1 1 -ITT?- I.i n'" ■ n-tt ■ K -nirji A >>VKI:.\ K aiming Tiraw of Pnxsengefr Trains, June .1 -'I. IH. ■ BuBTBWAStf. 1' L4ATI MUfiIWAKD 3 m- | fHist j j f'tiMt- Act*) a;- I -4*- g#r. | J jr. ami*- | j J . ' lior - iti . M. P. M. j !A. M, P. M, | j STATIONS v 0(f 6.40 Crest Bend 7,40 ' 2.2 d 1.35 Ij.fl Stfr $ foftl ?.sy 213 .; 1.00 -fiTJO M.adrom 8,20 :; 15 ; I 12 23 5,34 !i 'phdttoia 34i 3,50 i 31,50 s,ii> Ni-hoimn 9,00 4,25 i 11 '' > 4". l la ryviUe- 9.24 5.15 ] 10 .'5 4.10 AMiigtiiti 9.40 5'49 I i 30,10 4N2 PUrk' Summit 9.43 6.09 , 10.10 4.10 S,'R.UTUJi 10.20 6,:>0 j AM 3,42 (I;.yrrille-• • • 10.49 P.M. , co ■••• 3,29 Dunuiiic 10.52 i "4.--. 3,!7 M.,—w ••••• 11,02 '"3u • 2.49 Tcbrhxna* 1t.40 he - t 2'J Fork* 11;5V £ ► 102 OnkUnd 12,17 _ .... 1,35 SpragueVille 12.43 3 •••• 124 Stroudsturg 12,54 -•••♦ 55 ; qe ... 1.93 Water Gjap 1,08 ••••■£. * .... 12,47 Mounr Botbcl 1.24 ••••> L, .... 11.35 J|cli-*iro- 1,50 .... 12.10 'Mpmuuka Cbuuk*. 1.55 • ••• 12,02 BrrigevUTe-••'• ••• • 2.' 4 V. •••• U. 54 Oxford 2.15 ■■••J 1 IAS Washington 2,28 •••• I .... 1 New Hampton 2,45 A* M.'Change for l'hil.•• P M. •••• The Passenger T1 al 11 Northward ! Leaves Now Hampton om the orrivat of the Mail | fraiu whicii leaves NEW YORK atß.lo A. M., and j I4ANUNKA CHUNK on the arrival of the Train ■ vhich leave? PHILADELPHIA. 'Kensington Do -10I) at 7*15 A. M. At SCRAXTON this Train i ■takes close connection? with trains on the LACK* J 1 WANNA A BTOOMSBUBG and DELAWARE A IUDSON Railroad?, and at Groat Bond with the Hail Tram on the Eric Railway going West. Tne Passenger Train Southward weaves Great Bend alter the arrival of the Cineinnat ! l.tpress trom tlie West, connoctiug at Sorunton j vilh Trains ou the Lucknw.-inna an I Blnmnsburg i .n > Wc hare now ready, in cheap book form (patter uovors,) Ge* McCEELLAN'S REPORT, as originally; transmitted to the War Department, by hint As j this is a document of the most extraordinary publi • . Interest, it ought to have universal circulation. It ought to be road by every man, woman and child in the country. It is supplied as follow? at Mtis 1 2 copies 53,00 2. copies .1,00 SO copies. 9,00 Single copies, 30 cents- Postage, single copy RO.Ofi " 2 copies Oti 4 " IO " O '* 14 12 " 2H ' 25 '• 5 0 " 5 O " , 1,10 Which in all coses must be prepaid. STOREY A WORIJEN, CHICAGO 111. i A LA MODE. THE LATEST FROM XK'.V YORK. MRS. A. c;. STARK, TAKESPLEASURE IN aga n informing her friends, and the ladies gen erally, that she has received, and is still receiving large and weil selected assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Consisting of II ATM, BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOSSES, FEA THERM, I,U ES, HEAD DRESSES, and, in abort all art i e usually found in a MILL! YE BY 8 T 0 B E. She solicits a call front all requiring GOODS in her line, before purchasing elsewhe.e. 31rs Stark can be found at the house formerly occupied by Hen ry Sterk in the borough of Tunkhannock. ready and willing to serve all who may favor her with a call. MANTUA-MAKING. We have secured the services of an experienced IDITXISS-IVEALHISII., and at all times will be prepared to lit and Make Dresses in the latest and most approved manner.— Soliciting your calls before purchasing elsewhere, we remain Yoar3, Respectfully. MRS. A.G.STARK. April 27, ISG4 T II E CAMPAIGN AGE. TUB PUBLISHERS DP THE PIIILA I) EL P 11 1 A AGE,; Will is A. BAKPIVKLL, $ 0 g mw® smsa —AND— Tin r p HE mbs-riber has just received at his shop, over i. ltaiikin-on's Store, in MESHOPPEM PA., I and will constantly keep on han t nil the latest IMPROVED COIN] STVSS Among which arc the " P.\i ttKIC." MIXER and i "FX lON'' patterns, with PARLOR SioYESand Heaters of everv descripiiou, which he offers for :£3Lo*a,.fly Fay at prices that will "\f ill X) ii & & Ti ±, | 7 JA. O TSJ .T3 YA., j where all of the m ixt ai provml ?•! rare kinds of FRUIT Ar ORNAMENTAL TZIEES Can lie obt line 1. Being eottv n-'cd from experience tiiat lii? Tree? nn 1 Plants will give far better satisfm; 0u to the Fruit-grower? of Wyoming County th in n.r grown in other locahtie?. he eonli lently soli, itsthtii patron age. He will make annual visit? either in person or by hi? agents to most of the township? of Wyoming Co", and ask? onl v that his specimen- mly be examined and his method of dealing be tested. Al' orders by letter oroiherwi?e, for Trees, vines or pi' nts will be j iomptly attended to. i.o3i-ly. D HARK INS. HARDWARE & IRON HUNT BED'S & StniE j OW OFFER FOfi SLE 1 IRON, STEEL, NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPHfES, ANVIJ.S, BRLLOAVS. PLAIN A CONVEX JIOR.-E-SHOKS, HAM MER ED HORSE NAILS. ! WROUGHT IRON, . mum' EABDWABB, C A RREN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WAR RAM EI ) lions. .-!•■ KES, FELLOES SEAT SPIN DLLS. < A RRIAG E SPRINGS, AXLES , PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL BoTTS. NUTS. WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING, GRINDSTONES; PLASTI t PARIS. CEMENT. IIAIR. SHOVELS. V HITK LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac.. Ac., ALSO SASH, DOOHsf AND BLINDS ON If AN D IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 'lO ORDER LEATHEER AND FINDINGS, >l3-' LES. 1 Mrek 24. IM3 Ib3S- ' Til K PLACE TO BUY Ir ' To AT Till! BICTOMOT STOT F. TIX.CUP VELL AN]>.B FL 1' FT-1 RON WA RE MANUFACTORY. WHERE MAY F.K FOUND al irge anl well. se lected as..>r;mem of the inuat approved patterns, consis'ing of COOKING, PARLOR and HEATING ; STOVES, for wood or coal, ami will bo sold at low ! prices. | We would call the attention of the puMie, and farmers in particular, to our NEW . IjEYAI&D ! OVEN COOKING STOVE, for wood or ctal, THE DACOTAII!! which for economy, durability and neatness of design, cannot be surpassed. 1: is made with extra HEAVY TOPS. COVERS nod VENTI!.FATED CENTRES, 1 and with front doors to slide. The oven and flues : are unusully large, making it ! SUPERIOR TO AN V STOVE OF THE KIND ever brought into this market. It cannot fail to give good satisfaction. Those in want of a Gocd Stove hould call and examine it before purchasing else where. TLX, COWF.P, & SHEf.7- IROFI "WARE ~f all kill Is. ZINC, STOVE PIPE, IRON WARE Ac., always on hand. Merchants supplied with goods on reasons hit terms Roofing, guttering and all kiuda of jobbing 1 will be promptly tteiid>*d to. Ol,r> BRASS, COPPER, PEWTER, RAGS ant IRON, WOOD and LI'MRER, SHINGLES, an> most kin Is tho line of his trade ean he bad at tho 0 LOWEST LIVING PROFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at his Shop,the lat g est and most improved Patterns of : COOKLirtIG-, s AND s s TASLCH ST B?SS, with all the FURNITURE and FIXTURES complete. 1 ! Roofing & Guttering ! in all its branches, attended to on short notice and on j , J REASOSA It G E T E R MS, | T3 XZIDEPufY-XXTLXTNTC^, i PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE | 0. 8. MILLS i j runkhanno.k. Nov 4,1863. v3-nl3. j WHEELEII & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Sewing-Machines. TJte Cheapest and Tiest. OVER 150000 OF THESE WELL-ESTABLISHED SEWING MACHINES HAVE BEE*' SOLD. iBSffiZXD roa CIBCULAR, I.APIXS' ALMASAC, ic. ACL ITS WANTED. Addreaa WHEELER & WILSON Sowing-3Tarhtne Co. t 704 C*etfut Phlt4lphifl. ! The Latest SWWNrG &' SI Ai VfKB Bonnets, \ and I MILLIVE I GOODS. have just been reoeuod at the es'abllshment of LOU I SAL EPBUFW. : on Ti"ga Street, opjisite the !'• st-office, where wil be found Ladies, (linlren. Misses, ni, J Boy's FL/M'T ! nATS, and CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, RIBBONS, i FLOWERS, and TRIMMINGS, anl cveryt/P"K >n the line of Millinery, which will be sold at the louift ! Cask Pri-es. Repairing promptly and ncitlv done. Ladies please call and cxaminefor themselves. T unkhUnopck, Oct 3 18iI2—v'2nll lywil | 3\T " AND G JX. I R. ! x " " - w S MANUFACTORY! The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture 1 Cabinet and Choir Manufactory in Tunkhnnnock, j next door to C. M. Komi's grocery store —where arc 1 kept on hand and in inufuet ured to order: TABLES of all sizes, patterns, and styles. CHAIRS Dane-sent, Fl g-bottom, and common. BURKAUSi.I 11 st iks sizes, and ni ices. BEDS'I FADS. Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES WORK STANDS, BOOK ; CASES, and indeed every thing v 'uh h an he found j in the largest furniture establishments in tLe eountrv, ! which he will sell at prices as low as they can be : bought in any town outside of the cities. Being sat j isfied that he can compete, both in workmanship and prices with any establishment in the country, he so licits the public patronage. REPAIRING of all kinds lone in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.—Old cane-seat chairs, new-seated and re paired. UNDERTAKING - Having a Ilearyn n f his own. j and having had muoh experience, he win sttr n .J to this department of the bir-iricrs on short notice, and in a satisfactorv manner. ACLIATIAM HAAS. July 16, l c 62.—vlitdPly (UUK'kKKY!!! i A Large Stock just Opened AT !T. L, ROSS GO'S., itm I' tETCy V. AI L PATRR. V. \1 L PAL'KR. WAI L I'AI'KH. WINDOW SII \ DFS. WINDOW SUA DPS. WINDOW SIIA DPS. j OT ALL s I'YI.ES. CLOTH SUA IT KS WI ill IJor.I'KRS CLOIII SUADF.S WITH UORDKUS. I FIXTURES AND ROLLERS, COMFLKTE. I FIX i t RLS AND Ko|.i,i,;;s CoMPI E IT S EMUROIPEULD MIJsLIN CT'R i'A IN> . j KMIIiiOI DERI.D MUSI.IN CURTAINS' j EMBROIDERED .MI SLfX CURTAINS A I,SO j A Large Stock of While Goods; >WI.-> Ml ls DOTTED Swiss MUiLIN. BRILLIANTS, JACONETS, LACES, BALMORAL SKIRTS, SPRING SKIRTS. i GLOVES. fiEAI, AI.IIX \ N 1)1? E'S KID : And a Largo Stock of YANKEE N07.0135. Iron, Nails, White-Lead, Z.ne, Linseed Oil, Glass, Putty, Door- Locks, and a general assortment of BUI LERS' HAS i RE. Fish, of all kinds. Cassia. lor a.l kinds of Grain. Tunkharmock, March, 9th 1864. FOR RATS, >Mtrr, ROACHES, ANTS, BEH Bros MOTHS IN Ft RS Wont < NS, ,VC„ INSECTS OS I'LA.NTS FOWLS, ANCTALS, JE. Put up in 25a S(E nud *1 00 Boxes. Bottles, and Fhisks. S3 and 35 .or Hotels, and Public in stitutions, &c. "Only infallible remedies known." ..Free from Prisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "L Is eouie out of their holes to die." Wholesale in all large cities. by all r>iuggi?.ts a Iletjiler* everywhere 1 Lfe*"! • ! BEWARE ! ! ! of nil worthless Imitation [ that "COSTAR'S name is on each Box. Bottl am' Flask, before you buy. KPT Adores. IIESRT R. COSTAR £ g s "Principal BEJAT 452 Broadway, N. Y. tySold byj. Lyman,f C\, w kalesalt KfT, Ageat, Tarkksaeek^a. U. S. 7-3© Loan j Thf Secretary I the Trpasu. yg'tves notice that subsrjpfion.s W!!i b reet hei ?.,r Poupon Treasury notes, three years from Aug Intfc, tflfrf, with yemt-anual interest at the rate of seven and j three three-torthj per 'cent annum,—principal : and interest both to be paid in lawful money. I These notes will he convertible at the optima of the holder at rftaturisy. into six per twit. geld hear ! ing bonds, payable not less than live nor more than • twenty years Iroin their rfuta, as tin? Government | may elect. Tlicy will bo issued in denominations ' <'f 3100. BGOM >I,OOO *IOOO. and All sub j scrip'"'Oii- must l.e for btty dollar* or some multiplo ' of fifty dollars The notes will etr Ito the .wnors free . of transport.i tirm futfges as soon after the receipt of jj the originul Certif ates of Deposit as they can bo | prepared. A? the notes draw interest sons mukin/deposits u ! tint date' must ■ pay the interest accrue 1 from date of note todatc of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollar* and upwards Tor these notes tit ftny orte time will be , all"we 1 a com mission of onfe-qua rter of one per cent, wbi di will be pitd bv the Treisnry Department up on the receipt of ,v hii! for the amount, certified to by the offc er wftli whom the deposit was made No er an a am, oec-irding to the Tate of taxation in va , ! rious part* of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great In ' ducenicnts to lendtrs as lh< se issued by the gi.vern ■ .merit. In all other forms of inde'tedness. the faith | or ability of j.riv .to p.irti. s. or stock companies, or , seperate communities, only, pledged for payment, | while the whole property of the csouutr • is held tor I secure the discharge of all the obligations of tho I'nited States. While the govomnrenf offers fho most liberal j terms lor its 1 . ins, it believe ulhnt the very strong est aep'.i! will be to the loyalty and patriotism of J thejeople. Dupli. ite tifi.-at<>3 will be issued for ail dc j po-i;s. The party depositing must endorse upou the original itieate the denomination of notes required, and whether they arc to be issued in Liunx jor payable to order When so endorsed it must be __ | left wi'h tiic officer rcce ving the deposit, to be for-- " , warded to ill ■ Ticasury Department, i fculne-.'ip:i ju.- will be receive! by the Treasurer of the I'Biiod Suits, at Washington, the several As— | (sisturit Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and ,bj the . '> FIRST AX7> SFCf \I) NATIONAL BANKS OF " SCKAN ir'UN, I IK> 1' XV fIONAL BANiv >E 'i TOWANDA. j an 1 by a'! Nati r.al Banks which art repositories of • public in oiev, at"l i ALI. ULSPECTL ILK BAN US AND BANKERS throughout the c • • try will give further information ! a d AJ I'OIID EVERY 1" \CILITV TO SFBSCRIBEIIS (|^N£MAC^^gy | The greateit itnpn vem* ni yet iu fho Seuißf Ma ( eh'.no art. A i uriosity ivor'h seeing. i'ieasc sen ! fort ir with sawpfo of sewing. Ihe se Improved Nla.Lin s save on: m.M'ion i-r:rt rt nt of thread an 1 silk, and make the Lockstitch ;• ' a ike on both -i les. Theyrequiri no instrm-ti"n to operate perleat'.y except '• the print- i dire ti.jiis*" j No . hange in s wing from one kind of goods to ; another. And no taking apart to rle.in or oil. Our N r :w Mcn; factory is now complete wish all its ma hit >ry and b N entirely new. ah 1 is already rapidly turning out Machines which for ni:ai rv sin 1 FEtiFKCiion of finish are not surpassed by any ; manufacture in the worid. N B.—Should any Machine prove unsatisfactory j it ean be returned and money refunded. Agents wanted in counties pot canvassed by out i own agents. FINKLF, ik I.VON. S. >f. CO. No. 538 BROADIFAT, NEW YuRK April 13 1833, r'i-nl>s - Traveling Public! I 'T'O aceommodafc persons wishing to go by pub J. conveyance from this place to any section, or r J urn, the undersigned continues to run a I X>£tily Xjxxio j OP i t W M 4 f Iwd % Jsi ,J I j and from Fa-toryville Depot, leaving his hotel : o'clock, a. in., arriving at Factoryville in time f , Trains to j (Drcdt penb, llfui-ljotk, and PHILADELPHIA Returning, leaves Factoryville on the arriv j of the New York, PhiUd-lphia and Ace a mod a : tion 'li iin from threat Bend, arriving in . inkhaa ] nock al 7 o'clock, p tu. N. I —All Express matter, pu kages and x jod. aill bo cvuveyed to an 1 from the Depot, at as-unable rates; the proprietor holding himself reap nsible for | the safe delivery of all such entrusted to hi? care. Towanda stage arrives at this hotel at 12 o'clock, in. Ileturu'tig, lea.os at 3 o'clock, p m Stages for Pittston, Wyoming, and Wilkesharre eave on the arrival of the Towanda stage, aad re' | urning connect whii the same. Montrose stage leaves on Tuesdays, Thursdays a Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, a. m., eorncctiug at Montro ( with stapes for I'inghanifon, Ac. Refit ing, connca with stages i< r Pitts' in, Towanda, Ac. j Persona wishing to be called for at their residen will be nceo tninodatfd by leaving their panics ntt hotel of tha proprietor. Horses and carriages ia readinass tufarward smgurv at all tir. T. 1 WALT, 1