>LDIEfJS I ! AND TUB FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. I We call attention of all having relations or friead* in the army to the fact that " HOOELAND'S Ger man Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the diseases in duced by exposures and privations incident to camp life. In the lists, published almost daily in the news papers, on the arrival of the sick, it will he noticed that a very large proportion are suffering from debil ity. Every case of that kind can he readily cured by Hoofland's German Bitters. We have no hesita tion in stating that, if these Bitters wore freely used ' amoug our soldiers, hundreds ol lives mightbesaved ! that otherwise would be lost. j The proprietors are daily receiving thankful letter* j from sufferers in the army and hospitals, who hare been re.-tored to health by the use of these Bitters, sent to theiu !>y their friend*. ' BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. s See thai the Signature of "C. M. J ACKSON'" is on the WRAPPER of each Buttle. Price per Bottle 7 A cents, 3 or Half Doz. for S4,OG. t j J ! Should your nearest druggist nt have the artia'.a ' 'fc> aot be put off by nay ~f the intoxicating prepara tions that may be offored in its place, bnteeim re as - and we will forward, securely pa;ked. by experss. Principal Office and Manufactory, ' 0. * ARCH S JONES & EVENS, (Successors to C M JACKS'JN A Co ) Proprietors. It byjteiciri sat Stalerri* nvw iatVe Wlttm WWt PROSPECTUS FOR 4864. i THE WORLD: A Independent Democratic Ually, Seal* Weekly and Weekly Newspaper. | . ° i CXION OF TIIF WORLD AND ARCUF. THE WORLD, to which the So* York J Argus baa been united, hns to day five timet the a-- ■ grvgate circulation of any Democrat!* or i ; tire nepsp.tper, It addresses weekly alone mors j thun 100,000 subscribers and constant purchae ' ers, HE t rt'„ci.e.< -it least half a million render*.— i With ibe steady increase inVireulation which it sow enjoys. tfjre numbers will soon be doubled. Xoth , ing lew than this should satisfy those who Inline Ibat the only hope of restoring the Caion aad the authority of the Constitution orer a now didnshd and divided cvantry, lies in wreetiag power ftem th la.Kis ef those a kern fauatioum has helped to Jhw vese, invite and prolong the war ; and that to he j eomplish ibis er.d no means is go affeetire as the* •liflfusinn, through able and enterprising rowspaeem, | of "'und political kr- a lodge among the working toea. - th thinking men and the voting men of the Kent! Euterpriso, industry and m.ney will be liberal!f expended t.. make THE WORLD the BEST VKWfr- PAPER IN AMERICA. Its news from orery part j of the world will be early and authentic Wherever < the telegraph extends, or railroads run, oriteamhooU I r>ly, it will gather the latest intelligence It his a .1 rge staff of accomplished correspondent? with alt i til© federal armies, who will telegraph and write to n. tho latest new* from the various seats of war. It has correspondents and reporters in every p | I al and commercial centre in America and Europe, I h 'hag also a special department devoted to Agricalturv, ffiled with editorial articles, communications from pructi a! farmers, and selected matter, making a val uable and useful paper for Farmers and Meehaaiew ejf the country. Tho war HI which the nation is engaged ageiswt' armed and infatuated Rebels, and the rad.eal policy of the administration whieh prolongs it, have *o spircd to bring together upon one platform all eoaeen-' ativt, I nion-loving and Constitution-loving men, gb whatever former name ir creed Many of those who, within the limits of the Constitution, fought the bat tles of the billot box under the leadership of thoea patriotic statesmen of other and betur days, Heart Clay atrd Daniel Webster, together with the' mantes whose principles were those of such patriots a* Aa 'rew Jr. !;s<.-n and William L. Marcy, Silas Wright and Stephen A I' .uglvs, now stand shoulder to rhoal dcr upon the same platform and underthe same banner The pi place the b n ted States again foremost among the nations ..f the earth, and first in the peace, p.rosperity and happinses of its people— THE WORLD seeks from these who desire such tmngs their sympathy end support, and, above all, the favor Him who crew— every good werk. Terms s DAILY WORLD. Yearly Subscribers by mail-........•! Jg Qg SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD Single subscribers, per ancm-. ... ..#3 00 Two copies to one address- 5 00 Three " '• T 60 Five " " 12 00 Ten " •' 22 00 r r WEEKLY WORLD. Single per annum 02 00 Three copies (addaeess on each paper) 6 00 Five " " " " 8 N> Tw •' 16 00 Twenty copies (al! to one address) 28 00 Clabe ef twenty er over caa have addrea pat —itrfr 1 paper for an additional charge ef ten eaato Turk <; For every club of twenty an extra copy will be add ed for the getter up of theclub. For every elub ot fifty, the Semi-Weekly, aad (a* every club of oue hundred, the daily will' da aaat xrhen requested, in lieu of the extra copies Weekly. Additions to clubs may be made at any time at MUM rates Papers cannot be changed irom one Clnbto another, but on request of ibe person ordering tk* Club, and eu receipt of fifty cents extra, tingle pa pers will be taken fro. the Club and sent to aaep erate address. All orders must be accompanied 1 y the raeh. Ad dress TH WORLD, v3-n2l 33 Park Row New York T H E CAMPAIGN AGE. THK M'BLISHBRS OP THE PHILADELPHIA> f Will issue a Campaign Sheet fcr the I> and Conservative masses iBWe-" 1 * It will be printed on a Urge sheet of f paper atsueh ratox as will bring it J*e I caob of all, It will support the nomi wilim the ( Democratic National Cooventiou, the f o*** #f the i ieira of which will be publiehed in its e< proceed will boldly advocate the tights el th ABq>.ns v It : * r„ r xustwn *ll the constitu 5 whlte'mee, ef the citiaen, no matter from what tfontil rirbte ui.. .>e uasailed. %Mter t C, liKCrtfcH . PHYHIdAX As SURGEOir, zzszsy'i i iLSfiSP* - 11 jar Will be feuej at love on Utcrfrj,